#Solarballs headcannons
thunderroseses · 2 months
I have a new headcannon, this is a add on about this post (warning very long texts)
Here’s the body version (she’s not wearing clothes but everything is covers and appropriate I think?)
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The words say
Left: was formed with these, every planet and moon had them
Right: Earth symbols but fancy ✨
On Luna’s leg it has Earth name in a cold lettering thing I found
(I did this on my phone sorry)
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These marks represent who they are as a celestial being and who they belong to, moons to their planets but also planets to the Sun, (In the past, these marks where seen more as ownership over the moons by the planets and The planets by the Sun) this marks can’t be changed no matter how much one may try, these mark can be seen as a status symbol as if saying your better then another moon because of your planet, not everyone thinks this way, but moons like Ganymade uses how Jupiter being a terrifying force in the solar system as a way to say his more powerful then the other moons and to put himself about the others, he is one of the most powerful moons in the solar system because of him being Jupiter’s moon, even if he wasn’t originally made by Jupiter.
Other moons like Saturn’s tend to hind theirs, as they don’t want to be lumped into Saturn’s representation, which is not good among the moons, his seen as a cry baby, forgetful and mean (this is just the moons opinion, as we’ve seen in the moon revolution they don’t have high opinion of the most planets) it doesn’t help that in the past Saturn used to force them into or show off his mark, and covered them in gold, they were called trophies, taking away any humanity they had (even if their not humans) only being seen as a statue symbol for their planet, that created a big disconnect and hatred for their marks, other planets and moons don’t care much, and it varies if they hind them or not.
These Marks also show the wearer past, as some planets such as Venus, Earth and Mars still have things from their proto days, such as Venus and Mars still having life and Earth having lava, Earth still can’t remember the past and just assumes it’s from his volcanos, since it starts to look like moving lava when ever a volcano erupts, him and IO being the only ones with active volcanoes in the solar system shears this, even if it looks wildly different from each other. Earth volcanos can also hind his other marks that aren’t apart of his surface, mostly on his hands and feet.
Both Venus and Mars’ old lakes and rivers have turned into scars that curved their way through his surface over time, much like Earth would have if he lost his water too, since water can slowly take apart of the surface over time if it’s there long enough.
Gas giant’s like Jupiter and Saturn have gas swirling around their arms, it moves and is effect by the weather on their surface, Callisto also has these on her arms with the addition of small stars covering the bottom of her hands but fades out the higher it goes. The ice giant have a lesser and more giant version of this that is hard to see over the frost that covers their surface, Neptune is a bit different then Uranus, his core can warm his body more since it’s hotter then Uranus’ meaning he had a more fishy theme (I’m planing on drawing them +triton next which will explain this better) Other then that their Marks are fairly similar, being made up primarily with diamonds and swirling lines that represent their icy titles.
(Jupiter’s symbol might changed as I’ve found some sources that says he doesn’t orbit the sun, I can find anything on NASA’s website but they don’t update it that often and still have some stuff that where proven false, such as super Saturn which is ringless rogue dwarf planet, that we haven’t been able to find since, but it still says it’s real on the NASA website)
Talking about Neptune, his biggest moon, triton tends to hind his marks to fit in better with the other moons both with rest of Neptune’s and the wider solar system’s, he doesn’t want them to think badly of him from not being from the same solar system (if he even had one to begin with) and he doesn’t want Neptune’s other moons to think he doesn’t care about them, since he wasn’t created by Neptune like they were (no matter how much Neptune tells him they’ll love him nonetheless) instead his mark are made up by his travels throughout the galaxy and who he was before he was captured, he loves his marks and it hurt him or have to hide them, they represent his longing to remember who he once’s was in the past, he had started to show them more as he starts hanging out with the other dwarf planets :)
Titan on the other hand has grown to hate his marks, they represent everything he hates about himself and are a barrier between him and Saturn’s other moons, as he was formed by another planet before Jupiter and Saturn ejected them, he is the last reminder that his planet and siblings even existed, everything else has been scrubbed away and killed and as Saturn’s guilt grew he refused to let Titan show his marks beside his own, since it was a constant reminder to Saturn, making it hard for Titan to heal from his past and the trauma of losing his planet and siblings, much like Saturn hasn’t healed either. His marks are also a constant reminder that he is not one of Saturn moons, that he is an outsider from them because be wasn’t made by Saturn own hands like the others and when he tried to bring up his troubles the other moons would dismiss him saying “at lest Saturn remembers your name.” Even if it took lateral decades to get there. He doesn’t belong with the other moons (as fair as he knew he was the only one) because he wasn’t made by the planet he now orbits.
During the moon revolution Titan finally had a place where the belonged, as a united force against their planets, he wasn’t the outsider for the first time and was able to talk about his past for the first time, a adding factor to this is Ganymade who sheared a similar past as him, he was token from his original planet too (even if their path differed from there) the difference was Ganymade used his new status of being the moon of the biggest planet, and was able to inherit a fraction of Jupiter’s old planet, they bonded over the fact they didn’t belong with the other moons and being the only reminder of their planets before they where either killed or ejected, it made Titan more welling to go through with the revolution even if he was against killing a planet to get the respect of their planets, he didn’t want to give up on the community they had formed and the friends he made by going his own way, even Ganymade and Europa (I think they had good intention with the revolution even if they went about it in the worst way) their relationship was rocky afterwards but got better, his Marks are still a sore subject that he rather not remember, but his growing to except his past, and that even after the long path it took him and all his struggles, his still here and that’s worth something in its own.
Lastly since there no good space for this
Sun’s symbol is very different compared to his planets and their moons, since he orbits the Milky Way, or as other article say the centre of the galaxy, his marks is as if you painted the night sky, full of blue and purple, littered with stars over top, it reachers around his torso and interfere with some of his other marks.
Thank you for coming to a (for once’s) not late night rambling with Rose!
I have had this idea for while now and it’s just been growing since then, I’ve grown a bit obsess with this story idea:headcannon? Why ever you want to call it :D
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rainpink · 3 months
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Sorry this took so long,i was facing art block and have been busy. Bit here it is! The doodles are shitty but dont mind them lol-
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nocturnalflair · 6 months
Here's some fun headcannons have been brewing in the back of my mind:
Earth absolutely dominates at monopoly
Monopoly has been banned from the solar system
Jupiter has and will read for years on end
The dwarf planets play hide and seek in the Kuiper Belt (they have accidentally found Neptune many times)
If Uranus wants to talk to Neptune, he asks the dwarf planets to find him (bribing them with art for their latest campaign)
Saturn definitely knits, making things for his and Jupiter's moons.
Ceres watches Mars from the asteroid belt (Mars knows this and is scared)
The rocky planets sometimes have races (Mercury always wins)
Earth is very competitive, yet Venus is the sore loser (Monopoly was banned because of him)
Sol likes to watch his planets have fun
Venus tried to chase Mercury once but he is FAST
Venus deep down loves his name
The planets actually love Sol's jokes, some of them are actually really good
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tea-bruv · 3 months
I imagine that each solar system is like a huge island (basically like a city) where all the planets have their own houses and sometimes their moons live with them but usually they have their own houses
The Asteroid belt basically divides the island into two portions and gravity works on the island but they can easily float off of it
They were inspired by earthling culture to build malls and stuff as well soo ye
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theautismwizard · 3 months
the children yearn for transfem earth and transfem venus and bigender mars and transmasculine mercury. send post.
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floopsb · 1 year
I like to imagine Earth likes to wear whatever is trending in the human world but in his own style. The other planets and moon caught on this and as outfits catch there eye, they adapt it to their own unique style. (So yes— Earth once wore a hippie getup)
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deadal1enx3 · 3 months
Can you do headcannons of sun and Jupiter astronaut reader having to research about the planets and while they research about them they get to know the planets as well? Pretty please and thank you 🙏
Hai! Thank you for requesting, sorry if it took long, I'm also doing an art challenge and I'm kinda slow
And for the other anon who also requested me, I'm doing that too, it's just I'm kinda busy, but I'll always make time for my dear readers<3
Fandom: Solarballs
Solar system x astronaut! reader
Timeline: before the moon revolution
THEME: fluff? Maybe small against, platonic 💗
This is going to be an Headcanon, and thank you anon for requesting again!<3
꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡——— research ———♡⁠˖⁠꒰⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠⑅⁠꒱
When you first met sun, he was actually kinda scary
but after a while you got used to her acting a bit crazy sometimes
you got to research about him some things, and she didn't really mind it, as long as you don't come close to her because, yeah, it's kinda hot there
you shared some facts about him that you knew, and there were even some stuff he didn't know himself
as you talked more to him, you realized he was really nice! And as you guys came more friendly with each other, he started to make more sun jokes
at first the jokes were weird but some were really funny too!
later even you made some jokes and he was really happy that someone liked his jokes
Sun was just happy that there was someone was friends with her other than Mercury, and Mercury was glad to sometimes hang out with the other rockies
but, the solar flares are still very scary, especially on how big the solar flares were
you guys became good friends at the end ^-^
Mercury wasn't used to see earthlings up close, so he was glad to be able to talk to you
he also didn't mind you doing some research but when you told him that he's constantly shrinking, he got scared that he'll no longer be a planet and become a dwarf planet like Pluto
you had to calm him down, and you explained that he's bigger than Luna, the fifth biggest moon in the solar system, which means that it would take a really long time for him to shrink to the size of Pluto
he understood it wasn't you intention to make him upset and you guys talked more
you got to know that he's always being bullied by Venus and either Venus or Sun doesn't let him go to play with the other rocky planets
you sometimes helped him by talking to the sun and he was grateful for that
you even talked to him about how he could stand up for himself against Venus' bullying
in the end, you guys became really good friends, and helped each other when needed!
Venus wasn't really a fond of you, he didn't really liked earthlings, especially if you needed research about him
he needed some time to get used to have an earthling machine in his orbit again
there weren't some many things that were knew, maybe that his atmosphere wasn't so stormy while you were with him
you noticed there was a lot of times when he was just alone, you tried to speak to him, hoping maybe he wouldn't be soo rude to you
at first the conversation were short, and a bit awkward too, like the basic 'how are you'? and 'what are you up to?'
but the more you guys talked the more you started to know about him
he was actually nice, he just needed some time to get used to someone new
you found out that he wasn't purposely being mean to the others, he was just being insecure after losing his life
He also made fun of Mercury because it made him seem more though then other celestial bodies wouldn't hurt him because he lost his life even though he did everything to have life
overall, you guys are pretty good friends, even though the start was a bit rocky (no pun intended)
You didn't really had to do any research with earth so you only wanted to know more about them
But you didn't expected your home planet to be arrogant, or at least this much
At least they didn't talked as much about their life to you than they did to the celestial bodies
You noticed that they did seem pretty insecure whenever people would talk about how there are super earths and other planets that are sustainable for life
But it was understandable, the humans weren't the best life to have with all the trash they make
But it was still not right to treat others like that
You tried to talk to them about those things but they didn't really listen, you thought they would just need time to realize it
(sorry couldn't really write much for them >.<)
( this is before the moon revolution so they didn't really made changes in their personality yet, but after that you and Earth became good friends ^-^)
Now that it's kinda colder here, you wondered how cold it will be in Neptune's orbit
Mars was actually very friendly he didn't mind you doing some research at all, he was used to earthling technology on his surface, so things were going smoothly
The moons were pretty weird first but you got used to time, they really are cute!
Not even Mars knew this but his Sunsets were blue on his surface and he thought this was super cool
You and Mars were really good friends
You talked to mars about earthling stuff and technology and he talked about some space stuff, it's honestly was a good match for you two
Because both of you felt comfortable with each other, you two know the most about each other, but of course with time
It's been a while since and earthling probe was in his orbit but was glad he could get to know more about earthlings and in exchange, the earthlings got to know more about him!
Because you couldn't really land on a surface, you just stayed in moons orbit that isn't too close to Jupiter because he does have a strong radiation
You were honestly fascinated on how big was Jupiter in real life, and the big storm, 3 size of earth
It would been scary if Jupiter wouldn't be so kind and sweet
He talked about mythology while you did some of your research, like checking the wind speed in the storms and the storms radius, it was honestly calming than being with the rockies, they some why always had trouble with each other
You talked about how some of the earthlings found strange occurrence in the Kuipers belt that dwarf planets couldn't do and that they were thinking that there was maybe a ninth planet in the solar system
Jupiter looked paranoid at that news, so you quickly asked if there was something wrong
He just tried to brush it off, but you didn't wanted to ask more so you wouldn't make him feel discomfort
Overall that small incident you guys are pretty good friends if i may say so, same with mars
Saturn was beautiful, you couldn't say less
Saturn didn't seen earthling machines for so long, the only ones she could remember were the voyager ones and the first Pioneer 11, but she was also glad that she could talk to an earthling, it was a rare thing in the solar system
She was happy that the earthlings wanted to know more about her, and it was surprising to hear that she had a liquid core instead of a solid one or a gas one
You noticed that she didn't had the best relationship with her moons so you thought you would help her try to remember their names and tell interesting facts
Of course she didn't had the best time remembering but she tried her best
The moons were kind to you, well.. most of them
Titan was still scary tho, he was the second biggest moon in the entire solar system so it was kinda predictable but still not expected
You and Saturn remained natural but overall friendly
It was cold out there
Uranus wasn't used to earthlings in his orbit, the only one he saw was astro dude(?) and Voyager 2
This meant to you that there were many things that humanity didn't know about the coldest planet
There were many facts about him that you found out while doing your research and you shared these informations with him
In fact, He's the only planet named after a greek god, Ouranus, the god of the sky, Gaia's husband or Earth's husband
It was a bit weird at first for him, but then it made him think of his name otherwise because earthlings names him after a greek god
The other thing you knew about him was that he actually had the biggest rings in the solar system.
At first he obviously didn't believe you but you explained to him why
He actually had 13 rings, but most isn't seen because it's mostly made of ice and icy rocks that aren't the most visible things in the system
And Saturn has 8 visible and overall 9 which made Uranus have the biggest ring in the solar system
He couldn't believe it, did he really had the biggest rings in the entire solar system?!
You really did boost his confidence now, so he was quite thankful
But you guys did remain neutral, but still friendly
What's an earthling?
Yeah um.. he doesn't really know anything about earthlings
The only probe that went past Neptune was voyager 2, and he didn't even remember that
Tho he was a bit weird and orbiting him was also Unusual because how in the earth did he change his shape?!
Yeah, all of was weird, you thought it might be just because the light of the sun didn't reach this far that much so you thought the light was bugging you or you're just so insane that you not only imagine planets talking but you're also imagining that they are changing shapes
Yeah you're completely insane
But! Neptune was extremely kind and was glad that whatever the earthlings were, they still wanted to know more about him
Neptune had the highest wind in the solar system, it wasn't a big thing but it explained why the storms on him never stayed as long as on Jupiter
Neptune was very supportive and again, very nice, just like his moons
Triton was a bit skeptical about an earthling doing research but settled down once he understood why you were doing this
The mini moons were extremely cute and was fun talking with them
Neptune overall was very supportive and kind, his very friendly
Now you were completely know that you should take your meds
꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡——— research ———♡⁠˖⁠꒰⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠⑅⁠꒱
My ADHD ass had to do this all day because i always started doing something else, i even made a binder out of a small swim suit while writing this!
Uhm yeah... I just realized now that I'm done that you anon only wanted me to do oneshots for Jupiter and Sun... Well i hope this will be good too!
I think you can see who are my favorites.. (Neptune, Venus, Uranus, Sol<3)
At least others who also will read this will have others to read too..
But still, thank you dear anon for requesting, and if the other anon who also requested, I'm sorry but that'll take more time to make because I'm going over to a friends house in the weekend.
I still hope you enjoyed this one anon, it's good to hear about another person who is also is a Sol Fanon
Love y'all have a good day, night, evening, afternoon, morning<33
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rokusinari1 · 5 months
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☆゚⁠.⁠*⁠・⁠。゚Solarballs! Earth + Young! Dwarf Planet! Reader☆゚⁠.⁠*⁠・⁠。゚
Hi readers(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠) Right now I'm in my Solarballs phase and I really wanted to create a oneshots of it. Be aware that I'm not experienced in writing characters so Earth might be too OCC (⁠。⁠•́⁠︿⁠•̀⁠。⁠) Very sorry about that but please enjoy this╮⁠(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠╭
☆゚⁠.⁠*⁠・⁠。゚Platonic Headcannons☆゚⁠.⁠*⁠・⁠。゚
|Earth + Dwarf planet! reader|
The reader is specifically GENDER NEUTRAL
• How did you, a dwarf planet, be able to befriend a planet? You honestly don't remember the story
•Since you behave like a young child, Earth is either a brother or father figure to you either one works!
•I swear this planet would love compliments coming from you. It boosts his ego (⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠)
•For example, compliment the life that lives on him. He would ramble on and on about it. You just made him much happier :D
•Though it can be too much. So much so that you sneak away from him out of boredom. It can be boring for a young planet to hear the same thing over and over again (I ain't the only one?)
•Depending on how close you are with him. He might even talk about you to Venus and Mars!
•He'd also let you play astroid dodgeball with him. But he's a little worried about you getting injured. Hopefully you're not accident prone
•Often you play dress up and who is a better candidate then you're best buddy? The Earth!
•Since you spend your time with the other dwarf planets. You would be in their little plays or idk. So why not do it with the Earth?
•I head cannon that he invites you to a game of cards with the other rocky planets
•Definitely will keep an eye on you. Actually maybe sometimes. He might forget about youಠ⁠_⁠ಠ
•That's where the moon comes in! He'll be babysitting you since the Earth isn't which might get him annoyed. Why can't he just take care of you!?
•If you're a curious soul. This planet might get a heart attack (If that's even possible). One second you're right next to him playing with astroids and then the next second he looks at you, you're gone!?
•Prepare to hear your name be screamed a bunch of times as the Earth looks for you. What caught your attention this time?
•If you're a mischievous type. Then this is a great time to scare the Earth. Hide and don't get caught by anyone. Stay hidden for a long time and see(⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠) I wonder how the Earth is doing? (Not well)
•Will be very relieved to find that you are okay but is going to scold you for that. Lame(⁠・⁠o⁠・⁠)
Was the story good? Mediocre? Or not that great?
It depends. This is my first head cannon post so I'm nervous if I did it well. Hopefully I'll create more oneshots or head cannons in the future (⁠☆⁠▽⁠☆⁠)
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Despite how much I love Solarballs, I haven’t actually watched most of the series and have no idea what their cannon personalities actually are despite how many stories I’ve written about them and drawings I’ve made, the main reason for this is because I can’t handle Earth’s attitude in the earlier episodes (from what I know about it at lest) I don’t know of any of my followers or the people who liked my stories have released this yet because most of them are about random thoughts and headcannon I decided to force onto them, I still have no idea how accurate any of them are, even my Earth alone fics that are about an alternate universe lol
On a side note, it wasn’t until I started watching Solarballs in a completely different language that I’ve started watching some of the older videos, it’s quite interesting to see how they differ from each channel.
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natsuki-bakery · 2 months
Can we get an inbox check please?
Here it is !
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Requests are : OPEN [ 21/35 ]
Currently working on : it's an obscure character but could you please do three rentry graphics of lalli hotakainen from stand still stay silent? if not i understand
it's an obscure character but could you please do three rentry graphics of lalli hotakainen from stand still stay silent? if not i understand 😭
Can you do regressor Light Yagami head cannons?
haiii! could you do cg america headcanons?? thank uuu! (⁀ᗢ⁀)
Can you do Dante DMC caregiver head cannons? Hi there! I was wondering if I could request a oneshot for Genshin impact? Caregiver Venti looking after Aether who’s regressed super small into babyspace if you are up to it. Thank you! Hihi hello!! Could I mayhaps request some little/age regressor Sanemi Shinazugawa hcs? TYSM!! < 3 Hi do you write about the webtoon school bus graveyard? Have a nice day! hii! could u do russia rentry graphics ?? thxxx ^_^ okok im VERY excited now sorry stranger things is my hyperfixation !! could you do byclair (lucas sinclair/will byers) graphics? maybe with a strawberry theme? could you make me an agere wallpaper that’s Ralsei themed (from deltarune!) if that’s out of your boundaries, maybe an Omori one with Kel instead? HI FRIEND!! (i’m so sorry if your uncomfy with nicknames , i say that as a joke! /srs ) if you take hetalia requests, would it be okay to request a prussia or north italy rentry/tumblr layout? thank you sosososoossos freaking much AHHH😭😭❤️💕 Can you do something with Prussia x Ukraine? :0 hii!!! just a question, do you take requests for metalocalypse?? thanks!! ^_^
hello!!! solid snake and otacon requester here, they're perfect tysm for them, keep up the good work<33
Hiii! Could I please ask for John Mactavish from Call of Duty Modern Warfare II caregiver headcanons? (⁠灬⁠º⁠‿⁠º⁠灬⁠)⁠♡
hi! i thiiink (?!) reqs are open, please ignore this if they aren't >< but i was wondering if i could request dio or diego cg hcs? there ain't nothing of them, thank you if you do this o^^o
Taiwan from hetalia as a rentry layout? thank you so much ahhhh😭❤️❤️
I also crave a Misa little Headcanons one please
Ahh I see the Sunday hcs so is it ok if I ask for welt yang cg headcanons.. if not it's ok, I don't kind--!
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Could I please get an Ash Ketchum (Pokémon) caregiver headcannons please ? (Thank you!! :D)
Can you please do Saturn from Solarballs caregiver and regressor (flip) headcanons pls?
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thunderroseses · 3 months
New headcannon that has plagued me since I’ve lost my phone and couldn’t write it down :D
Earth could feel every living creature on his surface, it felt like billions of ants were swarming his entire body, he could feel their little legs leaving an icky feeling behind that never really goes away. And with no away to get the feeling to stop, Earth just have to live with it like everything else his Earthlings do to him.
Aka Earthlings and other creatures feel like ants to Earth, because if he can feels when we drill into his surface what’s to say he can’t feel us walking as well?
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rainpink · 3 months
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I may have gotten lazy with some- As a bonus have Saturn because my Sweet little thing just came in THE MAIL TODAY!! <333 He’s adorable isn’t he?
For regular fans dw i’ll get back to my normal uploads next month!
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nocturnalflair · 5 months
I've been researching the Sun recently and in doing so I have come up with some more headcannons, this time only for Sol as I have started to call him:
(might be a bit angsty btw)
Sol is very protective of his planets and will protect them against the cosmic radiation within the Milky Way, through all of his life phases, until the very end.
He witnessed the head on collision of Proto-Earth and Theia and was unable to do anything to stop it, so to stop it from happening again he ordered the planets to stay in their orbits.
He is immensely proud of Earth and his Earthlings as he is the only star with a planet that holds actual life that he knows of.
Sol definately keeps to himself despite being surrounded by an estimated 100,000,000 stars in the Milky Way alone, he wants to enjoy his planets while he still has them.
The other red dwarfs and white dwarfs in the Milky Way all feel bad when they see the younger stars with their planets orbit the Milky Way every Galactic Year, knowing what will happen to them eventually.
Sol misses his stellar siblings HD-162826 and HD-186302, he didn't get to spend much time with them when they first formed with their other thousands of siblings in the same stellar nursery.
He knows what Jupiter and Saturn did to the fifth gas giant, he agrees with their decision. The smaller terrestial planets needed to be protected from Planet X.
Watching his small terrestial planets be pummelled by asteriods during the Late Heavy Bombardment made him furious, Jupiter and Saturn calmed down after this.
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everyfandom72 · 5 months
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THIS IS NOT A SHIP!! It's my own headcannons and stuff for solarballs but planethumans, Neptune is just being protective of Uranus. Also, I used a base for this, I'm a fraud!!
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gigglylover1 · 10 months
Last update: September 20th 1:46 PM
The link to mah DeviantArt account :>
Requests: 🟩 since school started now requests are still open but if I couldn't handle so much then I will close the ask button :<
QnA: ✅ you can ask anything (except for anything nsfw-) it's fine (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)
Current hyperfixation: inanimate insanity (it is happening again (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠))
Time zone: GMT +5
Ocs: analog /
Ok just start with the basics-:
- Name: H (nickname: Starfade)
- Age: this is an ageless minor blog!!
- birthday/birth date: September 30th 20##
- Nationality: Malaysia 🇲🇾<3
- Religion: Islam 🏳️🏴💖
- Sexuality: Straight / Acesexual (I haven't figure out yet but keep it halal)
- ambivert (leaning introvert)
I am a minor here so any no-no things popping up here or anywhere, I get ✨traumatized✨.
Usually all my art is in DeviantArt, crazy but seriously everything in it is sfw.
Also- I am born as a Malaysian but English is my first language- so Malay basically is not even my main language- atleast I barely passed my Malay classes-
Here are the things I luv <3 :
- Tickling (sfw)
- Art
- drawing manga/comics
- Memes
- Islam (Muslim)
- School (slowly turning into hate but whatever-)
I really hate >:(
- Lore / horror games (I eat lore :>)
- Islamaphobic
- Racism
- Kink
- transphobic
- Haters
- copyrighters
DNI LIST!!: (this should be easy to follow, it is not that hard)
- Israel supporters
- back biters / gossipers ( especially if it is onto me)
- NSFW blogs (even if there is mostly sfw, it still contains NSFW)
- fetish / kink blogs (or blogs that makes/thinks/tags tickling a / as fetish)
ALL the fandoms I am in/have been-:
- weird / disgusting blogs ( I don't mind anybody that talks to me because I do like getting noticed, just don't be weird around or onto me)
- blogs with DNI ageless blogs (this is an ageless minor blog, if you have that and you interact with me, what are your boundaries?)
- solarballs
- mrspherical
- human buddy
- fundamental paper education
- hazbin hotel
- Mr men show/ Mr men and little miss
- The Mandela Catalogue
- baldi's basics (send help please- I keep on going back to this fandom- no matter how many times NULL warns me-)
- countryballs/countryhumans
- scp foundation
- man in the suit
- happy child (how do I freaking love it-)
- the BEST mom
- the boiled one phenomenon
- the Oddity Compendium
- doctor nowhere (all of his work impresses me the most-)
- omori
- wonderend
- bad parenting
- backrooms
- inanimate insanity (current hyperfixation) (it is happening again ;-;)
- battle for dream island / battle for BFDI / BFDIA / TPOT (object show)
Things that I am willing to take as a tickle request (SFW ONLY!): (note on all the fandoms I have been before!)
- Your ocs
- fandom personas
- fandom tickle headcannons (no proship or whatever similar)
Tags meanings:
#starfaderambling = me yapping (common)
#starfade's reblogii ★ = reblogs (uncommon)
#starfade poll = my poll (rare)
#starfade's vent??? = might be a vent but also not
#starfade's vent... = ... a vent (when I make a vent post, I am going to let it be there for a few days before deleting it for the sake of making the blog positive)
#starlee?? = might be in a lee mood
#starlee = LEE MOOD BRRRRR-
#starler? = might be in a ler mood
#starler = Ler mood OFC-
#starfade pos vent <3★ = positive vent <3
#starlore★ = in the second syllable (keep in the lookout for this >:])
#stanaloglore★ = not the official name of the lore for my analog horror children- :<
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rokusinari1 · 2 months
||I'm just going to write this out||
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I am not in my solarballs phase anymore so that means I'm not going to write any solarballs oneshots or headcannons anymore until I get back into the phase but that might take a long time. I simply can't write for it without getting bored and lacking motivation. So don't expect anything about solarballs related things from me cause you're not gonna see it(⁠눈⁠‸⁠눈⁠) Sorry that there wasn't a lot of oneshots or headcannons about it too
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