#Soap Opera Weekly
denver-carrington · 1 year
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Dynasty’s premiere was included in This Week in Soap History in an issue of Soap Opera Weekly. 
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boandhopemags · 1 year
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superghfan · 2 years
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Bobbie Spencer, Lucy Coe & Damian Smith (Leigh McCloskey) on the cover of Soap Opera Weekly.
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xxamorxexmortexx · 1 year
Time for our weekly installment of As The Bloodline Turns.
Roman is going to go full demon as Jey feigns amnesia and the Usos introduce an evil triplet
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tricktack · 10 months
my family is insane in the funniest ways
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jarchaeology · 2 years
i will not let this stupid magazine defeat me. you WILL be scanned. i’m scannin’ you rn i swear.
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cultofthepigeon · 1 year
me reading 20k leagues under the sea at 11: this fucking sucks
me reading 20k leagues under the sea at 21 with the benefit of a better translation and an edition with footnotes and an introductory chapter: this fucks
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During Lynda Bellingham’s run as the Inspector,
the programme turned more into a soap opera, even being broadcast twice a week.
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crowned-peony · 1 year
Which of your faves always is asking for the chisme but acts like they not interested?
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galactic-rhea · 17 days
It's ranting hours sunday for me: Y' know, I think when people complain soooo much about Padmé getting with Anakin, they're failing to see a lot of things. BUT ESPECIALLY...That it was her choice, and if speaks a lot of her character and personality.
She was already done dirty by the movies by getting so many deleted scenes, but then if you try to take away the agency she had on marrying a human disaster or her choices, like her forgiveness/understanding, it's actually undermining and flattening her character.
The fact is that she's actually very similar to Anakin, she's stubborn, deeply traumatized, compromises a lot for the sake of others and loves beyond reasoning. We, the audience, know that Anakin will become Darth Vader and one of the most iconic villains of history; so everything he does can be seem as a red flag that really isn't there.
From Padmé's POV, Anakin has done terrible things, but it's capable of incredible acts of love and compassion. They're in circumstances that aren't normal at all, she was queen at 14, and he was born a slave and joined the space wizard monks and his normal is kill or be killed. Our modern and omniscient POV can't be applied onto them because there's no point of comparison in this sci-fi-shakespearen tragedy-soap-opera-fantasy.
Besides...she was actually right in the end, and I don't believe is "feminist" or progressive to take away a big part of her core personality, that actually had repercussions in the whole story, and make her out to be either unaware and naive of marrying a monster, or (the worst one, imo) being jedi-mind-tricked-brainwashed-abused by her husband.
The "right, correct, girlboss and queen" actitude does more damage than help, leave Padmé to be a person. A person who wanted to have a fairytale romance with some guy who would fight for her and makes her laugh.
Also, the hell why you wanna blame her for something Anakin does, come on. That's a whole other can of worms, though. My point is, that trying to avoid or re-work-or re-contextualize the fact that she chose Anakin despite him literally telling her about murdering a whole village, is actually changing a big chunk of her personality traits.
She was a child queen, then a politician at the edge of an inminent war, manipulated by the same guy that groomed Anakin into a massive murderer, saw her people being taken into camps, had assasination attempts weekly and had to rip off of her individualism by becoming a public figure, giving up her sense of being a person by having several almost identical decoys, she had to stop being just Padmé to be Queen and then Senator Amidala and she did all of that showing little to no emotion.
Then Anakin does all what she herself had to rip off of her in order to be a politician: Honest, passionate, and able to show emotions; like love or anger.
She has morals and she represents democracy and justice, in a way. But I fully believe that inside her she had the same passionate anger and love capable of burning the galaxy that we know Anakin had, which makes them different sides of the same coin, and I think she realized that. Anakin perhaps didn't , as he never stopped of seeing himself as a slave and therefore inferior, whereas he held Padmé very highly, but I think Padmé saw them both as equals. She didn't have a "I can fix him" mentality, she had a "We're the same, we're both lonely, confused, hurting and scared of losing everything. And if he's like me, then I know he can do the right thing for love."
In other words: She was as insane as her husband, she only seems normal because she wasn't put into the monk warrior order and groomed by the devil for over a decade. (And I don't mean insane as, 'she's crazy for loving a murderer' harley quinn style, I just meant it on a daring, hopeless romantic and tenacious way)
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ynbabe · 9 months
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Newt: Can I be frank with you guys? Minho: Sure, but I don’t see how changing your name is gonna help. Thomas: Can I still be Thomas? Y/n: Shh, let Frank speak.
Newt: Do you love Minho? Thomas: Yeah, I do. Newt: y/n! I told you I knew it! You owe me 100 bucks! y/n: We all love Minho.You should've asked if they were IN love with them. Thomas: I thought that was implied. y/n: ... Newt: ... Thomas, looking straight at y/n: Congrats newt, you just won 100 bucks.
Newt, mother TM: *Screams* Y/n, Father TM: * Screams louder to assert dominance* Thomas, new to the glade: Should we do something?! Minho, observing his weekly soap opera: No, I want to see who wins this.
Newt: Where's Thomas? Y/n: Don't worry, I'll find him. Y/n, shouting: Minho sucks! Thomas, distantly: Minho is the best person ever! Fuck you! Y/n: Found him.
Newt, giving Thomas a tour of the glade: What do you want then? Thomas, looking at Minho sleeping in Y/n's lap: Er… something runner-related. Newt, trying not to laugh: What department is this? Thomas, blushing: Sorry? Newt: Well, if it's work-related you'd obviously know what department this is. What department is this? Thomas: * looks at Minho and Y/n* Some sort of homosexual department?
Newt: Y/n, I'm sad. Y/n: *Holds out arms for a hug* It's going to be okay. Thomas: Minho, I'm sad. Minho, nodding: mood.
Minho: What's it like being tall? Y/n: Is it nice? Thomas: Can you reach comfortably for the cupboards? Newt: We live in constant fear of the short ones who, in my experience, will climb four chairs, two boxes, a small coffee table, and six oddly placed stools to get what they want.
Newt: On the count of three, what's your favourite cake? One, two, three- Newt and Y/n, in unison: Chocolate cake peanut butter frosting with chocolate chunks! Thomas: Our turn, Minho! One, two, three- vanilla! Minho, deadpan: I've never had cake, what is cake.
Newt:, concerned bf You guys worried about Y/n? Thomas, the child TM: Totally! Minho, mean-ass mfer who's secretly crying: Yeah, he called me in the middle of the night and just yelled, "What do I do, what do I do, what do I do, what do I do?" Newt: And what'd you say? Minho: "I dunno, I dunno, I dunno, I dunno." Thomas: Newt: He's lucky to have you as a friend.
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lol-jackles · 20 days
How was that? Oh Jensen doesn't have what it takes to be a leader! oh Jensen doesn't have a q-score! oh Jensen's deal with Amazon is long gone.
Keep your unemployed Jared, and your stupid comments while we celebrate Jensen's well deserved rise to the top of TV. Karma always wins in the end!
Yup, I still stand by my opinion that Jensen isn't a leader. Hopefully he's learned his lesson from The Winchester debacle and step it up going forward. But I have a bad feeling he's going to hand off the pressure and responsibilities onto his co-lead. For years the J2 were publicly credited for creating a good work environment on the SPN set, to the point that Misha promised in the Entertainment Weekly "End of the Road" article to bring the "J2’s legendary team work" magic to your set if you would just hire me! Time and Walker have proven that it was primarily Jared who cultivated a good work environment.
Jensen doesn't have a Q score since 2018, that is the fact. I said Amazon had the option to renew their deal through his production company. CMP is not producing The Countdown.
Nah, I'm going to keep commenting on MY blog. Jensen was unemployed for a total of 3 years compared to Jared's current unemployment of 3 weeks although his prospects is very good so don't worry, Jared will be in another project soon, he just has to make a choice.
Jensen is finally a lead of his own tv show, I'm genuinely happy for his fans, they waited for so long! And a copaganda show at that! (to use AAs' own words in their reactions to Walker lol)
Yes Karma always wins in the end, and Jared has more wins than Jensen when you look at their career side by side. Even if The Countdown goes for 4 seasons, Walker will still have more episodes.
Since Karma always wins, I suggest you remember that the next time you send these messages...
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This is why everybody hate Ackles Army since the time of Days of Our Lives. Fandom history said that the soap opera fandom tried to warn SPN fans that they're going to be in the world of hurt because of Jensen's extreme fans.
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boandhopemags · 1 year
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superghfan · 2 years
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systlin · 2 years
Things I Have Seen In The Course Of My Job;
1. People trying to climb the fence to fish in the wastewater treatment pond
2. A couple of minor dust explosions
3. A grain silo imploding
4. A Lot of dudes who get very angry that a woman is telling them to do things
5. Truck Driver Lesbians (many)
6. Trans Truck Driver Lesbians With A Dog (highlight of my career)
7. A tornado take a wall off a dorm building (students all safe in shelter)
8. Elder Truck Driving Lesbian Who Repairs Aircraft As A Side Job, Seriously Laurie How Are You That Cool (Laurie clocked me as queer before I did)
9. Many, many many medical emergencies involving existing health conditions
10. Not all of those emergencies had good outcomes
11. Fires (many)
12. Some Dude calling weekly to complain that we were trying to poison him by putting rocket fuel in his water. The plant I worked at processed corn into cattle feed and corn syrup. I hope that dude is ok tbh.
13. Workplace drama at the sites oh my god. You could run a soap opera based on entirely factual events of any industrial plant on this planet no problem.
14. People trying to climb the fence to SWIM in the wastewater treatment pond. Why.
15. So much free pizza.
16. TBH so much free food in general.
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jacenbren · 1 year
My Saiki K headcanons because I can’t think of any other ways to satisfy my hyperfixation rn:
Nendou is fully aware that Saiki has psychic powers but it never crossed his mind that that was weird
Kaidou fucking LOVES magic: the gathering and has one of those books full of cards
He also loves digimon. Aren is a devout pokemon enjoyer. yes they are constantly at each others throats trying to insist that their favorite is better
It took much convincing, but the rest of the gang managed to convince Saiki to join their weekly D&D sessions. Saiki whines and complains every time they drag him there. he then proceeds to have the time of his life every session without fail
Aiura was one of those girls who had a shit ton of Barbie dolls as a kid and sometimes she and Toritsuka get together to play with them (aka act out horrific and violent soap opera scenarios that every child who owned Barbie dolls concocted)
Mera and Nendou bond over their mutual love of food and watch food network cooking contests with the enthusiasm of white suburban dads watching the Superbowl
Nendou regularly picks Saiki up like a sack of potatoes to hug him. Saiki will never admit in a million years that he absolutely loves it
Teruhashi saw that Saiki barely acknowledges her existence and had a realization of “oh wow he isn’t obsessed with me simply because of my looks and treats me like a person rather than some unattainable object of desire I want to spend more time with him because he doesn’t superficially adore me” but she misinterpreted it as a crush and is EXTREMELY confused
Akechi & Saiki = adhd/autistic besties
Nendou & Saiki = also adhd/autistic besties but in like a queerplatonic way????
Saiki won’t admit it but he likes hanging out with Akechi because the guy does all the talking for him and all he has to do is listen
Saiki secretly really likes Hairo because his internal monologue is pretty much the same as how he presents himself to others (Saiki finds Hairo’s sincerity oddly comforting)
Saiki also finds it oddly comforting that he can’t read Nendou’s mind because when spending time alone with him Saiki isn’t constantly bombarded by an internal monologue
Aiura and Saiki casually bully Toritsuka on the regular
“Just get a boyfriend arent you bi” “damn Toritsuka nobody wants you fr”
Kaidou can’t whistle. Aren constantly teases him about it. Kaidou will then attempt to climb his body like a tree and strangle him.
Aiura is a stoner
Saiki is very much affected by weed
Saiki + Aiura’s “special” coffee brownies she made one day and put in the fridge not remembering that Saiki is an utter bastard when it comes to stealing other peoples snacks = utter chaos
Saiko secretly really wants friends but due to his upbringing he doesn’t know how to act around people in lower tax brackets
Saiki sometimes sits next to him at lunch out of pity
Nendou learned how to make coffee jelly after finding out that Saiki loves it
Every year for Saiki’s birthday the gang throws him a surprise party (Saiki is never surprised because of his powers but he’s always so touched by the gesture that he can’t help but play along)
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