#Stairway Developers
galacticlamps · 4 months
I don't want to get too caught up on semantics but I have to say I really feel like it's an unfair reading of the situation to call what Charles does in the Staircase Scene a "rejection."
I've already talked about how I think that scene's strength lies in the act of telling itself and Edwin's confession as the conclusion of his self-discovery arc. And I understand how the fact that that arc involved things like sexuality & attraction left it open to being viewed under a sort of romance-plot-specific lens, but evaluating the whole thing on that criteria still feels like a misrepresentation.
I don't think Edwin is saying "Love me" in that scene. Maybe he would've been asking for that, if this had all happened under different circumstances - and sure, generally, he'd presumably like that to happen - but it'd still be a kind of insane request for him to make right as he's being literally rescued from hell. (Especially since, even though the audience & Charles can both see the rescue as so in-character we might take it for granted, Edwin clearly didn't, if his consistently surprised confused & appalled reactions to Charles being there are anything to go by). I think he's feeling very loved already at that point, and I have a hard time believing desperation to simply have that reiterated is what drove him to speak up at such an inopportune moment.
I think what he's really saying there is "Hear me" - and as a listener and a confidant, Charles does anything but reject him. Maybe it's splitting hairs a bit, but if the distinction between "please don't turn me down" and "please understand the person in front of you" matters anywhere, it's in relation to Charles' response because he is so accepting of the confession as a confession. Not only does he take what Edwin tells him well, despite it being the sort of thing that might rock the foundation of the most important relationship in his existence, he also accepts the fact that Edwin is in such a vulnerable and worked up state that he has to do it right now despite it endangering them both. Charles would, truthfully, be totally justified in mostly ignoring it or passing over it quickly and inconclusively, insisting that this wasn't the time or place - but instead everything he says and does in that scene is geared toward giving Edwin's announcement the attention & understanding he needs so badly - and that includes responding with honesty about his own feelings, even if they might not otherwise be exactly what you'd want to hear after declaring your love for someone. Charles takes his time (perhaps foolishly, but certainly necessarily) and gives Edwin a response that is warm and familiar, while also being kind, affectionate, open, serious, and above all correspondingly worthy of the weight of the thing Edwin has just entrusted him with. That seems an awful lot to pass over simply because he doesn't also happen to be in love with him too.
Edwin's confession is so not a come-on that whether or not Charles reciprocates the romantic element is, at best, secondary to his overall reaction, and using that piece of it to call the whole thing a rejection feels like a very inaccurate shorthand to get in the habit of using as a summary of his role in the scene.
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scootatwoni · 2 months
I wanna extend some sympathy to console players/backers of coral island because yeah it genuinely sucks. Not everyone has access to or can afford a computer to run the game, so the dev's offer for a steam key isn't the best resolution. It's frustrating for sure!
But at the same time (and emphasis on that these two statements can be true at the same time) I'm seeing a lot of people in the community going waaaay too hard on a small dev team that just lost their publisher.
Ofc I'm not an expert on this stuff, so I encourage you to do your own research into this, but here's the jist that I think a lot of people need to consider:
Humble handled the console ports (as is typical for publishers) and it seems like they haven't bothered to give Stairway the backend permissions. And until they can get another publisher (assuming that's the route they take) this team of 25 people is now responsible for that on top of development.
I think it's completely understandable that stairway games is scrambling right now on what to do.
Console players and backers, please extend a bit of sympathy and patience to the team as they figure things out. Because they are working on it.
There is no justification to jump the gun and call the team scammers or liars or other awful things when this is still developing news.
Based on stairway's positive track record of open communication and transparency (where NDAs allow it) I don't doubt they'll figure out a solution, we just need to be patient.
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ahyperactivehero · 19 days
ALSO! if you follow me on here and somehow haven't watched dead boy detectives yet, I am BEGGING you to do so! we need all the streams we can get to try and save this show. I have no way of repaying you, other than knowing you will be making a mutual very, very happy.
reasons why you should watch it:
Dead Boy Detectives is a wonderfully, unquestionably queer show. Most of the main/reoccurring characters are queer, with the others who aren't being very queer coded.
It feels like old school Supernatural or Buffy but made for today's audience and queer. Add in the mystery/detective aspect and you've got the perfect recreation of SuperWhoLock my friend, all in one show.
Actors/Writers from Supernatural also worked on this. Everyone knows the wonderful Ruth Connell who played Rowena on Supernatural! And Steve Yockey was a writer/producer for some great episodes of Supernatural. There's also everyone's favorite trickster angel, Richard Speight Jr, who directed one of the best episodes of television ever in Dead Boy Detectives called The Case of the Very Long Stairway.
While this show is wonderful for the romantic aspect of it, it is- at it's heart, a show about love and acceptance. Edwin's journey of self-discovery and his queer identity is not one you see every day on TV, but it is done so well! Each one of the characters have such interesting, fully developed arcs that really tie together the fact that they are all just teens who the world would rather forget about, but they won't let it. Not as long as they are around, they will always have someone who remembers them.
Dead Boy Detectives deserves to continue. It deserves to finish telling the story they set out to. It deserves to be remembered.
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insanesonofabitch · 9 months
You know, as a (kind of) new fan, I barely know shit about the full spn experience of watching shit unfold in real time—which obviously took years. When I was scrolling through Nov 5th tag, destielgate and all that, I found a fairly huge amount of people shitting on Andrew Dabb, especially for writing the finale. And I got curious about this infamous writer guy, like what else did he write?
Then I went to Google and saw that he wrote What’s Up Tiger Mommy. Then Hunteri Heroici. Clip Show. Road Trip. Bloodlines??? Stairway to Heaven?????? The Things We Left Behind????????
The Prisoner???????????
All Along The Watchtower?????????????
Lost & Found??????????????????
Like obviously, none of these episodes are perfect. But these includes HUGE destiel scenes—like pivotal moments that greatly affects the relationship and it’s development and how the audience view it. And so much of these are obviously, blatantly romantic. As explicit as it can be. Like the direct canon couple parallels? At least THREE times? You’re telling me this man is responsible for The Lovers Quarrel ft. Suffering Sam in season 8? “I’ll watch over you”? The Dean/Cas - David/Violet parallel???? Cas’ deleted personal heaven???? “Don’t lose it over one man”????? Cas giving up his Angel army for one guy?????? The Dinner Date?????? The Sam/Jess - Dean/Cas - Claire/Kaia parallel??????? The climax of Cain/Colette - Dean/Cas Mark of Cain plot line??????? “You know, I always thought I could be a good dancer if I wanted to be”???????? The PURGATORY REUNION?????????? The start of THE FUCKING WIDOWER ARC?????????????
The Fucking. Widower. Arc. The stark contrast between that and Cas being barely mentioned in 15x19 and 15x20???????? Listen—and I’m just spitballing here—but what if this guy isn’t the fucking problem. You cannot convince me that someone who wrote all that, who contributed to all that, does not fucking see it…
…oh my fucking god. What the fuck were in those omitted scenes?
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goldsbitch · 7 months
Here I go again
part 4 to I gave so many signs
summary: Afternoon talks are harder than late night fucks.
warning: present + flashbacks, mentions of cheating and typos
song fic (disclaimer: rights belong to the respectable owners)
The Louvre - Lorde Mamma Mia - ABBA (shoot me, I heard an amazing slow piano version of it and got obsessed)
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"We heard some noises on the stairway, were you alone?" her mom asked first thing in the morning. The irony that her mom would actually approve of Charles maybe a little too enthusiastically was not lost on Y/N. "Yeah, alone. Bit tipsy, so sorry about that."
Our days and nights are perfumed with obsession
He stared silently. Monitoring actions of his girlfriend and having absolutely clear on the mind what to say to her. Part of him wanted to leave the premise immediately. Part of him wanted to scream out his confession. Part of him was astonished that she absolutely did not acknowledge his absence - did she not notice anything? He must have had Y/N scent all over him, punching through the quiet living room. He wanted her to say something. But she just grabbed her workout bag and casually got to the gym. Left him there, bewildered. He wanted to feel guilty, but the lack of emotion from her part was making a really hard thing to follow through. Was he just an asshole? Or someone who forgot to get out of a relationship at the right time and lived in a stale water?
His now fully developed brain decided to jump on the train to the past and he spent his entire morning checking his phone for a text - and not from his girlfriend. For a man who slept about an hour last night, he was surprisingly fresh and energized. Must have been the three orgasms. A lighting of excitement ran through him whenever he came back to those. And there it finally was, his catalysis for a guilt trip.
I am your sweetheart psychopathic crush Drink up your movements, still I can't get enough
Mood swings were the one to rule Y/N's day. She felt like dancing around. Woke up to an empty bed, which was a shame, but it saved from potentially an awkward conversation, so maybe she actually appreciated the gesture. With a lazy day ahead of her, she could replay yesterday's night over and over all day. Rarely would the sun shine so brightly through her window. But - mood does swing. Even though he was the one to cheat, she was the one cursing herself over and over again. Not because she felt any sympathy for his girlfriend, on the contrary, the thought that this girl got to have, what Y/N only experienced for one night, anytime, was infuriating. Fuck any girl power bullshit, she was jealous and angry at herself for crumbling so easily. She had been happy, content, on the lookout for someone available to date for fun and maybe love. Not fucking with her old best friend only to develop a crush so massive her apartment felt small. Y/N was content yesterday morning. This morning, she was satisfied, and anything but content. And yet, she couldn't help but smile into her morning coffee, while trying to remain casual and normal in front of her family.
Blow all my friendships To sit in hell with you
"We need to break up," he found himself saying in the early afternoon. There was no plan from his side, no agenda about getting with Y/N or anything like that. He just had to get out of a relationship where he managed to be the cheater. The decision was suddenly so simple, just hard to execute. There were tears. Not his. Mutual understanding is the hardest thing to fake.
Y/N really tried to go about with her day, having lunch with the family, catching up and just generally free Sunday vibes. Only problem was that she was all over the place mentally - short attention span, distracted and having trouble keeping up with longer conversations. Head over in the clouds, fingers tapping nervously. In some ways, she couldn't wait to get back to he daily life in London filled with work and array of distractions. There was no hope for her in this town. Guilt and desire punching through her own integrity. It was in the late afternoon when disturbing messages appeared under Charles Leclerc tag on socials, which she monitored in every available moment. When she saw her own front door on one of the headline photos, that's when she lost it completely. Panic set in when she finally came to a photo that the two of them talking in front of the bar, with speculative headlines.
But we're the greatest, they'll hang us in the Louvre Down the back, but who cares? Still the Louvre
She sat in her room, tired, confused and lonely. Social media doomscroll it was then, trying to desperately ignore any photos of them. Her brain got stuck in a loop when she stumbled upon a slow piano cover of Mamma Mia. Not particularly her favorite song. But it spoke of everything she couldn't put a name on. Their joined history, the change of course, the inevitable return and the sudden urge to get it right this time. It was like being possessed. She had to act this time. At least let him know that she got it wrong the first time. She had loved him. The feeling was just so common in her life that she didn't recognize it only after it was gone.
Look at me now, will I ever learn I don't know how, but I suddenly lose control There's a fire within my soul
She had to see him and it had to be NOW. Powered by the lyrics praising delusion, she was not going to let it slip through her fingers this time. Not even sure his old number was still active, she called him, only to end up in a voicemail without any message. His private socials were deleted or replaced and she could't just walk over to his flat. His girlfriend would be there and the thought of it broke her heart. Was her current state of mind only make things explosive and worse for everyone?
There had been many times she'd let her chances pass her by.
So I made up my mind, it must come to an end
Only once she was standing before Charles's childhood home, ringing the bell, she realized that zero thought went to what she actually wanted to say to him. Fear hit her hard. Seconds turned into minutes and she realized that nobody was probably home. Heart sank low. What was there to do now? She had no idea where he to find him.
They'd walked together for hours. It felt so intoxicatingly refreshing after all those months of no contact. If one got lucky in life, they'd understand the type of connection that does not go away with time. But there was something different in the air that evening, as if their usual hang out spot, just above the town had a different vibe that day. She looked him in the eye and saw a look she's seen countless of times on his face. There was a shift in her mind and out of nowhere - what if the line got crossed? Would it be such an issue? She knew Charles would never make the first move. What if? Just to know how it feels. Curiosity got the better of her. This was not the first time she glanced at his lips, wondering what they tasted like. But she knew the feelings he might still have for her was something she could not respond to properly. The thought of hurting her best friend was stopping her from ever actually exploring this idea. But, what if? Just this one time.
Thousand of quick thoughts passed through her mind in that one moment - the last few seconds before they kissed for the first time. She was nervous, but it didn't show. Confidently put her hands on his chest, stepped on her toes and put her lips on his. If she was scared, he was borderline terrified. Never expected her to actually do it. Her warm lips touched his own, but he was still trying to process that her hands rested on his chest tenderly. Stiff and shocked seventeen year old boy stood like a rock, trying to catch up with what was just happening. Both of them have had their fair share of kisses and make outs with other people in their life, but this was one different. Somehow, it was harder to kiss someone who actually knew personal things about you. It was no romantic kiss, once Charles finally started to respond, both of them picked up quite a quick tempo and all of that was more close to a drunken teenage make out rather than an honest vulnerable kiss. And still, his soft lips felt really good, her tongue exploring his mouth was sending him to highs unexperienced before. Just as he started to relax and stopped fathoming what was happening, she pulled away. It was all too much, too real and scary for her unsure self. Afraid of loosing her fake confident mask, she had to stop before she lost herself in this. What even was this? She'd be leaving for university soon, so what was the point.
"Sorry," she said immediately and looked anywhere else but his eyes. Stepped back away from him in order to gain more socially acceptable distance. "I dunno, guess I hadn't kissed anyone in a while, so yeah... But this is wrong, sorry for that." There is heartbreak and then there is heartbreak. Charles felt betrayed, she didn't even give him a chance to kiss her properly. He wasn't ready, didn't expect it and now it felt like his one chance got slipped away from him. Once again, he stood there, frozen and processing. She couldn't stand silence. Scary thing to experience in a difficult situation. "I should not have crossed the line, we're really good friends and-" "No," he cut her off, not letting her play this game again. "That's not true and you know that. I never told you in person, which is a really coward move, but that's on me. But you know how I feel. That hasn't changed and I can't imagine it ever will." His words burned like hot sand. "You're right, yes," she replied quickly and wished she could just make herself invisible for a moment. This was all too much to handle. "And that's why I'm saying I'm sorry. I thought ignoring the subject would help you..." "Help me? Help in what, getting over you?" he had to laugh. Where did her delusion end? Was it truly endless? "I don't want that. Definitely not from you. I want you to open your eyes and give us a chance." One thing she couldn't stand was to be pressured to something and this was strongly resembling that. How could someone else try to say what she wanted when she herself wasn't sure?
"Charles, I can't. I need to leave this place and figure out who I am." "Why can't I be a part of that journey?" he said, broken once again. "We would only end up hurting each other and lose our friendship, can't you see that? I want you in my life permanently, so we can't date." "How does any of this make sense in you head," he replied bitterly. While she waved around these big concepts, the one intrusive thought he had was that she was just trying to avoid telling him, that he was just a bad kisser. Her gut was telling her to run away from this. How is one suppose to resist that? "Charles. This whole thing is a mistake. You don't love me and as much as I'd like to, I don't think I love you." The word think punched through Charles like a knife. She wasn't even sure of that... "Well that's it then," he said, knowing the last thing he wanted was to talk her into being with him and have her run to someone else at the first opportunity. He was trying to control the emotional cocktail mixing within him. Trying get his anger, disappointment and wonder lust in check. He tried to read her facial expressions, but the only thing he finally saw was a little girl running away from mature feelings. Suddenly, he understood. She wasn't ready and there was nothing for him to do with that. His job now was to work on his attachment to her, because relying on her was only blocking his own development.
"I think I should get going, big day tomorrow," he lied and waved awkwardly instead of their usual hug. "Yeah, you're right. I'm gonna stay here for a while, if you don't mind," she said and turned her attention to the stunning view on the mountains, sea and the city below them. To Charles, their favorite hang out spot was ruined. Forever the place where his worst kiss happened. His stomach turned at the thought of that and he knew he needed to get out of there and far away from her immediately. "See you when I see you," he said, walking away. She watched him, hoping the weight on her shoulders would disappear quickly. They didn't speak to each other for more than two years after that.
It was hard to believe, she only came to their favorite spot to reminisce about one of her greatest misjudgement and dwell in her sorrow. But, to her luck, he was already there, looking over at the sea as they had countless times together. Walking towards him felt like walking on a tightrope with the chance of falling down getting bigger with every step.
Mamma mia, here I go again My, my, how can I resist you? Mamma mia, does it show again My, my, just how much I've missed you?
Charles didn't come there to meet up with her. His intention was to run away, to clear his thoughts, come to terms with the fact he had just cheated on someone. Take in the feeling Y/N made him burn with last night. Like some sort of breakthrough - this was they were all singing about. This is why people were able to drop their while life and follow love. It was an old and new love at the same. And that created a complete mess in his head. But when saw a figure coming his way, he knew immediately that she chose this place as well. Charles hadn't been at their spot since the time they first kissed here. Unlike Y/N, who came here anytime she was back in Monaco. She truly didn't expect him to be here - but took it as a sign that there was no way but forward for her. She walked towards him and sat on next to him, joining the view he was getting lost in. No words were shared for the first minute.
Y/N found out only after her university years that physical communication was her way of expressing feelings. Words were a little too messy and hard to put together. So she reached over to gently put her hand over his. She felt him shake a little, but he kept his hand below hers. Which she took as a good sign. Charles was the one to break the silence. "I hope you won't have much trouble online. There are pictures of us circling around," he said bluntly. "I have a very average face, I think I'm good." Charles laughed at her response. "As if." She really wanted not to ask. But the words just slipped out of her tongue. "Will your girlfriend mind?" And immediately after that, she wanted to shoot herself.
Charles took a deep breath. Then smiled bitterly, because what else was there to do. "Do you think so low of me that I could stay with someone once I'd cheated on them?" "Every couple goes through a crisis..." Charles chuckled again. "Have you ever been cheated on?" "Yes," she did not have to think twice about that. "But strangely enough, it was a relief when it finally happened." "See, so you understand." They sat in silence again. There was a feeling in the air like rain was coming. Neither of them moved. "Are you sad about it? Do you regret it?" She took Charles of guard. "Look at you, asking the big questions. What happened to you?" "Grew up, you know. You're not the only one. But don't get me wrong...it's still very hard. Talking." "I can see that," he replied, somewhat amused by her red cheeks. "To answer your important question," he highlighted, making her feel like a school girl passing a test, "I guess I regret the fact I wasn't honest enough to myself before something like that has happened." Y/N got a sudden influx of insecurity. Could it be that he was just unhappy in his relationship and it wasn't about the two of them? She pulled away a bit. Charles picked up on that. But this time, he couldn't put himself on the line first again. Not after what she said all those years ago. "Regret is the worst feeling. I think." "Why would you think?" "It's really hard to get rid of it. It lingers. Stays on." "Is there something you regret?" Somehow, he knew the answer before she did. "Of course. Everyone does." "You're avoiding again." "I know. I am perfectly aware of that." "At least something has changed."
The mood shifted and there was no way back. Charles was about to push like he had never done before. "Y/N. Why did you come here tonight. And be clear, blunt and honest or just leave now. It's been confusing enough even without you." She did not expect him to talk to openly. But she came searching for him, to do the leap, so it was actually appreciated. She started speaking, very slowly. "Um. I was looking for you. Wanted to say...not sure what exactly, but...I guess to let you know that I'd changed my mind. And I understand, you're somewhere else in your life now. But I need you to know." One very impatient Charles spoke when she took a break to breathe. "Know what?" "Charles, you keep interrupting me! Let me just...you know." He nodded in understanding, amused by her giddiness. "I just need to say...When were young, I never realized that the connection we have is special and rare. Stupid as I was, I thought it was just normal and common. And I don't regret not dating you back then. I had to take some time to grow up and understand more about the world. But now I do - and even if you've moved on, I feel like I'm just about to get on this train." He took in everything she said carefully. Tried not to get to ahead of himself.
"Did you ever think of me? Or it this just because last night." This time, it was she who smiled with a sad undertone. Did she ever think of him? Her? Had she spent nights and more nights wishing he'd call? Had she walked aimlessly around Monaco just to run into him? Did she compare every guy she shared a bed with to the times Charles made her feel like she was the only one on this planet that he could see? "One would say it's alarming how often I come back to the days we spent together. How hard it is to be so raw with someone in the same way as I was with you." Charles was slightly overwhelmed by her words. "Look, Charlie, I don't want to put any pressure on you. I had many chances and blew them all. I get it. Just want you to know that this was not a random encounter with an old friend for me." She'd been so focused on the right words coming out, that she missed the moment when Charles got close to her, so his kiss that followed was a surprise to her. Soft and sweet lips touched hers and it was like a release from prison. This time, it felt so right and safe. She didn't want him to end this. But once he inevitably did, fear came in like an unexpected summer storm. Would he be as cruel as she had been back then? Sharing a kiss with her while knowing that he was going to break her heart?
He took a breath in order to speak again. She stopped him with her finger. For just a minute, she wanted to keep this moment intact. To have this possibility of him still having a trace of the love he once had and she now bared as well. "Charles, I know what you're going to say. I can taste the words in your mouth. Please, don't." "So tell me, what am I going to say?" She sighed, slightly annoyed with him pushing her. "You're going to say that you'd moved on and this was just to have some fun. And you know what? Maybe it really is for the better, it was never-" "And this time, I am really going to stop you," he said, staring deeply into her eyes. "It's even harder now that we're adults. I understand that, understand the hardship my lifestyle can bring to the ones closest to me...My love for you never left. Yes, it's way less destructive and I've come to peace with it. But I am also not a scared boy anymore. Y/N, I would like to see you again and not as a friend. I don't think you ever were my friend. But you need to brave and honest too this time. Are you ready for that?" "I want to have all the hardest conversations with you, even if that's all we'd be doing," she laughed, taking in the fact he did not reject her. "I sincerely hope we'll be doing more than that," he said and joined her in easing the tension. "Is this really happening?" she whispered, as if it was a dream. "Yes, I believe it really is."
Mamma mia, here I go again My, my, how can I resist you?
@linnmee @itsjustkhaos @rhythmstars @blueflorals @janeholt3
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coloursflyaway · 4 months
Ok, so I’m a big fan of your dbda fics and I saw you were asking for prompts. I have 2, one of which is inspired by one of your reblogs.
1. Charles kisses Edwin at the worst possible time, maybe ending in them getting captured and Edwin giving him a lecture on “time and place”, Charles arguing with “you’re one to talk about time and place”, referring to the hell confession
2. Preferably very angsty, Charles wants to kiss Edwin to try and figure out if he feels the same way, and Edwin stops him, saying something along the lines of “if we did kiss and you didn’t feel the same way I don’t think I could bear it”
Obviously no pressure to write either of them, but I would love to see how you would develop these ideas more.
Hiii, thank you so much for these ♥♥♥
I'm keeping the second one for later, because I really like that, but here's a little ficlet for the first prompt!
It’s not like Charles plans it to go like this, is it?
In fact, he isn’t sure if he could plan it like this if he tried, he’s not sure if anyone could.
It’s just something that happens, because, to be honest, it was always bound to happen at some point, and it’s not Charles fault that Edwin, well. Stood there. Looking so pretty with his perfectly coiffed hair and his kind eyes and high cheekbones.
Not even the look of slight exasperation had detracted from how much of a vision he looked, maybe because Charles has gotten more than used to it in the thirty-odd years they have known each other.
(He knows exactly how many years it’s been, how many months and days too, could probably reconstruct it down to the hour, but that gets to be his little secret, only admired sometimes in dark nights and especially bright mornings, when Edwin is reading or doing research or concentrating on something else enough that the tip of his tongue peaks out between his plush, pink lips.)
And Charles didn’t decide to take a step towards him, just like he hadn’t decided to reach up and put one hand on Edwin’s cheek, feeling the sudden breath Edwin had taken.
Two decades ago, Charles had persuaded Edwin to try breathing again, at least occasionally, as a little luxury, a little treat, and it still makes him smile to see Edwin do it, made him smile in that moment, too, and maybe that had been a decision.
But leaning in and kissing Edwin, that hadn’t been a choice at all.
Just something he had to do in that moment, because there was a little smudge of chalk on the edge of Edwin’s jaw, because Edwin had looked at him and behind and around and between the exasperation, he had looked so fond.
And Charles had thought, he loves me, and then, I love him, too.
What other choice did he have than kiss that love onto Edwin’s lips?
Only that when he pulls back, a smile on his lips and, if possible, even more love in his heart, Edwin is looking him with wide eyes and his lips kissed pink, but not curved, not smiling.
“Charles”, he starts, and Charles isn’t certain he has heard this tone in his voice before; it makes him giddy to think that this is something brand new he gets to find out about his favourite person in the world. “What are you doing?”
“Sorry”, Charles starts out of habit, then stops himself, brow furrowing. “Actually, no, I’m not sorry at all. That was great and I’ll do it again. And again.”
He grins at Edwin, happiness bubbling in his chest until he feels like he’s bursting; a sound drips from Edwin’s lips, something in between a gasp and a whine.
“There’s a time and a place-”, he begins a speech Charles has heard before, and it’s so easy to interrupt him this time, because Charles usually doesn’t mind the scolding, but there’s more important things right now, like kissing Edwin again.
“You mean, like not in the middle of summoning a demon? Yeah, maybe. But I’m not sure if you really get to talk about times and places. At least it’s not on the stairway to Hell, is it?”
And Edwin’s eyes widen even more, if that is possible, and not that Charles doubted it before, but God, he really does love him.
Without thinking, he moves his thumb to wipe the chalk from Edwin’s skin, and Edwin sucks in a breath, then, with the quietest, most hopeful voice, asks, “You do mean it, don’t you? You’re sure? This isn’t just a-”
“Of course I mean it”, Charles cuts him off, before Edwin can say anything else, can think that Charles might not be serious about this for a moment longer. “Have never meant anything more than this.”
Another breath, one that Charles can almost feel against his skin, and Edwin nods.
“Maybe, then, after the demon, we could-”, he starts, but doesn’t get to finish this sentence either.
“Sod the demon”, Charles says, and means it.
This time, when he kisses Edwin, it’s a choice, and it’s the best one he’s ever made.
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ravensofskyhold · 8 months
Ruoska 2nd verse analysis
Aka why there's a reference to a 20+ year-old sports scandal in this song that on the surface is about BDSM.
(Fuck you Kä for making me write a 1500+ word analysis on a reference in one verse of a song and also for forcing me to learn more about Lahti 2001 than I've ever wanted. /j)
Okay, I was already having thoughts about the second verse of Ruoska, which has lots of references to the doping controversy of FIS Nordic World Ski Championships held in Lahti in 2001 aka the biggest sports doping scandal in Finland. The MV gave new context for that part and made the use of the whole reference make a lot more sense to me, enough to develop those thoughts into a semi-coherent analysis (I'm not kidding about this being semi-coherent, I've spent most of the day writing this. You've been warned.).
This analysis does require me to talk about The Lahti 2001 doping scandal a lot. I’ve decided to focus on what I remember from the aftermath of it, especially the Finnish public opinion and reaction, as it is the most relevant part of it for this analysis. So if you’re not familiar with the topic, I recommend reading a short summary of the facts which can be found here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FIS_Nordic_World_Ski_Championships_2001#Doping_controversy
In the MV, there’s this about 20s pause between the first chorus and the second verse, where the song just stops and people looking at their phones form a circle at the edges of the spotlight (where Käärijä and Erika are) and hate comments aimed at both of them are shown on screen.
After the pause, we get the second verse:
“Lunta on tullut tupaan niin paljon et tarvii sukset / Gotten so much snow in the house that I need skis
On luokkaa Kari-Pekka nää ahdistukset / At level with Kari-Pekka with these anxieties
Et taloyhtiössä on kosteudenmittaukset/ That the housing cooperative takes humidity measurements
Kun rappukäytävän portailla on hemon virtaukset/ When there's massive tides* on the stairs in the stairway”
[link/credits to the translation]
*added context to this line that gets lost in translation is that the substance flowing down the stairs in the stairway is called “hemo” in the original lyrics. Now, I’ve interpreted it to be either blood/hemoglobin or Hemohes (which is the brand(?) name of the banned blood plasma expander substance that people were caught using in the Lahti 2001 doping scandal. Either way, this detail is relevant enough for this analysis.
The idiom "tulla lunta tupaan" (to get snow in the house/living room) means to get misfortune, but I think I've seen it also used to mean getting (excessive) adversity/criticism for something (wrong) you've done (from the public, usually).
There certainly is something fucked up and rather telling that from what I’ve seen, many of Finnish fans old enough to remember Lahti 2001 (me included) needed only to hear "skis" and "Kari-Pekka" to get the doping scandal reference. After all, this is a rather subtle (as in, only Kari-Pekka Kyrö’s, one of the head coaches of the ski team, first name is mentioned in the song!) reference to a scandal that happened over 20 years ago. But it also tells you how big of a deal that doping scandal was for Finns, especially since it happened in cross-country skiing aka one of our pride and joy sports, and how much (perceived) shame was involved on national level.
And oh boy, did that sense of national shame get projected back to the public opinion about the people involved in the scandal. The scandal did have massive and long-lasting repercussions on the careers and the reputations of the people involved in Finland, way beyond the official disqualifications and suspensions. These people went from being celebrated athletes and ski team members that everyone was proud of to being mostly, or even only, remembered for being caught using doping. Their past (and future) achievements suddenly didn’t either matter anymore or, thanks to the doping scandal, were regarded with suspicion.
There’s also a layer added to this by the media’s role and involvement in all this that I’m not going to get into here. Only thing from the media side I’m going to point out is that big part of kicking off this incident was the investigation and subsequent article by Helsingin Sanomat crime journalist that revealed damning evidence of the systematic use of doping substances in the Finnish ski team.
The point is, yes they did wrong, and yes they did deserve the (official) consequences to their careers and a hit in their public images, but everything else? The figurative lashing (pun intended) they got from the media and the public? The media and the public refusing to forget and move on from that incident years after the fact and in the process probably not letting them move on from it properly, either? Being remembered only for your mistakes? That was excessive, way out of proportion to what the crime in question was.
Bringing this back to the song, the MV, and the artists:
This reference, especially with the MV context just made me think of the topic of public opinion of celebs and how quickly it can turn against you, even if you’re currently seen as a “hero” of sorts, like Finland’s ski team was in 2001 or Käärijä is now.
It also made me think of how Finns often tend to be jealous of other people's success (the good ol’ belief that there’s a finite amount of luck/happiness in the world and so other people having luck/success is to blame if you don’t have it is still deeply ingrained in us even if we don’t realize it). Like, there are always people who hate someone more successful or famous than them simply because they are successful/famous.
Also, there's often a sense of schadenfreude involved from certain parts of the public when someone famous does something bad/wrong. Something that (in public perception) "justifies" the negative turn in the public opinion on that person, regardless of how bad/wrong the thing actually was and if the reaction is actually proportionate to it. And especially in famous people’s case, there are always people who are just waiting for them to misstep, to fall, just so they can go “see? I knew they were a bad person all along, that’s why I disliked them!”. Or hell, we’ve even seen people who are constantly waiting for the moment a famous person does something that can be twisted into a controversy, or even hounding them to do something or react to something in a way that paints them in a negative light.
Now, I don't think the hate comments seen in the MV are comparable to what happened after the doping scandal (nor that are they meant to be that), and I don’t claim to know what kinds of hate Käärijä and Erika get usually but I doubt that’s comparable either. But there are some noticeable, if much smaller scale, similarities to some controversies they’ve been a part of and the media/public reaction to those. Which does make the doping scandal an effective reference to use to get the point of (often excessive) negative reactions/comments to everything you do across.
So, when the hate comment pause happened in the MV and the second verse started, it felt like the missing puzzle pieces fitting into their places, and being able to see what the second verse is trying to say. Or my interpretation of it, anyway.
The first line is rather straightforward, mentioning getting enough "snow" (aka adversity/criticism/hate, not misfortune like I thought before) into their lives ("house" in the song) that they need equipment/tools ("skis") to help them wade through it, just to keep living their lives.
The line mentioning Kari-Pekka, and anxiety at the same level as his, is interesting. Because on the one hand, he did take the blame for the doping scandal and was, according to his own words, “the most hated man in Finland” at the time. On the other hand, he did get a lot of publicity and was offered a job as a crisis consultant to teach people how to lie believably, because he appeared so calm, collected, and confident in the media during the scandal. So, while on the surface this line is about having a lot of anxiety due to the hate they’re getting, well, the dude whose anxiety levels they’re likening their own to doesn’t seem (to appear) anxious at all despite shouldering most of the blame and hate for such a big scandal, does he? Hell, he got job opportunities thanks to how not-anxious he appeared in that situation.
And the following lines, I've interpreted to be about other people having to acknowledge the damage from those hate comments seeping into their own lives as well because, depending on what "hemo" is interpreted as, either the cause of that hate (hemohes) or a rather visible representation of the pain caused by the hate (blood) is flooding the stairway now. The pain or the cause of the hate others have let into their living spaces/lives is out in the public space now. And going by the next line “Ja mä tahdon jäädä siitä kiipeliin (kiipeliin)/ And I want to get in trouble for it (in trouble)” it’s happening they intentionally let it out into the public in the first place, because they want to get in trouble for it?
There’s something fascinating about that. About acknowledging that they’re getting hate anyway, so they might as well intentionally and publicly do things that people are going to send them hate for. But also acknowledging the hate they’re getting and making other people acknowledge it as well, refusing to keep it hidden and letting it rot only their own lives.
And then continuing that yeah, we’re getting whipped/hated on for everything we do, but
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spicyicetea · 8 months
Eldritch Submas x reader
May contain NSFW topics including violence, swearing and sexual references. MDNI. This is a Fem reader but referred to with GN pronouns the majority of the time. Not proofread because I can’t be bothered.
Elesa time YIPPEE (this took way too long, I’m sorry I’ve been playing dumb demon dating game :/)
It didn't take long for the subway to gain its popularity, quickly becoming a go to destination for trainers passing through Nimbasa. Being the gym leader in Nimbasa, Elesa decided it was her duty to check the place out. It wasn't often she closes her gym for a day but this was an important matter. At first she paid them no mind, stronger trainers in the area means that she'll have stronger challengers but recently the situation has developed. Not only had there been anonymous complaints regarding the depot agents working there and their behaviour, but concern about the strange groups that gather around the streets leading into the railways are festering in the city. It's her duty as a gym leader to address public concern, so she might as well satiate her own curiosity at the same time.
“So this is the railway everyone's been talking about…” She wraps her coat around herself as she looks at the gated off stairway.
It was deep into the night at the time, the perfect chance for her to poke around without anyone knowing. She would never take advantage of it being dark to do something bad, but if a fight broke out it may endanger people during the day, it was purely for safety reasons. She grabbed the key to the large lock holding the gate closed, twirling it on her finger before unlocking and pushing the heavy gate open. The stairs down almost looked threatening, as if something was staring back at her from the darkness, daring her to go down. Swallowing her paranoia, a hand on one of the pokeballs in her pocket, she followed the stairs down into the station. The lights came on automatically, the white tiles reflecting the light back into her eyes causing her to squirt with a groan.
“Visitors at this time? How verrry rude.”
She jolts at the voice, opening her eyes wide and looking at the platform in front of her. Side by side stood two figures, heads cocked while looking at her, one grinning widely and the other frowning. The one in black placed a hand on the other's shoulder, taking a step towards her and bowing.
“It's an honour to finally meet you Elesa, are you here on business?”
She narrowed her eyes at the pair, unsure on what to make of them. She had never seen these two before yet they spoke as if they knew her personally. As she steps back, their expressions falter, both hitting an uncomfortable expression before looking back at her.
“I see your memories remain the same…”
“This is verrry bad Imgo, we can't leave her alive-”
“W What? What do you mean by that?!” Elesa stumbles back, her emolga forcing its way out of the pokeball, growling at them.
Ingo raised a hand to stop his brother's advances, sighing. They could make use of someone who was seemingly unaffected by their powers. Someone as popular as Elesa, as showered in affection and love by her admirers… yes they could use that.
“Ingo? What are you planning?”
“Calm Emmet, we could use the help of a woman like her.”
“What? What in the world are you talking about? Stay away from me!”
“No, please calm yourself Elesa, we mean you no harm.”
“What are you two?” She gulped and held her emolga to her chest.
Ingo sighed and looked away at Emmet.
“You wouldn't be able to comprehend our true forms, but we truly mean you no harm. We are here for… well why we're here isn't important for you to know.”
“What do you mean by, be of use?”
“We are in need of a humans opinion-”
“Ingo, we are not.”
“Brother we agreed we'd rather do this in a way that they could stay happy-”
“Bosses, we finished filling Y/N's paperwork so they can join us at work tomorrow. Shall I call them to let them know they can join us tomorrow?” A depot agent poked their head out of one of the staff only areas, paling once they noticed their company.
“Oh I'll call them! I already miss their voice,” Emmet beamed, cleaning his throat once he noticed his outburst.
Elesa narrowed her eyes as the depot agent left, smirking at the brothers.
“I think I understand what you needed my help for. I'm guessing this Y/N person is… special to you both.”
Both the brothers went silent, whispering to each other.
“I'll help you both, it will let me keep an eye on you two.”
The brothers sighed, Ingo nodding at her in relief
“That makes matters simpler, our friendship will be a fruitful one.”
Elesa went to correct him, claiming they wouldn't be friends, but decided against it. She would be lying to herself anyways, she already has a soft spot for them given their awkward crush, it was pretty adorable. The brother's now eagerly surrounded her asking her opinion on various romantic gestures. She waved her hands to shush them, overwhelmed by their bombarding questions. They went silent looking expectantly at her.
“What? I could barely hear a word any of you were saying!”
“Oh, well I asked what you think our darling's reaction would be if we disposed of all her enemies,” Emmet confidently asked.
“Yes, we wish to show her how we'd care for her, we must prove we're capable soulmates.”
“Soulmates? I… we need to set some ground rules.” Elesa sighed.
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calabria-mediterranea · 7 months
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Altomonte, Calabria, Italy
Altomonte is a charming medieval village sitting on a promontory 450 meters above sea level, at the foot of the National Park of Pollino.
The place corresponds to the old village of Balbia, name of Phoenician origin (that means Lord) mentioned by Roman author Pliny, the Elder, when celebrates the goodness of the Balbino wine.
Situated on the hill, the houses seem to be welded to the ground and the rocks, the hills with olive trees, fields and spots are a real timeless spectacle.
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During the medieval period, Altomonte became a fortified center and played a significant role in the defense of the region. Over the centuries, the town developed into a typical Calabrian village, preserving its historical character and traditions.
The heart of Altomonte is its historical centre, characterized by narrow cobbled streets, stone houses, and ancient buildings.
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The many streets and stairways cluster around the center of the village, where the Church of Santa Maria della Consolazione is located. A true Gothic-Angevin art treasure, with a rose window and a very elegant facade, while the bell tower is decorated with a mullioned window.
Adjoining the church is the Dominican Monastery that now houses the Civic Museum, where important works of art are preserved.
The village offers visitors a chance to savor traditional Calabrian cuisine, with a focus on local products such as olive oil, cured meats, and regional wines.
Follow us on Instagram, @calabria_mediterranea
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red-dia · 3 months
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Twitter user @/inspirashamul dug up an old Ichikawa interview from 2015. I don't think there's anything earthshattering, but it's still pretty cool (and I think it's the only time she's directly acknowledged the 7 treasures ? unless i'm mistaken)
Transcription under the cut :
"Throughout history gems have decorated every aspect of our lives - and afterlives as well. Buddhist sutras describe the Land of Bliss as a realm of dazzling splendour covered in precious gems and metals.
Furthermore, in Shariputra, the world know as the Land of Bliss, there are lotus ponds, all made of seven precious substances, namely, gold. silver, emerald, rockcrystal, red pearl, sapphire, and mother of pearl as the seventh. [...] The bottom of each pond is covered with golden sand. [...] These stairways are colourful, elegant, and made of four precious substances, namely, gold, silver, emerald, and rock crystal. "
Japanese manga author Haruko Ichikawa was inspired by this description to transform the gems into characters in her series, Houseki no Kuni (The Kingdom of Gems). In the distant future, Gem Warriors battle with the Moon People who mount raids from above to kidnap the living gems to use as for decorations.
Gem warriors look human but shatter upon impact. Their broken surfaces reflect light with a brilliant lustre. The moment of destruction is shockingly beautiful, yet they never truly die and can regain human form if their shards are put back together.
In the course of the story, we learn that the rival Gem Warriors and Moon People share the same origin-they were both once human. Bone became gemstone and the soul became the Moon People. The setup makes The Kingdom of Gems a story of humanity told through gems. Current Obsession conducted an e-mail interview with Haruko Ichikawa to find out what's behind the story and what she wants to say with her gem-laden allegory,
Background and Aesthetic
Many Japanese manga artists did not start as manga artists. Haruko Ichikawa is no exception. She was an editorial designer before she broke into manga.
'I enjoyed drawing when I was a little girl and that's why choose a high school that had an art course. Then, my interest moved from art to design, and in university, I majored in visual image design. After graduation, I worked as an editorial designer at a design company. I think the experience taught me how to design panels, how to make panels flow and how to balance black and white-basically, effective layouts that smoothly lead the eye of the reader. I'm also able to design my own books thanks to the techniques that I developed as an editorial designer.'
Usually design studios handle book design, but Ichikawa does it herself. Her brightly coloured covers glitter with lamé to suggest the world of gems waiting inside, while her minimalist two-dimensional style makes each panel stand as a pleasing piece of graphic design. The brilliance of the Gems stands out among the strong contrast of black and white pages. They look most beautiful when they shatter. The human-like appearance of the Gems makes this moment shocking, but also bewitching.
'I'm most attracted to the beauty within the horrific. Imagine the thrill of peeking at the secret hidden under a veil - an unexpected shock, or a macabre scene you can't turn away from. That's what I hope to recreate on the page.'
Her aesthetic is evident in the unique design of the characters. If the Gems are beautiful, then the bizarre Moon People are simply otherworldly. How did Ichikawa create these characters?
Character Design
There are two main groups of characters. While the colour and brilliance of gems are expressed as a Gem fighter's hair, Moon People are covered with ornate Buddhist decorations, such as multiple layers of delicate, heavenly garments and jewellery.
'When I design Gem Warriors, I try to get a specimen of the stone and base the design on its physical properties such as colour, hardness, strength, crystal shape and scarcity. On the other hand, I try to show Moon People as soft eerie beings with a hint of grace in order to make them look bizarre.'
Nearly every real world property is reflected in a Gem warrior's personality. Phosphophyllite (Phos), the main character with the "beautiful colour of shallow water on a western beach', lacks hardness and breaks as easily as actual phosphophyllite. Twin crystal amethyst is literally transformed into captivating twins, while the red-haired Cinnabar is knowledgeable, though cast as a lone wolf because her body is filled with a toxin. Real life cinnabar is known as the philosopher's stone and contains mercury. Alexandrite is usually a green-haired Moon People researcher, but she turns into a violent redhead in front actual Moon People, Her personality is in line with real alexandrite that changes colour depending on the type of light it reflects.
These properties come out as comical conversations between gems. For example, Morganite references the Mohs hardness scale when Phos grabs her. 'Hey! That was close! If you touch us directly, you're the one who's gonna shatter, three-and-a-half! Phos responds 'I am well aware, my dear seven.'
When speaking with Ichikawa it becomes apparent that her rich knowledge of stones and scientific viewpoint comes from her passion as a collector.
'My biggest pleasure is the surprise of discovery. Recently I'm most interested in how good intentions can lead to misfortune. This phenomenon happens quite often in science, which is why I like the field. I have around 300 stones in my collection. I've beest interested in stones since I was a little girl, so I've forgotten how I started to collect them: I' attracted to their simple chemical formula, near infiniteness, uniqueness, as well as the wonderful colour, texture and shape. I think every stone has its own appeal, be it a pebble on the beach or the most beautiful gem.'
Her choice of gems in the manga backs up the statement.
The Gem Warriors include valuable precious stones, such as diamond, as well as semi precious stones that are usually acknowledged as inforiors to gems. In her story, Gems vary in terms of fighting ability but are essentially treated as equals.
In The Kingdom of Gems, gems walk, talk and feel emotions just like us. How did Ichikawa come up with a unique idea of turning a gem into a human-shaped character?
'I had the idea that maybe minerals lived on a different time axis as ours - we just didn't realize it.'
And how did a passage from a Buddhist sutra, "the land of the Perfect Bliss is made of gems', contribute to the story?
'In the sutra gems are an accessible way to describe the beauty and majesty of the Land of Bliss. They are native to the Land of Bliss, not stolen from elsewhere. When I first read the sutra it occurred to me that Buddhism didn't consider these ornamental gems as eligible for salvation. It's not that the sutra made me feel disappointed in Buddhism or want to liberate gems myself. The sutra provides a simple message for the masses by comparing objects of unparalleled beauty to gems. It made me realize that there's a limit to our shared imagination. There's a line somewhere. So where does that put inorganic compounds? They can't speak for themselves. It's pretty convenient to ignore this and assume them to be subservient. It's hard to put my feelings into words, but I felt a very human danger - and attraction - in the vivid examples that assigned gems value and the matter-of-fact manner that passes over these same objects for salvation.
People emphasize with objects that appear human. So I followed this lite of thought - how would we react to a being that was totally unlike a human except in its appearance? Would we want to help them, or feel guilt for persecuting them? What would cause us to feel compassion? This is my experiment find out. It boils down to having empathy for others, be they organic or otherwise.
I'm also interested in what part of our nature is human, and what is animal - both the good and bad. Just as we struggle with the unknowable animal nature within us, life forms in the future will struggle with the untamed nature leftover from humans. At least, that's my hypothesis for what I write.'
This kind of humanity is strongly depicted in the conversation between Phos and Ventricosus, the ruler of the sea.
Ventricosus understands that the Moon People mean to reclaim their flesh and bones to return to their human form, but since they divided from humans so long ago there is no way back. Knowing that the character is not human makes the following dialogue all the more impressive.
'The Moon People, despite lacking natural enemies, love war and are never satisfied. I get the feeling that this undirected anxiety is leftover from when they were human.'
Unique Use of Ornamentation
All sorts of decorations will catch your eye as you read through the pages. For instance, the Moon People are defined by their lavish outfits. From their opulent fabrics to elegans curved ornamentation it's hard to imagine they are capable of such aggression.
The highly decorative quality of the Moon People and the way they steal gems to decorate their homeland makes ornamentation an allegory for earthly desires. However, Ichikawa's statement from the previous wection reveals her unique attitude to wards ornamentation. She uses gems, a typical decoration, to show how the reader feels toward the materials we use for decotation. Yet she has a positive view of the subject. For example, the Gem Warriors fashion reveals clothing lined with flower patterns and special costumes worn during hibernation. Ichikawa obviously enjoys drawing these scenes. Her pages overflow with fun.
'I appreciate sophisticated adornment, Bizarre, extravagant adornment is also atractive. I'm rather interested in the reason behind such decoration. People must have reasons to (or not to) decorate For example, some people decorate them selves to feel confident or be popular, while others don't because they have different priorities.
It's interesting to see what people place importance on.
As for the Gem Warrior outfits, materials are scarce in their world so I try to make the most of simplicity. I also wanted to show how the Gems take pleasure from fashion.
People will decorate. Some for personal reasons, and some out of a desire to get close to something greater than themselves. It is a very human behaviour we should love and be proud of.
I like decorations, I like jewellery. Even more so I like people who decorate themselves and our nature that drives us to. I'm sure many readers understand this sentiment.
However, like all human practices, the act and desire to decorate hides our vulnerabilities.'
Haruko Ichikawa points this out through characters that are living decorations themselves. She does not view this negatively. For in her world, everything is beautiful, even our weaknesses.
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Before & After Moody Blues of Amy’s elegant San Francisco Victorian. The first time Amy saw it, the house was painted beige, for want of a better word, with taupe-ish trim and a green entry stairway.
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Amy knew from the beginning that she wanted to paint the house dark—and blue is one of her favorite colors. But which blue was the right blue? The five blue paint colors that Amy considered for the façade.
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The problem with paint swatches? They all look alike.
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Amy bought samples of each of the five blue paints so she could paint large swaths of color directly on the façade of the house.
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Differences in depth, tone, and saturation revealed themselves in the sunlight.
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And the winner is … Polo Blue. Here it is, a dark blue façade, accented by glossy black trim, lends the house an elegant air.
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To emphasize the rich tones of the paint palette, Amy added warm gold and brass accents.
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A vintage brass ceiling light fixture mounted above the entrance to the garage is a reconfigured porthole from Big Ship Salvage.
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A copper downspout will develop an aged patina over time.
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Amy’s house can appear to be nearly black, navy blue, or a deep jewel tone depending on the time of day and the ratio of sunlight to fog. “I wanted to do as little as possible, to preserve the original architectural details,” says Amy.
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S E 7 E N : L U C I F E R
P A R T T H R 3 E
Warnings: One image of a demon in this one, nothing related to smut or anything like the last chapter, just forewarning in case you dont like to look at scary stuff, it's CG developed image that fit the scene i placed it in (AGAIN, NO DEMON RELATED SMUT LIKE LAST TIME) however, you are going to have Heelel with antlers, just saying. if that bothers you, just skip over it. (He is the devil after all) there is smut, not too descriptive but it's in there. There are some dark altered pics of Heelel when he's mad (not like his scary smiling pic of sadistic love) literally just images i adjusted the brightness and contrast to display what I imagined he would look like when angry. Abuse of power, abuse of authority, imbalance of power in a relationship, obsession, possessiveness, aggressive and unhealthy obsession, treating a person like they're a doll or putting them on display (literally), ....curse words...mention of people burning, mentions of children dying (from bad guys). I think that's it. and this is NOT AT ALL PROOFREAD. sorry, not the tiniest bit, as i'm still trying to recover from jetlag and it's been a busy couple of days from the family event. so ignore the mistakes.
Images i found on googled and altered. One image is from account ljungwon. Please support their work.
“Will he receive us?” The master elder asks as he faces Jake.
Looking up at towards the peak view of the mountainous throne from the base, with crossed arms, he sighs out as he issues his response.
“Not sure….he hasn’t really detached himself from up there ever since he took out Jol…and brought her back with him.”
“You mean…..the Mortal Daughter? She’s here?” The elder gasped out.
“I knew that she what the purpose of her existence was…yet I wasn’t at all prepared to find out that he finally got her….after all this time…he never lost interest…he waited.”
The elder remarks his mental note as he once again, shifts his gaze and looks at the younger brother, Leviathan.
“Will you take us to him? We wish to see him.”
Shrugging as he scratches the back of his head, Jake steps aside and extends his arm, gesturing towards the three muses.
“You can go on right ahead. I’ll let him know that you’re making your way up.”
Flaring his dark gray-shadowed wings, the former archangel takes flight and heads to the peak of the tall mountain, leaving the three muses of Heaven to face the stairway extending miles long.
“We best be on our way. Should we stop for breaks, ensure that we keep a look out for the demons that may roam.” The elder bids as he leads the two younger muses along.
The stairway roughly extended passed three miles ahead before they would reach the tip, where Heeseung’s throne was stationed, overlooking the vast fields of the red poppies he planted so long ago….all for you.
A flashback from the time of your arrival in Hell, his voice and the image of his face was permanently ingrained in your mind as you set your gaze upon the red poppy floral ground that surrounded you…you couldn’t escape from them.
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“Do you like them?”  You recalled as he spoke out chuckling, all with a lip bitten grin.
“ I planted grew them hoping that they would match the color of your lips, but they don’t even come close…as red as they are…..your red lips is the prettiest….you’re just so beyond remarkable….arent you?”
With a dark giggle, you nearly blacked out upon the last bit of his words as he cradled his fingers around your chin, staring into your eyes with a deathly and terrifying smile of joy….and love….a sinister love.
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You sat atop and slightly sank into the tufted cushion of the large platform he had created right in front of his throne.
Despite having your own throne seat next to his, he expressed that he wanted you in front of him…in front of his eyes….where he could see you…stare at you…watch you…he didn’t want to miss a single sense of movement or expression.
The velvet red pillow top sat atop an enormous golden framed platform case, resembling a lavishly large box frame, where the pillow top was extremely soft, filled with angel feathers and adorned with a myriad of satin pillows.
A dainty, single, and delicate ankle chain was connected to the base of his chair. It had enough slack for you to move around freely, in great length, yet should the moment occur that you take flight or walk past the first three steps of the stairway, the slack ended, restricting you from leaving the tight perimeter of his reigning foyer.
Surrounding the platform, were four large golden pillars that extended high on each corner, hovering a sheer translucent red fabric to canvas over your frame as you remained atop the cushion.
Since your body was still developing to it’s immortal form, your strength hadn’t fully regained itself from the performance he displayed in turning you.
“It will take some time.”
His words echoed throughout your brain as he gently stroke your cheek.
Regardless of you changing, going from a mortality state to an immortal one, he had side tables on each corner of the platform, with platters of all the fruits you could imagine. There were also a wide display of nuts, cheeses, jams, and even assorted chocolate candies with pitchers of various wines.
Even noting that after you were fully changed, he expressed how much he knew you would miss the joys of tasting food, so he made a promise to have everything at your displeasure, and when the time is right, when you are trustworthy to not stray, he would take you on regular visits to the world you were born in.
But not now…not for a long time. He sensed that you were not yet fully acclimated to the adjustment, and that you missed home…you missed your family….you missed the setting of the place you initially belonged to.
From the platform, you sat kneeling and chained. Your body lacked any cover as he kept you naked with only subtle body jewelry and chains to adorn your figure.
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“I want to see you….all of you.”
“Stop covering up, don’t be shy. Leave yourself open…..I love looking at you.”
“Look at me…..pretty……smile for me…..”
“Cry as much as you like, you’re still beautiful as ever.”
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He’d have you adorn anywhere from pure gold beads with white diamonds, or black pearl strings, delicately decorating your waist, ankles, wrists, neck, and over your breasts, which he had pierced, delighting the look of the jeweled pieces that adorned each nipple.
Surprisingly, perhaps it was due to your body changing, you didn’t feel a thing when he had Sunoo come over to do the deed of puncturing a hole through each nip.
“This shouldn’t hurt…but if you feel anything, let me know.”
Sunoo gently remarks as he takes hold of you and with a golden needle, one of ancient age, he pierces through, while feeding through the selected jewels that Heeseung picked out.
The Prince of Lust was quite crafty and quick, but it shouldn’t surprise you since that was right up his alley. In fact, just before you received your piercings, Sunoo had showed you his own.
“See? Aren’t they nice?”
Removing his shirt, he shows off the dainty piercings that lay on his chest, and it was subtle, but there were also….
“I got these while I was visiting Earth, it fascinated me. They speak of lust and desire, that’s also the same time I learned about the alterations of the body such as puncturing skin and adorning jewelry. It’s very enticing…isnt’ it?” he remarked as he took notice of you viewing the faint bit of tattoos that designed his pectoral muscles.
“Now, hold still, we’re going to make this quick and you’ll be right back with Heeseung.” He softly smiles as he cups your cheek.
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Viewing the world from afar, it looked so large and graceful as it floats in the middle of the pitch black sky, all decorated by the galaxies and stars that gave it a subtle bit of illumination, yet the biggest source of light, was the massive moon over the horizon that appeared to be rising, yet was stationed in mid levitation as it gazes over the wide field of the red flowers.
It was massive, it looked as if you could walk right up to it. It shone brightly and paved the entire region with it’s light. You couldn’t deny it, the region of Hell that Heeseung had formatted, all for your arrival, was breathtaking.
It was hard though, and extremely mundane to not be able to tell how much time has passed. With the sun farther off on the opposite side of the earth, you couldn’t tell if each day had gone by, not until you noticed as the earth took movement and shifted around, the continents were the key in telling you that a full day had passed.
You constantly watched it, displaying a look of yearning as you wondered how everyone back at home were doing. Especially since the former archangel, Jol, being defeated and brutally slain by Heeseung, the world was now back to normal, no longer living in the dark ages of authoritative abuse and corruption. It was back to a time that you had longed for, yet you’re not able to enjoy even though you are the reason for it’s return.
Sitting across the platform, in close distance, he sat still and wouldn’t move….he couldn’t take his eyes off you.
He adorned a full black, princely attire with knee high boots and form fitting trousers, along with a satin black shirt with a kneel length coat. His legs crossed, elbow propped on the arm to extend the reach of his hand to his chin, which he stroked delicately as he admires the nude form of your body, the soft skin that glowed against the moonlight in the background, and the dainty pieces of jewelry, along with your wings…
“Leave your wings out, pretty. I fucking love your wings.”
Your wings on full display, he admired the white base of the coloration, protruding a silver Nacre hue that was exactly like the Mother of Pearl.
“So pretty…..”
On the left wing, a small group lying beneath the undercarriage of the structure, partially hidden underneath the white Nacre coloration, was the pungent black group of feathers that represented the darkened ingredients to your soul.
Though he was born with dark shadowed gray wings, the same as all angels in Heaven, his had slowly turned black, eluding a dark purple and red hue as he resided in his own kingdom of Hell, the moment he expelled himself from Heaven’s gates. How lovely of a feature was it, to see his darkness reflected in the lightness of your soul….of his soul.
“Heeseung!” Jakes voice comes from above as he swoops in and lands effortlessly to the side of Heeseung’s throne.
Without taking his gaze off you, Heeseung doesn’t move an inch, he merely issues a “Mmhmm..” towards his younger brother.
“The muses are on their way up.” Jake alerts.
Not at all responding, he takes notice of how Heeseung remains staring at you, with a slight smirk on his face.
Chuckling to himself, Jake shakes his head with a smile on his face.
“Do you want me to tell them to leave?” he asks.
Maintaining his gaze on the love of his life, Heeseung softly shakes his head and raises a brow as he watches you swoop your hair over your shoulder, keeping it at bay from having it draping all over your body as you continued to admire the Earth from where you knelt.
Jake chuckles once more. Stepping aside, he looks at you with a tilted head and a soft smile.
“Hi y/n. Feeling better?” he asks.
You merely look at him with a seldom expression and gave just a slight, gentle nod.
“That’s good. Get lots of rest, it’s going to be a while before your body full adjusts. Keep big brother happy, okay?” he chuckles teasingly.
Turning his head back to Heeseung, he speaks out before departing.
“Send for me if you change your mind about the muses.” With his last note, he propels himself off the peak and into the air as he takes flight.
You hardly got to see them, as they relished in their own regions, yet when you did, you at least appreciated and felt comforted by Heeseung’s siblings as they all issued a warm greeting and asked if you had needed anything. Though, regardless of your history with them before you were brought to Hell, they never dared take things any further than that, because now, you belong to Heeseung…..Heeseung only.
Watching Jake’s form disappearing as he flies off, you shift your gaze back to the rotating Earth. Heeseung continued to stare at you, as you both remained silent. It wasn’t anything new.
You couldn’t be sure exactly how long it had been since you arrived in Hell, yet you assumed it had been roughly about three weeks, and each day that passed, it was always the same. You were propped as if you were high valued art, and he sat on his throne, continuously appreciating you as he stared.
The muses arrived sometime after Jake issued his note of their arrival. Staring at you, the elder of the three muses gasped as he placed a hand over his chest at the sight of you.
The other two muses, the younger ones, followed suit as they looked at you with a wide eyed stare, as if you were some kind of miracle.
But that was because…you were….you were his miracle….
“…Heeseung…is she?....”
Heeseung doesn’t budge, he merely stays in his seat and continues to stare at you. A faint smile of satisfaction permanently stationed on his face the longer he looked at you.
“He sent us here….he wanted to express the meaning of his love for you….and for what you did….to save humanity.” The elder notes as Heeseung still remained unresponsive and maintained his gaze on you.
“The arch angel Jol, upon realizing that his only chance to erase humanity was to use the aid of humans, he made a deal, after narrowing down the weakest and most corrupt of souls.”
The elder muse studies Heeseung for a moment, looks back at you, and then shifts his gaze back at the Devil before him. Taking note of how the Prince of Darkness was entirely too enamored by you, the elder saw no point in furthering the conversation.
Turning back and dismissing himself as well as the younger two muses, he pauses his steps as he looks at you for the last time, knowing that his meeting with you would not happen for a second time.
Looking up to return the gaze, you looked slightly confused as you wondered why the elder man was just looking at you. It wasn’t until he spoke out softly, with the utmost pity you had ever received.
“My heart be still…..for I nor any muse, angel, or demon will ever witness something so miraculous….the flesh and blood of God. Be brave and strong….it is not your fault…nor was it his…..you are destined to teach and tame…..so please….do your best….o’ mortal child of my master.”
Your face trails behind them as they took their leave. Tilting your head as you watched them walk down the stairs, you were processing the man’s words, not even hearing Heeseung scoffing a smirk as he removes his hand from his chin, gets up from his throne, and walks over to you as you remained focus on the three muses, your head turned away in the opposite direction from where he stood aside from you.
Grabbing onto your wing, he gently pulls you to face him, delicately pushing you down on your back as he began to cover your entire body with ravishing kisses. He took aim at your womanhood like a spotlight and displayed sensual love as his tongue made love to your clit, punctured through your slit, and massaged the inside of your walls.
He fondled with your breasts, dragged his tongue from left to right and in circles over the regions of your stomach, your chest, and your thighs.
He displayed such brute strength, always taking you in various positions, to include suspending you in the air and supporting your entire weight as he cradled you with his arms. His hands remained firmly latched on your derriere as he gripped on each cheek and bounced you vigorously on his length. Succumbing to the highest essence of pleasure, your hands grips his shoulders, or his chest, yet you felt the need to grab on to something else…something that you could wrap your fingers around as you found yourself curling them from the intense pleasure. That and your toes.
Noting the gasping state of your orgasms, yet always wanting to keep going, he issued you ‘some’ relief as he would extend his antlers from his head, while still remaining in his mortal form.
“You can grab on to them….pretty.” he told you as he kept fucking you.
Reaching up as his hands tightened their grip around your waist, you found some of the pressure taken away from the intense pain and pleasure of his member thrusting inside you, rendering you to cum multiple times. Coiling your fingers around the magnificent display of the rack that sat atop his thatch of black hair, holding on for dear life, he’d find the basis of a new momentum as you latch on, furthering stabling yourself to him. Taking advantage, he’d increase the pace, the ferocity, and the rhythm as he would thrust harder, deeper, and faster.
He appeared as a hybrid of some sort, with his antlers out yet looking like the dashing mortal man that he appeared to be. His eyes lacked all luster as they became matte black.
As the muses finally reached the base of the mountain, your screams filled the air, coating the entire regions of Hell with lusts of pain, pleasure, and euphoria in your tone.
Noting that your tone, through all the pleasurable moans that were encased with each scream, there was a cry for help within your voice as you echoed out his name and your pleas.
The elder knew, though he felt nothing but sympathy for the one that was destined to live this life…with the Devil.
In the sporadic of the time that would pass, there were also times that he would approach you, and display his physical affection in various manners, not just through intercourse, though it happened nearly all the time, as he caved into engage in the heat of passion since he couldn’t take any more of the aching that punched inside him. Could anyone blame him? The Devil? You were too glorious for him not to touch you….the fact that you were all his…that you belonged to him…made it even harder for him to restrain himself.
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“Come here….come to me.”
“Yeah? You fucking like that?”
“You feel so good….fuck I can’t tell you how happy I am that you’re mine.”
“Now repeat after me, ‘Daddy I want your seed.’ Just like that, okay pretty?”
“Scream out my name with that sweet voice of yours.”
“Open your mouth and moan for me. Just like that…..fucking say my name, pretty.”
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You’re not sure of how many times he’s already lost control and submitted you to his raging passion and love, but it had to have been in the high numbers already, despite it being only a few weeks since you’ve been here with him.
At first, you found yourself afraid and disgusted with the way he had issued you those pet names, coated your body with his lips, devoured you, pelted you, and thrusted every inch of his love in you. Yet….
It was strange and frustrating, the feeling of pleasure overrides your better judgement and you mentally caught yourself wanting more, though you tried to remain strong in avoiding speaking it out. But you felt yourself breaking, inch by inch, as you not only craved it, but you stopped putting up a fight. You started to accept it begrudgingly, though it would transition to you embracing his touch….returning his kisses…..moaning out the pleasures as he licked you down from head to toe.
He was brutal, you knew of that, you’ve seen it.
For even though his region was nothing but blissful beauty, a sight to behold, the vast regions of Hell is so large, it was entirely a different world of its own. Frightening demons roamed the lands, aimlessly wandering. You had learned through Niki, that the demons were born out of the souls of the dead, of those who committed high, atrocious crimes against humanity. Rapists, murderers, criminals of all serious types that committed the harshest of offenses towards mankind, all fall into the abyss of the River Styx, where they are forever tormented. On occasion, however, when the soul yearns for more damage, craving for the pain and screams of others, they ravage the lands seeking out one another, only to fight to their deaths.
“It helps cleanse the lands if we let them roam and kill each other off.” Niki stated.
Yet, the moment you stepped foot in Heeseung’s region, you as well as the siblings, and the Prince of Darkness himself, all learned that due to the essence that you were made of, out of God himself, you drew the attention of these ravaging demons as they yearned to tear you apart, ravaging your body and splitting you open.
The first you witnessed it, was shortly, nearly a day after you were brought ‘home’. Everything had been just as it was now, with you on the platform, adjusting to the new sights as you lay naked on the bedding, where Heeseung had a full view as he sat on his throne just as he is doing right now.
It was distant, yet it grew nearer as you heard the clamping sound of something harshly approaching up the stairway. With a loud and beastly growl, he ran with a murderous eye as it extended its hand, reaching upwards in your direction. You shook at the sight of the massive demon, who looked as if it stood eight or nine feet in height, with a large and muscular form as it rushes up with the intent in tear you to pieces.
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You froze as the thing was nine or ten steps away from making it’s way over to you, when suddenly Heeseung, in a flash, migrated from the seat of his throne and appeared before you, standing in the way of the flesh craved demon, never allowing the creature to get passed the last step of the stairway.
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His transition was so quick, it was as if he teleported, just as his brothers had done. Snapping his hand out, harshly grabbing the demon by the neck, his fingers pinch in and digs into the skin, puncturing into dark flesh.
The demon growled and roared in pain as it attempts to reach for Heeseung, yet the Devil remained untouchable. Raising his arm, Heeseung’s eyes grew murderous, dark, and sadistically twisted with a rage like you had never seen as he aimed his sights directly to the demon’s face. Without saying a word, Heeseung reaches up with his other hand, and while maintain the hold he had, he tears off each limb, before tossing aside off the mountain top that you both were perched on.
Limb by limb, the dying cries of the monster before him, you shunned your sight away from the gruesome display as your ‘husband’ took out the demon and finished him off by slowly tearing his neck from its body. The ripping of flesh and the gurgitation of the demon choking on its blood before the finishing move sent waves of panic, fear, and anxiety throughout your body.
Tossing what was left, Heeseung turns to find you in a kneeling state, slight hunched as you cradled your breasts, trying to cover as much of your nudity as you possibly could.
You may have been fearful and going through some sort of psychological trauma at that very moment, but to him, you were mesmerizing. The way your hair draped over your shoulder, with the few slick pieces that remained on your cheek, your soft skin, your womanly frame, your wings, and the dainty jewelry pieces that complimented your complexion. All of it. Everything was putting him in a trance.
With his sinister glare all but disappeared, it remained faintly as he smirks at the sight of you. Walking up to the platform that you were perched on, he grabs a small brunch of grapes from one of the platters on the side tables from the nearby bed corner, swinging around the pillar and plopping himself on the bed, he lies on his back right next to your kneeling frame. With one hand resting behind his head, his ankles crossed, he was in a relaxed state as he starts to bite off from the cluster he had in his hand, munching on the dark purple grapes.
Extending his hand with the cluster of the sparkling purple fruit, he presents it next to your face, to which you shook your head and faced away.
But that didn’t sit well with him. You needed to eat, your body hasn’t fully transitioned, not to mention he prefers that you be obedient, since everything he outlined and had you do was all for your own sake and health.
He doesn’t say anything, instead, he shifts to lay on his side, reaching over with this other hand, he gently places it on the back of your head, and pulls you in towards his face where he had the clustered fruit next to his lips.
The moment he brought your face inches away, all he stated was, “eat.”
Opening your mouth, he brings the grapes closer, the moment your lips touched one, you bite it off ever so gently and chew on it. He smirks before moving his hand away from your head and leans back down in his relaxed position, munching on the fruit as he watches you.
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Days and weeks have gone by. The routines of Heeseung watching you, admiring you, and taking you was like clockwork, it happened every single waking second, which was nearly all the time for him since he didn’t require sleep. Since you were still adjusting, you found yourself dozing off here and there, yet initially the feeling of tiredness was a lot stronger. As time went on, you found yourself not feeling the need to sleep, hunger was beginning to be a thing of the past as you were starting to rarely find yourself hungry, at this point, eating food just became a thing to do all for the sake of taste, not so much for sustenance.
There were other things, such as your vision. You developed a magnified sense as you would gaze at the stars, with the speckles appearing as sprinkles against the matte black canvas of the sky, you surprised yourself the moment you were able to zoom in and gaze on the fine details of every star and planet in the sky.
Unless prescribed by him, you hardly felt any pain. You couldn’t confirm…not yet at least, but you felt your strength coming back, yet it felt as if you had the strength that of an entire army as you tested the waters and grabbed the nearby fruit bowl made of pure gold. It was large, and heavy as you remembered, yet you now can balance the bowl in full just with the tip of your pinky.
Your senses have become more acute and enhanced, you started to gain the powers of telekinesis. Everything about you was changing…
To include your feelings and emotions about being in Hell and being with him….
At first you were scared, you had regretted your decision, though you were convinced that you never had one to begin with, you were doomed for Hell. You found out, that it was what you were created and destined for.
Yet as time went by, despite his cruel and terrifying, sadistic nature, with you, he was always soft and gentle. Other than the manner of how he expressed his performance sexually, when he wasn’t engaged in intercourse, he was delicate in handling you.
Throughout the days, as he watches you from his relaxed seated position, he would get up and walk over, just to brush his fingertips along your arms, your hair, or against your cheek, normally startling you while you gazed at the Earth.
He would come up and sit you on his lap, gaze at the world of humans with you, interlocking your fingers together where he would tell you of the ancient worlds, and how humanity developed from the history of culture, mythology, religion, and evolution. You never would have realized how wrong historians and experts were as he corrected the details of timelines, events, and the truths of how humans gained independence and a means for survival.
He would raise your hand along with his own, cupping yours, he’d physically show you all the hidden celestial spheres of each planetary moon as he moved your hand to point in the correct direction of each notable star and planet.
He made stars, created new ones and formed them into new constellations, which he dedicated to you. One was of your favorite flower, another was of your favorite animal, while the other were the initials of your name.
He’d stroke his fingertips and graze them over your nude body as you slept, not yet fully transitioned. He would whisper the sweetest words in your ears as he cuddled you against his frame. He never left your side, never leaving you alone. Wherever he would go, you were taken with him.
Noticing that you were starting to feel a bit bored as you gained immortality, and that time had no meaning, you found yourself constantly laying on your stomach, with your knees bent as you swung your feet high and gazed at the earth in a mundane state. He had both Sunghoon and Jake watch over you as he disappeared for just a moment, returning with a pair of fortune spheres from the ancient world. Plopping them gently in front of you, he smiled each time he watched you play with them as he sat on his throne.
Eventually, as more time had passed, you felt more comfortable around him. You knew of the lines and boundaries that you could not cross, and never thought about doing so, all the ensure that you didn’t bring out the anger or dark side of his endearing nature that he displayed towards you. He would never do anything that would threaten your life, but you just knew that the punishment he would have in store for you in the case you broke any of the rules he set forth, would have been just as harsh.
But despite all that, he would still love you….he loves you to the ends of every planet, star, and galactic cluster in the sky.
So why not let him keep loving you? Why not accept him? Why not serve him, since he’s willing to serve you?
You felt entirely comfortable being in the nude in front of him, it didn’t bug you any longer, yet the moment you asked for something as you didn’t like it when others would see you on display bare naked, he not only honored your request, but he also got you the finest silk, jewels, and thread you could imagine. He had lascivious dresses made, yet no matter how much skin showed, the format of each attire was beautiful. He expressed how much you resembled the Greek goddesses, so he made you look the part by fashioning you with wreaths of gold, risqué togas, and dangling jewels. He even gathered jeweled chains that he had adorned your wings with.
“There…pretty….you’re so perfect….you could never know just how much I adore you.”
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“Here they are.” Niki and the other brothers all brought forth the faces of those you thought you’d never see again.
Chained up and dragged like cattle, was the prior Senator, Forras, and his wide group of cult posse, some of which you had crossed paths before with each brother as they regulated the streets for the established curfew.
“Fucking kneel down.” Jungwon issued harshly as he lightly kicked the Senator and his group all into a kneeled state.
There they were….kneeling in a row before you as you sat atop your glorious platformed bedding. Your wings shined against the moonlight, and your jewels glistened like dew drops in the morning sun.
Standing from his throne, Heeseung walks over and sits next to you on the bedding, his feet lifted from the ground as the platformed stood at least four feet off the ground. Shifting over with his arms crossed, he leans in towards you as he grabs hold of your neck, gently, and pulls you in.
He lays you in a cradling manner in his arm, similar to that of a mother and a newborn. Licking the pad of his thumb, he reaches over and brushes it against your lips, coating it with his saliva to make the cherry stain color shine.
Rocking you as he cradled you in his arm, he takes his free hand and interlocks his fingers with your own.
“Tell me…..pretty….what do you want me to do with them? Hmm? I’ll end them in any way you want, just tell me. I can rip their heads off? Or I can torture them slowly until they beg for death. Just tell me. What do you wanna see?”
You look him in the eyes as he continues to rock your frame gently, moving the pieces of your hair from your face as he tucks them behind each ear.
Shifting your gaze momentarily towards the row of offenders who not only attempted to do harm to you, but had indeed taken the lives of others….women, children, and men who were all serving a purpose in life as mothers, fathers, daughters, and sons.
You’ll never forget, before you found out the truth on how the corrupt figures kneeling before you had coordinated and gained influence by making a deal with the archangel Jol, not even knowing that he had his own hidden agenda, by erasing mankind clean off the earth.
The image of the children that were torched alive, ripped open, cut into dozens of pieces as their time of execution arrived….the screams of each one, varied in age, yet desired the nurture and comfort of their mothers as they died brutally from the angels that were sent forth.
“…..this man….and his people…..they did that…they are responsible.”
For a moment, as you mentally remarked your voice in your head, a sprout of anger grew within you. You’ll never forget those screams…the bloodshed and the pain they had to endure….even though the angels were the ones committing the deed, it was this man who allowed corrupt heart to cause it all to happen. Not only that, but he had no sympathy in his eyes…just fear of losing his life. All of them did. There was not a single ounce of repentance for the lives lost, they were responsible for.
“What do you want me to do?” Heeseung whispers, taking notice of the inflamed spark in your eye as you glared over to the grown men and women that looked back at you, some were with pleading looks for you to spare them, others were with discontent as they burned with a hatred for you, like the one that Michael Forras was giving you right now.
“…..I’m not sure….I just….what I do know is that….” You stuttered out softly.
“What is it pretty? Do you want them to burn? I can do that….you them to burn?” He asks you, placing your hand over his heart as he cups it with his own.
Looking back up at him, you slightly nod as you issued your words.
“For the others…I don’t have a preference….but him….” You glared over to Forras, who returns it right back. “He……needs to get it the worst out of all of them…..whatever you can think of….just make him pay…..” you shift your eyes on the ground as you erase the image of the children that died, all the while Micahel Forras would sit atop his lavish building, located at the top floor, partaking in his fine dining and adorning himself with such expensive clothing.
Snarling a wide grin, Heeseung chuckles out aloud as he grabs your chin, and kisses you with such harsh passion.
“Oh my fucking girl! I’d do anything for you…you know that?”
Standing up from the bedding, he issues the command to his brothers for them to take the cult members and do away with them, to which they found their pleasures in doing so.
Leaving Forras behind, Heeseung walks up and using his own telekinetic powers, he levitates Forras’s body over towards his intolerable grip.
Grabbing the man by his hair, he drags him effortlessly over towards you.
“Stick out your feet, pretty.”
Throwing the man at your feet as you leave them dangling off the edge of the platform, Heeseung sits next to you once more. Shifting a thigh with a bent knee to lay flat on the bedding, he leaves one leg hanging off as he sits with crossed arms.
Glaring down at the man, he speaks firmly as he admires his fingertips, before taking your hand in his and admiring yours.
“Kiss her feet….it will be the last thing you’re going to taste before I kill you.”
Forras’s body shook from immense fear, all from the look in Heeseung’s eye. Doing as he bids, Forras begins to kiss each foot.
While admiring your fingertips, Heeseung speaks without even so much as glancing over to the grown man.
“….Now tell me….is it true?....from what I heard….you tried to force your filthy body on to my wife…..is that right?” Heeseung issues, all the while taking note of some fuzz underneat the very tip of your fingernail. Examining it closely, he reaches over and digs it out.
“I also heard that….when she fought you off….you had that piece of shit, Jol, assign those useless things to kill her off….riiiiiight?” Heeseung continued. You felt Forras gasping into sobs as he continued to kiss your feet.
“So?...” Heeseung re-crosses his arms, raising a brow as he glares down at the pitiful man. “Apologize.”
Forras looks up with wide eyes and a slightly confused look.
“I didn’t say stop either….kiss her feet and apologize to my fucking queen.”
Forras continues as Heeseung commanded, all the while he apologizes relentlessy, completely ridden with fear and panic.
“good….” Heeseung states calmly as he gets off the platform, and picks Forras back up by the hair once more.
“Now…..for all the things you did to her….and for pissing her off….BURN for it.”  With his grasp held tightly on Forras’s grape, the man’s body slowly engulfed in flames as Heeseung continued to hold him in mid air, not at all bothered by the flames that coated his arm and hand, having absolutely no effect on him.
Despite feeling that he deserved it, you still couldn’t find it in your heart to watch as you shunned your face away and winced your eyes shut, covering your hears to filter out the screams.
Turning back around, Heeseung looks over at you with the most sadistically loving smile, it was so dark and twisted, it would have been more than enough to make a serial killer’s skin crawl off their own body.
Walking over to you, looping his hands underneath your kneecaps as they remained hanging off the platform, he spreads them open as he situates himself in between your thighs. Grabbing hold of your neck, he lowers his body as he lays you down, hovering over you.
Placing his lips on your forehead, he takes a deep inhale before he pulls slightly back and gazes into your eyes. Taking your hand in his own, he places it on the back of his head, and curls your fingers inward, gesturing for you to grab onto his hair.
“Its okay if you want to pull…its not going to hurt me…..with what I’m about to do to you, you’re going to need some leverage…..” he smirks as his eyes grew wide upon staring deep into your peepers.
Sighing out a long and deep exhale through an open mouth, he speaks out once more.
“Oh…..my wife…..tell me....what is the name I blessed you with? I want to hear you say it.....tell me.....recite it, just like I showed you......"
The name....the name and title that he gave to you......
“You watch as the birds soar through the open skies. 
Only to fall in mid-flight, should they look into my my eyes. 
Observe the koi, as they grace the water with their beauty, and their color.
Watch them drown to the depths below, when they witness the glory of my wonder. 
Take pity on the moon, as it peers in the night with its glow, luster, and essence.
For it hides in shame once it notes my enchanting presence. 
At long last after its winter slumber, the flower takes full bloom, gleaming in pride.
Shutting away, noting thy face and heart, it propels to hide. 
Gaze upon my wings of black and white, 
Reflecting the darkness in my eyes, yet my heart remains light. 
I am as soft as the feather of an angels wing, yet sharp as the demon’s horn. 
I am the cause and reason, that our two worlds are left un-torn.
You stand happy and free, saved from the Devils wrath, hold those tears of relief from your cries. 
For it was I, who was left without a choice, devoured by his love, I paid the ultimate sacrifice. 
For the moment he knew I would eventually wake, 
My body and soul, was claimed and all for him to take. 
I am his love, his reason, and his obsession, 
All of which saved you, from the angels possession. 
Call me what the scriptures entail, as Lucina, the Queen of Hell, or Y/N, the mortal bride of the first archangel. 
No matter the title, I will forever be wrapped by the chains of his love, for which I am entangled. 
His gaze allows my soul to remain pure, but his touch devours my beauty, and leaves me tainted. 
He corrupts me with his kisses, a poison that I am eternally to receive as fated. 
I am both, the pitch darkness and the fair light of bliss. 
Beg of me, Helena, Wife of Helel, the Two-Toned Winged Goddess, will make you immortal with a kiss.”
Authors note: On to the next chapter! A F T E R M A T H It's in the works, stay tuned!
Taglist: @deobitifull; @solstramaii; @vampiregirl215; @nshmrarki; @enhypen14; @iamliacamila; @lisaaannna; @nikstrange; @jaehaki; @luv-enhy-skz33; @silcry @honeysjae; @crackedcameraa; @stinkmonkey ; @baekxo07 @raishaii @@yangjungwon33 @lhspeachie ; @differentchildwombat ; @prettykia ; @kimsseonu ; @stvrryhee ; @en-thralled ; @hoonzdzbl ; @yuppppp ; @jinniespuppy ; @browsehnnie @prettykia @lprww @they2luv1naia @ellixqz
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avidbeader · 4 months
I will want a full rewatch soon, because my husband will most likely enjoy the series as much as I do, but at the moment I think my favorite episodes are:
The Case of the Devlin House - it's a nicely set up mystery that requires Edwin and Crystal to work together to save Charles. It kicks off Charles' character development as we start to learn more about his own dad in his reaction to Devlin. The Case of the Two Dead Dragons - I think this one may be the smartest of all the episodes. There's how the mystery unfolds. There's the argument between Charles and Crystal as we learn that yes, our dead jocks were stereotypical jocks despite Charles wanting them to be good guys. There's the parallel of Jenny and Maxine, with Maxine written to show that abusive behavior can come from any side despite Niko wanting it to be the start of true love. This episode conveys so much about relationships and how they can be destructive as well as fulfilling.
The Case of the Very Long Stairway - the rescue to end all rescues as Charles literally follows Edwin into hell to get him back. The confession as Edwin tells Charles the feelings he's realized he has and Charles saying exactly what Edwin needed to hear while remaining completely honest about where he is emotionally. I wholly recommend this series for anyone who likes the Gaiman-verse, clever writing, stellar acting, spooky vibes, and fun characters.
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redfridge · 1 year
OK losing my mind a bit of the new teaser but I have some THEORIES
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These two frames from the teaser appear to be in the same scene as you can tell from the lighting.
And if you look in the background, you can see that there appears to be lots of Christmas decorations about, such as the decorations on the stairway and the little music notes on Charlie’s cusps.
SO what IF
This is the scene where little Charlie learns of the yearly exterminations???
If it’s near Christmas, that would mean that it was rapidly approaching the time of the extermination.
So maybe lucifer is doing a dramatic explanation with fire to explain to her why they have to do this, which leads to her developing her plans of redeeming the sinners?
Sorry if this doesn’t make sense I’m just insane at the moment
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rosieofcorona · 7 months
Angels, darlings, besties, I present to you the most evil thing I’ve ever written. The first chapter of a little gothic story about our favorite vampire ascendant and his beloved consort. Named, of course, after the bird that is born and bred to be eaten whole. Horror ensues. Also on AO3, if you prefer. Thank you for reading!
All her life Tav had lived in the palm of the palace’s shadow, its black spire-fingers stretching and reaching into the corners of the city when the sun dipped low. She had never known then how it held her, that distant, haunted thing, had never thought its eyes might watch her when she wasn’t watching back.
She watches everything now.
From its high balconies, she can see all of the Gate spread out below. The streets, the shops, the city center, the painted roofs and cobbled roadways— all in miniature from here, like little playthings from her childhood. The people move like dolls beneath her, in and out of the castle’s black hand, and on the days time seems to dilate in a widening, infinite loop, she thinks she sees herself among them, walking freely in the sun. 
She could make the lower city in an hour, if she hurried. 
It’s not so far, she thinks. Just far removed.  
Half a league and a lifetime away.
Where Tav feels out of place in their new home, Astarion thrives. 
He stalks the halls with newfound confidence, cold command in every step, making note of things he’ll have their servants change. He seems to know the place inherently, every floorboard, every stone, while Tav gets lost with alarming frequency by comparison. 
She only explores at Astarion’s urging– Until it feels like home, my darling – but the halls are narrow and labyrinthine, stairways twisting into darkness, secret passages that lead nowhere or loop back to where she started. When learning the layout seems impossible and makes her feel like a rat in a maze, Astarion reminds her that all the prior spawn, including himself, had done it. 
Even an animal, she wants to say, can learn its way around a trap.
It’s not all awful, she supposes. She loves the libraries and the moon garden, with its fragrant phlox and foxgloves, and the oratory, too, when she gets brave enough to enter (Astarion promises more than once that she will not burst into flames). 
In fact most of the rooms, when she discovers them, are beautiful, pristine save for a gauzy shroud of dust left over centuries. Others have fallen to neglect, or to irrelevance. There is no need now for the garderobe, the vanity, the ice house, for the dovecote where no living birds remain. 
She finds the kitchen and the larder and the buttery standing useless– though the rats, if they could speak, might disagree. They’re busy gnawing at the stock of moldy scraps still in the pantry, hardly minding her approach until she’s on them. 
Her eyes track them as they scatter, like a hunter, like a predator. An instinct she’s developed since her death.
She is stronger, swifter, sharper– as Astarion had promised– but there is violence softly shimmering beneath. She wants to tear at something, always, wants to follow something home. She wants to bite down hard enough to make her jaw ache.
She never tells him out of fear he will encourage it. 
Tav dreads the day she knows is coming, the day he’ll send her out to hunt. He loves her bloodlust when he feeds her– Such an eager little thing– and keeps her hungry to incentivize her finding her own victims. 
But a rat is not a victim, says her instinct. 
She follows one into the back half of the kitchen past the storerooms, to a passage she has never seen before. The rodent slips beneath a door that hangs half-rotten on its hinges, as if no one has been through it in a century. It is unlikely, it occurs to her, that even Astarion knows it exists.
The door creaks open with her touch, the air beyond it thick with odor– wine and earth and slow decay, with something coppery beneath. She pricks her ears toward the sound of little claws upon the stonework, of a heartbeat in the dark that’s not her own. 
The rat has vanished out of sight, but it’s no matter. She can trace it by its movements, by its scent. As she creeps farther down the passage, the metallic scent gets clearer– copper, yes, but also parchment, like the binding of a book. Hints of mushroom, hints of honey, hints of soil, mold, and… rat blood .
The realization feeds her drive and her disgust in equal measure. Turn around , she tells herself. Let the poor thing go . 
But she moves on as if compelled, down one long staircase then another, winding deep beneath the palace where it’s damp and dark and cold. At the bottom she stops to listen, stops to take a deep breath in. 
There is a foulness deep below– the unmistakable scent of death– and still, the rat blood, like a top note, rises over the decay.
She hurries blindly into the blackness, her feet following her nose until she loses track of how many times she pivots and pivots back. They move underground until the air gets moist, the stone floor slick beneath them. Her own feet stick each time she pulls them up, as if walking through mud, or through gore. 
We must be deep beneath the earth, she thinks, for it to be so wet. 
The creature ahead of her stops suddenly, its breath heavy and exhausted, running one way then another, side to side. Dead-ended by a wall, no doubt. It finds no way ahead.
She can make out the trembling shape of it, her eyes black with lack of light, and then another shape between them, and another, and another. They look like piles of festered meat left in a storeroom, long-forgotten, and for a moment she believes that’s where she is.
Tav takes a step around a pile and something crunches beneath her heel. A bone, or shard of bone, she notes, the flesh long-rotted off the marrow. Another step, another crunch, a skittering sound like a stone being kicked. 
She kneels to touch the little object, to bring it closer to her face. Another shard, it seems, an animal tooth, the one end needle-sharp and hollow…
The realization swells and hits her like a wave. 
Her single-mindedness is banished as she looks around the room, no, not a room, a crypt– the crypt!– where Cazador locked all of his spawn before the ritual. Whatever is left of them coats the floor, their blood, their hair, their shattered teeth, and Tav can smell it now, their stench, beneath the rat that she’s all but forgotten. 
Her own voice screams above the instinct. I should not be here.  
She turns and runs in the direction she came from, at least, the direction she thinks she came from– and should she turn left here, or right? There should be stairs, where are the stairs, where are the stairs? 
She runs until she can run no more, until she corners herself in a corridor, caught between the way she came and a bolted door. She tries to stop herself from shaking, not from cold or damp, but terror, the idea she might be left in here until she is nothing but rot. 
But what she has learned from getting lost is that he will find her. 
She’s never asked him how he does it. She isn’t sure she wants to know. 
He always does, she reassures herself. I only need to wait. 
She doesn’t know how long she huddles there in the bleak and soundless gloom, doesn’t know how long she listens for his footfall. 
At last a voice slips through the darkness. A pale hand reaches for her own.
“You’ve wandered far this time, my darling. I could hardly trace your scent.”  
A horror scurries down her spine like little claws upon the floor. That’s how I tracked it when it ran, she shivers. Parchment, mushroom, honey.  
It’s how he finds her now, no matter where she runs.  ***** It is hours later when she asks him, with his blood still on her lips, how it feels to wring the life out of a creature, drop by drop. 
“You ought to know,” he answers absently, completely unperturbed. He is preoccupied, deciding on the perfect place to bite her, fingers tracing every vein beneath her skin. “You’ve killed a thousand times, my love, have you forgotten?”
“That was different. Not for blood.”
“No, gods forbid,” Astarion laughs. “Most times for gold.” 
She feels annoyance, like a spider, creeping up the back of her neck. “Do I hear judgment?” “Certainly not.” He makes a show of looking scandalized, a hand fluttering over his heart. “I’d never begrudge you a little violence, you know that.” 
As he moves further down the bed his touch trails with him, hands and mouth mapping a blue line down her body, along her breast and hip and thigh. He settles there and moves her legs apart so he can kneel between them, makes her shiver in familiar delight.
She wants to lose them in this moment, those poor creatures in the crypt, wants to put them from her mind for now and always. But with every touch she feels Astarion’s hunger, still unsated; with every kiss, she feels the sharpness of his teeth.
Like animal teeth, she thinks. Like theirs, like mine.  
“But do they suffer? When you drain them?”
Astarion sighs like rustled velvet, looking up at her from his knees.
“Such a soft heart, still,” he murmurs. “Did you suffer, my beloved?”
How easily, how often she forgets that he has killed her.
If there was suffering she can’t recall it now, no matter how she tries. The memory’s far off in the distance, formless, fogged by ambiguity. If she moved toward it, maybe she could make out certain details…
But his tongue is on her now, and she welcomes the distraction. It is unpleasant, after all, to relive dying. He drags it slowly over the soft flesh of her thigh above the artery until she hums a little sound of satisfaction. 
“Would you like to?” He asks, in that same, soft voice. His eyeteeth shine like pearls in the rising moonlight.
“Please,” she whispers. It is all the urging he needs. 
She cries out at the breaking of her skin, the rush of blood into his mouth. The feeding has always been pleasurable, even when she was alive, but it is heightened now that they are bound together. She can feel him from the inside now, coursing through his body, she can fill him and fulfill him with blood alone. “More,” she pleads, when he pulls away to look at her. Already he is bright with her blood. “Astarion, more.”
If this is suffering, she wants it– every evening, every hour– until whatever light still shines in her eyes goes out.  ***** In her dreams she finds her way back to the black mouth of the crypt, its iron gates swung wide on their hinges as if to swallow her entirely. She’s running frightened, like a rabbit , like a rat from something watching, someone whispering her name into the dark.
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bl4nk-pag3 · 1 year
— Stairway to Heaven.
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synopsis: You never thought the elevator being broken would be the last straw for your little crush to develop to something more.
pairing: gyuvin × gn!reader
warnings: gyuvin falls really hard, and I mean literally, he falls and sprain his ankle.
word count: 2.4k
a/u: this idea just came to me, I was reading a really good fanfic on AO3 (if you have it, look up for "a piece of mosaic", it's a masterpiece, but it's a gyuwook fanfic so, be aware!) And I know my gyuvin is nothing like the incredible work they did in their work, but this really made me inspired so I would like to thank the autor anyways. If you like the song recommendation, the song of the fic is Fade (English version) by Jeff Satur!
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You couldn't say at what moment that whole routine had started. If from the moment you moved into those old apartments in a part so far from the center he was already present in your daily life, or if at some point he had simply showing up in your life as if he was a person who belonged there. Anyway, it was almost natural for you to expect to see the figure in the same place as always, almost as if he was waiting for you.
It might sound strange to say it that way, but seeing a boy your age every day in an environment where you could look everywhere and just see old ladies drinking coffee or watering their plants really was something new, and one you didn't mind at all staring a little bit every day.
It was a simple schedule: You would leave the apartment right after breakfast with your parents and make your way to the elevators which took too long to work given all the wiring in the building looked to be at least fifty years old and had never been changed since its installation. In the process, you might even find some old sir to talk to, but when the doors finally opened, you could count the seconds (three, to be exact) until your eyes met the glittering ones of the tall boy who was always in the elevator before you, without any mistake and without missing a day since the first time you had seen him.
To say he was handsome was almost an understatement as the looks he shone in everyone's faces so early in the morning.
The boy was tall, in an almost exaggerated way actually. His hair was a light brown that, to your basic knowledge, couldn't be natural at all, but for some reason it seemed to complement his face, which naturally wasn't so pale, but had a healthy tan that showed on his cheeks, who always looked flushed. His size was also enviable, with his broad shoulders and always wearing a jacket that you had thought was from some basketball team, but with little knowledge, you couldn't tell for sure if it was the school team or if it was some team that he cheered, because you had never been able to see the name on his back either, always seeing him from the front in the elevator, leaning against the matte aluminum that also didn't give you any chance of seeing at least his last name.
It was almost frustrating to know all those details about your neighbor but not have any names to give him.
— You know you can just, talk to him, right? - Your friend who was sitting on the living room floor all this time didn't seem to have even a bit of empathy in her being to understand your side as she calmly filed your nail as a mere hobby until it was time for her to leave since her parents had already said that she had better go before it became dark.
If it was such an easy task to talk to him, you obviously would have done it on day one, maybe had a casual conversation just to get the basic information on your little crush. But it turns out that at the very moment you opened your lips to say something, the brown and expectant eyes of the boy from the sixth floor (as you had affectionately nicknamed him, even without knowing exactly where he lived) made you go back, feeling your throat suddenly dry without being able to say anything. And then you're back to square one where you're mentally beating yourself up and he's back to the blank stare as he waits to get downstairs.
— The thing is: I can't, i freaking can't! I thought we had already established that. — Your only instinct amid all the frustration was to pull the pillow that was next to you up to your face, burying in there all the frustration while having your friend next to you complaining that you had taken your hand away from her when she was already finishing.
— So you're going to wait for the only boy your age in these apartments to lose interest in you because you keep running away from confrontation? Very mature of you, Y/n — It was obvious that your friend was right, but when wasn't she? The point was, you knew about each of these things and you were grieving for each of them.
Maybe it was better that way. Maybe it would be better if the boy from the sixth floor just forgot what a pathetic person you were, screaming into the pillow about a person who didn't even know your name and was only minimally nice to smile at you when you met.
Lifting your gaze from the pillow to the friend fiddling with her cell phone, she was ready to talk about leaving when your eyes met, and when she saw your eyes of a puppy that had been kicked out of the moving truck, all she could do was to do was roll her eyes and raise her arms in surrender.
— I can't do anything else, I won't flirt with a guy for you. Sorry, Y/n - She was being clear in making that statement, and you sincerely understood the reason for the drastic decision, after all it wasn't the first time that you, in the midst of your far-fetched ideas, put her in the middle of the crossfire between your feelings and the people you like, but it was a little cruel to see her getting up and grabbing her bag that was already packed to leave.
— I wasn't going to ask you that... Not literally...
You got up right away, deciding to at least accompany your friend to the ground floor where she could go out on her own. The truth was, you still held out hope as you walked out the door with keys in hand that she was going to end up feeling sorry for your dog face, but obviously knowing the girl for what she was, that was basically impossible.
The best part of the arrangement of the buildings was that, due to the old architecture, the corridors were completely open for the apartments to breathe in general, and so you could see the effects of autumn slowly lingering, with colorful leaves falling everywhere and making all the gray buildings somehow seem to have more life. So even though the walk to the elevators seemed delayed by your constant complaining about your unhelpful friend, and with her counter-arguing everything you said, it was still a pretty image to distract yourself with.
— Why is everything in your life about 'timing'? - Distracted by the leaves flying and falling inside the corridors, you hadn't noticed that your friend had already stopped and was now facing the elevator that had a small sheet printed with the printer of dubious quality written in the standard font, but with bold letters.
Which wasn't a problem for you, it was only ten flights of stairs that you could casually take if you were reasonably fit, but you really cared about the older neighbors you had.
— I hope they don't take too long to fix it.
Your friend gave you a complicated look that you didn't understand, and honestly? Sometimes she was complex to understand anyway, wanting to give her opinion but thinking she had already interfered too much with your whole life, wanting to see how you could exercise your independence now that you had it. Soon the path to the last step was smooth, you said goodbye and it didn't take more than fifteen minutes for you to be on your floor again.
But this time you stopped for a few seconds, suddenly feeling a little melancholy thinking that even they fixed it, it would be difficult for you to see that boy. And even if in a way you believed it to be a positive change, it was strange to think of a routine without him now that you had him as such a present person.
- . 🍂 ˖ ˚ -
Luckily the busy week didn't let you focus too much on that anyway. Not knowing exactly how much extra time you should take out of your day to go down the stairs, it took a few days to actually find a time that perfectly coincided with what you used to take the elevator for, and even then it was rare that you had time to not even breathing as you raced down the stairs only to be too early once again.
It was a bit frustrating, so this time you had decided that you weren't going to go through with it at all.
Leaving the front door a little earlier than usual, but not enough to stress the sleepless migraine, you locked the door and followed the halls to the stairs directly, already used to the idea to even go to the elevator to check if it had miraculously started working again.
Cutting your way past it, it was even quicker to reach the stairs. And when you finally laid eyes on the big number 5 that indicated your floor, you sighed casually, lifting your face toward the next flight of stairs, like if you still had the hope that magically the boy with brown hair would appear in your vision, and even if it seemed strange you standing there in the middle of the stairs facing the space between one floor and another, it was stranger when you noticed that he really was there, and it wasn't a hallucination.
Suddenly feeling your neck start to get hot with embarrassment, you even tried to look away from the tall boy who was wearing the same red basketball jacket you saw every day, but just by looking at his face and there it was, opening that blinding smile that only he had, and this time there was no doubt that it was just for you, and not a simple matter of politeness.
You felt bewildered, with your eyes glazed only on him and not caring at all about the fact that the minutes were passing by, since you had already woken up early anyway, distracting yourself only with his presence for as long as necessary to end the longing that was growing inside your chest, even if you still didn't feel comfortable to directly name that feeling.
But apparently you weren't the only one completely out of sorts on that very peculiar encounter. It was obvious that you already expected to meet him at some point outside the elevator, by God, you lived in the same building, it was impossible for you to have such different routines to the point of not even casually bumping into each other. The biggest shock for you actually was that he seemed to have been looking forward to it just as much.
Watching him take a step forward towards you, you moved only to face him, feeling the breath hitch in your throat and everything slowly going silent, only drowned out by your heart pounding against your ears. With the autumn leaves falling all around making it more and more difficult to clean the corridors, that scene was even more beautiful in your eyes. And when you released the air that was trapped in your chest, it was as if the next scene rushed to make up for the time that the two of you had to feel all that vibration.
Stopping to remember, you would certainly understand that it had been sheer stupidity not to look down when the stairs became so dangerous full of dry leaves and the light drizzle that sometimes fell there before cleaning, but at that moment, neither you nor the boy seemed to get it as he stepped on the first step of the stairs and tumbled comically down the next thirteen.
It was an ugly fall, the kind you wouldn't want to remember later. And even though your only reaction would have been to bring both hands to your mouth in full panic, as soon as the tall boy landed on the flat floor holding his ankle and awkwardly laying with a grin on his face, you ran to him, throwing back all the shyness you had built around the relationship between the two of you to be able to come to his aid, holding his shoulder and trying to see where he had been hurt.
— Wah, I must have died... – It was the first time you'd heard the boy's voice in all those weeks of intense pining, it was thick, unmistakably beautiful too, the kind you could easily have running on a podcast for comfort. Blinking confusedly at him, you looked into his eyes for a moment, only to see the tops of his cheeks flush for a moment before he hid his face in his large hand to deflect his smile. — For an angel to be taking care of me like this.
You didn't want to, he was clearly hurt there, he had literally rolled over to you and now he could barely get up... But that idiotic attempt at flirting was enough to make you laugh until you threw your head back, not being able to understand why he was so funny, however it seemed to be enough to make him relax his shoulders and complain of pain, laughing right away at how really you two were in such a delicate situation after all that time living only for appearances.
— And the angel has a beautiful laugh. I'm Gyuvin, Kim Gyuvin, and I would ask you out, but I don't even know if I can get up right now. — From the way he tried to get up to stretch out his hand, it was very likely that he had hit a lot more than his ankle and his ass, so all you could do was shake your head with that smile still on your lips, getting up first and holding onto his hand, using all the strength you had, being to help Gyuvin to his feet, even though he still seemed to sway to the side.
— So can I take you home? I already missed my schedule anyway... Y/N, it's a pleasure, Gyuvin.
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