#So yeah I’m sorry
thatlonelycactus · 9 months
We talk about the s2 ep6 kiss SO MUCH and for good reason. It is a kiss that means so much to the characters, the plot and the fandom. However, as a kiss itself, it isn’t what one would call as romantic as, say, the Richard II kiss. It’s an almost violent kiss, a final argument in a fight that Crowley knows he’ll lose but for once in his existence he’ll at least try to fight. Because Aziraphale is the only being that loves and has ever loved him unconditionally. Aziraphale is the only being or thing he has left to love. But now, hes going to risk losing him to the same side that took everything else away from him. It’s desperate. It’s filled with want, with pain. It’s the need to love and be loved. A final attempt. A final attempt to be an ‘us’. He grasps him like the sands of time, knowing that loosening his grip would mean losing it all too soon. On the other hand, Aziraphale tenses, he struggles to hold Crowley back because he knows it’ll be harder to let him go. If he lets himself think of what they could be, he knows he’ll give in. Aziraphale isn’t running, no, he has to go fight another battle. A battle that, if he wins, means that they could be an ‘us’ someday. Just not the ‘us’ Crowley wants to be. Yet, no matter how hard he tries, he simply can’t stop himself from trying to reach for him, for a being who loves him, actually loves him. A being he knows to be good. He tries to hold on whilst also trying to resist. He asks for more and yet tries to distance himself. Because the kiss- the kiss is the closest they have ever been and yet the farthest at the same time. They both want the same thing and yet the same thing means two entirely different things. They want to hold on when for years they’ve tried to let go- tried to keep each other safe- tried to save themselves from heartbreak- but they’ve always failed because all roads lead to each other. And finally, when they let themselves give in they know there is no hope they know how it will end but they give in anyway. Because after years of always being able to reach for they other, they’ll try to reach out and only be able to find the traces of what was and what could never have been.
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itslottiehere · 5 months
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mangozic · 3 months
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pre-distortion michael shelley but pointier and more shaped
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liorlen · 11 months
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gale origin playthru from astarion’s pov or smth like that
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artschoolglasses · 1 year
Americans not giving a shit about the wildfires burning down forests and homes in Canada until smoke starts spreading across the border. Meanwhile Indigenous communities across the country are far more likely to be impacted by the fires and I’ve seen all of one link to a charity and about nine million memes. 🙃
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addsalwayssick · 7 months
Remus opened his letter, surprised when it appeared to be a howler. The last time he’d heard one was the day before Sirius got disowned back in 5th year.
He was in the dining hall for breakfast, sitting at the staff table. He watched as Harry and Hermione plotted, looking anxious. He blew it off, as it seemed Harry was always weary.
“A howler,” Snape sneered from beside him.
“Astute observation, Severus.” Remus told him, nodding at him.
Remus disregarded Snape, and focused on the howler. There was no name on it, so it was possible it was from a student playing a prank. In good nature, for the prankingnostalgia, Remus opened it.
There was silence for a moment before a loud, booming voice started to yell. “DARLINGGGGG, GUESS WHOS BACK FROM JAIL” And it was his Sirius Black. And he knew they would find each other again.
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itsafreetrialofdeath · 9 months
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sorry Mystra he’s not your wizard anymore
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still-snowing · 1 year
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moonyflesh · 4 months
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no thoughts- just Logan smoking some big ass cigar at any given moment.
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the-phantom-peach · 1 year
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Meeting the Light Dragon ✨🐉
[tagged as spoilers!]
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thatlonelycactus · 9 months
Random Good Omens HC that will def be disproved in s3:
So y’all know that theory that “Crowley can’t see stars bc of his eyes- that was his punishment for falling” well what if his eyes were the reason he fell. What if Crowley was the Almighty’s favourite and, because of Their bias They tried to save him from falling whilst still punishing him? Like if on the trial day- whatever they did idk I’m imagining a trial occurred even if everyone was declared guilty and cast out- the Almighty was like “For your crime of asking questions, I’ll take away your ability to see what you have created” and gave him the eyes of a snake. However, this was the last straw, for how could They be so cruel to punish someone for asking questions? And Crowley realised that Heaven was not what it pretended to be because HOW could they justify the punishment for his crimes or maybe he just couldn’t live with the shame of having snake eyes (I like the former more) and so he chose to fall instead of remain an angel and live with the loss of his beloved stars. But yeah I just needed to get that out of my head because as much as I like this idea it’s a) prob not gonna happen and b) just yeah.
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morganbritton132 · 4 months
Eddie, to his followers: Before I say anything, just want everybody to know that I love my husband. I love everything about him.
Eddie: But the thing is, he’s had a few head injuries and sometimes he forgets things. And that is okay!
Eddie: It happens! No one is holding it against him. I’ve got ADHD, I forget shit all the time, but.
Eddie: But he missed a couple shifts at work and a basketball game Lucas was in once thirty years ago, and I’ve been ass deep in calendars ever since.
Eddie: So, we have this *makes background the party’s shared calendar*
Eddie: And Steve has this *holds up Steve’s daily planner that contains all the same information*
Eddie: And this *shows calendar on their fridge that also contains the same information*
Eddie: And this *shows storage boxes labeled ‘Steve’s planners ‘1987-2015’ and ‘2016-‘*
Eddie: You know what that means?
Eddie: It means he’s going to know that I forgot to tell him that I gotta be in LA this weekend. He’s going to be pissy about it.
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theoldkyokodied · 1 year
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If you follow my main you had to know this was coming… anyway. Enjoy these bloodweave doodles :)
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hydrus101 · 1 month
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Step 1: Give Owlexander the gun
Step 2: ???
Step 3: Profit.
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lovely-v · 1 year
Me before completing the forest temple: okay I get that ocarina of time is fun and nostalgic for people but it’s a bit of a stretch to call it one of the greatest video games of all time
Me after completing the forest temple: By revealing that Link is not a Kokiri, but a Hylian, the game effectively strips him of his humble origins amongst a group of people that already fail to recognize him in his adult form. Thus, kokiri village instantly becomes a location that is no longer Link’s home in any sense, exacerbated by the fact that the game now loads up in the temple of time instead of Link’s bedroom— he is a stranger in the only place that has ever been familiar to him and he is depressingly reduced to his destiny alone. However, the subsequent introduction of the time travel mechanic, which allows the player to travel from the horrific apocalyptic future back to the idyllic past of Link’s childhood, gives new meaning to the idea of this “destiny”. In effect, Link is not a stock “chosen one”, but a protagonist who consciously decides to fight onwards. Link’s dual existence as a child who knows the grim future and as an adult who was powerless to stop disaster gives a sort of desperation to his character, because while it brings the player relief to revisit the Castle Town that is populated by cheerful villagers instead of lurking zombies, the story can only be progressed through the acknowledgement of reality — the decision to make those seven years pass again. Therefore, both the player and Link as a character must be proactive in their heroism and make the conscious choice to struggle onwards despite the darkness that permeates—
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tav-marcio-leles · 7 months
Ohhh, I'm rereading Mystra's entry in the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide... and this detail:
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This means Gale was punished for trying to restore and preserve what he thought was a lost piece of Mystra's magic. Gale being Mystra's ex-lover put aside. He as her follower, she his goddess, was punished for attempting to do the one foundational rule of her faith.
I'm seething and so sad at the same time.
Edit: I used the word punish loosely, as in, toxic/abusive people will take any small mistake or action and twist it into something they can take advantage of. This post was also largely from the stand point of a toxic deity rather than a toxic partner, but both takes are valid here. Especially with the, “you didn’t stay compliant so now I’m giving you the silent treatment” part of it—from a god and a partner perspective.
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