#Spartan Emmet
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kelpiemomma · 2 years ago
Lol wouldn't it be funny if Spartan Emmet tried to kill young sangheili Akari the first time they meet because of reach's history and the video he saw on Ingo's helmet lmao can you imagine
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nebucat · 1 year ago
characters i'm not normal about and will never be normal about: - six eared macaque - lance vld - spartan 117 - sonic, shadow, shade - emmet brickowski
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filmstruck · 6 years ago
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The Television Films of Roberto Rossellini by R. Emmet Sweeney
Roberto Rossellini was one of the popularizers of neorealism, but over the last decade of his career he pursued an even more minimalist style in a series of historical features directed for television. These were intensively researched dramas that utilized non-professional actors which try to capture the fabric of everyday life in moments of pivotal historical change. Rossellini told Cahiers du cinema in 1963 that “film should be a means like any other, perhaps more valuable than any other, of writing history and of keeping the traces of societies which are about to disappear.” FilmStruck has five of these archaeological works. The first, and most widely known, is THE TAKING OF POWER BY LOUIS XIV (’66), which lays a blueprint for how the Sun King strategized against his enemies while creating his mythological persona. SOCRATES (’71) is another attempt at bringing a legend down to earth, capturing the period when Athens was under the rule of Sparta sympathizers known as the “Thirty Tyrants”.
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THE TAKING OF POWER BY LOUIX XIV is a procedural, with its focus on the process of Louis XIV’s ascension to the throne after the death of Cardinal Mazarin. The callow Louis is expected to defer to his advisors, but instead makes a powerful play for autonomy through a series of backroom negotiations. Rossellini films it almost entirely in medium shot with no cut-ins, though he does allow himself some zooms. It is as if he is filming a live production, an attempt to efface artifice and emphasize immediacy. The lead non-performance by office clerk Jean-Marie Patte is as blank and declamatory as they come. In his Criterion Collection essay, critic Colin MacCabe wrote that Patte was “incapable of learning his lines, which had to be held up on boards for him to read.” This gives him a blankness that Rossellini sought, similar to what Robert Bresson sought out in his “models.” Patte is a vessel for Louis’ will-to-power, a fact and not a personality.
These are dry, unadorned films. Didactic dispensers of knowledge, but Rossellini’s particular gift is for giving these historical scenarios a textural thickness – whether it be through costume, location or historically-researched custom (like how Socrates’ disciples snap instead of clap). SOCRATES is a remarkable portrait of a stubborn old coot who refuses to bow to a new regime. After a pro-Spartan oligarchy is installed in Athens (following its defeat in the Peloponnesian War) Socrates continues to teach his students in public, despite warnings to stop. Rossellini, who had been trying to make the project for years, jokingly explained in Peter Brunette’s Roberto Rossellini, that they were alike in never having made any money from their professions.
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SOCRATES was shot in Spain because Rossellini refused to shoot in Greece, which was under a military dictatorship. The film is a glacially paced series of speeches in living rooms and public squares, and lays out in meticulous detail the Athenian legal system as Socrates meets his hemlock fate. It is a slow-motion tragedy of the rational mind, shot in Rossellini’s late style of maximum lucidity – everything visible, not even the “illusion” of shot-reverse shot to interrupt the truth of the image. While on the set of SOCRATES, Rossellini again expounded on his project: “I make historical films, and I try to reconstruct civilizations, customs and cultures, convinced that, at bottom, man does not change, but only the historical context. The human ‘given’ is permanent, while the cultural ‘given’ varies.”
The late historical films of Rossellini aim to capture how the eternal verities of human behavior refracts through cultural context. Again, these sound like dry ideas, but when placed under Rossellini’s revivifying eye, history comes alive.
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cutekittenlady · 3 years ago
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Lol elesa.exe has stopped working.
Elesa knows who Drayden is. Every would-be trainer in Unova knows who Drayden is. There's a popular sentiment that one of the reason's Alder has held onto the Champion title for so long is because most trainers can't get past Drayden. "Dragon Master" Drayden. "The Spartan Mayor" Drayden.
That Drayden.
The Drayden who was now buying her dinner as a treat and going on about thanking her for helping out his nephews while Emmet stuffed his face while Ingo gently tried to coax his brother into not choking.
Emmet and Ingo.
The two twins she ran into by chance back in Striaton, who were just starting out and were awkward as hell acting like every street lamp was going to bite them. The twins who all the other kids thought were weird as hell (which included Elesa admittedly) but who walked into the gym together and, after ten minutes, walked back out again with everyone assuming they'd failed.
The two twins who she ran into later and learned that they had, in fact, won very easily.
She went through pinwheel forest with them. Got Castelia cones together. She had to save Ingo from quick sand in the desert resort. They rode the ferris wheel together. Emmet saved her and Ingo from a pack of Galvantula in chargestone cave.
THAT Emmet and Ingo who talked about their uncle and how much they wanted to prove themselves as competent trainers to him and who, now that she looked closely, bore a slight if not striking resemblance to Drayden.
About half way through dinner after eating on autopilot she finally found her voice, "Drayden is your uncle."
They stopped eating.
"Dragon tamer Drayden?"
"Is your uncle."
"You're looking verrrrrry pale Elesa."
"The final gym leader. The guy I spent days agonizing about fighting. The guy my mom keeps a picture of in the fridge."
"I'm sorry she keeps my what in the what?"
"THIS guy." She gestured at Drayden, "Is your uncle?"
Ingo and Emmet glanced at each other.
"Did we never mention that?'
Elesa faceplanted into the table.
The idea of Uncle Drayden adopting Ingo and Emmet before their pokemon journey creates the fun speculation of who would know who Ingo and Emmet are and who wouldn't.
That is to say, I can imagine Elesa meeting up with, battling, traveling with, and even helping Ingo and Emmet out along their journey all while being completely out of the loop that they're Gym Leader Drayden's nephews and wards. A speculation that would only be made better if literally everyone else around her knows and never bring it up because they just assume she knows too.
When she actually learns of the relation is based entirely on when you think it'd be the most halarious for her to find out. Lol tbh I think its either at the very end of her initial pokemon journey or even YEARS DOWN THE LINE when shes already a gym leader, they're already working in the battle subway, and Drayden just happens to be visiting Nimbasa.
The reason she never finds out before then?
Not only to Ingo, Emmet, and Drayden not advertise the relation, but Ingo and Emmet call Drayden by his first name. There's nothing secretive about this relationship. All three of them just assume everybody probably already knows.
Except Elesa as it turns out.
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ozmontague-blog · 7 years ago
Requests and Considerations
Oz settled behind his desk and shut down the program he had been working in. He tidied away all documents so that the office returned to its spartan state. He preferred to look unruffled in his interactions with the other families of Verona. In particular, Mr. Emmet Capulet was meeting with him today. He had a sneaking suspicion as to why the other man was appearing today and he was not pleased. Lifting his coffee cup, he took a sip before making a face of disgust. Cold coffee. He instructed an assistant to fetch him another cup while he waited for the actor to join him.
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comedytrendsnyc-blog · 8 years ago
The Cool Kids – “Checkout” Video
The Cool Kids – “Checkout” Video
Chicago rap spartans are back together and steadily cranking out new tracks, with their new album Special Edition Grand Master Deluxe set to come out later this year. Earlier this week, they gave us the new single “Checkout,” and now they’ve got a video for it. Emmet Kilmer directed the video, which finds Sir Michael Rocks and Chuck Inglish in some of Chicago’s finest bodegas and dilapidated…
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kelpiemomma · 2 years ago
i am spinning this video in my head and vibrating with spartan Ingo thoughts
It was never explicitly stated to the twins, but Ingo got chosen to be Noble 6 BECAUSE of Emmet. Because he could follow Emmet's plans and commands without arguing unless it was necessary. Because he and Emmet spent so much time training together, to improve their skills and sparring with others to one up each other, that he was constant learning and improving. Because if he thought Emmet would survive, Ingo would do ANYTHING to ensure it.
Spartan Emmet, on the other hand, is more selfish. He has to be the one in charge. He needs to be learning, improving, always because he needs to keep Ingo safe. Saving civilians is not his priority- Ingo is. If it came down to it and Spartan Emmet was required to choose between something and Ingo, he would choose Ingo every time. The world could burn and as long as he had Ingo by his side he could get through it. Being selfish isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it's definitely not good when you want a team player.
So they started with Ingo, told him the solo mission he'd be going on needed to be done without Emmet. Said he needed to start working with other people, and it was a little escort mission so it was fine. He didn't like it, and was anxious to not have Emmet at his back, but it went fine and he came back safe.
And when he was on Reach, looking out through a hole in the wall of a broken tower in a destroyed city, he realized this. He realized following Emmet through training, following orders, had led him to here. To being among a team of strangers bonded by a world ending. And he didn't hate it. Not at all. Because Emmet would sacrifice the world for Ingo, but Ingo had always kept silent about how he'd sacrifice himself for his brother. And he knew, something in his gut told him, that sacrificing himself was going to be the only way to keep Emmet alive.
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kelpiemomma · 2 years ago
Emmet wasn’t an optimist. He never had been, really. When one grew up as a weapons experiment there was no room for optimism. There was only room for growth, for training, for getting stronger and faster and becoming better than everyone else. There was only room for survival. Survival, and Ingo.
Twins. They’d been together from the start. When the military had come to their planet too late they had found few survivors. Towns had been destroyed, cities had been leveled, and Emmet had Ingo and they both had a feral, ferocious instinct to survive. They had been taken in, kicking and screaming all the way, Ingo’s bellows extraordinarily loud even at the tender age of seven. Emmet bit and Ingo yelled and the scientists had poked them with fingers and pens and needles and said, twins? Incredible! Not a common find, not at all. We can do baseline tests, see how similar they are, we can see how they take to the program, if there are any physical differences… amazing! and then Emmet had kicked one of their expensive-looking screens and Ingo had screamed until someone’s ears bled and they stopped poking the boys.
Ingo was his priority. Emmet was Ingo’s. They went together or not at all. Their teamwork was extraordinary, able to communicate in looks and minor movements. Other Spartan-IIIs were strong and fast and capable, but none were the twins. None were the Twins. They were not just Ingo and Emmet but IngoAndEmmet. Where one went, so did the other. The top of the class, relying on each other to keep themselves safe and in one piece. When the other candidates made friends and cliques and then argued and fought, Ingo and Emmet watched them with solemn eyes.
Everyone was traumatized. Very few had been traumatized together.
They met Elesa in Camp Currahee. They played war. Not war games, because they all knew better than to pretend it was a game, but these battles were not life or death and so they were play. Elesa had been assigned to their team with two other candidates, her head high and her eyes fierce. Her hair had been cut short back then but her eyes remained electric. She listened as the twins laid out their plan of attack and then cut them down, pointing out the flaws and openings they’d left. When Emmet began to argue that some gaps meant the other team would be drawn into an ambush Elesa argued back that it would only be an ambush if they planned for it. Ingo watched them from Emmet’s side, his gaze darting between them as their voices raised. Arguing was not uncommon, not among children who had each been torn from their families by war. The twins had been in their fair share of fist fights and scraps over food, over sleeping arrangements, over who was right in an exercise, over who had drawn blood first. Ingo didn’t remember seeing anyone go toe-to-toe with his twin over a plan he made.
She helped them win that simulation. Ingo could go with the flow, could read Emmet’s movements and adjust, but she acted as determined translator. She demanded Emmet explain, give her a reason, give her backup information in case the first plan went to shit. When the simulation ended she approached them with a wry smile.
“You’re not too bad,” she said, “you know. For boys.”
They never managed to lose her.
They lost many others after Alpha Company was established. Not on their first missions, no. The Alpha Company was the most capable the Spartans had ever been, the most vicious and determined they could get. Each of them was a child of loss, of remembrance, of vengeance. They ran into battle silent and screaming, cutting down rows of Covenant soldiers without a backwards glance. They fought alongside each other, kept backs safe, made sure no one was left behind. Friendships grew between the Alpha Company. Ingo and Emmet found themselves extending their hands with guarded hearts. They met Iris and Dawn, younger than them, recruited after them, more exuberant in their down time when they could hide haunted and tired eyes behind games and laughter. The twins and Elesa found themselves drawn to the girls' youth, to their determination to still live lives instead of only being soldiers. They met Flannery, with red hair and a fiery temper who would haul anyone over her shoulder with ease despite her slight frame, and Cilan, who cooked in his spare time and asked for their opinions; they found friends to spar with and find relaxation with. Their little family grew.
And then it was almost destroyed in one fell swoop.
Ingo and Emmet had protested when they had been told they would not be joining their crew on Operation: PROMETHEUS. Elesa had argued as well, that the rest of their team was going, that they should also be joining them. They were ignored. They were not an official team, only a semi-familial unit calling themselves a team. The trio watched as Iris and Dawn suited up, joking about how they were taller than the twins in their armor. They joined Cilan and Flannery, the girls at their side, on the way to the ships. They chatted about the mission. Everything was normal. They just weren’t going this time. They waved goodbye, said give ‘em hell kids, said bring us back a souvenir.
The 300 Spartan-IIIs landed on K7-49 with no issue. Reactors were destroyed with ease. Each one sent a cheer up through the ship Ingo, Emmet, and Elesa were on. They smiled but did not join in, not while the rest of their family was away. Two days later things grew somber, began to grow tense. The Covenant would not take the destruction of their shipyard laying down. No Spartans were lost but there were injuries. They relax when the Covenant's counterforce is destroyed, begin to cheer when once again reactor after reactor is rendered obsolete. And then there was the call. Not a distress call, because Spartans were never distressed, but a call to say no one would be coming home. Their evacuation route had been cut off, overrun. They would fight for their lives but there was no guarantee anyone would escape.
And no one did.
It wasn’t their first loss. Others had died in the beginning, when they had first begun to receive augmentations. Someone would go to the lab and they would not return. Ever. It was a fact of life. People died and did not come back. Every Spartan-III knew this. It was why they were Spartan-IIIs, after all, because loss had driven them to fight. But this was not the beginning, and these were not strange bunkmates who side-eyed you after dinner, wondering if you’d hidden food down your shirt for later. These were their companions, their cohorts, their friends. These were the people they had trained with for years, had built a report with, had built a relationship and something resembling the family they’d all lost so long ago.
They didn’t cry. They couldn’t. This was the job. This was the life.
What a victory.
What a defeat.
What a waste.
And yet life continued.
Ingo and Emmet and Elesa did not stop. They could not. They were, quite literally, built to not stop. They drifted apart and fell together again. Elesa would be removed from their crew, because the Twins were never, not ever, separated. She would go and be a lone wolf and then she would come back. Emmet and Ingo would fight alongside the ODST and the marines when needed, charging at the Covenant with no tears in their eyes but the echoes of their friends in their heads.
For years it was so. So many years. They had forgotten, eventually, what it was like to kick and scream and fight a separation. Nobody tried and so they let their frantic determination dull. They began to find ways to entertain themselves without the other. Their cooperation in battle remained solid, sturdy, unbreakable and unshakeable. But in their off time they began to drift. Ingo would go and stare out at space, at the stars, lost in thought and silent. Emmet would go and spar, training, letting out his emotions against others. They had to do better or else they would all die.
And then Ingo got sent out alone. He came to Emmet one day, pale and shaken. Confessed that he was being given an assignment. Being given an assignment by himself. They sat together until he had to leave. Emmet paced until he returned, three days later. Emmet was given his own assignment a week later. His own. By Himself. He waited until last minute to tell Ingo, and when he was dropped planet-side he went in with a vengeance. He went in guns-a-blazing. He went in hard because he wanted to get back to his twin as quickly as possible. He returned to Ingo the next day, grinning ferociously because nothing would keep them apart. They might get sent on different missions but they would never get separated. Never for good.
Or so he’d thought.
Because it turned out the single missions were the start. They grew longer. Ingo was gone for days, then weeks, then months. Emmet would be dispatched while Ingo was gone, would come back to the ship to find Ingo in their room as if he’d never left. Sometimes it was Emmet who was gone for long periods of time, wishing he had Ingo at his side when a Grunt would come up screaming with a sticky bomb strapped to its chest.
Maybe they should have fought like they were children again.
Eventually the unthinkable happened.
Ingo was assigned to Noble team on Reach after their sixth had been KIA'd.
Only Ingo.
“How long is it?” He asked his twin. “Six months?”
Ingo had looked at him. Had said nothing. Ingo never said nothing, not to Emmet.
“Eight months? A year?” Emmet continued. He began to feel frantic, flighty. This wasn’t right. This couldn’t be happening. Not to him. Not to them . They were IngoAndEmmet, they were the Twins, they worked best together.
“It’s a permanent assignment.”
And Ingo was gone. Down on Reach, by himself. Not quite by himself. There was Noble team. There was Carter and Cat and Jorge and Emile and Jun. But there was not Emmet. There was not even Elesa.
It was okay, barely. Just for a little while. Because Ingo would still contact him, would send messages, would describe his team. Jorge was very large but very gentle, like an elephant. Cat was sharp-witted and sharp-tongued, protecting herself by keeping others at bay. Carter was stern and kept them all together, kept them from fighting between themselves, because he had lost enough of his team and he wouldn’t allow dissension to break it down when death was on the line. It was okay because Reach was safe. There were no Covenant on Reach. Noble team existed to keep the inner colonies safe, to keep order. Never mind that they were replaced when one died.
Ingo wouldn’t die.
Except then the Covenant were on Reach. Ingo did not send him a message immediately. He found out after everyone else, after messaging Ingo, demanding to know why he had been quiet, why Emmet was being looked at with pity. Ingo admitted that the colonies, that Reach, was no longer free of their enemies. That they were engaged in battle with the Covenant. But it was small forces, Ingo reassured him, scouts. Easy to take out.
But then there were more. Ingo didn’t respond to messages as often. He didn’t have the time. Emmet heard it second, third, fourth, sixteenth hand that Jorge had sacrificed himself for the mission, had destroyed the cruiser only for so many more to show up. He hears that communications on Reach are down. He watches as the ship fills with refugees, people with glassy eyes that are lost, scratches on their faces. They whisper of the Elite, of the snipers, of hunters.
There is a small group of people, members of a militia, that had been saved by two Spartans against all odds. There are whispers that go through the ship of a Spartan in black armor who raced through New Alexandria to save civilians, ushering them to safety. There are tales of a Spartan with a sliver of silver on his helmet taking down three hunters on his own, saving the lives of the six marines who had been caught in the building with them. One refugee finds him, a book in their hands. They look nervous to be around Emmet. He understands though. Since there are more and more people around he had taken to wearing his armor at all times. They hand him the book silently, almost solemnly.
“He said,�� they whisper, “that he wanted to apologize for not being able to contact you more.”
Emmet went still. He held the book carefully, gently.
“Where did you get this?” He asks in a trembling voice.
“It has been a journey. I was not the only carrier. We all knew it needed to make it to you.” The book is pushed closer to him. “Noble team is doing what they can… we offered to help carry their burdens, and Six requested this journal reach his twin. I hope whatever is inside brings you solace.”
They vanish in the crowd before he can ask anything more. Hours later Emmet stands in his room, door locked, staring at the book in his hands.
Miles and lives apart, Ingo still thinks of him, still communicates.
Emmet has not cried since their parents were shot down before them while he and Ingo hid in the house. He did not shed tears while his body was used as an experiment, as a toy, as augmentation after graft was placed upon him, in him. When he broke his leg in two places he was as stoic as a stone, his smile ever-present and vicious as he sent his fist through the skull the Elite that had driven into him and broken the limb. But this little book, a journal that Ingo had found the time to write in because he could not directly communicate with his brother so easily, was making emotions he hadn't felt in years, decades, rise up. There are little tidbits in the book. Notes on Reach, on the flora and fauna and people he has seen. There are sketches of Noble team, of the Gúta , even of the Covenant. Ingo had always found inspiration in all places.
What finally breaks Emmet is the mention of their old family. Ingo has hesitantly - Emmet can tell by the gaps between pen lines, the heaviness and depression of it left on the paper sheets - sketched their old friends. It’s clear he was uncertain in some way. Could he not remember their faces? Was he unsure if he should be sketching them at all? But there they are, anyway. Dawn and Iris, leaning against each other with smiles and such a joy in their eyes; expressions they'd never truly had, that he'd never been able to see. Cilan has a pan in hand and his tongue half stuck out of his mouth in determination. Flannery is standing on a cliff-side, watching the sun before her, shadows cast out behind her like flame, a content smile on her face. On the next page is a man Emmet doesn’t recognize, a face that is wide and kind. There are heavyset brows and a gentle grin that is almost hidden, his mouth almost stern. Underneath it is Ingo’s hurried chicken scratch. He said to make it count. We did. We tried. We will keep trying. There are dark drops on the next few pages- blood, because Ingo wouldn't let an injury stop him when he was determined. Emmet can tell these next sketches were made in a hurry, almost in desperation. A woman’s face with a scar across her eye, expression stern but there's a certain sharpness to her gaze. Another man’s face, looking into the distance pensively, posture relaxed though his hand is held in a fist. A helmet with a skull carved into it, the person it’s attached to looking at ease as they lean to one side, obscenely large knife resting across their knees. One more person, a rifle in their hand as they peer down the scope. Words are interspersed and infrequent. Names are not given- likely in case the book came into wrong hands.
On the last page are two faces that Emmet knows as well as he knows his own, because one of them is his own. Beside his face is Elesa’s. Both of them wear easy smiles in an expression that he has never truly felt.
Is this the future? Ingo has written. I feel compelled to follow these tracks. I hope to see these smiles one day, once the battle is over. Maybe then we can be at ease and let the past lie peacefully in its grave.
Emmet collapses, falling in on himself as tears well in his eyes like blood from a fresh wound. This is its own injury.
Ingo, despite not drawing himself, is all over these pages. His brother has left notes, has left their family, for Emmet to see once again. Because now he is all alone and memory is all he has left.
He holds the journal tightly to his chest and hopes desperately that this will all end soon.
And it does, but not as he had thought. Not as he had hoped.
All communication is quickly lost with Noble team. Everyone who can be evacuated has been, including Jun and Dr Halsey. Neither of them are on his ship, and neither of them send message about his brother. Emmet wants to track them down and demand to know what has happened on Reach, wants to know if Ingo is still alive. Elesa finally arrives, having finished her mission, and is immediately always with Emmet.
“Your brother won’t die,” she reassured him, “you two are a set.”
“He left me.” Emmet replies.
“And so have I. I’ve always returned, and so will he.”
And then they hear the final news of Reach.
It has been glassed.
Noble team sacrificed everything they had, including themselves, to ensure a package escaped the planet. His brother has died for an item.
The pair of them stand at the window that used to be Ingo’s comfort zone, silent.
Both of them grieve for their lost brother. Elesa reaches out to take Emmet’s hand, her grip tight and shaky.
“He can’t have…” she doesn’t finish.
He can’t have what? Died? Survived? She doesn’t say. Emmet is too tired, too broken, to say anything.
He has never been optimistic. Now there is no reason to even try.
Those in charge come and find him eventually.
The war is not over. Ingo may be gone but the Covenant is not. Emmet is sent planet-side, is sent ship-side, is sent all over. He does not go in guns-a-blazing anymore. There is no one for him to hurry back to. Elesa gets her own missions as she always has. There is no reason for him to rush. He doesn’t think he’s ready to die even though he wants to see his brother again. Instead he feels anger; that the Covenant have glassed a planet, that the Covenant still exist while his brother doesn’t, that Ingo gave his life to hand a package over instead of getting on the ship with it.
He could have gotten on the ship. He could be with Emmet right now.
Emmet fights and shoots and runs until he doesn’t have to think. Until he doesn’t have to think about how he is no longer EmmetAndIngo, that there is no Emmet and Ingo, and that he is now just Emmet.
Simply. Emmet.
He soaks in his vengeance, wears it like a second armor, infuses it into every bullet that he fires. This is for Ingo. This is for Dawn. This is for Flannery. This is for my mother. This is for Ingo.
He runs on little sleep and less food unless Elesa is with him, shoving rations into his mouth with a fiery determination he remembers from Before. From before they were really Spartans. Back when they were just playing war. It is difficult because sometimes, when she is scolding him or arguing with him over a tray of food, he thinks he feels a warmth against his side even when he wears his armor.
When the war ends he feels… conflicted.
Relieved, that it is over.
Angered, because what does he do now?
Sad, because Ingo has not lived to see it.
Enraged, because the Covenant was not wiped out . The Sangheili have deserted their posts and are being welcomed into the navy. Perhaps not with open arms, but John-117 and the Arbiter have claimed that they are allies.
Allies? After the planets they have glassed? After all the lives they have taken, the homes they have destroyed?
Emmet does not take his armor off around them. He watches them suspiciously, waiting for any of them to make one wrong move.
The years pass again. With less battles to fight, skirmishes against the few remaining Covenant holdouts only, Elesa is frequently by his side. They have been allowed to make a new crew. Emmet is second-in-command and Elesa is Emmet’s-second. There is Skyla, who was-and-remains ODST, and Rei, who is barely old enough to be called a man but a decent marine. They are joined by a young Spartan-III, Barry, whose AI is called Lucas, who has decided to take a form that resembles Rei. Emmet had no idea Spartan-IIIs were still being developed. Barry looks like Rei, barely old enough to be an adult, but he’s sweet despite the training he went through. Determined and competitive, incredibly clever, and Emmet thinks Ingo would have liked him.
They are a ragtag bunch of people, a mess of emotional issues and traumas, but they have each other. They take care of each other. They are a family above all else. They leave the position of leadership open, a sign of respect towards their missing family member.
They volunteer to do a recon mission on Reach. Elesa doesn’t think they should but Emmet is determined. He needs to. He has to. He watched his parents die. He watched his old community starve and turn on each other. He has always gotten closure, until Ingo. Ingo’s body was never recovered, his armor never found, and Emmet needs something besides the journal. He needs to know that, despite how many years have passed, Ingo is truly gone.
Reach has been glassed but Emmet will still look.
On the way down they receive a distress signal. It shocks them all- Reach has been glassed, has been uninhabited for years, so why-? They prepare for a fight. No one should have survived. No one should be alive on Reach.
They disembark from the shuttle and trudge off in the direction of the signal. Emmet and Elesa lead the way, Skyla and Rei in the middle, and Barry keeping watch on their six. The ground is solid and blackened beneath their feet, and yet despite it… Emmet thinks he sees something hidden underneath. It sounds poetic, and stupid, to say it looks like hope resides beneath the destroyed ground. It crunches and cracks below their boots, footprints being left with every step.
They find the distress signal where they least expect it.
A helmet. Blackened. Visor cracked. There is a sliver of silver around the rim when Emmet wipes the ash away. He grips it tighter- this is Ingo’s.
This was Ingo’s.
“He’s gone.” Emmet finds himself saying flatly.
Here it was. His proof.
His closure.
Somehow, he had hoped. He had dreamt that Ingo would have made it, somehow.
“Emmet,” Elesa says, “get up.”
He runs his hand over the cracked visor and turns the helmet over. He delicately presses the latch in the back, a chip popping out. He takes it with a gloved hand and holds it reverently.
“Emmet, seriously.”
“Hold on. I need to see if this works.” Emmet says flatly and he places the chip in his own helmet. Elesa sighs in aggravation; he hears her telling the others to make a perimeter, to keep their eyes peeled, but he is distracted. The chip sinks into his helmet and clicks into place. Static fills his screen for a moment before it projects as it should. The image is faded, torn in places like an old film, but it is still there.
And so is Ingo.
Emmet can’t see his face but he can see his brother’s armor. There are Elites everywhere . On the ground are already two bodies, and then one kicks the helmet as it lunges towards his twin. Two more appear from what looks like nowhere. Ingo kicks one off of him, stabs it with an energy sword before picking up a gun. He manages to fire off a few rounds before he is tackled by another Elite, sent to the ground. Emmet wants to scream as he sees the alien raise another energy sword, aiming to slam it into Ingo’s chest, when the video cuts off.
It’s damaged and degraded. The fact that it has survived this long on a glassed planet is impressive.
It is damning evidence for Ingo.
Emmet remains still a while longer, eyes shut behind his visor.
Ingo is gone.
“Emmet, c’mon hon. You’re ruining the mission.” Elesa chides him gently, nudging him with a knee. “You also need to see this.”
Emmet opens his eyes and stands, holding Ingo’s helmet like he’s holding a delicate, priceless artifact. To him, it is. It is what remains.
“What is it?” He asks.
“Look.” Elesa points at the ground. Emmet does, frowning in mild confusion.
“It’s been glassed.” He states the obvious.
“Emmet, it’s been years. Why did the distress signal turn on now? And, look- closer. See that, in front of where you picked the helmet up?”
He looks closer.
A bootprint.
Not very deep; the owner of said bootprint must be lightweight, but it is there. It is real and solid. Though it is obviously a boot the weight is odd, focused on the toes instead of all the way to the heel. How...?
“There’s more. There’s a trail. Someone turned the distress beacon on, Emmet.”
“We need to find them.”
New hope burns in his chest.
Emmet has never been an optimist, but he thinks he’s willing to give it a shot.
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kelpiemomma · 2 years ago
Spartan Submas AU Basic Character Notes
Emmet: (32) Spartan-III, augmented human. Standard Mjolnir armor, silver with black accents. Clever tactician, heavy hitter, will not stop until he physically cannot continue. Always refused to leave Ingo behind in any way. Selfish and possessive. Alpha Company. A143
Ingo: (32) Spartan-III, augmented human. Standard Mjolnir armor, black with silver accents. Clever tactician, good at seeing orders and deciding how best to follow them, thinks quick under pressure. Would do anything to protect Emmet, even sacrifice himself. Protective and determined. Alpha Company. A142
Elesa: (34) Spartan-III, augmented human. Mjolnir Wrath armor, yellow with light blue accents. Quick thinker, excellent at adapting under pressure, will do anything to survive and return to her family. Headhunter class Spartan-III. Keeps the peace within the team, forcing everyone to stop and talk things through. Resilient and stoic. Alpha Company. A270
Skyla: (30) Human marine, no augmentations. ODST armor, black with dark blue accents. Confident in battle, adjusts quickly to a change in orders, reads the flow of battle well. Former ODST, rescued by Elesa during a mission and joined her fireteam several years later. Keeps the team's mood lifted. Optimistic and affectionately mocking.
Barry: (26) Spartan-III, augmented human. Standard Mjolnir armor, orange with white accents. Never backs down no matter the odds, vicious in a fight due to illegal genetic modification. Fiercely loves his new family. Competitive and impulsive. Gamma Company. G044.
Rei: (20) Human marine, no augmentations. Standard marine armor, stamped with the Spartan signs of his team. Keeps the Spartans grounded, deadshot, excellent providing backup and cover fire. Became friends with Barry during several missions and was requested to join the team with him. Uncertain and soft-hearted.
Lucas: Barry's AI, no augmentations. Formerly called Dia. Resembles Rei in civvies. Keeps track of hostiles and surroundings at all times, constantly checking ammo and advising battle strategies. Provides Barry with his necessary injections to keep him calm. Lazy and easy-going.
Akari: (15) Augmented Sangheili. Doesn't recall her former name. Accord harness, navy blue with dark red accents. Excellent at scouting, skilled at recon and intelligence gathering. Fully grown due to illegal augmentation. Observant and enthusiastic.
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kelpiemomma · 2 years ago
Pokemon Master List
A masterlist of my pokemon AUs, fics, art, and more.
→Dawn and Akari are NEVER the same person in my works. Akari has frequently been isekai’d.
►I heavily promote Dad Ingo and his daughter Akari :)
Zoroakari - Akari is killed by Volo and becomes a Zoroark
pokemon harvest moon / phm - Akari moves to sleepy, dying Jubilife Village and is given a farm to take over and improve.
wild west train gang au - pokemon black/white meets pokemon legends arceus meets the wild west. Ingo and Emmet are train conductors and ranch hands by day, and train robbers by night. They end up taking in a young girl who tried to rob their train.
ac submas / assassin’s creed submas / plac - Ingo and Emmet are assassins in modern day Unova when a Templar attack separates them. Ingo is kidnapped and brainwashed into believing he’s a Templar, eventually escaping - still sans memories - with a living Piece of Eden.
Arceus Fragment AU - The Legends Arceus protag is actually a piece of Arceus that the god broke off and sent down to experience humanity before returning to allow Arceus to recover their memories.
halo submas/spartan ingo/sangheili akari - Ingo and Emmet were recruited to be Spartan-IIIs, Akari is a Sangheili, and somehow they still find family.
gear station family au - a modern PLA au where Ingo never got yeeted to the past, Rei and Akari are twins working at Gear Station, and chaos ensues.
symbiote au - Ingo and Akari are Klyntar/symbiotes. A sort of Venom fusion, but not. Ingo’s host is Emmet, and they refer to each other as brothers. Akari takes over a comatose Dawn’s body in Hisui.
FICS: ►All tags for my series and fics will include snippets, drabbles, questions and answers, and miscellaneous things that inspire me.
fire at will series
jumping the rails fic
misery business fic / arms outstretched fic
piap series - (peas in a pod series)
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kelpiemomma · 2 years ago
You know, for all of the trauma Ingo goes through as Noble Six and being the sole survivor (apart from Jun I think), thinking that he's alone, maybe suffering temporary amnesia maybe not...
But Emmet, too. Being on separate teams from his brother for the first time. Not being on Reach when the Covenant attacks. Only being able to hear about what's happening, getting updates through the news and chatter of other Spartans. Hearing about Jorge sacrificing himself, losing contact with the others. He has no idea if Ingo's alright or not, if he's alive or not.
And then Reach gets completely taken over by the Covenant. It gets glassed. And Emmet has no choice but to believe the Covenant killed his brother, that Ingo died - sacrificing himself - for the people on Reach. He lives for years completely angry at the Covenant, taking out his opponents mercilessly, thinking of Ingo with each shot he takes.
And then Ingo shows up on a comms channel, and when they go to pick him up he's got his arm around a small Elite- the kind of alien that Emmet's been killing without hesitation for years. And he says she's his daughter, and that they saved each other, and any thought Emmet had of maybe booting the thing out an airlock... He has to set aside.
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kelpiemomma · 3 years ago
i will say, with how much halo reach I have been playing, I am very tempted to make a spartan ingo & emmet attempt as well as sangheili akari. Considering sangheili rei? I do like bby spartan rei seeing bby sangheili akari and going “yes!! another baby!!” and just immediately taking to her. that’s his 7′ tall alien bestie!!! is elesa a spartan as well? maybe. skyla isn’t, though. i don’t think drayden’s a spartan either, or perhaps he’s a spartan from a previous generation,,, dunno yet!!
but i’ve been playing so much reach, having so many emotions, that i am staring at the armor going “okay, how do i draw that. how do i draw that. the elites- how do i draw them. i need to figure it out.”
god help me.
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kelpiemomma · 2 years ago
Thinking about the Flood last night got me thinking that Noble Six Ingo completely missed out on the first encounter with the Flood. Emmet and Elesa have had several encounters with it, it remains horrifying but they don't scream in surprise when the little hermit crab parasites jump out at them spontaneously.
Ingo is not prepared for the first time he encounters the Flood.
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kelpiemomma · 3 years ago
So I KNOW noble six is supposed to have died on reach and I haven't finished the game yet so I don't remember how it ends (except the glassed on reach memes) but hear me out:
Spartan Ingo is Noble Six
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kelpiemomma · 2 years ago
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symbiote!ingo (symbingo, if you will) crack sketchies! because i can!
top left is when they first fell to hisui. ingo fixed up their noggin but emmet was down for the count and couldn’t be reached by his symbiote.
top right is just ingo being pissed off. i will have to figure out how to draw the symbiote body, just like i need to figure out how to draw spartan ingo’s armor :,D
the middle left is emmet mistakenly believing akari is ingo’s spawn and being pissed off his brother spawned while he was unavailable. emmet was gonna be SO SUPPORTIVE of ingo, give him all the chocolate and food he wanted, he was gonna be the BEST UNCLE-TO-BE AND HIS BASTARD BROTHER SPAWNED WITHOUT HIM?!?! ingo is trying so hard to convince emmet he didn’t spawn but emmet isn’t listening yet. akari is watching her ...dad...(?) strangle something???? and is very confused. →(if akari is a symbiote,,,, she is watching this in confusion and concern, worrying that emmet will also strangle HER when he figures out she’s also a symbiote :3c)
middle right is ingo accidentally showing off his chompers
and then. stupid hist on the bottom!
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kelpiemomma · 2 years ago
Listening to the halo reach soundtrack at work and thinking of spartan Ingo again 🥰🥰🥰
Either he and Emmet separated for Ingo to join the Noble team OR they were both recruited, with Ingo becoming Noble 6 and Emmet Noble 7.
But gaaahhhhh Noble 6 Ingo nervous because he and Emmet have been a team for so long, and he's assigned to noble team alone because they only need one member and he fits what they're looking for.
Ingo is uncertain about where he stands with Noble team, with Carter telling him he can't rely on his brother to have his back only, that he can't go hunting down Emmet when he's in trouble. He has to stay with the team now, and Ingo isn't sure he can. But he stays and gradually begins to fit in. He and Emile grate on each other, but he gets along well with Kat and Jorge. He doesn't see Jun much but when they do interact it's polite. Carter is pleased with how he's fitting in, even if he's talking to Emmet almost every day. There are things he has to dance around, missions they can no longer share, and it's hard because they've never had to keep secrets from each other.
And then the Covenant land on Reach, and all Ingo can tell Emmet at first is that something's gone wrong. And then he's storming a beach with the team, trying to remember when the last time he spoke to Emmet was, promising himself he'll do it as soon as he's back to base. Except then he's in space with Jorge, breaching a Covenant cruiser, and then Jorge is pushing him out of an airlock and everything is happening so fast.
He's creeping through the night with Jun, trying to save civilians, desperately firing at Hunters to try and keep them safe. He goes through all of Reach, seeing his team die and sacrifice themselves so that one, just one, of them might make it. Might pass on what needs to get to the right hands.
And he gets to the ship, and he thinks that maybe, just maybe, he and Emile - bonded slightly after watching Carter take out the scarab for them - might make it. Might be able to reuine with Emmet, with Jun, to mourn the losses of their team, their family, might be able to allow his grief an outlet- and then Emile is stabbed from behind, he's down, and there is no one else that can protect the ship. There is only Ingo. He swallows his nerves and turns around, heads for where Emile was just slain. He takes out the Elites - not without heavy injury - and clears the skies.
And then he is alone.
He's never been alone in his life. There was always Emmet or Elesa, and then there was Noble team. Even when Jorge sacrificed himself he wasn't alone because his team was waiting for him. But now there is no one but Ingo.
And the Elites are coming for him, and there is no escape.
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