#St. Cecilia
lionofchaeronea · 10 months
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Saint Cecilia, Michiel Coxie, 1569
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Carlo Saraceni (1579–1620) - The Martyrdom of St. Cecilia, 1610.
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North Window, Cathedral of St. Peter, Belleville, Illinois
7 July 2023
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velvetvexations · 1 month
the single character in your list labeled "white bitch" is sending me
she's great and was entirely inspired by a Blue Oyster Cult song
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exclectical · 1 year
I has been a long time since I got to write good THREESOME! (I'm so happy everyone likes this story so much and you guys know how to welcome a girl back and just EVERYTHING.... mwuah!)
When the Levee Breaks THEME: Sex in the shower! PAIRING: Dolly Macabre/St. Cecilia Jameson/Pickles WARNINGS: ALSO Sex in the shower ALSO threesome FFM NOTES: Tysm to @dolly-macabre and @gointothevvater for the use of Dolly and Ceelie!!
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St. Cecilia by Guido Reni.
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A depiction of St. Cecilia with an organ.
St. Cecilia
Feast Day: November 22nd
Patronage: Musicians, sacred music, poets, singers, organ builders, and luthiers
St. Cecilia was born in the third century to a noble Roman family. Cecilia was secretly a Christian and had taken a vow of virginity. Her parents insisted on her marriage to the pagan nobleman, Valerian. During her wedding, Cecilia sat alone singing to God in her heart. On their wedding night she told Valerian that there was an angel with her that only she could see and that the angel would punish him if he tried to consummate the marriage. Valerian would be able to see the angel if he was purified by being baptized. Valerian went down the Appian Way and saw an old man wearing white and carrying a golden book. Valerian immediately went to Pope Urban I and was baptized by him.
When Valerian returned to their home he saw Cecilia's angel for the first time. Cecilia was speaking with the angel and the angel crowned the couple with roses and lilies. Valerian's brother, Tiburtius was soon converted because of this miracle. After this the brothers worked together to minister to Christians and bury martyrs. When they were found out Valerian and Tiburtius were executed along with a soldier named Maximus. Cecilia was brought before the prefect, Almachius after she chose death instead of making offerings to the Roman gods. She was placed in a tub of boiling water but she did not burn nor did she sweat. When this did not work they tried to execute her by cutting off her head. They tried to cut her neck three times and she survived for three days with a half-severed head. She sang praises to God before she finally died. She gave all her possessions to the poor before she died and requested that Urban I convert her home into a church.
It should be noted that while St. Cecilia is the patron of musicians she did not play any instruments and the instruments she is usually depicted with, like organs were invented long after she died. Instead, the organ is reference to her love of sacred music made in praise of God.
Holy Sites: Santa Cecilia in Trastevere, the site supposedly holds her incorrupt remains.
Potential Offerings: Water, a green candle, roses, lilies, donations to musicians, creative works made in her honor, play Handel's composition for her, play Gounod's mass for her, and Benjamin Britten's Hymn to St. Cecilia. Her sacred day is Wednesday.
Petition: St. Cecilia can be petitioned on behalf of those in the arts, particularly musicians and singers. You can make donations to organizations that support the musical arts. She can also be invoked to clear paths and remove obstacles. This can range from metaphorical blockages to physical obstacles.
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hillbilly-thomist · 1 year
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Haunted prayer corner…
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dragoneyes618 · 1 year
I have no idea how patron saints work, but I like to imagine that Miguel's is Saint Cecilia.
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internetcatholicism · 2 years
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crazycatsiren · 2 years
Of course I forgot about the feast day of my patron saint.
It's no longer November 22, but my love for St. Cecilia is year round.
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(Anton Josef Dräger, 1823)
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13th-century brick Cathedral Basilica of St. Cecilia in Albi, Languedoc region of southern France
French vintage postcard
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historian-in-pearls · 2 years
The feast day of St. Cecilia is the perfect time to resume piano practice after several months away (due to everything with the move). I even hung a picture of her by my piano yesterday 🎹
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Gustave van de Woestijne. Detail from St. Cecilia by John William Waterhouse.
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(Detail from 'St. Cecilia' by John William Waterhouse).
>> See Waterhouse's painting, here.
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”We pray you please to help us as His fair praise we sing! We lift our hearts in joyous song to honor Him this way.” - St. Cecilia
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SAINT OF THE DAY (November 22)
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St. Cecilia's family was one of the principal families of Rome. According to the cultural custom of the time, Cecilia's family betrothed her to a pagan nobleman named Valerian despite her consecration to God.
On their wedding night, Cecilia told Valerian that she had sworn to remain a virgin before God and that an angel guarded her body, protecting her virginity from violation.
She told Valerian that he would be able to see this angel if he went to the third milestone along the Via Appia and was baptized by Pope Urban I.
Valerian went to the milestone as Cecilia had instructed, and there he was baptized. She later converted his brother as well.
During that era, it was forbidden for anyone to bury the bodies of Christians, so newly-baptized Valerian and his brother dedicated themselves to burying the bodies of all the Christians they found.
For this, they were arrested and brought before a judge who ordered them to worship the Roman god Jupiter.
They were martyred when they refused to deny their Christian faith. The police then came for Cecilia and strongly advised her to renounce her faith.
In reply, she told them that she would prefer to die than to denounce the true faith.
According to legend, upon hearing her response, they brought her to a large oven with the intention of suffocating her with the hot and toxic gasses it emitted.
However, instead of choking, Cecilia began to sing. Infuriated, her persecutors attempted to behead her, but after three strokes of the sword, Cecilia was still alive and her head was not severed.
The soldiers then left her covered in blood in her own home, where she remained for three days before she died.
St. Cecilia was buried in the Catacomb of Callixtus and later transferred to the Church of Santa Cecilia in Trastevere.
The church Santa Cecilia in Trastevere was built on the site of the house where she lived.
In 1599, her body was found still incorrupt, seeming to be asleep.
St. Cecilia is known for "singing in her heart to the Lord" upon her wedding day, despite her consecration to God.
She is the patron saint of musicians and poets because of this sentiment and her alleged singing within the oven during her martyrdom.
Her fortitude may inspire the modern Catholic in the trials of life and inspire one to find God within music.
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ir0n-moon · 2 years
Gointothevvater here! Saw those tags, so I'm popping in here to reply! Ceelie never lost her accent, though it's become a little less noticeable because she was in America for so long, and yep, it's raspy at present because of the smoking! As for a voiceclaim, I use Florence Pugh! She's got the Oxford accent and everything! 😊
@gointothevvater oh!! i looked her up and i can totally see St. Cecilia speaking like that! also having that as a reference it's easier to imagine it getting raspier as she got older. i'm sure a ton of characters find her voice attractive because of that! thank you for this bit of trivia <3
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