#gabrielle montgomery
amc-minx · 2 months
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My comfort family. 🏠💗
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babybirbb · 4 months
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he goes, i go, a marvey playlist
harvey - her’s // good luck, babe - chappell roan // i can see you - taylor swift // calling after me - wallows // cologne - beabadoobee // snap out of it - arctic monkeys // settle down - ricky montgomery // forever with me - conan gray // change - djo // fresh out the slammer - taylor swift // all in - the army, the navy // you’re all i have - snow patrol // leaning on you - haim
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cokedupblonde · 4 months
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my biggest worry in life is that I'll never be in a cunty quatro friendship circle and it's a devastating thought
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illustratus · 1 year
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The Death of Henry II (1559)
by Henri Grobet
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ilikestuff69 · 1 year
My X-Men Fancast
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Charles Xavier played by Mark Strong
Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto played by Jason Isaacs
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Scott Summers/Cyclops played by Mason Gooding
Jean Grey/Phoenix played by Katherine McNamara
Bobby Drake/Iceman played by Gabriel LaBelle
Warren Worthington/Angel played by Ross Lynch
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Logan/Wolverine played by Tom Hardy or Taron Egerton
Ororo Munroe/Storm played by Aja Naomi King
Hank McCoy/Beast played by Tyler Hoechlin
Raven Darkhölme/Mystique played by Claudia Doumit
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Anna Marie/Rogue played by Keke Palmer
Remy LeBeau played by Dacre Montgomery
Kathrine Pryde/Shadowcat played by Isabelle Fuhrman
Piotr Rasputin/Colossus played by Alexander Ludwig
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Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler played by Mena Massoud
Lorna Dane/Polaris played by Thomasin McKenzie
Sean Cassidy/Banshee played by Paul Mescal
Alex Summers/Havok played by Kelvin Harrison Jr.
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Emma Frost played by Jodie Comer
Jubilation Lee/Jubilee played by Madison Hu
Betsy Braddock/Psylocke played by Jessica Henwick
Victor Creed/Sabretooth played by Alan Ritchson
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Lucas Bishop played by Yahya Abdul-Mateen II
Armando Muñoz/Darwin played by Jacob Anderson
St. John Allerdyce/Pyro played by Jacob Bertrand
James Madrox/Multiple Man played by Glen Powell
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Clarice Ferguson/Blink played by Lyrica Okano
Alison Blaire/Dazzler played by Madison Iseman
Bobby du Costa/Sunspot played by Rome Flynn
Tabitha Smith/Boom-Boom played by Victoria Pedretti
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Mortimer Toynbee/Toad played by Levi Miller
ForgetMeNot played by Brett Gelman
Glob Herman played by Tyler Labine
Bailey Hoskins played by Mason Thames
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opticandmasturbation · 11 months
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Gabrielle Drake featured in Cosmopolitan, June 1973. Photographed by David Montgomery.
Scanned by Miss Peelpants
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eloise-at-the-marquee · 11 months
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Post 9 of your favourite characters and let people guess your type.
June and Emily (I broke the rules)
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ambroselaveau90 · 1 year
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After his abuela dies,Matthias discovers that he is a witch when he begins to exhibits unique abilities,tied to the dark days of Salem.But his family decides that living with his eccentric aunts would be the best place for him to learn how to control his abilities.
But as a series of blood-curdling mysteries converge on the town,it forces Matthias to align with others to combat these horrors.Join him as he tries to figure out the secrets of his past and who he can trust as he develops feelings for a enigmatic vampire,while trying to survive in this Hellmouth.
Caleb Mclaughlin as Matthias Adesanya
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A 21-year old newbie witch with immense powers,inheriting them from his ancestors.He shares blood with both the Salem Witches & the Voodoo Practitioners of New Orleans due to being a descendant of Tituba Immaculate & Bridget Bishop.
When his grandmother Marisol dies,his bound magick starts to manifest itself,which leads his folks to send him to live with his aunties Esperanza & Tabitha,in hopes of teaching him how to control his powers.But when he crosses paths with the very peculiar denizens of New York,maybe it was his fate to live in the city that never sleeps.
Stephanie Beatriz as Esperanza Ortega
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A 35-year old Witch,the wife to Tabitha Montgomery.She is a powerful witch.Compared to her wife and nephew,she is the second strongest among them innately but her talent lies in offensive magicks like curses & hexes.After her mom passes away,she decides to take in nephew to help him with his newfound powers but also wants to figure out the string of horrific cases that have recently been happening in the city.
Lucy Barrett as Tabitha Montgomery
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A 30-year old,a witch,the wife to Esperanza Ortega.She has strong mystical skills & is a strong witch.Compared to her wife and nephew,she is the weakest among them innately but her talents lie in defensive magicks like boundary spells.
Like her wife,she wants to teach her nephew how to use his newfound powers but she also wants to help her family deal with the loss of Marisol,as they each become obsessed with other things to not deal with their grief.
Micheal Cimino as Antonio Salazar
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A 23-year old/501-year old vampire,a main protagonist of the Millennium Of Hellfire Series.Sired by a Conquistador in 1520,making him apart of Rebekah Mikaelson's Sireline.As members of The Strix start going missing in the city,Antonio is assigned to investigate the many disappearances but as he follows the trails of his comrades,he ends meeting a trio of witches that are following the same trail.The youngest one interests him the most,if it wasn't for his status as a Weaver,it definitely was the scent of his blood.As they become closer,will Antonio let the horrors of his past consume Matthias in a effort to protect him from his bloody secrets?
George Sears as Gabriel Mortensen
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A 22-year old Werewolf,a main protagonist of the Millennium Of Hellfire.Gabriel was born as the youngest child of the Legendary Alphas Lena Grace and Daniel Mortensen on the outskirts of a Russian Village in 1999.As a member of two centuries and highly esteemed Lycan bloodlines,Gabriel was raised along with his sisters to see lycanthropy as a gift.As a string of disappearances and murders start to stress out the leaders of New York's underworld which include his parents,he decides to impress his parents by figuring out who is really doing this,but while he is doing so,he meets two men that interests him,a sassy witch and a charming vampire.
He knows his family would make him a Omega for mating with a vampire,but a witch is out of the question,especially since this witch isn't some nature loving Wiccan,he's a Dark Witch that sacrifices others & practices magicks that make others cower in fear.But as they get closer,will Gabriel let his wolf take over,embracing the bloodlust of his ancestors,or stay in the shadows of his sisters?
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After this season of good omens I’m isolating and blasting Ricky Montgomery.
Only thing that will keep me sane rn 💀
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weirdesplinder · 1 year
La mia top ten dei classici della letteratura americana
Eccoci a un nuovo post della serie dedicata ai Classici della letteratura e oggi tocca ai classici americani che io amo in particolare.
E intendo America come continente, non gli Sati Uniti solamente.
Naturalmente come sempre è una lista super soggettiva, non odiatemi se non nomino grandi della letteratura americana come Hemingway, Kerouac, Melville, Jack London, Francis Scott Fitzgerald, Faulkner o Harper Lee, vanno certamente letti e nominati, ma era una top ten e purtroppo ho dovuto escludere molti e lasciarmi guidare dai libri che io personalmente ho amato leggere.
Non vedo l'ora di scoprire invece i vostri preferiti di questa categoria, mi raccomando segnalatemeli in commento.
La mia top ten:
1. Radici, di Alex Haley
Link: https://amzn.to/45frRl8
Trama: Nella seconda metà del Settecento il giovane Kunta Kinte viene strappato dal suo villaggio africano e portato in America come schiavo. La sua vita cambierà, come quella dei suoi discendenti: Bell, Kizzy, Chicken George e tutti gli altri, fino a giungere ad Alex Haley, l'autore di queste pagine.
2. La valle del'Eden, di John Steinbeck
Link: https://amzn.to/3s922EI
Trama: Nel paese di Nod, a est del giardino dell'Eden, dove la progenie di Caino andò a vivere secondo la leggenda biblica e che nel romanzo di John Steinbeck corrisponde simbolicamente alla valle percorsa dal fiume Salinas nella California settentrionale, si intrecciano le storie di due famiglie, gli Hamilton e i Trask. Protagonisti della saga, che va dalla Guerra civile alla Prima guerra mondiale, da una parte il vecchio Samuel Hamilton, immigrato dall'Irlanda; e, dall'altra, Cyrus Trask insieme ai figli Adam e Charles, e ai nipoti Aron e Caleb, gemelli nati dalla misteriosa Cathy Ames.
3. Piccole donne, di Louisa May Alcott
Link: https://amzn.to/45jdTPh
Trama: Meg, Jo, Beth e Amy, quattro sorelle dal carattere molto diverso, si trovano improvvisamente ad affrontare la guerra: devono cambiare la propria vita per sostenere la mamma, mentre il padre è nell'esercito. Decidono così di fronteggiare le difficoltà con allegria e spirito di iniziativa..
4. Ti ucciderò, di Mickey Spillane
Link: https://amzn.to/3KLclpc
Trama: Quando Jack Williams viene trovato ucciso a colpi d’arma da fuoco, il detective Pat Chambers chiama il suo conoscente e amico più intimo di Jack, l’investigatore privato Mike Hammer. Ai tempi in cui avevano combattuto insieme, Jack era stato colpito da una baionetta giapponese per salvare Hammer, perdendo il braccio. Hammer giura di identificare l’assassino prima della polizia per compiere la sua vendetta personale. Il punto di partenza è l’elenco degli ospiti a una festa a casa di Jack la notte in cui è morto: la fidanzata di Jack, ex tossicodipendente, una bellissima psichiatra, due sorelle gemelle, uno studente universitario e un mafioso. Ma mentre li rintraccia, così fa anche l’assassino, e in poco tempo non sarà solo Jack a essere trovato morto. Ad attenderli, infatti, un’automatica calibro 45 munita di silenziatore. E anche Hammer è saldamente nel suo mirino...
5. Tarzan delle scimmie, di Edgar Rice Burroughs  
Link: https://amzn.to/44eCCTB
Trama: Nel cuore della giungla più selvaggia il piccolo Lord Greystoke viene sottratto a un destino di morte certa dalla gorilla Kala, che lo adotta e lo alleva teneramente. Ma per quel suo corpo completamente privo di peli, il cucciolo d'uomo è osteggiato dagli altri membri della tribù. Determinato a non diventare cibo per Sabor, la leonessa, o per Sheeta, il leopardo, riesce a sopravvivere grazie alla sua forza fisica e alla sua intelligenza, che gli permettono di affrontare con audacia i pericoli della giungla, guadagnarsi il rispetto dei gorilla e diventare loro re. Da quel momento si farà chiamare Tarzan delle scimmie e il suo urlo selvaggio e terrificante riecheggerà nella foresta. Ma c'è una nuova e insolita sfida che Tarzan, ormai adulto, dovrà affrontare quando nella giungla arriveranno i suoi simili e con loro la bellissima Jane¿
6. La lettera scarlatta, di Nathaniel Hawthorne
Link: https://amzn.to/3QKeV2b
Trama: La giovane Ester Prynne, condannata per adulterio nella puritana Boston, sarà costretta a portare per sempre sul seno una fiammeggiante, scarlatta, lettera "A", da lei stessa ricamata. Ester non ha mai voluto rivelare il nome del suo "complice" che infine lacerato tra ansia di schiettezza e orgoglio, e perseguitato dal marito della giovane - cederà, confessando la sua colpa.
7. Il gabbiano Jonathan Livingstone, di Richard Bach
Link: https://amzn.to/3OEpJMH
Trama: Il gabbiano Jonathan Livingston non è come tutti gli altri. Là dove i suoi simili, schiavi di becco e pancia, si limitano a viaggetti per procurarsi il cibo inseguendo le barche da pesca, lui intuisce nel volo una bellezza e un valore assoluti. Tanto basta per meritargli il marchio dell'infamia e l'allontanamento dallo stormo Buonappetito. Solo, audace, sempre più libero, Jonathan il Reietto scopre l'ebbrezza del volo acrobatico e varca i confini di altri mondi, altre dimensioni abitate da gabbiani solitari simili a lui nella spasmodica fame e sete di perfezione. Ne diventa la guida, il maestro, il capo indiscusso, e tra i compagni incontrerà chi senza saperlo è pronto a raccogliere la sua eredità.
8. La casa degli spiriti, di Isabel allende (Cile)
Link: https://amzn.to/3P4EZUQ
Trama: Alle Tre Marie, splendida tenuta di proprietà di Esteban Trueba, si intrecciano le passioni dei diversi protagonisti: Clara, la moglie del proprietario, trascorre un’esistenza avvolta nei ricordi; Férula, sorella di Esteban, dedica la sua vita agli altri; Blanca è innamorata di un servo del padre, Pedro, che avrà parte nella guerriglia della rivoluzione; Alba, la nipote, dovrà invece affrontare la dittatura mentre Esteban scoprirà, proprio a causa dei tragici eventi politici del suo paese, di amare innanzitutto la sua famiglia.
9. Cent'anni di solitudine, di Gabriel García Márquez (Colombia)
Link: https://amzn.to/45tmf6y
Trama: Grandezza e decadenza della città di Macondo e della famiglia Buendia, in una successione appassionante di avvenimenti favolosi e grotteschi tra cronistoria e leggenda.
10. Anna dai capelli rossi, di Lucy Maud Montgomery (Canada)
Link: https://amzn.to/47zoU0v
Trama: Matthew e Marilla conducono una vita abitudinaria nel pacifico paesino di Avonlea. Ormai anziani, decidono di adottare un orfano che li aiuti a mandare avanti la fattoria. Ma invece del ragazzo promesso dall’orfanotrofio, a casa Cuthbert arriva Anna, una bambina dotata di una inesauribile immaginazione che finirà per conquistare tutti.
Onorevoli menzioni:
Uno yankee alla corte di re Artù, di Mark Twaine
Link: https://amzn.to/3YCvO0R
Trama: il protagonista, Hank Morgan, lo yankee del Connecticut, un capo officina della fabbrica d'armi Colt di Hartford, a causa di un violento alterco con un operaio a lui sottoposto, riceve in testa un colpo sferrato con una spranga di ferro e quando si risveglia scopre che è finito in Inghilterra, esattamente nel giorno 20 giugno dell'anno 528… Da qui, la sfrenata girandola senza fine di situazioni che ne derivano, alle prese con re Artù, i cavalieri della Tavola Rotonda, Lancillotto, Ginevra, il mago Merlino, la fata Morgana ecc.
. L'ultimo dei Mohicani, di James Fenimore Cooper
Link: https://amzn.to/46eO1ER
Trama: Ambientato nella colonia di New York durante la guerra franco-indiana, racconta la storia di un cacciatore bianco: Natty Bumpoo, soprannominato “Lungo Fucile” per la sua abilità con quest’arma. Bumpoo ha abbandonato la vita civile per vivere a contatto con la natura e rifugiarsi nella foresta con due suoi compagni, gli ultimi due pellerossa superstiti di una razza tra le più rispettate e antiche: i Mohicani. I tre personaggi si troveranno a dover aiutare le due figlie del generale inglese Munro, rapite dal nemico comune Magua, capo tribù degli Irochesi, alleati dei francesi, nemico giurato sia del generale Munro che di Occhio di Falco e dei suoi due amici: Cinghachgook e suo figlio Uncas. La storia ha come sfondo la guerra con frequenti battaglie tra gli eserciti francesi e inglesi che in guerriglie e scontri tra gli indiani schierati da una parte o dall’altra. La vittoria si deciderà con una tipica battaglia indiana, tra le tribù dei Mohicani e degli Irochesi con la morte del giovane Uncas, appunto l’ultimo dei Mohicani e di una delle figlie di Munro. Il racconto si chiude con il mesto presagio del capo dei Mohicani che sente avvicinarsi la fine del suo popolo.
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codergirlsblog · 2 years
Fnaf revival au(part 14): when Susie got brought back to life(she was still a child when this happened) she decided she wanted to wear boys clothes because back then, women were still under appreciated and were seen as fragile and seen as people who wear makeup and pretty dresses(and seen as stay at home wives). Now this didn’t sit well with Susie because she thought it was unfair that women don’t get the same equal treatment as men do, so she asked her dad if she could wear the same clothes as boys do(Ex; shorts, jeans, t-shirts, long sleeve shirts, etc). Her dad asked why and Susie told her dad and he actually agreed because he supported the idea that women deserve representation, so over the weekend, they went to a clothes shop and Susie picked what she wanted to wear for school, and jasper(Susie’s dad) bought them without any regrets. Some people asked why he was buying clothes for boys when he has a daughter and not a son(and he respectfully told them to mind their business). On Monday, Susie showed up to school wearing blue shorts, a white t-shirt and wearing tennis shoes. Needless to say some people were very impressed and amazed(this majority was girls), others however didn’t like the style and wanted her to change(this majority was boys). The principal noticed but didn’t do anything, she did ask why Susie was wearing that and when Susie told her why she understood and left her alone. This was because the principal was also a woman who was also supportive of women being represented(the teachers didn’t mind either). Susie showed her friends (and their parents) and Charlie and told them the reason, they were also supportive(Susie was very happy about this).
Bonus headcanons: Susie, Charlie and Elizabeth are all girlbosses in my au: they can be nice and chill but they know when to put their foot down. Once Charlie and Susie had an argument with monty about how his attitude wasn’t kid friendly and monty told them to fight him if they don’t like it. A few minutes later, Charlie and Susie were holding monty by the legs over the catwalks and threatening to let him go if he doesn’t change his attitude, monty promised to change and thankfully survived(but they still did threaten him).
Also back then, black people were also under appreciated, and since in my au Gabriel is black, he was always stopped by police because they always think he’s up to something bad( his mom and Susie’s dad, who is a chief police officer, had to step in to defend him all the time, they were basically Gabriel’s bodyguard). Gabriel looked up to black activists like: Martin Luther king, Rosa parks, Malcom, Fredrick Douglass, Harriet Tubman. He looked up to them because he said and I quote “they were the ones who changed the world”(he says this with pride, not in public but to his friends and his mom).
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amc-minx · 6 days
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Family barbecue with the in-laws. 😊
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thebadtimewolf · 1 year
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barbie but sunny
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hxdgins · 2 years
i'm back and apparently it is my thing to come back from lack of editing with a dead as fuck ship in a dead fandom, but oh well.
@michaelpatrickthornton @audramcdonald I AM SO OBSESSED WITH YOU GUYS (sorry it took me over ten years to get here 🙃)
i recently finished watching private practice, started last year, the season 2 finale and 301 was more violent than expected and that was too much for me so i took an unexpected break... didn't think i'd ever continue and it took me by surprised when i did start watching it again last week... even more unexpected is my love for this ship and i know a lot of people might not like them? but they gave me the biggest buzz, the biggest smile...
when they happened it made me so damn happy? like i'm in the biggest brainrot that i've had in recent years and so i had to edit them.. i'm actually, willingly and knowingly ignoring everything that was 613, thank you to not remind me or make comments on 613 because this episode does not exist for me when it comes to naomi :)
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meepminormeme · 2 years
can some private practice people help me find fantics that involve fife or sheldon 👁👄👁
i have checked wattpad, ao3, tumblr and i cant find any, ill also appreciate masterlinks from people 🫡
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opticandmasturbation · 11 months
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Gabrielle Drake featured in Cosmopolitan, June 1973. Photographed by David Montgomery
Scanned by Miss Peelpants
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