#Stace Anon
b0und4gl0ry · 3 months
hey, it's Stace.
We've heard about Mae, but do you have any other friends besides her?
also, before I go, fuck "no secrets", all of us are complete strangers to you, Casey. keep yourself safe, man.
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"Ah, yeah…there's Mae, the cat, there was Gregg, a fox, Bea, a Alligator (or a Crocodile, i keep forgetting) and Angus, a big bear"
"All good friends of mine from home, if I could bring myself to go back there."
"And…yeah, I'll keep some secrets."
"I just didn't want you thinking I'd be scared off by your questions. I'm a ask blog, honey"
(also: ooc here, but I'm working on the other ask about my 'old guys trying to get me" story. I'm making a comic, so it may take a bit)
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yung-neilz · 5 months
Um so Scott and everyone has been talking about having a blog here and Knives has been telling me to make one for like a month now so yeah here it is.
You can send me asks about things, I don’t mind. I did work on the set Scott Pilgrim’s Precious Little Life as the writer so you can ask about my experience.
There’s not really a whole lot else to mention other than the fact I’m Stephen’s roommate and I like the band New Order, so go on and send me stuff.
I, the mod, use She/Her pronouns
I also run @stace-piiilgrim and the rules there apply to here too so no NSFW or bigotry, this is a safe space
Once again I’m using this blog to help me get an understanding of Neil so I can write fics for him. Idk how good this will do me but hey I understand Stacey a bit more now from being her. I hope I can do him justice as he is my other favourite.
Also yeah I know it’s another Neil but if there can be multiple versions of the other characters, there can be another of him too.
Once again if you want to be known as a specific anon I’ll put your emoji down here. This post will be edited whenever emoji gets taken.
Taken emojis:
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pilgrimtravels · 2 months
OOC Intro:
Haha yes it is I, @stace-piiilgrim, back again with another RP blog!
I’ve wanted to make a silly blog for Scott’s parents for a little while now, so I did!
I have completed the Pilgrim family and safe to say, I can make chaos in the family now! (Mostly to Stacey and Lawrence cause I am them both and not Scott and I don’t wanna be a bother)
I wanna have fun here ok? I don’t want any asks about their opinions on Scott’s behaviour cause I got enough of them on Stacey’s. I may not mind them, but they are very repetitive tbh and so here’s what I think:
They aren’t happy with Scott for doing the bad things he’s done, but he’s still their son and they love him no matter what. They aren’t perfect parents, but they aren’t by any means bad parents as I think they do care about their kids a lot and want them to be happy
Expect Scott’s dad to randomly slide into askbox’s telling silly jokes and asking questions. Idk about his mom but I’ll change the pfp to either one of them depending on who I want to technically run the blog for the day
The function of this blog for them is like a travel blog (hence the name). Don’t expect me to actually post anything about them travelling cause as I said, I’d like to be silly here
If anyone wants to make the other parents/older adults (i.e Knives parents and aunt, kims parents, etc.) go on ahead! let’s add more chaos to the Scott Pilgrim RP ask blog community!
As a reminder, all guidelines on @/stace-piiilgrim apply here too. I will not condone any bigotry here and I don’t feel comfortable with NSFW or flirty asks
On another note, since Scott’s parents don’t have canon names, I’ll be using the names from Monica Beetle for them. It’s not confirmed if Vincent and Monica are actually Mr. and Mrs. Pilgrim, but it also hasn’t been denied by Bryan. He did say that Vincent could be Scott’s dad, and that the latter did get into shenanigans in the 70s, so I’m just gonna assume it is him for the sake of simplicity and cause I’m bad with coming up with names
So TL;DR for that last bit: Mr. Pilgrim’s name will be Vincent and Mrs. Pilgrim’s name will be Monica after the Monica Beetle protagonists based on certain things Bryan Lee O’Malley has said and cause I don’t know what else to call them
Once again, taken emoji anon sign offs will be at the bottom. It will be updated whenever a new emoji is taken
Ok bye! Have fun sending asks to these 20+ years married parents! Sorry this post got long but I had some important explanations to do :]
Taken Emojis:
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pilvimarja · 1 year
now what made you ship roosmav (not the same anon but i'm curious)
Put simply, it's 100% the kind of ship I've always been drawn to. I love it when characters have a lot of history and a deep bond with some emotional conflict. I wouldn't say Roosmav is straight up enemies-to-lovers, but it has many elements that I love about that trope. Rooster is so angry and hurt for two thirds of the movie, but you can tell he loves Mav and is desperate to forgive him and have him back in his life.
I also think Mav and Rooster's relationship was the emotional core of the movie. It was so heavily tied to who Maverick is as a character in TGM and it's the relationship with the most depth and development, even more so than Maverick's heterosexual romance sub plot (the same was true in TG86 with IceMa* and GooseMa*).
I'm very aware that the age gap and Mav knowing Bradley since his childhood is an issue for a lot of people, but I've always liked May/December relationship and the age gap between Mav and Rooster isn't actually that significant when Rooster himself is pushing forty (fics that take place pre-canon are obviously their own thing and I'll get to that in a bit). I enjoy exploring relationships where one person is on the wrong side of middle-age and their body is full of aches and pains and they can't always keep up with their younger partner, but they make up for it with their skill and experience and patience the younger character can't match. I just really love that kind of contrast 😗🤌
And you know, I'm shallow enough to admit that they also look really hot together!
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I'm gonna put the rest under a cut for talk about pre-canon fics where Bradley is usually under eighteen.
The dynamic in these scenarios is very different and the appeal to me personally is Bradley's intense, often unrequited love for Maverick and how deeply and almost obsessively he wants and desires Mav who rarely returns his feelings. And even when the fics are explicit and there is sex, there's a heavy focus on Mav's guilt, how devoted he is to Bradley, the unhealthy lack of boundaries and the taboo nature of the relationship, which appeals to the dark fic fan in me. I know some people can't stomach darker content like this, but I personally don't have any issues with using fictional characters to explore things that make me uncomfortable in real life. If something fictional does make me uncomfortable, I hit the back button and read something else. I also like non-Roosmav AU fics about various characters from Miles and Tom's movies (Stacee Jaxx and Andrew from Whiplash being one of my favorites!), and I think some of these characters are actually more suitable for darker scenarios than Maverick.
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saltyfilmmajor · 2 years
Please rank the Cruise characters for how much you would or wouldn’t trust them to pull together a thanksgiving dinner?
Welcome Anon :3 I'm gonna list al the characters of his that I'm familiar with: Joel Goodson - 1/5 stars, his parents leave for the week and he just eats a frozen tv dinner on the first night, doesn't even heat it up
Woody - 3/5 stars, he seems like a very level headed young man i'm sure he'd be able to pull together a thanksgiving dinner as he got older
Stefen Djordjevic - 4/5 stars, growing up in poverty means you gotta hustle and be resourceful, i think he could do it
Maverick Mitchell - 3/5 stars, he would do anything for his family but can this dude actually cook?
Brian Flanagan - 1/5 stars, motherfucker took pizza out of the oven with his bare hands
Joseph Donelly - 2/5 stars listen that Christmas dinner scene with Shannon was the most romantic thing i've ever seen on film. If he wasn't half idiot he could get it done
Daniel Kaffee - 0/5 stars, all the man has to eat is yohoo and cocoa puffs
Mitch McDeere - 3/5 stars, if his head wasn't freshly out of law school I'm sure he could put one together for his wife
Lestat de Lioncourt - 0/5 stars motherfucker let Louis in control of dinner until he burned his plantation down,
Ethan Hunt - 4/5 Stars, he'd have been a total house husband in another life Bill Hartford - 1/5 stars, dude is dealing with his own demons i think eating is the least of his concerns John Anderton - 1/5 stars, See: Bill Hartford Vincent Collateral - 3/5 stars, he's organized enough to do it but would he? Ray Ferrier - 2/5 stars, he's just trying to do his best for his kids and that's what matters (but he wouldn't be able to make a whole thanksgiving feast no)
Roy Miller - 4/5 stars, i trust him with my life Stacee Jaxx - 0/5 stars, I love him but he has A Lot happening Jack Harper - 5/5 stars, i think thanksgiving would have fascinated him like Football, and he'd like to emulate the tradition at some point Bill Cage - 0/5 stars, No.
Nick Morton - 0/5 stars, See: Bill Hartford. Barry Seal (Because Tom's version might as well be a fictional man) - 5/5 stars: The Gringo who always delivers
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en0gunz · 17 days
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ethanhuntfemmefatale · 9 months
I have not watched Rock of Ages but I after scrolling past your pinned post with the big claim 'i don't think i've ever seen a musician represented properly in media like this' a couple times I went fine. I'll bite. And watched Pour Some Sugar on Me. and oh my are you Correct. I hear this film kinda sucks. Tom Cruise shrugged and went well that won't stop me. and now just about every good musician movie ever has to live with the fact that they cannot attain to the entertainment value or realism or commentary on concert as performance that is the silly little song pour some sugar on me in the pretty bad film rock of ages.
Anon I am shaking your hand. Thank you for being so correct. That is exactly it. Rock of ages is in fact a pretty bad film and when you watch it you can sense the shame and resignation in every single actor’s performance—except for TC who really said maybe the movie sucks but I could never ✨💅  I love that he agreed to do the movie because he just really wanted to do a musical, of course he wanted to do a musical! the man is a performer and his style of camp is perfectly suited to the musical format! And like you pointed out with Stacee he leans heavily into the performer-playing-a-performer-playing-a (etc) aspect of the role, you can see in each song how he explores that aspect for Stacee in different ways. there’s of course a metanarrative element too, as a great admirer of TC I would never disrespect his craft by suggesting he’s basing Stacee off of himself, but when you’re watching a TC movie 99 times out of 100 in analysis you have to keep in mind that this character is played by Tom Cruise. Stacee Jaxx is a legendary performer played by a legendary performer. He has personas on personas on personas, so much mythos crammed into not a lot of screen time.
For this post I’ll just talk about pour some sugar on me cause you haven’t seen the movie anon but at some point I’m probably going to write a longer rant post about my thoughts on stacee’s arc as a whole
I loveeee the way the song functions in the movie because to me it’s the moment where it’s possible to understand Stacee for the first time. Stacee is fucking confusing in the beginning of the movie, TC’s performance makes him hard to parse and off putting, and then when you see him on stage at least for me there’s this sense of everything clicking into place...you understand how Stacee could be a rock god, and a sex god, and a reluctant sex god, and a burnout, because for the first time you realize that he is not primarily any one of those things. Primarily, he is just a damn good musician. In Pour Some Sugar on Me, I’m so struck by Stacee’s sheer effortless competence. I could write odes to TC’s physicality in that song, not just because he’s gorgeous (he is) but because of how routine it all looks. It’s clearly deeply ingrained in Stacee’s body to go through these motions, it's practiced to the point of instinct, it's controlled, it's beautiful, and he's completely invested in the performance to the exclusion of everything else. It’s obvious from watching him that there’s not a single thought in his head except perfect execution and the adrenaline and power rush that comes with it (I adore the manic gleam of his eyes when he sings ‘do you take sugar?’ not to mention the return of that expression at the end, when he seems dazed, completely out of it and totally satisfied). He's pure function. You understand for the first time that the point of Stacee Jaxx is not to be a human being, but to perform. 
It makes the “reluctant sex god” idea posed in the previous songs completely comprehensible, because despite how blatantly sexual the scene is, it's obvious that Stacee himself is not trying to seduce anyone. All the sexual parts of the performance are part of the performance. Part of the art form. Stacee showing personal sexual feeling onstage, or Stacee’s own relationship with sex interfering with the performance of sex he’s executing, would be the work of a lesser artist. Sex is on the program, so Stacee plays it! Incidentally, we see outside of that scene that Stacee the human, the person outside of the persona, doesn’t like sex at all—but for Stacee, fulfilling his own human wants and needs is not his primary purpose. His primary purpose is to be a damn good musician. That’s what he was made for, and it’s the only thing he’s good at.
Anyway i fucking love that scene and im. Shaking your hand so so hard it’s like a blur thank you for this ask thank you for watching the scene thank you
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propertyofkylar · 6 months
I had a crazy dream…so I will speak it cuz … why not?
So basically DoL gets a random revamp and everything is new the characters are the same but 5 new LI are introduced and somehow bailey became fuckable, a special toggle called “rare meat” where the chances of getting a non-con will be up to 200% and the only way to escape is by using pepper spray and buying more pepper spray basically a survival mode and the way to make it end is by making to day 100 can I imagine the difficulty and how the hell money gets generated because there’s a money generator? Nope is the FBI out for my ass now? Sure … ok all the bad jokes aside, the 5 new LI some being already existing POI and one of them is bailey obviously the new LI being called “Stace the serpent” and man isn’t the way to make things worse better … then the dream ended with me being fucked by a giant snake
okay i am obsessed with all of this. i want it all to be real. i wanna be rare meat
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sitpwgs · 11 months
Okay sending you another ask to freak out about 1989 Taylors Version with you!!! I kinda forgot about the show last night and that we were supposed to be clowning..and I wasn't on my phone much so I didn't see when she was displaying the blue outfits and stuff. I thought it would be kinda soon and was maybe expecting an announcement at the end of this month..but it gives me more to be excited for! I also kinda forgot it was the last show for now but it makes sense why she would want to announce it there. I saw a Taylor Nation went live notification and freaked out! The first thing I actually saw on Insta was the cover of Emily Henrys new book and apparently they are also making Meet Me at the Lake into a movie I guess. Then I went to Taylors page and it said the photo was posted only a minute ago. I know other people following or at the show knew earlier but that's one of the only times I've been that early in an announcement lol. Also the fact that it has the same original release date!!! This is also her first album cover where she's actually smiling which is something I never even noticed or thought about before now. I love the cover and think it might be my new favorite next to Red TV. I like that she actually has sky blue in the cover since before..I usually thought of the color as more white or beige lol. Midnights is also blue and white too. It seems kinda uneven that this one has the title and the others didn't though but there must be a reason. Also what she said about the vault songs..and the new Polaroid's and the colors makes me more excited too! Even if there is only 5 vault songs this time compared to six. Who would you want her to collab with? Also my musical blog is wickedsweeneyfromsantafe..which combines four of my favorite musicals lol and I just never changed it. My main blog is gwen-stace like from the Amazing Spiderman and my Taylor blog is queenofmyhearrts I think..cuz she is the queen of my heart. I have a very specific way of postinglike one theme a day on my blogs for some reason and I don't have personal posts or anything. My main blog includes movies and shows and my sideblogs are like a way to keep track of things for me I guess..like with Taylor's career and musicals I watch or see and all edits and gifs I like. The only reason I send on anon is cuz my messages get long but follow if you want!
i cannot wait for 1989 (taylor's version)!! what track(s) are you most excited for, aside from the vault tracks? i personally am most excited for you are in love, new romantics, wonderland, clean and style! and eee — i really like the uk cover for funny story (the new emily henry)! i'm debating on just preordering it from waterstones, because i really don't like hardback covers for romances. and that's so so exciting that it was posted right when you saw it — what a coincidence! i really love that she's smiling in the cover; i've seen a lot of people comment on how they don't like specific things, but i love it and the fact that she's so smiley in it makes me so happy !! i've always associated 1989 with a light beige/tan color (and debut with light blue), but i do love the blue for it! there are so many people i'd like her to collab with, but i think she's been leaning more towards artists that she was influenced by during that era in terms of collabs — i was thinking of haim, since they opened for her on 1989 tour but i don't know if she'd collab with them again given gasoline and no body no crime. what about you? who would you want her to collab with? and i just followed you on all three blogs 🤍 !! we can keep talking on anon if you'd like, or we can talk in dms; totally up to you! xx
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ohe-ohe · 2 months
I think the anon meant the walk in photo where Laura looks like Alex Poznikoff cool mom and it’s funny cause she is or was living with Pou and Stace
They are really the team moms
It all makes sense!
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Share ten different favorite characters from ten different pieces of media in no particular order, then send this to 10 people (anon or not, your choice) 🎥🎬📺 (you don't have to do this, feel free to ignore it 😘)
Danielle de Barbarac from Ever After
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Donna Sheridan from Mamma Mia
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Cece Parekh from New Girl
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Sally Owens from Practical Magic
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Evelyn Carnahan from The Mummy
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Selina Kyle from The Batman
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Edgin Darvis from Dungeons & Dragons: HAT
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Eames from Inception
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Christian from The Moulin Rouge
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Dean Winchester of course
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Thank you for sending this in, Stace! Sorry it took me so long, I took the time to think of all my fav movies and shows, and there are still so many that I have left out. But I'm happy with this list. :)
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b0und4gl0ry · 3 months
...alrighty I'm home again.
The date went well, (kinda expected since its not our first) and I forgot to mention I watched the other videos you've recorded before I found your account too. Listen, I know you said "no secrets" and all, but are you really being honest, Casey? I don't want to dig too hard... But if it's how you said, why did you say their their name like you were surprised to see them while you tried to sleep? It's definitely faint but you can hear it in the recording. (Also remember to turn off the recording next time unless you want to bloat the hard drive of your laptop with a single video file. you probably don't want to rely on whatever horrific things haunt your sleep to wake you up so you can turn it off.)
Anyways, onto that story;
So, like, a year or so ago. I was sleeping. And suddenly, I had a good old case of sleep paralysis, It was actually pretty common with me, I have it all the time. The normal stuff, hat men, pitch black shadow people, ect.
This event was like the rest of my sleep paralysis experiences, except, no Shadows, voices, or anything. Tried moving to check if I just woke up for no reason. But I couldn't.
Eventually. Something came up to my window. (On the fifth story.) It was pitch black, (which I later found out was a very, very deep shade of red.) It had super long hair, looked kinda like a cats head with droopy ears in kinda a ^ shape, 4 smaller eyes that scanned the room, frantically? And one large eye that was staring directly at me, all with pitch black pupils.
I'll reblog this with a sketch of what it looks like if I can.
It raised up a long, bony arm. And I hear a chattering noise. It points at the door to my room.
But then I realized I could move again.
The creature made another sound, and I noticed the door to my rooms doorknob was rapidly being turned, and then it was getting pounded like a fucking horror movie. The door slowly was being unlocked somehow?? The lock on it was being turned. At this point i glanced at the thing again and it was just looking at the door now with all its eyes. I got up and held the lock and the door closed. After what felt like an hour of banging and something trying to get in, it stopped.
I looked at the window again.
Nothing was there.
I went back to sleep eventually, I didn't have a dream after.
I occasionally see that thing now. One time when I went hiking at night, a few times again when I'm all by myself.
Sorry if this was long winded or unwanted or something. But I think it's an interesting story. I think I'm still here because of that thing. I haven't fully committed to a name for it yet, so I'm open for suggestions. But I'm primarily I'm calling it Lefty because the big eye is on the "left side" of it's face.
- Stace T.
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"Yeah, those "Mae" nightmares are the worst. I just get shocked that I see her and hear her. I don't know why I'm having them…is it my guilt about leaving? Paranoia? I don't know.
"But Mae…she's a good friend from my old hometown. She's done nothing wrong"
"Also, that's a sick ass story. Wild as shit, but cool. I could see a novel about a person dealing with their strange cat demon"
"Nice to see we have similar shit going on. Continue these stories if you want"
"But, what I think is more likely is you had one of those "awake but not" dreams. Where you wake up but you're still dreaming. I have those a bunch"
"Also, I'm glad your date went well. Sorry, it kinda took a seat behind all the spooky shit"
"Also, that's a sick ass story. Wild as shit, but cool. I could see a novel about a person dealing with their strange cat demon"
"Nice to see we have similar shit going on. Continue these stories if you want"
(ooc: I'm not sure how familiar Stace is with the source material this AU is from, which is Night In The Woods, but to anyone who doesn't know too much about it, I highly recommend it! It clears things up about Casey a little...I don't know if that comes off condescending or not. I'm not good with communicating sometimes)
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Whatever ill advised remark jumped off her tongue at the reveal of his dark nature. If only she wasn’t an idiot. “Oh wow. That a new look for the performance? It’s really impressive. Who’d you have do the makeup?” The friend she’d been talking to was backing away slowly, trying to determine if loyalty was enough to stick around for whatever happened.
Stacee chuckled at the girl’s mistaken comment, raising an eyebrow.
“Why don’t you come meet them yourself? They love having people admire their work.” Stacee extended a hand and took the girl’s hand, taking her into the venue and backstage to a small back room. Suddenly, Stacee knocked on the door and Gazelle opened the door. He embraced his wife and kissed her passionately in front of the fan, lifting Gazelle’s leg to grind against her once before turning back to the girl.
“My darling, I’ve brought dinner for us. She was saying some awfully rude things about you and I thought she should atleast say it to your face.” Stacee smirked darkly, proudly smiling with his fangs.
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en0gunz · 17 days
info about me that isn't in a silly mostly joking all caps ask this time!
Stace anon TECHNICALLY works. but only the small gaggle of delinquents who know about b4g will recognize it and stuff. I just referenced it jokingly because you used that tag for me in the past lol.
I heavily prefer Dale! Or Dale anon I guess!
Also was your day nice?
Mah day was good Dale!!!!!
might start working on B4G again, but i’m only wanting to write the Good Bits and none of the Getting There bits.
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wenellyb · 3 years
i wasn't really in the mcu fandom before tfatws and wow. coming across bucky stans has been like getting slapped with a live fish even tho i should have seen it coming. i hope bucky's characterization keeps going in ways that piss off his ridiculous racist stans. funnily enough, i felt the show finally made him an interesting character.
Hi Anon!!!
Let me tell you Anon! Bucky up, because I couldn’t agree with you more. Yes to everything you wrote. Especially about pissing off the stans.
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I'm not saying this lightly, but they are the worst. The worst.
I've rarely seen this level of disconnection to reality in a fandom (expect maybe the Reylos) and I still love Bucky's character but sometimes I see some posts and I want to ... break things. They manage to make EVERYTHING about Bucky. For them, anyone around Bucky is bad and Bucky has never done anything wrong a day in his  life.
I was just surprised because I had never experienced this before, because when the Sambucky ship was smaller, the nonsense was coming from outside the fandom...But now we’re seeing it from Sambucky shippers as well, like what???
Here's a non exhaustive list of stuff Bucky stans have said, there’s so much more:
- I’ll start with the wildest post I’ve ever seen from a stan:
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Screenshot from  @mshunnybunch
- Whenever there’s an accomplishement for Anthony or Sam/ they manage to make it about Bucky and ask why didn’t Bucky or Seb get it too?? They did it when it was announced that Sam Wilson was getting the shield, thy did it when it was announced that Anthony had been signed for a Cap 4 movie, 
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Screenshot from @stacee-not-jaxx
- They did it when Anthony was nominated to the HCA Awards for his Captain America role and not Sebastian:
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Because no...the nomination couldn’t possibly be because of his talent, right?
- They never congragulate Sam or Anthony, or any costars their only reaction is: What about Bucky, why weren't there any announcement for him too? And when you tell them that this moment should be about Sam/Anthony, they invent the most insane lies like " Sebastian was promised a Solo movie, we have been waiting for 10 years.”
- They treat Sam as the bad guy but never acknowledge when Bucky f*cks up, or when he’s rude."Sam is so awful to Bucky, he treats Bucky like he was responsible for his acts as the Winter Soldier" When did Sam ever do that btw?, “Sam was awful for saying “cyborg brain”
- If you ask them why they always imagine Sam taking care of Bucky and never they other way around, they snap.
- And when you point out that in a healthy relationship one partner shouldn’t be the other’s therapist, they can be a confident but not a therapist, and that Bucky should see an actual therapist... they snap.
- They don’t respect tagging
- The racist posts that were flooding about Ayo, but never mention how Bucky betrayed Ayo’s trust.
-They imagined their own version of MCU Bucky and do not care that it doesn’t match what we have seen on screen.
.- “Uwu why is everyone calling out Bucky’s behavior in the police scene`?”..But then they don’t even think about how Sam must have felt and how the scene was about Sam, not Bucky.
- Comparing Bucky's experience to Isaiah's... Yikes
- Called Sam “petulant and childish” for asking Bucky why he cared so much about the shield since it had nothing to do with him.
- Let’s not even talk about how a lot of them talk about Steve.
- Whenever they make a racist post, instead of listening and ameninding it, they get defensive, start saying things that are actually worst than the original post.
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And when they are being called out  on all of this their response is: uwu why does everyone hate Bucky??`? newsflash, it's not Bucky we hate, it's his stans.
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I'm a Sambucky shipper but when I see a f*cked up Sambucky post I either call it out or block the OP, but Bucky stans don't do that, they just rally and write rants about how “not all Bucky stans are like that”, and that we shouldn't be generalizing. And I know that because my asks are always open. Here are the asks I get whenever I mention the problem with Bucky stans, these were sent a couple of months ago bty, just using them as an example:
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So apparently calling out sh*tty/racist behavior is policing now... So this is basically how the Bucky fandom is, and the so-called “normal” fans remain silent which leads me to wonder where they stand.
And to be clear, I received these asks when I made a post about how I don’t like it when the fandom focuses on Bucky and sidelines Sam. I wasn’t even hating on Bucky or anything so...
This is why I cannot deal with Bucky stans. They live in an alternate reality where a different TV show was airing, and where emitting even the slightest criticism towards their character or their fandom is “hate”... Bucky is always the victim not matter what happens and so are they.
And then there are the  And the “regular fans”, the unproblematic ones, instead of calling out the problematic Bucky stans, come in my asks to complain about how my posts are “anti-Bucky”. Spoiler alert: They’re not.
In the end the people calling out f*cked up posts become the bad guys because they are " generalizing", but they never challenge or call out the problematic blogs directly. So excuse me to "generalize", but if a problematic or racist post in you fandom doesn't bother you, I'm going to assume that you lowkey agree with it. If you don’t have a problem with the toxic stans but you have a problem with people calling out the toxic stans, then I have bad news for you.
If the toxic stans really were a small portion of the fandom, then the problematic posts would be challenged a little more.
I love Sam Wilson as a character but, believe me, I have always been a pro Bucky Barnes blog back in 2016/2017, I was sharing petitions for a Winter Soldier solo movie, but the Bucky stans sometimes make me want to stay away from the character because they are just unsufferable.
The only stans who come even close to the level of toxicity of Bucky stans are Tony and Kylo Ren stans, but at least Kylo and Tony are awful characters on their own...but Bucky stans manage to make a great character with a lot of potential like Bucky despicable.
TL:DR: I love Bucky & hate the stans.
End of rant.
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asirensrage · 2 years
This is Stacey from OCFA. Unlike Mary, I'm not beating around the bush. I think you are all filthy trollops. If I lose my position, so be it. You are the problem. Your friends are part of the problem. Tell the idiot quoting the Crucible at us to stf up. She is a perfect example of the idiocy on here. Vixen is using you as an instrument for her own amusement. I don't even know her and I already hate her guts. If you can't see you're being used, that is on you, not us. But she is having a
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Okay, Stace, tell me how you really feel.
I blacked out most of what wasn't actually relevant to me. My ask box is not a place for you to spew your hatred about other people in. I did, as always, save screenshots before I deleted them.
Do you think calling people names is going to affect me? Seriously? You sound like kids in middle school. Don't get upset just because people have different opinions than you. If you don't like it, leave. Shelter yourself how you prefer. Just don't drag everyone else into it.
Also, the idea of @vixenofcourse using me is hilarious. We have a mutually beneficial friendship. She's one of my fave people on here. So sure, continue to lie.
TMI but I don't actually have sex dreams. Fantasies, sure, but not actual dreams.
Billy is not the first toxic fictional man I enjoy. He's not the last. Just because you don't like him doesn't mean I can't appreciate him (that's why I put warnings on things). And it's not just because of Ben Barnes, though he does help. Lbh.
Fun fact: I write what I want.
I also crochet. The beauty is I have many hobbies including, apparently, dealing with your ass. If you don't like me, that's fine. You're not the only one. But most of the people who don't like me don't actively and continuously engage with me.
Why do you want my attention so badly, anon? If you have a crush, just say it. It's fine.
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