#Something that is normal to want :) And possible to achieve :)
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whetstonefires · 2 days ago
........i mean, earnestly explaining something about yourself that you've thought out at length is completely different from 'catching the tone of conversation.' those are very different skills. they do not suggest one another.
he absolutely is bad at those things he mentions. that doesn't mean he can't do better.
it would in fact be the most realistic and normal version of this if he's bad at performing socially, and would never have been capable of being especially good at it, and would (whilst not enjoying himself at all) look and feel stupid if he were to try to achieve a high standard of charm and smalltalk and so forth the way Elizabeth does, which his pride could not abide.
and thus, having been brought up to see himself as better than most people and having this regularly reinforced by both actually being an intelligent and principled person and receiving constant deference due to his station, Darcy gave himself license to look down on people, and not bother to perform cordiality, and say rude things behind people's backs when they're close enough to overhear. (although he didn't actually mean to be overheard, he just wasn't being careful, which is as his cousin said the problem.)
he fit this not-making-the-effort into his worldview as appropriate on the basis of his being right, and superior, and social skills being frivolous anyway, and he could get away with it because he didn't care what Those People thought and he was higher status than them, so they couldn't do anything to him he cared about.
which latter especially he knows is an asshole attitude once elizabeth makes him confront his behavior and thus his own thought process.
(there is in fact a large overlap here with Mr. Bennet's character flaws, some of which he passed down to Elizabeth; that habit of being so pleased with your own intellectual superiority that being unkind becomes pleasurable, because it feeds your pride, leans more on wittiness and Jokes in the Bennet case but it's still present. Mr. Bennet unlike Mr. Darcy is not ever going to self-reflect and work on himself.)
the fact that Darcy is, in fact, shit at social stuff and does not have the knack or intuition for it and will never gain them is a motive for the character, a principled person with Standards, to have chosen to take advantage of his position to be a dick.
it's deliberately a sympathetic motive that doesn't actually validate the behavior, which a person can plausibly work past and through relatively straightforwardly, once given a reason to want to, but which won't magically go away forever.
this is a very finely calibrated piece of characterization, actually, because if you swing too far to either side it either becomes implausible that the asshole love interest will actually improve longterm, or implausible that the reason given was actually able to motivate the dickishness, if it can also be resolved so easily.
it is absolutely possible for these things to coexist. why would they disprove one another. that's a false dichotomy that devalues the text.
It bothers me so much that people latch onto this quote from Darcy but ignore the context around it:
“Shall we ask your cousin the reason of this?” said Elizabeth, still addressing Colonel Fitzwilliam. “Shall we ask him why a man of sense and education, and who has lived in the world, is ill-qualified to recommend himself to strangers?” “I can answer your question,” said Fitzwilliam, “without applying to him. It is because he will not give himself the trouble.” “I certainly have not the talent which some people possess,” said Darcy, “of conversing easily with those I have never seen before. I cannot catch their tone of conversation, or appear interested in their concerns, as I often see done.”
This is the big proof that Darcy is shy/socially awkward/whatever. But there are two answers right there! Colonel Fitzwilliam has an explanation that makes Darcy look far worse: he is rude because he doesn't care to be polite.
Darcy likes Elizabeth, and while I'm sure he didn't outright lie because he's a radical truther, he definitely did not tell the whole truth! Because the girl he likes just called his behaviour "very dreadful" and he needs to make himself look better. And then we know what he says later when he feels actual remorse for his prior behaviour (which he does not feel at Rosings):
I was... allowed, encouraged, almost taught me to be selfish and overbearing, to care for none beyond my own family circle, to think meanly of all the rest of the world, to wish at least to think meanly of their sense and worth compared with my own.
Where is his problem with conversing now? It's nowhere, because that was never the real problem. I am sure that Darcy does not converse easily with others, because I don't think he lied, but that is not why he was an unsociable asshole at the Meryton Assembly. It's because he did not think the unwashed masses of Hertfordshire were worth him putting in the effort.
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womanfredvonkarma · 1 day ago
"This sounds like something my mutual would tag with their Character," I think as I reblog a post. Great validation when my mutual reblogs the post and tags it with their Character.
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syndrossi · 3 days ago
It's parent-teacher conferences for me right now, and it's making me want to hear what the maesters have to say about Jon and Rhaegar so much, hahahaha.
Oh goodness, what a fun idea! (Imagine having to deal with Daemon as the parent at one of your parent-teacher conferences! I mean, Jon and Rhaegar are very gifted students who are generally well-behaved, so I guess that helps.)
That inspired a short ficlet of Daemon's own parent-maester conference... (with obvious third wheel Viserys).
Now that his sons had been with the royal tutors for a full moon, the time had apparently come for the tutors to share their impressions. Daemon had found himself summoned to the library shortly after the boys' lessons, and despite Laenor assuring him earlier that such meetings were perfectly normal, it was with heightened nerves that he entered the room.
Only for those nerves to immediately swing toward irritation upon spying his brother also in attendance. Viserys, mid-discussion with the tutors, turned toward him with a smile full of cheer. "Daemon! Maester Tellis was just telling me about a delightful lesson aid that Jon suggested last week—"
"Why are you here?" Daemon asked, remaining steadfast even as his brother's face fell slightly. "I assume the tutors report to you separately for your own sons."
Viserys gave a dismissive wave of the hand. "Alicent attends those reports and relays them to me, and what she misses, Otto inevitably voices later. I merely—" He hesitated. "I was merely curious to learn how my nephews are settling into their lessons."
"Most impressively," one of the white-haired maesters said, nodding vigorously. "They are both attentive and bright. Your diligence is to be commended, Prince Daemon. It is evident that you dedicate time to their studies."
Daemon, whose time with his sons was spent more often in dragon talk or reading from children's stories or whatever book on dragon lore Rhaegar had dug up from the depths of the Red Keep, stared at the man, taken aback.
Should he be spending more time with them on scholarly pursuits? Clearly not, if they were excelling on their own. "They are naturally gifted," Daemon said finally. "There is very little that they need from me."
His heart panged as he spoke those last words, for there was a truth to them that still had the power to wound him. Although his sons very clearly needed his love, sometimes it felt he had so little else to offer them. Not even safety within these halls—the one thing a father should be able to provide his children.
"That is how I feel!" the maester exclaimed with great cheer. "It is truly a delight to teach them."
That unleashed a flood of accolades for his sons that lasted long enough for even Daemon to tire of it eventually, especially the praise that lacked any substance. Only one maester, a grey-haired and bearded man who was less wizened than the others, seemed to speak with any true consideration, rather than glance every other word at Viserys to watch the king's reaction and adjust accordingly.
This is his meeting, not mine. Yet again, Daemon struggled to master the bitterness and suspicion that simmered within him. From the beginning, Viserys had made his interest in his nephews plain, and had he trusted his brother, Daemon might have found such an interest heartwarming—a reminder of how their own uncle had reveled in their achievements. Instead, he was left wondering if something sinister lay behind it.
"It was Prince Jon's suggestion," the grey-haired maester, Stenos, was saying, "and I must say, it seems to make the lessons palatable for Prince Aegon. We have been using coins to represent resources on the map, since marbles move too much. Dragons, of course, are dragons, but those are of limited relevance past the Usurper's reign."
Daemon had not thought it possible for Viserys to grow any more excited, and for a moment, the resentment within him ebbed and he saw his brother as he had been decades ago. "I shall speak to the mason who designs my models," Viserys declared. "It should be but a trifle to design tokens for their lessons."
“They—enjoy their lessons, then?” Daemon asked. The content of the boys’ lessons occasionally found its way into suppertime discussion, but not enough for him to know if they were generally happy with their tutors, Jon’s Valyrian tutor aside.
A chorus of nodding and vigorous assurances followed, but it was Maester Stenos that Daemon was watching. The maester’s brow wrinkled faintly, his mouth pursing in thought.
“Maester Stenos?” Daemon prompted, ignoring the twittering of the other maesters.
“They seem to enjoy more tangible applications of what we learn. Visiting the granaries to discuss how grain is stockpiled for winter, for example. And both are quite lively in their discussions after hearing petitioners to the Crown submit to the king’s judgment.”
Viserys’s lip twitched. “Do they agree with my decisions?”
“A fair number of them, Your Grace,” Maester Stenos said, face blanking.
“You suggest more of these kinds of lessons, then?” Daemon said, lest his brother press the man on the matter. He already knew that his sons were opinionated and not shy about disagreeing with the king.
“I thought that perhaps they might attend a few small council sessions—as cupbearers, of course—to see how the realm is administered in the very room where those decisions are made.”
Viserys did not even hesitate. “A splendid suggestion! That role has fallen to a few odd pages, but no royal child since my daughter has attended as cupbearer. Such an appointment is long overdue.”
Daemon did not know whether to be offended that his brother was so quick to appoint his sons to the small council and yet remained reluctant to award him an office therein. But the prospect of seeing them more, especially during the oft-long and boring council meetings, warmed him. They are the one thing in the world that could possibly make Otto Hightower’s odious presence palatable.
“Would Your Grace like a rotation of the princes? With Princes Aegon and Aemond as well?”
Viserys’s excitement visibly dimmed. “Do you judge that they would similarly benefit?”
This time, the maesters did not all rush to agree, though a few voiced weak enthusiasm. One braver soul ventured, “I fear that the young princes have found the throne room visits tedious and boring. Prince Aemond, perhaps, but—”
“Very well,” Viserys said, cutting him off with a wave of his hand. “I shall announce that the honor of cupbearer is to be bestowed upon my nephews.”
Being expected to attend an additional hour or so of old men arguing in addition to morning lessons did not strike Daemon as much of a reward for scholastic excellence. “Perhaps they can be dismissed from morning lessons on days when there are small council meetings?”
He had been struggling to find a good time to teach them anything himself, and with their hatchlings growing, there was much still to learn about being a dragonrider. And Jon was only a few weeks from being allowed to resume arms training.
His suggestion was met with a lukewarm response, but the maesters did fall into line under his glare when Viserys gave a faint nod of his own. That seemed to conclude the report, at which point Viserys waylaid two maesters to show him the space that had been used for the tokens so that he might assess what would be needed from the stonemason.
Daemon slipped away from that conversation, lest he be drawn in, and returned to the now-empty library. He had taken his own lessons there as a child, and he could remember well the boredom he had felt, the overpowering longing to be outside or preferring to be in the yard. On occasion, his uncle Aemon would attend and teach a lesson for the day, and those had always been far more interesting to him.
As with his sons’ preferred ventures, those had also often led to leaving the library for a different location: the throne room, the stables, the city watch barracks—and his favorite, trips to the Dragonpit.
The thought of doing such for his own children was appealing—even if it meant having to endure the company of his nephews.
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cath-lic · 21 hours ago
“feeling guilty won’t make you a better person”
no, you see, if i earn enough Guilty Points, i can get my Good Person License, something that is normal to want and possible to achieve
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zolass · 1 day ago
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Detectives Attraction Ch. 06 Top Male Reader x Male Yandere Harem
Didn't know what to do with the chapter- but another one down and some sprinkled past trauma- yes M/N is 28 all characters are late twenties or early thirties.
Also I took yesterday a day off of writing from almost two weeks going strong with writing- and thanks for 500 followers <3 I don't know if I should make a special thing but first I'll probably redo my request page TvT
cw: Mention of past trauma, murder, usage of drugs followed by overdose. 1.4k words.
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“The guy mentioned the Serpents, that he was loyal to them–” M/n felt how the honey brown eyes of his partner seemed to burn a hole into the side of his face, most probably in shock, “What? The Serpents have something to do with the break ins in your apartment? That seems– dangerous…” Elias eyebrows furrowed, as he looked back at the road from the passenger seat, leaning back into the sun warmed leather. 
M/n only let out a grunt, “They’re not fond of the idea of me getting closer to their shady business– even if I’m most definitely sure they would get away scott free with this shitty system we have,” Both of them knew it was true, “If they suddenly say I resigned to a different station– don’t believe it, I’ll mostly be gutted like a fish in same shady underground warehouse–” Elias pulled a face of disgust, “But I’ll advise you to then lay low– I know you’re a good man– a little naive that you think that you simply can change this place without doing any harm…” M/n continued, before he stopped in front of the building of Alicia Wallace.
“But in this world– it’s not possible to achieve good without doing bad,” M/n mumbled before he got out of the car. Elias sat in the passenger seat for a little longer– the words of his partner echoing inside his head, making him unable to not glance at the man that just got out. Following suit, Elias rounded the car after getting out and closing the door, “Does that mean you’ve–” Elias didn’t continue his words, as if they were suddenly stuck in his throat, but M/n knew what he wanted to know.
“Yes I have– a few times… obviously not against any of these people we’re trying to protect– the ones that only have people outside of the corruption of these groups,” “But what if they were forced?” Elias mumbled, honey brown eyes laced with concern. “That thought crossed me once too– but if you were forced… you wouldn’t take someone’s life with a smile on your face,” M/n grunted as his e/c eyes landed on Elias. “It was pretty early in my life when I had to– realize it. It was in a cruel way too– I lived with a happy family, a mother, a father and two siblings, a sister and a brother,” M/n glanced at the house in front of them– it looked perfectly cut out of a story. 
But slowly it turned into a different one– the paint and layout slowly changed, into the house he lived in as a child. The facade was beautiful– just like the one his family wore. “I’m the oldest of us three kids– I was basically the protector of my siblings and I liked to know with me they were safe,” M/n spoke- his arms crossed over his chest. “It was in the middle of spring in which everything seemed to turn worse for me and my family. I came home from school when I was twelve, I thought it would be a day like always– coming home, getting ready for lunch with my family, going out to play or study– just a normal life, but it was suddenly so far from that.” M/N grinded his teeth at the memories.
Elias looked at the detective, who looked so lost in thoughts that he didn’t know what to do so he simply continued to listen– slightly confused why the other even told him his story. “When I stepped into the house– the first thing I noticed was the smell– it was thick and disgustingly clinging to my tongue and nose, it was blood I had found out moments later– when I stepped into our dining room that was connected I found them, my mother, my siblings and my father,” a short heartbeat of silence, “Only one of them was alive– the other three laid dead on the floor– blood pooling underneath them while their empty eyes simply– started in a state of shock into nothing.” Clearing his throat from the feeling of the tightness that squeezed his throat, “You might wonder who it was– it was a surprise for even myself back then– my father. I still remember how– traumatized he looked even if he was the one to pull the trigger, after all he was the one with the gun in his hand,” 
There was a moment of silence between them, the fresh breeze sending a few shivers down Elias’ spine, additional to the story. “Well after he seemed to realize I was there– he only told me to call the police and I did– they took him with them he’s in a prison since– sixteen years now, since this unfortunate thing happened, I never visited him– it might be because I want to believe that he couldn’t have possibly done it– after all he basically worshipped the ground my mother walked on he loved us all dearly, they had disagreements of course everyone has– but they never fought, hell even got violent with each other was not a possibility,” M/n spoke, “That’s why I’m still doubting if he really was it– if he wasn’t just a pawn in a larger game. It came out after investigation that he indeed was in trouble because he stood with one foot in a syndicate,” E/c eyes met the honey brown ones, “It was always strange– of course he could’ve been acting and suddenly snapped but I never tried to get behind it, but what I did was get rid of the syndicate my father was associated to,” his hands clenched into fists.
“Why are you telling me all of this?” Elias asked confused, which made the other raise an eyebrow, “Because while all of this happened there were news reporters who put all of it to freely read, if it was on paper or on the internet– ‘The L/N murder’ or whatever they called it back then–” “Isn’t your last name Howard?” Elias suddenly asked, which made a small chuckle ripple from M/n, “Well after I got sent away– and the rest of the relatives and reporters jumped onto the scandal like starving hyenas, I changed my name at that time I didn’t want to have any connections anymore that tied me to it– now all that’s tying me to them is my blood,” M/n muttered. 
Elias honey brown eyes were focused on his partner, before he silently nodded. “Let’s go in– maybe Alicia feels up for a few more questions,” the taller man spoke before he stalked up to the steps of the house, the other detective following him close behind. The H/c male was ready to knock on the white colored wooden door, when he noticed that the door wasn’t even fully closed. With a frown he pushed against the door, which opened with a scraping and squeaking. 
Both men drew their guns, before walking in with slow and silent steps. Their eyes scanned over the place in case of someone lurking and waiting with a weapon in their possession. But soon the only place they didn’t look in– after finding the house basically abandoned, was the bathroom. After they both stood in front of the door, Elias gave a nod towards the other who kicked the door harshly. 
Yet what they saw was– not what they thought.
Laying in the bathtub was Alicia, her eyes unresponsive, and as they walked closer M/n checked her pulse– none. Glancing at her wrist, he could only sigh. Small needle imprints. Said needle laid beside the bathtub, “Looks like an overdose,” Elias mumbled, before he sighed and took a few steps out of the bathroom calling for reinforcement, before stepping back in. “Everywhere we go death seems to have already taken root, huh?” M/n on the other hand didn’t respond immediately.
“She was the last one that could’ve been a resource to getting closer to the Serpents– they really are efficient in what they’re doing,” The detective grumbled, before he stepped out of the bathroom after hearing the nearing sirens.
“Looks like I have to take a different approach,” M/n mumbled to himself as he glared at nothing in particular.
After putting Elias up for informing the closest relatives of Alicia Wallace’s, M/n was glancing at the lit up screen of his phone from time to time. He was wearing a dark coat, button up shirt, a pair of good fitting pants in which he still could run and boots– just as he stopped outside of a club. 
He knew it was a place where he could either gain information– or simply have a hit put on his head.
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vladdyissues · 3 days ago
Sorry for a little like spam🥺 I just went over your art again and every time I inspect them, the more I found myself inspired and amazed by your artworks 🥰💞💥💯!!!
You're a wonderful artist and a very cool member a fandom could ask for!
No need to apologize! Nothing makes me happier than seeing someone liking a whole bunch of my posts. It makes me feel like I'm getting a good grade in Blog, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve
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pouroverpaloma · 2 months ago
Chapter 16 of tbtptw is with beta readers!
Thanks so so so much for your patience—it was the holidays and then I got promoted at work (yay!) so it’s been hard to find time to write. I know it’s free smut I post anonymously on the internet but I do feel bad when I take longer than usual to update
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foenixed · 1 month ago
Going into aro week like "Oh, I need to find something aromantic to say."
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shirosaki and momose's relationship is so funny to me. shirosaki is an airhead but has a very good sense of responsibility. so he sees this guy who he inspired and decided to take him in (and went absolutely extra especially after realizing how shit his previous boss was). Then there's momose who hasn't had a good relationship since his employment, he'd take any morsel of kindness and be a hundred times grateful for it to the point he doesn't just tolerate shirosaki's goofiness, he adores it (anything is better after his previous boss after all)
so now they're in a weird ??? is this what normal people do??? relationship
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troutsoup · 2 years ago
Against his better judgment, Gale spends a night with Astarion. Then he does it again.
Sanguine and its (recently finished) sequel Decathect, in one place for your reading convenience.
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belovedcarrion · 9 months ago
Every time I talk to Kim I hear 🎶don't be suspicious, don't be suspicious🎶 as I try to convince him that I absolutely know who I am
My name? Don't worry about it!
and I know what I'm doing
No I haven't questioned anyone or removed the body, why do you ask?
and that of course I have my badge!
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ritualslaughter · 6 months ago
honour mode on pause, endoscopy time
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captaintiny · 6 months ago
i am gonna try the instructions for 6-braid round challah this year tho. i will get a good grade in congregation baking
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pyjamac · 8 months ago
in terms of character writing (but also in general) im often thinking about types of smartness. i’m repeating something often said but i’m of the belief that the idea of intelligence is a grouping of a bunch of very different skills and talents all of which you have to have to be considered smart, and most people do not have every single one of these traits. but also even then i think that ideas like emotional intelligence and booksmartness are also too broad of categories in terms of writing characters at least. like for example sal is emotionally intelligent in that he is a really good communicator, generally charismatic, good at reading people and situations, has good self-regulation, but you would never say he is because he is not naturally empathetic, isn’t self-aware or introspective, is immature, has little forethought… i like to think about the ways characters are smart and why they are, sal has these skills for the same reason he could fix a car, he’s really systems-minded. he operates very well on the way things work and fit together, and social interaction is a machine which can be gamed to him. :•)
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remxedmoon · 8 months ago
f. five hours of sleep…
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fandomfairyuniverse · 2 years ago
Most people: don’t indulge the parasocial relationship
Jungkook: I’m going to indulge the parasocial relationship
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