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I was allowed to dress up for Halloween at work...
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Can’t believe I never posted this. This was requested by someone on Amino and also the last request I took. (I got sick of ungrateful people) . They wanted me to turn him into a ranger. Quite proud of it in the end at least.
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trying to sum up Gilan’s personality, skill, and appearence so you can write him:
-brown hair? idk it never comes up but all the dudes seem to have brown hair
-likes Jenny for reasons that are never specified
-saved her from that attack that one time
-he made a very complicated plan that confused everyone involved
-gave Will some advice once
-supposedly he’s cocky but that never affects anything ever
-Crowley thought he was a good leader and made him Commandment
-people thought he was qualifies because he was trained by Halt, don’t know how that differs from the training everyone else got
-wait do the snark or the pranking thing have canonitical basis or did we just make that up
-fuck it the fandom says he a chaotic gay so that’s what i’m going with
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commission for @when-there-is-a-will of the softest rangers apprentice pic I’ve ever done,,,,
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Have I ever mentioned that my all-time favorite book series is The Ranger’s Apprentice? Because it is. I love it so much. So here’s a drawing of halt, or at least, how I’ve always vaguely imagined him.
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horace: who would win in a battle between will and halt?
alyss: i can’t answer that, will is my husband.
horace: so, halt?
alyss: yeah.
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I just wanna read 1 fic where Horace and Halt find Will and Evelyn while Will is still under the effects of warm weed is that too much to ask
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Can’t believe I’m still alive? Me neither. Thanks ^^
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I only have @therangerdonut @andrstante whichever blog you prefer <3
Tag Game
go to this website and design yourself https://picrew.me/image_maker/9889 and then tag 4 people 
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@the-erikalypse @ethan-loves-you @sugarnitwitch @fanbun (Only if u want too ) 
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Don't change yourself! If you like how Will is then keep him that way, I don't want you to change for anyone, especially a hate comment!
Thank you. I tried different ways to change him, but I can’t. None of them turned out satisfactory, and I love this Will. So I guess I’ll keep him the way he is and colour from now on? Or something. It wasn’t so much as hate, but like, a comment. But thank you a lot. 🖤
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🏳️‍🌈: draw a character with pride flags for their sexual and/or gender orientation (either cannon or headcannon) for Halt requested by @awesome-taco148 I’m sorry this took FOREVER. I couldn’t think what he’d be so, neither does he. Confused just as I. Anyways Thank you! 
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Aww! Thank you so much! As I am still heavily in the learning stage of colouring, this motivates me greatly.
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Elf Will 
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Old doodles I had forgotten and found when I first started using Sai. It has Evanlyn and Alyss so I thought, eh, why not. 
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Oh, and feel free to add any more. Fiction keeps me distracted from life. It’s the best.
Don’t worry, I see the requests. I just needed inspiration. (Apologies, I am slow, but I love every supporter) Thank you
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Don’t worry, I see the requests. I just needed inspiration. (Apologies, I am slow, but I love every supporter) Thank you
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Deku Will I’ve been obsessing over My Hero Academia lately. 
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BNHA questions: 7, Red, Jazz, 18, Metal & Pear? :o
7: Aside from Midoriya, which character in the series do you think has had the most character development? Oh man. That’s hard- Bakugou for sure. In the manga at least, you definitely see it clearly. I’ll try not to spoil it too much, but really, all you’ve seen is anger and rage from Bakugou. But as time progresses, you also see him use less rage: Regret, guilt, seeking out punishment for his actions, helping Midoriya with his techniques, apologizing to someone, avoiding hurting Kaminari and Kirishima. Heck, even when the whole class was down, he repaid Kirishima for his troubles AND made everyone laugh! Now that was one of my favourite Bakugou moments All that is definitely a big development for someone like Bakugou. (okay this wasn’t as hard as I thought)Red: What do you like the most about your favorite ship? … I’ll try to keep this short…er than the last answer. - Midoriya, despite wanting to win, encouraged Todoroki to use his fire. Not to make him angry and lose control or get to him, but because he believes that Todoroki could become a better, inspiring hero if he used his full power. - The whole “It’s your quirk, not his!” scene. - When Midoriya was in trouble and sent his location to the entire class, and only Todoroki went there immediately. - Todoroki knowing that Midoriya wouldn’t just send his location and nothing else if he wasn’t in trouble.- And one of my favourites: Todoroki telling Midoriya that it is okay for him, a hero, to cry. And then proceeding to offer Midoriya some of his food. To sum it up, I love how supportive they are to each other after Midoriya had saved Todoroki from himself.Jazz: What do you think will happen now that Eri has been saved? That’s a spoiler. And all of my thoughts on what might happen is also a big spoiler. All I can say is that I don’t think things will be easy with her. There’s bound to be trouble and hard times. But here’s hoping that I am wrong. 18: Any HCs for the entirety of Class 1-A? Not sure. I want to say something like:- Every body hates Mineta (it’s more of a wish), but Kaminari, Shouji and Midoriya seem to hang around him/tolerate him. - They support each other 100%, but that’s just a fact. Even Bakugou supports and helps. - Maybe a simple: They have movie nights in the common room when they need a wind down. -They all love Bakugou’s cooking and Satou’s baking (though that’s probably a fact too)- They like making shopping and chores a competition. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  oddly the hardest one to answer xDMetal: Which villain’s quirk would you want for yourself?  I like Twice’s quirk because he can make clones of himself or of others. That would so be fun for pranking. Stain would probably be my second choice. There are so many down sides to the villain’s quirks. Pear: What was your reaction to Todoroki’s backstory?  You know how I love my tragic backstories. 
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