#Solomon x y/n
deviljesterlamb · 5 months
Solomon, who notices a white hair on your pretty little head. Then is shocked but amazed too by this surprise before him.
Solomon, who lovingly teases you over it, and imagines how you would look with white/silver hair like him.
Solomon, who is trying to look at the positives from this all, but not the negatives. Of you showing your aging quicker/sooner than expected.
Solomon, who fears the days are moving too fast now and wonders if he can bear to watch his beautiful flower. Slowly began to age, and wilt, and die, before him now.
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thebellearchives · 1 year
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~ solomon ; obey me [nightbringer]
✧˚ · . S Y N O P S I S : after another tiring day with the brothers you go back into your boyfriend’s arms
‧₊˚ c o n t e n t s : gn!reader, stablished relationship, self indulgent fluff and comfort, absolutely clean of nightbringer spoilers!
‧₊˚ a / n : another Sol fic because i’m obsessed with him 🖤
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Exhausted, you followed Lucifer towards the foyer. Despite the deafening silence between the both of you, you noticed he shot you some concerned glances once in a while. You loved the brothers, you really did, but turned out their antics used to be even worse in the past than what they were in your time, much to your surprise. You could feel your eyelids growing heavier, and your mind shutting down while your legs continued to carry you outside of the mansion.
“Solomon” Lucifer’s greeting snapped you back awake, and your eyes found your sorcerer boyfriend just entering the mansion.
“Oh, you’re heading out?”
“Mc is, did you have any business here?” Lucifer solemnly stared at your teacher, but he didn’t seem fazed, instead he smiled.
“Yes, I was just coming to pick up my lovely apprentice, thought maybe we could walk back to Cocytus Hall together”
“That’s convenient” the demon’s voice almost hinted a bit of relief, your eyes focused on his face, which was now offering an apologetic gaze. “Mc here seems to be exhausted to the bone. My apologies, my brothers went overboard this time.”
“No worries” you waved it off and almost added something about how used you were used to it “I’m sure I just need a good nights rest and i’ll feel like new in no time.”
“Very well, have a safe walk back you two” Lucifer didn’t linger and walked back towards his study.
“You do look beat” Solomon giggled, and with a sigh you walked up to him.
“I’m in need of one of those hugs of yours” you wrapped your arms around his torso and laid your head over his clavicles.
“Aw, poor Mc” his voice softened and he hugged you back “I take it this means you don’t want to walk back home?”
Your eyes closed lazily, finding a captivating comfort in his arms.
“I’d totally hate that” your whispered voice got a slight chuckle out of him.
“You’re lucky you have such an indulgent boyfriend” Solomon slightly leaned over you and picked you up bridal style, his movements so swift and light that it didn’t even startle your eyes open. Your arms slithered around his neck, almost feeling the warmth of his body lullabying your thoughts to sleep. “how about I prepare you a bath and cook your favourite dish?”
A breeze rushed over your skin to let you know you had been teleported back to your room and you opened your eyes immediately.
“I’m not really hungry” he walked you over to bed.
Solomon tried to lay you over the clean sheets, but your arms remained locked around his neck. You laughed as you brought him down into the mattress with you and he let out a surprised yelp.
“Just stay here with me” his silver eyes looked up to you as you spoke “ right now I only want to rest in your arms”
“Your wish is my command” he grabbed you hand and kissed your knuckles, before moving over next to you.
With a sigh, you buried yourself into his arms again and closed your eyes, nuzzling against his black turtleneck. As you drifted away into the alluring sense of rest, you felt Solomon leaving a sweet kiss on your hair.
“Sweet dreams, darling.”
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everlasting-elegy · 1 year
I've never really been one for soulmate AUs but a soulmate AU with Solomon hits different.
Solomon, who traded his mortality. He's permanently stuck in this single stage in his life. Even demons and angels age, albeit slower, so there will be a day where he will be continuing the play of life, with an entirely different cast but only he is the same. Even further, there will be a day where he is the sole soul wandering the three realms. That loneliness is already hitting him though, he's so isolated from everyone and everything else, there is so much he can't relate to and he can't be bothered to catch up.
He laughs bitterly at the concept of a soulmate. If there was one for him, they'd be long gone. He has nothing left except for his body that frustratingly will not wither and he can only glare in envy at the couples that surround him.
But then you come in, not after decades, or centuries, but millennia of Solomon living, and you're his soulmate? This is more than just soulmates, this is proof that giving up his mortality was the right choice. He's not some man that's past his expiry date, he's not the remnant of a past that's been lost to the sands of time, a cog that doesn't fit in the machine of modern life. The fact you're here, connected with him tells him that he is meant to be here in the now, alive if not for anything more than to guide you through life - and that was enough for him.
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tragedyofdevotion · 2 years
All is well that ends well
After story is kinda continuation to this.
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You remembered the picture book your mother used to read you when you were a child. It was a love story in which a kind prince fell in love with his beautiful maid. The prince’s childhood friend, however, couldn’t approve their relationship, going as far as using the forbidden magic to became the witch in order to kill the prince’s beloved. You view on the story is different from others. You thought that as a childhood friend, she was always by the Prince's side and they overcame numerous struggles together, only for him to abandon her for some other girl. That is why, instead of hating the witch like your siblings did, you kind of sympathized her.
However, never did you imagine you will be in her place some day.
One evening, during the student council meeting, Lucifer announced that RAD would be welcoming a new exchange student from human realm. The brothers started to complain, but one glare from Lucifer fixed everything, and the meeting ended with the decision that Mammon would be the one to be her guardian demon when she arrived. You felt a little lonely that your first demon will have less time to spend with you but that was the decision of Diavolo and Lucifer . And you know, first hand, how stubborn the crown prince can be when it comes to the exchange program. So, you didn’t couldn’t meddle in their affairs.
Reira, the new exchange student, possessed otherworldly beauty, big round eyes which steal glances, plump lips with the color of blood and the sweetest smile to go with it. Silky smooth skin that would melt at the slight touch and long black hair which flowed freely from her shoulder. She was beautiful in all ways you wouldn’t. Even Asmodeus who had very high standards regarding beauty stared at her stunning frame and admired her. Faced with all admiration, you remember Mammon said something like that was his human and not to stare at her that much. Words which he used to said for you. Call it envy but you knew that you wouldn’t like her as soon as you saw her. Thinking back, more than envy, it was more like a warning from your sixth sense.
Ignoring the slight jealousy brewing in your stomach, you welcomed her with open arms. You tried to be her light beacon because you knew how difficult it is to survive as a human who knew nothing about magic in this devildom. However, it seemed that your efforts were unnecessary since she replied with “I can take care of myself, (y/n) senpai. Moreover, even if something were to happen to me, my guardian demon would always protect me. So, please don’t worry.”
In contrary to the spiky treatment towards you, the girl was much more sweet towards the others, as sweet as the angels themselves. So, she got along well with everyone except you, especially with the brothers, who have become more amiable towards the humans due to your existence during the past year.
However, you trusted your demons. They were literally yours. You thought the bonds you had formed won’t be destroyed by anyone. And it was the biggest mistake of all.
You walked along the narrow roads of the Devildom, with only the light from the full moon shining on your way.
“Hey! Honey, what are you doing alone at this time of the hour.”
“Yeah, aren’t you lonely? Why don’t you come together with us to have fun?”
You heard some men called out to you. And you hurried your steps. Your experience told you that nothing good will happen if you looked back.
Annoyed by being ignored, one of them shouted, “Hey! I am talking to you!” and yanked at your wrist roughly.
“Wait… You… You are human.” Immediately, the look in his eyes turned from wrath to predatory.
You sighed internally growing tired of the same old scenario. You would be minding your own business, then, out of nowhere some demon would appear and try to eat you. In your opinion, Devildom had so many better food (like Devil Zebra Bacon Sandwich, for example) to eat than the raw meat of a tired and depressed human. But the demons didn’t seems to think so since they always drooled at the sight of a human. However, since it happened repetitively, you knew how to deal with it without panicking.
“Spirits of earth, lead astray to those who wish harm upon me.” Suddenly a huge mist surrounded you, surprising the demons. You made good use of it by breaking free from his hold and running away at full speed.
This is one of the spells Solomon taught you where a huge amount of mist appear and make the others lose their way. You always use it in these situations since the incantation is short and effective.
When you thought you reached a safe distance, you paused to catch your breath. You are not a sports person but with these kinds of incidents happening, you knew you should exercise more. However, buried in the piles of homework from RAD and the shenanigans of the brothers, you could not find time for workout.
“You might be so full of yourself if you are taking a rest while me of all people is chasing down on you.”
Suddenly, a voice disturbed the silence of the night. And you felt dread coming up in your spine. It was the demons from earlier and this time they are in their full demon forms. And the demons surrounded you as quickly as they arrived, probably to avoid the previous scenario again.
“ Nice to meet you again, missy. You pulled a nice one back there. But we are sorry to inform you that unlike the lesser demons, those little magic trick doesn’t work on us, more so than ever since tonight is full moon,” the more aggressive one said from behind you.
As soon as you heard him speak, you started to summon one of the brothers since you knew you wouldn’t stand a chance against two higher demons.
“Hear me, denizens of darkness, you who are born of shadow and you who give birth to it. Hear me and do as I command! I, (y/n), call upon-”
A hand came up your mouth and cover it up, leaving your incantation incomplete.
“Like hell I will let you do it. From seeing you trying to summon a demon, I can tell you are the first girl, the one who is said to mellow out the brothers.”
“What?! The infamous one? Then are you sure it is ok to do this? Won’t the brothers kill us?”
“It’s okay. Cuz they grow bored of her already. If not, why do they let her be alone in this kind of place at this time? Moreover, don’t you want to see the master of the prideful Lucifer breaking apart under our thumbs?”
“ I can’t say I don’t want to. Girl, don’t make such a fuss. It’s not like we will kill you immediately like the lesser demons. If you can keep us entertaining that is.”
At their words, you became more scared and used every ounce of power in your muscles to get free, hitting and scratching the arm that was binding you. But he was much stronger than you and didn’t even budge a bit. If you knew this would happen you should have workout regardless of how busy you were.
Now, you are going to be killed.
You are going to be killed.
You are going to be killed.
You are going to be killed.
You are going to be killed.
“I suggest you let go of her lest you want to turn into dust.”
A voice echoed through the night. You looked towards the source of the sound and saw Solomon walking your way. Seeing him, you felt relief washed over you. The Demon also let go of you and ran away with his friend, shouting “I will remember this, woman!” on his way.
“Even the parting words sound like a third rate villain from a cheap movie.” You said as you looked at their form.
“Why are you calmly saying something like that? You could have died, you know!” Solomon raised his voice unusually and you noticed his typical smile is absent from his face. He was really worried about you.
“It is unlike you to be such a worrywart, Solomon. I can do fine myself. It’s not like that kind of harassment is the first time. I am not the lost girl from when I first come here, thanks to Solomon-sensei’s magic lesson. I can chop them up myself if I wished so.” You said jokingly, trying hide the pain, the fear and all negative emotions in your heart.
“I am being serious, y/n! If I didn’t encounter you on my way back from Asmodeus, you would be dead! In the first place, what are you doing alone here? Where are the brothers?” He stopped for a moment then changed the topic. “ I will walk you back to House of Lamentation, ok?”
“ Yes!” You said as cheerfully as before.
But your thoughts were not nearly as cheerful as your words.
“Where are the brothers…,huh?” Judging from the way he suddenly changed the topics, he knew about the crack formed between you and the brothers due to the new exchange student. Well there was no way Solomon wouldn’t notice it when even those demons from before could guess it. You reheard what the demons said before. “They grow bored of her already.” Sometimes, words hurt precisely because they are true.
Lost in your thoughts, you knew that you arrived the House of Lamentation only when Solomon called out to you. You said goodbye and when you were about to go inside the house, he grabbed your hand. When you looked back, he said “ You can count on me if anything happens. If you want, you can even come stay at Purgatory Hall. Luke would be wagging his tail if you came.” He added a slight joke at the end, perhaps in order to make you feel less miserable.
“Thank you, Solomon. You are all I have left now.” Your voice was barely a whisper but you were sure he heard it because he gave a small smile to you.
When you came into the house, you saw Satan talking to the new human in the living room.
“Welcome back, y/n,” he said. “Today, I went to the neko café that was newly opened near Hell’s Kitchen with Reira.”
“Eh…That’s where you had been. I could do well with a message if you were to miss our date, you know.” Even more so, considering that you had to wait for him in the RAD library for about 6 hours.”
“What? Is today Wednesday? Sorry, I forgot because I was too excited about the café.”
“Sorry? Because you forgot, I was almost killed... or it could have been worse than that,” was what you really wanted to say but all that came out of your mouth is “No, it’s okay.”
You didn’t want to come off as being hysterical just because he missed a date.
Moreover, the incident today wouldn’t have happened if you just gave up and came home the moment you first noticed he won’t be coming. But, your naivety thought that Satan was just late because of some unknown issues and wanted to trust that he will come to you. But you were wrong, like the many times all the brothers ditched you for the new exchange student.
“How could you do that to her? She was always so kind to everyone, so kind to you.”
“I didn’t do that, Asmodeus. Why won’t you trust me?”
“Because you smell of Leviathan. Ever since she has arrived, you have smelled like that! I am disappointed in you, y/n. I didn’t think you would stoop so low as to curse an innocent human.” Satan said while trying to contain his seething wrath.
“What… What do you mean?”
“Do you remember we are avatars of sins? We can smell or detect of the presence of those sins in humans’ mind.” Leviathan explained.
“But me being jealous doesn’t mean that I tried to kill her.”
“Then who did? She was poisoned by a curse only humans can perform. There are only three humans in devildom and Solomon has been in human realm even before the incident happened. Are you implying that she did that to herself? Why are you trying to keep denying a crime you clearly committed? Do you have no shame, human?”
Belphegor said with so much venom that it made you remember the day he tried to no actually killed you. If Beelzebub didn’t restrain him, you thought he would have tried to kill you again.
“But I really didn’t do that!!!” When you shouted that, you felt tears running down your cheeks. You were sure you looked so pathetic but you were so frustrated that you couldn’t care anymore.
“I was hurt to know you would exploit the trust we had in you, y/n.” said the older twin.
As one last attempt of tying to explain your innocence, you looked at the avatar of Greed pleadingly and said “Mammon? You will trust me, right?”
Of course he will, you thought to yourself. He is the first demon who treated you kindly, the first demon you become friends with, and the first demon you made a pact. Even if no one believes in you, you were sure he would-
“I am sorry, y/n. But I also think it would be better you confess quickly.”
The words that left Mammon destroyed your world. And you just gave up everything.
“I didn’t do that. But if you guys think that I did then punish me however you like. I am so tired of everything.” You said, quietly.
“So, you won’t confess until the end.” Exasperated, the eldest brother said. “ I am sorry to say this but we cannot keep you here in House of Lamentation now that we know you tried to hurt one of your housemates.”
“It is kinda irony considering you, who tried to killed me for numerous times, are saying that. Actually, one of you actually killed me, right? Well, it works well for me too since I would hate to see any of your faces again.” You said bitterly. “Okay, I will get out today. Don’t worry. Then, I will go pack my things.”
Despite your previous breakdown, you were surprisingly calm. Or at least you appeared to be. In your heart, all sorts of emotions are brewing a storm, hurt, betrayal, hated, anger, sadness, and many other. But you tried your best to contain them because you didn’t want to feel miserable anymore.
You are really leaving this place. You thought longingly. There are both good things and bad things happened in this house but you cared about each and every one of those memories. But you guess they didn’t… j
You slapped both of your cheeks strongly to stop thinking those things or else you will start crying again. Then you heard someone knocking on the door and Mammon came in.
“Y/n, I am sorry back there… Do you have anywhere to go? Should I tell Lucifer to ask Diavolo to lend you a room at the Demon Lord’s Castle?”
“Stop… Mammon. Just don’t …. No matter what you say now, it won’t change the fact that you guys just kick me out. You guys told me that I let you down but actually it was you… all of you, who betrayed me.” You said everything as a matter of fact. “So, just… please leave me alone.”
RAD was a huge place but the news of the brothers were always a hot topic. So, when you went to school the next day, everyone already knew that you were kicked out of the house of Lamentation. You had to pretend not to hear the whisper and quiet laughter whenever you walked past the demons in the academy. However, what you couldn’t ignore is the increased level of different kinds of harassment now that the brothers officially abandoned you. It varies from a simple bully like trying to burn your textbook to the opposited fraction of the exchange program straight up trying to kill you.
Worried for you, Simeon tried to stick by your side whenever he could. If he was occupied with something, Luke would try to take his place. But it was not very effective since Luke is well… Luke. You had to worry more about him than yourself in those times. Since Solomon was busy most of the time, doing whatever, he often gave you numerous charms, instead of him, to protect you.
You really owed that branch a lot. If not for them, you wouldn’t even have a place to stay and probably die alone in the back alleys of the Devildom, cold and alone.
“Y/n? Where are you going out by yourself?”
“Nowhere, Solomon... Just to the convenience store near RAD.”
“Did you take the protective charm I gave you the other day? No, wait. I will come with you.”
“Solomon… I am not a five-year old going out her first errand. I can take care of myself. And it is 10 in the morning. No matter how much they hate me, the demons are not that stupid to attack me in the broad daylight.”
“Except there is no daylight in Devildom.”
“But you are busy, aren’t you? I would hate to impose on you.”
“Don’t worry. I am doing this because I want to spend sometime with you. If you feel guilty, then you could come help me with the research after we come back.”
“If you say so…” you reluctantly agreed.
He remembered clearly about the day you showed up at the front door of the Purgatory hall. Both he and the angels were surprised to see you come unannounced. But one look at your face and they could tell what happened. So, he just held your trembling form tightly, without asking questions.
Ever since that day, you had been staying in the Purgatory hall. You seemed to taking everything well at a glance, but if one looked carefully, they could see that you had completely closed off your heart to everyone. You went to the tea parties at the Demon Lord’s Castle or went out together with him or the angels but it is clear to see that you are only doing so to be polite. You no longer said what was really on your mind nor neither did you try to understand others. You had put up a wall around your heart as a defense mechanism. He guess that is what happens if someone was betrayed by their closest confidents.
But if possible, he wanted to break down the walls you had carefully put up together. He would like to be the one and only man who was able to heal your heart which was broken and bleeding.
You knocked on the door of Solomon’s room. “It is y/n. May I come in?”
“Yes. It’s alright.”
“Solomon, there is something I need your help with.”
He was surprised to hear that. Because you have stopped asking anyone anything for a long time.
At his silence, you continued, “I… The pacts… I would like to eradicate them. I have searched ways in books and they said that in terminating a pact or a contract needs the involvement of both parties. But I cannot... do that. So, I am wondering if you knew a way to end it by myself.”
“I do know a way. But I have to tell you something first. A pact is a from of bond and agreement between two entries. Forcefully cutting it off means the violation of the contract and, therefore, it is accompanied by immerse pain. The amount of the agony is directly proportional to the power of the other party, in your case, the other parties are the avatars of sins. So…”
“Will they have to go through the same?” you asked.
“They will feel it but only at the moment the pact is being torn apart approximately for 10 seconds. Since they are not the one who broke the contract, they don’t have to feel is much shorter and lesser than your pain.”
“So, the additional agony I had to go through is kind of like a penalty.”
“Then it is OK, Solomon. If I am being honest, I would have like for them to suffer a little too. I would hate it if I were to disappear without even being noticed. And it would only be fair since they were the ones who put me through it in the first place.”
“Are you sure you want to do this? What you will have to go through would be traumatizing.”
“Yes. I just want to get those marks off my body. Will you help me?”
When you ask him like that, with a look full of determination but one which contains equal amount of melancholy , there is no way he could say no.
“Alright. Then I will tell you about the procedure. First,….”
The preparations took about a month. And today is finally the day of the ceremony. The Solomon from before he knew you would refuse to do this since he knew and wanted the power of the avatars. But now all he wanted to do is help you and fulfill all your wishes.
“Y/n, are you sure you want to do this?” he asked one last time as a confirmation.
“Yes,” he could not see your face while saying that because you hung your head low. But the voice he heard has no shadow of hesitation so he went on with the spell.
As soon as he started chanting, you let out an agonizing scream. He almost stopped his incantation but you sensed that and shouted “Keep going.” In his long life, this was his first time seeing the forceful termination of a pact by a human and it almost looked like exorcism in cheap horror movies. He looked away from your form because if he looked a second longer, he would no doubt stop chanting and run towards you to wipe away your tears.
Mammon lied in his bed, thinking about you and the days he spent together with you. He can’t get the image of you leaving the house out of his mind, weak and broken because of his brothers, because of him. Of course, he knew you wouldn’t do something like curse. But all the evidence were against you and he had no choice but to…. Well giving excuses now would not change the fact that he did nothing to help you.
He was so ridden by guilt that he didn’t even had the energy to go to the party with Reira and Asmodeus.
Then, suddenly, he felt a sharp pain inside his chest, the place where his heart would be if he were a human. Being a powerful being, no one dared to stand up against him and so, it has been a very long time he had felt a pain this intense. It feels an unknown force is ripping his non-existent heart off, tearing his body in two. But it only lasted for about a moment and then the pain stopped completely. Then he noticed, the lack of the binds that tied his entire being, the one last connection between you and him. In a panic, he checked the back of his palm, the place where his pact mark would be and it confirmed that his greatest fear had come true.
When Mammon got to Lucifer’s office, Leviathan and Satan were already there. And soon after, the twins came in. They didn’t uttered a single word until Asmodeus got back from the party and came running into the room. Reira tried to come in together with Asmodeus.
“What is going on guys? You are making a scary face,” she asked.
“The pacts… They… They are gone,” Leviathan said after a long silence.
“You mean your pacts with y/n-san?”
“Yes!” The girl trembled at Leviathan's uncharacteristic shout.
Noticing it, Satan said, “ I am sorry but could you please leave us alone for a moment?”
When it was just the seven of them, Beelzebub asked, “What should we do Lucifer?”
“I… I don’t know,” the eldest answered. He looked most shaken up among all of them. “It wasn’t supposed to go like this. I only wanted to fulfill Diavolo’s wish of making the exchange program a success. So, when I noticed the dislike y/n had for the new exchange student, I thought it would be best to give her some space and I only thought it would be temporary. But if I knew my decision was going to end like this, I wouldn't say that. It’s all my fault. Because of me-”
“Saying it now will not change anything, Lucifer.” Mammon cut in Lucifer’s rambling. “For now, we should go see y/n. She is likely to be at Purgatory Hall.”
“But I don’t think she will meet us. She even…” Belphegor stopped, like it was physically painful for him to say it out loud. “She broke the pact. I am sure she hate us now.”
“Whether y/n accepts us or not is her decision. It’s our duty to go and ask her why she did that.” Mammon replied looking mature for once.
“ Yes. I agree with Mammon. It is not like sitting here and worrying will change anything,” said Lucifer as he regained his composure.
“ If you say so,” Asmodeus said.
And soon after, the brothers decided to go and meet you at the Purgatory Hall.
There was a knock on the main door and Luke went and opened hurriedly, thinking it was Barbatos. So, imagine his surprise when he saw all seven of the brothers standing in front.
“Is y/n here?” asked the Pride.
The face of the brothers are even more tense than the night of the incident with Belphegor many months ago. So, Luke noticed immediately like the matter is quite serious and invited them in timidly.
They waited inside the living room and after a while someone came in. Simeon and Luke went out a second before seemingly giving them privacy. But the one who came in is not who they hoped to see.
“I thought we said we wanted to see y/n. Why are you here?” Satan said his wrath lacing his voice.
“ Yes. But she is too tired to see any of you. It is not like you don’t know what kind of ritual she had to go through today.” Solomon answered and effectively pointing out about the broken pacts. “If you have anything to say, I will relay to her tomorrow when she wakes up.”
“It is not something outsiders can interfere,” said the youngest.
“It is you guys who broke y/n down so much that she had to rely on an outsider like me.”
“Solomon!” Asmodeus shouted to his first master, “We are here to apologize her. Now that we have lost the pact, we finally realized we cannot live without her. No matter what she did, it was wrong for us to do something like kicking her out. That is why we want to mend our relationship and reform our pacts. There is no one for us than y/n.”
“No matter what she did? Are you still thinking y/n cursed the new human?”
“Did she not?”
“As y/n's mentor, I am most knowledgeable about her power. Although y/n has immerse magic, it is incompatible to the curse type incarnation. Thus, she cannot be the culprit. Knowing that, I have been investigating secretly and found out that the new student cursed herself and put the blame on y/n because she hated her. She also drunk a potion so that you won’t be able to detect her envy. Being so infatuated the girl, any of you didn’t notice it, did you?”
All of the brothers had nothing to say back to Solomon.
“She had done so much for you, going out of her way to solve your family’s long lasted problems and healed your traumas. And you paid it back by chasing her away!”
Solomon let all of his anger out without caring what the brothers could do to him. All that remained in his heart was just the hatred he held for the brothers for making you suffer. It is not like him to lose himself to such emotions. But after seeing everything you had to go through because of them, he could not remain calm.
“You human! You should watch what you say.” Suddenly, Lucifer jumped towards Solomon in his demon form and held him by his collar. “We have already told you that we have no want for an outsider. So, we want y/n.”
“Who is the outsider here? And Lucifer, are you sure you want to do this. Solomon is also one of your precious humans from the exchange program and if you hurt him, you would inconvenience Diavolo, wouldn’t you?” You said as you came in to the living room, supported by Simeon.
“Y/n, you should still be resting in bed.”
“It is ok, Solomon. I have recovered a little,” you said, smiling reassuringly to him. And you looked towards the brothers. “So, Lucifer, could you let go of him?”
You no longer held the role of his master but Lucifer still cannot bring himself to disobey you. So, he let go quickly.
After seeing that, you continued, “ I knew you would come and ask me about the pacts but to think you would come this fast.”
“Then can you tell us why you did that?” asked Beelzebub.
“Are you asking me that? You should know why, right? A pact represent the relationship between us and since our connection was broken, I thought it would be better to nullify the pact, too.”
“Our connection is not broken. We all thought that it was a small and temporary thing like Lucifer tying Mammon up to the ceiling,” Leviathan explained.
“Y/n,” Mammon reached out to hold your hand. “I am sorry. I am really sorry I am not able to understand your emotions.” But he stopped hearing you shouted a “Stop!”
“Please stop. It’s not like I hate you. I understand it would be bad for a incident a human faced to remain unsolved if you want the exchange program to be a success.”
“But it still didn’t changed the fact you abandoned me when you found another. And no one can grantees it won’t happen again. I love you too much so I am sure I will die if it were to happen again. But of course, we can still remain as friends. All that has changed is that I now stayed in Purgatory Hall and we no longer have a pact. But it’s absence is not that obvious since I don’t use it frequently in the first place. ” All brothers remained silent through your speech. You looked over at the brothers and gave a small smile.
“I understand,” Lucifer was the first to speak up.
“But Lucifer!” Asmodeus rejected but stopped when he saw the pain in his brother's face.
“If it is your decision, I will follow it,” the signature prideful look is no where to be found on Lucifer. “Just know that we will always be waiting for you should you change your mind and we will never EVER let you down again.”
“I will keep it in mind.”
After that, the brothers left the Purgatory Hall.
“I am sorry I decided without consulting to you first. But Simeon, Luke and Solomon, may I live here with you from now on, too?”
With a smile, Simeon answered “Of course, darling.”
“Then you should go rest now, y/n. Come. I will accompany you to your room.”
“Ok, Solomon.”
When you reached your room, you spoke to him, “Thanks… for standing up to the brothers earlier. And thanks for getting angry for me.”
“It’s nothing. And for your knowledge, I am not getting angry for you. I just hate them because they hurt the girl I like.”
“Eh? What do you mean?”
“I meant what I said, y/n. I like you. It starts as a small interest since you managed to form pacts with the brothers one by one. But those don’t matter anymore. I like you, you and your everything. To be honest, I was a little happy when I first heard you argued with the brothers because they didn’t let me approach you before. Will you be willing to go out with a twisted mage like me?”
Solomon helped you when you were at your lowest. And he was willing to stay by your side, even though you don’t have the power of pacts anymore. You felt tears well up in your eyes from happiness.
“If you are willing to have me, I will be glad to become your girlfriend,” you said.
He hugged your form tightly like the night you left the House of Lamentation.
And finally, he smiled a genuine smile, glad that his plans went well. But you don’t have to know that it was him who gave the new exchange student the necessary potions and taught her how to curse herself. Actually he wasn't too eager about this plan but he had no choice. Like he told you, the brothers won't let him approach you if he didn’t go to such extreme measures.
Moreover, the fact that he pulled some strings doesn't matter much since the ending was a happily ever after with you.
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hey :3 can you do a fic about mc who kept her feelings for solomon secretly for more than one year? and mc was fighting with a lower demon who was saying that she likes one of the brother and then she says that it was solomon not the brother/s but she didn't confess because she was afraid that solomon would reject her because he don't want to lose another lover and like those worries? muahh
solomon overhearing your confession
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includes: solomon x gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned)
wc: .7k | rated t | m.list
a/n: lmao he's so dumb i love him sm. thanks for requesting and i hope you enjoy!! my inbox is open to chat, request, or leave feedback so come say hi <33
warnings: (mildly humerous) depictions of (poorly executed) bullying
please reblog >:0
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“admit it,” a lower-level demon says, pressing her finger into your chest, “you like lucifer!”
“i do not,” you protest hotly.
“fine then,” another says, rolling his eyes, “mammon, then!”
“i don’t like any of the demon brothers,” you argue.
“that’s such a lie!” the leader dismisses. “anyone would like at least one!”
“i thought you didn’t want me to like them,” you say, confused. “otherwise, why would you be threatening me?”
“we obviously need you to admit which one you like so we can warn you off of him,” a third demon says.
“this is so dumb. i already told all of you, i don’t like any of them! there’s actually someone else i hold close.”
“now you’re just making excuses. if that’s really true, then who do you like?”
you hesitate. it’s not as if you’re lying–you really do like solomon–you’ve just never admitted it to anyone and can’t believe the first time you do will be under duress.
“see, you’re not saying anything,” the second one speaks up again, “that means you’ve got to be lying!”
“what is with you weirdos! i like solomon, okay!”
“solomon? you mean like that shady sorcerer?”
“figures,” the third demon says nastily, “two humans, meant for one another.”
“why do you like him?” the leader asks. “how can i believe you without evidence?”
you groan. this is so freaking cliche. “he might be shady, but he’s really smart, okay? and he’s got a good sense of humor and strong morals. they may not be good morals but he knows what he believes in and stands up for it. he also is like, super attractive.” you go on but for the sake of brevity, it will get left up to imagination.
“wow, you must really like him,” the leader demon finally says, face crinkled. “why haven’t you confessed?”
“well, he’s never given an indication that he likes me back,” you say, wondering how you’re life has gotten to this point, “and i don’t do well with rejection in general.”
“i believe in you,” the second crony says passionately. “i’m sure he likes you back! you just have to take the first step!”
“i thought you guys were threatening me,” you say, confused.
“well, we were,” the leader says like you’re stupid, stepping back. “but we don’t actually dislike you. just threats to our chances with the brothers.”
wisely, you hold back the fact that you don’t think they have very much of a chance at all. “so you’re encouraging me now?”
“obviously. it’s kind of pitiful how down bad you are, you know,” the third says. “you seriously need to just jump in with both feet and be brave.”
after a few more inspiring words, they leave you, even more confused and honestly just ready to go back to the house of lamentation. but before you can, a voice speaks up, and seriously, this is way too cliche.
“now, that was interesting,” solomon says, and you turn to him with a scowl.
“how long have you been standing there? and you didn’t help me?”
“well, i got there and was going to help, but then you started waxing poetic about my cheekbones and i figured you had it in control.”
“kill me now.”
“ah, ah, ah, none of that,” he says, clicking his tongue. “at least not before you tell me if you meant everything you said. because if you did,” he continues before you can protest, “that would very good news for me indeed.”
you don’t dare to believe what he’s implying. “maybe,” you say instead. “what would you do if i had?”
his face splits into a handsome smile. “well, take you out on a date, of course,” he says like it’s obvious. “one where you can tell me more about how you like my charming wit and dashing aura.”
“oh god,” you say with feeling. “what have i gotten myself into?”
“the start of something beautiful,” solomon replies grandiosely, taking your hand, and for once, you actually think he might be being serious.
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leviathans-watching's work - please do not copy, repost, or claim as your own
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solomiracle · 1 year
vampire solomon overhears the others talking about turning you into a vampire, so you can all be together forever, and becomes furious.
solomon’s the only one who used to be human, and the only one who’s had his entire world change. he misses the warm sun on his skin. he misses not having to hunt for blood every night. he misses his human friends and family, all of whom he’s buried.
and of course, solomon will miss you when your time comes. he loves you. but his love is the reason why he won’t curse you to endure this eternal hell, even if he’ll lose the sun-like warmth of your embrace.
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softxsuki · 9 months
Hi, how are u doing? 🥺 I'm sooooo proud of u for already reaching another milestone, congratulations!! 🎊🎉
You're so precious and loving I'm v grateful to have u around, bb! I'm sure all of these lovely people following u would agree w/ me! 😚
Anyway, for the tropes n songs event, can I pls req Royalty trope with anyone but Diavolo from Obey Me and a fem!reader?
Thanks for everything, love!! 😋
1.5K Follower Event: Trope 18 Obey Me
Trope 18: Royalty
This even is CLOSED. You can view the event post and masterlist here.
Pairing: Solomon x Fem!Reader (MC)
Warnings: kissing?
Genre: Fluff
Post-Type: Drabbles
Word Count: 970 (I'm so bad at keeping these under the word limit...)
Note: Hey! I'm doing pretty well, thank you so much! This one really inspired me, I got a little too excited with this one heh. Hope you enjoy!
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“Speak quickly,” Solomon commands from his throne; you sit beside him on your own throne, your hands intertwined, “I have many matters to attend to today.”
Solomon had become King hundreds of years ago. He was once a Mage with limitless power and brought the land out of great misfortune and danger, so naturally the people begged him to be their leader and he agreed. Being immortal, his people came and went as he remained alive and alone, until he met you. The only woman who had managed to capture his heart; the only woman he had taken as his Queen. The only Queen he’d ever have, you were the love of his life, and his people were very much aware of that.
Several Lords of different Domains within Solomon’s Kingdom had come for their weekly council meeting, informing King Solomon of any issues within their lands that were beyond their own control to solve. 
“Yes my King, the people of my Domain have been complaining of scarce resources. We’re not getting enough revenue to keep our villages thriving,” One of the Lords states, looking nervous. 
You knew him for his insatiable greed towards his people. The Lord of a land who was surrounded by laveshes yet his own people were struggling to make ends meet. You look at your husband with a raised eyebrow before clearing your throat to speak to the foolish Lord before you. Solomon glances at you with amusement, loving the way you took control of these council meetings whenever you had a solution. 
“Allow me to bring light to this unfortunate situation, Lord Belin. I believe your peo-” you begin yet, the Lord brazenly interrupts you.
“Your highness, I was addressing the King, not you. This is a matter for the Great King and Mage himself to handle, not his mere wife.” The man utters with faux respect, letting some malice slip through his lips, not even sparing you a second glance.
You feel Solomon's grip on your hand tighten at the Lord’s harsh words before he stands from his throne, a harsh glare on his face directed at Lord Belin.
“You dare speak harshly to my wife who took the effort to think up a solution for your people, you greedy Lord? Shall you have it my way, I’d drop your title as Lord and send another in to replace you. Or would you rather hear out my beautiful Queen’s words instead?” He seethes, sparks of magic radiating off of him, a sign that he was losing his patience.
You softly reach out for his hand once more, urging him to calm down and take a seat.
Though his words reach Lord Belin as the man is now bowed before you, begging for mercy and for you to continue to help him. You smile at the man, much to Solomon’s dismay as you continue where you left off before.
“Please rise, Lord Belin, it’s quite alright.” you begin, tapping your fingertips on your throne as Solomon's warm hand engulfs your other free hand. “As I was saying, I think it would be profitable for your people to make great goods off the resources that your land thrives in. Winter is a mere few months away and my sources tell me it will be a harsh one. Is your land not full of men and women who are crafty with their hands? It’s the perfect opportunity to use your farms as resources to create winter clothing for all under our Kingdom to come to your land and purchase them. What do you think?”
Solomon watches you with pride, it was a fool-proof solution aside from having Lord Belin himself share a fraction of his wealth with his people. 
“Yes my Queen, that is a perfect solution. Thank you for your kindness,” Lord Belin bows again, grateful that he didn’t lose his title after his rudeness before.
“I take it you can use your own wealth to fund your people, yes?” Solomon steps in to ask, anger still in his eyes, almost daring Lord Belin to ask him for anything further, let alone money.
“Of course my King. I’m more than capable of getting things up and running for my Domain, thank you for hearing me out.” He bows again, trembling in fear.
“Very well, council is over,” he addresses the other Vassals in the room with a sigh, “You may all return next week with your concerns. I have other matters to attend to now. You’re all dismissed.” He waves them off and they all scurry out of the room, leaving you alone with your husband.
“Now then,” he rises, scooping you up in his arms and carrying you out of the throne room, “To spend the rest of the day with my beautiful wife.”
He leans into your neck, peppering kisses to your skin, humming contently at finally being alone with you.
“I thought you had other matters to attend to?” You shriek, trying to get him to put you down, but he refuses.
 “You are my other matters, dear. I’m all yours for the rest of the day,” he smirks, continuing to carry you to your shared chambers. Knowing he was immortal and you weren’t (though perhaps he had plans to change that one day, shall you agree to it) he was set on spending any free time he had with you as often as he could. After all, you were the only woman who managed to tame the heart of this great powerful mage. He was utterly and completely wrapped around your fingers.
“Well I suppose I can’t complain about that,” you smile, pressing a kiss to his lips; you were equally as obsessed with him as he was with you. And together, you blissfully spent the rest of the evening wrapped in each other's arms.
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Posted: 10/2/2023
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Lonely Nights of the past
(Mc x Lucifer established) (Solomon x Mc one sided)
Gn! Reader with they them pronouns
summary: takes place during Nightbringer. Mc seeks comfort on a lonely sleepless night.
Warnings: slight non con elements (just a kiss), reader is mentioned to be smaller than Solomon and Lucifer.
You laid in bed staring up at the ceiling. Coclyus hall was silent. Such a large building for only two people. If felt hollow and cold. Solomon was most likely in his study at the other end of the building. If he was even home. A dull burning ache of loneliness tore throw you. The silence was deafening. No sound of Levi shouting at what ever game he was playing, none of Beelzebub’s heavy foot steps as he snuck down to the kitchen, no sounds of Satan tripping and knocking down piles of books, or eerie distant music from Lucifers room.
You tried to close your eyes and ignore the emptiness. You thought of the nights you couldn’t sleep at the house of lamentation. When you’d slip into Lucifers study where you knew he would still be awake nursing a glass of demonus going through his endless stacks of paper work. You tried to conjure in your mind the comfort you got from crawling into his lap were he’d hold you with out question. You clung to the feeling of him rubbing your back with one hand as he used the other to continue his work eventually lulling you to sleep.
The memory of Lucifers comforting warmth only left you more aware of his absence and the cold way he treated you here in the past. Despair was threatening to over take you. You needed company, a distraction, anything to chase away the loneliness.
Solomon almost jumped at the sound of knocking on his study door. He still wasn’t used to having another human around often shocked by your presence in his once secondary home.
“Solomon?” He savored the sound of your voice so soft and sweet calling out to him.
“Come in Mc,” he called beckoning you into his office.
You slowly opened the door, sheepishly peeking into the room. Solomons large desk sat at the other end facing the door. His office was large but felt small due to the over flowing clutter of magical artifacts and scrolls. Even his desk was covered in piles of old tomes and other old crap. The room was bathed in a warm light of a fire place that crackled and flicked. Solomon sat at his desk at a large rather lavish arm chair studying a document in one hand and a glass of brandy with the other.
Solomon watched you linger in the door way as you hesitated to cross the thresh hold. You held your blanket tightly wrapped around your body, avoiding eye contact with your master as you glanced around the study. He sighed giving you a warm smile and setting down his work.
“Can’t sleep?” He asked, it must have been well past midnight.
You simply shook you head, pulling you blanket tighter.
“If you’d like I can make you a tea that should put you right to sleep.”
You shook you head no, still not entering the office. Maybe you were tired or maybe you were desperately lonely but sitting there in the warm light of his office Solomon almost looked like Lucifer. You heart ached and longed for him, you couldn’t ask Solomon to comfort you in his place. He was your teacher and friend. And you weren’t completely oblivious, you knew he had feeling for you. Yet here you were, standing in the door of his office, crying. Crying?
You hadn’t even noticed the stray tears that slipped past your eyes but now the flood gates were open.
“Solomon,” you chocked out a sob, hiding you face in you blanket.
“Mc!” Solomon quickly came to meet you at the door skillfully dodging all the clutter in his path. He gently lifted you chin to meet your teary eyes. “Mc what’s the matter?”
“I’m sorry,” you sputtered finally meeting Solomon’s gaze. His eyes softened when he looked at you but his concern for you was clear from the way his brows furled.
“Hush, you have nothing to be sorry for.” Solomon cooed brushing away the tears that rolled down your cheeks. He stood there with you as you tried to calm down, not sure how he should comfort your or how it would be ok to touch you. When your sobs turned to soft whimpers and your breathing slowed he asked you again, “what’s wrong Mc?”
You took a deep breathe before answering, “I… can I sit with you?”
Solomon doesn’t want to tell you no but he looks around his office, “I’m sorry Mc, I don’t have anywhere you could sit. I can come down to the common room…”
“No,” you stop him. “I want…”
‘I want you to hold me’ you think but you can’t say it out loud. Instead you grab for Solomon’s hand. He happily lets you take it as you pull him back towards his deck. He doesn’t move letting you guide him to his chair.
“Mc, what are you?” You don’t let him ask as you push him down to sit. Solomon blushes at your bold move as you climb onto his lap avoiding any eye contact with him. You settle in straddling his hips as you rest you curl up against his chest and bury your face in his neck.
He wasn’t nearly as large as Lucifer nor did he feel as solid or strong. But he was still big enough for you to lay comfortably against him.
“Mc?” Solomon is as stiff as a board, he doesn’t dare move or touch you.
“Hold me.” You mutter softly into his ear. You warm breath tickles his neck causing him to swallow a groan.
“As you wish my dear,” he almost hesitates as he rests one hand behind you head and the other on your lower back rubbing softly with his thumb.
You both sit like that in silence. Solomon nuzzles his head against yours, feeling bold enough to hold you closer against him. Even if he wasn’t Lucifer, the way he held you was comforting. You didn’t want to admit it but the way he held you firmly against him did make you feel safe, like this you could feel just how strong he was. You felt you guilty, cuddling up to Solomon. What would Lucifer think if he saw how the sorcerer held you. Would he hate you for being so desperate for affection.
“You know, Lucifer used to hold me like this.” You confess gently rubbing circles into Solomon’s chest.
“Is that so,” Solomon felt a pang of jealousy in his chest.
“Ya, whenever I couldn’t sleep. I always knew he’d be up in his study.” You don’t tell him how most mornings you’d wake up in Lucifer’s bed or the things he’d whisper to you when he thought you were asleep or how painful it feels to miss him and still see him everyday.
Solomon doesn’t say anything, what could he even say. That he’s jealous, that he wants you to find comfort in him, that he loves you. He wasn’t a fool, he knows how you feel about the demon.
You speak again filling the silence. “I’m sorry. I feel so selfish” Playing with Solomon’s feeling like this using him for your comfort.
“No I should apologize,” Solomon chuckles lightly, his hold on you loosening.
Confused you sit up to face him. “Why?”
“Because I want to be selfish too.” Solomon doesn’t let you question him as he crashes his lips to yours in a desperate kiss. Your eyes wide with shock as you try to push him away. Solomon follows after you the hand he had cradling the back of your neck now holding your firmly in place.
Solomon pulls back releasing you, his face was flushed red and his lips puffy from being pressed to yours. “I’m sorry dear, I hope you aren’t too upset with me.”
You were stunned, and hurt, and very confused. You thought of Lucifer again. You felt your eyes burn as they welled up with tears again. Your breath caught in your throat as you nicked out a sob.
“Oh mc, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to hurt you” Solomon rubbed your back as you took deep shaky breath.
“I want Lucifer,” you sobbed like a child crying for their father. “I want Lucifer”
Solomon pulled you back down to lay against him. He rocked you gently, as you cried into his shoulder.
He holds you until you finally cry yourself asleep. It must be nearly 2 am by the time you finally fell asleep. Between your emotional state and exhaustion, he makes a mental note to let past Lucifer know you’ll need some personal time off tomorrow. He finishes off his liquor before carrying you to his bed. His room was attached to his study and he wasn’t planning on sleeping tonight anyways.
You stir slightly as he tucks you in, you reach out for his arm. “Stay,” you ask in your sleep.
Solomon almost let’s you pull him into bed with you but he stops himself. Gently he pulls away from your grasp.
“Luci,” you call to him hopelessly search for his arm. “Luci stay.”
“I can’t Mc,” Solomon tells you not sure if you can hear him or not. He leans down to press a kiss to your forehead, he is only human after all. “I’ll be in my study if you need me.”
“Ok,” you smile in your sleep. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Authors note: omg I swear this was just going to be a short fic but I kept dragging it out lol
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catanisgorgeous · 1 year
Teddy Bears
Tags: Solomon/Reader, Established Relationship, Confessions, Kissing, Domestic Fluff, Babysitting, Childcare Magic (gone wrong
Summary: Solomon messed up again: but this time he messed up with Luke. He needs your help (no, not like Dora the Explorer) to control the pack of Teddy bears walking around the Purgatory Hall right now… and to control Luke who keeps making it worse. Well thank Diavolo you used to be a babysitter back in the Mortal Realm.
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Luke: *bear emoji* *SOS emoji* *crying emoji* PLJSE CXME
You stared at your phone, unable to make head or tail of the text. It sounded like Luke had encountered a bear and wanted help but… what the hell—
So you called his guardian.
“Hello? Oh it’s you, MC!”
“Hey there Simeon! Erm, I think you’ve hit speakerphone…”
“What’s that? Something I should turn off? Can you hear me?”
“Yes yes, I can. Never mind that, erm, is everything alright? Luke just sent me a chaotic text…”
“He did? Does he do that often with you?”
“Oh… well I’m out, meeting here at the Castle, Solomon’s with him so I’m sure he’s alright.”
You bit your cheek, hearing the rustle of paper. Meeting at the castle… forget Diavolo and Barbatos, Lucifer was definitely there. Whatever turmoil Luke was in, if Solomon was with him, it definitely wasn't alright. And maybe it wasn’t too smart to say anything dangerous with both a protective Simeon and a murderous Lucifer on the line…
“Oh he just sent another text apologising, apparently it was a dare Solomon gave haha,” you lied, laughing nervously. “Sorry for bothering you guys! I’ll go now.”
Without waiting for a response, you cut the call and dashed outside, shouting an “I’ll be right back, don’t tell Lucifer!” to an inquisitive Asmodeus downstairs.
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Solomon hadn’t answered the phone yet by the time you reached the Purgatory Hall. You banged loudly on the door when the handle didn’t budge. You could hear the sorcerer swearing terribly from this far… terrible way to look after a child no matter what was going on. “SOLOMON! Open up, it’s me, MC!”
“MC?” Bang— Crash— Thud— Solomon stumbled to the door, undoing the dozen different locks and pulling it open to find you there in all your messy, disheveled, ran-down-the-street-to-help glamour. “Thank goodness you’re here! Come in quick, watch your step, and don’t dare touch any of them.”
“Any of wh—“ your words got cut off as you walked in on a colony of teddy bears. Adorable and fluffy stuffed bear cubs, each with a ribbon of one of five different colours around their neck. How cute—
Except they were alive.
What the— “Solomon what the hell did you do?”
The bears were walking all over the place, checking out the television and radio remote controls, the switches and paintings on the walls, the ancient aesthetic lampshades at almost every corner… crawling all over the cushioned armchairs, two climbing the curtains and one dangling from the freaking chandelier!
This is why nobody leaves a child with a crackhead sorcerer.
One of the teddies walked right up to you, scrutinising the visitor.
“Don’t touch,” Solomon ordered.
“Relax, I heard the first time. But why, do they go rabid?” You laughed.
Apparently your laugh was beautiful to hear because the teddy stepped closer and tapped your thigh (the highest it could reach). The instant it did, the teddy burst into a cloud of glitter that cleared up in seconds to reveal TWO teddy bears.
“...they multiply.”
“Clearly,” you shook your head. “I am so not walking through this mess, Solomon.” He nodded, grabbed your hand and whisked you away. The teddy closest to your feet gaped in awe as you and your sorcerer partner vanished into thin air, reappearing with a crack, right outside the kitchen.
“…warn me next time,” you clutched your stomach, finally understanding why Harry Potter from the books whined about Apparition.
“You asked for it,” Solomon grinned. “Literally. So you see—”
“Just sum up the problem at hand in less than five sentences.”
“That’s one.”
“…” He sighed and took a deep breath. “Luke wanted me to show him a 'fun spell' of mine,” he opened three fingers on his hand and folded one. “I don’t know much childcare magic and only remembered this and a cupcake juggling one.” Two. “I assumed the five-favourite-teddies-brought-to-life one will be less messy. There, satisfied?” He asked, showing his closed fist.
“Well you assumed wrong. All of this,” you swung your hands around the house. “Started from one teddy?”
“Yes. And they answer to the same names as their origins too. Like…” he pointed to the one hanging from the chandelier that just fell. “There were five. Red bowtie was Strawberry, Pink was Peach, Purple was Grape, Yellow was Lemon, Orange was—“
“Tangie,” Solomon shook his white mane. “For Tangerine.”
“Same difference.”
"So now… if I called out: Tangie!”
Every last orange-bowtie bear in the mansion turned to look at them, black beady eyes staring. In curiosity, but given the sheer NUMBER of black beady eyes, it appeared murderous to you. Solomon chuckled at your stiff face and pulled you close by the waist, dragged you into the kitchen and shut the door.
“That’s just such a bigtime mess, Sol…”
“I know, love,” he sighed and pulled out two chairs for you both.
“Why the hell Tangie though?”
“Short for tangerine.”
“…why not just name him Orange?”
“That’s your problem right now?”
“My problem is why angels are so confusing, and sorcerers so reckless. You could have tested it out, then gotten rid of— wait why don’t you just explode them with some spell?!”
He laughed at the way your face lit up with the suggestion, glowing with pride at your 'ingenuity'. “Actually, I tried that. But one bear exploded into dust and Luke won’t let me anywhere near the rest.”
“He’s mad at you?”
“Absolutely furious. Insists on not 'killing the poor teddies'.”
“But you know… he did call me for help.”
“Wait he called you?”
“MC?!?!” A younger voice squeaked behind you. “MC YOU CAME!”
“I’m here, Luke,” you opened your arms wide and he ran into them, wrapping his hands around your neck and wailing on your chest. “Goodness, what on earth shook you up this bad?”
Solomon sat beside you, open-mouthed at Luke’s childlike open show of emotion… he only did that with Simeon.
Or so he had believed.
“MC, there’s so many bears it’s scary! A-and they broke things! They b-broke Simeon’s favourite antique tea-set… Simeon’s going to hate me!”
“More like he’s going to hate Solomon, this dude’s the one who did it,” you jabbed your boyfriend harshly on the shoulder, earning an “Ow!”
“No, I’m the one who asked for it…”
“Oh? So Solomon’s not to blame?”
Luke shook his head against your neck. “Don’t yell at him. It’s my fault for asking something tricky.”
You glanced over his golden hair at the man beside you who had claimed the boy to be angry with him just a moment ago. You cocked an eyebrow, smirking.
He looked rightfully flabbergasted.
“All right then. Let’s do this. Before you came, I was reminding Sol here of a spell from a while back. That spell should help to get rid of them all—“
“Get rid of them?!” Luke’s eyes widened in terror.
“In the sense of making them leave. The spell teleports them to somewhere far away where they can be safe.” You stroked Luke's head, pulling him closer. “So why don’t you and I stay in here with the door safely closed, until Solomon does his magic? You can do it, right Sol?” You glanced at the man, waving your hand subtly, signalling ‘Explode them’ and ‘clean up the dust so he won’t realise’.
“A-Ah! Right. Certainly,” Solomon jumped to his feet and rushed outside, pulling the door shut behind him.
The walls were perfectly soundproof: Simeon probably had it done that way to block Solomon’s kitchen bombs. You gently pulled Luke off your neck and placed him on a chair, brushing down his crumpled clothes and fixing his hair.
He watched you silently, big blue eyes staring into your soul. “You’re really kind.”
Your hand stilled in his hair. You looked down at him, barely hiding the surprise written all over your face. “Who knew little Luke was capable of compliments too?”
“Hmph,” he crossed his arms with a pout. His face softened again. “I’m serious. You… You really like Solomon?”
“Do you love him?”
“I— What is this supposed to be, an investigation from the little brother before permitting marriage or something?”
“I’m not the little brother! I just want to know. Simeon always says Solomon could never be with someone unless they’re ridiculously patient and kind. The exact opposite of him,” Luke rolled his eyes. “I think you fit the picture. And I think Simeon would agree.”
You hardly registered the big, warm smile on your face, but you saw Luke reflecting it. “Perhaps so…” You shrugged. “I don’t know about that but to answer your question: yes, I do.”
“Have you told him yet? Or are you and Solomon as ignorant idiots as those mean demons are?”
“Erm… second, probably.”
Luke stifled a laugh, not ready to let down his proud armour that much yet, and pushed himself off the chair onto his feet. “There you go! You gave me teddies, I gave you this. We’re even now.” He grinned at the door, waved to you and marched out the kitchen into a clean and empty room (at last).
You were on your feet, spinning around to find Solomon leaning on the doorframe, presenting one of his smuggest smiles yet. “Well. I knew it wouldn’t be too hard to get that from you but never in my wildest dreams…”
“Would you have thought Luke would have to do it for you,” you rolled your eyes, mimicking Luke a minute ago. “What now, you’re going to take me off on a trip to celebrate?”
“Honeymoon so fast, love?” Solomon tsked, beaming wider when you flushed scarlet. “Actually, I’d have preferred a trip to my room but your nanny called.”
“Yep. Super mad. Wants you home right away.”
“That man has to ruin every perfect moment.”
“Not necessarily,” he strode closer, pulling you into what you would later call his sweetest kiss yet. Nothing too soft, nothing too harsh, sweetly sucking on your lips, tongue tracing the lipgloss. Your hands were in his silver hair and his were on your waist, and all of a sudden your knees hit wood and buckled into a soft tower of blankets. He pulled away for a breath, letting you look around to find he had brought you straight to your room.
The door threw itself open: Lucifer had probably sensed the intrusion on his mansion. His mouth was wide open, ready to yell your soul apart, but his “WHAT WERE YOU THI—“ skidded to a halt when he saw Solomon standing by your bed, his hair a horrifying mess, beads of sweat gleaming on his neck and forehead.
The mission to explode a hundred thousand teddy bears had been exhausting, indeed: but Lucifer didn’t know that. All he could think of was… other reasons.
“Despicable,” he muttered, slamming the door shut.
Solomon burst into laughter, flopping onto your bed and rolling around guffawing. “Imagine mistaking a teddy bear battle for that!”
You lay down next to him, watching the happy patterns his accidental magic drew on the ceiling. He's happy. Thanks to me. You smiled. “You’re such an airhead.” You punched his shoulder.
“Now I know you do love me for it.”
He was happy, and you couldn’t possibly be happier. “Maybe.”
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deviljesterlamb · 7 months
Thinking of the consequences of Solomon's actions that could effect MC and their relationship with Lucifer...This will be Nightbringer timeline related.
After Solomon's attempt to give Lucifer a spiked drink, in the hopes to persuade him under the influence to make a pact with him finally. Lucifer didn't take that action lightly, and started to have moments of doubts when it came to MC. Since they are Solomon's apprentice after all...
Lucifer knew MC wouldn't be the type to pull such stunts to try to get what they wanted out of someone...At least, he hoped. But the seed of "But what if..." was planted now in Lucifer's mind, thanks to Solomon. And Lucifer starts to show this in time.
Any time MC tried to offer a cup of coffee or a specially cooked meal to Lucifer. He will be hesitant to try it now. Or won't touch it at all. He'll accept it, but puts it to the side, putting his attention elsewhere, before saying "Thank you, you can leave now."
This will clearly upset MC for sure, especially if by chance they are in love with Lucifer. But the Avatar of Pride can't help it now, he doesn't want to take a risk, or learn Solomon used MC to get to him...
He does want to finally talk about this with them, to put his worries to rest, but his own pride won't let him...So this continues on for awhile...Which makes MC slowly drift away from Lucifer, and start to believe Solomon's words that he was right. That MC can't rely on anyone else here in the past now for comfort and all, but with Solomon alone now.
The moment Lucifer starts to see MC getting closer with Solomon, that's when his feelings become conflicted, and jealousy rises...
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thebellearchives · 1 year
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𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊 🔞 minors dni
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~ solomon ; obey me
✧˚ · . S Y N O P S I S : after a late night talk with you Solomon discovers he’s not as alone as he thinks he is
‧₊˚ c o n t e n t s : smut, fem!reader, pet names (sweetheart, darling, princess, reader calls him Sol), biting, slight bondage???, fingering, vaginal sex, a bit of hair pulling, creampie, fluff/comfort at the very end
‧₊˚ a / n : this is set on lesson 46-12, there are some context spoilers but i think it should be fine?? if i missed anything that i should add to the content warnings please let me know ~
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The room was dark and the quiet night had been unexpectedly interrupted by heavy breathing, the rustling of clothing coming off in between the sheets, and the fulfilling sounds of mouths kissing in complicit lust. Solomon hovered over you, his arms supporting his weight at each side of your face. Your arms slithered from his naked chest to the back of his neck, fingers grasping his soft silvery white hair and eyes lingering over his inked pale skin. The way the complicated patterns of seemingly infinite pacts threaded with one another and decorated his body was mesmerizing, and when you breathed in through your mouth you could even taste a hint of his worn out cologne in the air. A slight uncertainty clouded your mind for a minute, not knowing if you were getting high off his scent or his touch.
“I thought i’d never get a chance like this” he buried his face in the crook of your neck, his hot breath making you shiver and sigh “wherever you go they follow, they never left you alone, i had lost most hope…”
And even then, he was still right. As if the brothers would ever leave you alone, the twins were still sleeping in the room next door. Biting your lip, you hoped to be as quiet and you thought you were being. Not like you could’ve thought about it much longer though, because Solomon’s hot tongue stole a taste of your skin and you jolted, panting and tugging his hair, he groaned.
“I’m so glad you still found your way to me” you could barely speak when one of his hands slid down your exposed skin, feeling as much of you as he could and making his way to your core “I feel like i’ve waited forever for you to come try something.”
His lips came back looking for yours and you gladly welcomed him with a kiss the both of you longed for. His fingers slid across your folds and you hitched a breath, he smiled into the kiss in teasing mischief and you thought your heart might’ve skipped a beat at that. Solomon’s thumb started rubbing circles at your nub. You broke the kiss with a sharp breath, hands flying back to his shoulders in order to somehow stabilize yourself from your own body’s reactions.
“Sol…” His lips pressed against yours in hopes of swallowing any sound. When his lips parted ways with yours for a small moment a small moan scraped from between your teeth, arching your back in response to the circular motion of his thumb.
“Shh, be quiet sweetheart, you don’t want to wake up your body guards do you?” immediately after the words left his mouth, you felt one of his fingers slipping inside of you. You huffed through your nose in annoyance, how exactly did he expect you to keep quiet? “you’re so wet princess, i wonder why?”
Cocky bastard. You pulled him back onto your lips, but instead of kissing him you bit his lower lip.
“Shit, alright, sorry” he giggled. But he didn’t mean it, because it was easy for him to slip another finger while pumping them in and out, crooking his fingertips slightly.
“Fuck, Solomon” you whined, a pleasured groan scratched in your vocal chords in the way out. His other hand went in search of one of your breasts. The touch of his long slender fingers grasping on your skin as if he was clutching the very bedsheets underneath, teasing the areola and then rolling the hardened nipple playfully. Solomon’s ghostly grey eyes glistened with the faint moonlight coming through the window and stared at you in fascination, dilated pupils reveling in the expression on your face.
“You’re so fucking beautiful” his husky and agitated voice sounded like music to your ears.
Your eyes started to get hazy, your thoughts were scattered around the fiery feeling of the friction of his fingers moving in and out of you, the rubbing of his thumb on your clit, his other hand massaging your breast. The bliss of his touch was building up more and more and your throat closed up in a desperate attempt of silence.
“Sol- I- I’m-” Your nails dug on his skin, you almost choked on your own saliva, shutting your eyes.
“Not yet darling” everything stopped at once, and you immediately fluttered your lashes open in search of him. You were about to protest, but when he shifted his position in between your legs you felt the tip of his member threatening at your entrance.
“You’re ready for me yet?”
“Yes” the reply came almost immediately “yes”
He grabbed his cock and gathered the arousal dripping out of you, making your thighs jerk and hug his hipbones. You let out yet another annoyed whine. He giggled at your reaction, and bent forwards to give you a tender kiss when he finally started sliding inside you at a tortuously slow pace.
“Fuck, you’re so needy” he tried to keep his cool, but the raspiness of his voice and the slight falter of his words was unmissable to you.
A hushed exhale hissed its way out through his teeth as your walls ultimately enveloped him completely. You pulled him down on top of you from his neck until his chest hit against yours. He gasped at the gesture, then gave you a moment to adjust. Wandering hands explored the path of the curves of your silhouette in desire, and he felt like getting drunk on the shaky breath your mouth poured in between his lips. His long slender fingers traveled across your arms towards your wrists to hold them above your head.
“You can move” you whispered.
His body glided on top of yours, slowly doing what you asked for, a fine layer of sweat on your bodies acting as glue. One of his arms slithered under the curve of your lower back to hold you close to him, and his right hand slid across your neck and into the roots of your hair. You tried to move your hands back to his silky locks, but soon discovered your wrists were bound together, and wouldn’t move where you wanted them to. He must’ve used magic.
“Such a pretty princess…” he managed to whisper while building up a rhythm “guarded by angels and demons… waiting for me, sitting pretty on the throne…”
Waiting, waiting and waiting, that was what your relationship with him was all about. Waiting for him to talk more to you, to let his eyes linger more on you, to make a move at all. Wishing for more time with him, wishing for the courage to confess the feelings that burned in your chest like wildfire whenever the sorcerer’s silver eyes laid over you ever so slightly. You rolled you eyes and let your head fall back as his hips thrusted rhythmically against yours, the angle brushing your clit just right and panting, gasping for air and hoping it would fan the flames that were starting to deliciously consume your body. He planted little kisses on your chin, trailing your jawline.
“I still managed to fool them all for you” his trusts became harder with his statements, he started whispering in your ear, his warm breath sending shivers down your spine “i fooled them all for you tonight”
Your eyes widened at the realization. Fooled them all. Getting rid of Lucifer’s power and influence by shrinking him with the perfect excuse, and knowing the little antic would keep Satan and Mammon entertained enough to leave you alone for a at least a while. Guiding you across Levi’s fictional world with only the twins for company, the two brothers he could easily get rid of by sorting them together in a room so he could share the remaining one with you. He’s a genius, you thought. He toyed with demons like he would with chess pieces. His tongue ran down to the crook of your neck, teeth caught your skin and you felt his sharp canines playfully looking forward to leave a mark on you, provoking a moan roll off your tongue.
“I don’t need demons or angels, i need you.” the confession left your mouth like a waterfall, and you knew you couldn’t stop it, because your mind started to get cloudy and all you could think about was the way he was driving you mad. The fact that it was him, your mentor for whom you’d harbored an intense love for such a long time “i’m just a human, and i was made for a human, you.”
“Say that again” he was the one who sounded needy then, and somehow you were so aware of everything, that you felt the throbbing of his veins stimulate you from the inside and hinting at how close he was of his own release, you felt the muscles of your belly tightening in foreshadow of yours too “say your mine, darling…”
You inhaled sharply from your nose when his fingers grasped your hair from its roots and pulled, he licked your lower lip and you gasped.
“I’m yours i’m yours im yours” you chante the words in a moan, like they were your own personal mantra, your walls clenched uncontrollably around him and as you felt the pinnacle of pleasure rush through your body. A warm liquid filled you up and for a moment you swore you could feel stars bolt through all of your veins and arteries. You opened your mouth to let it all out, but Solomon quickly quieted you down by kissing you and swallowing the sounds. You both were left a heavy breathing mess, he caressed your cheek.
“My lovely little apprentice…” he whispered agitatedly, the white long lashes that framed his eyes tickled your face. You melted in his embrace, cheeks flushed to the limit and basking in the afterglow.
“Yes darling?”
“… my arms, please?”
The sorcerer suddenly pulled his face away from yours, eyes widened and a bashful flush lit his cheeks, granting him an adorable boyish charm that filled your chest with adoration. You giggled at such innocent reaction.
“Right, yes, sorry.”
His body stretched as his hands reached for yours to release you from the spell. It was a relief to finally be able to move your arms, and the first thing your instinct asked for was to run your fingers through his now damp hair.
“Are you okay?” his sudden concern almost made his pupils tremble when they searched for yours.
“I’m more than okay” you replied with a small chuckle, and he sighed, a little smile tugging from the corners of his mouth.
“Alright” Solomon pushed himself above you and pulled out from in between your legs with a grunt. The feeling of emptiness made your body feel cold, and the feeling of his seed leaking out of you made your frame shudder underneath his “we should get you clean shouldn’t we?”
“Wait!” your hands grabbed him by his shoulders in sudden urgency. He blinked twice, staring.
Your heartbeat started racing once again, your trembling hands cupped his face. For a moment, hesitation forced you to bite your lip in a attempt to keep your pathetic words hidden from him. Specially when he was looking at you in expectation, and he was so ethereal that for a split second your mind almost convinced you that everything that had just happened was a dream, and you were scared that if he left you’d wake up. You licked your lips and sighed.
“Love does not evade you, Solomon.”
His breath got caught up on his throat out of nowhere.
“You said that even on centuries on end, some things still manage to elude you. It’s not true. You’re not alone. I’m here with you. I’m here for you.”
His facial features then softened, a fond smile adorning his expression with tenderness. He didn’t say anything, instead his hand caressed your cheek and then leaned in to leave a soft sweet kiss on your lips.
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dirwael · 1 year
imagine that when you and solomon return to the present, in midst of everyone crying over and hugging you, someone gasps, seeing rings on yours and solomon’s fingers
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soleilnomoon · 2 years
ME FIRST!! ME FIRST ME FIRST *elbows everyone out of the way* Gah damn, lemme in *rattles bars* I want I WANT *moves to the front* a macaron and a cafecito with some honey caramel poppy seeds and # 4 from the secret menu please. Be a darling and I'll give you a kiss (i'll kiss you regardless)
hiiiii bb, rattle them bars all u want, are u kidding me, u are always first in my heart 💓 anyway, as always thx for ur patience, you know what time it is when it comes to writing ♡꒰ᵕ༚ᵕ⑅꒱
3.6k words, fem reader, nsfw, 18+ mdni; angst city, smut, hurt/comfort (triple fatality, i'm sry but that's what u wanted); reader deals w. a messy break up & guess who's there to help her sort her feelings? there's also a party and lucifer makes an appearance; solomon tries his best to be a gentleman but yk how it is when pussy's on the table. i didn't proofread, so if u see any mistakes no you didn't, ok.
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what you miss most about the human world is the sun — the warmth from it, the sheer impressive force behind its brilliant light, a mood-stabilizer that fills you with a natural bust of energy. lately you find yourself dragging, snoozing through your alarms, waking up late — satan and asmo voice their concerns, wondering if some sort of human illness has descended upon you overnight. you assure them it’s nothing, do your best to summon as much pep as you can muster, but when you smile, it doesn’t reach your eyes. your words are hollow, rehearsed — voice controlled in a feeble attempt at appearing as close to normal as you can.
you’re haunted by ghosts that shouldn’t exist, lingering emotions that you swore you buried a while ago; you’d rip your heart out of your chest if you could — the pathetic organ constantly reminding you of things left unsaid, of regrets and secrets.
lucifer asks you twice and you wave him off, laughing faintly and making excuses for yourself. crimson eyes peer at you carefully, taking note of your change in inflection, in the way you can’t quite look at him properly. it makes him sigh, opting to find another roundabout way of figuring you out. not one to pry in delicate matters without sufficient evidence, he decides it’s time to reach out to someone who might get you to open up a bit.
in the midst of preparing himself for a night out, solomon receives what appears to be an urgent text — one where he’s summoned to the house of lamentation immediately. the invitation is last minute, and he does have plans, but who is he to deny lucifer’s request? especially since it pertains to you.
you hardly touch your food, and instead busy yourself with playing a mindless game on your phone, finger tapping and swiping on the screen; you barely register your high score when you make a wrong move and lose. like everything else in your life, this is just one more layer of disappointment to add to your melancholy.
with hushed tones, lucifer gives solomon a brief rundown, causing a frown to glide onto his lips as he makes his way over to you. looking up from your phone, you smile softly and go back to playing the game — not bothering to question solomon’s sudden appearance, or lucifer’s concerned looks. solomon doesn’t need to investigate any further, he has a running theory that his fairly certain he can easily proven with your nonverbal cues as evidence.
he pulls lucifer off to the side, voice lowered again as he voices his opinion. “there’s nothing wrong,” he says assuredly, the frown never leaving his face. lucifer doesn’t understand, and says as much to him, his annoyance at solomon’s lack of consideration for the situation at hand bubbles inside of him, waiting to burst free.
“how did you come to that conclusion? you didn’t talk to her, or see what we’ve seen over the past few weeks—”
now, the highly skilled sorcerer knows better than to interrupt lucifer when he speaks, but solomon’s patience has run thin. “you don’t understand. there’s nothing physically wrong with her. she’s just…” his voice trails off as he tries to explain it as best as he can without coming off as insensitive. “depressed. that’s what she’s dealing with. depression.”
if it wasn’t because he was so concerned for your well-being, lucifer would have flayed solomon alive for his impertinent attitude; his dark brows bunch together as he contemplates solomon’s words. “are you certain?” he’s seen the way depression eats away at people — humans, mostly — and the more he thinks about it, the more he sees the truth in the matter. you insistence at solely staying in your room, your lack of energy, the way you’ve withdrawn from all of them in the house. normally, you’re a chatterbox, full of ideas and absurd words, always sticking your nose in places it doesn’t belong — so, naturally, seeing you this way is jarring to him and the others.
“is there a cure?” a fruitless question that lucifer dares to ask. 
you feel solomon stare at the side of your face, and you glance his way, startled at the intensity, cheeks flushing a bit when you catch yourself looking for much longer than you mean to. lately, being around him is impossible — even through the fog that lingers over your mind, he manages to slice through it with ease, shining a light that’s comparable to the sun you’re hopelessly pining after. 
he understands that there’s a delicate way to handle things like this, but solomon also knows that with you, certain extremes must be employed to yield favorable results.
“no, but i’m sure i can think of something to help lift her spirits.”
at school, solomon sticks by your side — sitting next to you in class, walking with you through the corridors, insisting on accompanying you to lunch; at first you’re annoyed. it seems meddlesome, like he’s trying to fish for information that you don’t want to give out; but as the day goes on, you come to understand that his concern is genuine. something close to warmth flutters in your chest, but you snuff it out with a grim reminder when you check the date on your phone.
on the walk home, he takes you on a detour to buy sweets — something to perk you up; you agree because you have a sweet tooth and also because you realize that solomon has been working tirelessly to make sure that you’re alright. you’re pretty sure lucifer put him up to it — which you make a mental note to harass him about it on another day — but another flutter has you staring at his smooth, angular jaw, at the curve of his lips, and the long, delicate lashes that curl around his eyes. 
he’s impossibly handsome, his voice mesmerizing, words casting a spell over you — a tragedy that will plague you for the rest of your life if you’re not careful — and you’re not sure what he’s talking about, but he repeats his question a little louder.
“so, what do you say? do you want to go?”
because you don’t want him thinking that you weren’t paying attention, you stumble over your words in a panic. “what? yes, of course i do.” you hope that whatever you agreed to isn’t something out of your comfort zone, although you doubt solomon is the sort to trick you like that.
brows raising at your compliance, a slow smile takes hold of his face as he pauses right in front of the shop. “really? good. the party is this weekend, everyone will be there.” more or less. he’s surprised that you agreed to go, when you didn’t seem too interested before. since you know you can’t really back out, you nod and hum in agreement.
he’s sure you don’t actually mean it when you say, “yeah, sounds fun.” but he lets it slide; maybe dragging you out might do you some good.
the party is loud, the house dark with neon, strobe lights illuminating the crevices and corners, casting shadows along the faces of the drunken party-goers. someone spills a drink next to you, and you sidestep, nearly avoiding the spill, grateful your shoes didn’t get wet. solomon is off socializing, although he promises to come right back. you wait for him against the back wall, watching asmo flirt with a few pretty faces while mammon tries to con his way into some money; beel sequesters himself in the kitchen, inhaling what he can, and satan is in deep conversation with a fellow classmate, ignoring the rest of the noise and revelry. 
it almost feels…normal; you smile, genuinely, for what seems like the first time in weeks, your cheeks warming significantly as you think about how much you appreciate the friendship you’ve cultivated over the past few months. it’s unfair for you to not explain yourself, and you don’t like that they’ve been worried, so you promise yourself to make things right. 
that pleasant feeling, the one that has minuscule butterflies flapping happily inside of you, doesn’t last long; it quickly turns to ash, tasting funny in your mouth, making you clutch the drink in your hand tightly. you see someone from afar who looks vaguely familiar and you feel your chest constrict, anxiety pulsing through you as you finish the colorful drink and place the empty glass down. 
impossible. you know it can’t be him; but that doesn’t stop you from following behind, stealthily clinging to the shadows as you try your best to not be seen. he passes under a dim light and you release the breath you were holding. a simple case of mistaken identity nearly gave you a panic attack; you need to do better.
solomon’s watchful gaze followed you out of the room; he excuses himself to see where you’re heading off to, not liking the way you’re sneaking about. you’re aware he’s standing behind you but your stupid heart sputters out of control anyway.
“what are you doing?”
you muster as much courage as you can, slap a grin on your face, and turn around to face him. “hm? nothing! just thought i saw someone familiar.” a thick silence settles between you, but you focus instead on his eyes — normally so sharp, the blues pop up over the browns — soft and tender, as he waits for you to tell him the full version of that truth. 
sighing dramatically, you tug on your curls, nerves getting the best of you. the lies are hard to tell apart and you’re tired of letting this secret dictate your life; so you tell him the truth. all of it. from start to finish. there are times where you pause to gather your thoughts, and there are times where your mouth moves faster than your brain. he more or less can follow what you’re saying, and he closes his eyes and leans back against the wall.
“so that’s what has you moping around,” he muses out loud, pressing his lips together as he considers what to do with you next. 
with widened eyes, you stare at him incredulously, unsure of how to take that. “what do you mean?” you cross your arms and hold them against your chest.
“heartache,” he says slowly, opening his eyes to peer at you again, a curious, yet determined look taking over, “is easily remedied. with the right course of action.” you laugh out loud at his ridiculous statement, laugh even harder at his frown, but when you realize that he’s actually serious, you stop, cheeks aflame all over again.
“oh,” you’re not sure exactly how to answer him, but you know that he’s not going to let it go yet. “it’s stupid, i’m fine really. i’m over it.” which isn’t exactly true, but you’re trying to convince yourself that you are. solomon sighs at your stubbornness and playfully pinches your round cheek. 
“stop that.” he hates the way you’re casually glossing over the gravity of things; your insistence at burying your feelings for so long backfired significantly — to the point that it’s affected your everyday life. “it’s okay to not be…okay.” he releases his hold only to caress that same cheek, lithe, pallid fingers stroking your skin and making you forget all about the gaping hole in your heart. you’ve tried patching it up, even after the break up, even after you saw that he moved on without you — and quickly at that; but nothing worked.
and yet, with one touch, solomon is able to eviscerate those worries, your mind clearing only to find yourself trapped and unable to extract yourself from his presence. not that you want to do that — you’re so much more at ease around him, find it easier to talk about difficult things, and laugh more earnestly than you have since arriving at the devildom. it’s because you realized that this month would’ve been your three year anniversary — that you’d considered moving in with him, that you’d made plans for the future together. he shattered that dream with callous words and irredeemable actions. you should hate your ex — and you do, you really do — but the grief from that knowledge intensified as the days rolled by, and soon you were consumed by every negative emotion that could possibly pass through you. 
“alright,” you say after a while, sighing and leaning into his touch, “what do you have in mind?”
again, your compliance surprises him; he doesn’t understand why lucifer complains, because he’s yet to be met with resistance from you — at least, not on serious matters, that is. he’s not sure if it’s the atmosphere of the party, the thundering music that bleeds into the corridor you’re standing in, or the adrenaline from having you to himself, but an unshakeable urge courses through him, possessing his body, prompting him to pull you closer.
if you thought your night couldn’t get any more unpredictable, you’re mistaken. with a hand gliding down your back, and another tangling in your hair, he slants his lips against yours experimentally, leaving behind a soft kiss. you’ve never believed in the foolishness that romance novelists peddle to their readers, but at this moment, you’re quite sure that your legs almost giving out is a sign that maybe they weren’t lying, that there are people out there who will wreck your life without even trying.
you tell yourself that kissing him is dangerous, but you do it anyway; you lean forward, hands planted on his chest as your plush lips brush against his. he’s bewitched you, somehow, that’s the only way to explain the way your mouth moves in tandem with his and the way your tongue glides into his mouth without a care. he hadn’t meant to kiss you, not really; he just couldn’t help himself. even in sadness, you’re stunning — a baroque oil painting come to life; beautiful, passionate, and otherworldly. 
a marvel, really — he’d like to keep you, but knows he can’t. still, he won’t know unless he tries, right?
his teeth graze your lip, playfully nipping, your pulse quickening when he pushes you against the wall, his leg slipping in between yours, parting them with your assistance. it’s ridiculous — an indescribable heat grows within you, burning through your doubts, erasing any lingering dejected feelings that piled into you without your knowledge. he tries his best to keep it together, but finds it difficult when you arch into his hold, or when your kisses turn breathless, leaving him with a desire so great that it has him throwing away every bit of decorum he’s stored inside of him over the years.
it’s highly inappropriate for the two of you to be so brazen like that out in the open, but somehow it makes sense. you’ve never seen solomon lose his composure like that, but you can’t say it’s unappealing; if anything, it makes you want him more. you like that he can’t stop touching you, that his curious, but skilled hands tug your dress up, making him groan against your lips as your thighs tempt him in the worst possible way. the sheer power you now hold over him is unbelievable, and yet you have no idea how to wield it.
with great difficulty, he pulls himself off of you and his eyes take in your swollen lips, thumb gently brushing along the bottom one. a shiver passes through you, mind effectively blank, as you look up at him through your thick lashes. it’s not often that you find yourself rendered speechless, so it takes you by surprise when you can’t find anything to say. but you readily allow yourself to be commanded by him when he presses a kiss on your neck, right below your earlobe. he murmurs against your skin, you’re pretty sure he suggested moving to a more private location. all you can do is nod as he takes your hand in his, leading you off to a bathroom nearby and locking the door behind him.
it doesn’t take long but he has you on top of the counter, hands tugging on your panties, the flimsy fabric ripping slightly with his hurried movements — you ignore it, just like you ignore the way your hands tremble, the anticipation almost too much for you to handle. with your legs spread and your pussy on display, the light in the bathroom illuminating the wetness that pools along your folds. solomon swipes his thumb against your slit, another heat working its way through you as you watch him bring his thumb to his mouth, tongue slipping out to sample your arousal. 
there are so many things you want to tell him, and similarly he has things he wants to tell you too — but that can wait; he’s more interested in the way you’re grabbing onto his arms, eyes pleading as your mouth parts again. “please,” you gasp when he inserts a finger inside of you, relishing in your wet heat that wraps around him, “i can’t take it.” he lets out a chuckle, amusement flitting across his face as he kisses the side of your neck again. 
“it seems like you can, though,” he offers as a rebuttal, finger plunging in and out of you, your pussy clenching around him even tighter when he slips an additional finger inside of you. if you had more sense you’d chastise him for all the teasing; he scissors his fingers inside of you, amazed at the way you’ve completely let your walls down, with how your head falls back, lightly bumping into the mirror behind you. 
despite wanting to take his time with you, to really explore your body, to lift you higher than you’ve ever been — but, a terrible hunger claws at his insides, obliterating whatever patience he has left, poisoning his logical thoughts and turning them into impetuous whims. solomon unzips his pants swiftly, his cock heavy in his hand as he strokes it a few times. 
he rubs the tip against your folds, enjoying the way your breath catches, how your nipples harden beneath the fabric of your dress, how you seem like you’re hardly keeping it together yourself. you roll your hips and grind your pussy along his hardened length, a quiet moan slipping out of his mouth as he inches his cock inside of your tight entrance. 
“solomon,” you manage to let out, a throaty moan accompanying the desperate way you keep calling out his name; with a sharp snap of his hips, he slams his cock inside of you, mouth claiming yours again as he gives you open-mouthed kisses, tongue stroking yours, making you wrap your legs around his waist and keeping him close to you. slinging your arms around his neck, you lift your hips to meet his thrusts, pussy on cloud nine, heart beating entirely too fast. it doesn’t matter though; all that matters is making sure to cement this feeling in your mind, bottle it up for later, to keep you company late at night.
he’s in an equally distressing position — except he’s not distraught at all. if anything, he’s never felt more alive. he powers into you mercilessly, the lewd, squelching sounds echoing, bouncing off of the walls, and reminding both of you that you’re fucking on borrowed time — because at any moment, someone could possibly interrupt you. and you’d hate for that to happen.
you’re not sure if it started with his initial touch in the hallway, but you’ve completely forgotten about your ex; while you know the hole left in your heart might take a while to mend, it’s closed a bit more thanks to solomon — although, maybe it’s more appropriate for you to thank lucifer, since it was his idea for solomon to help you sort out your emotions. you decide to think more on that later, because now all you want to focus on is the rush you feel with each thrust of his hips, cock kissing a sweet spot, one that has you bucking your hips wildly against him, arousal dripping as you tug on his hair. 
his hands hold you steady as he pounds into you, hips jerking with each thrust, his moans tumbling into your mouth as he kisses you senselessly. a frenzy swirls around his head, making it impossible to think straight, he’s never been so captivated by someone like this, so it’s brand new territory for him to navigate. he whispers praises in between kisses, a heat passing between you as your walls squeeze tightly around his cock. your orgasm is intense, makes you gasp loudly, your nails scratching against the back of his neck, and he hisses as he keeps fucking you, orgasm taking most of your energy.
but you don’t let up; instead, you press needy kisses against his jaw, lick along the side of his neck, your name falling off of his lips like a lyrical prayer, one that he’ll say every night from now on. a dizziness coils around him as his thrusts get sloppier, his cum thick and hot as it pours inside of you. you’re sure your heart might give out at this rate, but you cling onto him, body trembling as he steadily comes down from his high, breathing uneven, panting lightly. you’re sure it’s residual post-coital bliss that has you kissing him tenderly, that has you pressing your forehead against his in an attempt to calm down. if anyone asks you about it later on, you’ll deny ever holding such affection. 
unfortunately for you, solomon knows the gritty truth of the matter — and you do too. 
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leviathans-watching · 2 years
rivals au w/ solomon
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includes: solomon x/& gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned)
wc: .5k | rated t | m.list | pt 2
a/n: glad i had this drafted so i could post it today lololol
warnings: mentions of violence, depictions of blood, cursing
please reblog!
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“this,” you say, when solomon opens the door to find you standing on the step of purgatory hall, only half-visible due to the crappy porch lighting. “does not mean i’ve given up. however, temporary truce?”
solomon smirks. “well, well, well, if it isn’t mc. here to give up and finally admit i’m the smarter and cooler sorcerer?”
“were you not listening?” you push past him, not waiting to be let in. “i literally said that’s not what i’m here to do. dumbass.”
you shed your soaked jacket and drop it on the floor, uncaring of the fact that solomon’s the one who has to pick it up, wringing as much water as you can out of your hair. it had been pouring all day, and it looks like you’d been caught in the storm.
“i tend to tune you out when you talk,” solomon replies helpfully, and you bare your teeth at him in a facsimile of a smile.
“funny. real funny, solomon.”
it’s only when he flicks on the overhead light that he sees your split lip and bruised cheek. idly, you scratch at your jaw and he sees your knuckles are raw and red, some still bleeding.
“what the hell happened to you?” solomon asks, something unfamiliar thrumming in his chest. who dared to put his hands on you? everyone knew you were off-limits.
so that he could fully beat you and put you in your place himself. only because of that. everyone knew how much the two of you hate one another- diavolo rules the devildom, the sun never rises in the east, and solomon and mc hate one another.
you roll your eyes. “don’t get your panties in a twist, but some witches tried to start shit. i, obviously, put an end to it. but i can’t go back to the house of lamentation, because, well, you know the boys and i just do not have the energy to deal with them right now.”
“so you came here?”
something in his tone must have clued you into his disbelief because you fix him with a stare. “not as my first choice. but the library is closed, i can’t go outside because of the rain, and the restaurant i was at kicked me out because i-” you form air quotes “-was scaring the other customers and making them loose business.”
“huh,” solomon says. “i didn’t know restaurants in the devildom would do that sort of thing?”
“i know right?” you agree, throwing your hands in the air. “they literally serve live sacrifices but this is too far?”
your sneer causes your lip to begin to bleed again, and you curse, staunching the flow on your sleeve.
“disgusting,” solomon mutters, fetching you a kleenex from the box literally right by your arm. “here, use this.”
you don’t bother to thank him, not that he expected anything different.
“you should probably disinfect all of that,” solomon eventually says, gesturing generally to your injuries. “there’s first aide in the bathroom under the sink.”
“what,” you say mockingly, “not going to offer to bandage me up yourself?”
he scowls. “not unless you want me to be generous with the peroxide.”
you chuckle then, and he smiles, before catching himself. what’s he doing, joking around with you? you two are rivals. rivals! not friends, or anything else like it.
you disappear into the bathroom, but leave the door open.
“wait,” solomon says, “how’d you know where the bathroom is?”
you fix him with a dry look. “i’ve been here before.”
“what? why?”
“to snoop through your room and steal all of your secrets, obviously. no, dipshit, simeon invited me over.”
“that bastard,” he hisses, and you smirk.
“what? mad that your friend likes me more than you?”
“in your dreams,” he scoffs back, and you stick out your tongue. the effect is somewhat ghoulish due to the bruises and blood and everything, but his gut still fills with something warm. almost endeared.
get a grip, he thinks furiously, looking away and hoping you don’t see his blush. his angry blush, because he hates you. really, really hates you.
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leviathans-watching's work - please do not copy, repost, or claim as your own
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mina-chaan · 1 year
'Let me be your'-Solomonx reader (f)
Hi there~
Sorry for my bad english!!
♤[content]: you find yourself in the castle of the notorious prince for a ball wearing a skintight dress that will activate someone's attention...
♡[notes]: I didnt sleep :P
☆Enjoy it~
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That evening you and the 7 brothers were invited to the famous annual ball held at the castle of the beloved Devil prince, and there would have been all the nobility of the Devildom, it had been a week now that you and Asmo were preparing by buying everything you needed including the dress you were going to wear that long-awaited and desired evening, an elegant and very tight-fitting dress that brought out all your curves, you weren't sure if it was a good idea to wear it but Asmo had convinced you and you all went towards the castle; the castle was full and they were all elegant but that evening you were the one who stood out the most, passing among the people you saw people whispering looking at your figure with eyes of envy, amazement and hunger. For now you were a little bored, that evening you promised yourself that you would be with the twins all the time, but after looking for them you gave up and found yourself alone with a glass of champagne in your hand with your eyes looking for the brothers but above all a certain sorcerer at that moment all you did was think about him until you feel a gloved hand on your shoulder and turning around you find yourself the object of your dominant thoughts, Solomon, "Hey mc, I hardly recognized you in this 'hot' suit by your..." he chuckled, you blushed a lot not only for his words but also for his appearance, he looked like a prince, it must have been the effect of the alcohol but at that moment you just wanted to be in his arms and, for him touch you and dance the night away until Morpheus took you along. "Not that you are outdone" I chuckled softly, and saw the sorcerer blush slightly as he carefully studied your figure, until the new music drew his attention to the new music "Would you grant me this dance?" he asked offering you his hand and with that sneaky smile of hers " I would like it" you replied and you find yourself the center of the room the center of attention, "Don't you think they're adorable??!!" Asmo asked Mammon " Phwf, it would have been nicer if the great Mammon had been there with her" I reply but looking at you he could not help but hope that one day you were there with him, just thinking about it warmed his heart.
you and Solomon did nothing but look into your eyes or share thoughts that you had, "you know, I wish this moment would last forever, everyone looking at me envious to have immense wealth in my arms right now, to be able to touch you, feel your perfume and being able to look into your eyes dreaming of getting you everything I want" said the sorcerer in your ear, you felt his warm breath, feeling a shiver down your spine, and with a little courage you said to him "Why dream?", he looks at you and a moment later he smiles and after the music is over he takes you by the hand and takes you out into the garden where there was no one and nobody could see you, sure you were alone he kissed you intensely hungry, as if you were his prey, his hands sailed along your waist and back and his warm kisses descended along your jaw leaving his mark on every face visible "Solom-agh wait so they all will see..." you said with your hands touching his shiny hair, "It's better this way, so they'll know you're only mine" he said giving you a captivating smile, but that only made you want more, "Then make me yours".
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squeakyducky · 14 days
Some of the reasons why I like Solomon
- his personality, his looks, his demeanor
- accidentally makes himself immortal and his live reaction was 'oopise'
- got a restraining order from the ocean THE OCEAN
- fought the whole devildom by himself for several days
- make a whole damn reaper hate you with a PASSION
- casually destroy lives with his cooking and is unaware of it
- someone (asmodeus) finally told him how bad his cooking was, got depressed for a day and DECIDED to forget about it the next day
- his love for humanity itself
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