#Spaceman Sonic
notanothersonicblog · 19 days
Why I like Sonic and Tails in Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog.
I was recently discussing AoStH, and one of the things I realised is how good the show is at showing Sonic and Tails as being friends. As opposed to the games where for the most part they feel more like co-workers.
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The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog frequently sets up its plots and scenarios by showing Sonic and Tails hanging out - eating chili dogs, reading comics, playing games etc.; before finding out what Robotnik's scheme of the day is or discovering a problem that they wish to solve, usually via a guest character. They're shown as always on the move from place to place and it gives Mobius a feeling of deeper backstory and people.
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As well as exposition, these scenes also establish Sonic and Tails as adoptive siblings who look after each other, with Sonic as the older brother, even going so far as to show them doing chores. It does a good job of selling these two as friends who like to hang out and travel the world in search of adventure. The little moments also serve as pauses/breathers in the runtime, which is why the idea of this show just being zany antics is somewhat misguided.
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The game's idea of Tails meanwhile is an independent character who happens to be Sonic's superfan/friend, it's a good one but like so many SEGA ideas they half-bake it; past Sonic Adventure 2 Tails more or less only shows up with Sonic because the plot needs it, and serving as the exposition dump/tech guy (the latter role being filled by guest characters like Caninestein in AoStH). Like a lot of the things in the games their friendship feels like something that's told rather than shown. In fact it's one of the things I like about Sonic Unleashed where Sonic and Chip do similar "Let's go to this place and have a snack" moments.
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In the games defence, there is an expectation that you don't take too much time away from the player, and what time you do allocate to cutscenes you want to fill with epic action or exposition dumps to move the plot forward. Certainly I wouldn't want a Metal Gear Solid length cutscene where Sonic and Tails are discussing this season's football transfers.
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However, I don't think it's impossible to show these two doing something like fishing or watching a movie for a brief moment at the start of an adventure or between acts in a game, it would certainly sell them as friends more. As for the independence bit, to be brutally honest Tails fans it's called Sonic the Hedgehog not 'Middle Aged Man is Bothered by Annoying Teenagers', so Sonic is nearly always going to be central to the plot. At least until we get Tails Adventure 2: This Time it's Personal
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jt1674 · 11 months
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musickickztoo · 10 months
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Jason Pierce  *November 19, 1965
Peter Kember  *November 19, 1965
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arotesca · 2 years
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twelvemonkeyswere · 10 months
since I've rewatched the special, I made a list of some of my favorite choices:
the Doctor casually handing the sonic screwdriver to Donna while he was building the energy walls, because he knew she'd help him
the damn walls themselves that came out of nowhere to look like a new BOTW feature LMAO
the way Donna reluctantly said "skinny minnie, you're not bad" and the Doctor smiled so smugly that he had been able to impress her again
the Doctor bandaged the Meep with so much love??? there's so much tenderness in 14
Donna Noble being the fiercely loving mother we all knew she would be and defending her daughter from all sorts of things fills me with so much delight. she feels so real to the Donna we knew, and to the mothers who are like that
Donna sprinting after the Doctor and arriving at the control room out of breath to say "That's enough running" LMAO
it hurt me the slow way Donna said "binary, binary, binary" in direct contrast to the way she said it the first time when she got stuck. my girl isn't stuck anymore!!!!
Donna PISSED that she gave the money away because she couldn't remember why she felt like she should give the money away LOL. it made her "as soft" as the Doctor lmao
the Doctor's absolute JOY when Donna's properly back and they are once again in sync
"She chose her own name." Rose having part of her mom's Time Lordness which also came from the Doctor, so they all three understand how important the name Rose is, and what she represents in Donna's life since Rose Tyler helped her in Turn Left. we'll see if this is ever brought up again
Shaun Temple being certain that 1) Donna would never cheat on him and 2) especially not with the skinny spaceman HAHAHA. Donna and Shaun both roasting the Doctor about it, I loved it
the Doctor remembers Donna's coffee order 😭 the fact the TARDIS has a coffee machine to signal there's time to stop and chat over a cup, how we've grown. now add chairs.
"it killed me, it killed me, it killed me." boy, do we know this is both literal and metaphorical. seeing 14 saying all that which 10 couldn't say is giving me a lot of emotions
all the instances the doctor protects Donna (and her family). like him walking on his knees to prevent the Meep from shooting her; or when the regeneration energy kicks in, and the Doctor keeps himself as close to the glass as he can, trying to comfort Donna; or when the TARDIS explodes at the end and his first instinct is to shield her from the flames. like this is the stuff, bro. this is love.
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owen-writes · 9 months
A Noble Christmas
10th Doctor x Male Reader
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It was a crisp Christmas Morning when the TARDIS materialized in the backyard of the Noble household. The 10th Doctor, Donna, and you stepped out, greeted by the warm glow of festive decorations.
You all wandered into the house, through the double doors, the scent of Christmas hit your nose.
"Ah, Donna! Look at this! Christmas on Earth is fantastic!" the Doctor exclaimed, taking in the twinkling lights and adorned tree.
Donna rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah, just don't go setting anything on fire, Spaceman."
You chuckled, the Doctor turned to you with a grin. "And how about you, handsome? Ready for a proper Earth Christmas?"
"Absolutely, Doctor," you replied, feeling a warmth spreading within you.
The evening unfolded with laughter, stories, and the delightful aroma of Christmas dinner. Donna teased the Doctor, who defended himself with exaggerated charm. Amid the festivities, the Doctor couldn't help but shoot you a fond glance.
As you all gathered around the table, the Doctor couldn't resist whispering, "Pass the potatoes, love," and you obliged with a smile. Donna raised an eyebrow but continued chatting, unaware of the unspoken connection.
After dinner, you found yourself alone in the kitchen with the Doctor. He leaned against the counter, his expressive eyes fixed on you. "You know, this whole celebration thing is great, but I was thinking there's something even more special about tonight."
"Oh? And what's that?" you asked, genuinely curious.
He stepped closer, his hand going out to hold your hand. "Being here with you. It makes it feel like the stars aligned just for us."
Your heart skipped a beat, and you found it hard to look away from his intense gaze. "I... I feel the same way, Doctor."
He grinned, a mix of joy and relief in his eyes. "Good. Because I've been wanting to do this." With that, he pulled you in and pressed his lips to yours, a gentle yet passionate kiss that felt like a promise.
Donna's voice interrupted the moment. "Oi, you two! Quit the lovey-dovey stuff. There are leftover mince pies in the fridge, and I'm not sharing!"
The Doctor pulled away, chuckling. "Let's get those mince pies before she eats them all, love."
Throughout the night, the Doctor remained by your side, stealing glances and offering tender smiles and soft touches. The TARDIS hummed contentedly in the background, as if approving of this newfound connection.
As the clock struck midnight, the Doctor took your hand. "Come with me," he whispered, leading you outside.
Underneath the starlit sky, he pulled out a small, beautifully wrapped gift. "Merry Christmas, my love."
You unwrapped it to find a sonic screwdriver, a symbol of adventures yet to come. It was your favourite colour, engraved with your name. "Doctor, it's wonderful!"
He grinned, a mischievous spark in his eyes. "Well, it's not just any sonic screwdriver. It's yours. For when you decide to join me permanently in time and space."
You looked at him, a mixture of excitement and love filling your heart. "I'd like that very much, Doctor."
He kissed you again, sealing the promise of a future filled with galaxies to explore and countless moments to share. The TARDIS glowed in the background, lighting up the backyard as you and The Doctor shared a kiss.
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sunnydust2003 · 6 months
I never thought about say this but can we talk about how Scratch (AOSTH) is actually better than Catra (SPOP).
Like from explame:
In episode, Over the Hill Hero:
Scratch and Grounder fight Captain Rescue and Grounder about fight CR but he's got zap by Captain Rescue.
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However Scratch have enough of this shit and kick CR butt.
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Keep this mind, Scratch knows his little brothers get hurt and doesn't want everyone hurt him.
There is another good explame is Spaceman Sonic.
(At 0:57 and 1:14)
When Scratch and Grounder about found Sonic and Tails after they got tricked by Sonic, Grounder falls and lands in between the rocket and the platform, what did Scratch do?
He's runs back towards Grounder and helps him out.
This is why i love Scratch and Grounder dynamic because how they care each other like brothers which is funny because Scratch calls Grounder a little brother which i found this is so adorable.
Let's take look what Catra is doing to Adora:
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Catra was abusive and trying killed Adora in every episode because she's so obession to kills Adora.
Idc if Catra is become good guy, it doesn't excuse her action.
She doesn't even apologie about this or anything, she's got free scott.
So yeah, i'm done with this ranting.
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ninemelodies · 11 months
portraits in the attic
Donna is in the console room, tucked under the center console and reading a magazine, when a headline about summer swimwear reminds her of a question she meant to ask the Doctor. The alien in question is tinkering away somewhere underneath the grating. Every now and then, she hears the whir of the sonic, followed by some sort of muttered exclamation. The TARDIS won’t translate, so Donna figures it’s either Gallifreyan or he’s cursing up a storm. It might be both. 
She puts down her magazine and shifts closer to the hole in the grating he had disappeared down. “Doctor?” 
The sonic whirs again, briefly, and then she hears him yell back, “Yes, Donna?” 
He sounds muffled and distant, like he’s further away than should be physically possible. But then again, Donna considers, she’s in a spaceship that’s bigger on the inside. And anyway, what’s a little spatial nonsense between friends? It’s certainly not the weirdest thing she’s seen while traveling with the Doctor. When she doesn’t respond immediately, he starts back up with the sonic, so Donna raises her voice to be heard. “Why is there a swimming pool in the library?” 
Abruptly, the sonic cuts off, and Donna hears the tail end of a huffled laugh. His shoes squeak on the metal as he walks and then he appears at the bottom of the hole, looking up. He climbs halfway up a ladder she hadn’t noticed, until he can comfortably rest his arms on the grated floor. “Where else would the pool be?” 
“In its own room?” Donna asks. “The humidity isn’t good for paper, you know.”
The Doctor waves his hand nonchalantly. “The TARDIS makes sure nothing happens to the books. Besides, all of the books are cataloged and archived in a database, so even if something did happen to the books or the library, they wouldn’t be lost. But if you’re really worried, the humidity is contained and regulated by a thermo-” 
Donna cuts him off. “Yeah, yeah, Spaceman. The TARDIS keeps them safe, that’s all you had to say. You don’t have to go all techno on me. You know I can hardly understand you when you start babbling.” The Doctor’s face flickers with something like disapproval, but before he can speak whatever thought just skittered across his mind, Donna asks, “Was it always in the library?” 
“No,” the Doctor admits. “It used to have its own room, but I had to jettison it.” 
“You can just get rid of rooms?” 
“In a pinch, I can eject or destroy pieces of the tardis for a power boost,” the Doctor confirms. “Destroying them allows for more of the TARDIS’s power to be directed elsewhere. Ejecting rooms…” the Doctor tilts his head as he considers how best to explain exactly how launching rooms from the TARDIS is an advantage. “Weeeell,” he drawls, “Since we’re talking about a swimming pool anyway. You know how swimmers will push off from the wall to get a boost?” When Donna nods, he continues. “It works very similar to that. It's Newton's third law at work, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Simply put, the room goes one way, and the TARDIS goes the other." He puts the sides of his hands together with his index fingers extended and then mimes them pushing off each other into opposite directions. “Very handy if you need a boost without attracting attention from scanners. I try not to do it very often because, somehow, I always end up needing the room I got rid of immediately after.” 
“Okay…” Donna shifts and draws her legs underneath her so that she is sitting cross-legged. The shift in her position has her leaning forward a bit, closer to the Doctor. “That part makes sense, but wouldn’t it have been better to launch the pool with the rest of the room? Otherwise the TARDIS would’ve had to launch the room and move the pool at the same time, right?” 
The Doctor gives her one of his half smiles. It tells her that she’s right, but the way his eyes are focused on something just past her shoulder also tells her that he’s miles away, thinking about something else. 
“Oi,” Donna calls. When she doesn’t get a response, she leans forward and gently flicks his forehead. “Hello? Earth to Martian.” 
That gets his attention. The Doctor’s eyes snap to her face, and Donna is not surprised at the depth of sadness in them. Most of the time, The Doctor looks more like an excited child than he has any right to, but sometimes, like now, when he starts thinking about the past, Donna can see each and everyone of his 900 plus years layered in his eyes. The sadness drags him down and down, until even Donna feels like she could drown in it. He grabs her wrist while she is distracted and pulls her hand away from his face.  
“On Messaline, I told you that I had been a father before.” He lets go of her wrist and she tucks both hands in between her legs. “I was more than that, I was a grandfather, at one point. My granddaughter, her name was Susan. She was my first companion.” The Doctor swallows thickly and looks away from Donna's face. “I taught her how to swim in that pool. She loved that pool. Out of every room in the TARDIS, that was the one she chose for herself.” The Doctor stops, takes a deep shuddering breath and runs a hand through his hair. “Didn’t feel right to just get rid of it.”
Donna watches him carefully, watches as his face smooths out and tears collect in his bottom lashes, so close to spilling over. He looks away and wipes his eyes and Donna pretends not to notice. “Do you do that for all your companions?” When he looks at her, brows furrowed, she expands. “Do you always remember stuff about them like that? Their favorite rooms and stuff?” 
And though the Doctor no longer has tears on his face, the sadness in his eyes and in the lines of his face lingers. “Oh, yes.” He whispers. His smile is so soft and tender. It's heartbreaking to see. “Every single one of them. I know you humans have this idea that you’re not important, that you’re such a small part of the universe and of my life that you’re nothing more than a blip or a speck, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. I carry each of them with me, all the time, in here.” The Doctor taps his temple with his index finger, before moving his hand down to rest over one of his hearts. “And in here. Every one of them has been more important than they realized.”
“Did you love them?” It might be an odd question, but Donna knows that the Doctor loved Rose, and even Martha, in his own way. 
The Doctor tucks his hand into the crook of his elbow and rests his arm on the grating. He leans his head into the palm of his other hand and stares at Donna. “Yes,” he confirms. “All of them. I didn't love all of them the same, of course, but I did, yes.” 
When she had asked about the pool, Donna wasn’t expecting it to lead to this. She wasn’t sure why the Doctor was being so willing to answer her questions right now, or why he was revealing so much about his past. Normally, the Doctor kept his most painful memories close to his chest, locked tight and sealed until they absolutely couldn’t be contained anymore. He revealed more in moments of duress and strife than at any other time, yet, here he was, answering Donna truthfully and honestly. 
Maybe he had listened when she told him that he talked too much but said too little. 
The openness in his eyes was beginning to make her uncomfortable, and she wasn’t sure she would like the answers she would get if she continued down this line of questioning. She decided to give him, and herself, a way out. “So what does that make me then? The big, useless, ginger house cat?” 
The Doctor shakes his head and sighs. “I keep telling you you’re special, one day you’re going to believe me.” 
“In your dreams, Spaceman.” 
Before the Doctor can reply, the TARDIS gives a sickening lurch. Donna's hand shoots out to grasp the edge of the console to keep herself from falling forward. The Doctor is not so lucky. He jerks back, slamming his spine into the far edge of the hole he was standing in. He lets out a pained groan and leans forward to rest his forehead against the floor. 
Once the TARDIS settles, Donna hesitantly releases her death grip on the console. “Doctor? You ok?” 
He gives a brief thumbs up before he lifts his head from the floor. “I think that’s my cue to go finish those repairs. She's a little upset that I've left one of the stabilizers unplugged this long.” 
And now that he’s mentioned it, Donna can feel a vague sense of irritation sitting just on the edge of her mind. When she turns her attention to it, the feeling fades into something soft and warm. “She's only upset with you,” She snorts. “She adores me.” 
The Doctor rolls his eyes. “She's my ship, you can’t gang up on me like this!” He protests. 
“Maybe if you didn’t hit her with a mallet!” Donna shoots back. 
“Maybe if she’d behave I -” The TARDIS zaps him in retaliation. The Doctor jerks his hand away from the grating with a yelp and shakes out the remaining tingles. “Alright! I’m going!” He backs down the ladder with a sour look on his face. Just before he disappears from view completely, he looks back up at Donna. “You know that -” He cuts off abruptly, shakes his head and keeps climbing down. He opens his mouth, like he is going to say something, before he shakes his head and keeps climbing down. 
Donna watches him walk into the depths of the TARDIS again and figures that’s the end of the conversation, for now, until the Doctor has finished whatever tinkering he was doing. She retrieves her magazine that she abandoned, tucks herself back under the console and lets the humming of the TARDIS and the Doctor’s unintelligible muttering wash over her. 
It was a funny old world on the TARDIS, she mused. The Doctor hadn’t been lying, but there wasn’t another place she’d rather be.
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dangus-doo · 1 year
I draw a pen doodle every day until I forget
Day 303: Cosmos (Transformers Generations)
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Spaceman Cosmos. I cannot tell you why I drew him doing the sonic adventure pose, I just thought it was funny!
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st0ned-werepvp · 1 year
My theriotypes/otherkins
Silver fox
werewolf (main)
Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel)
Benrey (HLVRAI)
Benny Weir (My babysitters a vampire)
Benny the spaceman (lego movies)
Ballister Boldheart (Nimona)
Fizzarolli (Helluva Boss)
Blitzo (Helluva Boss)
Donatello (2012, ROTTMNT)
Stiles Stilinski (Teen wolf)
Luigi (Super mario bros)
Dib Membrane (Invader Zim)
Bonnie (fnaf)
Nick Nelson (Heartstopper)
Jesse Pinkman (Breaking bad)
Shadow (sonic the hedgehog)
Larry (Sally Face)
Leon Kennedy (Resident Evil)
That'ss all i can think of rn but ill add more if i remember more :/
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brosif40 · 6 months
Misic asks 6, 9, 27 !
6:A song that makes you want to dance:
Black Out - Linkin Park (IT RULES SO YEAG)
Let's Talk About Feelings - Joywave (everytime I listen to this i imagine a waltz.. )
9:A song that makes you happy:
Dear My Friend - Sonic Unleased (this song has a death grip on me it's so good)
I Like Life - Trevor Dion Nicholas (from Scrooge
27:A song that breaks your heart:
Don't Go Away - Max Richter (From SpaceMan) (dear god this song and the movie destroyed me)
Icarus - Luvbug (another one that killed me)
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neverendingrelease · 7 months
Releasing Today, Mar 1 2024!
Bloomyth is a puzzle platformer game with bosses? It's got a unique art style.
This is a neat metroidvania with a spaceman who um... idk finds a Stargate and wants to do something cool. I really like the 3D 2.5D thing going on.
Intra is a tower defense with a hex based system. It stands out to me due to the cool claymation/prerendered art style.
Dynacat is a neat take on remixing Sonic 3D Blast. It looks like a fun solid time. It really has the Sonic vibes down.
Guano is a seagull chaos simulator.
Rabbit Hole is a roguelike 2D platformer/shooter with a Gameboy Color muted palette. I'm not sure if it's full a boss rush game or what, but it looks fun. You have to go down the rabbit hole to figure out the story, I guess. Not sure how much of the art is detailed vs pixelly.
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srkizer · 2 years
there are plenty of episodes from aosth that i like. but if i'm to pick the one i like the most, then it's quite impossible. the one i've seen most recently ends up becoming my favorite until the next.
so might as well just list the episodes i end up liking more.
[12] Birth of a Salesman. multi-sonic before multi-tails.
[16] Tails' New Home. it's impossible to not like the origin story of sonic and tails, and then you get to see sonic crying for the first time ever (not counting tears for comedic effects.)
[19] The Mystery of the Missing Hi-tops. exploring excessive fan activities for the first time ever in the franchise. that alone made it worthwhile.
[21] Sonic Gets Thrashed. sonic working with reject robots was beautiful. i also thought the dragonbreathbot was pretty cool.
[22] Pseudo Sonic. features my favorite robotic sonic from the franchise, and tails gets to experience being sonic #1.
[24] Tails in Charge. sonic's death physical immobilization #2. (#1 was Grounder the Genius.) proves that tails will make it even when sonic isn't available, with his smarts and fluid flying.
[26] Submerged Sonic. i absolutely do not like sonic being portrayed as having fear of water, but this episode shows sonic still moving freely under water. not only that, it's the only occasion of him intaking air bubble in water, in the manner he does from the classic games.
[28] Musta Been a Beautiful Baby. goo goo poo poo!!!!!!!!
[30] Full Tilt Tails. tails gets to experience being sonic #2, and sonic getting mildly distraught over his brother was fascinating.
[32] Momma Robotnik Returns. the idea of adopting sonic as a method of putting sonic under one's control is still a good idea. other eggmen should try that, too.
[33] Spaceman Sonic. this episode has so much to do with SA2 as far as i'm concerned and that makes this episode much more interesting than it really should have been, including how a government funded space station has been abandoned, and how the slime monster who caught cold is comparable with the biohazard.
[36] Robotnik's Rival. dufus is great. he's smart, he can get anything done, and yet he knows when to give up.
[40] Zoobotnik. sonic and tails with devilish facial expression trying to get katella and robotnik married alone made it.
[42] Mass Transit Trouble. shows sonic's capacity to think and act fast, and tails' capacity to fly almost as fast as sonic runs, but also shows that sonic does get exhausted.
[46] Super Robotnik and [48~51] Time Travel Arc. shows that smarts is all he truly needs to get out of tight situations. he has experienced becoming a knight. he understands the power of recording history, and knows to use the resources from the past and the future. he survived the big bang. and then his prior experience of working with himselves really shined once the realization hit him - just take more of himself from some other timeline!
[57] Road Hog. we are going to die! we are going to die! we are going to die! we are dead!
[63] Sonic is Running. for president. why work for the president, when be the president?
[64] Robo-Ninjas. scriptwriters knew they were writing bullshit dialogues and i loved it.
[65] Sonically Ever After. didn't think much of it but once frontiers explored the concept of the end, this episode hit me hard. but really shows that aosth sonic's proactive rather than reactive. don't just fight or try to prevent the end, but instead bring the end yourself!
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musickickztoo · 2 years
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Jason Pierce  *November 19, 1965
Peter Kember  *November 19, 1965
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boom-fanfic-a-latta · 2 years
Silly Self-Indulgent Calvin & Hobbes If They Were In The Modern Day Headcanons:
Calvin is a fan of Ace Attorney
Hobbes watches MLP
Calvin and Hobbes play Minecraft together
Calvin has a tumblr
Calvin has multiple sideblogs where he pretends to be Spaceman Spiff, Tracer Bullet, and Stupendous Man
Hobbes is a V-Tuber
Calvin likes puzzle games/games that mess with your head
Hobbes has read Problem Sleuth and Homestuck
Hobbes has forced Calvin to read Problem Sleuth and Homestuck
Calvin likes the Sonic series (his favorite character is Shadow)
Calvin writes Miraculous Ladybug self-insert fanfiction where he has the Tiger Miraculous and it's unironically really good
Hobbes listens to Vocaloid music
Calvin once recited the Gamer Pad speech from the Sonic 06 Fandub when he was supposed to be giving a school report (though he got cut off before he could finish)
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dontfloatinginspace · 4 months
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you lie you cheat
Sonic boom/J spaceman
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