#i am playing around w the way my pencil sketch brush is
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mseden-fries · 18 days ago
Someone asked me a question earlier, but it wouldn’t let me respond to it so I’ll try my best to sum up some of the things they asked me. they asked me about my comic making process. I should be honest I’m almost a complete amateur. I wanna say I’m self-taught, but that’s not to take away from all of the YouTube videos and tutorials that I’ve watched online. Somehow I just ended up putting them together and into what I have now.
To start off with I almost always try to write my script first. after the script, what’s most important to me is the expressions on the characters faces. I think more than anything that gives me the best direction to my writing. As you can see with my first image, sometimes it can be as simple as just drawing stick figures this just gives me a directional idea of how my paneling’s gonna look. I’d say on average. I do up to three drafts the first draft direction. The second draft is a better idea of that direction and the third draft is all the cleanup so it’s ready for line art 
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I usually separate my characters by specific color. This is so when I go into color, it’s easier to see which characters need what.
You can call me a bit of a cheater, but I like to use closed lines when I draw my characters. that way I can use a reference layer to just fill in the colors instead of having to do it manually or using my magic wand tool. 
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I also utilize the pallets on Procreate to pick their colors
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When it comes to shading, I like to use multiplayer layers and erase out the lighting. I might use some ambient lighting here and there with a dark pinkish purple this is going to depend on where your scene is taking place, but since mine is an alleyway, my multiplayer layer is at 40 opacity. For the characters, I usually use my syrup brush to blend in some of the less harsh shades. When it comes to my backgrounds, I like to use my glowing brush to erase out the lighting.
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I still myself have a hard time drawing backgrounds I struggle to find where to put my characters in place some people find it easier to draw the background first and then the characters and although I do agree, that’s easier to establish the shot, I need focus on my characters. So what I usually do is draw my characters in a box and then draw that box in a space and that space becomes my background.
 I play around a lot with the Procreate effects that they have I use a pen called, burst for dramatic feelings, like a burst of energy or a burst of emotions I might use a comic dotted layer for something more comedic or action based. 
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When it comes to brushes, I use a pencil for the sketch, a gloaming for the shading and syrup for the outline. Those are the main pens I use and everything else is effects. 
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My organization isn’t always the best either, but this is how I usually do it. Panels and bubbles are at top, including the special effects like for example if I were to write the word ‘shake’ If Helga was shaking or blush, if Arnold was blushing, this would be in the bubble layer.  under that would be panels under that would be characters and in that folder I would have line art, then lighting and shading then color and that follows the same formula for background. 
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This is a general breakdown of what I do in my comic, and I couldn’t say at all, but I hope it gives you an idea of what I do. again I’m no professional and you should take all my advice with a grain of salt. My best advice is learned by doing I think if you looked at my first chapter and saw my latest chapter, you’ll see my improvement and my paneling in my expressions in my establishing shots and in my color shading. So if you wanna make a comic, just make it and learn as you go, your first one isn’t gonna be a banger more than likely but it’ll be the best learning experience, in my opinion. If you guys have any questions, I am an open book! Feel free to ask me anything.I stream on my TikTok when I make my comics so if you want to watch the process, you’re more than welcome to tune into that but I’m not gonna lie. It’s a bit tedious to watch 😂 I’m @eden_fries on most platforms.  
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kelpiemomma · 2 years ago
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symbiote!ingo (symbingo, if you will) crack sketchies! because i can!
top left is when they first fell to hisui. ingo fixed up their noggin but emmet was down for the count and couldn’t be reached by his symbiote.
top right is just ingo being pissed off. i will have to figure out how to draw the symbiote body, just like i need to figure out how to draw spartan ingo’s armor :,D
the middle left is emmet mistakenly believing akari is ingo’s spawn and being pissed off his brother spawned while he was unavailable. emmet was gonna be SO SUPPORTIVE of ingo, give him all the chocolate and food he wanted, he was gonna be the BEST UNCLE-TO-BE AND HIS BASTARD BROTHER SPAWNED WITHOUT HIM?!?! ingo is trying so hard to convince emmet he didn’t spawn but emmet isn’t listening yet. akari is watching her ...dad...(?) strangle something???? and is very confused. →(if akari is a symbiote,,,, she is watching this in confusion and concern, worrying that emmet will also strangle HER when he figures out she’s also a symbiote :3c)
middle right is ingo accidentally showing off his chompers
and then. stupid hist on the bottom!
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babooshkart · 3 years ago
Hi! I am obsessed w your art. I really like seeing these sketches that you have been posting from prompts recently - I find it interesting to see a bit of your initial sketch underneath (also they're amazing, I love all drawings of the two of them hugging). If you're comfortable doing so, could you talk a bit about your process? I've recently begun dipping my toes into digital art and would love any tips. I'm so amazed with you that it only took an hour to do the sketch w them kissing after work
Hi bud!! So hyped you’re getting into digital art—it’s such a fun medium, and there are loads of resources online for learning! I’m flattered that you came to me 🥺😳🥰 The doodles are a good way to practice, and I’ve definitely gotten faster and more accurate with more practice!!
Alright so we are gonna use this recent painting as an example! I do my paintings on Procreate (with an iPad and Apple Pencil) and find it really intuitive and easy to use! I also am a staunch supporter of using references, and a really good place to find them is Unsplash, because the images are free to use (although I do confess to practically living on tumblr and Pinterest, so you’ll probably run across my refs from time to time lol).
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I start with a loose sketch using a chalk brush that my buddy imported for me (not a Procreate brush, sorry), then usually lower the opacity on that layer to add another more detailed sketch on top of that. In image 1, you’ll see Draco’s body starts out as just block shapes, and then gets a more defined sketch on top of that (in the same chalk brush, just much smaller). Then I go in with linework (image 2), using the Procreate Dry Ink brush (that I’ve modified to be a bit more streamlined).
I personally do my linework on a different layer for each thing, because I will go in and change the color of the linework to ~match~ whatever the object is. I find that it gives the whole painting a more cohesive look, but that might just be me! It usually means that I use about 35-40 layers for each painting, and frequently have to merge layers before I can keep painting 😂😂😂 I run out of space!!
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Flat color comes next, which is best seen on the left side of image 3. Once that’s all blocked out, I’ll go in with shading (a clipping mask set to “multiply” is literally a gift from the Art Gods) and little details (meaning plants and knick knacks. I love knick knacks) Alpha lock and clipping masks are going to be your best friends, I swear to god.
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The last step is usually fucking around with overlays and lighting. For this, all I can recommend is really just playing around with colors and opacity. I typically paint these??? Vague shapes??? And then Gaussian Blur them until it’s a soft overlay for the whole canvas, and then will set it to Multiply/Soft Light/Luminosity depending on the mood I’m in!! And then to add light beams and sometimes dust motes on an “Add” layer with like 30% opacity
Voilà my layers. These have already been combined a whole bunch of times (Draco’s body used to be 15 separate layers), but it helps to see kind of what is going on! The very last thing I do to a painting is to add a noise layer on top of everything, which adds a mild grainyness to the work! You only need like 4% noise for it to be a soft accent ❤️
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Also, I do post timelapse videos for all of my paintings on Instagram! If you wanna mosy on over and check that out 💕 I hope this is in any way helpful!!
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ee-furoido · 4 years ago
So... Jade x Raven DUO magic when?
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Ah! I’ve been waiting to write this for a while, and since @raven-at-the-writing-desk mentioned getting a similar ask, I decided to continue her story.
Raven’s Part 1 is here. My story is Part 2!
...But Only One to Let Go
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The courtyard was packed with loitering students; some studying, others lounging on the grass. It was a place of solace for most students, to not have to think about the worries of their classes and tests. But not for much longer.
Jade was sitting on a bench in the center of the courtyard, a notebook and pencil in hand. He was sketching the flora of the courtyard, although his eyes were not on the page. While his hand moved effortlessly across the paper, his gaze lingered on the students. Every once in a while, he would scribble a note to the side of the latest thing he had drawn.
Perhaps another interesting note to tuck away for future use. No wonder there was a wide berth around his bench.
“J-Jade Leech!”
An almost eerie silence fell over the courtyard as the loud chirp rang out. A petite girl with long, black pigtails stomped up to the Octavinelle vice dorm leader. Jade’s gaze shifted to her, placing his pencil between the pages of his book and closing it shut. His narrowed eyes took in her flustered cheeks and clenched fists. A piece of black paper seemed to be crumpled up in her hand.
“Oya, oya, Miss Raven.” He said, pulling his features into a polite smile. The same conciliatory mask he was so used to slipping effortlessly over his more piercing and inquisitorial stares. 
Even within the courtyard's silence, the other students felt a rush of relief. His attention had turned to her. But even then, they watched with bated breath.
“How may I be of assistance today? I was not expecting you to come to me of your own accord like this.”
Jade shifted to one side of the bench and patted the seat next to him. An otherwise kind gesture, but that would entail getting even closer to him. Raven shook her head. She was fine where she was, shouting at him from 10 feet away.
“I assume you received the grade from our midterm exam as well.” Raven huffed, waving the scrunched up paper in her hands before crossing her arms. “I can’t say I’m pleased, and I’m quite certain you’re not either.”
Jade’s smile slipped for only a moment before he gathered it back up. He cocked his head to the side, his thin-lipped smile curling up even further. “Who knows?” 
“Wha- what does that mean?!” Raven sputtered. “You’re saying you’re fine with the C that Professor Crewel gave us!? I for one will not stand for it.”
She pointed at him with a steady finger. “We’re going to retake this test and if that means I have to force you to….. I- I will!”
With a light chuckle, Jade stood up, brushing eraser debris from his uniform as he did so. In only two steps, he was looming over the young Crowley, a wide grin showing off his dagger-like teeth. “Fufu, perhaps you should calm down, Miss Raven. If you continue on your little rampage, you may bite your tongue.”
“Calm d-”
Although she was already flustered, Raven’s face turned a brighter shade of red, one mixed with both anger and embarrassment. She clenched her teeth, trying to stop herself from striking his chest with her fists. ‘Can’t let him win.’
Jade let out another chuckle, amused by Raven’s resistance.
“Since you require a partner for this portion of the exam,” he said, curling his knuckles under his chin, “I suppose I cannot say no. Ah, I sincerely cannot leave a helpless creature in need.”
Much like the start of their most recent partnership, Jade extended a hand towards the bird, a literal offering of his help. “I’m sure you’ll be able to return the favor someday. Shall we adjourn to the training field?”
In a moment of deja vu, Raven’s eyes focused on his black gloves. How snugly it fit around his fingers, how cool it was to the touch when she had grasped it last. She wanted to forget her frustrations and take it once more.
With a deep intake of breath, Raven gave a pout, crossing her arms once more. She would hold her ground, not get lulled in by this siren. “... Yes, we shall. But as equals.” She spat his own words from the examination back at him. “There won’t be any favors or pay for this.”
Jade chuckled as Raven turned on her heel and promptly headed towards the gymnasium.
“As you wish.” He breathed to himself as he followed her.
The courtyard quickly filled with the buzzing of muted conversation after they left. The witnesses left behind whispered to each other about the scene that had played out. It wasn’t often that Jade Leech himself was at the center of potential gossip, after all. 
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Raven found herself waiting at the training field alone.
“I’ll only be a moment late.” Jade had said. “There is something I must retrieve first.”
A moment had turned into 20 minutes, then almost an hour. Raven did her best to hold back tears of frustration. She felt foolish, thinking he would be there without question, to care for his grade just as much as she did.
Of course he wiggled out of this when he could, the slippery little eel. ‘I did not shake on it, so he didn’t deem it necessary to actually show up.’ Raven’s thoughts steamed as she kicked her sportswear sneakers. ‘That uncultured, underhanded, untruthful…. slimy-’
“My apologies for the tardiness,” Jade’s voice rang out. While she had been simmering in her own thoughts, he had arrived. And he seemed to carry a large silver orb about the size of a basketball. He had also taken the time to change into his athletic uniform, his usually buttoned up attire replaced by a long sleeve shirt and a half-way zipped up tracksuit.
Raven tore her eyes away from his exposed collarbone to the thing in his hands.
“Where have you been and… wh-what’s that?”
The mer-eel chuckled, tapping a few buttons on the orb before responding. The silver surface started to flicker blue and Raven could hear a light whirr as it powered up.
“A new artifact from the students of Ignihyde.” He explained. “Ever since their successful projection mapping during Halloween, there's been talks on other possible uses of the technology.”
“It came to my attention about a month ago that a few of them were working on what they called a Battle Application Droid. I had no need of it then, so I merely put that piece of information to the side at the time.”
“It took a bit of convincing to retrieve this from the Ignihyde students who have been completing the prototype, but in the end they knew what was good for them, fufu.” Jade’s chuckle was remorseless, only filled with amusement.
Raven almost thought to ask who the poor mob was that had found himself under Jade’s thumb, but thought better of it. Jade would most likely not give a straight answer, anyway.
“... So how does it work, then?”
“Essentially, we should be able to engage in a mock battle with holographic enemies.” He turns his attention back to the ball and inputs more on the keypad. “Ignihyde has access to the cameras of the school since they help maintain security. They also manage the servers where we upload all the videos from Dorm Leader battles and exams. Based on their algorithms, it should give us a randomized battle.”
Satisfied with the scenario he set into the orb, Jade hit the largest button on the side and rolled it out into the field.
“W-wait! Why’d you just-”
“We may need to stand back, Miss Raven.”
Jade threw an arm out in front of the bird and pulled her back a few feet. His hand clutched at his magical pen in his dominant hand. Seeing him prepare, Raven grasped her magical quill as tight as she could.
There was nothing else she could do at this point. No time to prepare, no time to back out.
The ball beeped a countdown in the middle of the field before erupting in a wave of blue light, sending a bright blue shock wave through the partners.
“Kh-” Raven flinched with grit teeth, using Jade's arm to shield her eyes from the light. She gripped onto his sleeve until it dimmed, and only then did she chance a look at their surroundings.
Her beak dropped open. They were in the coliseum. 
'Well, no, of course we aren't.' There was a light blue haze over what should be the stone slabs of the arena, as well as moments of static. But otherwise, it was an almost flawless holographic replica of the coliseum.
Ignihyde’s projection mapping had grown, no longer needing physical objects to display images. 3D holographic projection had arrived.
“Be prepared.”
Jade’s voice seemed so far away to Raven in that moment, but it snapped her back to reality. Facing them from across the field were two faceless students, magical pens raised.
“... Th-they cannot actually hit us, right?” Raven’s voice twittered from behind Jade’s arm. 
“Perhaps, perhaps not.” Jade said. “If you would like to stay standing there and test that, Miss Raven, then be my guest. However, I would prefer to come out of this unscathed and am unwilling to experiment, fufufu.”
“Wha- You-”
A light chortle before Jade quickly pushed Raven away to the side as he jumped in the opposite direction. Right where they had been standing only a second prior, a pillar of blue fire erupted. The flames crackled as it burned up the sweet digital oxygen. 
Despite the close call, neither felt the heat. The simulation really was only an artificial emulation, after all.
“Seems like this should be quite easy to defeat.” Jade’s eyes glinted, the Ignihyde blue of the digital landscape dancing off of his olive and gold irises. “Especially knowing it cannot harm us.”
“We need to think like it can harm us, Jade…!” Raven squawked out from where she had tumbled onto the ground. “Otherwise, what is the purpose of this training?”
“I do believe it is for you to get a better grade, is it not?”
Raven caught herself. There she went, falling into his rhythm, ready to bite back at the merest provocation. Professor Crewel’s words rang in her ear again.
“Your coordination could use much improvement. You were yapping at one another for almost the entirety of the battle.”
He wasn’t wrong then, and even now she could see them falling into the same pattern. Her fingers gripped her quill even tighter. What was it about him that caused her to act this way?
“Miss Raven!”
She had pulled her attention away from the scenario for only a second, but that was all it took for the simulated opponents to take advantage. A large ball of water was hurtling towards her—
—and was intercepted by a column of real leaves and wind, slamming down to the ground like a wall, just in time for the digital water to hit it and disintegrate.
“Fascinating.” Jade muttered, racing over to where Raven was pushing herself off of the ground. “For our physical magic to be able to intercept the holograms… Fufufu, this is much more technologically advanced than I expected.”
He glanced down at the smaller student, flashing a mocking grin. “Eyes open, my dear. I won’t always be there to save you.”
He turned his attention back towards the virtual opponents.
“Now is the time for our counter-attack.”
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It didn’t take long for the two of them to find a rhythm, to defeat wave after wave of artificial enemies. Although smart and biting quips were still thrown out from time to time, their wordless communication was their impenetrable defense—whenever one was targeted by an enemy, the other was on hand to assist. While one prepared their stronger physical attacks, the other parried incoming attacks.
Seamless unity.
The sun had started to set on Night Raven College, and the two were almost out of breath. Six waves of faceless blue students they had fought, and it was taking a toll on both of them. Their uniforms were a mess with dirt and grass stains, the crystals of their pens were both getting cloudy.
This was the last round dictated by the orb.
This last enemy was relentless, its speed faster than the others. Almost before either could react, it would send fireball after fireball downrange, keeping both Raven and Jade on their toes.
“Tch!” Jade growled, jumping out of the way of yet another blue ball of flame. “Relentless…”
He paused to catch his breath, gripping his pen. “Miss Raven, we need to settle this quickly, we should—”
“Watch out!” Raven shouted, pulling Jade towards her and onto the ground. A blue swirl of leaves from the other AI barely grazed the top of their heads.
A moment as they realize the position they were in. Jade had fallen, propped up on his hands, hovering over her. Half a heartbeat passed—
Jade rolled onto his back, panting and holding back a chuckle. Raven shook her head, trying to will away her fluster. Now was not the time to be thinking of how close that was.
“Eyes open, I won’t always be there to save you.” She shot at him, the same words he had mocked her with before.
Jade sat up and eyed the two opponents on the other side of the field, warily. From the looks of it, the two mobs were preparing a powerful spell, a duo…
He pushed himself off of the ground and reached his left hand out for Raven. With another light and exhausted laugh, he spoke.
“I’m pleased to know that you have my back when I require it, Miss Raven.”
A warm sensation emanated from Jade’s hand, one that Raven could not describe offhand. But it compelled her to take his offered hand this time, a static of magic crackling as the two of them touch. Another wave of blush scrawled across her cheeks. She gripped the quill in her other hand.
“Sh-shut up, Jade, I’m only doing this because I have to.” Her temperamental defense mechanism rising once more. 
Jade would have let another laugh escape him, but as the two of them connected by both touch and words, he could feel a second wind surge through him. In almost an instant, his exhaustion melted away. 
His heartbeat grew louder every second, and he could sense the magic radiating from his core to his pen.
His gaze fell on the artificial students.
‘Give no quarter.’
An immense pillar of water crashed down where the opponents had stood. Despite their distance, the water from the attack splashed all the way back to the two weary students. Jade gritted his teeth with determination.
The second strike materialized three large pillars of water dropping the AI to the ground, their magic concentration lost.
Jade’s eyes glittered with malicious glee as he swung his magical pen a third time, covering the other half of the field in a destructive wave of water. The digital enemies flickered under the pressure and disappeared—
—Quickly followed by the rest of the projection. The simulation was over.
“Well,” Jade said, wiping the sweat and dirt on his brow with his equally dirty sleeve. “I suppose this is a day well practiced.”
Raven nodded, letting out a breath she didn’t realize she had been holding during his ultimate attack. “Yes…”
“Yes, Miss Raven?”
“... Y-you can let go of my hand now.”
“Fufufu, of course, as you wish.”
Jade untangled his fingers from hers and gave a light, polite bow. He made his way to the center of the field to pick up the prototype B.A.D., wiping off the battle residue with his shirt. 
Raven stared off after him, proud of the difference their day of practice made. 
They would be ready for the makeup exam. No doubt about it.
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benhaardy · 6 years ago
constellation || b.m.
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(what a man ^)
REQUEST: Hello! Could u do a college!bri with reader in which she’s like majoring in something completely different than Bri but they have a mutual friend (could be Roger) and Bri is so infatuated with her because her major is more like arts and stuff and idk lots of fluff?
A/N: eeeeee i loved writing this smmmmm i really hope yall like it even though it’s prettttttyyy specific tbh lol but if you don’t like arts or whatever bri is still a cute lil loverboy in this just imagine him but with your own work? writing or music wise or anything else really. i hope you enjoy cause i lovvvveed writing this. absolutely loved it. i use that phrase too much. anyway, i just really really liked this one it took me like two whole days to do it lol sorry that took awhile and to people w other requests i got u im still workingg on yalls.
requests are clooooseeed at the moment and i am currently working on the ones i have. you can still send them in but they will not be done/started until i am finished with this batch.
the “rings” / “halos” mentioned aren’t like an angel halo w the circle floating above. its like the paintings that depict the virgin mary? i’ll link a pic right here.
as always, tried to make this as neutral as possible for the reader, but it is fem!reader. there might be something pertaining to height…? but i doubt its anything substantial lol shoutout to y’all tall peeps.
this can be read as normal queen or borhap!queen.
happy new years folks! hope y’all enjoyed yours as i have enjoyed mine. hope you enjoy this fic like i did too lol :p thanks for sending this request in!
Wordcount: 2.4k
Warnings: one fuck word. fem!reader. p fluffy. was beta’d halfway, but proofread. APOLOGIES i don’t know much about space or the sky or stars… all info i got about constellations were from this website (lifesaver lol i really hope its accurate). i’m writing this at 4 am, all worth it lol i looooved this story. anywhere here’s constellation *pulls out guitar*
You stepped back to observe the basic outline that you drew on the canvas. It was a shell of what you wanted to actually paint, currently, but in a few hours, it would be quite the opposite. You moved the easel and canvas around so it wouldn’t be against the light of the large panels of glass surrounding you in what was supposed to be a breakfast nook which you had converted into your art “room”.
You were ready.
You took a deep breath and went to grab an old shirt that you could put on before painting. Going through the kitchen, then the foyer, then the stairs, you went straight to Roger’s room, a place where you could find a crappy ripped, and possibly faintly sweat-scented top to throw on. Your favourite flatmate wouldn’t mind, now would he?
You rummaged through his drawers, careful not to make a mess of his nice shirts or the ones he wore to gigs. Finally, you found an old Hendrix t-shirt that was already splattered with paint. Perfect. You took off your shirt, threw on the new one and put the old top in the laundry.
As you went down the stairs, you heard a noise that sounded like it came from the kitchen. It was probably one of the dogs messing around with your canvases. Quickly, you jogged towards your art room, where a familiar blonde boy was crouching down, viewing the propped up half-finished painting that was drying. There was a tall, curly-maned man shuffling through your masonites.
“Uhh…hello?” You said, confused. Who was this? Obviously, there was Roger, but he hadn’t brought anybody home except for the occasional girl. Rog stood up from his place and the other man had turned around to look at you, sheepish.
Your best friend came around the easel to hug you around your neck, a cigarette in his fingers and your arms around his waist. “Hello, love,” he said. He let go and moved to face the new guy watching both of you. “Y/N, Brian. Brian, Y/N. Brian, this is my closest friend and she loves painting. Y/N, I’m in his band now! Smile!”
You exclaimed, “Oh my god, Rog! That’s amazing!” You were glad his endless practice and jam sessions were working out. Roger was back to looking at your other paintings. Now, you faced Brian. “Hey, Brian. What do you play?” you noticed his hand still on the hardboards. “What were you looking for?” you questioned.
“Oh, sorry.” Brian took his hand off the boards. “I play the guitar.” You made a mental note of that. “I just noticed this one up on the front here… Is this Rog?” He pointed to the first board, which was a painting of Roger from the shoulders up. He had a halo of fire surrounding his head in a circle and he was looking up above. The background was of the night sky, the constellations Leo, Phoenix, Lynx, Hercules, Draco, Vulpecula, and Auriga around him, multitudes of small stars smattered in the blank spaces.
“Yeah, it is. It’s part of a new series I’m doing. It’s my friends and constellations that relate to them. I saw the stars in a book and I thought it looked great so, yeah. It’s fine if you want to take a look.”
Roger was shuffling through who-knows-what when he added, ”Bri majors in physics and all that—the stars.”
“That’s so cool! I’ve always been interested in space and such but my passion has always been in the arts. I major in fine arts.”
Bri smiled and nodded, still examining the painting of Rog and tracing the constellations. “This is gorgeous,” he whispered to himself as you were distracted by Rog giving his input on one of your other paintings.
You positioned yourself in front of your easel once more, the boys off to the living room to practice with each other. You primed your canvas, mixed your colours, and set out your brushes. A picture of your subject was taped up on the canvas holder of your easel and the book of constellations was set up on the table next to you. Roger and Brian’s session was great background music for your painting time. You found yourself tapping your foot to the beat.
A few hours later, your painting was done. It was modelled after one of your classmates in your European History class. You stood back and put your hands on your hips. You painted her from the side, sitting on her calves. She wasn’t wearing anything, her chest only covered by a wave of water that led up to another halo surrounding her head. She was looking down at her hands, clasped in her lap with the constellations and stars above her. Her curly, caramel brown hair was splayed out behind her and upon her shoulders, droplets of water among them. You were quite pleased with your first (somewhat) nude where you captured the curves of her body true to what she looked like.
You heard Roger and Brian finish up their set and go into the kitchen. The fridge door and cupboard opened and closed. They walked into your space, Roger with a towel around his neck and Brian a little more disheveled than before. Brian’s top buttons were undone, exposing two necklaces. “Hm,” you thought as you watched him drink from his glass of water standing in the doorway, “Hmmmmmmmmmm.”
Your best friend went around and looked at your artwork. “Damn, who is that?” Roger asked, clearly interested in who your painting was of. He took a sip of water.
You took the picture off the easel and replied, ”None of your concern, Rog.” You shook your head, snickering along with Brian.
Brian walked to your other side and viewed your painting himself. You looked for his opinion on his face. “Wow, Y/N,” he mumbled, “Aquarius, Cassiopeia, and Eridanus are they?
“This is beautiful, absolutely beautiful. The way she looks, so sensual yet innocent. Wow, Y/N. This is great,” he said quietly.
“Thank you, Brian. That means everything.” Brian smiled at you, bashful.
A new friend (and basically, new flatmate) was made that day.
A few months had passed. Smile had been doing great. Roger, Brian, and you were close as ever. Often, you went to their practices and sketched your surroundings, often Roger drumming or Tim singing. You loved seeing Brian’s vibrant smiles but him still paying careful attention to his playing. You would sit at the bar and sketch, or do homework, or just drink. Roger’s cheeky grin and Brian’s reserved but bright twinkle were always there for you up on that stage.
You were at the park with Bri at his invitation while Rog was off with his girl and Tim was somewhere doing something else. He met you with a blanket, his physics textbook, and a few writing utensils and you met him armed with a sketchbook and a bunch of pencils. It was a sunny, British summer day. You greeted each other and found a tree to sit under. Brian spread out the blanket for both of you and you sat down.
Much of your days with him weren’t always so silent. You had helped each other study often. He was often at your side when he was done practicing with Rog, the adrenaline that coursed through him making him seem like a child, a contrast to the calmness of your art process. After shows, he would be so talkative, willing to speak for a long time about anything and everything. You two would frequently be the only two left at the bar after a gig, Roger giving you his customary sly smile behind Bri’s shoulder as you conversed into the late hours.
He loved hearing of your endeavours in art and your classes and never failed to ask to see the new drawings of the new. Usually, you were shy to show other people what you had made but you just had this openness around him. You knew if he had any judgments he would say them in a constructive manner but he never seemed to put too much attention on your mistakes, rather being a “fix it and move on” type of person.
You liked him a lot, really. It didn’t help at all that he was intelligent and attractive and helpful and just a great guy all aro— never mind. Check off all of the boxes for ���things you want in a man”. You tried not to pay attention to it too much.
Both of you were off to your own devices, buried in your work. A slight breeze came about, feeling wonderful against your skin. You looked back at Bri sitting against the tree, the wind shifting his hair and his book in his lap. You went back to your own thing.
“Y/N?” Brian spoke up after a while.
“Yeah?” You replied back, still focused on your drawing.
“Could I watch you draw? If that’s alright with you. You pick out the perfect colours and compositions and everything. It’s fascinating. Everything just comes together exemplary.” He spread his hands out at “exemplary.”
“Of course, Bri,” you said, flattered. “Of course.”
Bri moved closer to you, pretty much right behind your shoulder. You flipped to a new page in your book and set to work. He watched your pencil as it flew across the paper, depicting a sleeping dog with a couple that was sitting the next tree over. You could feel his eyes settle upon your face momentarily, heat rising up to your cheeks.
“You know, Y/N. You make a pretty funny face when you’re drawing,” he laughed. Brian played with a piece of grass absentmindedly but still paid attention to your drawings and now your eyes.
“Oh yeah, Bri? What’s that face you’re speaking of?” You took a look at him. He pursed his lips and pushed them out to the left; he drew his eyebrows together and pretended to draw in thin air. You giggled together at his silly (albeit, quite realistic) impression of you.
“To be fair, you have one too, when you’re playing,” you teased.
“How so?” Bri acted like he was offended.
“Well, I can’t really do it and nor is it as severe as mine… but when you play, it’s as if nothing else in the world matters to you but in a good way. It’s like, ‘Who cares about uni? Who cares about anything else?’ You kind of just look like it’s you and your guitar against the world, right? It’s quite nice, watching you play,” you said, voice getting quieter as you continued.
“It is true. Us against the world.”
Two weeks had passed. Rog went out with his girlfriend after a session with Bri so you were left alone with the guitarist. He was in the living room making up his own compositions and writing songs like he normally does while you stayed in your little studio. A little lamp was clamped to the table next to your easel so you could have a soft light on your canvas. You painted until Brian came in, standing at the threshold.
“Hello, love,” you said gently. You set down your brush and stretched.
“Hi, babe,” he replied back, advancing forward.
You remembered what you were going to show him and in a split second, you practically screamed, “No, Bri, wait!” He put his hands up and froze in his spot. “Just stay there, okay? Close your eyes.” The guitarist lowered his hands and obeyed.
You quickly moved to take the painting on your easel and prop it against the wall alongside the other drying ones. You looked through the finished paintings and came across the one you were looking for. After grabbing it, you set it up once more. The finished product after hours of work was finally on display. You came back around Brian and guided his towering self to your normal space in front of your painting spot. “Open your eyes.” He did.
You both looked at the piece of artwork in front of you. There was a large smile on his painting self’s face and his eyes were closed. His head was tilted back, up at the stars surrounding him. Bri’s curls were framing his face, small stars speckled throughout them. A ring of water was around his head. “Cancer, Circinus, Leo Minor, Lyra. Pyxis, Telescopium, Camelopardalis,” he said, so quiet you could barely hear it. You watched as he admired the painting of himself, one that you put so much work into to make special.
You nodded. “It’s you, Bri. That’s what I was drawing in the park. I was just doodling but I looked at you and you just looked so—pretty?” You both laughed at your words, but you continued on. “That’s the word. Pretty. With the sunlight and everything, the grass was so vibrant… you were glowing! I couldn’t help it, so I drew you for reference. And then I painted you,” you said, calm and shrugging your shoulders. “I thought it was fitting, you in space, looking like you were at home. I wanted to incorporate something music and the closest thing I could do was Lyr-“
“Oh my goodness, Y/N. This much thought? You didn’t have to do any of this, I’m so grateful, I love it so much! But I’m just Brian, I don’t deser—”
“I wanted to do this, Bri. Trust me. You listened to me rant on and on and on about how my what I was doing didn’t look good, or what I was drawing, or how I was drawing something. You are so encouraging and attentive and just amazing, Bri, I couldn’t help it. It was really no problem. You deserve it. And there’s-there’s one more thing.” This was it! You weren’t really planning on telling him your feelings after showing him your piece but now here you were.
He asked, oblivious, “What thing?” Bri was beaming at his portrait and now beaming at you.
“I really like you, Bri. A lot. You’ve been there for a lot and we’ve supported each other and I just-” He hadn’t said anything. The same surprised look was still on his face. Fuck. “And I mean, like, you know, I j-“
He seemed extremely taken aback at your declaration but his face melted into tenderness. “I like you too, Y/N.”
You exhaled, “Thank god!” Both of you laughed, the shared relief between the both of you evident.
Brian leaned in and you closed the gap. His lips felt amazing against yours after all this time waiting and the moon shone softly upon you both as you shared this moment.
Brian :
Cancer: The Crab ~ his astrological sun sign
Circinus: The Compass ~ helps people find their way, ever helpful
Pyxis: The Compass ~ mariner’s compass, i feel like he j knows himself really well and he’s a water sign so lol
Telescopium: The Telescope ~ self-explanatory lol
Leo Minor: The Little Lion ~ his hair. roger got the “big” lion by default so i gave bri the little lion!
Lyra: The Harp ~ closest thing to music
Camelopardalis: The Giraffe ~ :pppp
Roger :
Leo: The Lion ~ his astrological sun sign
Phoenix: The Firebird ~ he fiery
Hercules: The Strong Man ~ i’d like to think he would request this himself once he saw the series of pieces you were doing.
Draco: The Dragon ~ why not, plus i feel like he’d like it
Vulpecula: The Little Fox ~ he got the foxy moxy.
Auriga: The Charioteer ~ apollo and his chariot, rog is the sun <3
Lynx: The Lynx ~ not a very easily seen constellation, so you need good eyesight to see it. i thought it was ironic because of rog’s bad eyes LOL
The girl in the painting (you know who you are :)):
Aquarius: The Water Bearer ~ her sun sign
Cassiopeia: The Queen ~ self-explanatory hah
Eridanus: The Celestial River ~ water, relates to sun sign
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galadrieljones · 6 years ago
A Funeral: Chapter 1
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Fandom: Red Dead Redemption 2 | Pairing: Arthur x Mary Beth | Rating: Mature
Content: Existential Angst, Friendship, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Nature, Touch-Starved, Humor, Fluff and Humor, Fluff and Angst, Violence
Summary: To help her process Sean’s death, Mary Beth asks Arthur to take her on a hunting trip, somewhere far away. He agrees, and on their little journey together, they find quietude and take comfort in their easy bond. In their desperate search for meaning, they endure a number of small trials, which bring them closer to one another as well as to the unchecked plights of the natural world.
Masterpost | AO3
Thanks @bearlytolerablethethird​ for the banner!! ^_^
Chapter 1: A Proposal
It was morning, and the sun was creeping, and he was on his third cigarette with his hands in the soil, picking thyme flowers. They grew like wild out here. He had removed his gloves and set them back on the saddle where Sarah shuffled against the brush, her big hooves. He took enormous comfort in the sounds of her hooves like they were a mother’s voice or the touch of a woman.
When he returned to camp, it was still quiet. This swamp country stank. He did not take well to it. In ways he wished to return to the mountains where at least the air felt clean of infectious filth. His lungs hardened. In the swamp everything was soft and this made it feel like sinking. Even his internal organs felt soft. His skin, his eyes. Everything but his hands, which were hard leather mitts, but that was an old complaint that only women noticed anymore. The other day, he picked up a bucket of water for Mary Beth, and she commented on them, asking if she could see.
“Your knuckles are cracked to high heaven, Arthur Morgan.” That is what she said as she held one of his big stupid hands in hers. He knew it was not a compliment. Mary Beth was canny. She would read her books and write in their margins with the fountain pen he had brought for her, a thing he’d found in a dark corner of some abandoned cottage near Emerald Station. Sometimes, she got the ink on her hands, which were much softer than his, in the winter regions and in the swamps. He carried that bucket for her that day and he filled it for the wash, which she would later do, and any time she did it, he swore his shirts came out smelling more like lavender than before.
He put all the thyme in a basket, which he carried back to camp, holding Sarah by her reins. He spat and smoked and chewed a little tobacco and then he found a little mint, which he chewed as well and some of which he stored for later. His eyes were tired but his back still felt strong. He did not think of himself as a young man or old. In fact, he did not think of himself much at all.
He gave the thyme to Miss Grimshaw. Tilly said hello to him and showed him some of her knitting. She was good at little things like that, he so often thought. He fed the horses with help from Lenny who then went away to brood quietly beneath a Tupelo. The day was coming alive. He heard Jack’s voice somewhere and the dog. He did not want to go too near the fire for fear that he would be harangued by one of the boys, and he was not in the mood. He did not feel like robbing that day.
He went back to the house to find Mary Beth, a sort of habit. She was out on the porch, doing her reading and her writing in the margins as usual. She had her hair out of her braids and a cup of coffee and a piece of bread on a tin plate. When he came out onto the porch the floorboards creaked, and she looked up as if alarmed. But she kind of smiled a little sly when she saw him, and as usual, he felt a little dumb but it was all right. He lit another cigarette and stood out there, just looking at the unlucky country that was the swamp. He breathed and felt that smoke rattling in his swampy lungs.
“Hey, Arthur,” she said, not looking up from her book.
He had his hands on his hips. He went and sat down on the other side of the sofa. It was a cold and ragged sofa. It barely had any stuffing left at all. “My lady,” he said, absentminded. He rested his elbows on his knees for a minute. He leaned and took his journal out his back pocket. He thought he might maybe sketch a dumb plant or something. Maybe the surface of the water and how it did not hardly move.
They sat like that for a while. No talking. It was only the scratching of their pencils. Out front of the house you could hear Bill getting his bullshit on first thing in the morning, and Karen who seemed to cackle, and more Jack playing round with the dog. Abigail had grown a little sullen since his kidnapping and return. John went to her each night now. Arthur didn’t much know or care what had begun to rekindle between them, if anything at all, but he did notice a change. For the better, of course, when it came to the happiness of the boy.
“Arthur,” said Mary Beth after a little while.
“Yes,” said Arthur. He had sketched a dense stretch of pussy willow. For all of its despair, the swamp did make for nice scenery.
Mary Beth closed her book. She straightened up then as if she were about to say something important. Arthur looked at her. “What’s the matter?” he said.
“Remember when Sean died,” she said, looking at him. She was concerned.
He bit the insides of his cheeks like an old habit. “I do.”
She sighed like she felt stupid. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s all right, Mary Beth. What’s on your mind?”
She turned to him with her knees. Somewhere, there was a big, ugly sound like a gaggle of birds, pitching off into the daylight. “Afterward, you kind of…disappeared.”
“I don’t know that I’d call that disappearing, Mary Beth,” said Arthur. “Disappearing is disappearing. You don’t come back.”
“You know what I mean,” she said. “It was almost two weeks before you returned.
“Where did you go?” she said. She had begun to examine her fingernails. “We was all wondering. The girls. You know we worry about you.”
“I know.” He waved her off. He fashioned a toothpick from behind his ear and set it between his teeth. “Ain’t no reason to worry.”
“Yeah well, you would say that.”
“I was hunting,” said Arthur. He looked at her. She had a calm disposition but there were storms inside. “I took my old horse, Diana. We rode north of the Grizzlies. We camped the whole way and we hunted a bison.”
“A bison?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Mary Beth got quiet in her hands and face. “That is what you did, then? To process his passing.”
Arthur sighed. He wrung his hands a little. “I suppose. It ain’t nothing.”
“It is,” she said. She was getting earnest now. She had red cheeks. “Was it something?”
“Excuse me?”
“I said, was it something? Getting away like that. Being up there, just you and Diana.”
“Diana didn’t much like it,” said Arthur. “I retired her shortly thereafter. Her hooves took a beating on those trails.”
“You know what I mean.”
“I do,” he said, looking at her, chewing that toothpick. “You holding up okay? I know you and Sean was close.”
“I wouldn’t say that,” said Mary Beth, shrugging. She set the book aside and looked out at the swampy expanse. “He was kind of a fuck-up.”
Arthur laughed. “Ain’t we all.”
“You held him tight though,” she said, looking. “You were good to him, even though he had it coming.”
“He was young,” said Arthur.
“Some of the girls said you felt responsible. But it wasn’t your doing. It wasn’t Arthur. Nobody blames you but you.”
Arthur did not speak.
Flies were buzzing everywhere all around them, like a symphony. It was hot out, and very humid.
“I should say, I would like to go hunting,” said Mary Beth, after a little while.
“You?” he said. “A hunter?”
“After mama died I hunted some.”
Arthur laughed. “Shooting snakes with bb guns ain’t hunting, Mary Beth.”
She shoved him. “It was a rifle,” she said. “And it wasn’t snakes. I shot a squirrel.”
“A squirrel?” He acted impressed. “That would be a sight to see.”
They both smiled. “I would like to go hunting for something big,” she said. “Arthur. I need to process all of this, too. I am so bored, I think the pleats in my skirt have lost their stick.”
“That would be the humidity, I expect,” he said.
“Please?” she said.
“Please what?”
“Next time you go, hunting. For something big, far away. Camping and such. Breathing the air. Let me come with you.”
He gave her a look. “You’re serious?”
“Yes, sir.”
He raised his eyebrows, considering her offer. “It ain’t all romantic in the sights of nature,” he said. “It ain’t comfortable living out there, Mary Beth. The way I do things.”
“I know that,” she said. “You don’t think I understand uncomfortable living, Arthur Morgan?”
“No, I didn’t mean that,” said Arthur. “I know you can hold your own.”
“Then let me come with you.”
“I don’t know the next time I’ll be going, Mary Beth. These ain’t really affairs that take much planning. I pretty much just get on my horse and ride.”
“I am just as good at that as you are, Arthur.”
“Riding horses?”
“No, stupid. Living spontaneously.”
Arthur thought on this. He had never considered his way of life to be spontaneous. He often felt over-encumbered by the knowledge he was forced to use forever when stepping into the dangers of the wilderness. “You may be right,” he said after a little while. “And I suppose you have a point.”
“So you’ll take me with you?”
“That, I will,” said Arthur, sending a smile. “I don’t know when. Could be tomorrow. Could be in two weeks.”
Mary Beth was overtaken with excitement. She grabbed his face. She kissed him on the temple, smelling like apples. “I will be ready,” she said, and she got up to go, like she was going to get ready right now.
“Where you going?” he said, still sitting there. He liked her company.
“Got to prepare,” she said. “Mentally. I got another book I want to read.”
“We ain’t going this instant.”
“I know, Arthur Morgan,” she said, smiling. She left her book. “I know.”
When she was gone, he looked at her book and how it was perfectly sitting there, some shimmery thread in the binding. Out on the swamp he saw one of those gators then, just sitting there like a lump. It was a dumbass but it was a danger to the undiscerning. He got up to go warn the caretakers of the camp, and then to get his rifle off his horse, for he was going to shoot it dead.
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bxcketbarnes · 7 years ago
Strange Occurrences | Part Two
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader
Author: @ninja-stiles
Words: 4304
Author’s Note: Hello hello, again. I’m going to be completely honest here. This part is lonnnnnng, but cute? I think it’s so adorable cute and Steve is a big ole cutie, so yeah. :) I hope you guys enjoy it and as always, my ask box is open for requests! Tagging @honeymoonmuke because she told me too when I posted this xD
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I sat on my bed after getting dropped off, my mind preoccupied with the strange events that happened tonight and Steve. I’ve heard that he was an asshole and then he changed when he dropped his “friends”, Tommy and Carol. I grabbed my school bag, taking my sketchbook out and a pencil, beginning to mindlessly draw.
I bite my lip when I realized I was drawing Steve, blushing a bit, glad that no one could see me because that’d be embarrassing. Haven’t even known him for that long and you’re already falling for him? Who am I? After finishing the quick sketch, looking at it, smiling to myself. I placed the book on the desk next to my bed before sliding under the covers, switching off the lamp as I try to get some sleep.
Rapid knocking on my door jolted me from my sleep, sitting up quickly as I squinted. Sunlight shone into my room, running my fingers through my hair as I got out of bed, cracking my door open, seeing my sister standing on the other side of it. “What is it?” I asked groggily, rubbing my left eye.
“There’s a boy outside asking for you,” Audrey smirked, wiggling her eyebrows as my eyes widened, closing the door quickly before running to the other side of my room. I whipped open the curtains, seeing Steve standing outside the front door, standing with his hands stuffed in his pockets, something I’ve noticed quite often.
I opened my window, “Steve?” I called out and he looked up, giving me a small wave and smile upon seeing me. I glanced at the clock on my nightstand, seeing it was almost noon. I looked back out the window, jumping slightly as Steve climbed up to my window. “Oh, hi… I-I apologize. I didn’t realize I slept so late.”
“It’s okay. I just got here. I kind of woke up late as well. Dustin will understand, I’m sure.” He chuckled, leaning against the window frame.
“Let me, uh, get dressed real quick and I’ll meet you out front,” I told him and he nodded, jumping down. I leaned out the window, seeing him dust himself off as I let out a sigh of relief. He’s crazy.
I opened my closet, pulling out a maroon sweater and a grey tank top, placing them on my bed before grabbing a pair of light denim jeans from my dresser. I quickly got dressed, slipping on a pair of white socks, going into my ensuite, brushing my teeth and such. I tied my tennis shoes before heading out the door, telling my parents I was going to a friends house.
Steve and I walked to his car, driving towards Dustin’s house, my hands clasped together in my lap as music softly plays in the background. “Did you sleep well… knowing all this information?” Steve asked me, glancing over at me for a split second before returning his gaze back to the road.
“Uh, not really hence why I woke up late.” I chuckled, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. “I ended up drawing for a couple hours before finally getting to sleep.” I smiled, recalling the fact that I ended up drawing him.
“You draw?” He asked, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel.
“Yeah, it’s a hobby of mine. I usually end up drawing if I’m bored or can’t sleep.” I glanced out the window as we pulled into Dustin’s driveway, seeing the excited young boy run towards the car, quickly getting in the BMW.
“Finally you guys are here. Did you guys like end up losing track of time while making out or something?” He asked and both Steve and I glanced back at the curly haired boy, our eyes widened.
“W-We didn’t… What? No. Where the hell did you get that idea?” I asked, my cheeks flushed a bit.
“Yeah, we both woke up late… in our own houses.” Steve corrected, glancing at me as my eyes were on the middle console of the vehicle.
“Sure. I’ll believe that.” Dustin laughed as Steve started the car, rolling his eyes. I sat forward, keeping my eyes on the road as I tried to get my body heat to drop. Me making out with Steve? Like that'll ever happen.
Steve parked the car on the side of the road where the train tracks begin, the three of us getting out heading towards the back of the car.
Dustin’s friend Lucas, I think, finally got back to him, the two of them talking over the walkie-talkie as Steve took a book bag out of the trunk, his trusty bat poking out of it as he placed it on his back.
“Just meet, Steve, Y/N, and I at the old junkyard,” Dustin mentioned as Steve handed me a pair of gloves.
“Steve? As in Steve Harrington?” Lucas’ voice came through the walkie and I chuckled, shaking my head as I grabbed the gloves out of Steve’s hands, our fingers brushing against one another’s.
I glanced up at him, giving him a small smile as I slipped them onto my hands, as I grabbed one of the buckets filled with cut meat.
“Alright, let's go,” Steve mentioned, the three of us heading down the track, the two boys walking in front of me.
I dropped a piece of meat every ten feet, admiring the woods around me, hearing Dustin and Steve talking in front of me.
“Alright, so let me get this straight. You kept something you knew was probably dangerous in order to impress a girl… who you just met?” Steve asked, confused as he threw another piece of meat on the ground.
“Alright, that’s grossly oversimplifying things,” Dustin stated, throwing down a slab of raw beef.
“I mean, why would a girl like some nasty slug anyway?” Steve asked another question. I walked a bit faster, catching up to Steve as he walked a bit behind Dustin.
“Maybe she’s into it.” I joked, tossing down raw food.
“See! She gets it. An interdenominational slug is awesome, dude.” Dustin glanced back at us, a huge grin on his face as I smile at the young child.
“Well, even if she thought it was cool, which she didn’t, I… I just… I don’t know. I feel like you’re trying way too hard.” Steve cleared up, tossing meat behind his shoulder before glancing down at me. “Don’t you think?” He asked for an opinion.
“I mean, I don’t know. It's kind of sweet I guess? If I was into interdenominational slugs I’d be down for it.” I divulged and Dustin turned around to give me a high five. I laughed, clapping our hands together as Steve scoffs.
“Well everyone can’t have your perfect hair, Steve,” Dustin said after he turned around. I glanced up at Steve’s hair, tempted to run my fingers through it, but decide against it since I’m wearing meat covered gloves and it would be weird…
“It’s not about the hair, man. The key with girls is just acting like you don’t care.” Steve disclosed and I frowned, throwing meat on the tracks. That’s not it at all.
“Even if you do?” Dustin asked, glancing at my saddened expression and Steve just nodded his head.
“Yeah, exactly. It drives them nuts.”
“Or it gives off the vibe that you don’t feel the same way and they try to move on and end up with someone, so how far does that really get you?” I explained, rubbing my nose with the inside of my arm.
Steve’s mouth opened and closed, looking befuddled. “Uhm, okay, good point.” He muttered, narrowing his eyebrows.
“So, if you act like you don’t care, then what?” The young child asked, glancing back at us.
“You just wait till, uh, you feel it.” Steve hit Dustin’s shoulder lightly with the back of his hand.
“Feel what?” Dustin and I both asked as I’ve become intrigued by his logic of girls.
Steve threw down a couple more pieces of meat before answering our question. “It’s like before it’s gonna storm, you know?” He paused, glancing at the ground. “You can’t see it, but you can feel it, like this, uh… electricity.”
“Oh like in the electromagnetic field when the clouds in the atmosphere-,” Dustin begins to get all sciencey when Steve cuts him off.
“No, no, no, no, no. Like a… like a sexual electricity.” He clarified and I rolled my eyes, thrusting meat to the ground, glancing between the two of them as they bonded, if you could call this that. “You feel that and then you make your move.”
“So that’s when you kiss her?” Dustin asked and my eyes widened, muttering an “oh Jesus,” as Steve reaches his hand out.
“No, whoa, whoa. Slow down, Romeo.” Steve laughed, glancing over towards me since I’ve been quiet this entire time, basically. Dustin apologized quietly as Steve continued his thought. “Sure, okay, some girls, yeah. They want you to be aggressive. You know, strong, hot and heavy, like a lion.”
I pressed my lips into a thin line, trying not to laugh as I shook my head. Girls are fucking crazy. What’s wrong with us? “Is that how you are, Y/N? You like it hot and heavy?” Dustin asked me and I blushed a bit, not expecting this kind of question.
“Uh…” I trailed off, pretending to think about it as I felt Steve’s eyes staring at the side of my face before shaking my head. “N-No, I like it slow.” I muttered, embarrassed a bit since I haven’t had a “real” boyfriend. The one I had in elementary school doesn’t really count apparently.
“See, that’s another one! Slow and stealthy like a ninja.” Steve mentioned and I nodded in agreement.
“So, what’s Nancy?” Dustin asked and I looked up at Steve, seeing his face drop slightly. I frowned, realizing that they might not even be together anymore as he answered.
“Nancy’s different. She’s different than the other girls. Kinda like Y/N.” My lips parted slightly as I stopped for a moment, the two continuing as I threw a piece of meat, continuing forward as my mind tuned out the conversation, thinking about what Steve had said. I’m… different? He thinks I’m different?
I was so entrapped in my thoughts that I hadn’t noticed them stopped, running into Steve’s back, putting up my hands to stop myself when I prick a couple fingers on some of the nails on his bat. “Ouch,” I muttered, taking the glove off and glancing down at my finger to see it bleeding a bit, but not too badly. “Sorry…”
“Jesus, are you okay?” Steve asked, taking my hand in his after sliding one of his gloves off and he ran a finger over the wound. I nodded my head, feeling my heartbeat pound against my ribcage. “Gotta be careful. Don’t get too lost in that pretty head of yours.” He laughed as the three of us continued walking again.
My cheeks flushed, feeling the warmth of them as I swallowed thickly. “Okay,” I whispered, sliding the glove back on.
We reached our destination of the Hawkins junkyard, Steve sliding his glasses off as he looked around. “Oh yeah, yeah, this will do.”
He walked towards the bus as Dustin and I stayed behind a bit. “So, do you like Steve?” The young boy asked me and I groaned.
“No, Henderson, I don’t,” I muttered lying to him and myself as I walked after Steve. I laid a few more pieces of meat down as we got towards the middle, the three of us dumping the rest into a pile.
“I said medium-well.” A young voice called out and the three of us looked up, seeing what I assume to be Lucas and another teenage girl with him as they walked towards us after waving.
“Who the hell is that?” Steve and I asked at the same time, glancing towards each other for a few seconds before I look back at the two kids.
Steve, the random girl, and I began getting to work as Dustin and Lucas chatted behind an old vehicle.
“Steve, can you help me with this?” I called out, not being able to move this giant metal object that’s blocking what we needed.
“Yeah.” He answered, jogging over to me as I stood to the side, watching and slightly admiring him as he moved the thing with ease. Steve placed it down next to a washer machine, turning to face me as he wiped his hands off. “Impressed?” He grinned, using his charm as I chuckled, shrugging my shoulders playfully.
“Maybe, I don’t know. I’ll have to keep an eye out for when you do more impressive things.” I grinned, taking the metal roofing and bringing it to the bus, laying it on the outside. I went back over towards Steve, crouching down to grab a few more metal slabs as he looked around.
“Where the hell are the other two?” He asked and I pointed towards the old rusted vehicle. Steve scoffed, heading towards the two youngins, smacking a metal folding chair against the car. “Hey, dickheads! How come the only one helping me is Y/N and this random girl?” He asked and I laughed, shaking my head as I brought the metal to the bus, letting out a huff of breath, resting my hands on my hips, watching their interaction. “We lose light in like forty minutes. Let’s go.” He muttered beginning to walk off, continuing to yell, “let’s go, I said!”
The two kids yelled at him, following as we begin to place the metal onto the bus, creating a bunker for when the night comes, setting our trap. Steve took the gas can, pouring a trail of gasoline from the pile of meat to the doors of the bus. The random girl, Max, taking the ladder into the bus, shoving it through the emergency exit that’s on the roof of the bus.
As dusk came around, the five of us got into the bus, Steve closing the doors behind us as I sat down on the ground, playing with my fingers. Steve sat down next to me as we sat in silence, watching the sun continue to set, darkness settling over.
The charming older teenager began playing with the lighter, Dustin pacing around in front of us as Max speaks up. “So you really fought one of these things before?” Steve nodded his head, his other hand brushing mine lightly, my cheeks flushing. “And you’re, like, totally, one hundred percent sure it wasn’t a bear?” Max asked, her arms crossed over her chest.
“Shit. Don’t be an idiot. Okay? It wasn’t a bear. Why are you even here if you don’t believe us?” Dustin asked, quite rudely, as I frowned and her eyes went wide. “Just go home.” He muttered, walking towards the end of the bus.
“Geesh. Someone’s cranky. Past your bedtime?” She asked, getting up before heading up the ladder to sit on the roof with Lucas, who’s keeping a lookout.
“That’s good. Just show her you don’t care.” Steve mentioned and I frowned, even more, looking towards the young boy.
“I don’t,” Dustin admitted, looking down at us as Steve winked at him, a small laugh escaping my lips. “Why are you winking, Steve? Stop.” He mumbled, sitting down on one of the old tattered seats.
I sighed, pushing myself off the floor as I stepped towards Dustin, sitting in the empty spot next to him, laying a hand on his back. “You okay?” I whispered, leaning my head down a bit.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Why wouldn’t I be?” He asked me and I gave him a small smile.
“Because I saw the way you looked when she showed up with Lucas. Listen, I don’t know much about relationships. I mean, I haven’t had a boyfriend before, only in elementary school, but apparently, it doesn’t count.” I mumbled, clasping my hands together as he looked towards me. “Girls like it when you show them that you care. I know Steve’s had much more experience and some girls probably eat that “don’t care” shit up, but I think Max is the type of girl who likes a guy who cares.”
“It doesn’t matter anymore. I’m pretty sure she likes Lucas, but thanks for the advice.” He smiled and I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, giving him a tight hug.
“You’re alright, Dustin.” I grinned, rubbing his back. His arms wrapped around my torso as my eyes glanced towards Steve, his already on me.
“You too, Y/N.”
After talking to Dustin I walked back over to Steve, sitting down next to him as he kept his eyes on me. I glanced up at him, rubbing my hands together as it was getting a little cold on the bus.
“You’re really good with kids.” He mumbled, running a hand through his hair. I shrugged my shoulders, leaning my head against his shoulder.
“I have a younger sister. Plus it’s weird to see him so down when he’s been giddy the past couple days I’ve known.” I muttered, feeling the warmth radiate from his shoulder. Steve wrapped an arm around my shoulder, pulling me a bit closer.
A loud screech or growl echoed throughout the area, making me jump as I gripped Steve’s arm, all three of us getting up to look out the gated window.
“You see him?” Dustin asked and Steve shook his head.
“Lucas? What’s going on?” Dustin yelled, looking up the ole in the roof for a second before looking back out the window. My heartbeat picked up rapidly, my hands becoming sweaty as my breathing quickened.
“Hold on,” Lucas called out as we looked around the foggy junkyard. “I’ve got eyes! Ten o’clock! Ten o’clock!”
I squinted, seeing a small figure that’s on all fours and I backed up a bit, hitting the ladder behind me. “Holy shit...” I muttered, resting a hand on my forehead.
“What’s he doing?” Dustin asked.
“I don’t know,” Steve answered as they continued to stare out the window. “It’s not taking the bait. Why isn’t it taking the bait?” He asked the youngin.
“Maybe he’s not hungry.”
“Maybe he’s sick of cow,” Steve muttered, stepping back as he looked like he just got an idea. He began walking towards the front of the bus as I stepped up.
“Steve? Steve, wait, no.” I called out, placing my hand on his arm as he stopped, turning around to face me. “Please don’t do this.”
“It’ll be okay. Just get ready.” He tossed the lighter to Dustin, stepping down towards the door as he glanced back at me, nodding for me to open it. I shook my head, getting a little teary-eyed as he walked towards me. “Hey… I’ll be fine. We need to lure it in somehow.” Steve whispered, one of his hands softly rubbing my arm.
“Just… come back, okay?” I breathed my hands on his torso. He smiled, nodding his head slowly and before he could turn away, I pressed my lips against his in a short kiss, pulling away after a couple of seconds.
Steve’s lips parted, looking down at me in surprise as I tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. “I’ll definitely come back alive if I can kiss you again.” He mumbled.
I giggled, fumbling with his denim jacket as I nodded my head. “You can kiss me after you come back safely.” I opened the door to the bus as Steve grinned, stepping out into the open as he swung his bat around.
I closed the door, heading over to stand next to Dustin as Max came down the ladder. I could hear Steve mutter to himself, walking closer to the pile of meat.
“What’s he doing?” Max asked.
“Expanding the menu,” Dustin responded and I frowned, nibbling on my bottom lip.
The demodog began to get into sight, Steve eyeing it carefully. “Steve! Watch out!” Lucas yelled from up top and my heart stopped. “Three o’clock! Three o’clock!”
I looked towards the direction three o’clock would be in, seeing a few more demodogs jumping onto some old vehicles. “Oh no…” I muttered, the color draining from my face as he spun in a circle noticing more of them around him. I ran towards the front of the bus, opening the door. “Steve! Come back! Come on!” I yelled desperately.
One of the demons darted towards him as he swiftly moved out of the way, rolling across a rusted hood. Another leaped towards him, which Steve swung the nailed bat in its strange face before making his way back towards the bus. The kids were encouraging him on as he dived in and I closed the door. Steve’s arm laid against my legs, placing a piece of metal slab against the door before pressing his foot against it.
I couldn’t concentrate on anything anyone was saying as my breathing became heavier, on the verge of a panic attack. The bus began to shake as I held on to the seat tightly. “S-Steve…” I muttered, my heart beating against my chest.
“It’s okay. Just breathe, alright? I’ll keep you safe, I promise.” He muttered, grabbing my hand as we stood away from the door. I froze when I heard loud footsteps stomping on the roof, looking up through the opening seeing the demodog. I let out a scream as it opened its mouth, Steve pushing me out of the way. “Get out of the way, Y/N! You want some? Come get this!” He yelled at it and it screeched down at us before his attention was brought somewhere else, taking off in the direction of the woods.
I furrowed my eyebrows together in confusion, my hand gripping Steve’s jacket as I let out a sigh of relief. The five of us quietly made our way out of the bus, seeing one last demodog running off in the distance.
“What happened?” Lucas asked, glancing around. I stepped off the bus, leaning my hands against my knees, taking deep breaths.
“Steve scared them off?” Dustin questioned, not sure what happened either as I ran my fingers through my hair.
“No,” Steve muttered, turning around, bat resting on his shoulder. “They’re going somewhere. Alright, let’s get back to my car. You three,” he points towards Lucas and Max, “follow where they’re going. I’m going to drop Y/N off home since she’s seen quite enough.”
I hugged myself, feeling Steve’s hand resting on my lower back as we dispersed. We walked quickly back to his car, taking about ten minutes. The two of us got into his car, driving back towards my house as I couldn’t stop my hands from shaking.
Steve reached over, grabbing my hand, intertwining our fingers as his thumb rubbed the back of my hand. “It’s gonna be okay. We’re going to end this.” He told me, glancing over at me for a few seconds.
He pulled into my driveway, turning towards me as I stared forward, my mind racing with the events of tonight. “I don’t know how you guys… those kids can handle this.” I muttered, rubbing my hands on my face, looking over at the charming man in the driver's seat.
“I know. I don’t know how they do it either, but they’re strong kids.” Steve told me.
“They are…” I trailed off, leaning my head against the headrest. “Has anyone told you that you have incredible hair?” I asked, smiling softly as he chuckled, nodding his head.
“Actually, yes.” Steve grinned, running his fingers through his lovely hair. I bit my bottom lip, reaching my hand over running my own fingers through his hair. Holy shit it’s soft. “Having fun?” He asked, laughing a bit as I nodded.
“It’s really soft.” I giggled, looking into his eyes before he leans down, pressing his lips against mine. I laid my other hand on his cheek, moving my lips against his as I wrapped the other around his neck, playing with the tiny hairs.
Steve pulled away from me, resting his forehead against mine as our breath hits each other’s lips, his fingers softly tracing my cheekbone. “Can I call you tomorrow?” He asked me, and I nodded my head, smiling softly.
“Yeah, definitely.” I got out of the car, leaning against the window as he opened it, smiling at me. “Goodnight, Steve.”
“If you have trouble sleeping tonight, don’t be afraid to call me,” Steve smirked and I glanced around, licking my lips slightly.
“I mean… you could just stay over, so I don’t have to call you. My parents are out with some friends and my sister is most likely asleep. You won’t have to climb up to my window.” I mentioned and he turned his car off, getting out, locking the doors before we head to my house.
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kleinpykon · 7 years ago
W O W, I am in total AWE. Your artwork is so fucking stunning. I love how in your pencil sketches you only shade the important parts of the face, as im someone who likes to do the E N T I R E thing, i really love your art style it's so mesmerising. How long have you been drawing? how old are you? What's your favourite medium?? I have so many questions !!
I’m finally coming around to answering my asks (which are never fail to brighten my day), I’m really sorry for the wait. Life is so hectic and I’m not good with words. I will respond to all of my asks in the near future, please be patient with me. Also my English isn’t the best.
Warning long post ahead.
Thank youfor your kind words! That’s really sweet of you to say. I’m happy that you likemy art! 
And it seems you are right that I tend to sketch only the prominent futures of a person/face.It’s just something I do without really thinking about it. I looked into yourblog and I really like your style. That’s the beautiful thing about art, thereare so many styles, so many ways to go about it and no style is better thananother.
To yourquestions:I am in my twenties. I’ve been practically born with a pencil in hand. Even asa little kid I was constantly doodling. My two best friends during elementary andhigh school were extremely talented, so I think that played a role in it too. Ithink there wasn’t a day I wasn’t drawing something. I’m self-taught and tendto stray from the “traditional” techniques and instead mix media and techniquesto get the result that I want. I’ve got my first watercolor set when I was 12or something, I bought myself a few anatomy books, copied a lot and justpracticed.
After Ifinished school I was like ok I now need to study for a job with good futureprospects (plus I never was really confident about my abilities, like there areso many talented artists out there why should I have a chance in this field),so I put all my art supply away and went to university, got my Bachelor ineconomics and business law and just felt empty. Of course, I still keptdoodling in my notes, because you can’t suppress your true self like that, butI did not work on real drawings or paintings during this time. After working abit in this field, I said to myself that’s not what you want to do for the restof your life (even so I really enjoyed the analytical part of it), so I wentand did my Master’s degree in information design and media management. And nowI’m able to combine my two degrees in my current job.
Aftergetting my degree this year I was like, ok I really want to get back intodrawing people. From here on onwards I want to do what makes me happy, what Ilove. And I made the decision to put myself out there. And I am still amazedthat there are people who seem to genuinely like my stuff. I think you canreally see looking at the pieces that I posted, that I did took a break fromdrawing (people) and that I had to re-accustom myself to doing it again. And I’mstill trying to really figuring out digital drawing. It’s fun, but I feel sinceI’m relatively new to it, that I don’t do with it all I could. (I bought myselfa Wacom bamboo tablet years and years ago, tried digital for a while, but neverreally got into it… until now).
My favoritemedium… that’s a hard one…. I would say either Watercolor or ink, as long as Ihave a brush in hand and can manipulate the color-intensity I’m at my best (Ifeel). 
Sorry for the way to long answer. If you’re still reading, congratulations you are a strong one. I hope you have a wonderful day 💜��
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little-ball-of-fear · 8 years ago
Illogical and Immoral
So that’s the first time I’m posting my writing on Tumblr. Please don’t hate me too much. I wrote this for my Friend @remmythepegasis <3
Pairing: Asexual!Morality x Aromantic!Logic (Thomas Sanders Sides) Warnings: a bit angst (but happy ending) and probably bad English Tagging @obviouslyelementary because she wrote same prompt for same girl and I want her opinion :3 Hope you enjoy it~
Morality was known for his spontaneity but even he had rules that no one dare to break (probably because they were afraid to hurt his feelings). Those unbreakable rules included e.g. eating breakfasts together, solving problems in whole group and having common movie nights every Friday. Schedule of those marathons was hand drawn by Morality and he hang it on the fridge every first day of the month using colourful animals magnets. Every trait could choose one movie and one Friday of the month when they all watch it together. Despite All fights, argues and unpleasant effects of some choices (Logan named them all ignorant when they fell asleep during  “fascinating” documentary about Fibonacci strain and when Anxiety showed them “Exorcist”, Dad and Prince couldn’t sleep for couple days) they still didn’t stop the tradition.
On February the first, 2014 the schedule appeared on the fridge early in the morning but one date was already taken. Anxiety groaned looking at the paper from over his blue coffee mug.
“Titanic”? Like… Really? On the Valentine’s Day?” he blew out his fringe from eyes with smirk „I always thought I am the one who ruins everyone’s mood.” “Don’t say that, my Little Stormy Cloud~” Dad ruffled his hair so Anx growled and covered his head with hood “And it’s a really beautiful story, perfect for a Lovers Day!” “I don’t get what’s beautiful about it…” Logic raised his eyebrow still staring at his newspaper “It’s a story about incompetent people who let defective ship sink. That even wasn’t the biggest shipwreck in history. For example the fire after MV Doña Paz hit tanker Victor took two times more lifes than Titanic’s catastrophe. And of course I don’t mention about wasted fuel and ruined…” “Logan, shut up, you’re making Morality cry.” disoriented Logic lowered his newspaper to meet Morality’s sad puppy eyes. “I’m just giving you the facts. If I’m not right, tell me, what is this movie really about?” “It’s about three hours.” Dad smiled at his own joke to shake off the thoughts about Filipino ferry. “And now, Enjoy...” he took Logan’s paper away “Your...” he got mirror out of Prince’s hands “Meal!” he pulled out Anxiety’s phone. He put all things on the microwave oven and sat at the table smiling widely to the rest. They all rolled their eyes “Bon Appétit, Momo…” they muttered simultaneously and started eating breakfast.
~*~ Two weeks later ~*~
“Kiddos, come for the movie!” Dad shouted from downstairs and started bringing popcorn and crisps from the kitchen. The other traits came to the living room. Prince dressed in his dragon PJ’s sat at the armchair on which Anxiety leaned sitting on the carpet with feet on the couch.  He scratched his kitty kigurumi ear with the hand in which he wasn’t holding his phone. Logan, wearing his white unicorn onesie, sat on the couch placing all the pillows around himself. When Morality was done with snack and drinks, he jumped on the couch next to Logic and waving happily with doggy ears of his pyjamas he pressed PLAY button on DVD remote.
Dad was patient. He didn’t say anything when Anxiety was insolently yawning and snoring during prolonged beginning. He didn’t silence Logan when he was sceptic complaining about pencil sketch surviving years under the water. He didn’t even react on Prince’s mean comments ‘bout costumes. He didn’t intervened until Anx started hitting Roman with pillow when he mention about Leonardo DiCaprio being hot. Yes, he was patient.
And then the plot started for real and the romance began. Morality was looking enamoured at Jack teaching Rose Irish dance totally ignoring Anx laughing at Kate Winslet’s crooked legs. But when the party ended and Rose had a talk with Cal and when he hit her in the face, everybody seemed uptight. Dad jumped a Little and involuntarily caught Logan’s hand. He looked at him with eyebrow up but  didn’t took hand away. Mo smiled sadly and took a jealous glance at Anxiety who was stressed out with violent scene and huddled hugging his knees. Princey was stroking his hair to calm him. He was so jealous of that gestures and their unity and how they could understand each-other without words. It was enough for them to look at each-other and they knew exactly what the second person needs. Oh, Morality would give out all his plushies just to see such an understanding in Logic’s eyes. He was totally, desperately in love with every little piece of his heart, soul and mind. He loved the smile in his eyes, gesture with which he amends his glasses, passion and involvement in his voice when he was talking about something important for him and the way he say his name… “Patton” sounds so melodic on his lips… “Patton” like a favourite song or singing birds… “Patton” like romantic hug he could only dream about… “Patton” and he was dreaming about it often… “Patton” definitely too often… “Patton”…
“Patton, are you alright?” Dad blinked and looked around. He was laying on Logan’s shoulder and Teach was looking at him questioningly. He sat straight immediately. “You make us watch that drama and now you’re not focusing at the most import ant scenes.” “W-why would THIS be the most import ant part?!” Mo blushed and turned his eyes from the screen when he saw Rose taking off her dressing-gown to pose for Jack’s sketch. “Because it’s the only moment when it’s tolerable to look at that actress!” Logic said it like an obvious thing “And you said that „love scenes” are the most import ant in this movie.” “This isn’t a LOVE scene!” Morality pointed at the screen still not looking at it. Prince and Anxiety moved their attention to the discussion which was far more interesting than Kate Winslet’s asymmetric breasts. They were both holding their phones and kept commenting the talk on WhatsApp. “Actually, those are the scenes you shouldn’t watch at all!” he grabbed the remote in panic and tried to rewind the movie. “But… You know we’re adult, right?” Logan snorted with laughter but immediately coughed up and amended his glasses “And now they’re showing only her face, calm down.” “Adultery is not what matters here…” he mumbled putting down the remote. “… I’m sure it’s not but I won’t explain it to you now” Anxiety covered his mouth to hide the fact he was laughing. “But technically age is something that matters here ‘cause this movie includes scenes of sex, nudity and death so it’s probably pg-16 and that means we can watch it for almost 8 years. And to be honest non of us feels defiled with that scene. Roman and Anx are a couple so I don’t think they care about seeing some random naked woman and I subjectively rate Kate Winslet’s body as 4/10. It would be more justified if you forbid me to watch you in swimsuit because you’re like strong 8/10 for me.”
Logic ended his speech and amended his glasses looking at the other traits. Prince was staring at him with open mouths and Anxiety was barely restraining his laugh. They both were writing messages to each-other on a high speed not even looking at the keyboards. Morality’s face was in the colour of Princey’s sash and his eyes was wide open. His thoughts were running through his head as fast as Anxiety’s fingers on keyboard. Did Logan really say that? Does it mean that he reciprocate his feelings? Or maybe he was just joking with Patton’s approach to erotica? But Logan never jokes… Well, he never show his feelings neither. So… What the Flying wafle Mo should think about it?! 
“Touch me, Jack…” Rose’s moan broke the silence making it even more awkward. Dad shook himself and stared at his doggy paws for a while just to rise his head with his usual smile. “Can we just watch the rest of the movie focusing on some more important aspects than… Feminine qualities. It’s Valentine’s Day at least!” he turned back to the TV and nobody was saying anything more. Well, until the last scene of course when they started big discussion about if the doors were big enough for two people and if throwing Heart of the Ocean into the water was romantic or stupid.
“Alright Kiddos, now go upstairs and enjoy the rest of Valentine’s night.” Morality stood up brushing tears from his cheeks and started collecting empty bowls from the table (and the floor ‘cause Anxiety doesn’t care about what is or is not a table). “Logan, could you help me with this?
Roman and Anx exchanged quick looks (Prince moved his eyebrows and Anxiety rolled his eyes but smirked a bit) and went upstairs locking themselves in Royal’s room. Logic collected all mugs and Anx’s wineglass and he followed Mo to the kitchen.
“Logan…” Morality stood next to him by the sink. He was answered with questioning look. “I… I Just thought… I thought if that what you said… How I should understand it?” “It depends. About which of things I said are you talking?” “Directly speaking: Do you like me?” He held his breath and couldn’t believe he really said that. “Yes, of course. We are close friends.” “But, you know, in that… different way…” “Well… The answer is still yes.” Logic said it like he was surprised that this question needed to be asked. “I thought it was obvious. Even despite the fact we are almost identical, I just think you’re very attractive. Especially the way you’re blushing right now. Your look acts on my body and makes me sexually excited and if we weren’t friends I definitely want to sleep with you.” “But…”  Morality couldn’t believe in what he just heard. He was happy and confused at the same time. “We don’t have to be friends…” “You don’t want to be my friend anymore?” “No. I mean, I want but we can be… like something more because… I love you too.” “Too?” “Well… Like you do.” “Like I love myself?” “No, me…” “I didn’t say that.” Mo’s heart stopped when Logan looked at him surprised. “You’re my friend and I really value you but I’ve never said I love you „that way”.” “But you said that you’d like to...” “I said I’d like to have sex with you. That’s a different thing. Sex and love don’t have anything in common.” “Don’t have anything in common?!” Morality’s voice was shaking when his hopes crashed. “How can you say that? How can you get so close to someone in… that way if you don’t love them? Remember that your naked body should belong only to those who fall in love with your naked soul.” “But... You know me. You know that I can’t love anyone in that way.” He said it very apologetically and like he was ashamed of not being able to do something. “That’s called aromanticism.” “So you...” Dad was barely crying “I’m sorry, I made a fool out of myself. I’ll better go to sleep...” he wanted to walk away but Logan caught his arm. “Patton, wait. I don’t want to destroy our relation because of that. I don’t want to lose my best friend.” “Friend… I understand. If that’s what makes you happy than I’m happy about it too.” He tried to smile but his eyes was still full of pain. “I don’t know about feelings but I definitely know you and you’re not happy.” He moved his hand from Mo’s arm to his cheek making him to look up. “I want you to be happy.” “And I want same for you but you see that it’s impossible to have both.” He looked down AT his puppy slippers to hide tears “I want you the way you’ll never want me and vice versa. You won’t love my soul and heart and I couldn’t give you my body which you desire. This is situation without exit.” “Hmm…” Logan seemed confused but there’s no chance he would leave solving problem just because it was “without exit”. “Can I try something?”
Morality nodded hesitantly. Logic moved closer and kissed him. Very gently, very slowly, like Patton was a porcelain figure that will break up into pieces if he treated him too rashly or rowdily. Their lips were barely touching and despite Teach really wanted to deeper the kiss and take off Mo’s stupid doggy PJ’s, Morality was the one who stepped forward and put his hands on Logan’s neck. Logic placed his hand on Patton’s waist and pulled him closer so the buttons of their pyjamas were touching. He moved his hand lower stroking his hip but when it came too close to doggy tail, he felt Mo’s shaking. He jumped back feeling worried and guilty.
“Did I do something wrong?” He looked in Morality’s eyes with concern. “N-no, that felt good but I just… I’m not used to be touched like that and…” his tongue was tangled “But I will Get used to it, I promise! “Don’t say that.” He raised his hand to stroke him but hanged it in the air not sure if he should touch him. “Listen, our friendship is too important to me to ruin it just for an orgasm.”
Morality blinked fast and a few tears flowed down his cheeks. What could he say? Logan was important to him,  probably the most important in the whole World. If they couldn’t be together in the way Dad wanted, he had to be happy having him as a friend as before or he could force himself to sexual intimacy and make Logic happy at the expense of his own comfort. Was he ready to do that? He was sacrificing himself for others for his whole life so why not…
“If it will make you happy, I can” “O stop it, please!” Teach facepalmed himself “It’s not about pleasing me. It’s about compromise.” “How to do a compromise when our… needs exclude themselves?” “Did you like our kiss?” “Y-yes…” “So maybe… Maybe we could leave our relationship as it was and… kiss sometimes possibly?” his voice was unsure what didn’t happen often. “If you’re okay with that then I’m too. But… Is that enough for you?” “It has to be.” He smirked. „So everything’s okay?” “Yes but…” Logic frowned his eyebrows and Morality blushed “Can I kiss you again?” “Whenever you want.” Logan laughed sincerely tangling his fingers into Patton’s hair and pressed their lips together again. It was exceptionally sweet and tasty compromise.
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