halliescomut · 1 year
Secret Crush on You Ep 14
-It's cute that Nuea really wants to make sure Toh's parents approve of him. I don't think he's ever encountered people who didn't like him before.
-Toh's mom=actual queen.
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-Sky...of course perfect for winning over parents and I love that she was so happy for Jao.
-Careful Som, your jealousy is showing.
-Daisy is so precious. I love that Touch was so clear with him, that he likes Daisy for who he is, however he wants to present. Also, surprised to see Daisy say that they're trans. I feel like in BLs we see a fair amount of trans actors and characters, especially in comparison to 'traditional' (read straight) media, but not much discussion around it.
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-I do love the drunkies, I will say that. They work hard all week, they deserve to let loose if they want.
-Oh no...."It's Friday Nuea, what about my lessons?" Jesus Lord, Papa Toh is gonna catch them making out I just know it....I pray it's just making out....
-Fuck I was right....I can't tell for sure, but the vibes I get from Papa Toh are far more 'I do not wanna see my kid making out with anyone' and not homophobic or 'I dislike Nuea in particular'. At worst I think it's a case of 'No one is good enough for my baby.'
-I am very confused about this dropping the lime scene. I rewound it twice and still can't figure out what's going on.
-Nuea & Papa Toh confrontation....please don't murder Nuea and bury him in the garden!!! He loves Toh!!
-These nosy fuckers eavesdropping so obviously.
-I was right!!! Papa just didn't want to see it (which is fair).
-Papa Toh is really just grouchy, much like Nuea's Dad. "I hate that you're handsome." What? -- OMG!!! Papa Toh is grouchy because Ma also thinks Nuea is handsome!!! Amazing!!!
-I don't know what the competition is, and I'd say they're playing tops v. bottoms, but we all know that Som is the top, let's not be ridiculous.
-Aww, match hats....so cute. And important, it's very important to protect against sun damage!!
-Like...I know it's product placement, but I like the face wash ad, I don't care.
-Some true words of wisdom from Mama and Papa Toh. Very sweet.
-Yes Sky- Lock it down!!! (Also, again with the cool shirts, the teeny birdies, I love it.)
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-I absolutely love Sky's elementary school friends dragging him. That's true friendship.
{Return EDIT: I really loved the whole sequence of Sky taking Jao to the places that have been important to him and introducing him to people he knows and cares about, but it wasn't until I was writing the Master post for all of my little watch alongs that I realized, it's not just about giving Jao a chance to learn more about Sky and his life, since they haven't known each other their whole lives, he's specifically going around and introducing him to everyone that matters to him to show Jao how important he is to Sky and to reinforce that he's not ever been and never will be ashamed of him. And that's just so damn precious!!!!}
-OMG That present was so cute!!!! Jao you romantic little peach!!!
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-Everybody watching and 'awwwwing'- adorable!
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-Sweet university memories. So cute.
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[I just went to title this post and thought somewhere I had combined two episodes into one post because Viki auto plays, but no I just labelled my last two posts as ep 12, but they were 12 & 13.]
-I keep forgetting that this show gets very spicy sometimes and I'm watching at work...
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-Aww....Nuea added Toh to the stalker wall 'because their crushes aren't a secret anymore'. That's so precious and weird. God, I can't handle it.
And we're up to the finale!!!
Score for this ep- absolute 10/10, 11/10 even. So good, so sweet. I love it!!!
Awkwardness rating- I think only like 4/10, the dad seeing them make-out, kind awkward. And then the stalker wall made a return, but awkwardness was heavily reduced since Nuea decided to make it a couple's stalker wall.
*Edit: Turns out this was the finale, and it did feel quite finale-ish while I was watching, but Viki listed 15 episode, but the last episode is just a 'Making of--' thing, so...
Final thoughts of the series as a whole: I really liked it. Like a lot. It's honestly like a 9/10 for me. It is hard to push through the secondhand embarrassment sometimes, so I can see why people struggle with it. Also, the summary on most sites is doing nothing to sell it, for real. As many different types of queer representation are present in this show, it definitely should be hyped more.
I dunno, I may make another post if I have more in-depth thoughts, but I 100% recommend watching. It's fun, silly and full of heart.
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27vampyresinhermind · 2 years
Since you're re-watching scoy could you tell me whether the characters have preference in bed or they are versatile?
Holy shit I got an ask!!!!!!!!!! This is so cool!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!
Okay so I’m gonna assume you’re talking in terms of tops and bottoms? If so, I’ll go in order of the ships since that’s prolly easiest. Stream of consciousness psychobabble activate!
Nuea is definitely top with him and Toh. We all saw that one time Toh tried to top and it was comically bad. I feel like, if Nuea thought Toh really wanted to top him, he’d be fine with it but it really feels like their natural instincts lean towards NueaToh as opposed to TohNuea.
SkyJao is SkyJao is SkyJao. Lol now 100% if Sky thought Jao had any interest whatsoever in topping him, he’d be all about it in a heartbeat because whatever Jao wants, Sky will move heaven and earth to accomplish it. But for my own personal headcanon, I see Jao as more on the ace side of things and I just don’t see him as having much interest in sex before Sky came along. Even after my rewatch, these two remain my favorite pairing of the show.
FonKongkwan, from what we see of their relationship, I feel like they’re really our only truly verse couple. We see moments of them both being more dominant at times, it just depends on their moods. I always remember, thinking back on the first time I watched the series, being very excited to see them being so affectionate with each other but also leery because I wasn’t sure if the show was gonna chicken out on a wlw relationship and pull a whole “just gals being pals” storyline with them. As the show went on of course, I didn’t worry as much anymore. It also made me stupid happy with Freen and Becky went on to star in The Gap. So yeah, FonKongkwan or KongkwanFon, those girls are verse.
Daisy and Intouch, we were fucking robbed!!!! Robbed I tell!!!! Because we don’t really get to see a lot of their relationship as it starts and blossoms, I’m going purely on headcanon here that’s based in their show interactions. Kind of along the same lines as Sky and Jao, Intouch is definitely the top but he’s so enamored with Daisy that if she ever wanted to try topping he’d definitely be up for it. I fucking love Daisy so much and the fact that we don’t get more of their relationship in the show is a CRIME and I’m only placated with the fact that Nutt and Opp still seem pretty close on social media. Once Opp debuted with his group, I half expected their interactions to fizzle out but it hasn’t yet.
Okay so Som and Tor, we barely get any scenes of them together so I’m going purely off of my love for Som. She exudes top energy for days, she the only fucking dominant personality in that friend group (the only exception being Daisy but even then, not over Som), and she could and would have Tor eating out of the palm of her hands. Their ship in the show felt like the writers legit forgot about her character when they were pairing people up and just threw Tor at her from across the room like “here’s our obligatory hetero dude, will he do?” And Som, being the absolute Queen she is, was like “sure, if he can keep up.” This is all fucking headcanon of course because they might have like two scenes together, I’m basing this purely on Som’s personality. Som is the top. Regardless of positioning, Som is the top.
Holy shit thank you so much!!!! I never get asks and this was so much fun Anon!!!
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mybiggayships · 2 years
One of my favorites moments of the finale was when the whole gang showed up to the dinner where Sky and Jao were with Sky’s old high school friends. Considering how awkward it was the last time, it was sweet that they all showed up for Jao. 3 will always equal 4, only now Toh, Jao, Daisy and Som have more people they love and depend on, and I think the friendship that grew between the two groups was one of the best parts of the series.
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alleycvm · 2 years
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A Happy Ending for All! 💕
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annamillersthings · 2 years
And just like that it's over 🗿 completed watching scoy the series final ep 🗿. Wow i feel empty on the inside . First of all i demand a special ep dedicated to touch and Daisy and som and tor like they did for saifah and zon after why r u ? ended pls pls i just can't say goodbye. I feel well fed and satisfied but absolutely wrecked that's it's over .
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blboys-kissing-boys · 2 years
Calling it now, there’s still too much left, we are definitely getting another season of Secret Crush on You. There’s too much they need to cover.
Also stop playing with my feelings! I’ve never wanted a straight relationship so much in a BL but goddamn it Saint give me SOMTOR!!!
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theupstairskid · 2 years
Since Secret Crush on You is ending tomorrow here are some things I'd like to possibly see if we ever got a season 2:
Valentine's Day - can you imagine all of the ridiculous things Nuea, Sky, and Touch would do to make their beloveds feel special?
Toh or Nuea's Graduation (or both) - I feel like it would be a grand gesture moment where Nuea once again very publicly stakes his claim. I'd also like to see how SkyJao and TouchDaisy play out as well.
The return of Kong - idk I'd just love to see Kong actually try to win over Nuea as his regular self only to be shut down by Nuea like usual but also by Toh's reinforced strength in their relationship.
Halloween - don't know if that's really a thing in Thailand but I'd love to see an opportunity for Toh and Jao and Daisy to dress up in costumes and surprises their boyfriends. (I'm a sucker for Halloween ok?) I also would love any excuse for Seng as Toh dressing up like Seng.
More SomTor and more FonKwang - I'd just like to see more development in these relationships
Domesticity - I'd like to see NueaToh, SkyJao, TouchDaisy move in together respectively and then just see nice domestic moments. Things like NueaToh trying to keep their hands off of each other at the grocery store for example.
Full Circle Moments - In episode 8 Nuea mentions coming back to the camp on their anniversary, I'd love to see it
Nuea (or Sky or both)'s Collection - I think it would be interesting to see him start a small collection of his own and watch how it starts blending with Toh's.
The Parent's Meeting The Parent's - I love the idea of Toh and Nuea's parents meeting.
A Proposal? Or Three? - It's such a trope but I kinda love it
Toh Tops - at least once, enough said (preferably on those Nuea sheets)
A Do-Over of the Concert - Since the charity concert seems to be a yearly thing it'd be nice to see the concert scene again with a much happier ending.
I'm sure there's tons more I'd like to see if there was a season 2, but feel free to share what you'd want to see if season 2 ever happens!
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guzhufuren · 2 years
things i adored about the last Secret Crush On You episode
- taking no less than 2.5 hours to get through the episode, one last time
- being embarrassed and getting some cringe only SCOY is able to give you. I WILL MISS THIS SO MUCH
- no pain or angst literally nothing hurt!
- intouch and daisy being soft, cuddly and in love!!!! best boyfriend/girlfriend to exist ever
- daisy being back to herself! feminine, sassy and cute!
- intouch without a shirt. thank you opp, opp's muscles and opp's tattoo.
- nuea finally getting dicked down
- nuea and toh having a shared crush shrine now
- toh's parents fully accepting and supporting the relationship, that was so so important and nice to see
- nuea being the most attractive and caring man i have ever seen
- faking the taking down of coconuts that was hilarious
- skyjao being absolutely sure in each other and in their love. even meeting the parents and childhood friends!
- the whole skyjao date
- som being the top in the somtor relationship its what she deserves
- full queer gang's walk walk fashion baby scene
- more jao in pink. he rocks that colour
- kwanfon being soft aka freenbecky getting ready to take the metaphorical torch of the main IDOLFACTORY show from SCOY. we will see you soon lovely girls and support you just as much <3 (dont miss GAP The Series trailer today!)
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lutawolf · 2 years
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Okay so I read Secret Crush On You and it was pretty good. Thank you to @scmatise for suggesting it. As promised my thoughts. I'll do my best to not give spoilers away.
I found an interesting development. I like the characters in the book more but enjoy the plot from the series more. The Daisy/Intouch date didn't happen but instead a sleep over on the couch, however, it worked better this way I think.
NueaToh: Are waaaaay too cute in the book. Nuea does not come off as an asshole just more confused and prone to being standoffish. Toh is still stalkerish but Nuea is loving it, which makes it more fun and dorky then cringe. However, I will say in the book Nuea struggled with liking Toh and I appreciate that they didn't add that to the series. I'm also happy to report that the whole having him touch his body and saying "you should have muscles like this" moment. Was actually a hilarious moment in the book because all Nuea was thinking about was having Toh touch him intimately. He didn't really care what he had to say to get that to happen. I was completely here for how horny Nuea was cause I'm clearly not right in the head.
Skyjao: I can't even begin to explain how cute these two are in the book. I found myself squeeing several times. That being said there were a few changes in the series that I'm not exactly here for. For instance there was a lot more come backs from Jao, Sky, and Friends when Jao's weight was brought up. To be fair though, I think the series was trying to meet in the middle and just executed badly. I loved the fact that Sky in the book makes it very clear he is physically attracted to Jao. Cause as a big girl, I can assure you that I would not get with someone who said "it's what's on the inside that matters" Like do you want to strip me naked or not? Cause physical attraction matters.
IntouchDaisy: I'm so in love with both of these characters that lawd.. I would totally marry Intouch, not even kidding a little. If I had a dollar for every fictional character I fell in love with, I could finally pay for the therapy I clearly need. You guys, Intouch is so sweet and patient with Daisy. When Daisy gets confused he just calmly follows along until he can get to the bottom of things and then is like "no, honey I'm not going to respect this cause it's not really what you want, you're just listening to people who don't matter." Then when someone hurt Daisy, he kicked their asses, like literally. It was so hot. Daisy is just cute, cute, and cute. Did I mention she is cute?
SomTor: I like these two much better in the series to be honest. I'll be interested to see how they get together in the series cause in the book it was just chaos.
So there ya go. That's the end of my chaotic Secret Crush On You character review. Please feel free to hit me up in comment or reblog with anything you might want to discuss. Much love, as usual it's just my opinion don't come at me.
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gravity-knight · 2 years
Just finished SCOY
And I’ve got to say
It’s way better than what I expected it.
It was really hard to watch in the beginning. I think around halfway through did I get used to the characters. Or atleast a bit more tolerable of Toh
As the show went on I realized that BOTH of these men were extremist. Toh for obvious reasons but Nuea was basically engaged to Toh before they even started dating. These two hornballs were made for each other. I greatly appreciate their communication and expressing their feelings. Minor issues that are normally major miscommunication issues in other shows was resolved rather quickly and easily here. Also loved Nuea’s willingness to “submit” the hubby and wifey made a brief appearance but Nuea was also willing to bottom with no hesitation.
Sky’s determination was admirable. Jao’s hesitation was understandable but I really thought they would never get to the point they did or maybe very last episodes. The ‘lifting’ Sky would try to do was a bit awkward. Jao’s reactions were cute but I did catch a few moments where Surprise seem at a lost. Not even as his character just a misstep in his acting. In the end these two were cute. Did feel like they would copy Toh and Nuea at times. And the interactions with Sky’s friends was weird.
I really wished this was explored more. It felt forced and rushed. Cute. But they barely had any scenes/interactions and the issue they had seemed more on Daisy part and Touch had no say and then it was resolved with a snap. Also great job Nutt as the switch between Daisy and Day were flawless really felt and looked like two different characters
Another couple that was rushed. Blink and you’ll miss it Som was a great friend though.
All in all cute show about everyone finding love. Even though it was kind of force I did enjoy that everyone had someone in the end. Pretty gratuitous with the sexy bits. Was Seng wearing a wig? He just seemed so sweaty all the time. And the gang always crying together, oh boy. Tew was also a weird addition. And I think I need to point this out whenever I see it, great job to everyone powering through scenes where flies were going insane.
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halliescomut · 1 year
Secret Crush on You Master Post, just for ease
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My 'live tweet' style posts as I watched each episode...I'd say moderate spoilers, but I think reading eps 1 & 2 would give you a feel for the show with minimal spoilers.
Episode 1, Episode 2, Episode 3, Episode 4, Episode 5, Episode 6, Episode 7, Episode 8, Episode 9, Episode 10, Episode 11, Episode 12, Episode 13, Episode 14
Bottomline, I do recommend watching, the show has some really diverse representation when it comes to queer people and relationships, which is appreciated. We have a canon and regularly appearing lesbian couple, which while becoming more common in BLs has been rare. We also have Daisy(who sometimes refers to themselves as Day) who verbally confirms they are trans, and is portrayed as gender nonconforming or genderfluid in the show. There's always room for improvement, but the validation and handling of Jao's body image insecurities and Daisy's gender expression/identity are handled really beautifully. We also have not one but TWO set of supportive parents. YAY!! I know that supportive parents are not the norm for many queer people, and I know that it is validating for many to see that experience on screen, but I also know that there's a lot of good that can be done showing parents who are supporting queer children. It also does a queer heart good not to only see suffering portrayed, no matter how 'realistic' it may be. And this show for all it's handling of some pretty complex and serious issues is fluff. The show is fluff, and as long as you walk into it know that's what you're getting, I don't think you'll be disappointed.
Content/Trigger warnings. I'll be honest, I'm not great at these, since I have so few triggers myself & therefore don't always recognize things that might be triggering, but I'll post here what I've found in other places and what I recognize as known/common triggers. (If you've watched the show and notice triggers not included, please let me know, I'll update the list.)
Bullying -This shows up most often, and is the longest running trigger in the show.
Transphobia -This is a bit more sporadic, as generally most of the bullying is directed at Toh and Jao, but Daisy does sadly encounter some bullying as well.
Body Dysmorphia/Body Insecurity -I suppose this applies to both Daisy and Jao, but in different ways.
Eating Disorder/Dieting/Disordered Eating- There is some occurrences with Jao that skew a little bit into dieting/ED territory. It's not overt or frequent, but it's there.
The show is rated R, per VIki which I think displays American ratings because I'm located in the US, so just beware of watching in mixed company. It's not quite Love in the Air level, more closer to Cutie Pie, as far as explicitness, but it is pretty frequent once the couples start hooking up, if you know what I mean.
It's available to watch on VIki, and also it's on Youtube, where the NC scenes are likely trimmed just a smidge. They get pretty close to some *eyebrow waggle* sexy territory.
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blboys-kissing-boys · 2 years
Aight I was wrong! There won’t be a season 2! BUT there should be! They had way too many couples, I feel like My Engineer all over.
I need more IntouchDaisy, SomTor and FonKongkwan! Like we didn’t get enough, especially IntouchDaisy and SomTor. SomTor is the most I felt robbed we get a mention here and there and then nothing for almost all the season be the last episode they get together? Naw that ain’t it!
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