Hi and welcome✨️ You can call me Star [she/her] [artist] I draw stuff and Sonic is my biggest inspiration. (Please do not repost my art without permission) I also color Sonic Boom Revisited starting from issue 2 ✨️ Pfp drawn by Multi, colors by me
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*runs away*
AHHH D: ) surprise attack! xD *falls into a river*
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Page 3!
Sonic is being an impatient hedgehog... 😅
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Sonic and Tails! 💙💛💙💛
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Yussss xD
LMAO oh I love this Donnie
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Putting Blorbos in a Room Game
Aka a list of stuff my blorbos have in common.
It's finally up to hundred to be shared! :D I'm so excited to post this because my blorbos in question whom this list revolves around seemingly have nothing in common. Them being; Leonardo from TMNT 12 verse, Sonic, Hiccup from Httyd movieverse and finally Zuko from Atla cartoon. They aren't the same type of character or even have the same personality. They are very different from each other but since they are my special little blorbos, I always tend to see similarities where others wouldn't. And when I think about it, they're just, so much alike it's peculiar how unnoticeable their similarities are. Imagine same words written in vastly different font, different languages altogether. But it's the same words. That's what my favorites are like.
A little disclaimer: To sooth any possible ruffled feathers beforehand, if there are details I get wrong about one of the franchises I haven't been able to rewatch and analyse as much as the others due to lack of time to do so as I'd done with previous hyperfixations, please forgive me. Moreover, widely accepted fanon that isn't explicitly canon but shows even the smallest hint of being true in canon is considered canon to me. Afterall, fanon had to become widely accepted for a reason, whether that be something that a character would most likely do or something too fitting and lovable to ignore or something of a fandom joke or whatever.
With that aside and without farther ado, I present, Putting Blorbos in a Room Game list (placing this under the cut because it's LONG, and for anyone who doesn't wish to read it, though I'd be ecstatic if you like or know one or two or all of these boys in some capacity and read this list)
1. Tendency to jump off high places with no regards to caution.
2. Zero self preservation.
3. Two of them are ninjas that wear blue masks and use dual blades.
4. Three of them are certified big brothers while the last one is an only child but shows major sibling vibes with several other characters and acts as a Mom friend.
5. Two have dragon best friends. Third has a friend who can turn into a dragon. Fourth strikes me as someone who loves dragons
6. Zuko and Leo and Sonic are theatre kids!
7. Zuko and Leo would seem like these highly skilled powerful individuals who can put fear in their enemies' hearts but they're both absolute dorks and are actually sweethearts.
8. I like to think our favorite resident pyrokinetic boy would love calling flames to his swords. And our resident dragon nerd has a flaming sword. Not to mention Zuko's fire dagger technique.
9. Ok but you've got to admit how excited Leo would get about the whole Blue Spirit urban legend. (Just having this hilarious imagery of Leo trying to chase down The Blue Spirit like a hyped fanboy and Zuko trying to escape the other guy who is a ninja and really fucking difficult to give a slip.)
10. Speaking of alter egos, we have the Blue Spirit, the Phantom Rider, and a turtle who sneaks out in a trenchcoat and hat to play vigilante when he's bored. Ghost of the Jungle (notice that their alter egos have matching names, Ghost, Phantom and Spirit).
11. Younger sib is a prodigy in case of two of them. 3rd has two younger sibs who are practically prodigies. 4th's an only child but is practically a prodigy himself so. (Coming back to edit this cuz I just realized that Zuko also has two younger sibs who are prodigies instead of just one bcoz Kiyi melted that door down when she was 5.)
13. Their respective friends are so tired of trying to stop them from dying, these boys have zero self preservation fr fr. They need a leash.
14. Fire Nation food is spicy. Ergo Zuko probably loves spicy foods. Sonic also loves spicy foods. Leo's favorite pizza is Mexican so I think he also has a knack for spicy foods. Meanwhile Hiccup trying to survive having to ingest regurgitated raw fish and yaknog.
15. The dragon of any world would just as readily adopt Zuko as they would Hiccup. Trust me.
16. Hiccup and Leo are leaders and have lectures™ prepared for multiple scenarios regarding their teams.
17. Leo and Sonic, they would die before they'd let any harm come to their friends.
18. Boys, stop tempting lightning to hit you boys. Boys! (Hiccup and Zuko are morons who would take lightning for their friends)
19. Do I even need to mention they're all sword wielders
20. Three of them adore animals and animals and smol creatures adore them. I wish they gave Leo a pet too.
21. You know, looking back, he might be the angriest of them and seemingly the one most likely to kill, but Zuko is like, the only one here who doesn't have a canon kill count. So yeah, three of them have a canon kill count.
22. Let's see what Sonic has in common with the firebender. Firebending for one (looking at Fire & Ice + SatSR). And also, most of their best friends used to be their enemies at some point.
23. Also, both are technically the kings . Wait, add Hiccup to this too. Oh, Leo is also the Sensei of a whole clan so. Yup.
24. None of them can lie to save their own life, it's hilarious, it's adorable.
25. Nature enthusiasts! All of them are nature enthusiasts.
26. Cockroaches, the lot of them. These four are the kind of characters who have no self preservation, would jump in the way of a bullet meant for someone else, jump off of places as high as the sky, run in towards the most dangerous situations with no regards to personal safety, and Still. Just. Wouldn't. Die. Must be infuriating for their foes tbh.
27. Post invasion coma, post boss battle coma, morality/angst coma. Huh, is Sonic the only one who didn't fall into a coma here? Wait. Murder Mystery Birthday Party coma. Kinda funny thinking back on LITERALLY EVERYTHING Sonic has come out of unscathed and the one situation he falls into a coma is a birthday party. Bro survived falling from space more than enough times but his falling into coma story is a birthday party and it's so so Sonic I can't fjhdjsjdjvkvkfj.
28. Zuko and Hiccup — Daddy issues (Hiccup's Dad was actually good and eventually formed a good father and son relationship with Hiccup but still). Also Mommy issues because Mom was gone and never came back & that was by her own choice. They had to bring their respective Moms back.
29. Same hairstyles spotted! Thankyou Tumblr's popular posts on blog function!
30. Zuko and Hiccup and their misfortune of getting covered in saliva by affectionate big flying animals. Aka Appa and Toothless.
31. Listen. Zuko has spent three years obsessively searching for the Avatar, scouring the globe, on a ship. Ergo, it's highly probable that he's good at navigation. Hiccup is a canonical cartographer and traveler. Sonic runs around the globe on the daily. I'm not sure about Leo but the rest of the three are like, really good at navigation and all.
32. All four of these are morning birds!
33. Two survived an explosion that could've gotten them killed. Wait no, 3rd also survived an explosion. 4th survives explosions on the regular. Ok so all four of them have survived a major explosion at some point in canon. (*Snort* Leo's and Zuko's ships blew up respectively.)
34. Two of them have eyes that match their dragons.
35. There is just one thing, only ONE thing all of them can successfully lie about. It's their own pain and suffering, boys can hide it for the sake of their loved ones and it's the only thing they're capable of successfully hiding. To say they'd be fine with a straight face to the point they actually believe they are fine.
36. Which brings me to next point. Leo, Zuko and Hiccup have very low self esteem. Like, very low. Such delicious angst.
37. Sonic and Hiccup have this habit of trying to befriend or persuade their enemies and a huge streak of succeeding too.
38. Zuko and Leo in their single minded or angry or bossy mode are the exact same. There is no difference between them in such moments. I can switch them in stories and nobody, not even their closest companions would be able to spot the difference.
39. Exact same thing applies on both of them when they're in sweet big brother mode too.
40. And also when it comes to honor. (The way I cackle whenever I remember that one YouTube video clip of 2k3 Leo making a whole speech about honor in his angry era and Splinter's voice was edited with an audio clip of Iroh saying Zuko's name). Anyways, since my blrobo is particularly 12 Leo, not 2k3 but still. A Leo is a Leo and TMNT 12 Leo isn't that much different from his predecessor when it comes to these virtue things.
41. Y'know, I learned that earlier concepts of atla had the FN based on Japan before they changed it so it was based upon China. Point is, earlier concepts of atla also had S1 Zuko wearing a samurai armor. And... And I'm just, thinking about the Yojimbo arc in season 5 and the turtles' samurai fits and how Leo's knight costume for LARP has a very samurai-like helmet.
42. Speaking of Leo's choice to dress up as a knight for LARPing- don't forget about Sonic and the Black Knight. Both my favorite blue boys are knights!
43. Both ninjas have sisters that love blowing shit up and manipulating and teasing and... Yeah you get the idea. Also can't stop thinking about how both Azula and Karai got the short end of the stick when it comes to being stuck staying with bad parent. WAIT-! Hang on I gotta look up something. I knew it! They have same eye colors. (Aaand there's more and more similarities coming up between just Azula and Karai and I'm not making a separate list for them. Like, Shinigami- Karai's best friend, is practically a mixture of Mai's goth and Ty Lee's personality and both girls' skills. Like Azula and Karai have a very similar choice in best friends. They both also have patricidal tendencies.)
44. Zuko and Leo are nerds with hyperfixations they babble about a lot. They are fanboys of their favorite media/theatre. They can provide whole debates about their interests.
45. Best friend is the hyperfixation. *Side eyes Hiccup and Sonic*. Also side-eyeing Zuko and his obsessive Avatar hunt.
46. Cackling now because these two dumb dumb ninjas got talked into doing dangerous shit by their respective sisters which resulted in one their family/found family getting hurt. (Yes I know he wasn't part of the GAang yet in Crossroads of Destiny but my point still stands.)
47. Puppy eyes are like a major weakness of these boys. Canonically for Leo and Sonic. And even Hiccup gets swayed often by Toothless or one of his friends and especially by most of the dragons. And atla fanon agrees with me that Zuko isn't immune to them either when it comes to kids younger than him.
48. I think if I separated them from their respective families and put them in a room together, they'd miss their friends and family so fucking much. And they'll notice all these similarities between the other guys present and their own families. I can elaborate on that but later. In this list, this sense of familiarity they'd get from each other due to how alike they are to the each other's best friends is something they'd have in common.
49. Leo strikes me as someone who would love practicing kanji. So there's a headcanon I have that he has really good handwriting. He's just the kind of character who'd have great handwriting. Zuko was the prince and now Firelord, he would most definitely have great handwriting, it's practically a requirement for him. And Sonic canonically has lovely cursive writing. I can't read old Norse to compare and judge Hiccup's though, he doesn't strike me as someone who'd focus on calligraphy, his artistic skills lie in many other things. Anyways, my blorbos have great handwriting.
50. Speaking of which, even though Stoick isn't bad or evil and is a good father, I just cannot stop thinking about the similarities between Zuko's relationship with Iroh and Hiccup's relationship with Gobber. Cuz like, these men practically raised the kids when their own parents were absent or too judging. Gobber taught Hiccup everything he knew about forging and many things about how to survive while keeping in mind Hiccup's own limits. He was there for him as a listening ear when nobody else in Berk was, he was also practically an uncle. And same applies to Iroh, everything he did for Zuko, being patient with him, being there for him, being a good mentor and cheerful optimistic teacher who is skilled and powerful in his own right nonetheless. Gobber was the same.
51. Leo and Zuko plagiarize lines from their favorite media for their speeches and one-liners. It's canon in Leo's case and definitely fanon in Zuko's case. Probably canon too because he's very dramatic most of the time and I've seen evidence of him basing his Firelord outfit on the Dragon Emperor's from his favorite play in the comics. And then there's Sonic, particularly Sonic Wachowski, doing such a thing almost all the time.
52. They all are, really good with kids. Like really good. It's honestly very sweet and endearing and kinda adorable to watch. My heart feels so full while seeing any of them interact with kids.
53. Hiccup stopped a 300 years old war and Zuko stopped a 100 year old war which saved not only those the war was waged against but also their own people. Also, both boys were raised to believe that those they were fighting were in the wrong or were monsters and had to unlearn all of that and later teach their own people about what they learned too.
54. These two are also the reason that dragons can now live freely in their home country without being killed or harmed anymore.
55. Oh! Also, Hiccup was born on an island and his home is there. So was Zuko. And Sonic was also born on an island.
56. Hiccup and Leo are good at planning and strategy while Zuko and Sonic are good at quick plans and depend on improvisation. They all are smart in their own ways and have some great ideas but in their own ways that are not always visible to to their friends.
57. Damage to the throat. Zuko and Leo both have it. How did I forget that. Anyways, before anyone denies it, first explain why Zuko's voice is the way it is even when he speaks softly, like his vocal cords are damaged. It's probably because they are, those screams when Ozai burnt him must've had an effect.
58. Hiccup and Zuko are disabled on the left side. That burn definitely affected Zuko's sight and hearing. Connected to this, both boys are also very very recognizable due to their missing limb and scar respectively. Like literally everyone in FN and many others in other places know that Prince Zuko has a scar. And almost everyone in the archipelago knows that the boy who stopped the war and can 'tame' dragons has a missing leg.
59. Three of them are canonically teachers. Leo is the sensei, Zuko is Aang's firebending teacher and Hiccup teaches about dragons to his team and anybody else who asks and is especially shown to be a teacher in RoB and DoB. With Sonic, well, he isn't a teacher but he did probably teach Tails many things when it comes to adventuring.
60. Leo and Zuko like meditating and have it as part of their routine.
61. Sonic and Leo are part of the multiverse; they have many counterparts. On the other hand, Hiccup and Zuko have live action counterparts who aren't as great as the animated versions.
62. Sonic and Leo play guitar. It's canon. Look at how much fun Leo's having in ICK Music Video.
63. Hiccup was born premature, small and weak compared to others. Zuko was 'lucky to be born'. Wonder why.
64. Speaking of which, apparently, according to the fandom, Zuko was born on winter solstice. And Sonic is clearly of summer solstice. They're both solstice babies.
65. I just remembered about the Dragon Fire Sonic costume. Zuko get over here! (Also, Dragon Claw Tails' fire is blue so there's that too. I won't even need to elaborate here, leaving this tiny brainworm for my friend Brainworms :3. Suffer /lh).
66. For Sonic and Leo particularly; their respective siblings are their life's first and biggest priority. Everything else is second. They'd do anything and everything for them.
67. Hiccup and Zuko both grew up with no friends and used to be bullied by the only other kids their age.
68. Also regarding these two, they are so darn dramatic. Like boys, cool off please, you don't need to be this dramatic. Dramatic flair is practically in their blood.
69. And on that note, there is also the parallel of "I'm not one of them". The impact and meaning of what was said and done. They saw the opposite side of the war suffering, they learned the others were being unjustly killed. They knew they needed to stop it to save both their own people and the others. I really need to stop making subtle parallela between the kill ring final exam scene and the 1st Agni Kai scene because both have such varying and far off contexts but I just... Can't help it.
70. I believe it's suffice to say these four are Traumatized. So so traumatized.
71. One thing Hiccup and Sonic definitely have in common are their wanderlust and love for high speeds and exploring.
72. Also as seen multiple times in the series, Hiccup is pretty good at being nice and diplomatic whenever the gang encounters strangers from other places. Same applies to Sonic and Leo. Like, all three of them in new place when surrounded by dangerous strangers, they become cautious but diplomatic immediately. They don't try to make enemies. They are often seen to be nice and persuasive.
73. Y'know, Leo is kinda funny. When he's happy being mischievous, he acts like Sonic. When he's angry, he acts just like Zuko does when angry and whenever he's annoyed, his sass goes a few notches up to match Hiccup's. I mean, everyone can react similar in such emotions but here with Leo, with these particular emotions, he acts just like those three.
74. Should I try to find parallels of all the time Tails saved Sonic to all the times Toothless did the same but with Hiccup? It would become a very long list. Basically, Hiccup and Sonic's respective best friends can fly and are also responsible for their survival or they'd have been dead so many times already. And also these respective best friends are the one person they love the most more than anyone or anything. And also the one person who had been with them at their lowest and highest and everything in between. And are also absolutely adorable and genius. Okay so Toothless and Tails have a lot in common. Do with that fact what you will.
75. As mentioned in point number 72. While Hiccup, Sonic and Leo have their diplomatic behavior with dangerous strangers in common, they also have a tendency to sass at and annoy their respective foes to the point of blowing steam. I lost count to the amount of times just Hiccup and Sonic alone have done that. And while Leo is serious during battles most of the times, he doesn't hold back from riling his opponent up if he chooses to.
76. I sometimes get this urge to write a paragraph or list of single word personality traits and adjectives. Just a whole bunch of them. And leave y'all guessing which one of these boys I was referring to. Seriously, the descriptive words I can use for them overlap with all four so much.
77. It's really really hilarious how three of them have a habit of sneaking out almost regularly with no one the visor to be an adrenaline junky. Hiccup sneaks out almost daily to go on long flights on Toothless and invent new maneuvers and tricks. Leo does it when he's bored to blow up shit or fight crime. Zuko did it all the time as Blue Spirit and probably still does. And Sonic, well, he doesn't need to sneak out and just runs off whenever, I mean, who can stop him.
78. Hiccup and Sonic rescuing animals and all small creatures left and right. Meanwhile Leo and Zuko adopting literally every kid they come across.
79. This reminded me of that one clip with Leo and Chloe in Slash and destroy and then reminded me how dorky and awkward Leo can be when it's a social situation completely irrelevant of the crazy shit going on in his life and I am given the realization how similar he is to Zuko. Awkward turtle and awkward turtleduck. I adore them.
80. Hiccup and Zuko. Reckless, unstoppable and practically deaf in their obsessions. Every time. Whenever they're obsessed with something, they're just so.. yeah. It doesn't matter whether it's stopping Viggo or talking to Drago or keeping Toothless safe from anything or just making a point. It doesn't matter whether it's searching for and catching the Avatar or fighting Azula or saving a division. These two have the strongest tunnel vision ever and nobody can convince or stop them or make them listen to reason or literally anything when they're obsessed with something.
81. Leo is the Mom™. Period. Every clue points at this fact. On that note, Hiccup is canonically the Mom friend. Like, he has lectures prepared for silly situations his team gets into and he looks out for them and indulges them.
82. Hiccup and Leo lost their fathers... It Hurt.
83. These four and their pre battle one liners. Bfjdidjdjdjdu I can't with them. The sillies.
84. All four of them had canonically done the craziest things, pulled the most physics defying and sense defying stunts that would have anyone pulling at their hair and screeching "ARE YOU INSANE?! STOP!" whether it be walking towards a gaping mow with rows full of spinning teeth with a hand outstretched or swimming through tunnels full of arctic waters while injured or taking a tiny scout ship to battle a giant mothership alone or blowing up a skyscraper while still being inside it or jumping off cliffs with rudimentary wings, or literally everything Sonic does all the time. Lost count of the mini heart attacks they cause their respective families.
85. Guilt tripping is also a must in Leo angst and Zuko angst. Is it canon? Yes. Some things aren't too obvious in canon or too clearly spelled out, that doesn't mean they aren't there. Leo guilt trips a lot. Zuko does too.
86. Dark Leo and Dark Sonic. Exact same. Linking an old post here which describes their parallels more clearly. Basically, Sonic when he goes Dark and Leo when he is what you'd call Dark Leo act and behave the exact same way; all their mannerisms and their traits and even appearance.
87. They all have two modes. First is that you tell them to do something and they'll do it, no matter how impossible, they'd find a way to complete the task. And the second is that you tell them to do something, no matter how simple or sensible, they'll do the exact opposite.
88. Sonic -> reader, Leo -> fanfic writer, Hiccup -> fanartist, Zuko -> will reenact the whole thing and become whatever he's a fan of.
89. Both Hiccup's and Zuko's found family is called gang.
90. Ah yes, three year timeskips. Gotta love em. Aka Backstory+Main story with one boy. One main series + other main series with the other. (Wait, how old is Classic Sonic supposed to be again? Can I count him in this too? If I strech it juuust enough so he'd be 12 as Classic, then 15 as Modern, and we'll have another 3 year timeskip).
91. Bad patients, the lot of them. Very bad patients.
92. Imitating can be fun and these guys like doing it.
"Excuse me, barmaid, I'm afraid you brought me the wrong offspring. I ordered an extra large boy with beefy arms, extra guts and glory on his side. This 'ere; this is a talking fishbone!"
"Imagine if they knew who they were working for. The ones who are working for this place must punch the card that is known as the time card in the clock that is known as the clock of time."
"What would Uncle do? Zuko, you have to look within yourself to save yourself from your other self... Only then, will your true self, reveal itself. *Sigh* Even when I'm talking for him I can't figure out what he means."
"Wha no no no. I mean, if you insist, ahem, I've been practicing, you know. HO ho ho ho! You see, once each of these alien drainers is filled to the brim, I'll have enough energy to power a whole army of my stupid machines. Of course, I'd have more if you hadn't dropped so many capsules, but I guess that's the most I can expect from the Garbage I invent."
"Ha! Don't you know a trappers trap can trap the trapper? I must be losing it, I'm quoting Dagur."
"What would Azula do? Listen, Avatar. I can join your group or I can do something unspeakably horrible to you and your friends. Your choice."
"Sorry, buddy, just grabbing some snacks. I'll be there before Shadow can say; Trick or Treat."
"That's right, ninja. We yokai will steal all of your souls, through your butts! Mwahahaha! "
"I wake up, the sun shining, terrible terrors are singing on the rooftop. I saunter down to breakfast thinking all is right with the world and I get; Son, we need to talk. ----- You're the pride of Berk, son. And I couldn't be prouder."
Do I even need to say it?
93. Leo and Hiccup force their respective annoyed and reluctant teams into team bonding activities. This is canon btw.
94. For all their silliness and being absolute dorks, these four know exactly how to give an effective speech to inspire people. Has happened, will happen.
95. You know something funny? I can easily replace Leo with Zuko in the entire tea party scene from Slash and Destroy. I can also easily replace one of these four boys with another in a random scene from a random fic a lot of the times.
96. Sonic and Zuko are both Impatience™ . Unless there is something that matters and they know they need to be patient about it, then they become wise and patient.
97. Also, both Sonic's and Zuko's respective dragon friends come from a hidden civilization located on an island at the north. Said respective places based on the Aztec civilization and also containing sun motifs.
98. They're all sort of introverts. And expressive too but still introverts.
99. Sonic's canon element is wind. Leo's canon element is also wind. Hiccup spends 14 hours out of 24 in the sky so that's another one for wind.
100. Both Hiccup and Zuko are canonically left handed.
100! Whoo! There's more though! I can't think of them yet but there's definitely more stuff they got on common. They are practically Same Character, Different Font. I love these boys so much. *Filling up adoption papers* They're mine now. If you took the time to read this, please let me know what you think! (Come scream with me about my blorbos)
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doodles in honor of sonic unleashed (unofficial) pc port
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Additional Scrapnik Illustrations
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My concept art for Scrapnik Island, plus a bonus
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Some old Boom Werehog Sketches that have been sitting in my folder for a while. Thought it was high time to share them.
Was trying to figure what the beastly boyo would look like in the Boom World (for reasons) at the same time I was attempting to draw him for the first time. I really like that pose from Archie; wanted to try my hand at it. It's probably one of my favorite Werehog poses. Made for good practice, too.
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Guys I've been laughing at this YouTube comment for 10 straight minutes help
Do you think bro'd fall into a coma if I showed 'em these?

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Ah if requests are open and if this is of interest to you, perhaps some Unbreakable Bond doodles?
Your art is adorable, love your Sonic and Tails drawings💛💙
thank you so much anon, I appreciate the request! I was inspired by some amazing work on ao3 (credits in the tags) so please check them out!

I love drawing these two and have more doodles to share in the future but for now I have these 💙💛 (plus an adventure sonic)

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Turning off anon asks, my normal are still open tho 🦔
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I love the little extra horns on Espio!

Me too! A lot of my Boom!Espio's design elements follow Boom!Sonic's design trends. Because he doesn't have quills he gets some extra horns instead! :)
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You think it's over but it's not....
The ideas I have for this AU are HUGE. There so much to unpack, so much to tell and show. Scene 3 is on its run. Been thinking about making it a fanfiction illustration combo. You can read the story and follow it in illustrations. It could be my biggest project besides Sonic Reminiscing.
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