wyrm-clangen · 7 months
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*the crowd cheers as I am dragged down to hell, where I belong*
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songclangen · 10 months
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amberfather is finally a real DAD!!!!
also i love the “never does anything useful” event it’s so petty, this is like the third time it’s been aimed at a newborn/kit
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brightclansstory · 2 months
Moon 9
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(Frosteye is a clan cat)
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happy aro day of visibility!!
juniperstem and auburnshine arent my only arospec ocs but theyre both important and i think theyre neat. juniper is aro/gay and auburn is aro/bi and theyre fake dating and raising auburnshines and blazinghearts halfclan kids together. i just think its epic for 2 aros to be in a relationship and raising children but still are very much aro
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butterflyclan · 10 months
Late Winter
"We thank you for your service, Shadowbloom. May you have many years of rest in the elder's den."
The Clan cheered Shadowbloom's name, and the old black she-cat bowed her head in thanks.
"There are more matters to get to," Parsleystar announced once the crowd had quieted. "Specklepaw, you are six moons of age. Gingerfleck will be your mentor. He is new to being a warrior, but I expect he will teach you very well."
Specklepaw moved from where she had pressed herself against Hickorymarsh's side and tentatively touched noses with Gingerfleck. Parsleystar waited for them to settle before moving on.
"Barleypaw, you're young. Not yet fully grown. But I have seen you work hard, and I believe you are ready to become a warrior."
Barleypaw stood, surprise flashing across his face, and he stepped forward. Parsleystar leapt down from her perch and stared him in the eyes.
"Do you promise to uphold the warrior code, even at the cost of your life?"
"I do."
"Then from this day forth, you shall be known as Barleyclaw. We honor your valor, and welcome you as a full member of ButterflyClan."
𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔
Burdockheart slipped into the nursery, her eyes already locked onto the little scraps of fur at Algaesky's belly.
"Oh, Algaesky, they're beautiful," she breathed, curling around her friend. "What have you named them?"
Algaesky let out a raspy purr, her eyes half-lidded from exhaustion. "Swallowkit, Sparrowkit, Ploverkit, and Cormorantkit. I like the thought of my kits being free as birds."
"Those are beautiful names, and they're wonderful kits. You'll be a perfect mother."
𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔
Burdockheart let out a strangled scream as the fox bit down on her leg. She heard a crunch and felt something break, and her vision whited out. When she could finally see and hear again, Ashpelt and Honeydew had just sent the fox fleeing for the hills, and a she-cat Burdockheart didn't recognize was standing by their side.
"Are you alright?" Honeydew asked, hovering over her with wide, concerned eyes.
"I'm pretty sure my leg is broken, but yes," Burdockheart gritted out. "Who's that?"
"This is Zazu," Ashpelt introduced. "She helped fight off the fox."
"Thank you."
"It was no trouble. Foxes can be difficult to deal with." Zazu shook herself, wincing at the tears in her pelt.
"We have a healer," Burdockheart offered. "They could look at those wounds for you." She started to stand, but collapsed with a yowl of pain. Zazu frowned at her, worry crossing her features.
"I'll go with you if you're offering, but more to make sure you're okay."
"Fine with me," Burdockheart grunted.
𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔
Hickorymarsh sat by the river, watching the current drift. The ice was melting, and it was nice to know that the days were getting warmer. It was nice, too, to get away from camp for a bit- it was getting quite loud, now that the Clan was growing.
He didn't feel the pain, not at first. He certainly felt the sensation of his throat being ripped open, but it was a few seconds before the pain caught up to the experience. Hickorymarsh choked on his own blood, his vision swimming as he collapsed.
"I hope you rot in the Dark Forest where you belong," a voice hissed, hot breath in his ear.
I know you, Hickorymarsh though. I know you... who are you...
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rose-warriorcatsrefs · 9 months
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spooky-paws-designs · 11 months
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Sparrowkit (oc)
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leafpoolstanblog · 1 year
Leadership Leader: Stumpystar (39 seasons). Red tabby tom.  Deputy: Cinderfur (39 seasons). Red tabby tom. 
Warriors Volewhisper (30 seasons). Black tom with white patches.  Ratscar (28 seasons). Chocolate tom.  Marshfoot (14 seasons). Blue-and-white tom.  Flametail (7 seasons). Blue tabby tom. Cloverfoot (5 seasons). Blue-patched tabby molly. 
Nursery Dawnpelt (7 seasons). Lilac-cream torbie molly. (Kits: Mistkit, Dewkit, Sparrowkit, 0 seasons)
Elders Lizardstripe (60 seasons). Cinnamon tabby molly with a white underbelly.  Nettlespot (55 seasons). White molly with ginger patches.  Fernshade (49 seasons). Blue-and-white molly. Flintfang (49 seasons). Blue-and-white tom. 
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Some drama in Skyclan during Rainstar’s burden:
Fenwater claimed to Bramblestep that Nightpaw and Sparrowkit are his,
but Bramblestep is both very gay, and doesn’t go near Fenwhisker
The real fathers of Fenwater’s kits are:
Nightpaw- fathered by Moorface of Windclan
Cedarpaw- fathered by Frogcry of Riverclan
Sparrowkit- fathered by Pouncebelly of Riverclan
Fallowkit- fathered by Newtleap of Thunderclan
Damn, Fern got AROUND
I’m curious about her train of thought with choosing a tom that never went near her as their father
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
sparrowhawk is a warrior cat ass name sorry
look take it up with the bird,
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shatteredclangen · 11 months
Welcome to ShatteredClan.
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It's an uncertain world, but by StarClan, we're gonna survive out here.
See more info below!
Halvedstar - When no one else would step up to take the mantle of leader, Halvedstar gladly took the position herself. She wasn't going to let these sniveling, weak-willed cats be the reason her kit suffered the same fate as her mate... as well as the rest of her former clan. She is most definitely fronting strength and stubbornness to mask the crushing horror of what preceded this clan's formation, but you didn't hear that from me.
Owlgleam - Our poor, very young deputy. Didn't really ask for this position and certainly doesn't feel qualified for it. But when this crowd of shaken-up cats was all Halvedstar had to work with, she pointed at the least likely to have a mid-life crisis and said "you. Deputy." So, here he is. Doing his best!
Shadowfruit - An older cat who took the medicine cat role because nobody else could name five herbs off the top of their head. She claims she saw horrible, burning visions prior to the Destruction, and has been muttering "I knew it, I knew this would happen" over and over again. Halvedstar went "visions and you know that plant stuff? Awesome. Med cat for you."
Wormthistle - Oh she's 100% heading for the elder's den the moment she has the opportunity. As great as she is at sorting out disputes between other cats, she has no ability to calm herself down in a scary situation. Of which we are in. So, she might just be a tiny bit hysterical at the events of recent.
Longchirp - One of the few cats managing to keep his head straight. While the rest are reasonably upset at the devastation surrounding them, Longchirp is more busy giving Halvedstar glares from across their new camp. He does not like her, and honestly, wishes he had spoken up sooner when they were figuring out who the leader would be. Or the deputy, for that matter. Hopefully this won't turn into anything worse than petty arguments.
Badgerspots - Big boy. Big man. Large, powerful man. Could pick me up and throw me. Not much of a talker, Badgerspots tends to simply grunt in response to situations, much preferring to use brawn instead of brain. Not to say he hasn't any brain, though... He's actually pretty smart, knowing how to choose his battles, and when to back down. Unfortunately, this means he is not a himbo. But it's not too late.
Waterpaw - A scrawny little thing who is not happy about anything that's happening. When Halvedstar chose to be his mentor, he should've been honored to have the leader's approval!... But he was not. He was more frightened than anything. But at the very least, he has another apprentice to keep him company...
Cinnamonpaw - Apparently, this cat has decided to cling to his optimism despite the dire circumstances. Always keeping a wary smile on his face, Cinnamonpaw seems to know just what to say to lift the spirits of his solemn clanmates, maintaining a happy hop to his step that most older cats would envy. Let's hope he stays that way.
Weevilkit - Horrible, evil little child. The first thing this child did when I opened the game was make fun of Longchirp, and I'm choosing to believe he's doing it because he knows Longchirp wanted to have his mother's position. This fluffy thing can and will be a menace. I feel it.
Sparrowkit - Separated from his family after The Horrors, Sparrowkit was soon adopted by Badgerspots. He appreciates that, but... he misses his family. He misses home. He worries he won't make it to apprenticeship. None of his littermates did. What makes him think he'd be different?
Well... Let's see what happens, yeah?
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wyrm-clangen · 6 months
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Who gave Frozentangle that driver's license
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gray-thistleclan · 10 months
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edit: sparrowkit was actually 2 moons oopsie daisy
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clangenthriftclan · 10 months
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Drew some cats that I really like from blogs as a style test with the style I'm using for my moons, I might do more later ! Also check out these clangen blogs they're really cool
Stork by @fog-and-the-frost
Lavenderflow from @howl-clan
Goldrush from @castaway-clan
Sparrowkit from @a-dawn-of-ashes
Bleakpaw from @dawn-clan
Hope from @ivyclans-hope
(seperates here just in case: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1VPczABzUs_GU-jWk-EYBDj5w4Ak6KhLZ?usp=sharing )
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clangenrising · 1 year
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Month 8 - Leaffall
Russetfrond carried a pair of birds in his jaws as he strolled beside Goldenstar who led the way back to camp, carrying her own catch, a particularly fat mouse she had snagged last minute. He looked idly over swaying grass, pressing his ears back as they walked against the chilly Leaffall breeze, and let her chatter. It was a familiar old feeling; her talking as if silence was her enemy, him responding here and there. It was nice. 
As they got closer to camp, talk turned to Oddstripe’s litter. 
“I’m still trying to figure out exactly who I want to mentor the kits,” she said. “It’ll be my first apprentice ceremony as leader and I wanna make sure I do it right.” 
“Mm,” he grunted in response.
“Yarrowshade said you knew exactly who you would pick,” she continued, meeting his gaze. “Is that true?” 
“Mhm,” he tried for, hoping she’d leave it at that but knowing she wouldn’t. 
“So, what are they?” she asked predictably. “If you care about the choices I make, you gotta say something, man.” 
He sighed, disliking that he had to make his mouth form actual words again, and then grunted to clear his throat. “Floodkit I’d give to Nightfrost, Sparrow to Pantherhaze, and Barley to Ospreymask.” 
“Huh,” she mused and he twitched an ear indignantly. 
“What d’you mean, ‘huh’? You don’t like my placements?” 
“No, no, I just wouldn’t have picked them myself,” she shrugged. “I feel like Ospreymask is too much of a kitsitter to them to be a good mentor. Y’know, same reason we don’t usually let cats mentor their own kits.” 
“Fair point,” he conceded. 
Her next question surprised him. “Would you like to mentor any of them?”
“Me?” he blinked, tail unfurling upward.
“Yeah, you, fish face,” she rolled her eyes. “You’re a good warrior and you deserve another apprentice.” 
“I know that,” he said, unable to resist a little jab. “I just figured you’d give them to Yarrowshade and Scorch instead.” 
Goldenstar let out a little growl. “Ugh, you’re still on about that? Just because you disagree with some of my choices doesn’t mean I’m just blindly doing whatever they tell me to, y’know.” 
“So who are you planning to give them to?” he asked, sidestepping her comment. 
She sighed in frustration and said, “I don’t know. But you’re at the top of the list. Now do you wanna mentor one of them or not?” 
“I wouldn’t say no,” he shrugged. 
“Any preference?”
He thought it over for a second. “Floodkit I guess. He’s got a lot of passion and ferocity. I think he’d make a great apprentice.” 
“Interesting,” she hummed. “I’ll take it under advisement. Let me know if you change your mind.” 
“I will,” he agreed. 
Shortly after, they arrived back at camp and she left him to head into the Healers’ den. In the dusty center of camp, the kits were playing. Floodkit and Sparrowkit wrestled and chased each other, shouting about borders and territories and such. Barleykit sat at the edge of camp, watching her brothers with a dejected look on her face. Russetfrond decided to see what was troubling her and took one of the birds he had caught, a bright red cardinal, over to where she was sitting. 
“Mind if I join you?” he asked. 
Barleykit squeaked in surprise and nearly jumped to her feet. Recognizing him, she settled down again and said, “um, sure.” 
He sat down next to her and said, “You seem upset. What’s wrong?” 
“Oh,” she blushed, massive ears folding back. “I’m just… thinking.” 
“About what?” he pressed gently as he started to pull the flight feathers from the cardinal. While it was normal to eat a bird feathers and all, he didn’t feel inclined to deal with the larger ones today and there was a methodical kind of pleasure in plucking them. Barleykit shuffled anxiously and looked askance. 
“I’m worried about becoming an apprentice,” she admitted softly. “I don’t think I’ll be very good at it.” 
“No one is good at it at first,” he shrugged, “that's why you have a mentor to teach you.” 
“I guess,” she shuffled again. “I just… I don’t like rough games. I don’t wanna fight anybody. But I don’t care about herbs either. I’m worried I’m just gonna be a scaredy mouse my whole life.” Russetfroned hummed thoughtfully. He wasn’t sure what to tell her. 
“Well,” he said, “being brave isn’t about not being scared. It’s about doing the scary thing anyway.” Barleykit sighed and looked down. It seemed that hadn’t helped to calm her worries at all. He looked down at his paws as he tried to gather his thoughts, and he spotted the scattered feathers. Something about their bright coloring sparked an idea in his mind. 
“Here,” he said, plucking one of them from the ground. “See these feathers?” 
“Yeah,” she said cautiously, eyeing them. 
“These feathers are magic,” he said.
“Really?” Her eyes widened and she looked them over. 
“Yep,” he nodded. “If you wear them on your fur they make you very brave.” 
“Really?” she asked again. “I want some!” 
“I dunno,” he feigned reluctance, “I was going to save them for myself…” 
“Please?” she begged, “Please, please, please? I wanna be brave just like Floodkit!” 
“Well… Okay,” he chuckled. “Here, hold still and I’ll put them in.” Barleykit sat up straight and lifted her head eagerly, posing in what he imagined she thought was a very brave position. He leaned forward and started to place feathers into her fur around her neck and shoulders. 
After he’d placed as many as he cared to, he sat back and said, “There.”
She looked down at them, craning her neck to try and examine his handiwork, and said, “Wow. Do they look alright?” 
“Oh, yeah,” he nodded. “You wear them well.” He leaned down to start eating but she leaped forward and put her paws on his food causing him to frown. 
Before he could complain, she declared, “I wanna do you now!” 
He closed his mouth, biting back on whatever irritation had risen in him. Taking a deep breath he said, “Okay, but put them in my tail okay?” Maybe that way, he reasoned, he could ignore it for the most part and finish his meal.
“Okay,” she said, plucking several feathers and then passing his food back to him. Sighing, he twitched his tail out in front of her and hungrily began to devour the cardinal. Barleykit hummed to herself as she tucked the feathers into his fur and smoothed the fur back down with the utmost care. After she finished, she sat back and looked at him eagerly.
“Do you like it?” she asked.
He gave his tail a roll and glanced over it. “It’s perfect,” he said, “Thank you.” 
“We can wear them together,” she nodded, “and we’ll both be brave.” “Sure,” he chuckled, and went back to eating. She was a sweet girl, he thought, but already his energy for kitsitting was nearly gone. Luckily, she settled down again, laying her head against his tail, and they quietly watched her brothers tumbling across the grass together. She probably isn’t the right apprentice for me, he thought, but I hope Goldenstar picks a good mentor for her.
- Russetfrond and Barleykit start wearing cardinal feathers on their pelts.
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butterflyclan · 10 months
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A brown tabby she-cat with a pale chest and green eyes. She's the daughter of Algaesky, and she's polite, quick-witted, and an avid play-fighter.
Sparrow; Brown fur ; Tabby ; Determined
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