#Star wars mermaids
dingoat · 1 year
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Morff Praxis and Zallia Thane as mermaids, for @starknstarwars !! <3 These two are an eternal delight to draw.
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violetjedisylveon · 1 year
Stories From A Stranger
Summary: Ahsoka's about to put her flirting skills to the test when she meets with the sailor who spotted her, luckily she learned more from Obi-Wan than Anakin and even more luckily, Kaeden is a gay panic mess.
Word count: 2.1k
Warnings: mentions of death and violence, but tame otherwise.
A/N: How was everyone's Mermay? Who's excited for pride month?! I have some gay mermaidness for ya! And I got diagnosed with Autism🎉
Kaesoka Mer AU link here. Ahsoka's Sea Cave here.
Kaeden followed the waiter to a secluded table in a dark corner of the restaurant. It was illuminated mostly by the small decorative lights hung around. That table in particular had a jellyfish light over it, the tentacles hung down in a curtain of light.
Sitting underneath the light, with purples and blues shining on her skin, was a Togruta woman.
She had the typical dark orange skin, and her white lekku were stripped with dark blue, she had creamy white patterns on her cheeks and forehead. She was beautiful.
Her blue eyes sparkled as she looked over at Kaeden.
"Thank you." She nodded to the waiter.
"Please, take a seat." She gestured to the seat across from her.
Awkwardly, Kaeden sat and crossed her arms. The Togruta rested her chin on her hands.
"I'm Ashla, what are you called?" Ashla asked, tilting her head in a feline manner.
"Kaeden." She said.
She really hoped she didn't actually sound as awkward as she thought.
"That's a lovely name." Her voice was so smooth.
"You think so? Th-thank you." Kaeden said.
"What do you like here?" Ahsla asked her after a moment of silence.
"Huh? Oh, well they have good fish, Selda is a really good cook and he taught the other chefs, I mostly eat ration packs since I don't have time with work, ya'know?" Kaeden said.
That piqued her interest.
"And where do you work?" She asked.
"I'm a sea farmer. And a waiter when the docks are closed like today." Kaeden answered.
"So you work with sailors? I bet you've heard lots of stories." Ashla stated.
"I've heard quite a few." Kaeden admitted.
"But they aren't anything special, you've probably heard some variation of them if you travel." She added.
"I like hearing different versions of the same story, it gives one insight into the culture and traditions of one group of people compared to another. Quite fascinating on a large scale." Ashla said.
"I'd never thought of it like that."
"Not many do." Ashla laughed.
Kaeden awkwardly laughed along. She really hoped the waiter would come back to take their order soon or she was going to die from embarrassment.
When the waiter did return to take their order, Kaeden politely declined. She had food at home and didn't want to waste money eating out. The docks could be closed for weeks, she needed that money to fall back on for various payments.
Surprisingly, Ashla refused to let her do so.
"No, go ahead, it's my treat." She said with an innocent, pretty smile.
Kaeden couldn't say no and ordered an oyster soup, it was a simple meal that wouldn't cost too much, but was something she did like, and Selda's oyster soup was simple and comforting, it tasted a lot like how her mother made it, she had taught him. Ashla took her suggestion about the fish and ordered a devil fish.
Ashla made more small talk, it wasn't really small talk but that's the only word Kaeden had to describe the questions and conversations they had while they waited.
She frequently found herself lost in Ashla's blue eyes, they were like deep ocean waters on a clear day, inviting her to jump into their cool depths.
Throughout their conversation, Kaeden felt more and more relaxed with Ashla. She was so interesting to talk to, she took her interest in folk tales and local legends very seriously, but clearly enjoyed it and digging around in the less talked about legends. The ones the Empire wanted people to forget.
There was a mischievous hint of rebellion in Ashla's eyes when she quietly talked about those. Kaeden found it enchanting. Honestly she found everything about Ashla enchanting.
"What is your story, Kaeden?" Ashla asked.
Kaeden blinked in surprise. Her story? She hardly had one, yet Ashla was leaning forwards intently like she was the most interesting person in the world.
"Oh, it's not that interesting, pretty boring actually." Kaeden said shyly.
"I'll be the judge of that." Ashla smirked at her.
"Well, I am not sure where my parents first came from, they might have been traveling for most of their lives, but my earliest memories were on a ship, then my sister was born and they chose to settle here."
"Selda, he owns this restaurant, was an old friend of my mom's, so she figured it was a good place to settle. I grew up here, my dad was a sea farmer and my mom was a healer and gardener and a baker. She grew medical plants and stuff like that and she used to be the head baker here." Kaeden paused before telling her the rest.
It was still a painful wound, their absence was like a gaping hole.
"There was an issue with a sea serpent about 8 years ago, my parents and Selda went out to settle it. I don't know why a farmer and a gardener were asked to handle it, but they were successful, the fang is hanging here." Kaeden said.
She didn't want to spell it out, eight years and it still hurt. She'd never known why her parents had to go, just that they didn't come back. Selda never liked talking about it, whenever she asked he would just tell her the same thing, her dad was good in the water, her mom was a healer, and neither would let him go alone, nothing more. She didn't ask anymore, she knew he felt responsible for their deaths.
"Your parents never came back." Ashla said softly.
Kaeden shook her head.
"So I got a job working on the sea farms, when the Empire rolled in I just kept doing it. There's really not much to it, I'm sure you've met plenty of people like me." Kaeden shrugged it off and ended her story quickly.
Ashla gave her a slow, considering look and smiled softly at her.
"No, I don't believe I've met anyone like you before, Kaeden Larte." She said in that sweet, sing-songy voice.
Kaeden's face was as hot as the lava of the Sullust islands. She focused intently on the bowl in front of her, it was almost empty. Ashla had the dessert menu when she looked back up.
"What desserts do you like here?" Ashla asked, glancing up over the menu.
"Uh, well I really like the lava cakes, and the cupcakes, anything baked really, like I said my mom worked here and the recipes they use are hers… I can't really pick." Kaeden explained.
She let Ashla make the decision on dessert, she'd really be fine with anything. In the end, Ashla made an order for lava cakes, saying something along the lines of not having had one in a while. Kaeden had a feeling she would like these.
They chatted a bit more until the dessert arrived.
Ashla raised an eyebrow at the size of them, they were double the size of typical lava cakes. Outsiders were generally surprised at the size. Ashla smiled and chuckled.
"I think your mother had a sweet tooth." She teased lightly.
"She sure did." Kaeden nodded.
One plant her mom always grew was sugar cane, she'd never really run out.
They dug in, Ashla was pleasantly surprised by the raspberry filling with the chocolate. Raspberries were another favorite of her mother's.
She and Ashla continued their pleasant conversation as they finished up, the bill would be given to Ashla soon, she had been very insistent on paying for everything since she had invited her to share the meal. Kaeden couldn't exactly fight with her, and she didn't seem bothered by paying in the slightest.
"Do you know where I can find a decent place to stay? I'm thinking of sticking around for a while." Ashla asked her.
"There's a lot of short term apartment buildings around the port for seasonal workers. If you're looking for something more private, there's some small unused houses scattered around some are closer, some are further away from the town, there's someone who owns them and leases them out for use, that might be more your speed." Kaeden told her.
"That does sound nice." Ashla said, nodding.
Ashla was given the bill, she paid, and Kaeden gave her the address of the  leasing office as they walked out together.
Kaeden didn't know why she had wanted to walk Ahsoka out, she would still have to go back in and work, but here she was, standing on the sidewalk with the Togruta.
It was sunset, the fog and gloom of the day had dissipated on the horizon, the light illuminated the clouds millions of dazzling shades. Ashla's deep orange skin glowed in the warm light. It was like she absorbed the setting sun's light into herself.
Kaeden realized she was probably staring a bit too long when Ashla raised a curious eyebrow at her. She hastily looked away.
"I enjoyed your company and your story. Would you like to talk again soon? Assuming you don't have to work." Ashla asked.
"Yes! Er, that would be nice, if you want to." Kaeden stumbled through her words and turned to the setting sun, pretending the sun was the reason for the heat in her cheeks.
Ashla just laughed, the sing-songy sound drifting through the calm air.
"I suppose I'll see you around, Kaeden Larte." Ashla said.
She held out her hand, Kaeden awkwardly shook it, it was rough and calloused but smooth at the same time. She was a mechanic.
"It was a pleasure meeting you." Ashla smiled warmly at her.
"Oh no, the pleasure was mine." Kaeden told her.
Ashla wished her well and went on her way, Kaeden stared after her, she moved so effortlessly and gracefully. She stood there, staring like an idiot until a cough caught her attention.
Miara was standing at the door with a smirk. Kaeden audibly groaned.
"So how was your date?" Miara asked shamelessly.
"It wasn't a date!" Kaeden insisted.
"Why did she ask you out for a second one then?" Miara pointed out.
At that point, Kaeden wanted to throw herself into the bay to escape her embarrassment.
Ahsoka stared out at the ocean from the porch of her temporary housing.
It was a cozy cottage far enough from the town and in an overgrown, untraveled traveled area, she would be quite safe here. Her bribing the lease office to claim this house was down for repairs and not report her residency was another layer to her protection. It was a nice little place. She rather liked it and had been entertaining the idea of building something similar on her own island.
She glanced up at the night sky full of stars, it wasn't quite the view from her island, but it was still impressive compared to other places, you could hardly see the moon with Coruscant's light pollution.
She took another sip from her drink, some food had been provided by the leasers, and she had been more than excited that there were lots of sweets. The hot chocolate was thick, rich and had a pleasant spicy kick.
A perfect comfort drink.
Her eyes were drawn towards a certain constellation, the Siren, and nearby her lover, the Mermaid. The two swam through the cosmos intertwined with each other for all eternity.
Ahsoka just loved that story, she had heard dozens of versions but everyone agreed that the two were lovers who had fought some great challenge, the challenge varied, and were hailed as heroes. When they died they were immortalized together, as they always had been.
Barriss knew a version where the siren was a healer and saved the Mermaid's life in their first meeting, leading to an uneasy alliance that blossomed into a deep relationship. That was her favorite, maybe for all the times she had listened to Barriss tell it.
Her eyes found the constellation's reflection on the sea and her thoughts returned to Kaeden.
That whole situation had just gotten a lot more complicated. Kaeden was just supposed to some sailor who had seen her that she needed to check out, she wasn't supposed to be anything else.
But she was and that complicated everything.
Ahsoka put her face in her hands, frustrated by the whole situation.
Something wasn't right about Kaeden.
Something wasn't human.
She had the slightest hint of magic to her, so incredibly subtle Ahsoka had thought she was imagining it. Yet she had been working for the Empire for years, nor had she ever noticed anything odd about herself so whatever she had or was, it wasn't enough to be important or worth acting on.
That meant, at the moment, Kaeden, and her sister, were relatively safe. Ahsoka had to maintain distance, being around Kaeden too much could have an undesired effect on the farmer. Her magic could trigger something or rub off on her.
A shame really, she really liked Kaeden. She was cute when she got flustered, and she was easy to fluster.
Kaeden and Miara's parents died when Kaeden was 12 instead of 14 I decided, that's why it's been eight years instead of six.
The devil fish Ahsoka ate is a wolf fish but with two horns on its head so, devily.
I've got some plans for pride month that I'm really excited about and I'm also graduating which is exciting and scary but mostly scary.
I hope you all have a good day, whatever that is for you!
VJS Out!
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yukipri · 1 year
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Merman Boba Fett
Happy Mer May!
PLEASE DO NOT REPOST, EDIT, TRANSLATE, OR OTHERWISE USE MY ART. To share, please reblog! Reblogs and comments greatly appreciated!!!
❀ You can see the rest of my art through the Masterpost pinned to the top of my blog!
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stagbeetleboy · 8 months
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A betta fish’s colors develop as they age, so Palpatine’s scales become darker with larger portions of red during his chancellorship.
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lunityviruz · 1 year
Something I've noticed is that no matter what fandom or community we are in—black people will always always have to make a safe space for ourselves. Every single fandom I was in there were always black people being treated badly by white people and nonblacks and everytime we spoke on it we are told that we are either making it up or causing problems/discourse.
Even in the LGBTQ+ community where niggas preach about being sooo accepting we have to make *our own flags and spaces because we get talked over and forgotten so damn much. You look up queer related stuff and white people show up first (try the trans selfie tag or look up androgynous stuff on pinterest.) You look up queer shows and it's only white people with a black side character or a white person x a black person like we can't exist on our own. White queers calling black people cops for being uncomfortable with certain labels.
Even with fictional black characters they get the same treatment. Marina from Splatoon 2 and Hobie Brown from Spiderman both are victims of nonblack people hypersexualizing them and masculinizing them. Xinyan from Genshin Impact is a complete and utter stereotype of black people—being seen as aggressive and mean and a literal theft. Don't get me started on how yall whitewash the fuck outta them. It's either sexualize them, whitewash them or forget about them completely.
For some reason white people are seen as more aesthetically pleasing compared to Black people and when we look up aesthetics we literally have to type in "black person x aesthetic" or afro punk or afro goth despite us being the creators of some of these aesthetics. Same with cosplaying, white peoples cosplays are seen as more "canon" compared to black people or even people who's race is literally the character being cosplayed.
Fanfiction writers constantly cater to white people despite trying to market their stuff as "inclusive" while black people get shitted on for making character x black reader fics and don't you know weird ass white people still read them??
Yall tell us to make our own things instead of "complaining" about it and we do, then we get hit with death threats and hate. We make our black edits and get told that it's "blackwashing" and the artists get called the n word, we make black movies and our actors get death threats. We make our own original black art with our black OC'S and get told that we're being selfish and "racist" for not drawing other people. We literally cannot exist without you people hating on us and unnecessarily critiquing us.
[Note: If you nonblack or white niggas come up here and being like "well acschually op🤓☝🏾" I will actually hurt you. If you ask "why is this in the x tag" I will hurt you as well. You try n derail and make it about a different race I'm hurting you.]
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vcreatures · 1 year
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Mermay but with a May the 4th twist! I introduce to you Mermaid Amidala. I tried to keep the overall aesthetic of Padme’s icon look but make it mermaid.
I love the prequels and the visual language established in them so I wanted to still have that space opera flare to her.
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squad-724 · 5 months
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Made Hybrid Batch bookmark some time ago, for Mermay have mer batch tag!
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cndcrd · 4 months
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Merman Kylo AU 🧜‍♂️
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allisonmckenzieart · 10 months
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Which means my shop is finally open again!
Here's a coupon, since there's still time to get gifts for the holidays- hope this helps!
20% off code: IMBACK
Shop <-
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violetjedisylveon · 2 years
Mermaid Kaesoka AU List
Link list for my Kaesoka Mer AU!
Ao3 link
Mermaid Or Mirage (chap 1)
Closed Ports (chap 2)
Stories From A Stranger (chap 3)
Tour Or Date? (chap 4)
Mermaid Ahsoka
Kaeden Larte
Sea Spirit Morai
Ahsoka's Sea Cave
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mwolf0epsilon · 4 months
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501st Shoal
Finally felt up to finishing this year's mermay entry! I had trouble figuring out unique and dynamic poses for all of the lads, but otherwise I feel like I did a good job.
Species-wise Rex is a shortfin mako shark, Jesse is a dusky dolphin, Kix a nurse shark, Hardcase a puffer fish, Fives and Echo are dragon moray eels, Tup is a ribbon eel and Dogma a giant oarfish.
— ☕️ Ko-fi | 🧡Commissions
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holmes-ja · 1 year
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I give you...the Mermandalorian.
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stagbeetleboy · 8 months
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Emperor of the deep!!!!!! Got a bad case of fin rot
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klodwig · 4 months
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"Here, here," Kylo said, handing Hux over to Phasma.
"O-a-i-o...!" Hux groaned, trying to cling to him with his hands. Having not used his voice for so long, only pitiful sounds escaped from his mouth.
“Just a little more, honey. I promised to come for you, and I intend to keep that promise," Kylo said, turning to Phasma. "We proceed as agreed."
“Following the plan,” the woman nodded, then turned around and headed towards a small boat, where someone else awaited them. Hux tried to free himself from her grip, but his efforts were useless. All he could do was watch Kylo's retreating figure while clutching tightly the heavy gold earring that had fallen from the pirate's wounded ear.
Kylo kept his eyes on them. He wasn't fooling himself - he miraculously knew it was suicide. The Duke will not forgive anyone for stealing his precious possession. The plan was daring, and Kylo didn't want to sacrifice any member of his team to carry it out. Phasma will take Hux home. And there... maybe he will be happy someday.
In the meantime, his task was to provide them with a window to escape. With luck, he might find himself falling in the waters, becoming one with the sea at last.
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aestivaltide · 4 months
Oh happy day! And happy Mermay as well!
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