#Spare Me!
ponysongbracket · 7 months
Brony Song Tournament
Please listen to both songs before voting
Ghost in the Sun
Spare Me!
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butcharyastark · 2 years
i love my mutuals but you guys have got to stop posting mcr omg
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filibusterfrog · 1 month
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types of wizards :)
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xxsabitoxx · 6 months
Yuji being obsessed with the eating your pussy and accidentally teaching Sukuna how enjoyable it can be.
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Sukuna, who’s never seen the appeal in going down on a woman. He figures he would personally gain no pleasure from it so why even bother?
Yuji, who’s the polar opposite and dreams of the day he can finally get you in his bed. Just so he can shove his head between your thighs and eat you out until you’re crying
Sukuna, who’s been forced to listen to these thoughts for years now because Yuji won’t grow a pair and just ask you out. Seriously, it’s been years, he’s losing his mind.
Yuji, who finally asks you out after one shot for courage and can’t believe it when you’re telling him that you’ve been waiting forever for him to ask that question.
Yuji, who forgets that even a single shot of liquor can get him buzzed and in no time at all he has his hands all over you. Not that you mind, you’ve waited just as long for him.
Yuji, who’s dragging you into a random bedroom at this house party and is locking the door behind you, lips glued to yours as he backs you up until you’re falling onto the mattress with him on top of you.
Yuji, who’s kissing his way down your body, falling to his knees before you as he nearly drags your lower half off of the mattress. Tugging your pants and underwear off in one go just to toss them somewhere into the room
Yuji, who’s spreading your thighs apart to finally catch a glimpse of the cunt he’s been dreaming of for years. Saliva pooling in his mouth at the sight of your dripping cunt.
Yuji, who’s whining as he moves his head lower, nipping and sucking the plush flesh of your inner thighs. Your nosies only egging him on as he moves his way upwards.
Yuji, who’s breath is coming out in short pants as he hovers just above your cunt, asking your permission one last time since he knows he’ll be too far gone to stop soon.
Yuji, who’s whimpering against your cunt as he eats you out, tongue licking greedily along your slit before prodding at your swollen clit. Drool leaking down his chin and subsequently your cunt, mixing with your arousal.
Yuji, who has you falling apart on his tongue over and over before he’s even satisfied enough to come up for air. His cheeks flushed pink and hair a mess from where your hands had been pulling at it.
Yuji, who’s begging you to let him eat you again, as if his lips and chin aren’t covered in your sticky arousal. Watching as you struggle to catch your breath, not thinking he would make you cum as many times as he had.
Yuji, who’s practically crying when you lazily nod “yes”, your eyelids almost impossible to keep open as you fall back against the mattress and let him eat you out for the umpteenth time that night.
Sukuna, who’s eyes have been fully opened (against his will) to the appeal in eating a woman’s cunt.
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Mildly unfinished but like… the vision is there my
Edit: based on some recent comments and anons I’ve received, there seems to be some confusion with this post.
So let me clarify that Yuji is 21-22 in this, he is in college, I’ve written him the age he would be in 2024.
If you don’t agree with aging up characters? Don’t read the post, or just block me. It’ll save all of us the time and sanity.
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lilacs-stash · 8 months
So I don't understand what "Spare me!" by Princewhateverer is ment to be story wise. Like, it's trying to say Canterlot high society is all judgy and fake but there's nothing really in the song/animatic to show it. Why does Rarity go from playing along to being pissed at everypony? Why was she mad at COCO of all ponies!? And what was the talking to herself thing ment to be, which Rarity is saying what. +The whole thing feels ooc with how it goes about stuff. Why was Rarity mad at the main six and why was she randomly chill near the end? I think the animatic just makes everything more confusing. It's meant to be Rarity standing up to shitty high society but it's never really shown in the animatic that it's actually shitty + her being for some reason mad with Coco and the mane six makes it feel more like Rarity's just being really rude instead of what it's ment to be.
I like the song a lot musically but narratively it's very confusing and ooc.
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axoqiii · 4 months
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wolfertinger666 · 8 months
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(he/him for both)🏳️‍⚧️
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hinamie · 3 months
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7/3: pov u r nanami kento pleased that i managed to pull smth together in time for your bday
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cryptidkey · 29 days
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Now that I actually have school work I’m supposed to be doing I suddenly had the motivation to draw
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spiderdollie · 1 month
Riding König for the first time
He'd encourage you to take things slow, keeping his hands on your hips as you lower yourself onto him.
He’d be so caught up in the feel of you that he could hardly say how impressed he is with you taking every inch of him.
When you finally build up the courage to move, working up to a small bounce, his mouth is already hanging open, fighting the urge to thrust upward.
“That’s it.. Just like that..”
He’d take hold of the hand that wasn’t planted to his chest for balance, opting to kiss the palm of your hand, whispering soft praises into your skin as you work up the courage to move faster.
“Such a good girl for me..”
He could turn it on you any second, opting to drive his hips upward and set his own pace. Chances are that one day he would. But for now, he'd lay back, enjoying the way your little hand pressed to his chest, using him as leverage, trying your absolute best.
His hips would only move when you begin to lose control, your legs burning as you approach your climax. He would take hold of you, wrapping both arms around your torso and pull you close to his chest, giving thrusts he knew you could manage until you finally spilled over.
As you collapse above him, he’d press soft kisses to the side of your head, burying his nose into your hair, whispering every bit of praise you deserve.
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tazmiilly · 1 month
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chausie9 · 4 months
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It's funny that everytime I draw them I must create a new design for John -- _ -- . Is it only me or is it his fault >:j
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(for anyone who manages to see them when they're so small hehe)
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tofixtheshadows · 5 months
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This is one of my favorite minor details in Dungeon Meshi, firstly because what in the femme fatale, but also because it's one of those little things that raises so many questions about worldbuilding.
The Occam's Razor defense attorney in me says that Ryoko Kui gave Kabru a boot knife because she wanted him to escape from his bonds here. And Kabru is a very competent swordsman, why wouldn't he have a boot knife, sure. He's already got a dagger, he can have this too.
And yet: the implications. Kabru, why do you have that? That is not remotely something that could be easily accessed or used in combat. Nobody is pulling out a pen knife from the heel of their boot during a fight with a monster. It's useless in the dungeon ... unless you're the type of person who isn't just worried about monsters.
I've mentioned this before, but I consider one of Kabru's functions in the narrative as being the character who fully brings the idea of human ecosystems into the story. There's a reason why he's always connected to large groups of people (Toshiro's party, the Canaries). He (along with Mr. Tansu, briefly) introduces the reader to the social and political forces working on the dungeon, showing us that none of this is happening in a monster-filled vacuum. His confrontation with the corpse retrievers, who very nearly kill Kabru's party permanently with their reckless murder-for-money scheme, reminds us that monsters are not the only things that prey on humans. Kabru understands the ways the dungeon causes people to put profit over human lives.
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We only get hints of it in the story, but like any gold-rush-style economic boom, it's implied that there is a lot of crime and corruption surrounding the dungeon.
So yeah, it really makes me wonder why Kabru keeps a tiny knife in his boot, meant to be carried on him even in situations where he would otherwise be unarmed. Stored exactly in the place where it's easy to reach, even if, for some reason, your hands are tied behind your back.
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guzhufuren · 4 months
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upcoming thai ql prayer circle 🤝🤝🤝
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faoluoo · 8 months
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not really an alcoholic but i had a sudden craving for it for some reason last week. thx kim
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eggdrawsthings · 1 year
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WIP for painting class. yeh i'm turning my hwk into brainrot art again lmaooo 🤪
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