My name is Adit. Where I upload pics and CC of my TS2 game. I am currently playing an Indonesian-themed neighborhood, and I also create pop culture characters.
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I love the dark/soft/muted/etc. eyes you use for a lot of your sims but I could never figure out who made them. Searched through your blog trying to find an answer, only to see that you didn't know either (or at least didn't know when you posted your Jessica Lange sim a few years ago). I dug through a bunch of pages of eyes on MTS and found them! They're "Eye colours (not default) - ALL spectrum of colours" by AliceSacco. I don't know if this was still a mystery for you, but I wanted to share!
omg you’re right! thank you so much! i have definitely never changed for years cause they look so good—dark, soft, and muted indeed!
If anybody is interested, you can find them here!
Eye colours (not default) - ALL spectrum of colours by AllieSacco
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Potions A Plenty - Potion Brewing Set
Pulling from most every other set of Sun&Moon for potion ingredients, this set gives the sims the ability to brew various potions that affect moods, skills, life states, aging, pregnancy, health, and a variety of other mostly harmless effects.
The Quick Feature Review/Set Breakdown below the cut.
Download - SFS
View Use/Instruction Manual
The Potion Crafting Bench - The heart of the set itself, the potion bench is where components are stored, prepared, and combined into batches of potions. At this station, sims can do the following.
Practice potion making and brew a total of 56 potions that have varying effects when drank by sims
Earn Logic Skill and Science Enthusiasm
Stock materials
Order Supply Bundles to facilitate quicker potion making
Obtain a Writ of Mastery in potion crafting
Keep a tidy workstation by keeping things clean
A set of “basic” potions, and their ingredients will be considered REQUIRED for function. Do not remove those files. Let the manual guide you.
Access to these is dictated by logic skill level as well as a writ of mastery/Creature Life State/Traits.
This station has 28 decorative slots, as well as a decorative mode to enable/disable effects and an "in use" look at will.
Story Mode Enabled - Skip all the ingredients and steps, just enjoy the end products, or just run the animations on a station for the ease of taking pictures.
*New Feature* - Station Cleanliness. As the station is used, it will obtain dirty points. This dirty level affects the outcomes of potion crafting and increases failure chances. Make sure to keep the cauldron clean to ensure quality products!
*New Feature* - Supply Ordering. For a flat rate, sims can buy a bulk order of various materials needed for any potion. They will be added directly to the station's crafting counts.
All potions can be found in Hobbies/Logic. Complete Danish and Portuguese translations. If you'd like to translate into your native language, please share your strings with us and we'll update the set proper!
Inventory Tools & New Items
Botanical Book - Pretty and useful. Inventory Tool.
Writ of Mastery - Apothecary Version. Inventory Tool.
Crate of Jars - 6 glass jars needed for potion making.
Cauldron Dregs - Waste produced from cleaning the station or failing in potion making.
Bonus Items
Reference Tome - In game recipe book for all potions
Counter Split OMSP - Give maxis counters a chance to hold more things!
Display Shelves - 9 decorative slots, two versions.
Apothecary Todd Cart and Pavilion - Previously released sets bundled into this set; they have been optimized and renamed, please remove the old versions.
Potion Specifics
Potions come in 5 types: Basic, Folk Remedy Potions, Arcane Potions, Creature/Lifestate Potions, and Poison Potions. The more fantastical the potion, the more complex it is to make.
Please be aware that depending on your playstyle you will have to add more files from other sources or you can delete certain files from this set without worry; For example, if you do not play your game with creature life states or custom creature life states, you may delete anything related to those potions, provided it is not used in another “basic” potion.
Potions are NOT recolorable and will not be made so in the future. If you wish to alter the bottle/potion colors yourself, this may be done in the properties/categorized properties tab of each subset txmt in SimPe, using the stdMatDiffCoef line.
Potions Vs. Teas: You will notice that many potions have the same effects as previously released teas from the Quali-Tea set. So what’s the difference?
Teas are based on cooking and logic skills only. Potions function more on Logic skill level and a Writ of Mastery, OR Witch/Warlock state, and other traits.
Teas are single cup per crafting interactions (except basic hunger teas). Potions will always produce in a batch of 6.
In some cases, Teas require MORE ingredients to make, whereas Potions require LESS ingredients but higher Logic skill and rarer/less natural ingredients.
While potions can have the same effect as a similar tea, more risk is involved with taking them and sims can experience adverse/opposite of intended effects.
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📦 Tuesday CC Dump:
Posh Club Stuff
New meshes, add-ons, recolors and default replacements
Download: SFS | BOX
Round table is also included but please note it's a purely decorative object.

Glowing H&M stair and fence replacements require Extended Standard Material shader by @crispsandkerosene /work without it, but will not look like they do in the preview/.
Floors featured in the pic: VTMR tiles (carpet 5 and 6) converted by @freezerbunny-sims2 , wallpaper is 'Fiery red' by Donnha, wood panelling is from Bon Voyage, I think.
*This is for The Sims 2
So this lot is more of a photoshoot set than actual building and I can't share that mess - but here's most of the CC / defaults I used in there. Also, please note this Reshade preset affected the colors.
Plant in the main pic is Bioshock 2 conversion by Misty-fluff anyone has a link? I've included it - it's actually my mesh edit with pot removed. Original conversion /with the pot/ is here.

Eventually I didn't place any grand staircase in my club - but I was going to. As my internet was down at the time, I made my own mesh edits without the stupid middle raillings. Mesh defaults for 'Sweeping Success Staircase' and deco staircase aka 'A Stair to Remember' (both are from M&G EP) - are included.
Defaults for these already exist - like this one by HL - but please note I edited Sweeping Staircase's railing posts and steps a bit. I also edited UVs, so my replacement does not require texture edits and is compatible with recolors for original.
There's also this default by simblrnova, which includes GMND fix, so the side panels change colors along the main subset (I think they also edited UVs).
You can use my texture replacement for 'Stair to remember' along any mesh default for these stairs. Please note I didn't replace side panel textures.
Matching texture / TXMT replacement for the deco fence 'A Fence to keep in mind' is included in a separate file. Obviously it will clash with other defaults for this fence, like "SN-RailingtoKeepinMind-TXMTFix" by Simblrnova.
/I have no idea if middle stair railing is used for sliding animations - if it is, anims will obviously look awkward. /

I gave Velvet Rope Fence posts a little makeover - you can choose between shape edit, or shape edit plus TXMT edit.

And in case you wonder about the microphone - it's a mesh replacement for "Small superstar microphone" (from Apartment Life, maybe?) with amplifier removed
Microphone dr is not included, I uploaded it HERE (SFS)

Steel support beam requires Apartment Life EP. It looks best in black so I recommend these pipe recolors too.
Round banquet table is a decorative object
It will pull textures from Roundabout table, which could be from Celebrations SP (?) . You can use some invisible 1x1 table to make it somewhat functional /I included invisible table recolor for the 'groovy' square table from UNI EP/.

Decor bits on the table are a part of the mesh, if you don't like it, you can open GMDC in simPe and delete unwanted subsets /FYI those plates are lower than default Eaxis plate/.
I've included small mineral water bottle that didn't make it into my bar decor set as it should.

Crystal chandelier aka Cascades chandelier is a TS2 preorder item, I've included the mesh /with edited texture, black 'circle' removed from the canopy top/. The other one is from M&G /I think?/.

Fancy planter is an add on for 'Off the hook egg" (maybe OFB?), has one placement slot. Recolors (2 in one) included - recolor says red and black, but I changed it to gold last minute.

2-story spotlighter was cloned from an ordinary ceiling lamp, and is not animated - 'light beams' are not recolourable, and are always on. It requires Night Life - I also included recolor for the other NL spotlighter, as I discovered later these are not texture-linked.

2-story curtains are an add-on for 4t2 Wondymoon Cycnus curtains converted by @deatherella - s4 original is here (T$R) - I included the required mesh and my recolors - red and dark purple.

Plumbob sign is based on a symbol from TS2 litigator podium (a career reward).
Stuff I'll share some other time: 2-story light cable extension, table lamps /also, chairs - maybe/.
And if you're up for some DYI, here's the texture I used for the club ceiling. This is based on Adele's sectioned wood floor texture, made dark brown.
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Hi Jacky! I was just wondering if you could convert the indoor scoreboard from Sierra the Simmer to TS2? Please and thank you
Indoor Scoreboards Deco for The Sims 2
This is a 4to2 conversion from Britt The Simmer, low poly. It's a deco object found in deco-paintings section of Buy Mode. 25 recolors.
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Liberated Lobster Trap, Gnome and Floats for The Sims 2

These are 4to2 conversions from SimDoughnut, low poly. Deco objects.
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Skull Symphony Coffin Piano and Skeletons for The Sims 2

This is a 4to2 conversion from XXXTigger, medium poly (piano is 8k and skeletons 4k). It's a functional piano and it has a slot to put the skeletons on it like shown in the picture. Skeletons are in deco-statue.
If you want to support my creations, you can send me a donation with Paypal or Ko-fi ☕ If you want to ask for a Paid Commission, HERE you can find more details. Thank you ❤️
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3t2 - Antique Adornments 7
"As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live." ~~Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Faust, First Part

Episode 7 of the 'Antique Adornments' series. How many more to come? Oh, that's a good question! 💭

Find a detailed list of all of the conversions in this WordPress post.
Mediafire / SFS
Credits: floor by MsBarrows, rug recolor by kjkjljkjkjkjljkj, red paneling by unknown, wallpaper by SIP
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Many years ago, I started my own horror series inspired by Silent Hill. Lately, nostalgia reminded me how much I loved that game—it let me create anything.
It shaped my passion for filmmaking, led me to film school, and eventually to working as a 2D animator for TV shows.
This new episode was very emotional for me because I returned to my original passion and realized how much fun I had and how many amazing people I met along the way 😔
If you enjoy horror series, please give it a chance. I put so much effort into making it look decent 🥰
👉 English subtitles are available—don’t forget to turn them on!
It would be great to inspire more creators and bring back the golden days of machinima 💚
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Hello :) I was just wondering if you'd perhaps consider making the same changes you did on Rebecah's Pet Stories Dog Training Items for Chris Hatch's version? Or perhaps you could tell me what you did to make them recolorable with subsets so I could potentially take a stab at it if not, though I've never really done anything like that before. Is there any particular reason you went for Rebecah's version over Chris Hatch's? Obviously both are great and a lot is down to personal preference but to me it seems like Rebecah's training outcomes are random whereas CH's are calculated with an agility skill and there's a whole show system, so I'd prefer the latter. But, perhaps I'm unaware of some concerns over CH's version or some particular benefit to Rebecah's? Thank you!
I went with Rebecah's because I was not aware Chris Hatch has a version.
Though to make them recolorable, I basically had to break the mesh into parts and then do the usual. If you give me a link I can take a look at them and see what modifications are needed. I assume if they were just pulled from Pet Stories, they have the same issues, and thus is could be simple as a mesh swap with joints and adding in a subset.
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Strawberry Custard Trifle Food for The Sims 2

This is a 4to2 conversion from TianaSims, low poly (single plate is from here). It's a dessert available anytime, same chili cooking skills required. You need the invisible plate and the strawberry custard trifle bowl for it to work (included).
If you want to support my creations, you can send me a donation with Paypal or Ko-fi ☕ If you want to ask for a Paid Commission, HERE you can find more details. Thank you ❤️
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(If you saw this as a duplicate question, I tried to resend because my wifi is bugging whether I send my request or not)
This is gonna be a weird request but can you convert this Drinkable Mouthwash and a Deco version of the said mouthwash for clutter. I also suggest to make this as drinkable I am not sure what to add but Add a warning that don't drink mouthwash.
This is really a weird request but I like weirdness so here a drinkable mouthwash. It can be buyed from Buy Mode (Plumbings-miscellaneous) and won't spoil. Sims won't autonomously get ridden of it so you can use it also as a deco object.
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TV On The Go and Clear View Fridge Functional for The Sims 2

These are 4to2 conversions from GUA (tv - fridge), medium poly. Tv has two recolorable subset, one for the wood part and one for the games. It also has a slot so you can put a console on it. Fridge was original mini but I made it standard size.
If you want to support my creations, you can send me a donation with Paypal or Ko-fi ☕ If you want to ask for a Paid Commission, HERE you can find more details. Thank you ❤️
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Kate Marsh Hair From Life is Strange Remastered for The Sims 2
Hi there!
This is my first hair conversion that is supported from children to elder. I thought it was time to start doing that, despite it's a little of a pain to make.
In my last post I shared a cute pic of my Sims Kate and Max, but so fool of me I messed the texture of Kate's hair and it was too dark from what it was meant to be, so I fixed it for this upload. I tried to adapt the hair to the Sims ears so it doesnt clip through them, making it look nicer and realistic.
The hair is not binned, so it can be found on the Custom Content category. If I had to bin it to blonde, then the eyebrows would turn too blonde for what Kate really is, and I dont felt appropiate to bin it to brown, so I thought better leaving it unbinned, but with brown eyebrows.
Download: SFS
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[TS2] Classic Servo Default & Non-Default
Sooo... This was a little art project of mine that I've been working on for a bit, that turned into a mod :p
This replaces the Servos in the game with a higher quality remake of the Servos from The Sims 1. There's also a non-default version with clothing and customization options.
I realize this might be really niche, but I had a lot of fun making this and I learned quite a bit in the process :)
Requires OFB, of course! Downloads and more info/screenshots under the cut.
Default Replacement Version
All variations have been accounted for, so Servos will show up properly and uniquely when using formalwear or if they're occults.
Download: SFS / Dropbox
Customizable Non-Default Version
This version adds a bunch of special CAS skintones, clothing, makeup, glasses and a new eye color.
I tried to sort these properly, all grouped together and far behind any CC, as not to clutter your CAS too much and to keep this robot-specific stuff out of the way so you may have to scroll a bit to find the parts.
Unmerged (A lot of packages): SFS / Dropbox
Merged (Only 2 packages): SFS / Dropbox
Creating a customized Servo
You can just make it a normal Sim instead of a Servo if you want, by the way. I tried to make it work as best as I could, linking the skintone to the proper naked outfit and all. If you intend on doing this I recommend you use my Separates4All mod.
To create a customized Servo, first initialize a Servo in-game, you will be replacing this one. Then quit and launch Bodyshop.
Included is a default template Servo with an unmodified face, which is required for accessories to work properly. Clone your custom Servo from it, it should be all the way behind your other saved Sims in the Bin:
Select the gender of your new Sim as normal.
The body customization is found in Top/Bottom clothing. I tried to give everything descriptive tooltips as it's hard to see what things are in the thumbnails, so if in doubt hover over the items.
The clothing pieces such as shirts, suits, backpacks, etc. can be found in Tops.
Bottoms are for designs such as text, colored accents or camo patterns.
In skintones you can change the base color of your Servo
Eye colors are in hairs, with tooltips as usual.
Fangs, eyelashes and lipstick can be found in Full-Face Makeup with tooltips.
The little bows they wear on their antennas can be found in the Glasses section with tooltips.
You can then use Alt Sims Surgery in SimPE to replace your in-game Servo with the one you just made, which should be the newest package in your SavedSims folder.
If you don't know how, here's a tutorial I found.
DIY/GIMP Templates
If you're interested in recoloring or just poking around in the project files, here are the GIMP projects I made for recoloring and texturing:
(You will need GIMP, of course)
SFS / Dropbox
Optimization Info
There are a lot of pieces for me to list all polycounts, but a full LOD Servo is roughly around 6k (Way lower than CC hair, so I'd consider that a success :p)
All models have been exported as SMDs and then re-imported with generated Bump Maps. Meshes that have been through this process perform a lot better in-game, fun fact.
Playing on Low Sim Quality will lower the polycount a little for customized Servos, but on defaulted Servos it makes the most difference with them going down to about 2k polys.
Texture resolutions I've tried to keep rather low, with the Servo body being 1024x1024, clothing 512x512 and the Servo head 512x512
Uses fonts by @franzillasims
The non-default version was inspired by the Plumbot Clothes Project by @deedee-sims
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Some SnarkyShark files repositoried to Maxis meshes
ts2 download sfs
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