#Split Lip
how-much-for-a-whump · 5 months
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Yabani 33. Bölüm
Prompt: "Bloody Face"
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whumpookies · 6 months
Yan oda bölüm 3 cousins fight.
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clickerflight · 1 year
The Lion and the Mouse - Part 3
Master list
Part 2
This is where the lion comes in >:3
Content: Villain whumpee, vigilante whumpee, hero whumper, tiny whumpee, bruised, blood, split lip, broken ribs, cramps, hogtied, gun, no shots fired
Vigil returned to the base after a very nerve wracking day of pacing around his safehouse and not doing much else. He had thoroughly checked his shoes and there was no Kai to be found. He felt sick to his stomach, imagining that an ant had gotten him and started the endless death cycle, or that he was small enough that he was well and truly dead now. He should have gone with the first plan. Sure, there was more of a chance of getting caught, but at least he could have been certain that Kai was in his sleeve. 
He glanced at the corner where Kai was supposed to wait for him and unsurprisingly found nothing. So, he trudged on into the base, trying desperately to think of where Kai would have gone. If you were a tiny man, where would you hide?
The vents would make sense, but they were probably too cold and Kai didn’t have any clothes. What if he had froze to death? Or starved to death? Or-
“Morning, Vigil,” a dark voice said from behind him. 
Vigil turned and found Leshy staring at him with a death glare. “Oh, morning. Sorry, I was thinking about what we were doing today. I wasn’t really told-”
“You’ll be sparring with me today,” Leshy informed him. “In the 5th training room. Be there in an hour.”
Leshy stormed off as Vigil said, “Oh, okay, then.”
Vigil knew what was coming. He wasn’t an idiot. He was going to take a beating for taking away Leshy’s toy because the hero was as childish as Vigil’s youngest niece. Thankfully it would be just a beating since everyone seemed to believe his story of ‘I stepped on it by accident.’ They even watched the footage and Technical agreed that it was an accident. 
Still, Vigil couldn’t keep back the creeping fear that he was going to be discovered. 
He was slow to get ready, changing into his sparring uniform with loose pants and a sleeveless top, but he was still there on time as he wrapped his knuckles. 
Leshy was waiting for him, shoes already off and hands wrapped. Vigil finished quickly, slipping off his own shoes and socks before standing at the other side of the training room. 
Without a word, the two took up positions and got started. Leshy was powerful, attacking in huge overpowering bursts, obviously used to having teammates step in when he needed a break. Vigil, who often worked alone, was smoother, drawing out the fight to exhaust the hero. Leshy got his second and third wind, but after that, Vigil was quick to snake an arm around his neck and push him to the floor, holding him in a pin as Leshy struggled to get out. 
After a moment, Leshy relaxed and Vigil let him go, standing up and shaking out his arms. 
“How many rounds?” Vigil asked as Leshy got up, rubbing his neck.
“Two more,” Leshy replied, digging in his bag for something. Once Leshy was ready, the two faced up again. Leshy attacked with less vigor, drawing it out a little more and matching Vigil’s pace. Vigil kept up well enough, but Leshy, now that he was applying his energy correctly, was much harder to deal with. Leshy jabbed with steady punches and grabbed for Vigil a couple of times, so close that Vigil nearly went down. 
Then it happened. Leshy moved in, forcing Vigil to step back and with the speed of a striking snake, Leshy hooked his legs out from under him and was on top of him, trying to get him in a pin. Vigil moved to get out, more flexible than Leshy, but Leshy was much stronger than him. Vigil tapped out when Leshy pressed his arm to Vigil’s throat hard enough to cause spots. But Leshy didn’t move. Vigil tried tapping out again, the sound of blood pounding in his head rising in volume alongside his panic, but Leshy didn’t move, instead reaching back and grabbing something from under his shirt. Vigil caught sight of glittering metal, and then a gun was at his head, a couple of clicks sounding as the safety was turned off and the gun was cocked. 
Leshy let up on Vigil’s throat a little and he gasped for air, the spots clearing away, but he didn’t move to get out of the pin as the warm metal stayed pressed to his forehead. Leshy seemed to be waiting for Vigil to speak so, once the pounding faded and the silence had stretched on tensely for a few minutes, Vigil relented. 
“Leshy,” he said in a warning tone. 
Leshy’s grin was something that belonged in nightmares, wide, toothy, and feral. “Did you let my pet go on accident, really?”
“You saw the tapes, and how I reacted when you killed him,” Vigil replied with a fair amount of disgust. “You’re stupid if you think I did.”
His pre-planned excuse had apparently hit just the spot of believability as Leshy relaxed slightly. “Thank you for the honesty, then, but I’m afraid we don’t have any villains to take my frustration out on, and Technical said that if I hurt one of the sidekick’s again I’d be off the team forever. Course, I didn’t get his permission for this, but I don’t mind asking forgiveness once I feel better.”
Leshy got off of Vigil, still pointing the gun at his head. “Roll over.”
Vigil did so carefully and put his hands on the back of his head like he knew the next order would be. 
Leshy chuckled. “Good dog. You’re all trained and everything.”
Vigil growled, ready to turn again and prove Leshy wrong, but a knee came down in the middle of his back and sticky, calloused hands wrenched his arms behind his back. 
“None of that, now. I promise I won’t kill you. This beating won’t be anything like what I hand out to the villains, even. Just enough to relax, you know? And if you breathe a word of this to your pretty little union, I’ll leave this team and find you again. I know how you fight, now. I don’t care what toys you have. I will take you and I will beat you until I break you. Plus, I won’t have any obligation to keep you alive afterwards.”
Vigil forced himself to take deep, slow breaths. Just withstand a beating or two. He could do that. He’d done it plenty of times before. 
“Get up,” Leshy said, standing back and presumably pointing the gun at his back. 
Vigil rolled to his side and did so slowly, watching the gun move with him to stay pointed at his face. 
“Move your arms to the front,” Leshy said, grinning with each command he gave. 
Vigil took another slow breath before stepping through the cuffs one leg at a time till his hands were at his front. 
“Good. Now, arms up and close your eyes.”
Vigil did, and the gun was placed on his chest. If he was shot at this range he knew he’d be dead. The gun pushed him back a few steps before he was backed against a wall. There was a clinking sound and Leshy’s hot breath on his face. Vigil turned his head, trying not to breathe in Leshy’s air as the man locked something into his cuffs, keeping his arms above his head. 
After a moment, Leshy’s presence was gone and Vigil opened his eyes, watching the man go and toss the gun back into his bag, cracking his knuckles as he returned. 
“I’ll betcha I can bust your lip in the first try,” Leshy said with a sadistic smile. 
Vigil’s flesh crawled with each word, but he did not respond as Leshy said, “Guess there’s only one way to find out.”
When the lights went out, Kai was ready to venture again. He stepped out of the vents and went back to the kitchen. He was taller now. Not big enough to need his new cloak yet, but getting there. He was back to the size he’d been before Vigil crushed him and glad for it. He still wouldn’t be able to reach the rungs of the drawers, but it was better being bigger. 
He scavenged up crumbs again, delighted to even find bits of turkey that had fallen to the floor. He was feeling much better now after having eaten and the chance to get water and sleep. He’d even found a leaky water fountain when he’d been traveling through the vents and had his fill there. 
He ate on the way back to the vents, planning where he was going to go from here. He might start traveling into rooms, seeing if he can find tools. He’d need another cloth to be his bag and blanket when he switched to wearing the one he had now, and he’d need something sharp and some string. 
After thinking about it, he decided a bathroom would work best for finding what he needed. He quietly ate the rest of his food in the vent, deciding who would be the best for this. He could still get in and out through vent gaps so that wouldn’t be a problem, though it was getting to be a squeeze, so he’d need to decide quickly. 
Nautilus was a very sound sleeper and more prepared than the rest. Plus, he might have a razor blade hiding around. Kai remembered him talking about how he groomed his facial hair the ‘proper’ way. 
So, Kai navigated the vents, looking out through the grating to be sure he knew where he was. Soon, he was at Nautilus’s vents. He squeezed through and, after climbing the slats, he reached the knob that would open them a bit farther. He tried for a minute, but he was still too small to really do so. Still, he managed to crack them a bit more by hanging his weight on one side before falling to the floor. With that done and crossed the bedroom. It didn’t take forever, but it was still a good trek. In the bathroom he looked up at the counter. There was a stack of washcloths that he could already see, solving one of his problems. The issue would be getting up there. 
The shower curtains were slid to one side nearer to the counter, and thankfully the outer layer hung outside the tub. His hope that Nautilus’s ‘proper way’ of doing things would mean he would have a second curtain like this. 
So, Kai grabbed hold of the curtain leaving his bag on the rug in front of the sink, and climbed. He was tired by the time he got to the counter, and his hands and legs trembled, but he had the strength to fling himself onto the counter, wincing when the movement caused one of the curtain hooks to move and squeak slightly. 
There was no sound from the bathroom so Kai grabbed a washcloth and dragged it over to the edge. It was heavy and annoying. He contemplated leaving it here for another night, but he got it over the edge and that was that. He’d have to deal with it now. Some poking around revealed a small container of dental floss and a pack of razor blades. He soon pushed them over the edge of the counter, letting them land softly on the rug below. He looked around one more time to make sure there was nothing he’d want to grab on the way out and leapt for the curtain, sliding down it much easier than climbing up. 
He had to make three trips across the floor to get each of the items to the vent, and the floss pack nearly didn’t go until he figured out how to pop it open and get the roll of floss out of it. He shoved the container behind a box under the bed so it wouldn’t be found and disappeared back into the vents, happy with his night of foraging. 
Once he made it back to his patch of vent, a quiet place with a small blockage of what had been a mouse nest at some point that kept it a bit warmer. Kai admired his new tools, excited about each of them. He was still too small to wield the razor blade, but he was already thinking about tying it to a stick and having a little weapon, or at least something he could kind of use to grapple things with. 
He spent the rest of the evening napping and braiding the floss into rope that would hold him as he got bigger. 
Vigil still hung in the training room. He didn’t sleep, merely staring at his aching feet as blood dripped from his open mouth. His mouth and lips were badly cut. Leshy had indeed been able to break his lip on the first punch. And the second. And the third. 
Vigil couldn’t really breath through his nose. It hurt too much at the moment, so he let his mouth hang open and drip onto the floor. He blinked slowly, his face aching. His ribs hurt too, but he was good at ignoring them. They felt bruised, not broken. His shoulders had burned for hours as he hung there, but now his arms just felt numb and cold as the blood had a harder and harder time pumping all the way up to his fingers. 
The lights turned back on, but when he lifted his head to see the doorway, no one was there. He lowered it again. The lights must be on timers, then. He wondered how long he’d have to wait before he saw Leshy’s smug face again. 
The answer was not too long. Leshy came in with a smile. He had a glass of water in hand and Vigil watched him approach, glaring through the sweaty hair that had fallen into his eyes. 
“Morning,” Leshy said with a huge grin. 
He held the cup to Vigil’s lips and Vigil got in two swallows before he had to snort to keep water out of his nose and the rest was dumped on his head, ice cubes and all. 
He gasped at the shock of it, shaking his head to get the water out of his eyes as Leshy laughed. 
“Come on, big guy. You’ve got this,” he said, backing up to set the cup down. “Just a couple more days. I have to go out on a mission later, so I’ll be nice and let you down…. What do you say?”
Vigil’s lip curled at the patronizing tone, but Leshy’s stance grew firmer and his eyes set in a cruel expression, waiting for Vigil to speak. 
“Thanks,” Vigil spat. 
“Not so hard now, is it?” Leshy said with that same nightmarish smile. “I need to get my warm up in before I let you down. Be ready.”
And with that, the beating started. Leshy had a weapon this time, a metal pole he twirled around in pretty showy circles before slamming it into Vigil’s legs or ribs. By the time he was done, Vigil definitely had a broken rib or two, and his knee ached, not broken, but something was definitely damaged there. 
Leshy turned away, as though to leave when he whirled around, slamming the pole into Vigil’s stomach. The Vigilante coughed, nearly losing the water he’d swallowed earlier. Leshy watched, smiling as Vigil coughed and bent over as far as he could with the way he was hanging. 
He reached up and undid the lock, letting Vigil fall to the ground, curling around his stomach and ribs. 
Leshy undid the cuffs around Vigil’s wrists, pulling them to Vigil’s back and relocking them. He locked the chain around the metal pole before cuffing Vigil’s bare ankles to the pole as well, hog tying him effectively. 
“There, that should keep you here,” Leshy said, ignoring Vigil’s sharp gasp as something immediately started cramping in the left leg. “I’ll be back tomorrow.”
And with that, Leshy left again. 
Vigil writhed in agony as the cramp turned into a charlie horse, and he grunted and pressed his face into the floor, letting the pain of those bruises act as a distraction. It was hours before it faded away, and Vigil was left sweating and shaking on the floor, his not so numb shoulders complaining about the position and his injured knee joining in. 
After a few hours he heard the door open and there was a soft squeak. 
Vigil twisted his head to see one of the sidekicks, the younger one, he was pretty sure, standing there. They stared at each other for a moment before Vigil opened his mouth. 
“Please, help,” he whispered. “I won’t tell him it was you. I’ll say I got out on my own.”
The sidekick stared at him, frozen and silent.
“Please,” Vigil said again, putting some urgency into his voice. 
The sidekick dashed in, giving Vigil some hope before it failed as the sidekick grabbed whatever he had been sent in for and left just as quickly, shutting the door behind him. 
Vigil slowly set his face back down on the floor with a low sigh. “Fair enough,” he murmured, and he closed his eyes against the fluorescent lights, ignoring the mirrors that lined the one wall, repeating back his misery to him.
Part 4
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whump-captain · 1 year
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[ID in alt]
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panafricanambassador · 2 months
What sport is this?
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submissivefeminist · 2 years
Black eye or a split lip? Both? Neither?
I'm interested in both but the trick is getting them done without extensive damage to say, my eye or teeth.
I usually aim for the upper cheek below the eye when I do facial punching scenes bc that's where I am most comfortable taking pain but if I could get a true black eye without actually damaging my eyeball/vision, that'd be sick.
I've never had a split lip but I'd love the look of it so much.
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faofinn · 2 years
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Gun to Temple | “Say goodbye.” | Impaled
Harrison took a while to come round, the downside of being smacked upside the chin with the butt of a pistol. He gave a quiet groan as he started to gain his surroundings, a bad mistake as the men around him laughed. It was quickly followed by a punch aimed at his ribs, taking the air from his lungs and making him cough.
"Fuck." He managed, head hanging low. Everything was so slow, and he just couldn’t seem to catch up. 
That just seemed to entertain them more, and heavy footsteps approached him. His hands were tied behind him, handcuffed and then roped to the bars of the chair. His legs too were tied, again both together and to the chair. They obviously weren't taking any chances with him. There was a slight flash of pride at that, that he'd got himself such a reputation, but that was quick to disappear. 
A rough hand in his hair yanked his head back, tilting his chin up. The light blinded him, the sudden movement making him more than a little dizzy.
“You’re working for them.” They spat angrily. 
"Oh, that's a bit rude."
“Shut up! I do the talking.”
"Okay, okay." He looked serious for a moment. "So, do you need a talky stick or…?"
That earned him a punch in the gut from one of his captor’s friends. “Stop trying to be smart!”
The hand in his hair didn't help as he automatically curled in, struggling to breathe. "That's no way to treat a guest."
“You’re not a guest.” They growled. “Tell us what you know.”
"I'm good at my ABCs, can do most of the time tables - i get stuck on my sixes despite everything."
“That’s enough!” Another voice called, cold and authoritative. He approached Harrison, looking him over, at the way his men had secured him. “My men must be scared of you. That’s quite impressive.” 
Harrison gave a laugh. "Isn't it just?"
“It’s just a shame I’m not.”
"I'd be worried if you were. But then again, it's like the blind leading the blind, isn't it? Just cowards leading cowards."
“Cowards is a little harsh.”
"Oh, is it? Why don't you untie me then?"
“Now where’s the fun in that?” Henri purred. “You work for the Daniels, and I want to know what you know.”
"I've got no loyalties. I work for whoever pays me the most."
“Then if you’ve got no loyalties, you’ll talk to me.”
"About what?"
“Everything you know.”
"Oh, jeez. We'll be here a while. Can you untie me, then? Maybe get me a coke and some snacks?"
Henri laughed. “No, I’m not stupid.” He pulled his gun, examining it idly. 
"No? Are you sure?" The gun didn't scare him, he was still more bored than anything.
He pressed the gun to Harrison’s temple, clicking the safety off. “You’ll tell me what you know.”
Harrison gritted his teeth slightly, taking a steadying breath as he weighed up the situation. "You'll have to ask better than that. I know an awful lot of things, you know that. Did you want me to start with the alphabet?"
“I don’t have time for you to be a smartass.” 
"So we're not going to talk about university? A- levels?"
Henri jerked the gun, hitting Harrison’s temple. “I want information on supply lines, money, anything.”
He winced despite himself. "I have no idea about that. I'm not part of the planning."
“Of course you are.”
"Not any more."
“I don’t believe you.”
"I've been in Germany for the last few years." He lied. "Why do you think you've not seen my pretty face for a while?"
“Germany? What’s your German like?”
"I get by."
“Funny, I don’t believe that either.”
"Surprising what they'll let you get away with when you fuck them."
He laughed. “Maybe I should’ve tried that.”
Harrison looked him up and down. "With me? No thanks, mate."
“You wound me.” He said. “I’ll leave you with the boys for a bit, I’m sure they’ll give up something to think about, jog your memory. You can find some information for me.”
"Oh, no. Not them!" He rolled his eyes with a snort. "I've got something for you."
“And what’s that?”
He grinned. "You're a cunt."
Henri laughed, then his face darkened and he punched Harrison square in the nose. 
Harrison had expected a retaliation, but not so sudden. He recoiled, slightly disorientated. Blood dripped from his nose almost immediately, his lip split, too. He spat the blood out, aiming for Henri. 
"Definitely a cunt."
He stalked out, wiping the blood from his knuckles, and let this waiting men have their way with him. They didn’t hold back, teasing and mocking him as they had their fun, punches and hits landing across his ribs, his chest, his face. Something to wear him down, get him more inclined to talk to the boss. 
Henri is owned by @epochandeons, with a fun little relation to Ely, which hopefully we'll explore later! he's always fun to borrow when we need a villain; hars describes him best.
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hadesfucks · 2 years
When I was in middle school I got a split lip (annoyingly common for me) and noticed that my blood didn’t taste like it usually did. Quickly realized it was a lack of iron and it persisted for years but I couldn’t explain to someone that I thought I had like Anemia because how am I supposed to say “my blood doesn’t taste good anymore”
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whumperofworlds · 2 years
32, 33, or 34 with Hawthorne?
Gonna go ahead and do 32! Thanks for the ask!
Also, for clarification, Hawthorn's real name is Xylon, as his other name, Hawthorn, hasn't been thought of yet story wise. Same with Alder, who is Maverick.
32. Beaten
His day had gotten worse.
He thought he was safe. He thought he was away from the hell he had gone through for three years.
But of course, he had to run into bandits during his escape. And of course, they accosted him and threatened him to give up his gold.
He didn't have any gold. He didn't have any type of currency on him during his captivity in Brennus' castle. But the bandits thought he was lying, despite him showing that he was flat-out broke by showing off the empty pockets of his tunic. And they began to beat him for not giving them what they wanted.
One bandit took Xylon by the arm before slamming him to the forest floor, then kicking him in the face. The young man cried out in pain when the kick hit his nose, blood spurting out from his nostrils. As he attempted to get back up, a booted foot held him down by stomping on his back, and Xylon yelped in pain.
"That's whatcha get for tricking Godet's Men!" One man--the leader, Xylon assumed--yelled, before kicking Xylon's face.
His lip split, and Xylon spat out small bits of blood as the men continued their beatdown on him. He turned to his side, but was met with a hit on his stomach. He gagged and coughed as the other bandit's kick forced him on his back, leaving him more vulnerable to more beatings.
"I-I wasn't tricking--agh!--any of you!" Xylon pleaded, crying out briefly when a boot met his chest. "I don't have anything on me!"
"Bullshit," the leader, Godet, yelled. "You have gold, and you know it!" He slammed his foot on Xylon's chest, and he could have sworn he heard a crack of his ribs being broken.
He screamed, each breath more painful than the last as he curled up on himself. He tucked his head to his knees, his hands covering his head in order to attempt to protect himself from the rain of fists and feet.
Each punch, kick, and slam hit his body, and as a few minutes passed, Xylon could see blackness at the corners of his eyes. Unconsciousness began to tug at him, and he wanted nothing more than the pain to stop. He was ready to embrace the darkness. Even if he died here, at least he was free. Free from Brennus. Free from this.
"How do you--what the fuck--" Godet yelled, but was interrupted when he heard something. Xylon heard it, too, despite the darkness trying to swallow him. A sword being unsheathed.
Blood suddenly splattered all over Xylon, but it wasn't his own blood, he realized. He felt Godet's weight on his stomach slack, before the bandit was completely off of him. He heard yells and screams around him, which eventually began to die down as he heard metal slashing and stabbing skin. At the corner of his eye, he saw a silhouette of a person with a sword, slicing down each and every bandit for their crimes.
Was... he saved?
His mind didn't have time to think, as he slipped away; the last thing he saw were blurs of red and gold hovering above him.
Pain exploded everywhere in his body as he began to wake up. His head throbbed, and his breathing hurt every time he took a breath through his nose. Above him was a brown ceiling. Wood, he assumed.
He held his head, groaning in pain. What in the world happened? He remembered escaping from Brennus, then running into those bandits. Then... nothing.
Where am I?
"Be careful there," a voice to his side said. "Your wounds are still severe."
Xylon turned and... saw gold. He recognized that color anywhere. During his captivity, he usually saw guardsmen wearing this shade of gold. Which could only mean--
"NO!" Xylon screamed, scrambling to get away from the guardsman who captured him. No. He refused to go back there. He refused to be Brennus' slave again. No, not again. Not ever.
The guardsman frowned, his eyes widened at the other man's unexpected response. Why was he so freaked out?
"Please don't bring me back there!" Xylon pleaded, "I don't want to go back there!" He glanced around, trying to find something--anything--to defend himself from this man. Alas, the room he was in was empty besides the bed he was sitting on.
"S-sir," the guardsman tried to reason, "I will not take you back. I promise."
"Y-you're lying!" Xylon cried, tears threatening to fall at this point. "I know that armor anywhere! You work with him, don't you?!"
"My... armor?" The man asked before glancing down at himself. The moment he saw the gold, he realized his mistake. "...Oh." He wasn't sure what this man had gone through, but obviously, Brennus had harmed him in some way.
He slowly but carefully took off his armor, each piece he placed on the wooden floor. He would have placed them on the bed, but he didn't want to scare the other man if he did so. Once he was done, all he had left was a red tunic that matched his messy hair color wise.
Xylon stared at the other man, looking him up and down. Without the armor, this man was nothing more than a person with a life, not a guardsman who worked with Brennus.
And quite handsome, too.
He shook his head at that sudden thought. Where did that come from? Well, it didn't matter, as the other man began to speak, "I am Maverick. I... used to work with King... no, Brennus, but I have left him a few years ago."
The man's soft, comforting voice calmed Xylon a bit as he breathed in slowly, but stopped when pain in his chest hit him. However, he kept his guard up; this Maverick person was probably tricking him, distracting him so that his fellow guardsmen would capture him.
Wait... Maverick. He heard that name a few times. Wasn't he...?
"You're... that fugitive?" Xylon asked, an eyebrow raised. He remembered the ruckus that had happened a few years ago, when he was Brennus' slave. How Maverick had deserted the king. How furious Brennus was when he heard the news.
"You... could say that," Maverick chuckled, running a hand through his red hair. "I am not here to take you back. I promise."
The man's words could be false words to others, but to Xylon, it rang true. Maverick wasn't working with Brennus anymore, after all. If he did try to take him back, he would be caught, too.
"...I'm Xylon." Xylon introduced himself, now comfortable sharing his name with Maverick. "I was forced to be a slave to Brennus, but I managed to escape."
"I see..." Maverick nodded, a hint of guilt in his voice. "I deeply apologize for not helping you leave. If I had known that Brennus had a slave..."
"There's no need to apologize," Xylon shook his head. "He kept that a secret from everyone; not even his knights knew about me."
Maverick simply nodded, the guilt fading away in his eyes. Those beautiful, ruby red eyes...
Stop it, Xylon!
He mentally slapped himself. He just met the man--why was he feeling this way?
"Where do you plan on going after this?" Maverick asked, breaking his train of thought. "I know that you are on the run... but I could not imagine you staying here."
"Where is here, anyway?" Xylon asked.
"You are in an abandoned fort, deep in the forest. I have been here for a few years now, and none of Brennus' guardsmen had suspected anything here."
Maverick raised a good point. Where would he go from here? His actual home was far away, and there was no way he could trek back there with Brennus in hot pursuit. He didn't know where he was exactly, what kingdom he was in, either. So, now what?
The fort Maverick was in...
If what Maverick said was true, the fort was a secret home to him; no guardsmen were around, and no one would suspect that two fugitives were hiding here. To the naked eye, it could just be an abandoned fort in the middle of nowhere, nothing else.
So. He had no choice.
"If it's okay," Xylon asked, a small smile on his face. "You don't mind having company, do you?"
Maverick raised a brow, and Xylon could have sworn he saw his eyes widening. Maverick rubbed the back of his head. "What do you mean by that?"
"I mean... having me stay here? I know how to hunt for deer and other animals for food, and I can help with cooking--"
"Of course."
Xylon stopped mid-sentence, his mouth opened. What did he say?
"I am trying to find ways to stop Brennus from doing what he wants," Maverick admitted. "So having you would be an excellent idea."
Stopping Brennus...? Yes. From what he had gathered, Brennus had ruined thousands of lives thanks to his tyranny. Stopping him... with Maverick. Together, along with others who were willing to join them, they would stop him.
And finally get the justice they deserved.
Xylon nodded, his hand extended for Maverick to shake. "Then I'm willing to help you."
Maverick happily took his hand and shook it, his smile bright as day... and handsome, too. "Then it is a deal."
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beecha · 22 hours
splits lip
has to keep splitting it again so i can eat
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oldxyouth · 1 month
“Existence spent in vain, I see right through you”
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iamthecrime · 2 months
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gastricotv · 2 months
Georgia Gets By | "Some Kind of Angel" & "Split Lip"
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thewhumperinwhite · 1 year
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*my beloved monster and me from shrek playing quietly from another room*
anyway as always. love is stored in the depressed human and horrible monster who love each other
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iloveslllycatss · 1 year
guys my lip keeps spitting open what do I do
I ALWASY put Vaseline on it bc I don’t have chapstick
pls lmk?
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revkilltaker · 2 years
Split Lip – Union Town - 7″ - Anti matter Records - AM-1
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Pressing #:  1st
Color:  Black Vinyl
Qty Pressed: ???
Additional Info: Included in Anti-Matter Fanzine
Track List
Union Town (Demo)
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