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Paul Scott Anderson - Lakes on Mars had ripples! They must have been ice-free:
GaleCrater #Mars #ProwRock #AmapariMarkerBand #Rocks #Wind #WaveRipple #Ripple #CuriosityRover #WaterOnMars #SolarSystemScience #PlanetaryScience #Geology #Astronomy
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Yan Dongjie - Discovery to unravel mystery of early universe:
EinsteinProbe #FastXRayTransient #XRay #FXRT #EP240315a #CAS #Cosmology #Astronomy
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John H. Bryan - Wrong Mom Arrested on Christmas Eve | 75 Hour Jail Nightmare:
BrowardCounty #Florida #PoliceMisconduct #Police #Misconduct #Malfeasance #Lies #Incompetence #WrongPerson #MistakenIdentity #Identity #ArrestWarrant #Warrant #FalseArrest #WrongfulArrest #WrongfulImprisonment #JailConditions #Jail #InstituteForJustice #FourthAmendment #CivilRights #Lawsuit #Law
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The full Wolf Moon rises to the zenith tonight and waltzes in front of Mars to occult the red planet in the constellation Gemini. Mars enters its opposition on January 15th, when Earth's orbital position is closest to Mars. #WolfMoon #MoonAfterYule #FullMoon #Moon #Mars #RedPlanet #Planet #Occultation #Occult #NightSky #Astronomy
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The planet Venus dances in the light of a waxing crescent Moon tonight, and tomorrow also with Saturn, in the constellation Aquarius. The giant G7.5 III spectral-type star 50 Aquarii is visible below and to the left of the Moon; the giant K0 III star 45 Aquarii is below and to the right & the giant K1 III star 42 Aquarii is to the right of 45 Aquarii on the path to Venus; the subgiant G5 IV star 40 Aquarii is above and to the right of Venus. #CrescentMoon #Moon #Venus #Planet #Aquarius #Constellation #Aquarii #GiantStar #Giant #Star #NightSky #Astronomy
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The planet Venus in the constellation Aquarius shines brightly above the Moon in the constellation Capricornus tonight. The binary star Iota Aquarii is visible below Venus. The hypergiant Nashira and the binary Deneb Algedi are visible above the Moon; Epsilon Capricorni & Kappa Capricorni are to the left of the Moon, and the G-type giant Iota Capricorni & the semiregular variable giant 29 Capricorni are visible to the right. #Venus #Moon #Aquarius #Capricornus #Hypergiant #Giant #SemiregularVariable #VariableStar #BinaryStar #Binary #Star #NightSky #Astronomy
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Kelly Hayes - 10 killed, 30 hurt after vehicle plows into crowd on New Orleans’ Bourbon Street:
#NewOrleans #Louisiana #AssaultCar #NotOneMore #StopCrashing #StopCars #CarExtremism #EndCarViolence #CarViolence #Terrorism #PedestrianSafety #TrafficSafety
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Merry Christmas! #MerryChristmas #JesusChrist #Christ #PrinceOfPeace #AChildIsBorn #Noël #Christmas2024 #Christmas
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Victoria Atkinson - The shape of light: Scientists reveal image of an individual photon for 1st time ever:
Birmingham #Light #Photon #Nanoparticle #Nanophotonics #Photonics #Mathematics #ParticlePhysics #Physics
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DW - Trucker leaves trail of destruction after amok ride:
NorthRhineWestphalia #Intoxication #TrafficCrash #TrafficSafety #Transportation
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Tara Ross - Revolutionary War Thanksgivings:
AmericanRevolution #Liberty #Freedom #Pilgrims #Celebration #DivineProvidence #Providence #HappyThanksgiving #Thanksgiving2024 #Thanksgiving #History
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Rush Limbaugh - The True Story of Thanksgiving:
RushLimbaugh #Pilgrims #MayflowerCompact #Mayflower #Bradford #Capitalism #Productivity #Plymouth #GreatPuritanMigration #Puritan #HappyThanksgiving #Thanksgiving2024 #Thanksgiving #History
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Paul Scott Anderson - More evidence for ancient ocean on Mars from Chinese rover:
UtopiaPlanitia #Mars #Ocean #ZhurongRover #Zhurong #CNSA #CAS #WaterOnMars #LifeOnMars #RedPlanet #Topography #Geology #PlanetaryScience #Astronomy
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James R. Hood - Rising traffic deaths are a public health crisis, federal safety officials warn:
TrafficDeaths #PublicHealthCrisis #PublicHealth #NTSB #StopTheBias #Bias #NotOneMore #StopCrashing #StopCars #CarExtremism #BanCarsNow #EndCarViolence #CarViolence #TrafficSafety #Transportation
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The Super Beaver Moon enshrouded the Pleiades cluster in a bright halo on its path across the zenith; Jupiter was nearby showing three of its Galilean moons. The final supermoon of 2024 now waits above the western horizon for the dawn, illuminating the landscape below in pale moonlight. #SuperBeaverMoon #BeaverMoon #FrostyMoon #Supermoon2024 #Supermoon #Moon #Moonlight #Pleiades #NightSky #Zenith #Perigee #Astronomy
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The Super Beaver Moon has risen! The Pleiades (Messier 45) and Uranus are below the Moon as the final supermoon of 2024 begins crossing the night sky in the constellation Taurus; Jupiter and Orion are rising behind the spectacle. The Moon will eclipse the Pleiades star cluster when it reaches the zenith at approximately 0600 GMT tonight. #SuperBeaverMoon #BeaverMoon #FrostyMoon #Supermoon2024 #Supermoon #Moon #Pleiades #NightSky #Zenith #Perigee #Astronomy
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Chinese driver kills 35 in deadliest attack in at least a decade
Foster Wong & Josh Xiao - Chinese driver kills 35 in deadliest attack in at least a decade:
Zhuhai #VehicleAttack #AssaultCar #CarExtremism #StopCars #EndCarViolence #CarViolence #Insanity #NotOneMore #PedestrianDeath #PedestrianSafety #Terrorism #Transportation
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