#Sorry for no RA content so here's a crossover?
minijenn · 2 years
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As per usual, feel free to send me a PM through any of the above channels to request yours! Also, bear in mind that all payments will be processed over PayPal and that for most of these (outside of comics and full pieces) must be paid full price up front before I will start working on them. Also generally all prices are negotiable but I will uphold to the above prices mostly (though the line is blurred a little for the bigger projects)
As for what I’ll draw, basically here’s that list:
Art Commissions
Ok, so I should also make it pretty clear that all these prices are negotiable, depending on what your request is (and how complex it is) As for what I’ll draw, basically here’s that list:
Stuff for these fandoms:
Kingdom Hearts (includes Keys to the Kingdom content)
Owl House
Legend of Zelda
Gravity Falls
Steven Universe
Infinity Train
She-Ra: Princesses of Power
Avatar: The Last Airbender (extra cost, see above)
Disney (Any of their animated movies fit, also Pixar)
Other Nintendo franchises (Mario, Animal Crossing, Metroid, ect.)
(anything outside this stuff… I’m not very likely to have any talent in drawing, so be aware)
Expect pretty much anything to be in my usual style, as seen above, unless you have a specific request for a different style (which could cost a little extra, depending on how challenging it is) Here are a few other things to keep in mind: 
The most characters you can request in a colored character sketch is 6 (there is no character limit for uncolored)
The most sketches you can request in a sketch dump is 12
The most pages you can request per comic is 4
I will draw character death/blood/violence/gore/ect but not in an explicit manner
Here’s what I won’t draw:
NSFW (like at the very most I’ll draw a kiss tbh)
Ships I don’t support (and if you ask for one of these, I’ll let you know if I won’t go for it)
Fandoms/crossovers I’m not familiar with
I do reserve the right to reject or accept requests based on personal reasons!
Writing Commissions
$5 per 100 words
$10 per 1000 words
Max 10,000 words (so max $100), I won’t write more than that for any one comm
I will also only be taking requests from the following fandoms this time around:
Kingdom Hearts (Keys to the Kingdom specific content is fair game (encouraged even!)
Legend of Zelda (set in any game)
Owl House
Amphibia (never written for Amphibia before but I’ll try)
Anything else is on a case by case basis
And as for the rules of these writing prompts, they’re as such:
I won’t write any sort of porn/smut/lemon, other gross stuff
I won’t write for any ship I’m not familiar with/comfortable with
I won’t write anything with any non-canon OCs in it, sorry fam, they’re yours, not mine
Any and all tones are allowed, from teeth-rotting fluff to the angstiest of angsts
Be as specific as possible when requesting a writing prompt, just so I can make sure I’m giving you what you want (i.e. include a brief blurb of a plot you want me to tackle, or if you don’t have one in mind, a quote or a prompt works too! Heck, even just a character interaction you might want to see me take on is fine)
Lengths are negotiable, everything here is by a case by case basis
Again, I do reserve the right to reject or accept requests based on personal reasons!
Feel free to forward any questions you may have my way! As mentioned before, please send commission requests via PM please! I’m really looking to see what you guys come up with this time around, so let’s have at it!  
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Deku Will I’ve been obsessing over My Hero Academia lately. 
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shera-dnd · 3 years
It’s here! The ultimate crossover poly ship we’ve all been waiting for!
But wait, there is more! This is a buy one get two deal, so there is a bonus crossover poly ship added there for free!
Also if you’d like your fic ideas to be written by me or just want to help me keep the lights on, consider donating to my ko-fi (rules over here)
alright with that out of the way. It’s time to enjoy some gay shit
“Sato, tell me again why we’re doing this,” Catra asked with a loud groan, shielding her face as best as she could.
It was a beautiful and sunny summer day at the park, and that meant Catra and Asami were suffering like the sad goths they were as they were dragged along by the ever cheerful Korra and Adora.
“Because we love them dearly,” Asami huffed, exhausted from the heat, “and we can’t just keep them inside all summer.”
“Ugh, are we going on a picnic with our girlfriends here, or walking our dogs?” Catra complained.
As if on cue Adora and Korra turned to look at them, energetically waving at them as they finally found a nice place to set up. Their smiles were so bright that Catra was happy she had put on sunscreen earlier.
“Both,” Asami said, adjusting her sunglasses.
Slowly they walked up to the over excited duo. Thankfully the two of them managed to find a nice patch of shade they could set up under, and not have to melt under the sun like a couple of angsty popsicles.
“Blanket?” Adora asked, promptly taking the leading and organizing position she was born for.
“Check!” Catra replied, getting a cheap picnic blanket from her bag.
“Check,” Korra answered, taking several bottles of water from her backpack.
“Check,” Asami said, before adding, “I made them.”
“And sodas?”
Korra shoved her arm back into her backpack and began yanking all the soda cans out with far too much enthusiasm. The three of them stopped and glared, getting her to stop before she could slam the cans down...again. As hilarious as it would have been to watch Korra accidentally spray herself again, they actually wanted to drink their sodas this time.
Adora gave them all a satisfied nod, before proudly declaring, “and with that, our picnic date is ready to start!”
“Wow, so romantic, Adora,” Catra rolled her eyes, “nothing makes a girl feel more special than a bunch of checklists.”
“Well I appreciate it when a girl comes prepared,” Asami countered, giving Adora a kiss on the cheek for support.
“Of course you do, Sato,” Catra shook her head and rolled her eyes.
The two of them stuck their tongues at each other for a bit, in what their girlfriends could only assume was their more...unique approach to flirting.
Deciding now was a good time to change the topic away from those two dorks, Korra approached the trio with her arms behind her back.
“Hey, Adora,” she called, earning a glare from Catra, who had nearly patented that line, “you sure we aren’t missing something?”
Adora checked her list a second time, even rereading the things she brought there herself, “I don’t think so?”
Korra smiled as she brought her hands forward, revealing the football she had been hiding behind her. Adora’s hands flew to her mouth to contain a gasp, and looked up at Korra as if she had just whipped out a wedding ring. Catra and Asami were extremely unimpressed.
They barely got to finish setting up before those two darted off to go run around and throw that ball like the pair of adorable goofballs they were.
“Looks like it’s just the two of us again, Applesauce,” Asami commented, sitting comfortably in the shade.
“Yup,” Catra nodded, sitting next to her. She allowed a long pause to pass by before adding, “wanna makeout?”
“Thought you’d never ask,” Asami replied, scooting closer and hooking her arms around Catra’s neck.
Catra leaned in, lips slightly parting as they came closer to Asami’s… before being so rudely interrupted by Korra clearing her throat. The two edgy idiots looked up at her, seeing her and Adora standing over them with crossed arms.
“Don’t we do this every day at school?” Korra asked, brow raised in annoyance.
“Yeah,” Catra replied, refusing to move away from Asami, “your point?”
“This is a date,” Adora added, hitting them with her most powerful puppy dog eyes, “can’t you guys please play with us for a bit?”
Both of them groaned and looked at each other. Asami looked ready to give in at the slightest hint of that adorable face, but Catra had years of experience with saying no to it.
“Yeah, I’m not doing that,” Catra answered.
“Oh well,” Adora sighed, “you asked for it.”
They were barely given a moment to process what that meant, before Korra and Adora hoisted them up, and tossed them over their shoulders like sacks of potatoes. Asami yelped loudly, but accepted her fate. Catra, on the other hand, kicked and screamed the entire way, nearly punching Adora in the face more than once.
“I’ll fucking kill you!” She shouted, “put me down, or I fucking swear!”
Adora simply laughed as she carried her girlfriend along to the nice open space where they were playing just a moment ago.
“Only if you promise to play with us,” she replied.
“Fine!” Catra yelled, “just put me down!”
Adora gently put her down and shot her a beaming smile. Oh she was lucky she was so cute, or Catra would have kicked her ass right now. Instead she just adjusted her clothes, fixed her hair so it would be the correct kind of messy, and huffed.
“So what exactly are you making us play?”
“We don’t need to play an actual game,” Korra answered, “we just wanted to have fun with you guys.”
Catra seemed unconvinced. They should have known she wouldn’t participate if she couldn’t make a competition out of it.
“Okay, how about this,” Adora offered, “we split into teams of two, and we try to just toss the ball between team members without letting the other two catch it. Whoever keeps the ball with their team the longest wins. Sounds fun for you?”
Catra pondered for a moment, seeming satisfied with these terms of engagement she declared, “I’m on team Korra!”
“What!?” Adora exclaimed, her expression one of utter and absolute betrayal, “why?”
“She’s the tallest one here,” Catra explained, casually, “it’s an obvious tactical advantage.”
“By an inch!” Adora countered, still stunned that Catra would ever abandon her like this...again.
“Don’t worry, Adora,” Asami said, putting a hand on her shoulder for reassurance, “we’ll make sure she regrets that”.
Oh no. Korra and Adora looked at each other as they both realized that they may have made a terrible mistake.
What followed was easily the most intense game of keepaway any of them had ever played. Though intensity was just about the only thing Catra and Asami were providing for this match up. Not that the other two minded much - they were genuinely just happy to play with their girlfriends for once - but they were starting to worry one of them was gonna end up doing something stupid.
It wasn’t long until they were proven right. Catra caught a ball meant for Adora and instead of throwing it to Korra, she decided the best strategy was to just run for it. The three of them watched stunned as she bolted off into the park like she was being chased by the hounds of hell. Asami gave chase soon after, so the assumption wasn’t all wrong.
Korra and Adora just stood there, watching as their girlfriends ran after each other, shouting insults at one another.
“We should have known that was gonna happen,” Adora commented with a defeated sigh.
“Well, at least we got them to exercise for once,” Korra offered.
“Yeah,” she nodded, watching those two for just a bit longer before adding, “wanna make out?”
“Sure,” Korra shrugged, “not like they’re gonna be back any time soon.”
Korra leaned back and closed her eyes, allowing herself to enjoy the cool breeze that blew past their little spot. She took a nice, long sip of her soda and let out a satisfied sigh. Yeah, this picnic was just what she needed.
“Water,” groaned the mostly dead girl to her side.
Catra laid there, sprawled face down on the picnic blanket, barely able to do anything but groan, and complain after completely draining herself like that. She couldn’t help but laugh a little, playing with her girlfriend’s hair before handing her the much needed cold water.
The poor girl groaned something sounding almost similar to a thank you, before chugging the whole bottle down in record time and then flopping back to her sprawled position.
“So what did we learn?” Adora asked, with that particular tone she had at times that made Korra wonder if she ever considered becoming a teacher one day.
“Never to exercise again,” Catra answered.
“No,” she corrected, “don’t over exert yourself
“Also don’t wear all black to a picnic,” Korra added, “I’m surprised you two didn’t cook alive.”
“We did,” Asami replied.
“And that’s why we brought all this water,” Adora said proudly as she handed Asami her own water bottle.
“What would we do without you?” Asami praised.
“We wouldn’t have gone out in this fucking heat that’s for sure,” Catra complained.
“Can you do something other than complain?” Asami asked.
“No,” she replied without a second of hesitation, “also scoot over, you’re hogging all the shade.”
“Sorry, Applesauce, but I won. I hold all the shade privileges now,” she proudly declared, earning a weak little kick from a completely burned out Catra.
“Don’t be like that,” Adora sighed and crawled closer to her girlfriend. She ran her fingers through Catra’s hair, scratching her in this very particular way that only Adora knew how to do, and soon it was like angry asshole Catra had never been there, now replaced with just soft asshole Catra.
“Asami is right,” Catra said, sounding so content with everything, “what would we do without you?”
“Oh, are we showing her some love now?” Korra asked, scooting closer and hugging Adora from behind, “mind if I join in? ‘Cause I got plenty.”
Following her example the other two joined in the PDA, Asami leaning against her shoulder, and Catra resting her head on her lap. Adora looked like she was on the verge of tears.
“Y-You guys,” she whined, trying not to crumble into an emotional mess, “I love you so much.”
“We love you too,” Korra answered, kissing her cheek. The others hummed in agreement.
“This means a lot,” she replied, sniffing loudly, “but you’re all really sweaty and it’s way, way too hot for PDA right now.”
Korra and Asami muttered some agreements and promptly moved away, fanning themselves a little to help cool down. Catra, on the other hand, refused to move and in fact even pressed a little closer.
“Are you gonna move?” Adora asked, amused.
“Nope,” Catra replied, “you’re too comfortable.”
Not wanting to disturb this rare moment of peace, Adora accepted her fate, and returned to her duty as Catra’s primary source of scratches.
After that initial burst of energy the rest of the day was surprisingly peaceful. Well, besides a small argument over who had the worst taste in music, and who should or shouldn’t be allowed to have the aux cord. But other than that it was a calm and peaceful day.
Slowly but surely, the shade grew a bit longer and the day grew a bit colder. Night was about to fall, and it was time to move to part two of their wonderful summer date. Milkshakes at the diner. Korra’s kinda sorta aunt Kya ran the place with her wives, so she let Korra and all her friends - and girlfriends - hangout for as long as they wanted.
The four of them greeted Kya before taking their usual table. Catra did not waste a single second trying to sit like a normal person, she promptly tossed her legs over Adora’s lap, and leaned back against the wall, phone already in hand.
“Hey, look at that,” she commented, “Blight dyed her hair purple.”
“Maybe she decided green hair was too straight for her,” Korra joked, “I’m surprised she didn’t go with blue.”
“Well, I think purple works really well for her,” Adora commented, “I mean, all her clothes are already black and purple.”
“All of your clothes are white or red, but I don’t see you dying your hair,” Catra commented, archiving the mental image of redhead Adora for later.
Adora opened her mouth to argue, but was interrupted by Asami, “babe, your hair is wonderful, don’t let her bully you into doing something stupid with it.”
Catra looked ready to throw her phone, “hey, I aint bullying anyone!”
“I see you kids are as cheerful as ever,” Castaspella greeted as she reached them, putting their food on the table, “here are your milkshakes, and the fries are on the house.”
“We really don’t mind paying for it, aunt Casta,” Korra assured her.
“Nonsense, let us spoil you kids a little,” Casta replied, with a wave, “besides, consider this a little thank you for helping our niece get a date.”
“Wait!” Catra interrupted, very confused for a moment, “Amity is your niece?”
“No, silly, I meant Luz,” she chuckled, “she was so in love with that Blight girl that she wouldn’t stop talking to Lilith about how amazing she was. It was adorable.”
Adora blinked a couple of times as she realized that meant that Luz and Glimmer were technically related now. She then vowed to herself to neverr let them find out, their power and chaos combined would be far too much for the world.
“Uh, glad we could help I guess?” Korra offered with a weak smile, completely unaware of the small crisis going on in Adora’s head. Aunt Casta laughed a little at the awkwardness, before leaving to tend to the other tables.
And now that they were left alone it was time to dig in. As usual Adora practically inhaled her food, and had to be stopped by Catra before she choked on something. Also as usual they were all dipping their fries in their milkshakes, with the sole exception of Asami.
“I still don’t know how you guys manage to eat that,” she commented.
Adora loudly swallowed a whole portion of milkshake covered fries in one go - earning an exasperated sigh from Catra - and answered, “it’s good!”
“Is it though?”
“What? Is this unsuitable for your refined palate, princess?” Catra teased.
“It’s…weird,” she replied.
“Hey, I’m weird, and you still love me,” Korra commented, leaning a little closer to her.
“You know what I meant,” she complained even as she leaned back against Korra.
“Don’t you wanna at least give it a try?” Korra asked, offering one of her own fries, “for me?”
That was a cheap trick, and Korra knew it, but it worked. Asami leaned in and took a bite of those fries without even taking them from Korra’s hand. There was a certain romance to eating food from your lover’s hands, or at least there would be if her two other lovers weren’t being little shits and snickering the entire time.
Asami glared at the two of them as she slowly ate her fries, trying to properly savor them, to fully grasp their flavor profile. Adora did a little heart with her hands and blew her a kiss in an attempt to mitigate her annoyance.
It worked better than she would like to admit.
“So how is it?” Korra asked.
Asami swallowed and paused, seeming to ponder her answer for a moment. “It was...better than I expected.”
Korra laughed and shot her a beaming smile, “told you it was good.”
Asami couldn’t respond for a moment as she was too busy being reminded that Korra was a blessing to humanity, and that she was so lucky to be able to call her her girlfriend.
“Well uh...thanks for making me try it,” she mumbled. Trying her best to save herself before Catra and Adora - especially Catra - could make any comments on her loss of composure, Asami dipped one of her fries on her milkshake and offered it to Korra, “here.”
Korra eagerly and happily took a bite off of it.
“That’s so fucking gay,” Catra commented.
“Catra, we’ve all been dating for months,” Adora countered.
“Yeah, your point?” She asked, sticking her tongue out at her.
“You’re the worst, you know that?” Asami replied.
“Complain all you want, princess. You all love me, and you know it.”
The table collectively groaned - Asami burying her head in her hand - all fully aware that she was completely right.
Eventually the conversation died down. It was late and they had spent all day with each other, but they all knew they’d have to part ways eventually. They all knew they’d probably see each other tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that, and every day for as long as they could. But that didn’t mean they enjoyed bringing the date to a close.
Adora especially seemed extra clingy today as she gave all three of her girlfriends tight, rib-crushing hugs. The others were far more subtle about it, but it was still there. In the lingering touches after a hug, the yearning looks after a kiss. It was that unspoken want to stay just a little longer, to never let go.
Maybe one day they’d all walk together to their own home, and cuddle together in their own bed, but today they all had different places to return to and they had to go their separate ways. In the end only Korra was left standing in front of the diner.
“Hey, kid,” aunt Kya called, “you want a ride back to your parent’s place?”
“You really don’t--”
“What did Casta say about letting us spoil you?” She interrupted. There was no arguing with her.
Next thing Korra knew she was in Kya’s car, watching the lamp posts pass by them as she took her home.
“You should bring them over more often,” Kya commented.
“I’ll try,” Korra replied.
“I’m serious,” she insisted, “you know we all love when you bring the girls over. It reminds us of the good old days.”
“The good old days?” Korra asked, somewhat amused.
“Back when we were your age,” she explained, “back then it wasn’t exactly okay for a girl to want to be with another girl, let alone two. But even then we knew we wanted nothing more than to be together, just the three of us, for as long as life would let us.”
Korra thought back to that idea of sharing a place with them, living every day with them, making days like this the norm. It all sounded so wonderful.
“Yeah,” she replied, “I think I get it.”
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‘author’ self interview
thank you for the tag @itsmoonpeaches!! sorry im a few days late getting to it 😩
Name: thinkingisadangerouspastime / faerialchemist / amy
Fandoms: all of them, lmao? well, according to ffn:
Author has written 61 stories for Teen Titans, Fairy Tail, Fullmetal Alchemist, [redacted], Ouran High School Host Club, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir, Avengers, Dragon Prince, Good Omens, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, Fruits Basket, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Avatar: Last Airbender, Falcon and the Winter Soldier, and Winx Club.
right now, i am active(ish) in atla and the mcu as well as monk and medium, although those last two don’t really have fandoms (at least not large ones, lol)
Where do you post: faerialchemist on AO3 is where my better works are, lmao, but i also post on FFN, Wattpad, and Quotev under different handles. and when i remember, i try to promo my works on Tumblr, too!
Most popular multi-chapter fic: in terms of true multichapter fics (i.e. not a oneshot collection), No Ordinary Exchange wins for hits, kudos, everything. i think that can be attributed to the fact that a) it’s long, b) it’s complete, c) it’s rayllum (most popular tdp ship), and d) it’s a college!au (a popular trope in fandom overall). although tbh, i only have like one or two other true multichaps posted, one of which is incomplete and the other of which is half-focused on an extreme rarepair, so there’s not much competition 😂
Favorite story you’ve written so far: i am going to cheat and say my favorite fics i’ve written so far are the three in my why’d you have to go and make things so complicated? series. here’s the series “summary”:
A series of (mostly) Flash Thompson-centric fics set in a canon-divergent AU beginning after Spider-Man: Homecoming. Niche headcanons*, one-sided rivals to friends (to lovers), and Flash Thompson appreciation abound! 
*Headcanons I have pioneered so far: Flash Thompson has dyslexia, Flash Thompson likes art history, Flash Thompson likes origami. Stay tuned for more. ;)
basically, it’s 50k worth of fics (so far) that serve as a testament to how much i love mcu flash thompson 🥺💛 he deserves the world!!
Fic you were nervous to post: i was pretty nervous to post one of my more recent fics, actually! the fic is called Is This Love?, and i was nervous for a few different reasons:
- it’s half sambucky, which was fine bc sambucky is popular lmao, but it’s also half sarahmay, which is a sapphic rarepair i came up with between sarah wilson and may parker. the mcu fandom has a heavy preference for mlm pairings, so i was nervous by virtue of the fic being partially wlw-centric, but it all ended up being fine! i have converted so many people to sarahmay 😤
- the fic also features my demiromantic!sam headcanon. i myself am aspec but (maybe) not demiromantic, so i wanted my portrayal to be respectful, and as such i was nervous despite everything i’d looked into prior to writing and posting the fic, lol
- it’s a multichap. multichaps make me nervous solely because they are multiple chapters. adds stressTM 😂
How do you choose your titles: song lyrics, randomly coming up with them, a specific line/word used in the fic, and brainstorming with friends are probably the main ways!
Do you outline: sure do 😤 it varies from fic to fic, so some outlines are a detailed list of events in the appropriate order, while others are a more general idea of “here’s stuff i want to include,” lol. generally speaking, though, i always try to go in with some sort of plan!
Complete: all of my recent fics are complete! (although that’s bc i primarily write oneshots 😂) on ao3, i think i only have one fic that’s truly incomplete. (oneshot collections are a weird in-between, because they essentially are always complete unless i feel like adding to them.) on ffn, though, i have four incomplete fics, three of which are from middle school. i don’t think they will ever be finished 😩
Do you accept prompts: technically, yes! but my policy is that i am under no obligation to write any of them. i write fanfic for fun and as a stress reliever, so if im not inspired by a prompt, i am not going to stress myself out trying to write for it, lol
Upcoming story you’re most excited to write about: i actually just finished writing this story today (by hand, it’s not typed yet lmao), but im gonna let it count for this question anyways! it is probably the most self-indulgent fic i’ve ever written: a monk and medium crossover. that’s right, two fandoms absolutely no one in the world cares about but me. i wrote this fic solely bc it was something i wanted to read 😂 it is - if i counted correctly - 78 1/2 pages long, which is probably in the range of 30-35k words? once i type it up (in like,, december lmao) i’ll have more specifics, although the “patching” that occurs when i type handwritten drafts could push the word count closer to 40k. but who knows? time will tell!
anyways, im just so excited about this fic bc it has so many things i like lmaooo (examples: allison whump, joe x allison content, sharona being her wonderful self, and what i hope is an interesting murder mystery!)
Stories you’re most excited to read: literally anything and everything my friends are working on! off the top of my head: @shifuaang’s tysuki fic, @praetorqueenreyna’s dark!zukaang fic, @itsmoonpeaches’s fruits basket fic, and @ambivalentmarvel’s spider kids fic 🙌
i think a lot of my atla mutuals have been tagged to do this already, so tagging some marvel friends! (this is starkravinghazelnoots, btw 💛)
tagging: @ambivalentmarvel, @friendlyneighborhoodsecretary, @lunannex, @kalliopecosmos, @omg-just-peachy, and anyone else who wants to do this! just say i tagged you 💕
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blade-king-luze · 4 years
OOC: Wow wait for a moment ... 30 followers? AAH Sorry, moments like these give me happy moments kj;asldfkh QQ
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Even if the numbers are small, 30 actually means a lot especially for this character. I have never thought I would reach this many for Luze. He’s SO underrated and literally not well known! And the amount of followers I get for him just makes me a bit gushy. I know, weird ... But I do appreciate it! <3 Thank you all so much for the Asks, too! I never thought I would receive so many!  I will put a border down below just because I also want to say something more to you guys if you don’t mind. But for those who just wanted to see a few words,  I can’t express my gratitiude to you all still active, especially in the Uraboku Community!
I will do my upmost ability to bring you more Luze and some of Luka content!
Notes to Navigate my Page:  Hello, newcomers! 
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I just want to leave a note here just in case people are lost or don’t know where to even look. Next to his icon image, there is a Navigation tool. 
Luze Crosszeria and Gale Spider (Mun) Hey it’s me and Luze Crosszeria! If you want to read more about Luze, here is his page along with my Mun page. Now you know who is behind this blog.
Fortress Gallery (Art by Mun), #Gale Spider As you can tell, the title says it all. This is all the art I have done about Luze only. So feel free to check it out! 
Undocumented Files, #Unheard Words This section is all the stories/fanfiction I typed that involve around Luze Crosszeria or Other’s perspectives that involve Luze. There are also little messages like this one as well. Some characters are present to make his stories more compelling and shows how I think he would react to different settings and events depending on who he is with or what has happen. It makes me bring out his personality more and I still hope that I can convey it properly through these stories!  Terminology for Luze can be seen here
Aesthetics, #In the Mind of the King A fun little section that revolves around looking what’s inside Luze’s mind from what he has seen, or what his thoughts are like. Some may be cherishable to him, some may be traumatic from his experience. Whatever it may be, feel free to look through from his past, present sightings, thoughts, or possessions. 
Fragments, #Fragments of the Past This section involves his actual appearance in both the Anime and Manga.  Kind of a dead section considering I have found most images or GIFs that consists of Luze. There are some I made to bring out more of his appearance. I might just compile more images if I can from what they have. All rights clearly belong to the creators of Uraboku/Betrayal Knows My Name.
Letters from Others, #Answered Letters A page dedicated to the Asks I received from Anons or other bloggers. There are some Character Memes located here too. I am legit surprised from the amount of Asks I got from you all though. I would have thought I would just do little by little, once in a blue moon, but it’s a good amount nonetheless! Thank you all so much for letting me at least bring him out more QQ.  Feel free to drop any Asks or Comments (or written letters in this case) to him!
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Honestly, this layout took me awhile to get used to. I am not so knowledgeable nor creative with Tumblr at all and still learning as I go!  If you want to look for specific hashtags, click on the ellipsis right above the post.  There are specific Hashtags that follow the links above, or other characters if you want to look at that corresponds with Luze. I will add more if there are more characters.
#Forsaken Twin = Luka Crosszeria #Dearest Leader = Reiga Giou (Kanata Wakamiya) #Precious Light = Yuki Giou (The Light) #Zweilt Guardians (TBA) = The Zweilts #Little Companion = Sodom #Lord of All = Lucifer  #Reiga’s Affiliation = Cadenza, Elegy
#Otherworldly Beings = Crossovers
I wanted to say that I am glad that I had the opportunity to open this blog for him just for the fun of it. But it’s becoming something on the side that I also enjoy doing once in awhile every time I hop on Tumblr.
I used to be into FFXIV content but that crave got waaay too over the top for me as I see everyone I played with kind of is ... Over-the-top-hyped, especially on Twitter. It honestly killed my mood to the point where I had to step away from the “Craziness” by a large margin and enjoy it my own way.  And from Twitter, mind you.
But it wasn’t until Luze Crosszeria came across. He made me realized, I could do my own thing. I don’t need to be caught up with everyone.  Just go on your own pace. Do what you love, and don’t follow the trend but your own different path. Dare to be different rather than be the same.
I felt pressured to be caught up with everyone in FFXIV because I had raid and many artists did so much crossovers with their own characters with other trending games coming out. Honestly, I did that for awhile. But whenever I tried to, I just never feel any opportunity to finish or start it. It’s just something about drawing FFXIV characters that get to me. I don’t know what it is, but I would only draw my Au Ra, Krowell Raggs because he was already based off of another character, Ayanami from 07 Ghost. Maybe I am not original enough.
Maybe I am just a sucker for other existing characters that look compelling or have so many relatable aspects towards my life situations. If they don’t have that much background information, it’s always fun to find hints or other canon/non canon things about them. Maybe even go deeper onto how they will react or progress through situations. It began with Ayanami from 07 Ghost, where I would do so much fanart of him because of that relation and his story was tragic even though it wasn’t strongly brought out. But you can tell from his emotions, how he reacts to other people, and how he became to be. I was conflicted of doing FFXIV and 07 Ghost art at the same time. However, as I said, Luze was introduced in my imaginations/stories and he completely removed my thoughts of raiding, being caught up, and backing away from something I really never put my mind into. 
And I am very grateful for him persuading me to. Even though this seems like an internal thought thing, and he may be a fictional character, but I always look back to where I first discovered him and think, “Man. Luze was the one who started it all: Stop raiding to have my own downtime. Draw what you want and NEVER feel forced to. Focus on your own interests and play other games that you love rather than where everyone is at times.” Trust me on the last bit. I still need to get through Othercide.
Anyway,  I know I have said this many times but I don’t know what else to do to express my gratitude.  Thank you so very much for following this blog!  It truly means a lot that I am able to bring this little known character to life. Would I use different web formats to bring him out more? Who knows! Still considering if I should relocate my stories to different writing sites!
In the mean time, I will try my best to keep up Luze here for you all.  And for those who are Luka fans, I will also try my best to let that happen! Love you all! And remember, to love each other! <3
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Black Eyes & Red Leather (Part 11)
~ The Flash / Supernatural Crossover Series ~
Request by @none-of-this-makes-any-sense : Okay so could you do a crossover where the reader is Barry’s gf who is really shy but then gets possessed by a demon… [I have redacted the rest of the request cuz of spoilers hehe]
Summary: The Winchester Brothers reveal to Team Flash what is wrong with you and how to expel Roxanne and end this all!
Pairing: Reader x Barry Allen, Demon!Reader x Barry Allen
Word Count: 2600ish
A/N:  Barry’s POV! This is the finale! Afterwards, I will post an epilogue but here we are! The climax!!
Mobile Masterlist Ko-Fi (buy me a coffee to support me & my writing) Ask Box
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“Is anyone else even slightly concerned about the fact that these Feds knew we were here?” Iris questions as everyone makes their way to the S.T.A.R. Labs lobby from the cortex.
Cisco had instructed the federal agents to meet them at the public lobby doors which had been closed to the public for more than a year.
“Well maybe they were able to ping someone’s cell phone. I mean, we’re all here on a regular basis…” Caitlin suggests.
“Just everyone play it cool,” Cisco mutters under his breath, sounding more than a little paranoid. He unlocks the doors and everyone gives the two F.B.I. agents a once over look as they step inside. Cisco and Barry were not oblivious to the way Iris and Caitlin seem to look them over a little more than necessary. The insecurities in Barry couldn’t help but notice that these men were tall, well-built, and more than likely very familiar with attracting swooning women.
“So what was this about again?” Harry starts the questions, leveling them with his smart and stubborn stare. Being from Earth 2 and having the face of Dr. Harrison Wells, the murderer, had put up his defenses right away.
The men flash their badges once more and Cisco snatches one of them to inspect it for authenticity. Team Flash isn’t about to let just anyone into their base of operations. Introductions are passed around.
“Do any of you happen to know Y/N L/N?” The man with shorter hair asks. The other looks around the abandoned lobby.
“Yeah, she’s my girlfriend. Why do you ask?” Barry steps forward.
“What are you guys doing here?” The tallest one asks, disregarding Barry’s response.
“I inherited the building. Again...why are you asking about Y/N?” Barry crosses his arms over his chest, defensive...as if the team hadn’t just been speculating about Y/N only moments ago.
“We’re investigating a series of crimes that started in Nebraska and New York and we just want to know if she has any useful information for us. Is she here?”
“Well, Agent Cobain,” Caitlin starts.
“Please call me Sam,” he interjects. He flashes a charming smile and Cait definitely starts blushing.
“Sam...she’s actually at work right now but maybe we can help you? We’re all close friends and Barry actually works at CCPD too.”
“Sure, and is there any way we could possibly get a tour, Mr. Allen? I remember reading about this place before and after the accident,” Sam asks and his partner rolls his eyes.
Barry agrees to a bare minimum tour, sending Harry off to the Cortex to lock away the flash suit and anything else that could give them away.
“Have you noticed anything strange about Y/N?” Agent Grohl asks. “Did she happen to mention anything out of the ordinary on her recent trips out of town?”
“Well...she did go there to investigate a strange police matter…” Barry starts.
“Has she been acting...unusual since her return?” Sam repeats.
“Look,” Cisco interjects, “I don’t know if you’ve heard of Central City, but we’re not strangers to unusual stuff. Everyone's a little unusual. She’s not a metahuman, if that’s what you’re implying.” Barry appreciates his friends dedication to protecting Y/N, even if something is wrong.
“Well look, ComicCon,” Agent Grohl starts in on Cisco, staring him down and taking note of his superhero shirt. “This isn’t some science fair experiment gone wrong. Something has happened to your friend.”
Iris forgoes any act of surprise and looks at the agents. Everyone is now standing just outside of the cortex. “Let’s say we know something is wrong. Do you know exactly what it is…?”
“Dean,” Agent Grohl finishes her question with his introduction. Sam and Dean exchange glances. Sam takes a deep breath and his brow furrows into a look of compassion.
“We realize this may sound crazy… but we believe Y/N Y/L/N is possessed,” Sam offers.
“By what?” Caitlin asks curiously and obviously suspending her disbelief. They’d likely say a metahuman and then everyone would be on the same page.
“A demon,” Dean answers curtly. Cisco snorts.
“No freaking way,” he smirks and starts walking into the Cortex; everyone follows him. Sam and Dean look around the room and seem impressed by the tech and their own investigation notes on the walls.
“Are you crazy? Demons don’t exist,” Barry argues. But then Caitlin catches Barry’s eyes and squints.
“Barry…” she murmurs. “Ra’s al Ghul? Vandal Savage? Damien Darhk?”
“Well that definitely sounds like a real Legion of Doom,” Dean snarks.
“Not exactly…” Cisco rolls his eyes and smirks like he’s just told an inside joke.
“The--uh--The Flash and The Green Arrow have had their share of villains that claimed mystical powers…” Iris explains for the benefit of the FBI agents.
“Okay, so maybe it’s possible but how can we be sure?” Barry admits.
“What makes the FBI even qualified to deal with this situation?” Harry tosses in his speculation.
“How about the next time you have dinner with your girlfriend,” Dean offers Barry a silver flask, “splash here with a little of this. Then you’ll know.” Barry opens the flask and sniffs it.
“Or…” Sam glares at his partner, disapproving of his technique. “You can just say...Christo. If she flinches then you’ll know.”
“And then what do we do? I don’t know if we can wait much longer to find out.”
“You don’t have to do anything. We’ll take care of it.”
It doesn’t sit well with Barry, tricking Y/N. He doesn’t want to do it, but the entire team convinced him that afternoon that something was definitely wrong and steps had to be taken.
Caitlin analyzed the contents of the flask during the discussion.
“It’s just water,” she’d explained while Cisco had a field day looking up signs of demon possession. By the end of that research, he’d convinced himself that several people he knew were possessed, including his second grade teacher.
“It’s Holy Water,” Sam explains. By now, everyone has been informed that they’re obviously not FBI and they’re actually monster hunting brothers.
“This all sounds so crazy,” Caitlin comments as Dean offers up a drawing.
“Any crazier that a city with a superhero?” Dean smirks, winking at Caitlin. The Winchester brothers still don’t know exactly who they’re talking to, or just how right they are.
“It’s a sigil. A Demon Trap. The second she walks into it, she won’t be able to leave it. Won’t hurt her,” Sam reassures them all. “You guys don’t exactly have a rug to cover up the drawing so we’ll have to get creative.” Sam looks around the room for solutions but Barry takes the drawing from Caitlin.
“I’ll take care of it. Won’t be a problem,” Barry shrugs.
“She’s going to be strong. And clever,” Dean warns him.
“Well I’m stronger than I look,” Barry replies. “Once she’s trapped, then what happens?”
“Exorcism,” the brothers say together.
Iris comes up with the idea to lure her in by ordering take out and having dinner at S.T.A.R. Labs and then going out for drinks later. It’s a routine gathering that shouldn’t seem suspicious. Y/N agrees to it over the phone without protest or suspicion. Before Y/N arrives, Barry mixes some of the water into her usual tumbler.
Sam and Dean leave the Cortex, choosing to take cover in one of the rooms off to the side.
When Y/N arrives, Iris and Harry are unloading the take out and distributing the orders.
“Hey Baby,” Y/N greets Barry. She kisses him and prolongs it with her hand clasped on the back of his neck. “I thought about you a lot today,” she whispers near his ear. It feels like her tongue darts out to tease his earlobe and Barry flinches.
“Sorry, it just tickled,” Barry half-smiled. “Here.” Barry offers her the water but she doesn’t drink it right away.
“You know what I’d love…? To take you home, finish off a bottle of tequila and a box of chocolates, and then fuck in the shower,” Y/N speaks under her breath and close to Barry so that no one else overhears. Barry’s cock betrays him by reacting but he pushes that arousal off.
“Babe, you know I can’t get drunk.” Well isn’t that a red flag, Barry thinks to himself. She knew better. She plays it off and just kisses him quickly before greeting everyone else. They’re all watching her...eyeballing the drink in her hand.
Everyone exchanges pleasantries and discuss their days. Y/N seems to be acting normal...although Barry can’t help checking her out. He loves how she’s dressed and there’s an air of confidence around her.
He’s starting to wonder if everyone has been wrong and Y/N has simply made some personal changes…
But then she takes a sip of her water…
“Ahhh! What the fuck!” Y/N lurches out of her chair, shooting the piece of furniture far behind her and across the room.
Everyone jumps out of their chair in alarm. Barry’s heart falls to the pit of his stomach, weighed heavily with guilt and devastation.
The smell of smoke is in the air and appears to be coming from Y/N’s mouth. She’s crouching and has spilled the water on the ground.
“Y/N? Are you okay?” Harry feigns ignorance as the person closest to her. Before looking up, she reaches out and touches a few drops of the water. The liquid sizzles on her skin. “Christo,” he dares to speak. As promised, she flinches.
“Oh...I think you know the answer to that.” Y/N’s gaze rises from the floor. Everyone takes a step back.
Her eyes are pitch black. She raises a hand.
Harry suddenly tenses, gasping as if his throat is constricted.
“Whoa! Hey! What are you doing?!” Cisco shouts. “She’s force-choking him! Like Darth Vader! Let him go!”
“Y/N, stop!” Barry steps in-between her and Harry and holds up his hands in defense. Her invisible chokehold doesn’t relent.
“Y/N’s not here at the moment,” she sneers, her voice overlapped by another. Cisco takes a step towards her. She waves her other hand and Cisco flies across the room; Caitlin cries out and runs to his aid. “Not another step!” Her voice is normal again.
With her eyes trained on Cisco, Barry seizes the moment. Lightning encircles Y/N, sweeps around her and under her. She stumbles and her hold on Harry is lost. When Barry is back at Harry’s side, Y/N is standing within a Devil’s Trap.
She looks around her and curses under her breath, shaking her head.
“What’s going on? What’s happened to you?” Iris asks, trying to control the situation.
“Bitch, you know exactly what happened.” She rolls her eyes and smirks at Iris. “Who told you? Fucking Winchesters, huh?” Rather than giving her the satisfaction, Barry sighs.
“I should’ve known something was wrong.”
“Yeah...Duh! You think little ol’ Y/N can rock your world in the sack like that? No. But I did you two a favor, huh?” Barry can’t maintain eye contact for a moment.
“What have you done with Y/N?” Caitlin asks, her voice quivering.
“She’s still in here. Her personality still shines through, doesn’t it? I know her every secret...granted there aren’t many...” Y/N shrugs. Sam and Dean enter the room. Barry notices that Dean is eyeing him warily. They’d seen him draw the trap. Y/N notices the exchange of looks. “Oops, secret’s out Barry. Now two more people know you’re the Flash. Way to go,” she snarks. Barry grimaces. He’s getting tired of the demon’s attitude and her dead black eyes.
“So which demon are we dealing with?” Dean asks. He brandishes a serrated knife with etchings in the blade.
“What are you doing with that?” Barry asks, panicking. Y/N struts to the very edge of the Demon Trap. She stops when Dean holds the blade to her throat.
“No!” Barry stands between them in half a second, pushing Dean backwards. The hunter looks both confused and frustrated at the interference.
Y/N peeks over Barry’s shoulder. “The Flash isn’t going to let you use that witchy demon knife on me. You’d kill us both,” she giggles. “I like to go by Roxanne nowadays,” Y/N trains her eyes on Dean and Sam. She’s flirting with them, even putting away the black eyes. “Are you a fan of my work?”
“You could say that,” Dean comments. “Crowley’s been looking for you too.”
“Oh? Are you his errand boys?” Dean’s smirk disappears. He gestures to Sam.
“Exorcizamus, te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanic potestas…”
“Oh fuck. Come on boys, there’s gotta be a way around this…” Barry can finally hear a hint of fear in her voice. He starts to back away from her. She tries to take a step forward but can’t leave the Devil’s Trap. “Y/N and I are really good together! Let us show you a good time,” she offers, starting to unbutton her blouse. She rolls her head from side to side though like she’s in pain and trying to fix a crick in her neck.
“Hurry up,” Barry whispers. Sam continues the exorcism, reciting from memory.
“Barry, you’re not going to let them do this to me, are you? We’ve had fun!” He voice shakes and her face twists with agony. “I...I love you!”
She starts to plead but when she gets no reaction from him, she grimaces.
“Fine,” she barks; her eyes are black again. “I’ll leave but I can’t make any promises about Y/N.” Barry freezes and his eyes go wide. “For all you know, she’s got some fatal wounds and I’m the only thing keeping her alive. You sure you wanna risk that Barry?”
“Barry, don’t listen to her. Demons lie to get what they want,” Dean cautions.
“Are you sure though? How can you be sure?” Barry asks as Y/N’s body starts to shake and fall to her knees. Her head falls back.
“Just have to trust us!” he shouts over Y/N’s screams.
“Ut ecclesiam tuam secus, tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos!” Sam finishes and a dark cloud of smoke expels from Y/N’s mouth. She crumbles to the floor just as the demon smoke spirals downward to the floor and disappears.
When Dean gives the all clear, Barry rushes into the Devil’s Trap to cradle Y/N’s limp form. She appears to be breathing. In the background, he hears Sam explain to Iris and Caitlin that the demon was sent back to Hell.
“Y/N? Y/N, baby, please...wake up...please answer me...open your eyes, sweetheart,” Barry pleads, brushing her hair away from her face. She doesn’t appear to be injured.
Caitlin is standing by, ready to check on her as well. Iris is beside Harry and Cisco, covering her mouth and holding back tears. Cisco’s hands are tangled in his hair and Harry is frozen like a statue, a bruise on his throat is already developing.
Barry wraps his arms around Y/N, holding her close and rocking her back and forth.
“Please, baby, it’s me, come back to me,” he whispers, tears falling from his eyes and landing on her cheeks.
She stirs suddenly, gasping for breath as if she’d been held under water.
“Barry? Barry?” she gasps. “Where is she? Where’s Roxanne? We can’t let her get away!” she speaks frantically. Barry grabs one of her hands to stop her flailing.
“I’m right here. Right here. We’re all here for you. And she’s gone. Roxanne is gone.”
“Roxy’s gone?” she repeats.
“Yes, she’s gone.”
The entire room breathes a sigh of relief.
Epilogue coming soon!
Ask Box
Tagging: @faithtrustandpixiedust95​ @thinkwritexpress-official​ @autoblocked​ @talesoftheimpala​ @book-loving--anime-chick​ @overlyobsethed​ @abbessolute​ @bookworm4ever99​ @whoopxd​ @geeksareunique​ @therealcap​ @potterwolf16​ @ravenhaviland​ @maia11lucero​ @nochillscientist​ @fastmanallen​ @mrsbarry-allen-1031​ @gryffindorable713​ @team-barry​ @shadowpriestess6​ @none-of-this-makes-any-sense​ ​ @beautiful-and-strange​ @gracehappyfeet​ @havingfunenjoyinglife​ @beautifulfound​ @super-slick-fanfic-chick​ @explosive-cabbage​ @new-york3​ @voidmendes-24​ @deanskitten​ @odr-dc​
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mya-rt · 7 years
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*I decided to merge all the asks in my inbox and all the replies in this post. Sorry for the inconvenience. Please let me know if i made any mistakes with english!*
@melisa-kirkland said: Wait I totally don’t remember if I had said this to you before but you are the best, the most adorable, lovable, talented and greatest person I’ve ever seen on earth, and I love you so much.
You’re so sweet mel-chan omg !!! I’m tearing up... You’re the best and super adorable too. The Normanray art you drew for me is so beautiful, i will cherrish it forever.
@melisa-kirkland said: The new chapter is leaving me sobbing for the cliffhanger @melisa-kirkland said: The moment I finish this chapter: “Fuck” 
I feel you. Mel-chan is me after any tpn chapter. So relatable.
Anonymous said: Can I use your drawing of Emma (for her b-day) in my aesthetic? Thanksss!
It isn’t a drawing for her birthday but for the author of the manga! Since it’s a drawing for posuka demizu so please refrain from using it!! I’m sorry. Thank you for asking first.
@astolfoh said: Yoooo, Rie!! May I just... sob here in your ask box since finally our local boy Norman appeared?? I really missed him so much ;;. What relation do you think Adam has with him? May I join the send Peter Ratri to the shadow realm squad? . There's just been so much happening lately that I can't help but scream, omg. Hope you're doing well! ♡
Of course! ((Anyone is always welcome to sob over tpn hell in my askbox hehe-)) I’m SO GLAD NORMAN IS ALIVE. He was obviously one of my favorite characters and I missed him more than a lot! I think it’s possible that Adam was one of the guinea pigs for the lambda project, and managed to escape somehow. Everyone is invited to send the rat Peter Ratri to the shadow realm (I swear if he dares to lay his filthy hands on norman I will take care of him personally) (also anti daddy kink... smh) I hope you’re doing well too Mei!! I love you~ It’s always my pleasure to get asks from you.
Anonymous said: I really like your lining brush plus, of course, your art!! Can you please share it if it’s okay?? If not that’s cool too!! 💗
Thank you very much buddy!! I’m totally fine with sharing it but please take into account I recently changed laptop and so i just set it like this for the time being from memory. I used this brush for these drawings: 1 2 3 4. That’s not my actual lining brush but something close, and if you were asking for the brush settings of my previous drawings.... i have no idea sorry! By the way I color with the regular pen if you’re wondering.
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@tododorkies said: Happy Valentine’s Day! Send this to anyone you’d like to send love to today ❤️ 💕 💗 (P.S. this is Bee)
Happy Belated Valentine’s Day!! I love you Bee (Bee and I are married by Oni laws) (Shoutout to @sleepy-cyclops because Bee’s side blog is cool, go follow for good tpn content!)
@g-ran said: 001 TPN & 002 Cairn/Phos & 003 Haj
001 I Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: Ray ? Norman ? I don’t know anymore...
Least favorite character: RAT jk I love everyone
5 favorite ships: raynorman - normanray / emmanorman - normanemma / gildaemma / natanna / rayanna
Character I find the most attractive: I don’t think attractive is very appropriate but Dominic design wise ? (White hair, dark skin and red eyes... he will grow into a fine man... I can feel it)
Character I would marry: JAMES RATRI (It was. Love at first sight...)
Character I would be best friend with: Emma !! She is so cute and cheerful she would always brighten my mood.
A random thought: “ray is fine this way”
An unpopular opinion: Norman actually hides a frightening dark side behind his cute facade (I always call him my pure son yet he was damn serious about murdering krone...)
My canon OTP: normanemma
My Non-canon OTP: normanray
Most badass character: Bunkerdude
Most Epic Villain: Isabella. Mama is the best.
Pairing I am not a fan of: I’m pretty much ok with anything unless it’s incest etc...
Character I feel the writers screwed up: Conny because she deserved to live!!! My sweet daughter!!!
Favorite friendship: Ray and Emma... friendship goals.
Character i most identify with: Gilda. I feel like we have a lot in common.
Character I wish i could be: none. But I would love to be as brave as Emma, as clever as Norman, and as witty as Ray
002 I Send me a ship and I will tell you:
When i started shipping it: as soon as Cairngorm punched Phos
My thoughts: “YOOUUU AAAARE NOOOOOT DREAMIIIING” “What’s up with this crap!?” (Their relationship is all over the place... I love this.)
What makes me happy about them: How they manage to get along despite everything that happened
What makes me sad about them: Everything. This ship is so sad and hurts me so much... ((I love it?)) ((I’m so maso))
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: I don’t read fanfics
Things I look for in fanfics: Pain ? Probably.
Who i’d be comfortable them ending up with if not each other: Phos with Cinnabar (although i find them annoying tbh) (I’d have said antarc if he wasn’t dead...) and Cairngorm... nobody (He only loved Lapis or Ghost and since both are dead...)
My happily ever after for them: I don’t think this will end up well tbh
003 I Give me a character and I will tell you
How i feel about this character: I LOVE YOU HAJIME MY #1
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Tori Himemiya, Eichi Tenshouin and Ritsu Sakuma
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: With the ra*bits members
My unpopular opinion about this character: he can. actually top...
One thing I wish had happened with this character in canon: Happy Elements could have given me Hajime in an Alice in Wonderland dress. but. They didn’t. We could have had it all...
Favorite friendship for this character: With Tomoya... aww...
My crossover ship: hajiruby. (Ruby Kurosawa from love live! lol i feel like they could get along well!!)
@tododorkies said: 003 Ray ;^)
003 I Give me a character and I will tell you
How i feel about this character: MY PRECIOUS EMO SON
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Norman COUGHS OUT BLOOD AS IF IT WASNT OBVIOUS ENOUGH and Anna!
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: raychristy is the best and heals my soul
My unpopular opinion about this character: His long bangs doesn’t make him cool, it’s ridiculous imo (Yet I love it)
One thing I wish had happened with this character in canon: Show him crying (I want to see ray crying so badly... I’m sure he must have cried a lot younger, since he often tend to keep things for himself and must have suffered a lot in the past)
Favorite friendship for this character: Emma!!! They have the best friendship... or Don.
My crossover ship: Ray x sleep is an otp. Give me the good content...
@lightningflash55 said: 001 Kiznaiver / 003 Ryuko Matoi / 003 Your fave tpn demon :3
001 I Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: HONOKA MAKI I love this girl
Least favorite character: Kazunao Yamada...
5 favorite ships: honoruru / hononico / katsuchido / katsunori
Character I find the most attractive: Honoka Maki is my goddess
Character I would marry: Honoka Maki... (Makichan all the way)
Character I would be best friend with: Nico ! She is so cute and seems funny to talk to.
A random thought: Maki doesn’t like whipped cream.
An unpopular opinion: Maki is a lesbian,,, 
My canon OTP: honoruru
My Non-canon OTP: hononico
Most badass character: Honoka Maki
Most Epic Villain: Was Sonozaki really a vilain?
Pairing I am not a fan of: honoyuta
Character I feel the writers screwed up: None?? I liked how all the characters were written tbh
Favorite friendship: All the friendships... since this anime is about strong bonds!
Character i most identify with: Chidori Takashiro?? Maybe.
Character I wish i could be: none.
003 I Give me a character and I will tell you
How i feel about this character: RYUKO MATOI IS MY QUEEN
All the people I ship romantically with this character: I only like ryumako
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: ryuko and senketsu
My unpopular opinion about this character: All the ryuko outfits are great. All of them.
One thing I wish had happened with this character in canon: I want to see how she is doing after all the events that happened sobs
Favorite friendship for this character: With everyone. Ryuko has so many nice friends
My crossover ship: I can’t think of any...
003 I Give me a character and I will tell you
How i feel about this character: You only appeared three times yet I love you
All the people I ship romantically with this character: None
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Norman as a joke because I thought he held him captive while norman disappeared
My unpopular opinion about this character: His hands are very cool
One thing I wish had happened with this character in canon: See him again?
Favorite friendship for this character: With his other demon friends
My crossover ship: with swirly boy??? lol...
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entergamingxp · 4 years
Someone should make a game about: Muscle Men • Eurogamer.net
Does anyone here remember Muscle Men? Not actual muscle men, they’re still a thing, but those little pink rubber figures from the 80s that were about two inches tall. Remember them? I can still smell them, that rubbery waft, and I can still almost feel them, that slight give in an otherwise solid rubber skin.
I distinctly remember the moment they turned up in my life. I was in my pyjamas at the top of the stairs, watching people come into the house for a party. I had to go to bed and was throwing a bit of a wobbler about it. I was a child just in case that isn’t clear. I might still be in my pyjamas now but I can go to bed when I like!
Anyway, one of the people coming into the house doesn’t disappear below but comes upstairs bearing gifts. I honestly can’t remember who they were but I remember what they brought: a strange tiny dustbin with see-through sides containing a load of little rubber men. Muscle Men, the label says.
A tub just like that! Image credit: Muscle World.
Me and my brother both get one – he’s upstairs tantruming with me – and suddenly we’re all smiles. We thank the guest, the best guest my parents ever invited over, and run into the bedroom to fight over what we got. What are these things?! We tip them on the floor to see and they’re incredible. They look like wrestlers. They’ve got big bulging chests and biceps like loaves of bread, and some have helmets and outlandish costumes on. But they get way weirder than that. Some have six arms! One has got what looks like a pasta machine for a stomach, and another another is just a big hand. Hey everybody, give him a big hand! Sorry it’s just that I wasn’t this razor-sharp when I was a kid so I’m enjoying myself now.
But as engrossing as these Muscle Men are to look at, they don’t actually do anything. Their arms don’t move, their legs don’t move, they aren’t “articulated” as they say in toy collecting circles, and they’re all one homogeneous colour you can’t paint. They’re just there, lying on my threadbare carpet because it’s too hard to stand them up.
I went on to use mine as the rank and file of my toy armies. I’d take over the whole bedroom, brother be damned, scatter a few obstacles around and then divvy up my teams. A few Thundercats here (we had a great red-robed Mumm-ra), a few wrestlers there (the bullet-proof 80s kind you could spin so hard they would hurt, say, your brother) and then handfuls of Muscle Men to fill in the gaps.
I love how creepy the guy on the right looks. Image credit: unknown I’m afraid.
But they weren’t cannon fodder, the Muscle Men, I was really fond of some of them. Obviously I’d sacrifice a few to get the scene going, give the bigger toys a bit of an entrance, you know, but I’d hold my favourite Muscle Men back as a kind of cautionary tale for the over confident Lion-Os of the world. Think you’re going to chop them down like grass do you Lion-O? Guess again. Now they’re all over you like ants. “Hooo!” your way out of that.
Come to think of it, Muscle Men were my toy soldiers, the underestimated force that worked together as a team. Only, Muscle Men were way cooler, and to be honest, I’d completely forgotten about them until today. I have no idea why they popped into my head but being the rigorous journalist I am, I decided to find out more.
It turns out Muscle Men came from Japan. The story begins with a manga comic called Kinnikuman, first published in 1978. It told the tongue-in-cheek story of a bumbling superhero called Suguru Kinniku, who one day discovered he was the long lost prince of a planet called Kinniku – planet Muscle to me and you. This planet was where all the greatest superheroes in the universe came from and in order to prove he was worthy of the throne, Kinniku would have to wrestle them. He would have to beat characters like Ramenman, Buffalo Man, and Terry Bull. They were hardly a serious bunch.
Unsurprisingly, with a premise like that, the comic took off and in 1983 became a cartoon for TV. This is an important moment because it’s at this point merchandise arrived: Muscle Men. They were known as Kinkeshi (a mash-up of the words Kinniku and Keshigomu, which translates to “rubber eraser”) and were apparently sold in gumball machines around the country. Everything must have gone very well because more than 130 episodes of Kinnikuman aired before the show ended in 1986.
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This video is fab.
It’s here that the Western story of Muscle Men begins. US toy company Mattel was running dry on ideas and looking for something to follow the fading He-Man line, so it looked to Japan and saw Kinnikuman. It was a perfect fit. Except, oh, that cartoon is a bit violent, parents won’t like that, and actually, while we’re at it, can we really be bothered to translate all those comics? No, so Mattel bins them both off and decides to come up with its own idea instead. M.U.S.C.L.E. is born.
It stands for Millions of Unusually Small Creatures Lurking Everywhere, and the advertising campaign played on exactly that: the United States invaded by millions of bizarre little toys, and now it desperately needs the help of kids all over to round them up. Or in other word, buy and collect them. Just to make sure you’ve understood that: the marketing campaign for Muscle Men, in 1986, was for kids to collect them all. This was 10 years before Pokemon.
There were around 235 Muscle Men and you could buy them in either little boxes, big boxes or – as me and my brother found out – small bin-like plastic tubs. Evidently they caught on because Mattel expanded the range with a tiny wrestling ring, a tacky-looking wrestling belt and an awful-looking NES video game (it didn’t even have the homogeneous pink colour). But what it couldn’t do was create more Muscle Men designs because it didn’t own the rights, Bandai did (and I believe still does). Mattel tried to relaunch the same Muscle Men designs in different colours but collectors lost interest. The fad faded and in 1988 was done.
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Goodness me.
But Muscle Men or Keshi, to be more specific, are not completely dead. A company called Super7 still makes them, albeit not with the official Muscle Men licence though they look identical. Super7 also does pop culture crossovers with brands like Transformers, Toxic Crusaders (remember them?!) and I don’t know why but Pee-Wee’s Playhouse.
There are also plenty of places on Etsy and beyond where you can buy the original Muscle Men figures if you want to collect them. They’re a bit pricey, though, at a few pounds a pop. I remember buying fists full of the things at the local market for the same kind of money. Mind you, I particularly like a poster someone made of hundreds of Muscle Men all bundled together.
Funny how slices of childhood rear their faces some days, isn’t it? My memory of Muscle Men is really strong, even now, and my brother knew instantly what they were when I sent him a picture out of the blue. I spent hours playing with those toys, dreaming up little stories for them while they overpowered Hulk Hogan for the umpteenth time, giving them identities I didn’t think they had. Then today I discovered they already had them, had stories, had identities, had a whole universe of lore Mattel simply hadn’t bothered to bring West, and it sounds sillier and more entertaining than I ever would have imagined. And now I want to go there and experience it all. Don’t you?
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/08/someone-should-make-a-game-about-muscle-men-%e2%80%a2-eurogamer-net/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=someone-should-make-a-game-about-muscle-men-%25e2%2580%25a2-eurogamer-net
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