#Solution Partner
reanimationstation · 1 year
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i was having trouble deciding what ship i wanted to draw last night, so i figured, why choose? ive been wanting draw a parody of the "Go for it, Nakamura!" manga cover for a while now anyways
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lovelessrage · 11 months
The way so many aro people see other aro people talk about aro loneliness and their solution isn't to support them, or lend an ear or a shoulder, but instead to say "have you tried getting more friends?" "you still can have friends though!" "QPRs are out there! Try one of those!" "Hey have you heard of a QPR yet?" You are not better than people who treat getting a romantic relationship as a cure-all. You are doing the exact same "a relationship will fix you!" routine and I'm kinda tired of aros treating it as different because it's platonic.
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nocturnalazure · 8 months
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Author's note: Reference is made to the following scenes: (1), (2), (3)
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skipppppy · 1 year
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My Chase Devineaux renaissance ongoing. My fresh new take is that these middle aged men were fucking
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anak1n · 24 days
i think we could really bring down the crime rate if we started castrating the men who commit some of these crimes. thoughts?
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despazito · 1 year
i love being a woman but i wish i could be a dad and not a mom
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cabinetofotherthings · 8 months
Something I've noticed about online aspec spaces is that there's sometimes a tendency to frame certain experiences or identities as more widely discussed or accepted within those communities — and there are definitely cases where that's accurate — but I also think part of it is just that a lot of people come into these spaces (myself included) looking for people who share their experiences because they don't know many (or any) other aspecs in real life, and so the posts that they don't relate to might stand out more because they're adding on to the pile of unrelatable experiences that they already encounter in every day life.
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kirby-the-gorb · 1 year
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mankillercalledbunny · 2 months
The Saint of Steel Paladin books have very quickly become a source of comfort like a favourite hot spring that I somehow forgot about and I'm now back to splashing around in it and it's just the perfect temperature for my brain it's so good
It hits every point in D&D that I love as well as having that very wonderful quality which all Kingfisher books have which is impeccable characters and just enough world building to make it enticing to play in without getting over the top or distracting
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aroanthy · 6 months
hi!! i know u talk a lot about aromanticism a lot on here, but i don’t think i’ve ever seen u talk about aromantic anthy. would u mind discussing/elaborating on it or linking to a post where u do because i’m very curious!!
i got a similar ask half a year ago or something ridiculous like that on my main blog, but i’d like to really do justice to my url right now and explain it in more concrete terms.
i will say, it’s important to bear in mind that this reading of anthy’s character is very much informed by my own experiences, and a lot of those experiences are ones im not keen to talk in depth about. but you know. let’s make some nebulous gestures towards ideas of being traumatised, being autistic, struggling to meaningfully connect with others and honestly not really wanting to do such because of how they treat you.
like ive previously said, an aromantic perspective on the world would, i think, really benefit anthy. when youve lived your whole life experiencing violence at the hands of these patriarchal structures, of which romance is absolutely one, it’s kinda like. damn. im uncomfortable buying into those ideas.
anthy also has this lovely line in ep 19 where she says to utena ‘romance either happens or it doesn’t’ and it’s just sooooooo. so very interesting to me, actually, that anthy would say something so black and white about ‘romance’, a topic that anthy knows better than a lot of rgu characters is hopelessly confused and arbitrary and often enabling violence. and utena (fellow aromantic gaybo) says 'yeah, i know, but...'. these simplifications, these elisions. what is and isn't articulated. but what? maybe things are much more complicated than we'd like to think.
anyway enough of that tangent. one thing i as a trans and aromantic person always return to when discussing trans and aromantic readings of characters/texts more broadly is that there's no singular piece of evidence that can really cement these readings as Undeniable. it's like. okay. there's a critique of romance as a patriarchal structure in revolutionary girl utena. there's an ambiguity about anthy's feelings towards characters like utena, where there is clearly a queer connection but it takes shape in unconventional and complex ways. me, i'm aromantic, i see all of these pieces and i go oh well that's because she's an aromantic lesbian. you know, there's plenty of little moments i can evidence but those moments can be used to argue for an alloromantic lesbian anthy too. romance is a very arbitrary thing and i think everyone should take their own approach to it unapologetically. of course, mine is that it's hellish and i want nothing to do with it, but im just one guy. and im okay with that. i feel strongly about this reading and it is personal, and id be dishonest to say otherwise, but i do also find that it's well-evidenced in the text. as one of my lecturers once said, don't worry about authorial intent, it isn't real <3
#and authorial intent is NOT real i really cant emphasise that one enough#like it's fun to engage with the stuff a writer/director/whoever thinks about their art#and it can be very useful#but it's not definitive. that's not the last word on the topic#like did be papas consciously write any rgu character as aromantic? idk probably not#but i find such powerful aromantic narratives and themes coming through in this show#in how it chooses to examine relationships and power dynamics and the pervasive nature of romance as a concept#how it is so easily unequal how it is DESIGNED to be unequal how it offers chivalry and safety to mitigate harm#which it directly enables. makes easier#and that doesnt mean that aromanticism is the only solution bc you know. some ppl do feel romantic attraction#but it's like ok let's rethink 'romance'. let's combat amatonormativity let's challenge the relationship hierarchy that privileges#families and romantic partners in such a dangerous dangerous way#and i see all of that in this show and it resonates so deeply with my experiences many of which pertain to aromanticism#and you know. this show made me accept that im aromantic. so i think that speaks to how strongly these themes come through#but i digress. i find it hard to talk about this stuff bc its deeply personal and quite arbitrary#and also every time i do someone sends me anon hate about how i hate gay people. which is so cool btw please keep doing that#i didnt realise that loving being gay and loving gay people and loving when gay people love each other made me homophobic /s#just to clarify for the second time that is all sarcasm im gay and aromantic and i dont have time for arophobia here#anywayyyyy#im aware of all the asks ppl have sent me. im working on it i prommy <3#dais.txt#dais talks aspec
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experthiese · 3 months
the day I manage to articulate my thoughts on lupin's cigarette / lighter symbolism is the day I finally reach my true potential as a lupiii writer
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silverika326 · 3 months
Celadon Green
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Thinking about grey keeps fucking me up so I decided they needed someone to talk to. Whether they like it or not.
Also green is not Cel’s last name. His last name is Anapest. The title’s just cooly referring to the color
Nate is someone I have not posted art of on here as of this post. Hopefully I’ll get a cool idea that includes drawing him in the future.
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myreia · 1 year
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Obsessed with this gorgeous portrait of Heavensward-era Aymeric and Aureia from @harumeau. Thank you so much, Hannah, they are stunning! 💕
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running-in-the-dark · 5 months
still no internet, also I had a bit of a breakdown over our dishwasher today (the damn thing doesn't fit with the door that we've got, but we'll figure it out, and if not I'll just explode or whatever).
BUT. I started listening to The Thursday Murder Club yesterday because it was on my phone and I've listened to almost all the other audiobooks on there now, and oh my god? I love it so much. haven't been obsessed with a book in a long long time but this might do it lol
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padfootastic · 1 year
sorry, I have a lot of thoughts lmao. I think that I find it really frustrating that deep down, despite assurances to the contrary, people DO think that Family must come before everything else and if you don't secretly Love Your Family above all else, then you must be defective or broken or hiding it. And I see it so much with this fandom. Like do I think Sirius loved Regulus? Yeah. Do I think he was closer to James and the people he chose to be his family rather than the people he was blood related to and there's nothing wrong with that, particularly when they were all massive bigots in canon? Also yeah. People act like Sirius Has to Love Regulus Because He is His Brother (and he can't be closer to James because blood!! they're blood related!!! you can choose to not be close to your parents but not your bruddah!!!! found families mean just as much as blood families except wait no they don't because if I had a strained relationship with my sister I would be sad. :( idk it's just weird and not enough people in here critically examine whether or not this insistence is harmful.
ok anon im taking executive decision to publish this bc i actually think it’s such a good take.
acting like found family isn’t just as, if not more valid than blood relations is WILD, esp on the ~neurospicy queer website lmao.
i love the ‘person drops everything for their family member, regardless of any differences they had’ trope but i’m also a sucker for ‘character a makes a clean break and their family has to suffer watching them from the sidelines’ ykno? guilt tripping and yearning from a distance hit so well. but anyway. that’s irrelevant. point is: as we know them in canon? j&s were super ride or die. even w/o a hint of romance, they were ALWAYS centred around each other. james was literally bullying someone for sirius. he was the ONLY ONE HED STOP SHOWING OFF FOR. in the middle of a damn war, with his wife and child beside him, sirius was the one thought to make him feel better. like cmon man. j&s r the fkn blueprint i swear.
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todaysanother · 1 year
Look. I loved LOVED lucifer series in general and I absolutely onboard with s6 deckerstar daughter and time travels cause I adore both this tropes, but the way it was handled....... that was unnecessary cruel and poor. I love good time loop ouroboros terminator style written tragedies that you can't avoid to happen, but that didn't make sense in lucifer. First of all RORY HAD WINGS ALL HER LIFE. If she was so angry at Lucifer and wanted revenge/answers so bad that she literally involuntary time traveled to get it, why couldn't she JUST FLY TO HELL AND CONFRONT HER DAD AT ANY POINT OF CHLOE'S LIFETIME? Makes no sense she didn't try to find him in her own timeline at least once, he's not hard to find, he's not hiding, Lucifer is literally in the first place you would go look for him - in HELL. No need to time travel for that, girl.
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More than that, if they couldn't stop the time loop, they def could STAGE all her acts in it in order to have a good life together and still keep the story happening. Like, Lucifer would work part-time in hell (like Ame in heaven) an spend half of the time with his family on earth, and tell Rory what happened in s6 and what she did, so Rory would KNOW about her future and learn to control her powers sooner with her dad's help. Then when it's time Rory could time traveled back and simply ACT angry, so her parents would believe the story she told, how she never knew her father and how he just vanished and all of that (that is not true anymore or never ever was true at all). Yes, all of this is a little messed up, but it is still more logical and satisfying than the fact that Rory basically ruined her parents' and her own happy life on earth together for her character development arc, that she wouldn't need at the first place if she didn't do it.
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