#St. Martin Strasse
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L'Art et la mode, no. 44, vol. 17, 31 octobre 1896, Paris. Theatre de la Porte St. Martin. Les Bienfaiteurs. Dessin de M. de Solar. Bibliothèque nationale de France
Mme Patry.
Corsage et jupe en drap dahlia. Au corsage, biais de velours dahlia avec boutons de strass.
Bodice and skirt in dahlia cloth. On the bodice, dahlia velvet bias with rhinestone buttons.
Mlle Bouchetal.
Corsage et jupe en cachemire argent. Biais de satin argent sur blouse de guipure. Boutons de strass.
Silver cashmere bodice and skirt. Silver satin bias on guipure blouse. Rhinestone buttons.
Mlle Maille.
Corsage à plis larges en bure Franciscaine blanche. Ceinture de satin blanc. Jabot de dentelle écrue. Jupe en biais couturée devant.
Bodice with wide pleats in white Franciscan bure. White satin belt. Ecru lace jabot. Bias skirt sewn in front.
Mlle M. Barety.
Corsage-veste en guipure blanche. Ceinture de velours pensée. Manches et jupe en cachemire-drap beige.
Bodice-jacket in white guipure. Belt in pensée velvet. Sleeves and skirt in beige cashmere-cloth.
Mlle M. Barety.
Corsage et jupe en cachemire pain brûlé. Garniture de galons de tresse. Ceinture de satin noir. Col et guimpe en guipure.
Bodice and skirt in pain brûlé cashmere. Trimmed with braid. Black satin belt. Collar and guimpe in guipure.
#L'Art et la mode#19th century#1890s#1896#on this day#October 31#periodical#fashion#fashion plate#description#bibliothèque nationale de france#dress#gigot#theatre#Marie de Solar#one color plates
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Preview to Summer 1997 in Munich
Spring 1997 Hi everyone! Since it has been almost 25 years when I first worked in Munich, I wanted to write as much about the time I lived and worked there as a Praktikant. A Praktikant is basically an "intern". At the place where I worked, it was paid at least enough to make living and working worthwhile. I learned what it was like to work in a computer programming and support capacity. I also was able to visit places around Munich as well.
What I can do, is to write at least one or two stories from the 14 weeks that I was in Europe. I may not be able to remember everything from Summer 1997, but hopefully I can let you know what life was like back then. The Munich of 2021 as I visited in July last year, is different than the Munich of 1997 in many ways. The old buildings for the most part are still standing.
To give an overview, I worked at an office next door to the St. Martin Strasse S-Bahn station in Munich. There was a V-Markt down the street where I could go grocery shopping, though I preferred the predecessor to the Kaufland store at Neuperlach-Zentrum. I found a student living arrangement at the former US Army barracks in the Giesing district close to the site of the future St. Quirin Strasse U Bahn station, I arranged to buy monthly rail passes at the "Ausbildungstarif II" rate, which was less than half of the regular rate. At the time I was not yet 25 years old, so I qualified for such cheap rates. The rent was also just 400 D-Mark, and it was deducted monthly by bank account. There was a bus that went from the St Quirin Platz construction site to the Silberhornstrasse U Bahn station, and I could take it to the Giesing S Bahn station and make it to St. Martin Strasse. I worked and lived there from about 29th May to 17th August 1997. I flew from San Francisco, to New York JFK and farther on to Charles de Gaulle T1, so I started and ended the summer in Paris.
Anyway I will do my best to show what happened in Summer 1997. You might have already seen my stories from Summer 1998. I will put those stories in the Tumblr archives as well. Hope you will enjoy.
au revoir auf Wiedersehen
#Summer 1997#munich#paris#TWA#Praktikant#Ausbildungstarif II#V-Markt#Kaufland#St. Quirin Platz#St. Martin Strasse#silberhornstrasse#SFO#JFK#CDG
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Feste Deutschlands
Jedes Jahr am 11. November wird in Deutschland das traditionelle Laternenfest gefeiert. Die Kinder stellen aus Papierkarton eine Kerze und ein Stück Draht her, eine Laterne, die ihren Weg in der Nacht von San Martín erhellt.Ein paar Tage vor diesem Fest bereiten sich die Kinder auf die nächtliche Tour vor, indem sie Lieder üben... Der heilige Martin war ein römischer Legionär, der in einer kalten Nacht einem Bettler begegnete, der ihn um Almosen bat.
Der Soldat hatte kein Geld bei sich und beschloss, seinen Mantel mit ihm zu teilen, damit er nicht friere. Er nahm sie ab und halbierte sie mit seinem Schwert, um sie zu bedecken.
Die Legende besagt, dass der Heilige Martin am nächsten Tag den Besuch Gottes empfing, um ihm für seine grosszügige Geste zu danken. So beschloss der damalige Soldat, sein Leben dem Gottesdienst zu widmen. Im Jahr 372 wurde er zum Bischof von Tours gewählt, wo er später starb.Früher wurden zur Erinnerung an diesen Tag am Abend des 10. November Feuer auf den Feldern mit Abfallmaterial gemacht, das von den Kleinen gesammelt wurde, während sie Lieder des Heiligen sangen. Alle Arten von Materialien waren nützlich, solange sie zu einem Feuer werden konnten: Karton, alte Körbe, Äste, Holz oder Felgen.
Jetzt feiern die Kinder den Heiligen Martin mit ihren Laternen und teilen selbstgebackenes Brot mit ihren Mitschülern. In einigen Regionen Deutschlands werden kleine Brotmänner gebacken, die «Weckmann» oder «Hefeteigmann» genannt werden.
Diese essbaren Figuren bestehen aus Hefe, Rosinen und einem Metallrohr, das für 365 Tage aufbewahrt wird. In anderen Regionen werden die traditionellen «Brezel» gebacken und in anderen die «Hörner von San Martín.»Es gibt keine Form für die Herstellung der Laternen. Jedes Jahr ziehen sie eine Vielzahl von geometrischen Formen und Figuren mit einem einzigartigen Touch. Es gibt seit den traditionellen Kreis Laternen, Monde und Sonnen und andere originelle Figuren der Phantasie.
Ich war 2 mal dort und es ist die beste Erfahrung in Deutschland.
Das Oktoberfest ist das populärste Fest in Deutschland und eines der wichtigsten der Welt und wird an so unterschiedlichen Orten wie Brasilien, Argentinien, Chile oder Venezuela nachgeahmt. Dieses Fest findet seit 1810 in München statt.
Das Fest entstand durch die Hochzeit von Prinz Ludwig I. von Bayern mit Theresia von Sachsen und Hildburghausen im Jahre 1810.
Es war so erfolgreich, dass es seitdem zu einem wichtigen und massenhaften Fest gewachsen ist.Seit seiner Gründung wurde das Fest nur in Kriegszeiten oder aus anderen wichtigen Gründen gefeiert, was in den über 200 Jahren seines Bestehens nur 24 Mal der Fall war.
Zwischen sechs und sieben Millionen Besucher versammeln sich jedes Jahr auf der Theresienwiese, um das beliebte Fest zu feiern.
Das Oktoberfest beginnt, wenn nach der Ankunft der Wiesnwirte, begleitet von Pferdekutschen mit Bierfässern, der Bürgermeister das erste Bierfass öffnet und eine Trachtenparade stattfindet.
Dann ist es an der Zeit, Liter Bier, Essen und Unterhaltung zu geniessen, die durch die Festzelte strömen.
Das Oktoberfest bietet ausserdem zahlreiche Festattraktionen, Bühnen mit Darbietungen von Polka bis hin zu kommerzieller Musik und eine spektakuläre festliche Atmosphäre, die jeden Besucher in ihren Bann ziehen kann.
Ich war in der Nähe, aber ich war nicht da. Ich sollte nächstes Jahr gehen.
Karneval von Kolonie
Der Kölner Karneval beginnt offiziell am 11. November um 11:11 Uhr am Alten Markt und endet mit dem Beginn der Fastenzeit. Die ganze Zeit ist Karneval und es ist okay, wenn du verkleidet auf der Strasse bist. Die Kolonisten bezeichnen diese Zeit als «die fünfte Jahreszeit.» Der Grund, warum der Startschuss an diesem Tag gegeben wird, hat mehrere Theorien und die zwei berühmtesten sind die folgenden:
Die Zahl 11 bezieht sich auf die Sündhaftigkeit, da sie nach der Zahl 10 steht, die mit den 10 Geboten verbunden ist. Am 11. des 11. Monats um 11:11 Uhr bricht der Wahnsinn aus, den der Karneval mit sich bringt.
Früher feierten die Germanen die Wintersonnenwende und veranstalteten diese Art von Fest, um die Dämonen des Winters zu vertreiben.
Die eigentliche Feier des Kölner Karnevals findet jedoch sechs Tage vor der Fastenzeit statt, die normalerweise im Februar stattfindet.
An diesen Festen sind die Dreigestirn besonders hervorzuheben: der Prinz, der Bauer und die Jungfrau. Diese drei Charaktere werden jedes Jahr gewählt und sind bei der Eröffnungsfeier des Karnevals anwesend. Darüber hinaus führt der Prinz, der die wichtigste Figur ist, einige der Paraden an.
Während des Karnevals sind die Strassen voll von verkleideten und feiernden Menschen. Es wird oft das Kölsch Bier getrunken, obwohl es Biere für jeden Geschmack gibt. Was die Musik betrifft, gibt es Karnevalsbands, die live spielen und deren Texte speziell für diese Zeit des Jahres geschrieben sind. Aber du wirst wahrscheinlich kein Wort verstehen, weil sie es im Kölschen Dialekt tun.
Ich war noch nie dort, aber nächstes Jahr werde ich hingehen.
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'Nice Guy' Glenn kept bodies in barrels
We can imagine the scene. Andrew Cherewka, 24, sat in front of his probation officer. It was was shortly before Christmas, 2015, in Waterloo, west of Toronto. The officer had marked the holiday with a bent six-inch plastic tree on her desk and a few scattered cards. Outside, it was snowing. The wan light of early winter crept through the cracks in the blind. 'Good to be outside?' Andrew smiled. He was free, free, free at least in the psychical sense. He'd served 30 months for a road traffic accident in which his friend, a passenger in his car, died - something he could never be free. He carried the chains of remorse with him wherever he went. 'Just some formalities,' the officer said. She ruffled the pages of a form.
'Next of kin?' 'My mother and sister, I guess.' 'Address?' 'I don't know' 'You don't know?' Andrew explained that he'd last seen his mother, Linda Daniel, 48, and sister Cheyanne, 13, in July 2011, when he called on the home they shared with Linda's boyfriend, Glenn Beauman, 37, a truck driver, in rural St. Clements. Bauman told him Linda and Cheyanne, a keen horse rider, had cleared out his savings and maxed his credit card, just like that. Andrew never heard from them again.
'You didn't report it?' The probation officer leaned in her chair. Andrew shrugged.
'Mom kept very much to herself. She had few friends and hardly liked anyone. I was surprised but wasn't, if you know what I mean. I thought mom took Cheyanne to start a new life somewhere.'
'You tried to contact them?' 'You bet, I sent texts and messages but they never replied.' The officer considered what he said. 'You should report it, in case.' 'In case?' 'This Bauman character, you know?' 'Glenn? God, no he's the nicest guy you could meet. I've never seen him raise his voice or lose his temper. He treated Cheyanne like his own daughter.' He so, keen to keep in with his probation officer, Andrew reported the pair missing - four years after they disappeared. And then all hell broke lose.
As a matter of routine, police searched Bauman's old home on Hessen Strasse in Wellesley Township. There they found two 45 gallon steel barrels in the backyard that contained ash - about two person's worth. Worse, one of the barrels contained human teeth and what was believed to be human bone fragments. Inside the home, blood was observed to have seeped through two layers of flooring in the master bedroom that was once shared by Linda Daniel and Glenn Bauman. In the meantime, Bauman had moved from Ontario to Alberta. Alerted to the concerns of their colleagues, the RCMP in Alberta sent two officers undercover to find out what they could. The first played the role of a private investigator looking into the disappearance of the mother and daughter, He approached Bauman full on and accused him of killing the pair: 'I don't know what to tell you, man, cause you're a killer.' 'I didn't do anything to them, other than provide a roof over their heads and a life,' Bauman replied. He climbed into his truck. The officer heard Bauman talking out loud to himself - weird. Bauman was rattled and turned to his new friend, not knowing the new friend was also an undercover cop. Their conversation was recorded. Bauman talked about killing the private detective and burning his body in a barrel. Was he serious? 'He gets cooked in a fucking barrel, and then you keep burning and burning and burning and burning and burning until there's nothing left,' Bauman said. That was pretty serious. 'Won't that leave bone behind?' the new friend asked. 'Naw,' Bauman replied with a strange confidence. 'The heat's strong enough to get rid of the bones. The only thing that won't burn is teeth.; The undercover officer drove around with Bauman in his truck as they looked for a place to purchase a suitable barrel. 'We can transport him somewhere else in that,' Bauman said. Yeah, he was serious.
It was enough for Bauman to be picked up on August 19th 2016, in Valleyview on Highway 43, north-west of Edmonton. There was a barrel in the back of his pickup truck. It was a shock to one of Glenn Bauman's old friends, Jonas Martin. He said Bauman was raised in an Old Order Mennonite farm family - no smoking, drinking or sex before marriage - a really nice guy. He met Linda through a dating site in 2003 and loved her daughter, Cheyanne. 'He loved her, absolutely loved her.' If it meant doing extra runs or working extra hours so that he could pay to do something for her, that wasn't even a question.' Like the Amish, Old Order Mennonites, of Swiss-German origin, follow a strict code that focuses on a traditional way of life although vary from group to group. Three thousand five hundred OOMs remain in Ontario. Membership is voluntary, and Bauman had left the order when he was 19. Bauman was brought before a seven-man, seven-woman jury in April 2019 for a four-month trial. Crown Prosecutor Ashley Warne told the court that for years Bauman 'gave explanations for the whereabouts of Linda and Cheyanne Daniel.' He was so plausible, no one questioned it. Bauman had told Andrew he'd reported the pair's absence to the police in Elmira but the police had said, 'Don't go looking for them.' This was untrue, although Bauman did approach police earlier to say his relationship was on the rocks. 'He was seeking help about how to get out of his domestic situation,' a police sergeant confirmed. It was unclear what he thought the police could do about it. Bank records from the period showed Bauman struggled with money. He was unemployed and under pressure at the time Linda and Cheyanne disappeared. Andrew repeated the tale of how his interview with his probation officer produced a 'light-bulb moment' in his head that led to him reporting the disappearance. 'She asked me if I had ever reported them to the police and I said 'no' and she was very surprised by that.I guess I was surprised at how surprised she was.' After he removed Linda and Cheyanne from his life, Crown Prosecutor Warne said, Bauman 'began making efforts to start a new life with a woman.' He met the woman, a Nigerian, on the internet. He wanted to send her $3,000 but Western Union stopped the international transfer to Nigeria as part of a clampdown on scams. Bauman complained to the police. 'I've sent her a plane ticket,' he said plaintively. Two days later after Linda and Cheyanne disappeared, Bauman cashed in Cheyanne's education savings plan. A few months later, he received the $3,100 that rested in the plan. When Bauman was arrested, his current partner asked him point-blank if Linda and Cheyanne were still alive. 'He gritted his teeth,' she told the court. 'With a tear in his eye, he shook his head and said, 'No, and I don't want to talk about it anymore.' A friend of Cheyanne's from Linwood Public School had posted a message on Cheyanne's social media page. 'Why were you not at the first day of school?' There was no reply. The defence argued that Bauman had no case to answer because Linda and Cheyanne were still alive, having started a new life somewhere else - abroad maybe.
Bauman didn't take the stand in his own defence but a witness was called - Roxanne Ratthe, another friend of Cheyanne. She claimed Cheyanne had called her after they left Bauman's home - something the prosecution claimed never happened because Bauman killed them at home and burned their remains in a barrel.
'She called me a while after and just said, 'Hey,' I was like, 'Hey, How's it going? Where are you?' She said, 'I can't tell you.' I was like, 'Well, seriously, where are you?' She just kept saying that she couldn't tell me. I asked her once more - 'Where are you?' - and she just hung up and I never heard from her ever again.'
Defence lawyer Terence Luscombe asked how Cheyanne sounded. 'She sounded normal. She always had kind of a bubbly personality. She sounded excited. She was happy, or it seemed that she was happy. Crown prosecutor Dominique Kennedy said she was confused.
'So your understanding is that your conversation with Cheyanne was not after she is alleged to have been killed?' 'Yeah. She did not call me after she had been allegedly killed. It was before all this happened..' 'Because if Cheyanne called you and you were the only person in the whole universe to hear from Cheyanne after the day that she is alleged to have been killed, that would be very bizarre, right?' 'Yeah.' 'Like unbelievable, right?' 'Yeah.'
In closing arguments, Dominique Kennedy rejected the notion that the pair were still alive elsewhere. 'They had no passports or other travel documents. They didn't change their name. They aren't in the witness protection program. They never crossed into the U.S. Linda and Cheyanne always lived in southern Ontario. It's not reasonable to suggest that Linda and Cheyanne stowed away to a foreign country unbeknownst to all.' After deliberating for a day, the jury found Glenn Beauman guilty of first-degree murder even though nobody could explain how or why he did it - was it really because of financial pressure? Don't all families suffer like that?
In August 2019, Bauman was sentenced to life with a minimum of 25 years for each murder. The sentences will run concurrently as the deaths occurred months before a change in Canadian law that allowed for consecutive sentences in multiple deaths. Asked if he had anything to say before he was taken away, Bauman politely replied. 'No, Sir.'
#True cime#true crime community#real crime#tcc#tcc post#tcc blog#tcc account#real deaths#Glenn Bauman#Linda Daniel#Cheyanne Daniel#Bodies in barrels#The Serial Killer Chronicles
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Character Playlists!
10-15 songs per character, for each muse on this blog in order!
Sarah Manning - History
Buy You A Rose - AJR
Simple Song - Passenger
Girls/Girls/Boys - Panic! At The Disco
I Got You - Christopher Jackson
I Want To Write You A Song - One Direction
Dreamer - Aso
Song Of The Caged Bird - Lindsey Stirling
Nocturnal Waltz - Johannes Bornlöf
I Found Love - Owl City
Laugh Till I Cry - The Front Bottoms
James Cunnington - History
Brave Enough (Feat. Christina Perri) - Lindsey Stirling
Trust - Ásgeir
Devil Town - Cavetown
The Distance - Relient K
Wow, I Can Get Sexual Too - Say Anything
Gimme Coffee, Or Death - Mischief Brew
Lego House - Ed Sheeran
Tangled In The Great Escape - Pierce The Veil, Jason Butler
The Plan (Fuck Jobs) - The Front Bottoms
Misery - Maroon 5
William Manning, Jr - History
No Shade In The Shadow Of The Cross - Sufjan Stevens
Dear Maria, Count Me In - All Time Low
Making All Things New - Aaron Epse
The Carousel - Allysa Nelson
A Sky Full Of Flowers - Jeff Bright Jr
Two Birds - Regina Spektor
Survival AJJ - Ghost Mice
Warm Darkness - Mia Strass
10 Feet Tall - Cavetown
Ocean Eyes - Billie Eilish
Bruce Wayne - Gotham
Ocean Eyes - Billie Eilish
Bloom - The Paper Kites
I’m Gay - Bowling For Soup
King - Lauren Aquilina
Little Pistol - Mother Mother
The Crow - Dessa
Annabelle - Dessa
Yellow - Coldplay
Your Soul - Gothic Tropic
Meteor Shower - Cavetown
This Is Why We Fight - The Decemberists
Everyone But You - The Decemberists
We Don’t Have To Dance - Andy Black
The Moon Song - Scarlett Johansson, Joaquin Phoenix
Never Get To Know - Paul Baribeau
Veronica Sawyer - Heathers
Never Get To Know - Paul Baribeau
Marceline - Willow
Smile - Lily Allen
Lemon Boy - Cavetown
He’s Hurting Me - Maria Mena
Secret For The Mad - Dodie
Vacation Town - The Front Bottoms
Oh Ms Believer - Twenty One Pilots
One Love - Marianas Trench
Hell No - Ingrid Michaelson
Misanthropic Drunken Loner - Days N Daze
Under The Bridge - Red Hot Chili Peppers
This Is Home - Cavetown
Superman - Rachel Platten
Sloppy Seconds - Watsky
Jacqueline Callaghan - OC
I Don’t Know My Name - Grace VanderWaal
Sober Up - AJR
High School Never Ends - Bowling For Soup
One Foot - Walk The Moon
Skinny Love - Bon Iver
I Like Me Better - Lauv
King And Lionheart - Of Monsters And Men
Must Have Done Something Right - Relient K
Nothing Ever Happens - Rachel Platten
Congratulations - Dessa
I’m Not Dead - Boyinaband
Ring Of Fire - Home Free, Avi Kaplan
Heart Of Stone - American Authors
I Found Love - Owl City
Javier Delacroix - OC
I Found Love - Owl City
Ring Of Fire - Home Free, Avi Kaplan
People Ii: The Reckoning - AJJ
New Beginnings - Kupla
HIM - Sam Smith
I Know You Too Well To Like You Anymore - Reel Big Fish
Little Game - Benny
Boom Clap - Charli XCX
Don’t Stay In School - Boyinaband
Master Of Tides - Lindsey Stirling
Breathe - Lauv
Twin Size Mattress - The Front Bottoms
If My Heart Was A House - Owl City
How To Never Stop Being Sad - Dandelion Hands
Weak - AJR
Philip Hamilton - Hamilton The Musical, History
Rays Of Hope - Oneke
Nocturnal Waltz - Johannes Bornlöf
Waltz For Dreamers - Matt Stewart-Evans
Mirror Lake - Angus MacRae
Delicate Transitions - Gavin Luke
Warm Darkness - Mia Strass
Remove The Complexities - Peter Sandberg
Waves From A Distance - Martin Skoog
The Carousel - Allysa Nelson
A Sky Full Of Flowers - Jeff Bright Jr
Fight Night Champion - Cyberbully Mom Club
Adam’s Song - Blink-182
Bird Song - Florence + The Machine
Heart Of Stone - American Authors
Replaced - American Authors
Saoirse Crowley - OC
Replaced - American Authors
Turning Out - AJR
Blue Lips - Regina Spektor
Critical Hit - Ghost Mice
Sugar, We’re Goin Down - Fall Out Boy
Air Balloon - Lily Allen
Beautiful Trauma - P!nk
King - Lauren Aquilina
I Don’t Know Who You Are - Garfunkel And Oates
Hate That You Know Me - Bleachers
Looking Like This - Lyre Le Temps
Bloom - The Paper Kites
Art School Wannabe - Sorority Noise
Little Pistol - Mother Mother
Hidden In The Sand - Tally Hall
Asra - The Arcana
Hidden In The Sand - Tally Hall
Kids In America - Kim Wilde
You Make My Dreams - Daryl Hall & John Oates
I’m So Excited - The Pointer Sisters
Super Trouper - ABBA
Don’t Stop Believing - Journey
Walk Of Life - Dire Straits
Walking On Sunshine - Katrina & The Waves
Eye Of The Tiger - Survivor
Everybody Wants To Rule The World - Tears For Fears
Raspberry Beret - Prince
Africa - Toto
Footloose - Kenny Loggins
Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
Funky Town - Lipps Inc
Jughead Jones - Riverdale
We Won’t - Jaymes Young, Phoebe Ryan
Castle On A Hill - Ed Sheeran
Teenagers - My Chemical Romance
American Kids - Poppy
Burn The House Down - AJR
iD - Michael Patrick Kelly, Gentleman
Call My Dad - AJR
Do Better - Say Anything
Smoothie King - Bowling For Soup
Run - Vampire Weekend
I Hate Everything - Just Nick
I’m Born To Run - American Authors
Big Idea - AJR
Pitchfork Kids - AJR
I’ve Changed Too - Justin Kalk
Angelica Hamilton - Hamilton, History
You Look Like A Girl - Boyinaband
Green - Cavetown
Deathbed - Relient K
Back Home - Andy Grammer
Daylight - Maroon 5
Fuqboi - Hey Violet
The Last Of The Real Ones - Fall Out Boy
Feel Something - Jaymes Young
Lego House - Ed Sheeran
Lowlife - Poppy
Don’t Fill Up On Chips - The Front Bottoms
Daylily - Movements
Ghosting - Mother Mother
You Used To Say (Holy Fuck) - The Front Bottoms
Runs In The Family - Amanda Palmer
Harleen Quinzel - Batman, Comics
You Used To Say (Holy Fuck) - The Front Bottoms
Fuck Away The Pain - Divide The Day
Pride - American Authors
Set It All Free - Scarlett Johansson
Sweater Weather - The Neighbourhood
No Children - The Mountain Goats
Walkashame - Meghan Trainor
Bit By Bit - Mother Mother
Starring Role - Marina And The Diamonds
Ocean Eyes - Bilie Eilish
Honestly - Hot Chelle Rae
Like Lovers Do - Hey Violet
We Don’t Have To Dance - Andy Black
Champion - Fall Out Boy
Dear Maria, Count Me In - All Time Low
Mae Borowski - Night In The Woods
Skeleton - The Front Bottoms
Ghosting - Mother Mother
Little Talks - Of Monsters And Men
Love Love Love - Of Monsters And Men
Too Much Fun - Boyinaband
Hello Monsta - Boyinaband
No Children - The Mountain Goats
Body - Mother Mother
Spooky Ghosts - SNCKPCK
Devil Town - Cavetown
Putting The Dog To Sleep - The Antlers
Machine - MisterWives
The Last Of The Real Ones - Fall Out Boy
Runs In The Family - Amanda Palmer
Lowlife - Poppy
Lance McClain - Voltron
Runs In The Family - Amanda Palmer
Starring Role - Marina And The Diamonds
Early Morning Coffee Cups - Jaimi Faulkner
Laugh Till I Cry - The Front Bottoms
The Crow - Dessa
Stone - Jaymes Young
Break The Rules - Charli XCX
Song For Isabelle - Pierce The Veil
If I Tremble - Front Porch Step
Sick Of Losing Soulmates - Dodie
Tear In My Heart - Twenty One Pilots
Lemon Boy - Cavetown
Rose-Colored Boy - Paramore
I’m Good - The Mowgli’s
Stutter - Maroon 5
Mariana García - The Walking Dead: Season Three
I’m Good - The Mowgli’s
Stutter - Maroon 5
Three Thirty - AJR
Better When I’m Dancin’ - Meghan Trainor
Speechless - Rachel Platten
Congratulations - Rachel Platten
Two Birds - Regina Spektor
Brave - Sara Bareilles
Set It All Free - Scarlett Johansson
Something Wonderful - Seaway
Wolves - Selena Gomez, Marshmello
You Are Enough - Sleeping At Last
Infinity - AJR
Imagine - Pentatonix
Perfect - Ed Sheeran
Loki - Marvel Cinematic Universe
Fuck Away The Pain - Divide The Day
The Crow - Dessa
Lowlife - Poppy
Gasoline - Divide The Day
Train Wreck - Divide The Day
Fight Night Champion - Cyberbully Mom Club
The Last Of The Real Ones - Fall Out Boy
Bird Song - Florence + The Machine
Twin Size Mattress - The Front Bottoms
You Used To Say (Holy Fuck) - The Front Bottoms
The Boredom Is The Reason I Started Swimming. It’s Also The Reason I Started Sinking - The Front Bottoms
The Plan (Fuck Jobs) - The Front Bottoms
Laugh Till I Cry - The Front Bottoms
Friday Night - Lily Allen
Maps - Maroon 5
MJ / Michelle Jones - Marvel Cinematic Universe
Moves Like Jagger - Maroon 5
A Children’s Crusade On Acid - Margot & The Nuclear So And So’s
The Kids Don’t Stand A Chance - Vampire Weekend
Dairy Queen - PWR BTTM
Calamity Song - The Decemberists
All Of The Drugs - The Brobecks
Dead - Madison Beer
The Crow - Dessa
Brand New City - Mitski
Coast (It’s Gonna Get Better) - Patrick Stump
St. Patrick - Pvris
Down By The Water - The Decemberists
Repetition - Purity Ring
Unbelievers - Vampire Weekend
This Is Why We Fight - The Decemberists
#☆•⍟•☆ Sarah // Mannerisms ☆•⍟•☆#☆•⍟•☆ James // Mannerisms ☆•⍟•☆#☆•⍟•☆ William // Mannerisms ☆•⍟•☆#☆•⍟•☆ Bruce // Mannerisms ☆•⍟•☆#☆•⍟•☆ Veronica // Mannerisms ☆•⍟•☆#☆•⍟•☆ Jacqueline // Mannerisms ☆•⍟•☆#☆•⍟•☆ Javier // Mannerisms ☆•⍟•☆#☆•⍟•☆ Philip // Mannerisms ☆•⍟•☆#☆•⍟•☆ Saoirse // Mannerisms ☆•⍟•☆#☆•⍟•☆ Asra // Mannerisms ☆•⍟•☆#☆•⍟•☆ Jughead // Mannerisms ☆•⍟•☆#☆•⍟•☆ Angelica // Mannerisms ☆•⍟•☆#☆•⍟•☆ Harley // Mannerisms ☆•⍟•☆#☆•⍟•☆ Mae // Mannerisms ☆•⍟•☆#☆•⍟•☆ Lance // Mannerisms ☆•⍟•☆#☆•⍟•☆ Mariana // Mannerisms ☆•⍟•☆#☆•⍟•☆ Loki // Mannerisms ☆•⍟•☆#☆•⍟•☆ MJ // Mannerisms ☆•⍟•☆#Character Playlists
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Le shopping de Melanie
Chemise en coton bleue à rayures blanches + robe noire En polyester Vicas 16, rue Depetit-Thouars – 75003 Paris www.facebook.com/VICASParis/ 39 € + 129 €
Chemise en coton avec broderies et rayures + pantalon noir en polyester Vicas 16, rue Depetit-Thouars – 75003 Paris www.facebook.com/VICASParis/ 35 € + 85 €
Short noir en dentelle + chemise blanc cassé en coton We love 65 Rue Saint Martin – 75004 Paris 28 € + 25 €
Jupe au niveau du genou similicuir avec transparence + chemise en polyester We love 65 Rue Saint Martin – 75004 Paris 38 € + 15 €
Chemise en coton rayures bleu et blanches avec fleurs brodées + pantalon jupe noir bohème We love 65 Rue Saint Martin – 75004 Paris 27 € + 29,90€
Robe en dentelle doublure nude + chemise blanche simple polyester We love 65 Rue Saint Martin – 75004 Paris 59 € + 23 €
Sac en daim noir avec chaine en lanière We love 65 Rue Saint Martin – 75004 Paris 52 €
Klutch taupe clair avec chaînette en lanière We love 65 Rue Saint Martin – 75004 Paris 28 €
Chaussures à talons rose nude poudré La Scarpa 113 rue de la Roquette – 75011 Paris 89 €
Sandales à talons effet Python coloré La Scarpa 113 rue de la Roquette – 75011 Paris 89 €
Bague a strass Terra Luna 148 rue Saint Honoré – 75001 Paris www.facebook.com/TerraLunaBijoux 49 €
Bague dorée à 3 rangs Terra Luna 148 rue Saint Honoré – 75001 Paris www.facebook.com/TerraLunaBijoux 43 €
Collier doré à ronds Terra Luna 148 rue Saint Honoré – 75001 Paris www.facebook.com/TerraLunaBijoux 49 €
Boucles d'oreilles ethniques colorées Terra Luna 148 rue Saint Honoré – 75001 Paris www.facebook.com/TerraLunaBijoux 25 €
Chemise blanc cassé en coton We love 65 Rue Saint Martin – 75004 Paris 25 €
Short noir en dentelle We love 65 Rue Saint Martin – 75004 Paris 28 €
Klutch taupe clair avec chaînette en lanière We love 65 Rue Saint Martin – 75004 Paris 28 €
Sandales à talons effet Python coloré La Scarpa 113 rue de la Roquette – 75011 Paris 89 €
Bague dorée à 3 rangs Terra Luna 148 rue Saint Honoré – 75001 Paris www.facebook.com/TerraLunaBijoux 43 €
Collier doré à ronds Terra Luna 148 rue Saint Honoré – 75001 Paris www.facebook.com/TerraLunaBijoux 49 €
Boucles d'oreilles ethniques colorées Terra Luna 148 rue Saint Honoré – 75001 Paris www.facebook.com/TerraLunaBijoux 25 €
25 € Coiffure + Maquillage Saravy 29 rue St Sauveur – 75002 Paris www.saravy.com
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#🏰 The area here is called the Grüner Markt (Green Market). This place became centre of the bourgeois settlement which developed around it. Very close by is a big square called Maximiliansplatz. It is very lively here on market days. There are many things for sale, and people eat the traditional sausages which are cooked at the sausage stall, and drink Bamberg beer. When the square is empty it looks very big. There used to be a church at the north-west end, but it was destroyed in 1806 at the time when the archbishops lost their political power. The patronage of St. Martin was taken over by the former Jesuit church which was built by the architect Georg Dientzenhofer until 1693, situated at the Green Market. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• #👍 #shootstreets #street_photography #streetshots #architectures #architecture_greatshots #architecture_hunter #reisenmachtglücklich #travelblog #traveldestination #travelnow #voyageursdumonde #rue #straße #strasse #strassenfotografie (at Bamberg, Germany)
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Tirol: Der Aussichtsberg Kitzbüheler Horn
Das Kitzbüheler Horn (1996 m) ist einer der schönsten Aussichtsberge in Tirol. Vom Gipfel hat man einen atemberaubenden 360Grad Rundblick auf die umliegenden Berge bis hinüber zu den Hohen Tauern und Zillertaler Alpen und in’s Chiemgau hinüber.
Dass man so einen Berggipfel auf ganz unterschiedliche Weise erreichen kann, ist klar! Menschen, die weniger gut zu Fuss sind, steigen in Kitzbühel in die Gondelbahn und fahren bequem nach oben. Oder sie fahren mit dem Auto oder dem Rad auf der gut ausgebauten Panoramastrasse hinauf bis zum Alpengasthaus (Mautstrasse). Radfahrer sollten allerdings eine wirklich gute Kondition mitbringen, denn die Steigung beträgt bis zu 18%. Sie können auch bis ganz hinauf zum Gipfelhaus fahren.
Wer will, kann das Kitzbüheler Horn aber auch zu Fuss bezwingen. Entweder von Talort St. Johann aus oder, so wir wir, vom Harschbichel aus, der mit einer Gondelbahn gut erreichbar ist. Von dort aus geht es dann die letzten knapp 450 Höhenmeter hinauf zum Gipfel.
An der Station ausgestiegen haben wir schon schöne Blicke auf die Loferer- und Leoganger Steinberge (siehe Bild), hinüber in’s Chiemgau und zum Wilden Kaiser.
Und wir sehen den Weg hinauf zum Gipfel direkt vor uns. Nach einem kurzen Stück bergab stehen wir an einer Weggabelung: Gerade aus, steil hinauf führt der direkte Weg zum Gipfel, nach links zieht sich der Jägersteig, den wir auf dem Abstieg zurück kommen werden.
Wir steigen also gerade aus in Richtung Gipfel auf einem gut angelegten Bergpfad (Ludwig-Scheiber-Weg), der sich in vielen Kehren nach oben windet.
Am Wegrand sehen wir viele Bergblumen, von unten hören wir am Anfang noch das Läuten der Kuhglocken.
Immer wieder sollte man sich auch Zeit nehmen für einen kurzen Blick in die umliegenden Berge Hier auf den Wilden Kaiser).
Im letzten Drittel sind dann Schwindelfreiheit und Trittsicherheit erforderlich, denn der Pfad führt nun unterhalb des Gipfelaufbaus direkt am Fels, mit einem Drahseil gesichert, zuerst durch eine schmale Felsspalte und kurze Zeit später durch ein Felsentor.
Wenn wir dieses passiert haben sehen wir schon einen Vorgipfel und erreichen nach wenigen Metern die geteerte Strasse, der wir dann noch ca 10 Min. zum Gipfel folgen.
Oben sollte man sich genug Zeit lassen, den wirklich sensationellen Rundblick zu genießen! Wer Hunger hat, kehrt im Gipfelhaus ein und nimmt ein Bad unter den Seilbahntouristen oder bewundert die Radfahrer, die sich die letzten Kehren der Panoramastarssse hinaufquälen.
Für den Abstieg halten wir uns unterhalb des Gipfels nordöstlich und folgen der Beschilderung zum Harschbichel. Über den Bergrücken geht es hinab bis zu einer Weggabelung, dem Abzweig zur Almenrunde.
Wir gehen noch ein kurzes Stück weiter und genießen noch einmal von einer Bank aus den Blick.
Mit etwas Glück hört man auf diesem Wegabschnitt hinunter nicht nur das Pfeifen der Murmeltiere, sondern sieht auch welche.
Jetzt sehen wir auch schon die Bergstation am Harschbichel und folgen quer hinüber dem Jägersteig bis wir wieder an unserem Ausgangspunkt angekommen sind.
Gehzeit zum Gipfel: 1 ½ bis 2 Stunden, Abstieg über den Jägersteig: ca 1 ½ Stunden. Man geht, bis auf das kurze Stück hinunter von der Bergstation, ausschließlich auf Bergpfaden. Trittsicherheit und Schwindelfreiheit sind erforderlich, ebenso festes Schuhwerk. Der Weg kann auch andersherum gegangen werden, ich persönlich jedoch ziehe diese Runde vor.
Den genauen Wegverlauf können Sie auf der Karte “Wilder Kaiser Ellmau-Going-Schaffau-Söll” verfolgen. Eine gute Wegbeschreibung finden Sie im Wanderführer “Wilder Kaiser” von Sepp Brandl. Sie können Beides in unserem Shop bestellen.
Text und Bilder: Susanne Martin
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