#Solar Panel Reinstallation
Renewing Your Solar Power: ProSolar Systems Central Florida's Solar Panel Reinstallation Service
As the solar energy landscape evolves, the need for adaptability and innovation becomes paramount. ProSolar Systems Central Florida, a distinguished name in the solar industry, understands the importance of staying current with solar technology. Our solar panel reinstallation service stands as a testament to this commitment, allow homeowners to optimize solar systems and continue benefiting from clean, renewable energy. In this blog, we'll delve into the significance of solar panel reinstallation and ProSolar Systems Central Florida's expertise as a solar energy installer in Central Florida.
Solar Panel Reinstallation: Unveiling a New Chapter in Solar Energy
Over time, the dynamics of energy needs, home renovations, and technological advancements may warrant the reinstallation of solar panels. ProSolar Systems Central Florida recognizes this evolving landscape and offers a specialized service to reinstall solar panels with precision and efficiency. This service enables homeowners to align their solar energy systems with their current energy requirements, ensuring maximum energy generation and savings.
ProSolar Systems Central Florida: Your Trusted Solar Energy Installer
ProSolar Systems Central Florida is more than just a solar energy installer; they're pioneers in crafting solutions that adapt to the changing needs of homeowners. Their team of experts possesses in-depth knowledge of solar technologies, installation techniques, and local regulations. This expertise is pivotal in ensuring that your solar panel reinstallation is not only seamless but also optimized for your unique energy goals.
Enhancing Solar Efficiency: The ProSolar Approach
The solar panel reinstallation service offered by ProSolar Systems Central Florida goes beyond just removing and reinstalling panels. It encompasses a comprehensive assessment of your energy needs, a thorough inspection of the existing system, and the incorporation of any technological advancements that have emerged since the initial installation. This holistic approach guarantees that your solar energy system performs at its best and provides optimal efficiency.
Benefits of Solar Panel Reinstallation
Adaptability: Solar panel reinstallation allows you to adapt your energy system to changes in household energy consumption or structural modifications.
Efficiency Boost: With the integration of the latest solar technologies, your reinstalled panels can potentially generate more energy and increase savings.
Increased Lifespan: Professional reinstallation ensures that your panels are securely and optimally positioned, which can extend their operational lifespan.
Environmental Impact: By continuing to generate clean energy, even after a reinstallation, you contribute to reducing carbon emissions and preserving the environment.
Conclusion: Elevate Your Solar Experience with ProSolar Systems Central Florida
As the sun continues to shine over Central Florida, ProSolar Systems Central Florida stands as a beacon of innovation and adaptability. Their solar panel reinstallation service reflects their dedication to empowering homeowners with the latest advancements in solar technology. With their expertise as a trusted solar energy installer, you can embark on a journey to enhance your solar energy system's efficiency, maximize your savings, and contribute to a greener and more sustainable future. Discover the power of solar panel reinstallation with ProSolar Systems Central Florida and embrace a brighter energy horizon.
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picaelectrical · 2 years
Choose the best services for solar panel reinstallation in Sydney. Our solar installers are highly experienced and take pride in their extensive industry knowledge, which clearly shows in their work.
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northkitroofing2 · 10 months
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ltleflrt · 5 months
Roof is done! Maybe now I'll stop having nightmares about it!
It cost less than half of what I was bracing for too, which was nice. And even with the cost of getting the solar panels removed and reinstalled, it's still costing altogether less than I expected.
The panels are going back up tomorrow, so keep your fingers crossed for me that it goes just as smoothly as the rest of the project has been 😆
I asked my roofer if he's seen damage under the shingles as bad as mine or worse, and he's like nope this was the worst. Yay for setting a new bar, I guess lol
Now, I just have to *looks at list of house maintenance that still needs to be done*
fuck 😭
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A small Kansas town is reeling after a baby-faced 23-year-old manipulated procedural technicalities to reinstall himself as mayor in one night, seemingly taking a page from the playbook used by former President Donald Trump after he was voted out of office.
Only, this time, it worked.
“People have said this reminds them of Germany in 1935,” Jeffery Jones, whose bid for a council seat in Goddard, Kansas, collapsed last week as Hunter Larkin abruptly took control, told The Daily Beast. “Like, ‘Hey, we don’t like you anymore and we’re gonna vote you out and put our own person in.’”
The convoluted machinations by which Larkin maneuvered his way back into power were described as “essentially, a coup” and reminiscent of a totalitarian regime, according to one recently departed council member. And while Goddard, a Wichita suburb with a population of just under 5,400, isn’t necessarily going to influence policy shifts on a national scale, the strategy used by Larkin—a right-winger who last year promoted an appearance in Goddard by accused sex pest and conservative kingmaker Matt Schlapp—could serve as a stark warning of what’s possible elsewhere.
“I have to hand it to Larkin,” Wichita Eagle columnist Dion Lefler wrote. “I’ve covered cities for a long time and have seldom seen a political takeover that was this sleazy, and yet this well-orchestrated.”
Larkin’s improbable ascent to office can be traced back to August 2020, when the then-mayor of Goddard stepped down amid a fraud charge for counterfeiting tickets to the local zoo’s “Zoobilee” charity fundraiser. Then-21-year-old City Council President Hunter Larkin was appointed to the job.
In November 2021, Larkin, who by day works as an accounting manager for a fiberglass oil field pipe manufacturer owned by a wealthy local family that has helped fund his political aspirations, was busted for DUI. He later pleaded guilty, receiving a sentence of probation and staying on as mayor until May 2022, when he resigned in the wake of a news report calling his ethics into question. Larkin said he was leaving office to focus on a statehouse run, but kept a seat on the city council.
“This campaign is about giving a voice to the people of our community and defending what so many of us hold dear, like voter integrity, the right to bear arms, protecting the unborn and keeping Critical Race Theory (CRT) out of schools,” Larkin’s campaign website thundered. “As your next Representative, I can promise that I will fight for just that!”
Vice-Mayor Larry Zimmerman was then appointed Goddard’s mayor, and has filled the position since—until last Tuesday night.
The agenda for that evening’s city council meeting didn’t appear particularly unique, at least on the surface; members would, among other things, consider a sign regulation amendment, discuss a road closure request for a Lions Club car show, and appoint a new city councilperson after a councilman named Michael Proctor relinquished his seat on Dec. 31.
Zimmerman nominated Jeffery Jones, who works as a hospice chaplain, for Proctor’s old job.
However, the vote ended in a tie. So Zimmerman instead nominated Aubrey Collins, a radio host and residential solar panel salesman who goes by “Cowboy Rip.” Collins’ candidacy was approved, and he was sworn in.
And, according to Jones, “That’s when everything kind of went haywire.”
As Collins was being seated, Larkin, who lost his bid for the Kansas legislature, immediately moved to amend the agenda and hold a non-public executive session to discuss “unelected personnel.” According to Lefler, the newspaper columnist, Larkin was eager to cast out City Administrator Brian Silcott, who has been critical of him in the past.
At this point, Jones left, thinking the meeting was over.
“Had I known what would happen next, I would have stayed,” he told The Daily Beast. “Because when they came back, that’s when Hunter asked for the election of a new mayor.”
When they returned, Larkin swiftly proposed removing Zimmerman as mayor, a motion which was approved by all except Zimmerman himself. Vice-Mayor Sarah Leland was then installed as mayor of Goddard—briefly. She immediately addressed the others, saying she felt she did not have “the capability to do these job duties… especially the current situation we are dealing with, so I would like to nominate Hunter, as I feel he can complete the steps that need taking.”
And with that, Larkin became mayor, switching seats with Leland, now his second-in-command. Larkin quickly moved to oust Silcott, who he considered a fly in the ointment, prompting now-ex-Mayor Zimmerman to quit his city council seat in protest.
“Before you get to that point, I’d like to tender my resignation from the city council, effective immediately,” he said, and walked out.
The council then filled Zimmerman’s empty council seat with resident Keaton Fish, a support staffer at a local special-ed school. As he took his position, Larkin introduced a motion to terminate Silcott’s employment. They then went to a second closed session to discuss Silcott’s firing, where the decision was consummated. (The next day, Assistant City Administrator Thatcher Moddie resigned.)
“The day and age where unelected bureaucrats ran this town is over,” Larkin later exulted. “This governing body is going to be more involved than ever before.”
This, Jones argued on Friday, is wholly disingenuous.
“Hunter said ‘we’re tired of being run by unelected bureaucrats,’ but I’m like, ‘Well, you’re kind of unelected.’ He was elected as a council member, no one voted him in as mayor [either time]. And right now, there’s a petition out for a recall.”
The recall campaign was started by Proctor, the councilman who quit office on Dec. 31. He called the situation in Goddard “a disaster.”
“He needs to go,” Proctor told The Daily Beast of Larkin, adding that he was baffled by the vice-mayor’s support for his mayoralty.
He said he will need roughly 168 signatures to move the proposal forward, and feels confident he’ll get them.
“Look, there’s complete outrage over this,” he told The Daily Beast. “Getting those votes won’t be difficult, there are plenty of willing participants.”
Proctor has also started a Facebook group called “For Goddard’s Sake,” where he is organizing and rallying support.
“This city is a joke!” one commenter wrote. “in who’s right mind is DUI kid a good choice for mayor after not being re-elected.”
“[H]unter has made it clear that he intends to turn the city into a rental community by helping his developer buddies build as many multi family dwellings as possible,” wrote another. “This is a very clear pattern all in the name of ‘growth’ and it is going to fundamentally change this town. He and his gang now make a majority and will be able to approve whatever Hunter’s little heart desires.”
“So where can concerned citizens file complaints?” wrote a third. “Surely we have a lawyer or three within reach who can help Goddard with its latest problem. Anyone?”
Proctor said he will be filing a report with the sheriff’s office, alleging campaign finance improprieties by Larkin which Proctor claims violate the Goddard city code.
“Somebody’s gotta do it,” he said. “Somebody’s gotta stand up. Otherwise, there’s a vacuum that’s going to be filled by somebody who shouldn’t be doing it.”
Replacing Silcott will also be a heavy lift, according to Proctor, who said Goddard last week “went from a city where up-and-coming city managers would love to come and work, to a bottom-of-the-rung situation, overnight. He’s delivered quite a mess.”
Fish did not respond to a request for comment on Friday. Zimmerman, for his part, told local outlet KWCH that Larkin’s maneuvering “wasn’t right.”
Brady Burdge, an assistant district attorney in Wichita who was in the running for a council seat but withdrew his name on Monday due to his heavy workload, said he found the Larkin situation “really unfortunate.”
“It is definitely troubling,” Burge told The Daily Beast. “The local level is where it all starts, and you definitely don’t like to see things like that happening in your own community… [Larkin] has had trouble in the past building trust with our community, and it looks like it happened again.”
Jones said he is not planning to fight the outcome of the election, and is “just going to let the chips fall where they may.” At the same time, he isn’t going anywhere, anytime soon.
“I feel honored that the mayor at the time selected me, but I’m not going to raise a fuss,” he conceded on Friday. “I told them at that meeting that I want to effect change within Goddard, and if I can't do it from the [city] council, I’ll do it from the community. And I’m going to be there at as many council meetings as I can, where I’ll be bringing up questions that the people want answered.”
For his part, Aubrey Collins said he is looking forward to his first experience serving in public office.
“I have no comment other than, we’re going to do the best we can for the city,” Collins told The Daily Beast. “I believe the steps that were taken will allow Goddard to win. Goddard is gonna win, based on what transpired.”
Before the council session concluded, Larkin remarked, “Today was a tough day. I know. Wasn’t fun, I don’t think anybody here enjoyed it. But I want you all to know it was done out of love.”
Larkin, who told local NBC affiliate KSN TV that he’s not concerned about any challenges to remove him, did not respond to multiple requests for comment by The Daily Beast.
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gcsolareletric · 2 months
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Solar installation at home and panel removal and reinstallations
Solar Installation at Home
1. Assess Your Energy Needs
Calculate your household’s energy consumption to determine the size of the solar system you'll need. Check your utility bills to see your average monthly and annual energy usage.
2. Evaluate Your Home’s Solar Potential
Consider factors such as roof orientation, tilt, shading, and available space. An installer will typically perform a site assessment to determine if your home is suitable for solar panels.
3. Choose the Right Solar System
Grid-Tied Systems: These are connected to the local utility grid and are the most common. They allow you to use grid power when solar production is low and can potentially earn credits through net metering.
Off-Grid Systems: Ideal for remote locations, these systems are not connected to the utility grid and require battery storage.
Hybrid Systems: Combine elements of both grid-tied and off-grid systems, with battery storage to provide backup power.
4. Select a Reputable Installer
Research and compare solar installation companies. Look for certifications, customer reviews, and warranties. Get multiple quotes and ask for detailed proposals.
5. Permits and Approvals
Obtain necessary permits and approvals from local authorities and your utility company. Your installer usually handles this, but it's good to be aware of the requirements.
6. Installation
The installation process typically involves mounting the panels on your roof, wiring them to an inverter, and connecting the system to your home’s electrical system. It usually takes one to three days.
7. Inspection and Activation
After installation, your system will need to be inspected by local authorities and your utility company. Once approved, your system can be activated.
Panel Removal and Reinstallation
1. Reasons for Removal
You might need to remove panels for roof repairs, upgrades, or relocation. Ensure that the removal process is done carefully to avoid damage.
2. Hire Professionals
Removing and reinstalling solar panels should be handled by professionals. They have the expertise to safely disconnect, handle, and reinstall the panels.
3. Roof and System Inspection
Before reinstallation, inspect the roof for any damage and ensure that it’s structurally sound. Also, check the solar system components to ensure they are in good condition.
4. Reinstallation Process
Reinstallation involves re-mounting the panels, reconnecting the wiring, and ensuring the system is properly calibrated and functional.
5. Testing and Activation
Once reinstalled, the system should be tested to ensure everything is working correctly. This includes checking the inverter, connections, and overall performance.
6. Documentation and Updates
Update any system documentation and inform your utility company of the changes, if necessary. This helps ensure your system continues to operate efficiently and in compliance with any agreements.
Additional Tips
Maintenance: Regularly clean your panels and check for any issues. Most systems require minimal maintenance, but it's important to stay on top of it to ensure optimal performance.
Warranty: Keep track of your system’s warranty coverage. Most solar panels come with a 25-year warranty, but other components may have different durations.
Energy Monitoring: Consider installing an energy monitoring system to keep track of your solar energy production and consumption.
If you have specific questions or need more detailed advice, feel free to ask!
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fluffy-critter · 10 months
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stromproroofing · 3 days
solar panel removal and install cost
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Understanding Solar Panel Removal and Installation Costs
When considering solar energy for your home or business, it's crucial to understand the costs associated with both installing and potentially removing solar panels. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you navigate the expenses involved in solar panel removal and install cost.
Solar Panel Installation Costs
The cost of installing solar panels can vary widely based on several factors:
System Size and Type The size of your solar system, measured in kilowatts (kW), directly impacts the cost. Larger systems that produce more energy will be more expensive. Additionally, the type of panels you choose—monocrystalline, polycrystalline, or thin-film—can also affect the price.
Installation Complexity The complexity of the installation can influence the cost. Roof type (e.g., sloped, flat, or metal), roof condition, and any necessary structural reinforcements will all play a role in determining the final price.
Location and Labor Costs Labor costs can vary based on your location. In areas with higher living costs or strong demand for solar installations, you may pay more for labor.
Incentives and Rebates Federal, state, and local incentives can reduce the overall cost. In Arizona, for example, state tax credits and net metering programs can make solar more affordable.
Average Costs
On average, the cost to install solar panels in the U.S. ranges between $15,000 and $30,000 for a residential system, after accounting for federal tax credits. In Arizona, where solar conditions are optimal, you might find costs on the lower end of this spectrum due to high competition and favorable solar incentives.
Solar Panel Removal Costs
If you need to remove solar panels—whether for roof repairs, replacement, or system upgrades—understanding the associated costs is important:
Removal and Reinstallation The cost of removing solar panels is generally lower than the cost of installation but can still vary based on the complexity of the system and the type of roof. On average, removal costs range from $500 to $1,500. Reinstalling the panels will add to this cost.
Potential Roof Repairs If the removal exposes roof damage or necessitates repairs, additional costs may be incurred. These costs depend on the extent of the damage and the type of repair needed.
System Upgrade or Replacement If you’re upgrading or replacing your solar system, the costs will include both removal and new installation expenses. Make sure to get a detailed quote to understand the full scope of the project.
Key Considerations
Get Multiple Quotes Obtain quotes from several installers to compare prices and services. Ensure that the quotes include detailed breakdowns of both removal and installation costs.
Check Warranties Warranties on solar panels and installation can affect long-term costs. Make sure your installer offers robust warranties and consider the potential costs of warranty claims.
Consult with Professionals Consult with experienced solar installers and roofers to get an accurate estimate of solar panel removal and install cost and ensure that any removal or installation is handled professionally.
For those in Arizona, StormPro Roofing offers expert services for both solar panel installation and removal. They can help ensure that your solar system is installed and maintained properly. Visit StormPro Roofing to learn more about their services and get a quote tailored to your needs.
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solarpanal · 1 month
How to Sell a Miami Home with Solar Panels: Tips for Maximizing Value
If you're thinking about selling your Miami home and have solar panels installed, you’re already ahead of the game! Solar panels not only reduce energy costs but also increase your property’s appeal to eco-conscious buyers.
Here are some expert tips to help you get the most out of your sale:
Highlight the Savings: Showcase the energy savings your solar panels provide. Buyers are attracted to the idea of lower utility bills and a sustainable lifestyle.
Get a Professional Valuation: Work with a real estate agent who understands the added value of solar panels. They can help you set a competitive price.
Document the Details: Provide buyers with all the information they need, including installation dates, warranties, and any maintenance records.
Market the Environmental Benefits: Today’s buyers are more environmentally conscious. Emphasize how your home contributes to a greener future.
Showcase Your Solar Tech: Don’t forget to highlight any smart home integrations or monitoring systems that come with your solar setup.
Selling a home with solar panels in Miami offers a unique opportunity to maximize your property’s value and attract the right buyers. Ready to make the most of your sale? Let’s connect and ensure you get top dollar for your solar-powered home.
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arisesolarau · 1 month
DIY or Professional Solar Panel Maintenance: Which is Better?
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Recognizing how to maintain solar panels is important to ensure that they produce the maximum electricity. Solar panel maintenance Adelaide will make certain that the system can capture as much daylight as viable and convert it to usable energy efficiently. The efficiency of your solar power system depends on something that could intervene with daylight in any manner.
Why Do Solar Panels Get Dirty?
Solar maintenance Adelaide is vital in making sure that the solar power device is in its excellent situation all the time.
Bird Droppings: Although one dropping may not lower the output drastically, numerous droppings can accumulate and lower the output. Even when it rains, these might not be washed off adequately.
Dirt Accumulation: The panels usually collect dirt in the area around the frame of the panels especially if the panel was installed at a tilt of less than 10 degrees. This can result in the formation of hotspots and thus low efficiency in performance.
Debris: Large debris such as leaves, branches or even gusts of winds can collect between two panels and create shade on the surface of the other panel.
Fungi, Lichen, or Mold: These can develop on solar panels just like they grow on roofing materials in the long run.
Particulate Dust: Soot and factory smells can accumulate on panels in industrial areas and be difficult to remove.
Effective Solar Panel Maintenance
Visual Inspection: Check your panels for symptoms or indications of dirt or discolouration. If you notice any kind of light barrier then it is high time that you clean them.
Reduced Performance: Check your system’s performance status through its monitoring system. Reduced energy output may be due to the need for cleaning or servicing of the equipment.
Insect or Pest Activity: Higher pest activity around your panels may be an indication that accumulated organic matter draws them.
Flat Installation: Panels that are mounted at a very low angle will also collect dust faster and will require more frequent washing.
DIY Solar Panel Cleaning: Advantages and Disadvantages
Although many owners think whether they ought to smooth the sun panels on their personal, this is not without risks. DIY cleaning is often risky as it requires the right equipment and knowledge for cleaning to be done effectively. It is equally important to ensure that people err away from heights by either using ladders or safety harnesses. Also, many professional cleaning service providers have to utilize equipment such as the robotic cleaner for a clean and safe cleaning process.
Effective Solar Panel Maintenance
For those looking to maintain their solar systems efficiently, some simple steps can be taken:
Routine Visual Inspections: Routine assessments are essential so that any visible problems or injuries can be detected at an earlier stage. It is important to document any problems and seek professional help if necessary.
Performance Monitoring: Learn how to monitor the energy being produced by the system. Substantial declines in performance levels should be communicated to a service provider.
Employee Training: Make sure that every person dealing with the given system is aware of safety measures and the correct manner of usage.
What to Expect During Professional Solar Inspection
Maintaining the functionality of your solar system requires knowing when and how to clean your panels. Professional solar panel maintenance Adelaide includes several tasks:
Panel Cleaning and Inspection: When choosing technicians, they will wash your panels and inspect for any problems such as breakages, wiring looseness, and corrosion.
Component Repair and Replacement: If there are any defects or problems in any part, it will be corrected or exchanged for a good working one.
Relocation and Reinstallation: In case one wants to relocate or realign the solar panel system, one can get the services of an expert to help in reinstallation.
Though self-cleaning can be much less expensive, it provides experience and security. Even if you hire someone to do it for you, maintenance is a critical part of solar power that should be done from time to time.
Also Read:
Flip The Switch On Savings: Release The Power Of Solar With Arise Solar
Save Your Money On Installing a Solar System For Commercial Purposes
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gcsolar · 2 months
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How much power does a solar panel produce?
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mysolarenergynow · 2 months
What Should You Know About Solar Panel Removal and Reinstall?
Understanding the ins and outs of solar panel removal and reinstallation can save you time, money, and headaches. By choosing a reliable service provider and following proper maintenance practices, you can ensure your solar energy system continues to operate at peak performance. Whether you're dealing with roof repairs, upgrades, or renovations, knowing what to expect and how to manage the process will help keep your solar journey smooth and efficient.
Read the Blog: https://elovebook.com/read-blog/8363
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slow-writer · 3 months
Life is Incredibly Hard (A Rant)
This entry has nothing to do with pop culture; it's more about the struggles I'm facing these days. So if you're not looking for something like that, scroll on. I won't mind.
My husband and I have been fine financially for the majority of our time together (just about 14 years now). We've had to move for work a couple times which severely depleted our savings each time, but we were able to buy a small house in 2022. And that's when everything went to hell.
In June of 2023, my husband was laid off. This was just after we had to replace our AC unit, and just before our roof had to be replaced (this was a mandatory requirement in order to keep our home insurance). The AC, which cost about $9,000 to replace, we're making monthly payments on. Our electricity went wonky in July, and loose wiring and a faulty breaker box had to be repaired for about $3,000. The roof had to be fully paid off according to our insurance by the September deadline, which was approximately $15,000. Oh, and during this time, we'd had free solar panels installed to help with the electricity bills, and when we told them that we had to have the roof replaced before the install, they said there'd be no cost to us. When it came time to actually take the panels down for the replacement, it suddenly cost just under $2,000 to remove them, and the same cost to reinstall them after the roof was done. I was furious, but we've dealt with it.
We had just moved from Tennessee to Florida, which was a large expense as it was, combined with the purchase of the house. Even my savings had been squeezed down almost as far as it could go at that point.
My husband has been looking for jobs and actively applying to jobs in almost every field every day since 2 weeks before his official lay off date. After a month of not even receiving interviews for any, we knew this was going to get bad. So, we borrowed money from his brother to pay for the roof and not have to worry about it. We will pay him back eventually, but he's aware of how strapped we are.
Last year was rough as it was, because his family was suffering from an impending loss. A family member was ill, and it looked like she wouldn't make it to the end of the year, so my husband had to travel up north to stay with them and help out where he could. He was gone for weeks, and only used our credit card to pay for anything. He came back for a little while when it looked like she might survive after all. At that time, with all the money we were hemorrhaging, we liquidated one of his 401k accounts.
I got a promotion in August, but I'm still making under $50k a year. Before taxes.
In November, his family member did pass, and we went up for the funeral, which was not cheap. Since then, we've been living off what I make (when I could pick up overtime) and his 401k money. We've been getting by.
But now, here we are, with July looming, and my husband has still not gotten a new job. His brother's money is gone. The 401k money is gone. His own debit account was shut down last year after it sat empty for who knows how long. Our mortgage payments (which include insurance and taxes) jumped almost $500 a month due to a new taxing structure and new insurance companies (because homeowner's insurance in Florida has gone full on predatory at this point).
In addition to all this, my company has been going through a merger for the last 6+ months, and no one can tell us how the organization will look at the end of it, who's staying, who's being moved to different departments, or if we'll even have jobs in 3 months. And our overtime has been cancelled as of last week. But just keep smiling, right? Oh, and there are specific states my company has forbidden their employees from working within. Should worse come to worst and we have to move out of Florida, all of the states that we would even consider living in (ones with family, friends, or potential jobs for him) are all part of those no-go states, so I would be out of a job, and screwed.
I fear we're going to lose this house. I fear we're going to have to move again and sell so many of the things we've accumulated. I fear for our 2 cats. I fear for our health.
I've posted on TikTok before about our issues, way before they got this bad, and there were people asking for my PayPal or Venmo to offer money, but I felt bad accepting the help. Instead, I directed them to my books, or the merch that I offer. (To be fair, no one buys my merch or my books all that much. I've had exactly 1 sale of stickers, which netted a whopping $2 profit that I can't even claim because it's too low, and the average I make on my books in a month is less than $3.) I'd rather that people get something in return for the money they pay me. But now, I just don't think I can continue with that line of thought. I don't want to start a Go Fund Me, but I'm not even sure what other options we have.
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hi-im-dazey · 3 months
You are "today-years-old" when you learned that Carter had solar panels installed at the White house, to heat water for the kitchens, and that Reagan ripped them out (B/C of course he did) and that G.W. Bush reinstalled some of them (to heat the pool) but did not want it leaked that he'd done it. Barack Obama installed more, (and had better tech obviously) and is the first U.S. president to live in the Presidential Quarters that got their energy from Solar.
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cbtroofingau · 4 months
Re Roofing with Solar Panels: Benefits and Considerations
Re roofing with solar panels represents a pivotal step towards not only upgrading roofing infrastructure but also harnessing the inexhaustible power of the sun to generate clean and renewable electricity. As homeowners and businesses seek to navigate the complex landscape of energy transition, understanding the multifaceted benefits and considerations of this endeavour becomes paramount. From financial savings to environmental stewardship, the journey of re roofing Sunshine Coast with solar panels offers a transformative opportunity to reshape our relationship with energy consumption and pave the way towards a brighter, more sustainable future.
Benefits of Re Roofing with Solar Panels
Renewable Energy Generation
At the forefront of benefits lies the capability of solar panels to convert sunlight into electricity. By embracing solar energy, individuals and communities reduce their reliance on finite fossil fuel resources, thereby mitigating environmental degradation and climate change impacts.
Energy Cost Savings
Beyond environmental stewardship, the financial advantages of solar power are substantial. Generating electricity from solar panels significantly reduces or eliminates monthly energy bills, offering long-term cost savings. Moreover, surplus energy can often be sold back to the grid, creating additional revenue streams through net metering programs.
Increased Property Value
The installation of solar panels enhances the overall value of properties. Prospective homebuyers are increasingly drawn to residences equipped with solar energy systems due to their potential for long-term financial savings and reduced environmental footprint.
Environmental Impact
Embracing solar power translates into tangible environmental benefits. By reducing reliance on fossil fuels, solar panels aid in curbing greenhouse gas emissions and combating air pollution, thus fostering a cleaner and healthier environment for present and future generations.
Energy Independence
With solar panels adorning their roofs, homeowners attain a degree of energy independence. By producing their own electricity, they become less susceptible to the fluctuating costs of conventional energy sources, thereby enhancing financial stability and security.
Considerations for Re roofing with Solar Panels
Roof Condition Assessment
Prior to solar panel installation, assessing the condition of the existing roof is paramount. If the roof is aged or in need of repair, addressing these issues beforehand can prevent complications and additional expenses associated with panel removal and reinstallation.
Optimal Orientation and Shading Analysis
The effectiveness of solar panels hinges on factors such as roof orientation and shading from surrounding objects. Engaging a professional solar installer to evaluate these aspects ensures the optimal placement of panels for maximum sunlight exposure and energy generation.
Financial Investment Evaluation
While the long-term benefits of solar power are undeniable, the initial investment can be substantial. Homeowners should explore available incentives, rebates, and financing options to make the transition to solar energy financially feasible and advantageous.
Navigating Regulatory Requirements
Installing solar panels may necessitate obtaining permits and complying with local regulations. Familiarising oneself with these requirements and ensuring that the installation adheres to all codes and standards is essential to a smooth and lawful process.
Maintenance and Warranty Considerations
While solar panels generally require minimal maintenance, understanding warranty terms and potential maintenance needs is crucial. Regular inspection and cleaning may be necessary to optimise panel performance and ensure longevity.
Re roofing with solar panels epitomises a proactive step towards sustainable energy adoption and financial savings. By meticulously weighing the multitude of benefits and considerations, homeowners can make well-informed decisions regarding the integration of solar power into their roofing projects. With technological advancements and increasing support for renewable energy initiatives, the horizon appears radiant for those embracing the power of the sun atop their roofs.
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gcsolareletric · 1 month
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Common Myths About Solar Installation and Removal
Debunking Misconceptions: Addressing common myths surrounding solar installation and the process of panel removal and reinstallation.
Understanding Real Costs vs. Perceived Costs: Clarifying the financial aspects of investing in solar.
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