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raevulsix · 2 years ago
Clarification for Death and Dark Troopers; TBB & Mandalorian & Rebels ties + Popular Theories
Disclaimer: This is why shows like The Bad Batch and The Mandalorian were created. To give answers to the mess the Sequels also caused in the timelines. So I already assumed most characters in these shows will result in ultimate tragic fates to explain the creation of certain experiments like Death and Dark Troopers and other kind of unanswered questions in the movies and even certain ties with Video Games and Comics.
I have literally been reading just about every wild theory of what will result in the outcome of the Bad Batch and the later events of the creation of Death and Dark Troopers; as well as the events of the Mandalorian and Rebels beginning to tie to one another. So I want to clarify some things because I know most have been getting a few things very wrong on what is what and the terms used for these guys, as the timelines that parallel with certain shows like the Mandalorian and the Bad Batch, and Rebels. So first things first, Death and Dark troopers are both VERY different from one another. 
Dark Troopers
The Dark Troopers however do not show up until later to eliminate rebel bases during the destruction of the first Death Star. And these were also the next generation of Phase Zero prototypes, so completely more ‘battle droids’ than flesh. 
Now, the first test subjects here were for the project of Phase Zero Dark Troopers. These fellas pop up right about the timeline when Anakin becomes Darth Vader, and experiments begin to unravel below the Empire of what was being done to Veteran Clone Troopers. They were CYBORGS. Part flesh and machine. Not droids.  70% of a clone trooper was replaced by mechanical components. Any missing organ or limb were prosthetics.  
The fate of the Phase Zero Dark Trooper resulted in shut down due to failure because these guys began to defect in ways were most became suicidal due to the fact they were more machine than man, so it was eventually seized.
Phase Zero troopers were deployed around the time of the Battle of Yavin.
[Movies that connect to this is Rogue One after Scarif.]
[We see versions of the Dark Trooper in Live action The Mandalorian, Star Wars The Force Unleashed, and certain other Canon Video Games.]
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The one of many Popular Fan Theories regarding The Bad Batch
[Warning to minor Triggers]
Tech. This is why even I along with a few others in the community had joked about a ‘Winter Soldier Tech’ being part of this Phase 0 Dark Trooper theory (mostly also due to denial of his fate & state). To simplify, a fall like the one we sadly seen happen to our beloved Batcher could of resulted in extreme injury even Death.
Falling at such altitudes even with water below will result in Death. I have studied a few forensics to know that falling in a very unprepared state into water is like slapping oneself into flat concrete. You will become pieces and literal mush. 
However, this further theory also comes from the fact that in Season 1, we see fellow Batcher, Hunter, take a fall off the Marauder at a pretty great altitude, that forensically speaking, would have been a deadly freak accident to a normal person. Yet he managed to walk away a bit injured and beaten, so it raised a conclusion if this had to do with any enhancements to his physical state to be able to handle heavy injury upon certain heavy impacts.
Back to Tech—The only way I could see him barely cling to life is noting that the terrain in the background, even if barely visible due to the fog, seemed rigid with mountain peaks and dense forest. The train would had to have gotten caught in these peaks if present below which is not far fetched since the train was pretty large in size. However, this meant Tech, upon impact, because he was held tied to the train by a string, would have swung into those rocks violently a few times hitting any obstacle around. And we know he seems to be the least fragile of the Batch, so this itself could result in broken limbs or heavier injury, and even explain why most of his armor could stay intact or scattered, but scuffed and dented by the impact.
This idea was brought to me by the state of his goggles and I believe because of that, there was retrieval of his body or part of it.  This is where sadly, some including myself theorized, that replacing limbs or organs with prosthetics and mechanical components will signify the beginning of the research and creation of The Phase Zero Dark Trooper. 
(However, this theory also will take years into the making, but not far from the timeline when it does become reality.)
It boggles my mind that Hamlock flew right in like a scavenger to retrieve anything from the crash site. Why? Because Tech is one of the few enhanced clones the Empire had, and this is a prized possession regardless of any state any biological retrieval would be in. DNA can still be extracted from tissue, and better yet if it was in a recent disease state. 
Death Troopers
Now, the
Death Trooper
These were part of a Research Project Emperor Palpatine set to literally retrieve ‘Necrotic Tissue’. In lesser words, kind of bring the dead back to life or certain dead cells to life again.  In other words, nearly a creating zombie-like state troopers.  > However this also came from a NON-CANON Legends novel “Death Troopers”. A gruesome story of a zombie-like lethal disease spread in the “Imperial Prison Barge, Purge”. 
In canon, the Death Trooper is more of an enhanced elite troopers trained to specialize in special heavy combat and weapons like demolition and marksmanship,  and had to meet certain criteria like height, build, intelligence and success rates from their piers . They did also undergo certain “surgical upgrades”, giving them the ability to be nearly super human. Their Lethal rates were high and successful, almost leaving no evidence behind when stationed on their missions. [Note that there were however rumors of these troopers to be the result of a top secret Imperial Military Project to reanimate the Dead.]
[We see these in Rogue One, Rebels, The Mandalorian, Andor, and even certain Video Games and comics.]
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Yet another one of the many Popular Fan Theories regarding the Bad Batch
Crosshair. His new armor resembling the popular Death Trooper Armor, and his height, ability, and willing to take lethal measures to accomplish missions all ringed bells to it. Plus, he is a marksman. The many more reasons that tie him to this theory is that Death Troopers specialized in Marksmanship, too. 
It doesn’t have to be clearly Crosshair to also be the one to go into this, any extraction of DNA to create even more clones alike himself can also happen. He is still a heavy needed key subject to do that, though. 
This post can also be updated or reblogged with your own thoughts. Make it a thread, I like to hear more about Theories. If you want me to submit your theory and get tagged to it? I can do that, too. I just like to hear all of it. Even if its to cope with denial after events like The Bad Batch, I like to know anyones takes or if you need Comfort building. Theories are simply conspiracy and not facts, at the end of it. 
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weirdo-from-bonesborough · 2 years ago
okay so i'm VERY sad but i love that slip was acting just like fives did.
like his plan is almost exactly the same as fives': go to 79's, corner someone in a secluded area, look around erratically to ensure palpatine hasn't emerged from the walls like the demogorgon, tell your chosen target you stumbled into something big and give enough info for them to look into it further but no actual proof, dip.
get shot in a dark warehouse with his name forgotten to all but the few clones who managed to survive what he knew would happen and was killed to keep silent and the authority figure he begged for help that could not save him nor his brothers and ignorantly aided in the destruction of that which they set out to protect, all to the benefit of palpatine and palpatine alone
Like,,, in fives' case it kinda makes sense. 79's is in the lower levels and swamped with clones so it IS a good plan. weird that was his first idea, but still a good plan.
Slip however.
Bro. You literally just had to run for your life AWAY from the place. They know you! They know you know! They killed your bud right in front of you *in the dark*! They can and will hunt you down and you choose to go back to the scene of the crime???
he didn't even have a plan! He didn't know Riyo was gonna be there! hell, you can see him sizing her up in the background of the bar. Bro was not planning on telling her anything! He was apparently not planning on telling anybody anything because he wasn't talking to any of the other clones! just her! what was the goal here??? hide in the bar for a few days and hope they dont kick you out before rex picks you up? what?
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figtrad · 8 days ago
Conspiracy Office that persuaded Steve Karel to return to the final
NBC When Steve Karel left the “office”, she felt very much as one of the last nails in the series's coffin. While the show took a significant turnaround after Karel's departure, the “office” struggled to regain the magic of her previous seasons for some time before her Starwar worshiped at the end of the seventh season. As such, while it was bitter to see Michael going, it was understandable…
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gamistuff · 8 days ago
Conspiracy Office that persuaded Steve Karel to return to the final
NBC When Steve Karel left the “office”, she felt very much as one of the last nails in the series's coffin. While the show took a significant turnaround after Karel's departure, the “office” struggled to regain the magic of her previous seasons for some time before her Starwar worshiped at the end of the seventh season. As such, while it was bitter to see Michael going, it was understandable…
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damindf · 8 days ago
Conspiracy Office that persuaded Steve Karel to return to the final
NBC When Steve Karel left the “office”, she felt very much as one of the last nails in the series's coffin. While the show took a significant turnaround after Karel's departure, the “office” struggled to regain the magic of her previous seasons for some time before her Starwar worshiped at the end of the seventh season. As such, while it was bitter to see Michael going, it was understandable…
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thehydianway · 9 months ago
Order of Anya - Call of Duty
The realization that Chip and Lunalla are close to danger from their associations starts to set in as the galaxy starts to watch in this #StarWars #TTRPG #AcutalPlay episode
As Chip is overtaken by music and Lunalla finds herself needing to send a holo message the galaxy connects through a wide network of conspiracies and danger. Continue reading Order of Anya – Call of Duty
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dispatchdcu · 11 months ago
Star Wars: Jango Fett #2 Preview
Star Wars: Jango Fett #2 Preview #jangofett #starwarsjangofett #MARVEL #marvelcomics #comics #comicbooks #news #mcu #art #info #NCBD #comicbooknews #previews #reviews #starwars #darthvader #vader #skywalker #starwarscomics #amazon
Star Wars: Jango Fett #2 Preview: THE GREATEST BOUNTY HUNTER IN THE GALAXY IN THE CROSSHAIRS OF A DANGEROUS RIVAL! JANGO FETT is after a stolen artifact at the center of a planetwide war! But the hunter is being hunted by the notorious AURRA SING! What is the secret conspiracy that threatens them all? ETHAN SACKS  • LUKE ROSS  (A) Cover by LEINIL FRANCIS YU VARIANT COVER BY GIUSEPPE…
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davidbru · 2 years ago
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New actual-play podcast! I'm a cast member on Star Wars: Legends Reborn. We're using the d20 Star Wars RPG to tell a story set after the events of Knights of the Old Republic I play Ryo Veshok, an ex-Mandalorian mercenary working security for a young upstart Senator. The game starts on Coruscant, where a group of disparate Republic operatives come together to investigate a dark conspiracy... Listen to the 1st ep on Spotify! #ttrpg #podcast #actualplay #actualplaypodcast #rpg #roleplaying #starwars #kotor #knightsoftheoldrepublic #d20 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp0HxWtOexC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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alligatorjesie · 1 year ago
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So I wanted to touch this with my greasy gator paws for a second to point out a few major flaws with OP's argument here the first one being probably the most important:
Hey have you ever tried to make a TFA, TLJ, or god help you TROS positives post on Star Wars forums and subreddits?
If not, I plead with you right now to go give that a shot and see how well that pans out.
And once that post gets predictably downvoted into oblivion I want you to try that process again but with reylo and see how long it takes before they outright ban you or lock your post.
A real thing that really happened to reylos in the Star Wars fandom back then
and really to this day still if we're completely being honest.
Here's an example I just found on r/starwars. It asks 'what was your favorite moment from the skywalker saga'.
The post is over 10 hours old at the point of my making this reply and it has over 40 comments but for some weird reason,
maybe it's because the user posted the throne room fight from TLJ implying they liked that scene the most,
it has zero votes.
I was lurking around r/starwars just 2 days ago and popped into a post where someone had grossly misunderstood some very easy to understand concept in TLJ and other users Active In That Space were commenting on how hostile the subreddit is to anyone who likes those movies.
r/saltierthancrait exist to shit on the sequel trilogies.
So to answer your question as to why you don't see reylos, Or really people who loved TLJ if we're being really honest here, in the Star Wars fandom as a whole is because we are not welcomed there.
So we kinda have to make our own fandom spaces for ourselves.
(Also sidenote, A really fucking wild claim to make that reylos only like these characters and this specific part of Star Wars when if you were active in the fandom you'd know cross shippers are... most of us man. I couldn't tell you the exact numbers but if we wanted to use that 80% more realistically it's more like 80% of the reylo fandom ships other star wars characters with other star wars characters.
That you just assumed we only like reylo is fucking crazy.)
And secondly. Are you George Lucas Himself?
Because unless you fucking are I don't think you have any fucking authority to just assume a whole ass subfandom in a larger fandom isn't fucking valid because they;
and I doubled checked here;
Then you have the balls to come into here and tell us why we're not active members of that fandom like it's a big conspiracy when it's really just a simple answer of;
You're assholes to us.
And we're not going to hang out in places where people in the fandom are being actively hostile to us.
So if I win a prize from solving your half-witted mystery I would probably ask people who call themselves Star Wars fans to stop assuming everything labeled 'Star Wars' belongs to them and them alone and maybe consider learning how to share the fucking space.
You can love Star Wars and not love the sequel trilogies or reylo.
You can also be a Star Wars Fan and not be a mindless asshole to the people in your fandom that do like those things.
Just sayin'
Like 80% of Reylo fans are barely Star Wars fans tbh, when have you seen a Reylo post anything Star Wars related outside of Reylo? Or talk about a non Reylo Star Wars ship, including those that are also enemies to lovers and should be up their ally, like MerriCal, MaraLuke, Kalluzeb or WolfWren (don’t worry I’m not comparing those ships to Reylo, I ship all of those and they are significantly better, no torture scene, better redemption arcs), honestly it kinda seems like they are Reylo fans first, BookTok fans second with how many Reylo’s get book deals and then Star Wars fans a distant third
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roguerebels · 2 years ago
RogueRebelsPodcast 151!
#TheBadBatch The Clone Conspiracy and Truth and Consequences!
Lizzy questions blaster bolts! How do they work anyway??
Check out the FULL podcast for LOTS more!
#StarWarsPodcast #TheCloneConspiracy #TruthandConsequences
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dorissou · 3 years ago
Lightsaber's Stuff
Lana : WHY. Why did you give Theron a LIGHTSABER ?!
Ordiss ( Jedi Consular ) : I'm sorry. He said he felt unsafe.
Lana : Now I feel unsafe !
Ordiss : I'm sorry.
Ordiss : ...Would you like another lightsaber ?
Ordiss *whispering* : I've got a red one for you ?
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caplanbuckybarnes · 2 years ago
EVERYTHING TAGS: @writerwrites @miraclesoflove @palaiasaurus64 @notyourtypicalrose @hermesmaximoff @mariekoukie6661 @kjs-s @writercole @mistressofallthingsgeeky @fandomstuffff @km-ffluv @hallecarey1
STEVE ROGERS: @blackcoffeeandgreenteaforme @patzammit @tvckerlance @cevans-fics @nekoannie-chan @white-wolf1940 @libbymouse @lxdyred @stuckybarton @leyannrae @holding-on-to-starwars @cevansgurl @saintlessmunson @rebel-stardust @madscape @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @girl-next-door-writes @whatiswrongwithpeople @chook007 @awkwardfangirl2014 @ @the-wayward-robot @patzammit @tvckerlance @cevans-fics @sxbby-barnes @awkwardfangirl201 @the-wayward-robot @whatiswrongwithpeople @txnystarkimagines @cevans-fics @superhero2552 @fangirlanotherjust @titty-teetee @whatiswrongwithpeople @flamencodiva @akshi8278 @msmarvelouswinchester @deanmonandnegansbitch @hp-hogwartsexpress @akshi8278 @averyrogers83 @buckys-little-hoe
MARVEL TAGS: @dumblani @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @thoughtsofdarc @smokeandnailz @buckys-little-hoe @shakespeareanqueer @lxdyred @amelia-song-pond @pono-pura-vida @micheleamidalajedi @thegeekybibliophile @rebel-stardust @girl-next-door-writes @averyrogers83 @titty-teetee
Lie to me
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Summary: you had no idea what Steve was planning with you.
Warnings: a gun, not angst.
A/n/: over. The next few days I’m clearing out all the Fics in my drafts (78). So prepare yoirselves for the spam that will be happening.
You knew Steve had been hiding something from you. he’d been so secretive for over a month. He’d quickly get off the phone if you had caught him staring at the screen. He quickly shut his mouth whenever he was seen talking to someone close by. You had begun to think he was cheating on you, perhaps. After all, why else would someone sneak around and act so suspicious. Right? He set a passcode to his phone so you could no longer look into it. Tony had forbade you into going into his lab and snooping through the secret files. Natasha refused to meddle in your odd plans to get him to spill his secrets. Bruce and Clint stayed far out of your business with the blond haired man. Scott and Quill was never around to even questioned. Parker was away in college, thanks to Tony's scholarships.
Until one day, you had enough of the secrecy. You confronted Steve when it had only been the pair of you in the tower. He was lounging on his bed, reading a magazine. You had sat on him to get his attention. He looked at your angered face curiously with a hiked eyebrow. Before he could open his mouth, you quickly shut him down.
You demanded the truth, nearly punching a hole in the headboard when he had rolled his eyes in response. “It’s nothing.” he says, prying you from his waist before standing and marching out of the room. You followed him, hot on his heels until he walked into the training room and handed you a gun.
“What the hell do you want me to do with this?” you spat.
“Shoot.” He commanded, stepping out of your way and pointing to the target sheets.
“What the fuck are you on about?” you spat again.
“I’ve been talking to the team about having you join us on missions instead of you being coped up in the tower by yourself when we leave for missions.” He stated, motioning to the targets once more. “I said I’d train you personally and you should be able to join the team in a few months. But I wanted to wait until I felt that you were ready. ”
“You’re kidding me.”
“I wanted to surprise you with the news, but you’ve been too persistent.” He shrugged, throwing you a pointed look. "Don't think I wasn't aware that you were snooping around asking the others about my plans."
“I’m sorry.” you apologized until he walked over and kissed your lips. Again, he motioned to the target.
“Get to shooting.”
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mental-moses · 5 years ago
Breaking news!!
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starcrossedforcedyad · 5 years ago
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The story of the 3 brothers from HP and the Deathly Hallows...
Look I wouldn't say I'm a good person but I don't deserve this.
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watermelon-beauty-queen · 5 years ago
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What's this?
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this-is-the-wayne · 6 years ago
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