grismau · 4 years
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grismau · 4 years
ok so . rb this w/ ur sign, the song currently stuck in ur head and whether or not u sleep w/ socks on. its for sciens 
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grismau · 4 years
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its What the Girlfriends time!
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grismau · 4 years
“Healthy eating” is context-specific and not accessible to everyone, but in general and roughly in order of priority, it entails
eating enough food
eating consistently
eating a variety of foods
eating foods you enjoy
That’s it! You don’t need to buy my book or come to my seminar or sign up for my program!
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grismau · 4 years
i love images
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grismau · 4 years
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have some tiny
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grismau · 4 years
That adhd(?) feel when instead of reading long text like a normal human your eyes decide to skip across sentences and read whatever it wants like the uncontrollable heathens they are and you take 3000000000x longer to read something because every few words you gotta force yourself to go back to actually read the sentence in chronological order. In fact, I’m convinced the reading lever in my brain is set to “best stuff first” and if anyone knows how to turn it off that’d be great
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grismau · 4 years
Here’s a hot freaking take guys but nobody gets to tell anybody else how they experience themselves. Somebody has a gender you don’t understand? Tough. That’s how stuff works sometimes. I don’t understand French but the language still exists.
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grismau · 4 years
Bitches be like “I’m panphobic” go outside and get a hobby, goddamn.
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grismau · 4 years
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oh and warm up dave i did earlier
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grismau · 4 years
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While cleaning out my room I found a paper that my therapist gave me some time ago to deal with obsessive and intrusive thoughts. Sorry the paper is a little crinkled and stained, but I figured I’d post it in hopes that it will help someone like it helped me.
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grismau · 4 years
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grismau · 4 years
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grismau · 4 years
My curse is that I have so much bottled up oc lore but can only talk about it when someone asks very specific questions about my characters
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grismau · 4 years
A reminder that Aro means feeling *little* to no romantic attraction.
So to all my Aros who feel a little romantic attraction, I love you. You are amazing.
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grismau · 4 years
"You shouldn't identify as [blank] because it might confuse the cis/straights"
Honey with as much kindness as can be conveyed through text, that kinda sounds like the fault of the cis/straight people.
The world is filled with complex people and experiences and we don't actually help anyone by saying it isn't. Its the job of the oppressors to clear up their misunderstandings. Not the job of the marginalized to somehow become... not... themselves.
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grismau · 4 years
Hey! Just a reminder that you can remain single for the rest of your life and be happy! Relationships do not define who you are. Your relationship status does not define who you are. 
I don’t even mean this for aspecs. Amatonormativity has taught us ALL that a relationship defines our happiness. A lot of arospecs, acespecs, and allos have put themselves into relationships that they did not want, simply because they were told that it would make them happy. You decide what makes you happy. If it’s not a relationship, that’s fine!
If you have family members nagging you to be in a relationship or friends constantly bugging you about being single or you feel pressured by society to be in a relationship, remind yourself that a relationship does not define you. Plenty of people are in bad romantic/sexual relationships, and maybe you don’t want to take that risk. Or maybe you’re prioritizing your education or your career and don’t want to bother with a relationship. Or maybe you’re arospec or acespec and sex/romance-repulsed and don’t want a relationship. Or you’re arospec/acespec and cannot physically find the Attraction™ to have a relationship. 
Fuck amatonormativity. Do what makes you happy. A relationship does not define you.
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