#Speaking of refs I’m also working on character profiles
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fluffclan · 9 months ago
Hello ppl! Sooo the next update is taking me rlly long to draw (there’s just a lot of dialogue and artblock has been killing mee), so I’m feeling like doing the six clangen cat drawing challenge to post on here while I get the next moon done :3
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Pls send me all ur lil guys!!
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comfeyworks · 5 years ago
Alastor writing/ Character ref sheet
NOTE: This is MY interpretation/ notes of my characterization of Alastor. Most is speculation and the other parts are just me having fun imagining what his character could be like. This is no way meant to be official or taken as cannon in any way.
A wonderful user by the name of dolly moon complied a lot of information from Viv’s streams. I’m referencing some of the information here so please check them out, they did a fantastic job making notes.
Warning: Contains talk about murder, cannibalism and other possible triggering subjects.
---NAME: Alastor--- Died: 1933 Age: 30′s Occupation: Former radio host and serial killer. Currently powerful overlord in hell
Main Personality/ notes
Always smiling (He sees people frowning as weak)
Charming and charismatic
Very proud( puffed out chest, arms behind back)
He's controlling/ does things his own way
Careful! He's not too braggy, or too forceful/ demanding. Ex: Viv stated in her qna that the pilot was originally going to have Alastor boast about himself and his backstory. Instead vaggie narrates his backstory. She changed this because Alastor wasn’t the type of person to flaunt his achievements. He knows that everyone knows how powerful he is, he’s not the type to rub it in. He's supposed to be charming, but still proud, juuuust in the right way
He knows what he wants, but doesn’t necessarily brute-forces his way to get it. Ex: "He-" "-llo!" He KNOWS he's getting in hotel regardless, but waits for Charlie to open up the door before invading the hallway.
Deceitful; When asked why he wants to help out at the hotel, he says: "Consider it an investment in ongoing entertainment for myself!" 'This is what you can think my reason is...' is essentially what he's saying. He answers Charlie’s question in a roundabout way that givers her what she wants to know while still keeping his true intentions secret. Time and time again, he lets his mask down slightly when Charlie isn’t looking. At 24:10 he narrows his eyes when she has her back turned to him At the beginning of his song he distracts her with magic so he can push Vaggie away. When he says “...And it’s just laughable-” during he reprise he turns away from Charlie to say this, he leans down to Vaggie.
He’s a hypocrite (hates being touched, invades other’s personal space)
Watches people do things the hard way and then reveal he can do it once it's done just to watch people fuck up
DELIGHTS in watching people failing/ struggling to do things. He likes observing people/ sinners as they are battling with their conflicted emotions.
He’s curious (He stopped by the ‘radio shack’ place to see what Charlie was talking about on the broadcast, and cocked his head when she started singing. To me that meant, “Oh? What’s this now? Something new?” he was intrigued and wanted to know more)
He analyzes people. He looks at the Magne family portrait when left alone. You can briefly hear him playing Charlie’s “Inside of every demon is a rainbow” song, and smiling.
He picks up on things quickly. Vaggie makes it clear she doesn’t like the idea of him being there, and he messes with her. He puts his elbow on her and pushes her away ( 20:44-20:48) He pulls her chin up and tells her to ‘smile’
He’s egotistical. No one is really ‘up to his level’
He gives verbal and physical affection constantly throughout the pilot, but it’s not genuine.
Likes being unpredictable
Primary drive:   Decisions are weighed in his own wants/ feelings. He wants to be amused, he chases exciting/ entertaining things. Think of him as like a cat chasing a mouse.
Fears: He doesn’t fear anyone. But is wary of powerful threats. He dislikes dogs Physical Expression: He’s VERY, VERY expressive through his body language and eyes. Large/ easy to read emotions can be perceived through his body language (Leaning towards someone, or leaning away). Smaller/ pinpoint emotions can be read through his eyes and type of smile (Wide eyes, squinted, closed vs open smile, etc.) He’s like a bird, fluffing out his feathers constantly. (He fixes his hair briefly at 24:41) He expresses himself proudly. ‘This is who I am, remember that!!’. Viv said the reason why almost all of characters have nicknames is that a soul’s real name is dangerous, its a way others can have power over you. Yet Alastor uses his first name, because he’s not scared and confident in who he is as a person. He doesn’t hide from any aspect of himself. I’ve stated he hates being touched by others. When he picks up Nifty in the pilot, she poofs out and spreads her limbs out. At 25:41, Alastor turns his head away from her briefly so she doesn’t touch him.
Flaws/ Weaknesses:
(Note: Basically anything already stated can be a problem depending on the situation, I’m just saying things about his character that he’d find weak or naturally cause problems)
His mother, he’d do anything for her.
He has a darker/ more powerful demon side to him where he runs purely on instinct/ primitive emotions.
He’s arrogant. This can cause problems!
Killer/ moral compass profile (Living)
Thrill Killer- Pleasure from pain
Slight power/control aspect involved as well.
Childhood trauma (abusive father)
Environmental factors (mother died when he was 18-20)
Type of killer: *Note: I’m still not 100% satisfied with this part, I might make some changes later*
He won’t just kill anyone. They have to meet a certain list of requirements.
Viv compared him as someone similar to Dexter
He’s a very goal oriented killer. Whatever he did it was with reason and purpose, meticulously planned. Ex: Maybe one year he’d kill someone who was a real jerk, to see how the others around him flourished. Likewise he might kill someone who was important to the community just to see how the grief made everyone react.
He was a very careful killer, he ended up dying purely on accident, bad luck.
He killed for the fun of it, pure joy, excitement, curiosity. But he only killed people he thought deserved it.
He considers what he does to be ‘work’. He expresses in the pilot how after decades in hell it’s become ‘mundane’ and ‘aimless’.
The victims had to be overconfident to some degree.(This ties into the ‘he wouldn’t chase his victims.’ They had to be somewhat full of themselves or naive)
Some kills are personal (Someone wronging him, trying to hurt him, otherwise he just wouldn’t care if some guy is an asshole) but others are just because he feels like they’re bad/ they’ve have done something that they need to die for.
He used ‘personal’ ways of killing people. (Knife, his hands). I don’t think he would have used a gun of any kind because of the noise, but he could have once every blue moon.
Generally doesn’t draw things out for too long ”...If I wanted to hurt anyone here... I would have done so already.” (He defeats Sir Pentious in under a minute. But still takes the time to crush him and drag his body across the floor.)
He ate people, and knew how to make delicious meals out of them.
Buried his victim’s bodies/ remains on a hunting ground for deer.
No human is pure or kind just because. They’re selfish beings. Who take and act to help their own causes. Everyone is a monster on the inside. “...redemption, the nonexistent humanity!”
Everyone puts on a mask to hide who they truly are. Life is one big game to see who can survive. “...the world is a stage! And the stage, is a world of entertainment!”
People don’t change “...there is no undoing what is done.”
Puts himself first, and above everyone else. He also degrades others. “I don’t think there’s any hope left for such loathsome sinners...” ”Inside of every demon is a lost cause, but we’ll dress them up for now with just a smile!” “...and show these simpletons some proper class and style...” “...do I know you?” “You think I’m [husk] some kind of fuckin’ clown!?” “...maybe!”
People deserve the consequences they get for being themselves “...the chance given was the life they lived before, the punishment is this!”
He understands what society views as good and evil, but doesn’t really believe in those standards himself. What is considered evil he just views as a hobby or something fun to explore. Ex: Cannibalism is wrong by society’s standards, but to him he thinks the greater wrong is killing something and not making use of it.
He has some level of empathy. (Again, He’d never kill a child or those running away.)
People’s emotions are a fun little game to him. “...I want to watch the scum of the earth struggle to climb up the hill of betterment! Only to repeatedly trip, and tumble down into the firey pit of failure!”
Doesn’t see value in being nice or honest. (He does find it funny to watch)
Other notes/ hc
He’s knowledgeable. In more ways than one. He knows not to fuck with certain people if he doesn’t want to get hurt, he’s got knowledge on the workings/ operations of hell and deal-making.
Likes to cook
He likes bitter things (Bloody meat, alcohol, black coffee)
He’s got a party side to him.
He speaks french!
He plays musical instruments
He knows how to fight without his powers
He’s an only child
He’s part creole
He hates silence, he always surrounds himself with noise of some kind.
Husk and Alastor have a long, complicated relationship
He does things to make Nifty happy (Wearing sweaters)
He’d go out into a hurricane just to let it beat him down for fun (Why is this so funny to me)
Despite all he is, Alastor is capable of having friends and loving.
Has absolutely NO romantic experience.
He hates modern technology in general, but hates tik tok the most
The idea of Alastor cross-dressing to lure his victims in is absolutely hilarious to me, but I don’t think he’d ever do it.
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ithinkthingsaboutstuff · 5 years ago
how would you analyze the rebooting scene?
Thank you for the ask, (but i think you’ll be sorry, lol)
Ok here we go (i did this to myself)
I said before that this scene is a masterclass and I’m going to show you why I think that, but strap in its going to be long one.
the version of the scene I’m looking at is 3:46 secs (note this version a quick cut to J’onn but i will ignoring that, for the sake of time and my sanity)  
the scene opens with this
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Brainy is locked in a chair, but we are looking at his right hand of all things
Note: this is were he wears his ring (that has been taken from him) so this open shot is saying, Brainy is being held back and his ring (legion/ friends) can’t help him.
a few shorts later that is conformed for the audience.
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Note: that the rings is what is in focus and not the man holding it and it too is locked up (on a chain)
so safe to say that the ring has always been a symbol for Brainy himself or his core beliefs (as a hero) he say’s as much in earlier ep’s (before the alien march i believe)
this is a good example of visual symbolism and its done in two shorts.
moving on.
the next few beats go like this, ‘don’t hurt her (nia)’ ‘or what’ he gets zapped
but then this dialogue
“Ever one else here got these crazy powers but you as far as i can tell are blue.”
“are blue” is met with this image.
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he tilts his head and the Brainiac symbol is on full display, so dramatic irony, we (the audience) know there’s more and we are about to find out how much.
“The girl (Nia) on the other hand”
is meet with this
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so this has done two this
1) he have moved way from thoughts of himself (getting away)
2) We are looking at his ‘human’ or organic face and eyes (not the brainiac lights)
Brainy’s face then moves from, ‘i need to leave’ and into ‘take me not her’ this done by Jesse closing is eyes for a second and opening then again
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he next is a back and forth of you will not hurt her. but then he gets hit by the gun. this then leads to lights on his head flashing and then cuts away,
note that
1) His head is leaning back and is looking up
2) the sound (hissing) and lights flickering
so he is in a state we have never seen him before.
now this then cuts to Eve and J’onn so I’m going to skip that. this is how we renter the scene,
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the sound is still happening, coupled with his discomfort (understatement), but we are looking in, like we are an unknown entity overbearing but distant
note that you can’t see face’s (expressions) from anyone most notable being Brainy
a shot like this distance us from the emotion of what is happening, that’s amplified with the next shot
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we are literally creeping in, like we are the thing his is trying to keep out or away from him.
note: this could also be seen as brainy himself losing his emotional attachment to himself
but he can’t keep ‘us’ away as the very next shot is
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a close up like this is always for emotion.
but he is sounding less human (voice being more robotic) or at least less himself (lights flickering)  it is also a dutch tilt and those are used to show ‘something is not right here’ or ‘this is not as it seems’
and he is not talking about himself “why would anyone hurt her”
so his self attachment is all by gone, and he has all but given up on his own fight, as stated by his captor
“he’s done…on too the other one boys.”
it is then meet with a music drop and a matter a fact
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this is when things, get layered
there are a few more mechanical shifts sounds
met with different types of ‘No’
this is also meet by some flickers of back and forth between himself, this shows an internal shift of keeping them here “no, no” (don’t leave) to “No,you can’t.” (stay back, something is inside me) this is done with tone of voice and micro expressions.
so this writing when viewed the first time makes us question who he is talking to now, because dialogue alone makes it sound like he is still talking to the guards  
(and the not so micro ones)
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this is when he falls back on or uses his last line of defiance his ‘Little Box’s’
this is the last big red flag for something is about to go down and its not going to be good.
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“But eventually box’s get opened.”
but this makes the audience ask in Brad Pitt in the movie 7 fashion
‘What’s in the box!’
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and for those paying attention Brainy answers that question before it starts  
“there’s a story about that right…Greek.”
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(I have already mentioned this part before in another ask but since i’m lazy and unoriginal, i’ll do it again)
this moment is a good example of conscious and subconscious intertextuality
the use of Little Box’s has 2 meanings in this scene.
1)  the show made a coping technique out of it as a way to seal away unwanted pain
2)  as to what is in this book is ref to Pandora’s Box
now what was in Pandora’s Box you ask
Oh! Out of the box flew every kind of trouble that people had never known about before: sicknesses, and worries, and crimes, and hate and envy and all sorts of bad things. The bad things all began to fly away like little bugs, all over the place.
Pandora was very sorry now that she had opened the box! She tried to catch the bad things and put them back in the box but it was too late. They all flew away.
this double meaning is used as a way to tell us was is going to happen without actually tell us, and is good solid writing.
and going back to the angle of this shot looking up at someone usually shows them having power over someone in the scene,
but thanks to the acting here
it shows that he is powerless against himself.
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this is the moment before he loses himself (momentarily) to the Brainiac’s
the camera tilts again (this time onscreen) while it and Brainy move in a snake like fashion.
“your just primitives.”
in a Voice that is clearly not Brainy’s (in a literal and metaphorical way)  
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“and I have worked so hard to….to get back here.”
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the Voice in this line fades back down to his real voice (so he is still fighting)
the line is also solid writing as it takes on different meanings
1) the literal, ‘i have worked hard to come to the past’
2) the metaphorical ‘I am working hard to get control of my mind again.’
3) the emotional ‘I have worked hard to get to a good emotional sate.’
and again this angle show how he is powerless against himself.
the next few shots are the camera swaying back and forth and he goes a small disjointed rant about time travel (and space travel)
the camera swaying is showing the mood swings but it is also showing the state of his mind
‘it could go either way’
(and Jesse’s back and forth is seamless.)
then finally a calm before the storm moment as he ‘fully regains himself’
with “the point is, the point is..I’m from the future,”
then to a rational but angry
“my species has ancestral memory.”  
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the lights are still going so this has not pasted.
“and my ancestors very bad people.”
then cut to
“I remember everything!”
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oh this shot
(Jesse’s acting top notch here (that single tear still gets me) )
1) the lead in from ‘bad people’ to ‘I remember’ so sharp and intense
2) this shows that he is actually seeing everything they have ever done (world killers)
3) this shot removes the Brainiac symbol from sight again, as this is Brainy’s agony and not there’s (they don’t feel anything lest of all regret)
and this shot is also how we know he has just lost against who he is fighting. and the fact that this is only time we see him in profile this could mean symbolically he has just been ‘split in half’.
then a few moments before
“uh oh”
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this angle again but this time meet with a ‘glee’ then leading into a cry (the last cry) for help Brainy uses.
“I don’t want to.”
then the head goes down and silence’s, then  
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this time the Brainiac’s symbol is the main focus, the dutch tilt is back, so Brainy is gone,
then this leads to the rise and lifting up of Jesse’s body, like his is being filled with air  
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the he says how he has been aligned with with his family, and how he has been rebooted,
as this happens the camera sways back and forth but slowly this time, as to show that shows its gently moving into his mind and making itself more comfortable before, so the camera straights up and he states
“that was a calamitous mistake.”
then he breaks free and beats them brutally braking bones and smashing in heads (but not killing oddly enough)
but the first thing he does is
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pull the ring to himself but unlike all the other times in s4 he does not grab it rather
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he garbs this guy’s neck
so if Brainy ‘is the ring’ (symbolically speaking)
then he is still chained up, in these next fighting beats. (again bashing skulls and breaking bones)
then there is this moment  
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a taking in a new mind set (literally),
then the camera spins around him and cutting to his side to show him put out his hand and then this
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remember Ring= brainy
high angle = power
so the rebooted brainy has power over the chained up one (symbolically)
then he pulls it off the chain (but dose not put it on, that we see anyway)
J’onn walks in and ask
“what happened”
his response
“i’m free.”
double meaning is double meaning (i don’t have to explain that one)
there are few other things i noticed in this scene
1) like how the fight scene had a deeper or inverted version of Brainy’s usual theme music.
2) there are 3 big lights on the wall hanging over the scene (like the brainiac’s)
3) most of this scene is close ups and that is not easy to do (acting wise)
4) he takes down the scientist last (thought that was worth pointing out)
so yes this scene is one of the best the show has ever made (for me anyway) its very layered and well planned and well executed,
now do i think every thing i listed here was intentional for the reasons i listed them, no (that’s insane)
but that doesn’t matter, the point is i was able to make and find these connections using the film language that was presented,  
but this scene is filled with character building (brainy with Jesse’s acting ability’s), season long payoffs (little box’s) and setting up story’s and premise’s for what was going to be next season, that is now this season (s5.)  
so no matter which way you look at it this scene is so well put together that it could be it’s own short film, and no one would have batted an eye.
that’s the mark of good story telling (in this case acting, writing and directing) if you can take out all context and still be its own peace of work.
and this is all just my take someone else could come in and see something totally different and that’s great. 
[and just for fun I will throw in the scene and you can take a look and see how you feel for your self 
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kohi-anubis · 5 years ago
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Oh look, another character I tried to imatate the FE style a bit with the S-Rank thing. Also changed the eye style since the ref image is a little older and didn’t work with the mood. It was originally going to be more realism, but it only took on a bit then went full cartoon/anime. He ended up looking kinda like Ferdinand if I’m being honest.
Anyways, here’s Victor Von Kreex! More info on him below the line.
Here’s a basic character profile for those interested:
Name: Victor Von Kreex 
Gender: Male
DoB: 9, Lone Moon, Imperial Year, 1163
Homeland: Fodland
Nationality: Foldian (With Brigid Ancestry)
Faction: Leicester Alliance
Class: Golden Deer
Early Life:
Victor was born to a noble family as their only child and son. He was soon pressured to succeed due to his parents’ illness, and he would soon inherit their fortune and debts. His only source of support was his cat, who he would vent his frustrations to without fear of judgment as it could not speak back. Victor sent himself to the Officer’s Academy truly, to escape pressure. --------- Potential Classes: Assassin (recommended), Mortal Savant, Archer, Sniper
Strengths: Bow, Sword
Weaknesses: Faith, Axe, Authority
Budding Talent: Reason
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incognitowetrust · 6 years ago
And now, because I’m sooo original, here’s a tuffle
[EDIT: I am including Lighshot links, because I tried to change the dimensions of the second image to see if Tumblr would like it more, but it just doesn’t seem to be clear, so I’m just straight up doin’ a link because when I bother to post a drawing I want people to see my work, dammit]
1st image: https://prnt.sc/oacf0z  Petri and Sweetie both: https://prnt.sc/oace9c
I made this new gal, and I think she turned out kinda cute, and yaaaay Petri has a friend now. I need to write interactions and dialogues for my characters so y’all can actually have better references for their personalities. 
But for now, here’s a normal ref. I gotta put the info under “read more” because I always write so heckin’ much. 
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I wanted to make a tuffle… because… why not. I’ve made enough original-alien things, if I’m part of a damn fandom I might as well use some of the heckin’ races, right? 
Something that has actually worked out pretty well for me is, as far as this new OC fitting in with my other DBZ OCs, she’s gonna be a good addition, because Petri needs at least one trusted friend. Also, something that was completely accidental, is Petri is purple, while Veal is reddish, and Sweetie is blueish, Veal is the most aggressive/violent out of the three, while Sweetie is gentle, so it’s weirdly fitting that the one whose influences are a scary pirate “brother” and a nice blue gal, is a purple slightly grumpy gal. 
As far as an origin story goes, because there’s only limited things canon about tuffles, and because I’m not always in the mood to be brave with headcanons I guess, I’m making the macguffin that Sweetie has little to no memories about planet Tuffle, or other members of her own race. The most obvious way to make a fan character that’s the same race as another character… iiis to steal shit from the original character and repurpose it. I don’t actually know if I wanna have Sweetie have the exact same thing as Petri and Veal of having been created in the same lab, but she at least was kept there at some point, around the time when Petri woke up, as for them to meet and become buddy buddy with one another. 
If not born as a result of something in that macguffiny macguffin plot device lab lab, she was likely at least affected/changed there in some way. One of my original base ideas for Petri was that she was made with saiyan dna to be able to fight and kill saiyans, though that project wasn’t actually successful (since though she and Veal have some saiyan DNA in them, they cannot go Great Ape or go super saiyan, so therefore would be evenly matched or outmatched by saiyans). Sooo… Sweetie was probably in that lab either being another result of science bullshit, or science bullshit was used to enhance/alter her, like to make her stronger or to condition her to be more willing to fight, though nothing major was really successful because Veal eventually busted out and slaughtered nearly everyone in the labs in a fit of unstable rage. 
A big part of Sweetie’s character is that she does feel a big weight from the loss of her race, sooo… really I kinda just sorta decided that something she sought out and had done to herself was to have her memories repressed and locked away, so the grief would not get to her so bad. Either she got some sort of mind-altering thing done at the lab, or she was able to get assistance from someone/something else that could give her a memory wash. Or hell, maybe she was able to repress her memories so hard herself that she doesn’t remember much about her past that way. Regardless, dammit I know that lack of memories is a major cliche, but screw it I do what I want. 
Like Baby, Sweetie’s “name” pretty much was from a nickname, apparently enough people referred to her as things like “sweetie” enough where it was just adapted into what she considered her name. Petri likes to call her Sweets though. Lol, it’s like how if someone makes a saiyan they pick a veggie name, or if someone makes an icejin they pick a low-temperature name. Stole the name concept from baby. *slow awkward dab*
Petri is pretty much the only person in the universe that Veal genuinely cares about, but he has a little bit of a soft spot for Sweetie too, not so much because of her personality or existence itself, but because Petri doesn’t really like Veal much so doesn’t want him around, but Petri likes having Sweetie around, which makes Veal a lot more comfortable with being cut off from Petri for long periods of time since the two gals are fiercely protective over each other. 
As far as Sweetie’s personality, for the most part she is docile, with an innocent nature. However, she won’t hesitate to be quick to fight or flee if it means keeping Petri or herself safe, she has a fear that someone will try to kill them someday. When she fights, she prefers to use her ki, or take advantage of anything in her surroundings. Unless she is sparring with Petri she can be hesitant to let someone even get close to her in battle until she at least observes the person for a minute or two first, as an attempt to be more prepared. 
She doesn’t exactly hate saiyans, when it comes to someone like Goku she’d hold nothing against them at all. However, when it comes to older saiyans, or saiyans who won’t shut up about pride and warrior stuff without acknowledging the damage war causes… she has a problem with those folks. Becoming over emotional can make her quick to the trigger, and one of the reasons why she and Petri need each other is because they balance out each other’s flaws and struggles a little, able to calm the other down if need be. Unless something upsets them both… in that case, they’ll fight alongside each other. 
Even speaking about tuffles is a very sensitive subject for Sweetie. She considers thinking too hard about her race to be too painful, so will generally avoid it entirely. 
When they are required to do something that involves being around other people they don’t know, the two gals prefer to wear some type of basic cloak, because it makes them feel a little bit more secure to conceal their identities. They usually like to keep a low profile, but will sometimes steal, do little odd jobs, explore, or other things that puts them around other people. 
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fouquesartcorner · 6 years ago
A Light Reminder
To properly give credit where credit’s due.
Notice: I am not writing this with the intention of being offensive or discourage people from buying things from me. This is reminder to those who do generally buy adoptables and because I have seen instances where people kind of do take credit for others' hard work. 
To elaborate, I usually don’t pay much attention to what happens to adoptables that I sell much less police the conditions/rules I put in the ToS for them. Think of it as a benefit of a doubt, since I know not everyone’ll turn the design into some big name character or would even post stuff about them publicly if they’ve been using them for private RPs. Sometimes people’ll just pay for the design just to have it, thinking they’ll eventually use the design one day. 
But as of late, it’s been brought to my attention that there are peeps out there who’ll be that person who’ll lazily(or not give a shit) claim they’re the creator of the adoptable and/or drew the adoptable themselves. Aka, claiming credit for something they did not draw or come up with, even if they paid for the rights to own the design.
In all my adoptable posts, I have posted:
- Original art may not be altered and claimed as your own drawing. - Credit for designing when posting for the first time, but afterward it’s not needed(even if it’s appreciated)
With the exception of collaborations, such as with my friend Thotoh on DA. In the rules, it states: 
No claiming the design as your own original brain child creation-- aka, you drew them and thought up their looks all on your own-- Thotoh and Foxxu put time and thought into creating these guys for you to enjoy after all! Crediting us for the first run/acknowledging us as the original designers when first posted would be appreciated!
Bottom line: Don’t claim you drew the picture yourself and don’t claim you thought up the design all on your own.
I do acknowledge “would be appreciated” does come off pretty lenient and makes the statement sound optional, so I’m debating on changing the wording. And personally I don’t have a problem when people don’t do that initial tag/credit when they draw their own refs or pictures. They did their own work on their own picture so no biggy. The referencing back to me as the creator in this case comes off more like a courtesy than an absolute must.
But either way, it’s disheartening to see. Granted, I can understand laziness when filling out profiles and whatnot. Even on sites like Toyhouse.se where you’d fill in the appropriate information, but still can be tedious when you’re uploading multiples at the same time. I can understand procrastination, where you feel you’ll eventually fix things in a while, since it’s an easy mindset to think “I’ll get to it.” Moreso when you feel no one’s going to be seeing the profile so soon, much less check if you got your deets down correctly. “No one’s going to see this anyway, I’ll do it later.” I get that, since the only people this information really matters is yourself and those who’re interested in RPing with the you/character(s).
But keep in mind that, on occasions people do look and people can find out. For a simple link to the original creator, typing out “I got a new character that I adopted from ____” “I bought this adopt from ____” etc. It does not take more than 30 seconds. And it shows you acting in good conscious too. That and from the creator’s standpoint, it’s nice to see what you end up doing with the design and, you know, not spitting in our creative faces for it.
After all, by claiming credit it comes off you’re essentially stealing both the artistic credit and potential business from the person you bought the design from. Which is not only disrespectful, but also hurts everyone involved. > The original creator loses potential business and potential audience. > People interested, thinking you designed the adopt, may want you to design something for them... only to realize the aesthetics/quality/style/etc are not the same. Leading to false advertisement. > You set yourself up to look pretty bad, by being a thief in both reputation and business. Which’ll lead to people not being able to trust you as an artist or business person.
I can’t speak for everyone as far as to why they do this, be it intentional or not, but as an artist myself, it’s personally not fun to see people snipping the credit of something I took time to think and draw happening, be it my own personal stuff or adoptables I’ve made. Moreso when I don’t want to be that person to start a confrontation over something this small of a deal, and most times I’ll move on and keep doing my thing, especially if it’s my own designs since it’s not worth the headache.
But given this can affect my art from a business standpoint, as well as a few others who can or are affected by this, I have come to a decision that while it’s not fun for me to do this, I’ll need to create a Blacklist of people who’ve shown their lack of respect and consideration for the rules in place, mainly pertaining to that one rule of claiming credit.
Now I’ll reiterate; I normally don’t go around policing this stuff, much less pay attention after someone’s bought the rights to a design. If I just happen to come across it, then I just do and I may say something about it. Or give you that head’s up before you attempt to buy another design from me, giving you a warning and chance to fix things up so you don’t miss out due to mistakes or carelessness. But if this is repeated or, despite the warning, you don’t care enough to do anything about it, I will have no choice but to blacklist you from future purchases from me. And depending on how this’ll go, could result from being blacklisted from others as well.
So, if you wish to keep doing business with me, please at the very least be respectful and considerate. We all want to make sure to keep everyone happy and having fun, so let’s not be that person to ruin it for the next person. 
Okay? Okay.
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mischiefiswritten · 7 years ago
The Care and Keeping of Your Writeblr | Pt. 1 - Getting Started
Hello all, and welcome to my guide of possibly-useful, possibly-not advice for creating and maintaining your own writing blog and connecting with the online writing community.
I'm in no way an expert, nor am I the best, most popular writeblr out there. Not all the advice I post will work for or even appeal to everybody, but I'd like to share what I've observed and found useful in my own time running this writeblr sideblog.
This installment will be covering the basics of GETTING STARTED.
So you've decided you want to start a writeblr. Good for you! The writeblr community is a great place for motivation, inspiration, sharing ideas, getting feedback, collecting resources, and just having good old fashioned fun with other writers. It can be intimidating to try and enter into an established community, and it's okay to be nervous. But with few exceptions, this is a very friendly place.
Choosing your URL:
This is the first thing you're going to be asked to do when starting a new blog, whether it be a main blog or a sideblog. You'll want to put a fair amount of thought into this as it can influence the amount of traffic on your blog and changing it later can confuse your followers. This is the simplest, most straightforward piece of advice anyone can give you - put something about writing in your URL. It doesn't have to be some variant of 'writing' if you don't want it to, but consider different ideas related to the craft. Images of typewriters, pens, ink, etc. all bring writing instantly to mind. Also consider your genre. You could use an offshoot of that such as "name-does-scifi."
If you're making a sideblog, consider whether you want your writeblr url to be similar to your main URL. (That's what I did.) Remember that likes, follows, and comments will all show up as coming from your main blog's URL. It may help other writeblrs make the connection between the two, especially in your early days. This is of course just a matter of personal preference. Food for thought.
An effective URL will make it easier for others to find and connect with you!
Writing a Title and Description/Bio:
Once you've fired up that shiny new URL, you'll find a lovely white void awaiting you, yearning for all those lovely words you've got inside your head. First and foremost, you'll see big block letters that probably say 'Untitled' at the top of the page, right under the header image. Again, I suggest putting something about writing in your blog title. This is the first thing someone sees when they open your blog, and again it lets them know if it's likely to have the kind of content they're after. This isn't mandatory by any means - you do you - but it may help you gain traffic in the beginning. Some writers, like myself, simply use their URL as the title, others use the title of their WIP, and others put any phrase that strikes their fancy.
Under the title, there's a space for a description. Use this space to introduce yourself, your WIP (if you want) and your blog. It can be as vague, specific, serious, humorous, long, or minimalist as you like. Browse some other writeblrs to get an idea for what appeals to you. Remember you are under no obligation to share any personal information including name, age, or location. Your privacy is yours to protect in whatever ways you see fit.
As far as content goes, here are some things you may want to mention in your description depending on the kinds of posts you plan on sharing.
genres (young/new adult, adult, children's, fantasy, sci-fi, mystery, etc.)
original works or fanfiction?
are you open to participation in tag games?
WIP titles
writing tips, humor, encouragement
liveblogging your writing process/journey
guides, resources, and references
will you be posting much original content or mostly reblogs?
links to other accounts/pages (hyperlinks are supported)
If your writeblr is a sideblog, consider listing your main URL in the bio and your writeblr URL in the bio of your main. Many people like to follow back, but since they were notified of likes, follows, and comments via your main URL, they may not put two and two together without some assistance.
Makin' it Pretty:
It's what's on the inside that counts, that much is true. But we can't help but be attracted to polished looking blogs. Don't worry about being fancy right away (or ever)! Just think about making your blog look well cared for. How? Choose an avatar/profile picture, a header, colors and fonts, and a theme. (Also note that lacking all of the above, including title and bio, can make your blog look suspicious to cautious users.)
The mobile/in-dash version of your blog and your in-browser blog can be customized separately, but your avatar, title and description will appear in both. The mobile version will look much the same as everyone else's, with variations in font, colors, and pictures. Fonts and colors can be selected from the settings/edit appearance menu. You'll want to upload a jpeg for the avatar (which can be square or round) and header (which you can reposition). It doesn't matter much what these pictures are - just have them in mind so you can get them in right away!
The easiest way to make your in-browser blog look nice is to select a theme. There are several free ones available with an array of different features so you can get the most bang for your zero bucks. Many are color and font customizable as well and support links, pages, and widgets. If you install pages for your characters, your WIP, or whatever you want one for, people will be seeing those through the in-browser version of your blog. Themes make it easy for them to navigate! (Click on the paint palette icon to change your theme.)
Writeblr Lingo:
Writers are pretty much a subculture, and we speak our own jargon. Here on Tumblr, there are also extra terms you may want to be familiar with as you get started. Here's a basic glossary for your reference. (Some may seem obvious, but I make no assumptions.)
Writeblr: Write + Tumblr = writeblr; a Tumblr account focused on writing
OC: original character
WIP: work-in-progress
Ref: reference
Sci-Fi: science fiction
YA: young adult; a genre typically considered well-suited for an audience of ages 13-18 and/or centered around protagonists of ages 13-18
NA: new adult; a genre considered geared toward an audience of 18-30 and/or centered around protagonists of this age range (note that this is a fairly new genre and the associated age range is somewhat variable); often associated with transitions from young adulthood to 'real' adulthood in terms of lifestyle, personality, etc.
Mutuals: people who are following each other; ie you follow them AND they follow you
Tag(ging) Game: a game passed around via tagging other writers in the post; played in the text body; most have the name and how to play within the text body
Tagging: typing the @ symbol followed by the account's URL; typing @ will pull up a menu of suggested URLs that display the blogs' avatars and will update as you type
Bookblr: a close cousin of writeblr; this blog type focuses on reading published books and often includes reviews and recommendations
Rec: recommendation
Comments? Suggestions? Corrections? Additions? Let me know what you thought about this guide and if you have any ideas for future installments, which are coming soon. Happy writing, everybody.
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gretehart · 7 years ago
Buncha Holiday Updates n Thangs
12-7-17 Update! Added a couple things, which you can read below. Why do I make these as long as a novel Hhhhhhh
Just a post with some updates since the holidays are (basically) here!
You're not entirely required to read but it helps to be in the know lmao
May not be streaming Friday nights anymore
Not all night anyways
I've been volunteering to work overtime on Saturdays at this one location downtown (helping them pack & move offices), which is both tiring but rewarding lol. So because of that I may not stream much on Fridays like I would normally do. I dont know when they will be finished, but last I heard would be another 3-4 weeks or so.
Will keep you updated on that.
In the meantime I'll just be doing random stream sessions so yeah LOL
Be sure to follow me on Picarto for notices when im online (since I use that a lot)
Holiday Freebie Stream? (Updated)
PLEASE READ IF I OWE YOU ART FROM THE HALLOWEEN STREAM I'm currently trying to figure out the schedule for the holidays (and what are the plans are with the family) but so far I am thinking of doing the holiday stream either the weekend before Christmas or the weekend before New Years IF YOU WERE ONE OF THE FEW THAT WERE IN THE HALLOWEEN STREAM, AND I DID NOT FINISH YOUR REQUEST:: Unfortunately due to my schedule I will be unable to complete your halloween request. HOWEVER,   I will keep your names in case you are present for the holiday stream, and will work on your requests first! I wont be able to draw specifically what you requested at the halloween stream, but i have no problem drawing something else for you!   Will keep you guys updated!
Patreon Freebie Streams- Starting in January! (Updated)
I mentioned before I would be starting the freebie streams in January (to give me time to catch up on my work) And with there being 2 streams now, I will host one in the beginning of the month, and one towards the end. The dates specifically havent been figured out yet, but I will keep you guys updated on the whens and wheres!!
(A Lot) More Patreon Content Coming Soon
I've secretly been working on a collab "project" (or two) with a friend of mine and we will be working on vigorously within this and next month. I will be posting any of the WIPs, Concepts, & Sketches on my Patreon exclusively, and then I will be complete pieces on all my other public places.
The main project we're working on is going to be an OCT collab on Deviantart (But I wont say which one!) The second will be a story featuring our OCs (that wont be for a while most likely). I've already posted some sketch concepts earlier on my Patreon but there will be a lot more.
Super excited (but also uber nervous LOL)
So stay tuned for more stuff yay!
<strike> and let's just hope it wont fail miserably like my last attempt Loooool </strike>
ToyHou.se Account- You'll be able to see all my OCs
...Eventually lmfao.
I just recently got a Toyhouse account, which seems to be super good for like OCs/Adopts/Etc.
I'll be working on profiles and references for the bazillion characters that I have, so it would be easier for people to find my babies and learn more about them.
Now I'm brand-spankin new to the site so there's a lot I dont know here but I'll do my best for proper refs and information lmao.
Wish me Luck xD
Twitter and Instagram coming in January
I know i've said a million & a half times I would make an account for these sites lmao
but after a lot of people requesting it, I decided I'll work on them within this month and the next, and should have them up & running by January~
I dont know how I will be using them entirely, but for now just updates on art and so forth lol.
I think that's it for updates and news going on lol
If anything else comes up I'll be sure to add them
You guys are the best!!
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dansaalfurinn · 6 years ago
Stanza Mega Info Dump
(( I figured I would add this since people keep asking questions that are covered in the profile sections. That way they just have to search for this post if they can’t be bothered to navigate Tumblr and its annoying tab system haha.
[NOTE: Stanza was an old character whose origins were cemented back in early 2007. She was originally intended as an extra character to assist Sportacus in his everyday activities, as well as being a catalyst for bringing Robbie out of his shell and involving him more in community activities, thus making him less alone.
Her character was then scrapped and work on the outfit for her was placed on indefinite hold.
Age: Unknown Height: 5 foot 4 Eye Colour: Light blue Hair Colour/Style: Light brown, ponytail Body Type: Athletic, wide hips Bust: 34 D Sexuality/Preferences: Generally straight, non-sexual with females Dress Style: Cream coloured sleeveless outer jacket with stripes and metal trimmings, white capped sleeve shirt with cream raglan style sleeves and stripes, clairvoyant crystal badge holding the jacket shut over the t-shirt with the number 10A on it, cream skirt with stripes, latte coloured legging shorts, cream and latte knee high boots with stripes, cream coloured elf hat with stripes. Personality: Cheerful, spunky, overly-curious, doesn’t take no for an answer, sometimes a little too pushy, considerate, hard-working. Backstory: Stanza comes from an island in the north sea much like Sportacus, however she was raised in a different area and was sent on assignment to find Sportacus when the elves deemed his job too difficult with Robbie’s meddling. She was tasked with being a companion to help the kids and residents of LazyTown become more active and lead healthier lives. She flies in an airship, but hers is a different design to Sportacus’ one. It is mostly cream on the outside to match her clothing style. On the inside it is decked out in a disco dance floor style with flashing tiles, glitterballs and lights. Ability: Dance Likes: Dancing, helping people, new things, being curious and trying new things, bright colours, a good beat Dislikes: Closed mindedness, lazy people, sexism, ignorance, bigotry.
Favourite colour: Blue
Favourite Sports Candy: Bananas
Stanza Headcanons
Speaks English, Icelandic and Elvish
Her name comes from her mixed skills - While she is all about dance, she mixes it with songwriting and poetry
Loves loves LOVES knitwear
Eating chillies makes her act drunk (But she loves them)
She eats a lot of garlic
Her ears are longer due to being female
Drools in her sleep
Sleeps on her front, slightly to one side, arms up
Separation anxiety when attached
Actually really loves dorky dancing and just has fun as much as possible
Knows all dance styles, including exotic dances which can get awkward since she doesn’t realise their significance
Fear of clowns
Sulks like heck when sad  (Super pitiful)
Will try anything once, even potentially sugar-crashy things (Feels the need to prove herself)
Abandonment issues
Allergic to grapefruit
Wears leggings under her skirt for modesty due to an unfortunate incident which she refers to as ‘unmentionable’
Cannot epathise with certain mindsets
Loves birds
Dislikes being alone
Can fit three bananas in her mouth side by side, but has no idea why people find it so funny
Tries to cheer up everyone, often forgetting her own needs
Is partial to 70’s disco music
Low self-esteem
Has a habit of getting riggwelted after eating too many bananas
Since this is a heavily mused on question, if she had an animal equivalent it would be a Dorset Horn ewe (Que the anthro fanart)
Stay in character at all times unless in PMs
Do NSFW as well as safe RP
Do multi-ships (Just because I’m doing one thread with one character doesn’t mean I won’t do one with yours too!)
RP in story format (T1)
Welcome any character’s interaction
Also help people with real life issues while stying in character (Please feel free to ask advice at any time! <3 )
Have fun, laugh and joke around with you
Reblog random stuff she finds fun or amusing
Share recipes
Allow bullying
Go out of character (This includes pairings she wouldn’t agree with, etc) unless tagged so with #OOC and #Mun
RP any child abuse/pedo-centric/loli/rape plots
Encourage destructive behaviour
Disclose anything said privately
Hate on people for their opinons/tastes/headcanons/pairings
Don’t ask, just do!
The only stipulation being is that you don’t try to claim her as your own or derive from her something weird like that.
But yes, PLEASE DO DRAW HER. I can’t wait to see what you come up with. Any drawings I’ll link to below so others can see!
Me, basically! The perks of being Stanza.
Drawn ref:
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