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meowmeowmeowsuka-3 · 2 months ago
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STANS0N MY HUSBAND !!🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🤫🧏🏻‍♂️
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bottlepiecemuses · 10 days ago
A Hint Of Loki's True Power
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Again this guy would so be Yonko level it's not even a joke.
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sp-growingpains · 6 months ago
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Here's two more for ya. One blank so you can shit post to your hearts content.
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dedskum · 2 years ago
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baby, pass me the hookah.
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rubydubydoo122 · 1 year ago
I've seen a lot of discourse about who the angry Robin was, but like... why do we have to define the Robins in terms of that?
Dick's Robin embodied Light. He was the Foil to Batman's Darkness. His story is meant to parallel Bruce's and it's because of the reason he became Robin in the first place. He became Robin, not to avenge his parents- he didn't want to kill Tony Zucco. He became Robin in a very similar way that Jason became the Red Hood; To make sure it doesn't happen to anyone again.
Jason's Robin embodied Hope. He was a character who was given opportunities and he made the best of them. He was given a home, and a family, and education and he loved it all because at some point he could only hope to have those things. It gave him the outlook of 'If things could get better for me, than things can get better for other people, if I do what I can help them.' To Jason, Robin meant giving people hope, and that's why Jason was deeply affected by Gloria Stanson's death. She had lost hope.
Tim's Robin embodied Determination. No matter how many times he was rejected by Bruce, he still stood by his side. No matter how many of his family and friends died, he still kept fighting. No matter how hard he was beat, he still got up.
Stephanie's Robin didn't have a long run, and I sadly don't really know how to quantify her Robin. Maybe spite, I feel like. Because she became Spoiler to stop her dad, and be like 'haha, L' and also because she became Robin after her and Tim broke up. Idk, if any of you have a better idea pls tell me
Damian's Robin embodied redemption. You can tell from the beginning of his run, to current comics how much he has grown and changed. When he was younger, he didn't really understand how the LOA morals were wrong, but then he learned, and he's constantly trying to move away from that and lead with more compassion in his own Damian way.
Duke's Robin embodied the people. He was what they needed at the time. I don't really know much about his Robin either, so pls lmk if it's not that.
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lackinggravitas · 14 hours ago
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they can't agree on a name so they concede and name him stanson. son of stan. yep.
once they discover stanson/ shifty's a shape-shifter they plan to just. try and gaslight their parents into believing they've always been triplets. two sons? you sound crazy right now filbrick. btw can we have a spare mattress and a dozen cans of beans? no, uh, no reason.
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alphajocklover · 10 months ago
Hi! How about if a nerd, or maybe a science teacher gets a bush by the jock of the school and he realizes a bit too late that his body is changing. It hits him that the sport teams didn’t have a coach for a while now, but that couldn’t be what’s happening, right?
Ned Stanson had hated highschool. The entire 4 years were absolute hell. He, having been an incredibly nerdy chemistry prodigy who everyone could easily tell wasn’t entirely straight, was constantly harassed by the popular jocks. They’d mock him, push him down, stuff him in his locker and perform incredibly cruel pranks. The jocks at his school weren’t smart or clever, but they were thorough. It was constant. He never felt safe, not for a moment, even outside of school. He didn't relax a moment until he was off to Harvard, and even then he was way too busy getting his double major in chemistry and education to really do anything except study. So why, after the years of torment that Ned had been through, that he still hadn’t gotten over, did he ever think it was a good idea to go back to his old highschool?
Ned put it down to desperation. A college degree, even with a double major, didn’t go as far as it used to, and he had no prior experience. He needed a job, badly, and his old highschool, Luther High, was eager to have him back. He expected it was because it made for good publicity more than anything else. The famous chemistry prodigy who went to Harvard, coming back to his old high school to teach a new generation. That, plus the general prestige of having a Harvard graduate working at your school, would do wonders for the small town highschool. So, drawn in by the surprisingly large salary, Ned forced himself to go back to his old school. He tried to tell himself it wouldn’t be the same, that as a teacher he would have all the power. He wouldn’t have to be afraid of jocks and athletes anymore. He could even help a few nerds the way he had once wished his teachers would help him. Things would be different.
He was right. Things were different. Maybe too different. Ned had found that teaching high school level chemistry was actually quite nice. He had always enjoyed teaching, it was just that he had pictured himself teaching college students, going over more advanced material. But something about going over the basics, introducing young minds to the world of chemistry, was thrilling. He felt amazing. Powerful even. Maybe a little too powerful. He wasn’t doing it consciously, and he felt like crap whenever he noticed it but… he found himself being especially hard on the jocks. They hadn’t done anything to him. He hadn’t even seen any of them bullying nerds like the jocks did back in his day. But some sadistic little part of Ned couldn’t help but pick on them. He’d give them harder questions, offer less help, and he even found himself being downright cruel and mocking them.
He knew he should stop but it felt so… cathartic. It was like he was getting his revenge, after all these years. Maybe that was why the kid he targeted most was Dylan Cooper, the little brother of his worst tormenter growing up. Ned knew it was wrong. A teacher bullying a student was way worse than a student bullying another student, no matter how bad the harassment he went though had been. But every time an opportunity to humiliate the legacy jock came up, he found he just couldn’t resist. After a few weeks of this he knew it couldn’t continue. He asked Dylan to stay after class so that he could explain himself and ask forgiveness. He knew he might be reported to the school board and fired, but… he couldn’t deal with the guilt anymore. As he sat at his desk, Dylan across from him, he tried to find the right words. Dylan spoke before he could, his voice cocky and confident.
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“I know what you’re gonna say teach. You’ve been treating me like crap because my big bro used to beat your nerdy ass when you went to school together.” Dylan said with a slight smirk, shocking Ned. How did Dylan know about that? Did his father tell him? Dylan continued, a strange look on his face
“… look, what my bro did to you was shitty. I used to be a bit of a bastard myself till my old football coach set me straight. But you know taking out old grudges on students is fucked up. I can tell you do. You get this guilty look on your face whenever you talk to me.” Dylan said, shocking Ned further. Ned remembered hearing about the football coach. He had been let go shortly before Ned was hired. Everyone said good things about him, and Ned had kind of wished he had met the guy. Finally he spoke, a slight tremor in his voice.
“Dylan, I am… I am so sorry. You’re completely right. I’ve acted completely unprofessionally. If you want… I’ll resign.” Ned offered. Dylan smiled slightly
“No need for that teach. I’ll forgive and forget everything. But you have to do something for me.” Dylan said. He took out what looked to a plastic whistle on a chain “The football team needs a new coach. I’m not asking you to say yes. Just… try on the whistle. See how it feels. Then tell me.” Dylan said. Ned hesitated. Something about this felt wrong… but Dylan was being so forgiving. How could he say no? He took the whistle and slowly slid the chain around his neck. Suddenly the world spun around Ned, his vision blurring. He felt like his entire body was stretching as his mind burned. He ended up blacking out, only for Dylan’s familiar voice to cut through the darkness.
“Coach… Coach… Coach!” Ned sat up with a start, looking around. What… What had happened? He looked over at Dylan, confused.
“What happened kid?” Ned asked, his throat feeling strangely rough. He stood up and stretched his arms, his incredibly large muscles flexing slightly as he tried to recall what had just happened. Dylan replied before he could truly get his bearings.
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“We were talking about the team and suddenly got weirdly dizzy. Are you not drinking enough water? You’re the one always telling us to drink a bunch after every workout.” Dylan said with a slight teasing smirk. Ned grinned back at Dylan confidently. Dylan was a cheeky kid, he had been even back when Ned first met him. Ned was an incredibly athletic and popular teen, the classic jock, and had been best friends with Dylan’s older brother all through highschool. Because of that Dylan was almost like a little brother to him too, and getting the chance to teach Dylan was one of the reasons Ned was so eager to accept his new job as gym teacher and football coach. He playfully slapped Dylan on the arm and smirked confidently
“I’m alright kiddo. Just lost my concentration for a moment. You should worry about yourself lil bro. I’m gonna push you hard at practice today.” Ned said with a smirk. As the studly coach and quarterback strut out towards the field, Ned grinned widely. He had loved highschool, and now he got to work here and inspire a whole new generation of manly jock bros. It fucking ruled.
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onnahu · 8 months ago
Felipe Garzonas' fall and Jason Todd's analysis
Alright. So it's all about Jason Todd. But also Felipe Garzonas. If you know the plot of the issue skip the next paragraph bc it's just a summary.
If you don't know the issue, here's a quick summary. There is that guy, Felipe Garzonas, who is the titular diplomat's son. It gives him an immunity. He's a rapist and just a shit person. There is also that woman, her name's Gloria Stanson. She was a victim of Garzonas, and when nor Batman and Robin nor police were able to stop Garzonas from harrassing her, she hung herself. Jasonwent to confront Felipe, and when Batman arrived at the place, he saw him falling from the building and die. He asked Robin if he fell or was he pushed, and Jason just said he had to spook him and Felipe slipped. The panel's here:
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And now let's think; what really makes sense for Jason? Would he push Felipe? I personally don't think so, however it's more like 70% for he didn't and 30% for he did. Because really, both makes sense if we take Robin we know and future Red Hood.
If he pushed
The thing about Jason is that his moral compass is in greys. The first time he's portrayed as not a blond copy-paste of Dick Grayson, he steals the tires from the Batmobile. In his eyes, he doesn't do anything bad. He does what he have to get by living on his own. He's not hurting anyone, not in a gang, 'no thug' as he put it. He diesn't feel guilty because in his eyes he didn't do anything wrong. He's around 12 at the time, and he's a child that saw some shit, lived through it, but was still innocent and with a big heart. As Robin, he saw a shit tone of worse things - murders, assaults, literally all the world have to offer. It would make sense his moral compass would become more crooked. He can recognise good and evil, just not in a way Batman does. He looks from the perspective of victims. He's able to empathised with them on basis of his own life expiriences. He's good, painfully so, but not in the way most recognises it. He thinks he does good, so it can't really make him a bad person. So if he was to push Garzonas, he would not feel guilt. He would see it as justice. Life for life, but without all the horrors Gloria had to went through before. He's also saving all the future victims Felipe would hurt. It does not make sense however, when we take it and also the rest of his personality and earlier appearances. If he didn't feel guilty, he would not try to hide what he did, even opposite, I think he would argue with Bruce on the righteusness of pushing him. He would not win, he would dug himself a grave (hah) with that argument, but he still would. He's a honest little guy. And let's say he did feel guilty - he would still not lie. He would tell Bruce what he did and cry himself dry.
If it was an accident
Jason didn't try to catch him. He was chilling on the balcony while Felipe was falling. He didn't push, but he also didn't save. In Batman's eyes, it's still one of the worst thing Jason could do, but Jason would not feel guilty. Jason belives that not everyone can be redeemed, and Felipe Garzonas, who commited horrible acts before without a plot armor like criminal insanity would be propably one of them. Especially when Jason's riding fresh on emotions from finding Gloria. There's a big possibility he would try to catch Felipe if he wasn't already riled up. If Felipe slipped, for Jason it would be justice given by the world. Also, if he didn't push, it makes Jason oh so more tragic. He didn't kill a man, but Bruce belived that he would even be able. Jason is a good human, and he's against killing. He wouldn't be Robin if he wasn't. And yet Bruce, his father, benches him for suspicion that he broke the most important rule. So he goes looking for someone who would belive in him no matter what - his blood mother. And when he comes back, and he sees the new Robin, that nothing changed, he needed to be that change. And he knew he couldn't ever trust Bruce. Because he always saw the worst in him.
So. Both of those also fit for Red Hood's whole agenda. If Jason push, his first kill would be one of the worst scum. It's known Jason hates the most rapists and people who hurt children. His first kill is one of them. The whole Gloria situation could be a thing that gave him hatered for that crimes, actually. If Jason didn't push Felipe, but also if he was numb to his death, it would be the first step to even start murdering people. No emotions toward death of who he deems unworthy to live, and who with their existence bring more bad than good. It would also make his first kill Egon in Lost Days, which is really fitting for his character in my opinion. Once again to his two most hated types of crime.
So, no matter what actually happened on that balcony, it is some sort of the beginning for Red Hood, and I mean both the killing and no acceptance policy for some specific crimes.
The whole issue also makes Jason more likeable in some aspects. It's 80', so the victim blaming is at it's peak. Most of people reading comics does not care about rape, and victims at all, actually. Unintentionally, Starlin gave us something the modern fandom loves about Jason. The reactions at Gloria's death and that at Felipes clearly shows what his priorities are, and it's the same as Red Hood - he cares about the weak and innocent and victims and mistreated. And it's kinda silly to put it here, but you know that scene from the end of Injustice 2? I'm a sucker for that. It kinda gives Spider-Man's vibes of I care for the little guy when the others get themselves into some wild intergalaxic shit.
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queerryan · 2 days ago
NO! NO! THIS IS NOT HIS HARVEY NIGHT! There's no way a random failed suicide attempt is his Harvey night. His Harvey night was Gloria and Felipe's death in Batman #424!
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In one of the Batman and Robin 2023 issues Jason mentions how every Robin has this "Harvey Night", which is a moment in their robin life that sticks to them forever, however, there's no way Jason's Harvey night is some random guy's failed attempt to suicide.
For anyone who doesn't know, in Batman #424, Jason comes to help a woman name Gloria Stanson who was kidnapped and repeatedly beaten by a guy named Felipe Garzonas, because the guy had diplomatic immunity and someone to back up his alibi the cops couldn't arrest him.
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Batman and Robin later catch Felipe involved with drug dealers and have enough evidence, not to arrest him (because he's still has diplomatic immunity) but to make him go back to his country. But from the Police Station, Felipe makes a Call to Gloria terrifying her and Robin and Batman rush there to help her only to find her like this.
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After this Jason goes after Felipe, without batman and ignoring his orders, in the balcony of his hotel room and then Felipe falls from there and dies. It is never revealed whether Jason pushed him or Felipe just got scared and slipped.
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Another reason why this IS his Harvey night, because after that Felipe's Father kidnaps Gordon to attract Batman and Robin and kill them as revenge, in the process to rescue Gordon every single criminal helping Felipe's Father dies including him and Jason realizes all that was the consequences of his actions.
Is it so hard to find writers who read your character's stories DC?????
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meowmeowmeowsuka-3 · 2 months ago
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я люблю стэнсона!!
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varpusvaras · 5 months ago
What if there were a story where Jaybin died of AIDS though. Because fuck Starling. What if Jaybin died because he didn't dare to get tested before because doctors are mandatory reporters and then he thinks Leslie would tell Bruce and then he would lose Robin, lose Bruce, lose everything. It's not even that important anyway, he's not feeling sick or anything, it's probably nothing.
...And then he starts to get sick. He's not sure, but he looked it up, just in case, and he's scared now. At first it looked like a common cold, but it's looking like tuberculosis and he's so fucked he's so fucked... He figures out a way to get tested in secret, and it's bad, and he should have gotten help like yesterday, and he has to get tested now but Bruce is his dad, surely he'll understand, it's gonna be okay; he can do it. He just has to hype himself up. Bruce has noticed that something'd been up anyway, he knows, he's been told he's been more "emotional" recently, he just has to be brave and -and then Gloria Stanson dies. And he can tell, it's only a matter of time before he loses Robin, loses everything, and he has to salvage it because if he doesn't have this he has nothing, even if it kills him he can't risk it now, it'll have to wait under the storm has passed...
Jason who dies hiding his illness thinking it was something to be ashamed of. Jason who dies alone in a house where is he loved. Jason who dies afraid that all of the horrible things Starling thought about him are true. Jason who thought he had more time.
:( oh wow now I'm sad
(forever fuck Starlin tho, because we know that his intentions were most likely not to show that children go through horrible things and we should be more aware of it. He just wanted that boy dead)
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thedynamicduo · 14 days ago
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i love him xoxo
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sp-growingpains · 3 months ago
Hey. My Stan lovelies.
What do we think?
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dedskum · 2 years ago
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| fill your lungs with ecstasy.
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lemontongues · 2 years ago
I think jason is. a character that's impossible to fully make sense of on a narrative level bc he doesn't actually understand what he wants.... like. I think he's someone who... the first part of his life made sense to him, in that he was a poor kid with parents who were varying levels of broken and trying, and he did his best and kept his chin up and he was ultimately rewarded for it. even with all the skepticism in his little baby heart, we all know the myth of the american dream, and it's easy to let that make sense. and he worked so hard to be robin and be good and follow bruce's rules and apply himself in school, but he still saw bad things happening, cracks in the mask of justice that he couldn't make sense of, and it made it hard for him. and then his ultimate senseless injustice happened, and he died, far too young, betrayed and hurt and failed by everyone who loved him or who should have.
and I think when he came back he just like. couldn't figure out how to cope with that senselessness, so he crammed the experience into a narrative he could understand, where bruce wasn't good enough and didn't love him enough and won't ever choose right, won't make the hard decisions that have to be made to protect the people who are important.
but I think that narrative also isn't actually representative of what jason feels deep down? i don't think bruce killing the joker would have actually made him feel any better, or bruce finding some clever way to stop jason and save all three of them, or bruce apologizing to jason for failing him and saying how much he loved and missed him. I don't think any of that would have made any of it any better for jason, because I think what he's fundamentally grappling with isn't really the nature of any of his relationships, it's the fundamental injustice of the world and how totally nonsensical it is that terrible, brutal, hideous things can happen to innocent people for no reason (which really makes the joker a perfect perpetrator here, doesn't it?). I think he's ultimately somewhat of an idealist in that regard, and he lashes out at bruce about it both for personal reasons and because bruce has positioned himself as the embodiment of justice, and because bruce failed jason in that capacity and has frankly continued to fail gotham at large in that capacity.
which isn't really any particular fault of bruce's—if there's a perfect justice, I don't think we've found it yet, and someone is usually failed one way or the other no matter how ardently justice is pursued. which, as a sidenote, I think is why many of the best incarnations of batman are less about the pursuit to bring a criminal to justice and more about showing compassion and care to the victims of an injustice, whether individual, social, or circumstantial.
jason's effort to become a crime lord and a "better batman" was at least as much about his desire to prove that a meaningful form of justice exists as it was about his desire to hurt and spite bruce, and he was doomed to fail from the start in the way that I think we're all doomed to fail when we look to retributive justice to heal our wounds. he was looking for the comfort of a world that made sense to him, where he could understand what had happened to him and to gloria stanson and the many others like them, and ultimately that's not something he could ever have found in bruce. bruce, despite being his father figure and one of the greatest sources of comfort in his life before his death as well as someone who has positioned himself as a figurehead for justice in gotham, has only ever been a man, and he very clearly has never had all the answers where justice is concerned. no amount of his suffering or failure or apologies would have brought jason any peace, because what jason actually needed to (and was making clumsy attempts to) grapple with was the fact that the world is random and frequently cruel, and that "justice" is not and never has been an effective remedy to that state
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windowsfrutigeraero · 2 months ago
for @cleislaspiderbat
hi,I made a fankid of stanson or benford
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l hope you like it :)
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