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सिर्फ एक त्योहार नहीं हमारी तहज़ीब भी है पतंगबाज़ी
14 जनवरी को देशभर में मकर संक्रांति का आयोजन किया जाएगा। इस दिन राजस्थान की राजधानी जयपुर में होने वाला पतंग उत्सव इस दिन को खास बनाता है। जयपुर की परंपरा रही है क��� 14 जनवरी को जयपुरवासी दिनभर अपनी छतों पर रहते हैं और पतंग उड़ाकर इस मकर संक्रांति का आनंद लेते हैं। इस दिन राजस्थान पर्यटन विभाग की ओर से भी विभिन्न तरह के कार्यक्रमों का आयोजन किया जाता है। वॉल्ड सिटी में इस दिन आप लोगों की पतंगबाज़ी के प्रति दीवानगी देख सकते हैं। लेकिन वॉल्ड सिटी के इतर जो शहर विस्तार ले रहा है वहां पतंगबाज़ी की रौनक वैसी नज़र नहीं आती। लेकिन आप ज़रा थमिए और सोचिए कि पतंगबाज़ी सिर्फ पतंग उड़ाना नहीं है बल्कि एक तहज़ीब को जीना और उसे सींचना भी है।
लांघते हैं जायके
जब आप और आपके पड़ोसी दोनों ही छत पर होते हैं तो ज़ाहिर है कि छतों के ज़रिए जायके भी देहरी को लांघ जाते हैं। तभी तो आप जान पाते हैं कि पड़ोस के गुप्ता जी के यहां स्पेशल अदरक वाली चाय में गुड़ के साथ काली मिर्च भी डाली जाती है और आपके बेसन के पकौड़ों की क्रिस्पीनेस चर्चा तो पूरे मोहल्ले में हो जाती है। खाने-पीने की चीज़ों से...
पूरा आर्टिकल पढ़ने के लिए नीचे दिए गए लिंक पर क्लिक करें:
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Empowering Local Communities: The Key to Economic Resilience
The Role of Local Communities in Economic Resilience Hello, dear followers! Today, I want to highlight the essential role that local communities play in fostering economic resilience, particularly in a world that is constantly changing. As we face various challenges—be it economic downturns, environmental shifts, or societal upheavals—it is the strength of our local networks that often determines how well we can adapt and thrive. Local communities are uniquely positioned to understand and address the specific needs of their members. They create a supportive environment where individuals can collaborate, share resources, and develop solutions tailored to their unique circumstances. This grassroots approach not only nurtures social bonds but also cultivates local innovation, allowing communities to bounce back more effectively from adversity. In Scotland, many community initiatives exemplify this resilience. From local food projects to co-operative businesses, citizens are taking charge and redefining what economic success looks like in their areas. These initiatives often prioritise sustainability and inclusivity, ensuring that everyone has a stake in the economy. Such endeavours can also mitigate the impacts of external economic forces by keeping resources and wealth within the community. Furthermore, local businesses contribute significantly to economic resilience as they often create jobs and foster local supply chains. They are more adaptable to changing market conditions and can pivot more quickly than larger corporations. By supporting local enterprises, communities not only strengthen their economy but also preserve their unique character and culture. However, for local communities to fully realise their potential, higher-level support from government and policy frameworks is essential. Policymakers should create environments that empower communities by reducing administrative burdens and providing access to funding and training. When communities have the tools they need to succeed, they can drive their own economic futures. As we reflect on these themes, I invite you to share your thoughts. How have local initiatives impacted your community’s economic resilience? What steps can be taken to support local businesses and organisations further? Your insights are invaluable as we explore the transformative power of community in economic resilience. Please share your thoughts in the comments below! Stay engaged and continue to champion the role of local communities in building a robust economy! Warm regards, Alastair Majury *Perspectives Unbound* --- *Follow Alastair Majury for further discussions on local economies, community resilience, and the principles that foster sustainable growth.*
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creamy vanilla ice cream. Ice cream is often made with milk or cream, which are rich sources of calcium. Calcium is essential for maintaining strong bones and teeth, Read the full recipe
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The Mysterious World of Love Hormones: Discovering the Science Behind Love
Discover the fascinating world of love hormones and their impact on our relationships." #love, #loveHormones, #relationship
Hey there! So, have you ever heard of the “love hormone”? It’s called oxytocin, and it’s a pretty fascinating molecule. A lot of research has been done on its effects on social behavior and bonding. The Chemistry of Love: Exploring the Power of Oxytocin and More One study published in the Harvard Gazette suggests that oxytocin might play a key role in promoting trust, empathy, and social…
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Why Are Yawns Contagious? We Asked a Scientist! #neuroscience #sciencefa...
Yawns are contagious due to social and neurological factors, often linked to empathy and group behavior. When we see someone yawn, our brain may subconsciously mimic the action, reflecting our connection to others. This response might enhance social bonding and communication within groups. #ContagiousYawning #SocialBehavior #Empathy #ScienceExplained #ContagiousYawning #Empathy #SocialBonds #Geladas #YawningScience #HumanBehavior _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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💚 I've always found pheromones interesting because they're chemicals that give us a sense of subconscious smell. These chemicals help us naturally connect with people and they affect the behavior of the people around us. There are all kinds of different pheromones - alarm, food trail, sex, social and lots more. I recently started using this True Allure social pheromone gift set from @11th.haus! I love how it has no scent and is #unisex so it can easily be paired with my favorite #perfume or my fiance's cologne.
💚 TrueAllure social pheromone scent helps build #trust between friends & family and promote #socialbonding in general. It's also popular as a romantic attractant and as an all-purpose social #pheromone. I simply spray it on my wrists and around my neck just like I would with perfume and it lasts around 3-5 hours. 11th Haus has all kinds of base layer #pheromones and crystal wellness products. To learn more and try True Allure social pheromone for yourself visit www.11th.haus
Social pheromone
#social #organizedmom #producttester
#californiablogger #productreviewer #organization #getorganized #organizedhome #prodoctreviewer #greatgift#momblogger#californiablogger #organizedmoms #organizedlife #organizedliving
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Mia Lybkaer Kronborg Nielsen - New Bigg’s killer whale research:
#BiggsKillerWhales #KillerWhales #Whales #SocialBond #Menopause #Cetology
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KB Bukopin Jadi Bank Swasta Pertama Terbitkan Obligasi Sosial di Indonesia
Pandemi COVID-19 yang terjadi sejak tahun 2020 memengaruhi perekonomian Indonesia. Penurunan ekonomi terjadi di perusahaan formal, non-formal bahkan UMKM. Hal ini disebabkan oleh Pemberlakuan Pembatasan Kegiatan Masyarakat sehingga perekonomian tidak bisa berjalan seperti sebelumnya. Pasca pandemi mulai mereda, akhirnya perekonomian mulai perlahan meninggalkan kontraksi. Berbagai macam cara dilakukan baik pemerintah maupun sektor swasta untuk menaikan pergerakan ekonomi salah satunya melalui penerbitan obligasi sosial yang dilakukan oleh sektor bank swasta KB Bukopin. Dana obligasi sosial tersebut adalah dana pinjaman dari IFC (International Finance Corporation), salah satu instansi yang terafiliasi World Bank.
Dikutip dari situs IDX, Obligasi adalah salah satu Efek yang tercatat di Bursa di samping Efek lainnya seperti Saham, Sukuk, Efek Beragun Aset maupun Dana Investasi Real Estat. Obligasi sosial dapat digunakan untuk membiayai baik keperluan publik maupun swasta untuk menciptakan manfaat yang positif di dalam masyarakat. Beberapa kategori dari obligasi sosial adalah penyediaan infrastruktur seperti air bersih, sanitasi dan energi; akses untuk pelayanan kesehatan dan Pendidikan; akses untuk perumahan yang terjangkau; penambahan lapangan pekerjaan, dll.
PT KB Bukopin Tbk bersama Intentional Finance Corporation (IFC) melakukan kerja sama social bond pertama yang dilakukan oleh bank swasta pertama di Indonesia senilai Rp 4,41 triliun. Penerbitan obligasi sosial didukung oleh pemerintah sebagai salah satu usaha yang dilakukan untuk memperkuat perekonomian Indonesia dan alternatif sumber pembiayaan jangka panjang.
Deni Ridwan selaku Direktur Surat Utang Negara Direktorat Jenderal Pengelolaan Pembiayaan dan Risiko (DJPPR) dari Kementerian Keuangan menyatakan bahwa “Kami mencatat bahwa penerbitan social bond oleh KB Bukopin ini adalah yang pertama bagi bank swasta di Indoensia. Pemerintah tentunya sangat mengapresiasi skema yang dilakukan oleh KB Bukopin dengan IFC yang mendedikasikan pendanaan insentif sosial yang berfokus pada ketahan dan social ekonomi akibat pandemic Covid-19. Belajar dari penerbitan SDGs Bond dan Global Green Sukuk, ada peran penting disini adalah menemukan partner yang tepat. Kami melihat pada program ini, sebagai stepping stone bagi KB Bukopin untuk mengembangkan instrument obligasi.”
Tujuan dari kerja sama ini adalah mengamankan dana menengah dan berjangka panjang untuk membantu perusahaan di Indonesia yang terkena dampak dari Covid-19, kemudian membantu perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang sosial sejalan dengan ekonomi berkelanjutan yang sejalan dengan kebijakan di Indonesia dan tujuan IFC.
Selanjutnya, KB Bukopin memiliki komitmen untuk menyalurkan kredit pada tiga sektor utama, yakni:
1. Sektor Ritel: Pembiayaan Rumah Terjangkau.
2. Sektor UKM: Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah termasuk usaha yang dimiliki wanita.
3. Sektor Komersial: Kesehatan, Pendidikan (di luar pendidikan K-12), Infrastruktur terkait air, produksi kabel serat optik bawah laut dan terrestrial, serta penyedia jaringan telekomunikasi (hanya untuk sub-proyek atau kegiatan yang berlokasi di perkotaan).
KB Bukopin kemudian telah membentuk tim khusus yang mengawasi distribusi dana ini agar dapat diterima pada sektor yang telah ditentukan serta menjaga obligasi sosial tersebut dapat sampai pada pihak atau sektor-sektor terkait.
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Titi Monkeys intertwine their tails to strengthen social bonds much like grooming is known to do. #titimonkeys #socialbonding #intertwined #bondingtime❤️ #amazingnature (at Catalina Foothills, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck9f3_xvvppHKAt8kY_OqHqhuTOpxU3M17k_UI0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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𝗛𝗼𝘄 𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗸𝗽𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗲 𝗗𝗲𝘀𝗶𝗴𝗻 𝗕𝗼𝗼𝘀𝘁𝘀 𝗘𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗼𝘆𝗲𝗲 𝗛𝗮𝗽𝗽𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘀!
A study by the University of Oxford reveals that employees are 13% more productive when happy. This means happiness is crucial in enhancing your team's productivity at work. However, how does one keep its employees happy at work? While there are several ways of ensuring employee happiness, we will explore the role of workplace design in it. Through design, we can mold office layouts to promote social bonding, collaboration, and engagement. Our latest post series will explore how Workplace Design can be a crucial factor in enhancing productivity by bringing in employee happiness.
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“Kapolsek Teluknaga AKP Dodi Abdulrohim, S.Sos, M.Krim., membagikan bantuan kepada masyarakat Teluknaga yang terdampak dari mewabahnya virus Corona, kamis (16/04/2020)”. STAY AT HOME SAVE LIFES Ayo Cuci Tangan! Ayo Gunakan Masker! Ayo Olahraga! #dirumahaja #lindungidirilindungisesama #polricegahcorona #polriuntukindonesia #indonesiakuat #socialbonding #empathybuilding @tmcpoldametro @berita_polisi_terkini @ini_polisi @halo_polisi @polisi_indonesia @humas.pmj @divisihumaspolri https://www.instagram.com/p/B_EF5G0HDWF/?igshid=ccr5aosmijpl
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Social Bonding is HELP ENERGY treatment. Girl dont be scuuurreeed. Your HERO HELP ENERGY is here. . . #socialdistancing #helpenergydrink #energydrinklovers #love #bonding #helpothers #energydrinkmeme #covid19meme #relationshipstatus #socialbonding #nosugar #greattaste #healthy #natural https://www.instagram.com/p/B-AP0vLJTzf/?igshid=1vo7e44ch4d4u
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Society in Crisis
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Humans always look for ways to stay in contact with one another. After all, man is a social animal. Socialising thereby keeps us interconnected and interdependent, even as it amplifies happiness. This World Population Day, tell us what is your idea of social bonding?
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