13 posts
Dirty deeds and they're done dirt cheap You got problems in your life of love You got a broken heart He's double dealin' with your best friend That's when the teardrops start, fella Pick up the phone I'm here alone Or make a social call Come right in Forget about him We'll have ourselves a ball Dirty deeds and done dirt cheap benjamin 'oogie boogie' man dependent. @cadensehq
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
dicescare-blog · 6 years ago
Lips twitched with the mention of the less-than stellar nickname she had been coined with. Normally she would have expected it from someone like Benjamin, though - what with his ties to Hades, the two seemed to revel in making her life a literal hell. She should have known better than to think he would simply let the comment slide without some repercussions. Although, in hindsight, things could have been worse: he could have just made her fork up for coffee herself. “Glad to,” she sighed, standing and extending a hand out for the money. “Your usual?”
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a smile lingered in the corner of his mouth, almost softer, he did so love having his way, and when he was in a good mood, weren’t all the lackeys ?  he and hades had a bet running on just that question.  lady luck has smiled at him once, and the repercussion had been minimal, he felt momentarily giving. he slid the girl a bill bigger than she needed. “keep the change. if they mess up my order i’m holding you accountable. “  no treats without tricks.  all work and no play made benjamin a dull boy. “ no other errands today ? “
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dicescare-blog · 6 years ago
Despite causing quite the mess, Yzma looked awfully pleased with herself. “Oh, did I do that?” She mused, feigning innocence. Nudging pieces of the broken mug with her heels, she gracefully slid into the chair opposite of her associated. “Your demonic pseudo-spawn told me you’d be here, but I can never be too sure with those three. It’s just a shame that you chose this dump to lurk around. Don’t you have any taste, Benjamin?”
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A raised eyebrow met false sincerity, ah,  “  oh,  i love these little visits. next time we’ll meet at yours....oh wait. “ a smile just as false as the tone graced his features, even as amusement shone in his eyes.  “ speaking of demon-spawn. a saw a familiar little face the other day, hmm, i think he left crying. “  he kicked the chair out opposite him, not so much as wincing at the screech, gentlemanly ? surely. to yzma ? never.  “ have a seat, you’re already here after all. “
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dicescare-blog · 6 years ago
*  /  shoutout to my favorite coping mechanism:  violence  /  HEADCANONS
oogie’s first language is spanish and he has a habit of occasionally lapsing. none of that ‘oh i forgot to switch languages stuff’ but spanish grammar with english words. think ‘how stressful!’ into ‘wHAT STRESSING!’ or also ‘he ran that stop sign’ into ‘he ate that stop sign.’ 
he talks in his sleep. a lot. a soft sleepy grumble. usually spanish. 
solo de mi by bad bunny is a bIG OLE BENJI MOOD
speaking of i know i keep switching names but he prefers oogie, or benjamin, and benji is only allowed to be used by people he likes or he’ll verbally flay you alive.  
he’s a car guy. he’s totally a car guy, he loves cars. he unironically calls them baby, and princessa, and reina, and amor. he calls his cars sexy, he hand washes and waxes his cars and he gets into illegal impromptu street races on highways. 
he’s a scorpio. r u even surprised ?
he loves ice cream and candy
he has so much product in his hair
so much gel, pomade, sculpting cream, beard oil
he plucks his eyebrows
who wants back rubs ? he’s ur boi. 
arrogant. arrogant. arrogant.
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dicescare-blog · 6 years ago
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#same energy
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dicescare-blog · 6 years ago
For as much as Meg had found herself on the giving end of almost collisions this week, she was thankful not to be involved in this particular one. Being on Oogie’s bad side was certainly an experience, and the last thing she needed was to make the target on her back any bigger. As it was, she had simply been a people-gazing patron, hissing inwards as she watched the coffee mug shatter. “Down for the count,” she mused, quirking a brow in his direction. “Least you saved the tablet. Small victories, right?”
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He raised a brow at the voice, ah, Meg, Hades lackey, then again, brother’s in arms that meant she was his lackey as well. He eyed the mess on the ground and turned to her with a smile, “well, well, well, if it isn’t little Nutmeg. Small victories indeed. Coffee ?” Despite the casual way he said it, less of an offer and more of a demand. “I’ll pay for yours, y’know. Since you’re headed there already.” There was no room for argument in his tone, sure, not what he and Hades usually asked of her, but, he was too used to ruling his domain with an iron fist. 
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dicescare-blog · 6 years ago
His annoyance didn’t bother her, mostly because she knew it wasn’t too heartfelt. If he was truly upset with her, Magdalena would do anything to fix it, only because it was Benji. But this was only banter, and she knew she could annoy him much like a younger sister annoyed her brother. “I thank you, I always appreciate a man who offers to pay,” she grinned. “I was taught well.” This was obviously in reference to her own father but Benji as well, who was practically a second father to her. “Have you been well?” She was anything but polite (to those who mattered) and earnestly meant her interest in his life. 
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He wasn’t a particularly friendly man, good at feigning friendships but lasting things were few and far between. Considering the fact that he’d known her for years, could fondly regale others of childhood stories, he’d do just about anything for her. Soothe her temper or stroke her ego, he grinned. “well, a beautiful woman should never have to pay. Least of all you.” a gesture and some bills, these were things easy to give, drinks were headed out and he grinned, tablet, and work, as it were set aside for time with family. A dismissive gesture cut through the air, a lazy flick of the wrist,  “i’m fine, could be better could be worse. no use tempting fate. and you ? still sharpening your claws on the rest of the town ?”
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dicescare-blog · 6 years ago
“Whoops?” The heiress innocently asked as she watched the mug drop to the floor, shattering. it was clearly poor china, anyway. “Don’t act s if you are so bothered anyway,” she grinned, as she took a seat across from oogie, uninvited but not bothered. She knew she could get away with murder when it came to her godfather, and she wouldn’t have it any other way. he was a man stronger than most in this town. “Would you like me to buy you a new coffee? I’m about to order myself a macchiato anyway.” 
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He rolled his eyes, a fond smile pressed across his face, as if he could be annoyed with her for long, as if he could be annoyed with her at all. Still, he feigned annoyance even as he shrugged off the mess of ceramic and rapidly cooling coffee as a lost cause. “No use crying over spilled milk, Cariño. I’ll buy us both coffees.” Reaching for his wallet he grinned at her, handing over a stack of bills, mostly hundreds, a few smaller bills. After all, nothing was too much for the few you care about, who care for you. 
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dicescare-blog · 6 years ago
*   /   take me out:  date or sniper. i’m not choosey.    /    PLOTTING CALL !
here you will find wanted connections for oogie as well as just random plot ideas i liked for him. 
CURRENT / FORMER NEIGHBOR:     i really like the idea of someone who sees oogie when he’s not all done up for the day. someone who see peeks of him in a bath robe with hsi hair sideways as he grabs his morning paper and spills coffee all over himself. someone who catches him feeding strays and planting in the neighborhood garden. someone who has literally asked him for a cup of sugar or some eggs once and he just stared at them like they were an animal before handing it over. 
CRIMINALS:    gimme all the slightly suspect or criminal characters so he can lowkey teach them to pick pocket his customers before sending them out in the wild because he does actually need clientele. a softer and meaner side of oogie in turns, actually helping them but also getting furious when they make rookie mistakes. 
EMPLOYEES:    someone who works at the casino, maybe they owe him money from longstanding debts, maybe they just really need the work. i want to explore oogie as a criminal mastermind. 
EX: they could have ended on good or bad terms, recently or in the far past, i think it’d be interesting to see how benji would react to someone who once saw them vulnerable.
CHILDHOOD FRIEND / FIRST KISS:  someone who knew benji growing up, he wasn’t always the hardened kingpin he is now, they could have been loose friends, maybe they only hung out because their parents carpooled, or because they shared lunch, but, they were oogie’s first kiss even if he won’t admit to it and they don’t know.
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dicescare-blog · 6 years ago
anger sat in his gut, a low simmer that was building through his chest, pushing through to his tapping fingers, a staccato beat on the table in front of him. his tablet was balanced precariously, between crossed legs and table’s edge. lady luck fickle as she was had stayed on his side, not so much the snuggly duckling. of course, fickle, his table got bumped, coffee, and mug crashing to the floor and narrowly taking his tablet with it. “you’ve got to be kidding me.”
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dicescare-blog · 6 years ago
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Danny Pino as Miguel Galindo in Mayans MC, Escorpión/Dzec
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dicescare-blog · 6 years ago
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dicescare-blog · 6 years ago
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dicescare-blog · 6 years ago
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Danny Pino as Miguel Galindo in Mayans MC, Cucaracha/K'uruch
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