#Sorry for any inconvenience this is causing
xxlordalexanderxx · 8 months
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So, while I've recovered mostly and just dealing with a cough and gunk I'm really hankering to write. I got muse and all but the weather over here is getting ready to get real shitty. And knowing how suckfuck the powerlines here are, my net will get taken out and possibly my lights.
Should that happen expect another day or couple days of little to no activity. I will in the mean time work on owed replies and simply hold onto them until I can properly post and queue them up for later.
Also, if I'm entirely honest, I've been dealing with some personal stuff in the background that have kinda fucked me up for the time being. I want to write and draw but I also just want to lay down and stare at the ceiling for a while so I don't mind that minor hold up. I will, for a short time, be marking this blog down to moderate activity until the weather fully stabilizes and I can properly recompose myself enough to fully be here. Until then, be back later. Again.
Additional weather info below.
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@mitathemita i saw your guy and he looked cool so I doodled him a lil bit if that's okay? His design is real neat, hope I did em justice! (lemme know if you want me to take this down, I didn't know if you were okay with fanart so feel free to ignore or ask for removal!)
(also he gives off squeaky toy vibes so my sincerest apologies-)
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erdariel · 17 days
is it really too much asked to have a life I could be happy to live? a life that felt like I had a future worth waiting to see? a life that doesn't include me lying on the bed in the dark with shame and worry and sadness and self-hatred wrapping cold around my guts when i can't yet sleep but am too restless to concentrate on anything i could do to distract nyself?
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worlds-4th-best-dad · 8 months
oh my god the 45 NOTIFICATIONS SCARED ME SO BAD HELP M i thought something happened LMAO
Hehe, sorry about that. Just reblogging and liking the stuff on your blog. 😅
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spoonybird · 8 months
Hello! I just discovered your repeating patterns. Is there a reason why there's more of them on etsy than on ko-fi?
No, none at all, I restructered both shops recently and just haven't gotten around to uploading them all on ko-fi yet. I should get to it in the following days and upload the ones that are missing😅
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elizabro · 10 months
people are so spineless about protests. bro it's a peaceful rally that inconveniences you slightly. people with all these attitudes like "what's it gonna do? go do it somewhere it matters..." and "now everyone just thinks you're assholes" "you just want attention" "you're just virtue signalling" holy shit. there is not One Big Protest you go to and then the war stops and everyone goes home. have you read about a single social movement in your entire life? where the fuck are we supposed to protest. white house steps only? we gotta fly out there? use our inside voices? hide from the tourists? sanctioned protest hour? get fucking REAL
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hearthtales · 10 months
added a tiny detail to my rules (italicized here):
Most of these muses do not have icons, so thread/inbox replies will likely be iconless. You are still welcome to use icons if you want! Please do not use moving/gif images in our threads, however. I have visual issues that make these hard on the eyes for me! Motionless icons are totally okay.
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kuhatoarchive · 2 years
i was trying to convince myself i could bear the years-old clutter buuuut i’m gonna move blogs!
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taiyami · 2 years
I'm going on hiatus, I will put some things in my queue but I will not be around to answer asks for at least a few days. Be good to each other.
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morkify · 2 years
WHOOPS just realized that by tagging things as “my art” and “not my art” I have created a Conundrum™️
since “not my art” has “my art” IN IT, when I look up “my art”, it shows me stuff that is also. Not my art. ;-;
SO. New tag will be hired. #ark art
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key-lime-soda · 2 years
alright guys, I'm gonna do a little experiment. I'm going to change my URL for this blog for 1 or 2 days, and see if that fixes my issue. if I change it back and the issue is still there then I might just permanently change it
i haven't come up with a new url yet so I'll let u guys know later
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milf-harrington · 2 years
Did you take down all your fics from your snoozles acc?
ah, no, i've just locked all my fics (as a precaution), so they're now only accessible with an ao3 account
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aftermathing · 4 months
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apple-os · 6 months
okay gamers ive made the decision to go adults only
the content of this blog will likely only change SLIGHTLY, solely because i wanna touch on more mature topics than i already do, so like
minors begone from this point onwards
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khezuonhead · 9 months
man you'd think if your (massive chain store) website is showing a product for 30% off but then that fails to show in the cart and a customer sends you an email you'd give it to them for the price showing lmao
i guess i'm too used to my own (different retail) store's policies where if there's a cheaper price on the shelf we have to honour it and if they paid full price and come back they get it for free
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crowcryptid · 9 months
The people I spend 8 hours a day trapped in a tiny room with are both sick and of course neither wears a mask
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