#Emmet does not like Akari to start with and like
AU where Akari gets raised by Ingo in Hisui from when she was young, but is aware of the future because Ingo remembers bits and pieces and starts regaining his memories. When she's around ten, she accidentally gets transported through space-time and winds up in Gear Station.
Here's the catch! She doesn't end up in a time before Ingo's disappearance. She ends up landing a full year before Ingo goes poof.
Anyways, she accidentally passes by Emmet and, in surprise, says "dad?" To which Emmet promptly does a spit take with his coffee over. Akari quickly realizes that Emmet isn't Ingo and just laughs it off.
Akari: Oh, whoops, haha, sorry, thought you were my dad for a second there, but nah. My dad doesn't wear white. Or smile. Or... *squints* drinks black coffee. Sorry for the mixup! You just look a lot like him.
Emmet, quickly putting the pieces together: ... WAIT. EXCUSE ME?? WHAT.
Akari, walking away: Sorry again! Bye!
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ghostypetrainer · 1 year
Something that got talked about on the discord that I haven't brought up here is the summer camp AU. No time-travel, no amnesia. Just summer camp. Ingo and Emmet used to go to it every year, but Emmet was never as enthusiastic about it as Ingo was. He stopped going around middle school, but Ingo kept it up and eventually became a counselor when he was old enough.
So every summer, Ingo packs his bags and heads to Sinnoh to spend a month and a half working at the sleepaway summer camp there. Lian, Sabi, Akari and Rei are all campers, whereas most everyone else from Hisui is in some kind of position at the Camp, with Kamado running the show. Irida and Adaman are in charge of the two main cabins. Irida just barely is old enough to be a counselor herself after attending the camp for years.
(Lucas and Dawn also attend the camp. They are not related to Akari and Rei in any way. Yes, they're pretty sure.)
(Barry's there too.)
Nobody at the camp really associates counselor Ingo with Subway Boss Ingo, mostly because Ingo just likes to get in touch with his wild side so to speak while at camp. They have cabins for the counselors to sleep in? Oh, that's quite alright. He'll just pitch his tent.
(He's not alone though. Gaeric also does this.)
All of the Noble Pokemon hang around at the camp as well... they're rare variants that the camp takes care of, and they help out around the camp. Sneasler is very attached to Ingo, and sometimes likes to use him as a babysitter. Some things truly never change. Since Ingo leaves all of his Unovan Pokemon with Emmet to help at the Battle Subway, the first year he starts working at the camp afterwards he doesn't have any with him... until he finds an injured Gligar who he nurses back to health and oh. Well. He has another Pokemon now.
(He keeps doing this until he has another full team of six. Whoops.)
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davepetacreates · 2 months
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lady vespiquen and warden akari of the pearl clan, from my gay chicken trainwreck au, more context under the cut (warning: long post). there are two versions here because one is overly denoised and i thought it looked cool.
so, i decided to keep vespiquen as akaris lady in the pearl clan, because a) i think it's really interesting, the implications that akari is a little traveler around all of hisui with her dad ingo at what. age eleven when she meets this little combee.
there are whispers, at first, and the pearl clan is appalled at how the combee takes to her. it's not even a noble yet (when the old lady vespiquen's warden died in a run in with the alpha snorlax, it literally died of grief, leaving this little combee behind.) and it's already making warden like connections? and not only that, but to a girl who literally fell from the sky as a toddler and was found by sheer luck when ingo noticed her in the snow he was trying to clear with Flamethrower (honestly a miracle she didn't die).
and then it got even more controversial when an outsider, volo, came through to help evolve the combee. with *candies*. which akari hadn't known would be a problem, she was just sharing them with combee when it suddenly evolved, but that caused some to doubt that she was really destined to be lady vespiquen's warden?
in addition, this meant the numbers were off, and the pearl clan had one more warden than the diamond clan. this would have been a problem, but...
cue emmet. falls from the sky, discovered when sabi is doing her monthly check in with the shunned noble, zoroark (who ostracized himself when one of the diamond clan turned on him and killed his warden) to make sure their line is doing okay, and she realizes she should do it early. she doesn't know who this man she sees in the vision is but she knows he needs help.
so she does her check in early and lo and behold that's. that's a nearly dead guy isn't it. she asks lord zoroark if she can have braviary take him to the diamond clan for healing. zoroark grants it out of an understanding that they will be the best creatures to help him and he really can't do much.
he then decides to follow emmet to the diamond clans camp. almost gets killed but hey, he's strong and fearful. he can scare any pokemon off easy if he doesn't want to battle. and then he gets there and he sees a lot of himself in emmets lostness, his fear, his grief. he adopts emmet as his warden right then and there and so now emmet is a member of the diamond clan.
and now there are three faller wardens. there's those who take it to be a gift from sinnoh and those who take it as malintent, but no matter what, they're treated *differently*. that is, until the fourth faller arrives, the nobles start going into frenzies, and elesa reminds emmet and ingo of their pasts - and volo tries to ask arceus to reset it all, they fucked up (even though isn't this how it was supposed to go?)
and arceus denies them. once elesa finishes the Pokedex the rest of the fallers will be sent back. but for now, volo and elesa are the only ones who remember where they came from, and volo is the only one who can go back.
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waywardstation · 7 months
We know that Akari loves to tease Ingo about being old even though she knows or can tell that he is much younger than he seems to be at first glance. (personally I'd see him in his mid to latter half of his 30s at most, but the stress of the sudden jump in time and what came with it, his more stressful tasks, a little poison from Sneasler really put a strain on his body and it aged a little bit faster (not to mention his encounter with Draugr in your version, not healthy at all. Nope)
What I'm trying to get here is the moment when it is confirmed to Akari that he really is much younger than he looks like first glance. I'm sure the old habits die hard but she sometimes still makes old man jokes with him, but not as frequent anymore. Once reunited it would mean calling Emmet old, too. And that could often lead into a two against one situation in playful bantering. I doubt she would let herself fall into this disadvantage
I'm sure the jokes soon become jabs at his health when it comes to his back and all and are meant to encourage him to exercise and get better again. (Especially in the IWLYB version where Jörmun took a chomp out of Ingo when he tried to save her)
Oh yes, Akari really loves to play up the ‘old’ jokes with Ingo, perhaps after Ingo made a comment about his back hurting (before she knew about the extensive injury and scarring, she probably wouldn’t have started joking about it otherwise) or after Melli said something about his age (probably to make light of Melli’s words though lol; but Ingo takes it much better from Akari than from Melli obviously).
But she knows that he’s really not that old. No one knows his age, but like, you can tell. You can tell he’s not old — as you said anon, just worn out and stressed.
She does make old man jokes. Probably pulls back on the bad back jokes a little once she learns about what happened and how screwed up his back is. Never makes bald jokes when calling him an old man though. I think it would be funny if Akari just assumes Ingo’s super sensitive about his receding hairline, but in reality he really does not care about it lol. And she’ll never know that cause she just thinks it would hurt to bring up, so he can never clear up that misconception.
(Or maybe just until she sees Emmet just berate Ingo about it later in a sibling way — “you could hide from me but I see you couldn’t escape dad’s genes!!”— and sees he’s fine with it haha)
But yeah especially in regards to his back — like I said earlier she’d probably lay off the bad back jokes largely after seeing how bad it is, and it probably would turn into more just trying to find ways to ease that.
And in regards to IWLYB, whoo I have… no idea how you’d properly recover from that ^^; gotta start looking for more articles on how people managed shark bites in their sides!!
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kelpiemomma · 1 year
One person liked the au comment so here it is:
Concept: people from the rift aren't uncommon. Jubilife and the clans frequently find them and bring them in. In fact, they even fall with all their memories in tact. They know who they are, how they came to be where they went, and where they came from. They know what they were dropped in Hisui to do. The problem is that after some time, some sooner and some later, their memories begin to fade. They remember who they are but they start to think they've always lived in Hisui. They came across with the rest of the jubilife residents, or they were accepted into the clan when they were young and grew up with them. All their memories of where they came warp to suit were they are now. Ingo is one of very few that still knows he is not where he needs to be due to Emmet- he knows there is someone that looks like him that is supposed to be with him, but he is not here. He keeps a hold of his coat and hat because they help remind him to remember something.
Rolling around in my head that, for some reason, Akari is the last to fall. They get a few people a month - one time twenty different people fell at the same time, as if Almighty Sinnoh was desperate that maybe many people would succeed where one couldn't - but their memories were the fastest to flee. They managed to get a lot done, but within the month they could barely recall where they came from.
Akari falls from the rift and after she does the color changes. She's there for a month- memories in tact, no new fallers. Two months- memories in tact, no new fallers. Everyone takes a breath, thinks maybe this is it. Maybe she's The One.
And the memory loss isn't something most people in jubilife bring up. It's depressing, because these people had homes and families and now they are lost in time and memory. Rei fumbles a couple times, mentions "before, when (name) was still helping" or "before (name) forgot." and Akari asks them about the things Rei mentioned but they don't remember. And that's weird but she doesn't think anything of it at first.
Except then things start getting fuzzy. It's after she takes care of Electrode, after she's met and befriended Ingo, after everyone thought she was in the clear. She starts forgetting things. Where she was going. Who she was supposed to meet. More than once Volo has found her and returned her to a campsite, because despite him wanting desperately to meet and defeat Arceus, to be noticed by the god, there is something uncanny and uncomfortable and frightening about people he knew and genuinely cared for forgetting themselves.
Akari struggles to hold on to her memory, lasting longer than the others, but it does fade. It falls to pieces. She stops leaving the village, helping care for the pokemon in the pastures. She doesn't understand why Rei and Laventon, who have always welcomed her so warmly and been so friendly since she first arrived and apprenticed with Marie, are suddenly so sad to see her. Why they don't discuss their research with her like they used to.
And Ingo arrives one day and Akari thinks he looks like a nice person, she may have to go and chat with him. Sure the frown is a little severe but something tells her he'd be comforting...
Except then he walks over to her, greets her, and asks why she hasn't been by for so long. And she's confused, because sure she has her Typhlosion (that she can't remember training) and a lot of the pokemon in the pasture are very affectionate towards her, but she's never been out of Jubilife village. It's scary out there! Wild pokemon are dangerous! (Even though her partner could easily one-shot many of them...)
And it's Ingo who realizes something is incredibly wrong. Because he remembers Akari, how excited she was to learn more about pokemon, how she loved getting rides from Sneasler and Wyrdeer over the highlands, how she delighted in making Melli feel bad for bullying her.
And Ingo realizes she's not the first to stop showing up in the highlands, he just wasn't as attached to anyone else. There are faces he recognizes in the village, faces of people who - at one point - were filling the Pokedex, were exploring the territory, were helping the nobles. Akari was not the first, he just wasn't close enough to any of the others to take notice that their disappearance from the Highlands wasn't retirement or injury, it was something worse.
And he excuses himself, heads back home, and stares at himself in the mirror, because something is off. Something has always been off but now he knows. now there is proof. And he tries to think about who he might be, why he knows something he is pretty certain he shouldn't. And decides the best vourse of action, to figure out what's going on, is to stop sitting around as a warden. He's going to calm the last noble. He's going to figure this out so whatever has happened will stop and people can go back home.
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egginfroggin · 5 months
To the Anon who sent me an ask requesting more little Emmet content: I am so sorry, I started to answer and then Tumblr ate it when I tried to save it to my drafts.
That being said, here is the requested content:
After Emmet gets shrunk from Rift energy, Arceus quickly sees the issue with this situation and tampers with its mark on him -- rather than a subtle mark that designates their connection, visible only to the Nobles and Legendaries, Arceus adjusts it so that most pokemon are able to see that Emmet is Arceus's Chosen, and will leave him alone accordingly. This doesn't always work, but it helps make sure that the Staravias don't try to peck his eyes out, at least. Its effect is flaky when it comes to Paras.
As a continuation of the above point, this makes it slightly worse in some cases, as the frenzied Nobles can see his designation plain as day. Due to Giratina's wrath being the source of their frenzy, this makes them pursue him with single-minded intent. Additionally, some alphas choose to ignore Emmet's mark and all it entails.
Typhlosion mothers Emmet already, but she truly leans into her broodiness in this variant. Do Not Touch. Emotional support fire weasel will bite.
Akari and Rei are well aware of the fact that Emmet is possibly not supposed to look like this, but they frequently forget about this during the process of Sibling Adoption.
The Ride Pokemon (which are considered Nobles in most, if not all, of my works) are very, very protective of this little bean chosen by Arceus. He is tiny! He must be protected!
Jubilife generally treats Emmet more warmly than they do in the original fic. Most people don't know about the theory that Emmet is, in fact, a grown adult who somehow got shrunk. Those who do know about that theory nevertheless treat him more gently because he is still physically, and to some extent mentally, still a child in a very unfortunate situation.
This does not stop a sort of banishment from occurring during the red sky, but rather than chucking the boy out on his ear, Kamado outright orders Akari and Rei to go with him.
(They would go anyway; even if they were to be ostracized, by this point Emmet is their tiny brother, and they would be willing to deal with it)
Palina is not happy with the fact that the Galaxy Team is okay with this tiny child running around fixing problems.
Emmet and Vessa get along great, frankly, once they get past Vessa staring him dead in the eyes and telling him that he is a mess and his soul is blinding and wrong. After that, hijinks ensue.
Emmet is not above using his cute little face and big, shiny eyes to manipulate Akari and Rei into giving him sweets.
Akari and Rei hate distortions with a passion because they're dangerous, but also because whenever they show up, Emmet just up and freaking runs into them and then they have to go drag him back. It's exhausting.
Emmet is very good at escaping whatever measures are instated to keep him contained.
Due to Emmet's tininess, things like stun spore and sleep powder affect him more severely. He will catch a whiff of sleep powder, sneeze, and get verrrry sleepy verrrrry fast.
Akari and Rei learn sign language very fast because it is the only way to tell what the heck Emmet is saying without writing utensils, and in the field, writeable dirt is not common, nor is sand, and they don't usually carry around much spare paper.
On the plus side, Emmet can get tuckered out pretty quickly due to the aforementioned tininess, and he's not very good and pushing on after that point.
On the down side, Emmet can get tuckered out pretty quickly due to the aforementioned tininess, and he's not very good at pushing on after that point.
So, that's all for the moment! I hope this answered your question if you're seeing this, Anon, and that you have a good day. ^^
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sleepy-shinx · 8 months
Fellow submas fans what are your favorite reunion scenarios
And I want to hear two things from y’all:
1. Your favorite way to imagine the reunion happening in your head
2. Your favorite reunion scene in a currently existing fanfiction (AND TELL ME THE FIC/LINK IT SO I CAN READ IT IF I HAVEN’T ALREADY)
My response to prompt 1 turned longer than expected so I’m putting it under the read more, but my answer to 2 is fucking @dittolicous’s fic ‘the only way to be sure of catching a train is to miss the one before it’ I swear to god it’s the most delicious submas fic I’ve ever read I have reread it so many times purely for the reunion alone but then I get sucked into the rest because it’s just a beautiful story and all of the characterization is my absolute favorite and. It. Is. AMAZING.
Anyway my answer to #1 is below the cut- it’s long- it got away from me- I would love for y’all to read it but if you don’t it’s chill and I’d still love to hear your own thoughts on my prompts-
For me for #1 I LOVE the idea of Ingo getting his memories back but somehow the reunion is still a surprise for both him and Emmet. The way I have it play out in my head is a whole story that could hypothetically be a fanfiction if it weren’t for the fact that I have very few details lined out and also that takes effort.
But essentially Volo’s still being a bitch but after a talk with Akari, Arceus realizes some of the mistakes it made with bringing her into Hisui with no prior warning and forcing her to tackle everything alone, so it approaches her and Ingo to request their help in stopping Volo once and for all, returning both of their memories at the same time. It also promises to send them help, but does not elaborate on what the help will exactly look like. It does say that it will call on them for assistance once it has chosen those who will join them. It also says that if they are successful in their endeavors, they will be rewarded with one favor from the God.
Naturally after getting his memories back Ingo’s a whole mess of grief but having committed to staying in Hisui for the time being he has no choice but to stay. In this, Akari is Dawn the DPP protag and Arceus gave her a false memory of what her name was when she was sent to Hisui. She’s also not doing super great after getting her memories back but not as bad as Ingo who was there longer than her (I’ve settled on 4 years for Ingo and 1.5 years for Dawn)
However, Arceus may have seemed like it was still deciding who to send when it spoke to them, but it already knew exactly who to send.
And it involved righting the wrongs committed by Volo and Giratina with the space-time distortions.
Cut to modern day Unova! Emmet is a wreck in his brother’s absense, but he’s doing better than he was in the first couple years. Things have changed for those Ingo left behind; Elesa and Skyla start dating while he’s gone in this fic, and I like to imagine that Iris becomes Champion in his absense (specifically because Hil(da/bert) were still missing, so Unova technically had no Champion and Alder had fully retired from the battling scene. This was leading to complications in getting clearance to branch out the search for Ingo to other regions and Iris, fully sick of it, challenges the League herself and Drayden calls in a favor from Alder to get her a ‘Champion’ to battle. And she ends up being one of Unova’s best Champions in many different ways! Also I imagine the events of BW2 absolutely happened except Rosa/Nate decided not to challenge the Elite Four. Oh god that was quite a tangent uh)
And then one night four years after his disappearance (and like two weeks after Arceus asks Ingo and Dawn for their help), Emmet and Elesa both have the same very weird dream.
In which Arceus asks them both for their assistance, because shit’s going down in ancient Sinnoh and it needs more human help in getting it to stop. It does NOT tell them why EXACTLY they specifically are being asked, just that there IS a specific reason it’s asking them of all people and that they won’t regret going. It gives them two days to think and decide, also offering them the reward of a favor if they succeed.
This gives the two of them time to not only decide, but also TELL THEIR LOVED ONES THAT THIS IS HAPPENING
Emmet’s initially hesitant about doing it, but the favor seals the deal for him. With no context to what Arceus is doing at this point, he is determined to try to use the favor he will receive from the God to get Ingo back. He doesn’t really tell anyone except Elesa, not wanting to get anyone’s hopes up in case Arceus is unable to help, but deep down he hopes that if NOTHING else he will at least get closure.
Elesa was down from the start, she has no reason to say no and the favor is very enticing. For reasons.
(Cute side note I only have Elesa’s favor decided on. And she asks Arceus to ensure that on her and Skyla’s wedding day, the weather will be absolutely perfect. Perfect temperature, partly cloudy, slight breeze. Just exactly what they need for a beautiful wedding. And Arceus gifts her a pen that it tells her to write the date down with once it is decided upon and it will make sure it happens.)
(I also think that up until that point the two of them had absolutely talked about getting married but Elesa wasn’t ready because she had decided years ago that if she ever got married she wanted the twins to walk her down the aisle (bad relationship with her parents) and. yeah)
Anyway! They were instructed to go to Sinnoh if they decided to go and so Skyla flies them there (she doesn’t stay in Sinnoh, it was made quite clear that Emmet and Elesa would potentially be gone for a couple months (and they are)). They go up Mount Coronet and climb The Stairs into Arceus’s domain to meet with Arceus in the flesh this time.
Where, before sending them to Hisui, it tells them a story. About a man named Volo, who wished to remake the world so no one would suffer, so he manipulated Giratina into doing his bidding and started ripping tears open in space-time. Creating space-time distortions, and eventually even the rift above Mount Coronet.
It also says that when were opened, usually they connected Hisui to the modern world, and usually, the rift openings that were much smaller in the modern day than in Hisui, would open in areas far enough away from human civilization to prevent humans from being sucked through them.
With one notable exception.
Arceus reveals that four years ago, one particular distortion opened in the Hisuian Icelands that connected specifically to the subway tunnels underneath Nimbasa City.
And Emmet and Elesa understand instantly.
Both are a mess at this point, Emmet much more so. He hadn’t expected to get answers right off the bat. But there’s the terror rising in his heart of if his brother was dropped into unfamiliar, freezing cold territory 200 years in the past, would he have survived that???
He asks Arceus with a choked voice if his brother is still alive.
Arceus responds by calling Ingo into its domain, having called upon him prior to this to ‘ensure that those it was sending to the past would have someone to guide them through the unfamiliar time and place’.
Leaving the twins open to having a truly glorious, loud, and extremely emotional surprise reunion.
(Aside from knowing it wanted to send Ingo and Dawn’s loved ones back to be reunited with them, Arceus thought it would be VERY funny to have a team of six humans like humans have teams of six Pokemon. Barry and Lucas end up being the other two sent back to Hisui, to reunite with Dawn.)
I have not a lot of details about the meat of this story figured out. The vague outline is Emmet having separation anxiety, Elesa feeling like a weight is lifted off of her shoulders because she no longer has to grieve Ingo while simultaneously keep Emmet going despite his own heavier grief, Ingo having serious identity issues and feeling inadequate because he forgot Emmet while his brother grieved him so heavily, so he doesn’t talk to him about his own trauma and grief and ends up having a mental breakdown eventually that Emmet helps him through, and Volo has found some other legendary from another region that he’s using to try and remake the world again. I haven’t decided which one.
And then once Volo is beat they go home, both twins firmly convinced that their reunion was Arceus granting them their favors early as ya know, Emmet wanted his brother back and Ingo wanted his FAMILY back. Arceus catches on to this and promptly informs them that no, that was part of its plan from the beginning, that it was merely righting a wrong it should have righted long before then, and that their favors are still very much available to them. They do not use them at that time, since they did not expect to still have the favors, and they did not have anything else in mind.
(Elesa asks for her aforementioned one on the spot. At this point she’s so excited to have a much more serious conversation with Skyla about their future, and with her best friend alive and safely home, she’s finally ready for the next step.)
All the weary time travelers are returned to modern Sinnoh. Skyla hops on her plane the moment Elesa calls. They all go to Twinleaf town, Unovans included while they wait for Skyla. Dawn reunites with her Mom.
Skyla is fucking ecstatic when she sees Ingo’s alive, and they fly home to Unova after saying goodbye to Dawn, Barry, Lucas, and Johanna. They specifically fly to Opelucid, thinking Uncle Drayden’s house is a better place for Ingo to readjust to the modern day than their apartment in the middle of bustling Nimbasa City.
They are absolutely correct, but that doesn’t stop the breakdown Ingo has when he finally comes to terms with the fact that he’s home and can rest and not have to worry about his safety in the wilderness with angry wild Pokemon constantly posing threats to his well-being.
But he has his family by his side, who are more than happy to help him through it :3
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dubb0-g0ldfe11 · 5 months
Art of my Pokemon legends Arceus oc
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This is her first outfit/look
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And this is her second outfit/look (I couldn't decide which one I'd liked more so here's both)
Idk what to name her so feel free to leave some suggestions.
Here's some info about her
She's Ingo's and Emmet's niece (her mom is Ingo and Emmet's half sister from here father's side, no the twins do not know about her, but her mother vaguely knows about them but other than that does not much about them)
She got isekeid to hisui when she was 18 and stayed there until she was 21 (she takes the place of Akari/Rei as ths MC)
She got married at 19 and has a son but her husband got scared of ✨commitment✨ and left hisui leaving her to fend for herself when she just gave birth
She got exiled from Jubilife village when the sky turned red when she was 5 weeks pregnant but she didn't find out she was pregnant until a month after she was exiled
She nearly died when giving birth but luckily Pesselle and Warden Calaba found her/where kidnapped by the pack Zoroarks that she befriended back when she first got into hisui
She was brought into Pearl clan and was placed under ingo's care and stayed in Pearl clan until her and Ingo's brother's found them and bought them back home with her son and the zoroark pack she befriended decided to follow her to the present day because they saw her as one of their own
Anyways here her Pokemon team!
Aphrodite! The alpha and pack leader of the pack of zoroarks that decided to follow to the present day
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Crystal! Aphrodite son!
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Bluey! Her starter before she got isekeid in Hisui
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Freddy! She raised him when he was just a little teddiursa!
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Hawkeye! Similar to Freddy, she raised him when he was just a little Rufflet!
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And lastly Jade! She actually saved/rescued Jade from Team Rocket when she was first starting off in her Pokemon journey! And is VERY PROTECTIVE of her trainer when they first got isekeid to hisui and absolutely does NOT trust ANYONE besides her trainer and her family
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I might draw her son later. So stay tooned!
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blaiddraws · 2 years
Is there a summary of the fulcrum au?
undoubtedly but i don't feel like looking for it so. quick recap!
twin dragons au -- ingo is Zekrom and emmet is Reshiram. the way it works in this is that they can be Either human Or dragon but not physically both at the same time. zero dragon traits in human form, etc.
which is why it's Really Freaking Weird And Alarming when emmet finds himself half-reshiram'd one day. (especially once he later realizes ingo is missing--)
anyway. ingo gets eeby deebied and something about the trip to hisui smushes his human and pokemon form together. and since he and emmet/reshiram are so closely connected it kinda. pushed back to him as well.
various side notes under the cut;
- ingo arrives in hisui with no memories, but does have a somewhat easier time regaining them, especially once akari shows up and helps him
- dad ingo. adopts akari. we love to see it
- he also isn't technically a warden but the pearl clan lets him do what he wants. they treat him like a person, for the most part, but not really like a Human, if that makes sense. he's treated normally but there's always a strange tone to most of his interactions with the residents of hisui.
- pearl clan also decided he must be a gift from sinnoh. adaman saw this, decided ingo is a gift from HIS sinnoh and actually belongs with his own clan. ingo ignores this and hangs out in the highlands the majority of the time. but does spend a lot more time with the pearl clan because they're the ones that found him and took him in
- meanwhile. emmet stays out of public eye for a hot minute. and by that i mean a month or so. which isn't that surprising considering his brother disappeared. people figure he's just trying to cope.
- but. he's driving himself insane he can't stay away from the subway that long he has GOT to get back. or he will die. (he says this, dramatically, to elesa). and there's no leads on getting him back to normal.
- (technically, he could take a trip to sinnoh and call up arceus. but with ingo missing he feels that leaving the region would be a bad idea and totally irresponsible.)
- so he just. Shows Up At Work One Day. all half-reshiram'd. as if there is nothing wrong. depot agents, after a moment of baffled staring, have to just roll with it.
- the Public, however. dhkshsksbsksjd
- all he can say is that he has No Idea why he is Like This (true) and it happened when ingo disappeared (true). "But why do you look so much like Reshiram?" "you expect me to know the answer to that?? i'm a train conductor." (blatantly skirting around the truth without directly lying).
- eventually unova accepts that. yeah okay their subway boss is fluffy now. weirder things have happened tbh.
- surprisingly enough, the whole thing stays pretty well contained within unova, ESPECIALLY nimbasa. emmet is THEIR subway boss and he's Going Through It. he deserves to be treated well. etc.
- ANYEEWAYE. cut back to hisui. ingo adopts akari etc etc etc. she starts helping him regain his memory. and the more things he remembers, the easier it IS to remember.
- once akari finishes the pokedex, he remembers a significant amount of his human life. not quite enough to be Normal, but a fair amount. (he also remembers some stuff from being a legendary dragon, but a legendary dragon is a LOT more long-lived than a human. there's a Lot there to remember. and is a lot more... nebulous of a mind than a human's.)
- akari takes him with her when she goes to fight arceus. ingo has a little chat <3. arceus puts ingo and emmet back how they were before, because they cannot exist in the long-term with their forms smushed together like that.
- (Emmet wakes up one day human again, doom-brains himself into thinking ingo died despite how that would be impossible (considering zekrom is literal deity, the embodiment of the concept of ideals.). spends like two hours like that before elesa and drayden and iris have to knock some sense into him.)
- arceus. like. because Ingo asked nicely, arceus retcons (not Really retcons because it knew ingo would ask this when it did it. time is weird) kyurem into having a human form. caveats of this includes. kyurem doesn't Know or Remember that they're kyurem. they can't shift into kyurem. etc. because kyurem shouldn't be able to have a human form in the first place because of their. them-ness. their existence. makes it impossible. but arceus makes it possible because ~hadwavey seals their power away and uses its own to keep the human form intact idk~ Arceus-ness.
- ingo and akari spend the next few weeks tying things up and saying goodbyes before they go home. (ingo goes around saying his goodbyes and expressing his gratitude to people. COMPLETELY forgetting to mention the very important fact that he was that one dragon guy. he goes around to the same people a second time, significantly more mortified, and explains.) (akari was there most of the time and let it happen. it was hilarious.)
- ANYWAY eventually ingo and akari go home. happy reunions time!!!
- (and then, of course. we get into what is almost like the postgame plot equivalent of the au dkshksdhksjsjd. Who Is Kyurem?)
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jadeazora · 1 year
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Hopes are definitely to see some interactions between Past-Ingo and modern-era Emmet, and Cyrus and Cynthia meet Volo and Cyllene (I'm dying to know what his reaction would be to learning Cynthia's ancestor had tried to recreate the world too, and if they'll confirm that his parents trying to uphold Cyllene's legacy lead to those impossibly high expectations that basically broke him.)
My biggest fear is that they might skimp out on interactions like they did with Ash interacting with only Pasio-original characters, but Lucas and Dawn's presence in this event does give me hope they'll avoid that mistake.
I think we'll probably start out small tho, Rei and Akari first, but damn, when we get Volo, my brainrot's gonna return in full:
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missmics · 2 years
Last pic of the three of the Subway Boss Family is cute! Quick question, does Akari call them Uncles, or one dad or both her dads? Or does she have different nicknames for both of them?
Short answer; Ingo is 'dad' and Emmet is 'uncle' but she considers both terms to be pretty much interchangeable and is very confused when others don't. Ingo is the one who legally adopts her and Emmet is officially her uncle. That being said both take pretty much the same amount of responsibility in for her.
Long answer; Fic upon ye
It took months before Akari felt truly safe enough to let her new guardians out of sight for very long. Emmet and Ingo didn't blame her. Having been abandoned once was already traumatic for such a small child. She would throw tantrums when left unattended, even if only for the night while they slept in rooms adjacent. Eventually, they conceded and took turns having the second-hand crib (donated by a colleague whose children had outgrown it) in their rooms lest the neighbors start to worry. For one with such small lungs, she could scream very loudly.
At least on that front, she could have really been Ingo's daughter.
That was what they had eventually decided on when almost a year had passed and they realised they couldn't give her away. The intention had been to only foster her until her absentee parents were found. She had somehow become separated from them on their watch, and as such, it was their duty to ensure the safety of their young passenger. But there had been no progress. So they asked to keep her.
Ingo was more eloquent, so both brothers agreed it would be easier for him to argue their case. He became a dad, and Emmet an uncle.
Akari didn't refer to either as such.
Her Galarian was poor. Not unsurprising with her age and seeming newness to Unova. Instead she bestowed on both sloppily pronounced titles they didn't understand the meaning of. It was hard to interpret what she wanted at times, but she seemed content. She was happy and healthy and that was all that mattered.
Ingo and Emmet weren't sure she fully comprehended what adoption meant. The social worker had explained in her language, but she was still very small. Regardless, she became more confident with time. She stopped trailing them like a caboose and became more willing to be left to her own devices so long as at least one brother remained in the apartment. Her separation anxiety improved until finally it seemed worthwhile to chance finding her a place in the preschool downtown, close to the station, so that hopefully they could return to work as normal.
The first day she was left at the school it was hard to tell whether guardians or child was more nervous. Ingo and Emmet got very little work done that day.
"What if the other children treat her poorly?"
"She is upset. She hates us for leaving her."
"It is very difficult to make friends, she doesn't speak the same language, they might be mean to her."
"We left her. Like her old parents."
After spending the last hour of their shift in the office, staring at the clock and making very little progress on actual paperwork, they finally broke and left to pick Akari up.
But Akari was not upset.
She bounded up to them happily, chattering away incomprehensibly with the odd word here and there in understandable Galarian. Emmet nodded along, hiding any confusion behind the usual smile. The girl grabbed at Ingo's gloved hand—her own small enough to only close around a finger—and tugged. He obliged and hunched down to her eye level only to immediately have a paper shoved in his face. It was a drawing of three stick figures on a printed out page with cheery bubble letters reading 'family' in one corner. Apparently; the product of today's work.
The girl continued babbling away, the few parts he understood being adjectives describing her day. She then beamed proudly, pointing at each of the other parents in the process of collecting their children. As if explaining a difficult concept, she began to recite as she pointed:
"Mom, dad! Mom, dad! Mom, dad!"
"Moms and dads! Yes, excellent! Bravo!" Ingo praised, patting her head gently. She looked back at him happily before her face scrunched up in confusion. Slowly she raised her hand again, pointing right at Ingo's face making him go cross eyed as he tried to look at the tiny finger inches from his nose.
Ingo froze. His mouth fell open as he floundered to respond. She continued, pointing at Emmet.
Ingo broke out of his startled silence. Emmet's mouth fell open, his face going red. It was enough to make Ingo burst out laughing. He took the small child by the shoulders and pulled her into a hug while Emmet sputtered in the background.
"No, Emmet is 'uncle'. No mom, yes dad." He shook his head fondly, tilting his hat down to hide the tears building in his eyes. "Yes dad. Moms are girls."
He could practically see the gears turning behind her bright slate eyes as she struggled to comprehend the meaning.
"Moms girls…" She bit her thumb, before brightening. "Elesa!"
Ingo broke down laughing, joyful tears shining in his eyes.
Just wait until Elesa heard that one.
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nekoanything · 8 months
**This is my personal opinion**
As everyone knows, Pokemon BW has different content from past generations. The main characters Touya(Hilbert) and Touko(Hilda) are children who have grown up to be about 16-18 years old. When compared to the characters from generations 1-4, their ages will be About 10-13 years, Interesting game content, very good soundtrack. rival characters Cheren and Bel(Bianca) N (he is in every position in the game) have good character development. gym leaders are starting to play a bigger role, as well as the ending scene, making it a great game and a memorable one for top in many people's hearts.
I think the game won't remake BW any time soon because they brought a lot of Pokemon BW into the game and a lot of Pokemon SV. It seems too deliberate. But if game freak will make legend like PLA before remake BW, I think it's very worth doing.
remake BW , I can always wait, 1 year, 2 years, 10 years, many years, I can always wait.
If really remake BW, please really remake it. Don't remake it like BDSP. If you remake it like that, don't do it because I'm very disappointed :(
I don't remember many details (I haven't played in a long time). But I really like the story. During the 4th and 5th gens, the development team seemed very intent on making games.
BW says that there is a legend of Unova, two heroes are brothers, older brother chooses the truth. younger brother chooses ideals
Reshiram, Zekrom, Kyurem, these 3 Pokemon were once the same thing (Pokedex says that Kyurem eats humans, but I don't know if it really does…)
BW2 says that Touya(Hilbert) and Touko(Hilda) disappeared for 2 years. Where did they go? because they was looking for N or were they transported to another dimension? like Teru(Rei) and Shou(Akari).The theory is that these 2 people might actually be Kouki(Lucas) and Hikari(Dawn).
Nobori(Ingo) is sent to Hisui. So where did Kudari(Emmet) go? is he in Unova or was he sent to another dimension like Nobori(Ingo)?
I keep thinking There are many suspicious things. game freak to solve the problem!!! I want to know!!!
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ghostypetrainer · 2 years
Some more fun magical girl AU facts:
Rei has a great sense of admiration of the mysterious magical girl, gushes about her regularly... to Akari.
Akari is just like. LMAO. that’s me. She doesn’t say it out loud though because she knows Commander Kamado is suspicious of her magical girl self and thinks she’s tied to the frenzies in the first place.
Floemmet WOULD beat up Kamado if he could, but he is a tiny fairy. Although let’s be real... he wouldn’t have much success if he were human either. He could definitely take him in a Pokemon battle, though!
Akari starts with an Eevee and a Happiny when she first meets Floemmet, who encourages her love of Pokemon and helps her grow as a Pokemon battler. She doesn’t use any of them to fight the Nobles, though. That’s just her fists and her magical beams.
Emmet gets to keep his hat and coat! They’re just mini-sized now. People just think Akari designed them to match Warden Ingo, who she has a good relationship with before Emmet even arrives.
Akari is the first one who links Emmet to Ingo. Fun ways to find out your little fairy partner is a human man who got fairy blobbed.
She tries not to find it funny. She really does.
(She is not successful.)
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davepetacreates · 8 days
month of ingo day 20: lost
Angst, mildly inspired by the story of Orpheus (y'all know which part), around \~700 words.
He’s sitting in the subway tunnels, Train Fire at his side, and he is not crying. 
It’s been months since he cried. He should probably be crying more, but he can’t let himself, because he doesn’t know what he’s crying for, and that’s not exactly rational, is it?
It’s dark here. Nice. Familiar. 
The tunnels are his favorite place to be - all the sneasels running around at his feet, and Lady Sneasler guiding him. His eyes adjust quicker than others’ and he is proud of this. He sometimes wonders where this trait came from.
There’s a flash of white down the tunnel, and a horn blaring. 
Yelling, pointing. All aboard! Bravo! These phrases are his and his alone - no one could understand them to want to take them from him. He has a whole world to himself that no one knows about and he hates it. It’s no fun without a second person. The secrets shared, the inside jokes… He misses it.
“Who are you?” a voice asks, and he jumps. 
“I am Ingo,” he says. His frown deepens. “That’s not quite right. I apologize.” 
“I am-” He can’t make out what the man (where did he come from? Why can’t Ingo make him out?) says. “And you are lying.”
“Where am I?” Ingo asks.
The man shakes his head. “Ingo would know where he was, so you are not him.” Tears fall to the floor but Ingo doesn’t know whose they are.
“I am,” he says, “and I’m lost. Please help me.”
“I have to help Ingo,” the man says.
“Who are you?” Ingo asks.
The man pulls his shoulders up and takes a step back, into the light of Train Fire’s flames. Ingo can see his face now.
In the early days of his acquaintanceship with Miss Akari, they had plenty of conversations - the specific one he remembers now is that she told him that he reminded her of someone, but she didn’t know who.
He told her about the man who liked winning more than anything, the partner who wielded flames with mastery.
She said that she remembered someone who looked just like him but cleaner, and he laughed.
Now, he understands.
The man is crying. Ingo stands up and reaches out. “Who are you?” he asks again. It seems to echo in the empty tunnel.
“I am Emmet,” the - Emmet - replies. “Are you really Ingo?”
Ingo nods. “I am.”
Emmet sniffles, and pulls out a handkerchief, wiping away the tears.
Ingo steps forward and hugs him, and the handkerchief falls to the ground. “I’m sorry,” he tells Emmet. “I’m so sorry.” What else would he say? ‘I’m sorry for not being who you think’? ‘I remember you’? He won’t lie to someone so obviously grieving.
“You really are Ingo,” Emmet mutters, and Ingo hugs him tighter. It’s safe and warm. “This feels just like one of his hugs, but stronger.”
“I am Ingo,” he affirms.
The other man laughs.
“That’s my line,” Emmet says, before stepping back. “Do you want to go home?”
Ingo nods.
“Alright,” Emmet says. He smiles, spins, and points, just like Ingo does. “Chandelure, lead the way.”
The chandelure chimes something to Emmet, looking concerned.
Emmet just laughs, and starts walking.
Ingo follows, because what else is there to do?
They do not talk.
This might have been the reason why, three minutes later, Ingo sees Emmet’s head turning.
Train Fire’s flames blaze violet and red, a warning, but Emmet looks back.
Before the two can even make eye contact, Ingo is gone again.
He wakes up.
The blanket slides off his chest as he picks up his dream journal, and grabs for his pen.
He can’t find it.
The dream is slipping away already and he can’t find his pen.
He - Emmet! He found the man he’s been dreaming of. Emmet. Why did you look back, Emmet? Why?
The night is cold; the sun is just a sliver of orange on the horizon. A scream sounds through the tunnels, driving out a startled colony of bats.
Ingo is sobbing into his blanket, lost for a second time.
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waywardstation · 1 year
now, I am fully aware of Rei being the Protag as almost all male Characters have been confirmed Protags in Masters and I do think people that make out such a minority in the fandom definitely deserve the rep and time to shine! And I am so happy for them! Really hope they do him justice and make the event interesting! Also so very happy PLA still gets some love. I did enjoy ScarVio and Ogerpon from the DLC has become a favorite instantly but PLA needs so much more love than it has gotten. The game, Rei, or really any character deserves so much more love!
Akari is still my personal headcanon and given how loosely things are in Masters and Pasio (Masters is basically a big fanfic where time and space don't really matter and only loosely plays with Canon of the games. (Villains such as Ghetsis or others wouldn't just be allowed to squad in a base with Grunts and regularly try to take over the island and would be behind iron bars) we shouldn't necessarily see it as canon too much if people have different views. Or there should be bigger age gaps between the characters....) I do think it's more a thing to get a few headcanons for your faves! Just like the personalities added to Ingo and Emmet.
And a fun side fic with Ingo and Akari getting sent to Pasio instead of getting home sounds fun. Or they stumble into a distortion. The joy of seeing loved ones only to realize its not their loved ones is definitely interesting too. Pasio-Barry has temporarily two Dawn best friends and Pasio-Emmet temporarily has two big brothers. Or instead of getting contact to Arceus they try to get in contact with Lear and get Hoopa's help or something like that. (I want Akari to play a prank on Lear) And the times random weirdos enter the Villa for a random request raises again! Would definitely make something fun on the side. But I'm sure rn you already got enough projects at hand!
oh definitely! I'm not saying this towards you, I'm saying this in general to agree with what you said, because it appears a lot of people are upset with Pokemon Master's decision to make this 'canon'.
I think people need to understand that this is a canon - it's canon to Pokemon Masters, but that doesn't mean it's the concrete canon to PLA, as we know that Pokemon Masters is definitely not canon. But this is how Pokemon Masters is doing it. I definitely see Rei as the canon protagonist in Pokemon Masters, 100%. But I've written so much fanfic with Akari as the protag, that like you, she's my headcanon protagonist in PLA.
I always favor pokemon's game canon, because the games' canon always caters to the individual's headcanon to who's the protagonist. Marketing and advertising are a different story, and Pokemon Masters tends to lean with what those pick as protag (and it does seem marketing did favor Rei as the protagonist for PLA). But the games favor the player's choice to make it more personal.
So I'm seeing a lot of people getting upset over Pokemon Masters' decided canon when they can simply ignore it if they do not like it, because its a canon for a spinoff that happens to match some people's headcanons while it disproves others. But it's not the canon for PLA as a game.
(Whew, said 'canon' so many times, that it doesn't even look like a word to me anymore!)
I ALSO AGREE THAT I'M HAPPY PLA IS GETTING MORE REP. Pokemon Masters is what's keeping it fresh and alive in the games department, and I appreciated that SV did what it could to keep it relevant in a game that I really didn't expect to see it in.
AND YOU ARE CORRECT! I indeed love all of your ideas, but I have so many WIPs that are so close yet so far haha. Once they start coming out though and I get them done, I will perhaps be open to some new fic ideas. Let's see if these PLA events in Pokemon Masters inspires anything!
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applesjuice · 7 months
How will the reunion between Akari and Juliana go? Or Carmine?
So this is like, two years post Indigo Disk at this point. Carmine is about 19 here, and Juliana/Florian as being 17 and Kieran as 16 here.
Carmine travels for her job, she works with researchers as a sort if body guard against wild pokemon in dangerous areas they're studying. Pretty much what she did with Briar as a student. So she is out of the region when Akari gets reverse eebied back. They're staying with Drayden in Opelucid City, since Ingo is staying there too (and Emmet he's not going anywhere). After Carmine finally finds out what's up from Drayton she demands to facetime immediately to see Kieran.
Akari vaguely remembers her, their memories are sort of coming back. They just feel kind of seperared from them. Staring at the face of god kind of scrambles your brain.
So they initially reunite over facetime but it's not exactly a coherant conversation on Carmine's end. She's too busy bawling so Drayton winds up having to have a private conversation with her about the situation. After that she drops everything calls her grandparents to tell them whats up and then THAT'S it's own situation becauase poor grandma thought she was having a stroke when they heard the news.
When she gets back to Unova and finally sees Kieran in person she's bawling again and appologizing to them like Drayton did so Akari is finally like why does everyone keep apologizing to me? I dont get it. So then she's even more upset lol. But Akari really matured in Hisui and does kind of remember a big sister so there super happy someone they're related to actually wants them. (Akari went through a phase where their memories of indigo disk era had them thinking they were a terrible person and everyone back home was better off without them)
She also has a few of Kieran's pokemon on her like Furret and Hydrapple and they are very emotional seeing Kieran again. It takes her a few days because she's so overwhelmed but she eventually reaches out to Briar and the Protagonist to let them know Kieran's alive.
Im just gonna use Juliana in this to make it easier, but Juliana is shook. Like she's moved on with her life, mourned Kieran, still has nightmares about the incident. Kieran is the ghost that haunts her. So she's beside herself too and Carmine gives her time. She tells her friends who like, all vaguely know Kieran through osmosis since the whole thing kind of broke her, and they help her work through what she's feeling. Same with her mom, her mom keeps a picture of Kieran in their house even though she never knew them. But like the fact that this kid died and her own kid almost did too is pretty devastating to think about.
So Juliana facetimes Carmine and Carmine shows her Kieran (they don't talk yet, the whole situation is a lot for these two) and she starts crying too lol. She's like "do you think he'd want to talk to me?" And carmine is like "well, they've changed a lot but its more like. Theyre back to their old self just, more sure seeming? Also i honestly dont know if they remember you"
So its a whole shitshow essentially. Just a bunch of people navigating a difficult situation. Akari is kind of facinated by Juliana like "wowzers i was friends with someone so cool? I cant believe i was so mean to her i should appologize" and theyre like kieran i think sort of dying kind of negates that you're fine.
Then comes the big bomb that Akari has a SMART PHONE. That is the biggest change of all. Cannot believe you went to the past and came back with knowledge of memes.
Eventually the two talk and they're like pen pals for a while (through texting) while Kieran is healing and doing rehab for some injuries in Opelucid. Carmine is staying in an air bnb there to help out. Eventually Juliana gets the courage to come visit and when they meet she's half crying in joy half having a bi panic because Akari is very pretty.
The end
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