#So they have to work together to find a cure and save the city bc jokers on the lose with other pals
carpthecarp · 1 month
I need to talk about my robins
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llesbianwrites · 3 days
save me peer input peer input save me. more info about each wip under the cut!!
ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE WIP - the way of all flesh.
not to be reductive but i'm going to be reductive. i have a very vague outline (characters, basic idea of plot points, etc) but nothing super developed. the whole idea is to have a group of little freaks trying to find proof of a cure and the inherent struggling that comes with trying to survive in a dying world.
MECHA WIP - the patron saint of touch.
shamelessly copy pasting the few sentences i already have but -> pacific rim-esque mecha wip but instead of drifting with a living person you synch with all the previous pilots of your mech. also you don't stop after you get out of the robot they're stuck in your head. you are not told this before you do it. is this anything.
CYBERPUNK WIP - simulacrum.
started off as an if i wanted to make (what!!) but i fear that may be a lil too ambitious. basically what if the city you were living in was alive, and had a heart, and what if you communed with it when you were a child. what if it started to wake up and mess w/ the manmade tech baked into its skin. what if it started talking to you.
PIRATE WIP - warmth twice removed.
so basically every. waves hand. xx years a passage opens up that allows vessels into a freaky-scary ocean that ALLEGEDLY holds the gift of eternal life. or at least thats what everyone assumes. only one crew has ever made it close enough to know and they disappeared. it's also home to, you guessed it, freaky-scary monsters that WILL kill your ass and sink your boat. follows a crew as they try to find TREASURE!! and not get their asses killed
VAMPIRE WIP - varicose.
pov you're a vampire that was turned bc your maker saw, more than anything, how little you wanted to live. and he thought it'd be funny to force you to do it anyway. this is the strangest relationship of your life until you meet a monster hunter turned emergency room doc. something something they have to work together bc idk. there's a rogue vampire or something. just trust and believe it's going to be homoerotic and weird
follows a group of climbers as they try to make it to haven's altar, a near mythical place on top of THEE tallest mountain in the world. there's a whole religion based on the idea that god resides at the peak and those who reach it will be blessed. everyone's got their own reason for being on the mountain (none of them are good) and the only thing they want more than to get to the top is to NOT tell ANYONE why they're there. surely this will end well!
ok heartfelt time. if you got to here thank you for reading all of these!! and hopefully voting! i really wanna do something for nano this year (i will not be doing it on the website however - independent tracker yay) but i cannot get myself to commit to a wip for longer than a week. i'm hoping the external. pressure? validation? idk but whatever it is fingers crossed it gets me to focus on something long enough to actually write it!
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icy-watch · 10 months
And thats a wrap on season 2.
An epic battle won, villains vanquished, antagonists cured, Ninjago is saved, and families are reunited.
There’s obviously going to be new villains to take care of — the Serpentine are still locked away in that vault — and the pirates are still hanging around. But there’s gotta be more out there somewhere.
For now, though, there’s peace.
I really don't know what's going to happen in the next season, but I'm pretty certain the Mega Weapon is still in orbit. So, they might work on getting that back. Aliens, maybe, as the next villains?
Well, I'll just have to find out tomorrow. I'll probably only do two episodes tomorrow. Haven't decided what time I'll get started though.
Like for season one, under the cut, I'm going to go over what I predicted right and wrong.
We won't jump straight into the Garmadon vs the Ninja storyline. We very much did.
Won't deal with the Serpentine until that last few episodes. It was the other way around.
Someone will get hurt bc of Lloyd's inability to control his powers. Surprisingly, no one got hurt.
The people of Ninjago City will turn on the ninja. I could have not been MORE WRONG about this.
Garmadon and Skales are plotting something together. They were both plotting something, just not together.
Garmadon will get the Mega Weapon back at the end of the season. It's still in orbit.
Garmadon and the Overlord will get their hands on the Mega Weapon.
There is no going back for Garmadon now that he's bonded with the Overlord. Lloyd was able to not only save his father from the Overlord, but cure him of the venom.
We won't jump straight into the Garmadon vs the Ninja storyline. We very much did.
Won't deal with the Serpentine until that last few episodes. It was the other way around.
Someone will get hurt bc of Lloyd's inability to control his powers. Surprisingly, no one got hurt.
The people of Ninjago City will turn on the ninja. I could have not been MORE WRONG about this.
Garmadon and Skales are plotting something together. They were both plotting something, just not together.
Garmadon will get the Mega Weapon back at the end of the season. It's still in orbit.
Garmadon and the Overlord will get their hands on the Mega Weapon.
There is no going back for Garmadon now that he's bonded with the Overlord. Lloyd was able to not only save his father from the Overlord, but cure him of the venom.
Garmadon will be the reason Lloyd beats the Overlord. Lloyd was able to do it with the help of the ninja, encouraging him on.
The boys will get stronger without their Golden Weapons. They most certainly did.
Garmadon will part ways with the Serpentine. He very much did. In fact, he traded them for the stone army.
Garmadon reacted with anger and sadness towards Lloyd's sudden growth spurt. He very much did.
The Great Devourer's venom will infect the stone army and bring them to life. Yeah. That seemed pretty straight forward at the time.
The boys will get their powers back.
The boys will get their Golden Weapons back. They didn't get their original Golden Weapons, but they did get some new golden weapons.
The battle between Garmadon and Lloyd will be similar to the battle between Luke and Percy in The Last Olympian. It was for one of the battles, but then the Overlord took over.
Lloyd and Gardmadon won't be the ones in the prophecy to fight. It was Lloyd and a possessed Garmadon that fought.
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mythrae · 11 months
i'm late to the party but if you're still doing the tav asks from yesterday: 93 and 94!
hell yeah thank u let’s go
full ask list here!
(only answering for Mythrae and Taversia bc they’re the only ones who even made it to Act 3 lol 🥲 under the cut bc it’s a bit long)
93. What do you think happens to the party, afterwards? Do they go for drinks? Do they go their separate ways?
Both Taversia and Mythrae want to keep the gang as close together as they can. After all, they’ve defeated essentially a false god, their bonds now are stronger than ever. They would definitely celebrate MULTIPLE times over (mostly at night so Astarion can join them), to the point where the owners of the Elf Song Tavern would have to kick them out for staying too long.
In Mythrae’s story line, they also want to band together once more to search for a cure for Karlach’s heart so she and Wyll can leave Avernus.
* this doesn’t happen in Taversia’s story bc I was dumb and couldn’t recruit her due to accidentally killing a bunch of druids🧍🏼‍♀️oops
94. Years after the game, what do you think your Tav is up to?
Taversia and Gale got married, with Wyll and Shadowheart making up the bridal party and Jaheira officiating the ceremony (Tara the flower girl, Scratch the ring bearer). There wasn’t a dry eye in the room when Gale gave his vows, even getting a few tears out of Astarion. It was a wonderful occasion, and Gale’s mother would talk about their wedding for years to come.
Tav moved into Gale’s tower in Waterdeep, but the two frequently travel to visit their friends in Baldur’s Gate. She now acts as a mercenary, usually sent on quests later in the evening to keep the city safe. Not problem, because she knows that when she comes home, her husband will still be up, writing his plans for his students that he tutors.
One of these tutors is Arabella, who the two have decided to take in as their own a few years post game. She is more than happy to have the people who saved her as her adoptive parents, and the four of them make quite the happy family. The best part of it all is that Taversia and Gale are both living the happily ever afters that they’ve always dreamed of :)
Mythrae and Astarion, on the other hand, are living happily together in the Underdark, getting into whatever adventures they can find. They make quite a dynamic duo, and have almost become infamous throughout the realm.
When they’re not out fighting the evildoers of the realm, you can find them in their cottage they built near the Mycanoid Circle. As much as the duo loves to be out and about, they both love it when they get to wind down and take some time together. They’re still healing from their previous traumas, but both have built up so much trust in each other, that their relationship grows more and more each day.
Whenever they’re not out on a quest, they’ll usually get visitors from their past party members, which their door is always open to. Mythrae and Astarion both love catching up with Shadowheart the most, as they’ve grown the closest to her. With a little help from Gale and Halsin, they work tirelessly to try and figure out a way to bring Karlach and Wyll from the Hells.
Not too long after moving to the Underdark, they eloped under the stars in Baldur’s Gate, with Selune and Shadowheart being their witnesses to their unity :)
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cherrysnax · 1 year
hope people chill out soon, your take was immaculate and actually the reason I followed you initially bc i am an adult who likes cartoons and little kid shows but also doesn't get in internet fights about them and thinks adults who do are... wild, for lack of a better term..
but!!! now I wanna know about your comic (???maybe its a comic not sure) that you've mentioned, I couldn't find a tag to search but do you mind sharing about it? tysm either way have a good one
hi nonnie!! first of all ty for the well wishes and compliments! i'm sure once all the jokes and the offense die down, people will be relatively normal again... i hope.. lets get into the meat of the ask under the cut
EDIT: this got long so if u just want the basic gist, go to the very end!
soooo my girlfriend @pokemonleague and i decided back in...2018? to make spidersonas due to our love of comics and the movie into the spiderverse, but since we're nerds that totally span out of control. it went from a fan rp with several spider-man themed characters to a completely original concept with new characters, our own setting, power system-- the works. it is about superheroes, so it might not be your thing. okay so first backstory stuff
it used to be called the phillyverse and if u go into the tag u might find some old art, but its all extremely outdated (and bad. im not the bessst artist). after some delegation we decided to start making it a comic (we spent YEARS debating it) and named the project around last year. its uh called Show Your Spine!
I'm the worst at describing things but we have like 3 whole seasons entirely plotted out so I can pull somethin like a pitch together: while the vigilantism is a core aspect, with the main overarching plot being a group of unlikely heroes, old and new banding together to stop their city from being overrun by the mob, supervillains, and other threats. it's really about finding love and community in a city at war and finding the strength to protect and nourish it. all the while unlearning all the shit the last generations have taught us, to stop us from perpetuating the cycle of hate... while also beating the shit outta some baddies
in short its abt cringe-fail women doing cringe-fail things lmaoo. its a like a superhero-action-soap opera taking place in the retro-futuristic city of Chesire Grove, new jersey.
in this world, there's people with powers called Augments, who are just like you and me but due to changes in their DNA due were born with the ability to manifest different abilities (think mutants or metahumans). the tension between augments and humans is a little.. high right now, but allegedly better than they've ever been before. It's a newish era of human-augment relations, for better or worse.
we have an ensemble cast, and we intend on taking the main characters from the ages of 16 to eventually 25. the characters are aging in real-time.
OKAY PLOT TIME: The first few arcs focus on a delinquent teenage girl, Leo, trying to find a cure for one of her best friends who has fallen ill after trying a new drug, by all means necessary. during her quest for it, she meets the elusive newer vigilante Spitfire, who had saved her once before. Despite a rocky start, the two start a mentor-mentee type thing, in hope that the other can help them find what they're looking for. For Leo, she's looking for info on the man who made the drug that's been killing people, desperate to make him reverse engineer it. For Spitfire, they're looking for Chesire Grove's longest-running protector: Nightingale, who has suddenly gone missing. Spitfire's a bit new in town but lucky for them, the kid knows the city like the back of their hand.
At the same time, a sheltered augment teen's life is changing, as her overly protective father has finally realized that keeping her inside wasn't protecting her at all. freshly enrolled in a school for STEM students, Bobbi (also known by his nickname Retro) has to learn how to navigate the world for the first time and solve the full mystery of her past, all while her powers are on the fritz.
there's so much to this world, and we're so excited to share it with everyone!! i tried to be pretty vague cause of spoilers, and like i said, bad with words
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emetkoto · 26 days
you got any of them kotostarion postcanon hcs?
BOY DO I!!!!!! K'otos canon ending is choosing to stay with Astarion and work together to try and find a cure for his vampirism so they spend a lot of time pouring over tomes together at sorcerers sundries or traveling to Waterdeep to bother Gale for access to his personal library between accepting adventuring jobs to keep their coffers filled and also take advantage of being able to travel to seek out leads in other places too (tho it is mildly inconvenient only being able to travel at night/under extremely heavy tree cover they make the most of it and enjoy setting up camp to relive those days of tent cuddling). Thye also have a house together in the city bc idc they saved the damn world the least they can do is give them a place to live free of charge!!!!! and maybe they gave them a little money too so k'oto could buy out the house he and his sister lived in so she never had to pay rent again maybe. since she was a little weirded out by the 'vampire and bear boyfriends and vampire daughter who was actually their childhood friend that went missing 15 years ago' thing and politely declined moving in with them
Somewhere along the line too (I havent exactly decided where but maybe before the epilogue party? i never got the letter from him there despite my choices so that kinda pushes me towards making that canon) they also teamed up with Wyll and Karlach to hunt down and kill Haarlep to free K'oto from the body pact bc it was just unbearable for him and he'd only taken it out of a fucked up sense of obligation and difficulty viewing himself as anything more than a product or thing to be traded for what he needs and also a desire to not piss off everyone in the house before theyd gotten what they needed so. bad times all around sorry bud nothing personal but you gotta GO
And that's. kinda their life for a while? searching for leads, hunting a demon, going on adventures....sometimes checking in on the spawn in the underdark or going to stay with Halsin and Mimi just to get away from the city for a bit....relaxing and enjoying life 🥺
It's kinda cringe but I do also have it written in that Withers sends them on a quest as a stupid roundabout way to gift K'oto a ring that pauses his aging so they have as much time as they need to find Astarion's cure and they'll still be able to spend the rest of their lives together after that without one having to mourn the other since y'know. by Elf standards Astarion is extremely young and I somehow doubt the 200 years as a vampire are going to be counted when he becomes mortal again so thats like 900 years he's got left on him
There's some tie in lore with Mimi and her journey to prove herself worthy to Silvanus so he'll accept her as one of his chosen and grant her wish to be cured so she can finally grow up and not just be eternally 12 years old anymore but that is. Mostly irrelevant to kotostarion. except for the part I've been tossing around lately about her making it as his chosen eventually and being granted the power and permission to cure Astarion and the other ritual spawn as a way to help restore the natural order but. undecided if thats canon yet
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laryna6 · 3 years
I’m not going to start posting Lichverse yet even though I finished the novel because there’s worldbuilding stuff that needs to be changed after the reveal that Igris’ species are born from fruits of the world tree instead of being creations of the Monarchs as per monsters (or maybe the creator made monsters to serve the monarchs but canon doesn’t say so I can have fun) and also while I HAVE figured out when to have Jin-Woo’s chest open so people can see he has two hearts I haven’t given up on working in the creepy cute aesthetic and other stuff I want to do earlier.
Also the reveal that in previous timelines Ashborn zombie apocalypse’d humanity (probably bc we were too squishy to survive being ground zero and he couldn’t protect us so he wanted to gather our souls before we got slaughtered more painfully by other monarchs’ armies and ceased to exist - also bc needed larger army to fight other monarchs and keep Antares from killing him and all his shadows with him) as soon as he took over his new host body. So it makes sense that the rulers would ask a human to find a human host and like Il-Hwan would agree - his family lives in a major city. In the case of shadow blitzkreig, they’re all gonna get turned into undead mind-controlled into adoring Ashborn, nothx. Also the Architect didn’t want to pick Jin-Woo, Ashborn insisted, in times where Jin-Woo wasn’t Like That the Architect would have gotten to pick and would have picked an asshole. So Il-Hwan goes looking for the stuff an asshole would have done to level up in a setting where what happens in a dungeon... and then the monster who has repeatedly slaughtered Il-Hwan’s species like cattle is using his son as a host body.
So yeah, Dad has been highkey Suffering.
But, anyway, here’s the current draft of the first chapter of lichverse. Warning for like, canon-typical stuff + also frottage.
Abandoned by everyone, about to be crushed like a bug…
It seemed as though the stone blade paused for a moment, but maybe it was his perception of time slowing down as his death approached.
It was finally over. His sister… mother! The pain would stop… but Mother would die, and Sister… Sister would have to scrabble like he had. A teenage girl?
He’d sold his body to keep his mother alive. Jin-ah…
As the blade crashed down he fell and was caught. Was cradled.
Darkness… a soothing, cool darkness. No more pain, no more fear. But still… warm. This darkness didn’t have a beating heart, but still…
Jin-woo knew the heart of someone who had lost too much, far too much, and would do anything to protect the precious little they had left. He saw someone like that in the mirror, when he couldn’t avoid it.
This person… would never hurt him. Never let him be hurt. He was safe.
“Return to me,” he heard a voice he knew calling for him, and he knew he would always answer.
A black-armored figure before him, flickering with black and purple light. Too large to be human. A monster. A monster and still when Jin-woo found himself on his feet he took a step towards him gladly, eagerly. A step and another. This feeling… like when his Mom or Dad came home and called his name and he ran to them, happy to see them.
He stopped when he had to crane his head back almost painfully far to meet those glowing eyes – an undead – he was an undead…? And saw the concern in them. For him, for a weakling, for nothing, and he knew he was safe. He’d been so scared, everyone had left him to die alone. But someone… someone came. Someone saved him. The relief sent him to his knees as the last of the stress that had kept him on his feet for so long left him.
Slumping even further forward, he bowed his head and pressed against those armored legs. He trembled, the pain and fear he’d had to suppress for so long escaping his body. Day after day, knowing he was already far, far past his estimated life expectancy. Knowing he was going to die and it was going to hurt, and even if he lived he was going to hurt but he had no choice. There had been no choices since Mom was taken from them too.
And that great figure knelt and put a hand on his head.
That mana… it was terrifyingly powerful, but he knew why it didn’t terrify him. Something he’d tried not to think about for years: the moment he’d awakened, feeling mana, power all around him. Power that dwarfed his, could crush him. But it had never even occurred to him to feel fear, because this was his father. Of course his father was the strongest! Of course he would save everyone!
Instead he’d been so happy, running to his dad and saying he could be a hunter now! Like him! They could beat the bad guys together! And his Dad had patted him on the head and said, “Sorry, but you have to wait until you’re a little older before you can fight anything, and by that time I’ll have already beaten the bad guys that are making the gates appear. So you’ll never have to fight.”
“I won’t get to fight?” he’d asked, disappointed.
“Sorry,” his dad said, patting his head apologetically, but not sorry at all.
His dad… they hadn’t invented the measuring technology until a year after he vanished, so Jin-woo didn’t know how strong he was. It wasn’t until Mother was spending long enough asleep that Jin-woo could go get measured after school that he found out why his dad had fought so hard to keep him from ever having to hunt. He’d been proud of his Dad, believed he would have been an s-class, but… would an s-class really have had such a worthless son? But the mana in his memory, it was so much stronger than the a-class he’d seen once.
His father… His dad really was… tears fell from his eyes, and that hand remained to steady him, that mana still cradled him, as pathetic as he was.
He didn’t know how long he cried there, with loss and pain and fear and gratitude. No one… no one since Mother would have held him as he cried. He couldn’t burden Jin-ah or a stranger like that. If someone reported he wasn’t able to provide for Jin-ah…
That made him open his eyes. “Jin-ah…” he said, a plea. Part of him knowing that this person – monster – would understand how precious she was, how he couldn’t bear to fail her.
“You can return to her,” a deep voice promised him. That… the monster language. Was he still speaking Korean?
“Monsters attack humans,” he said, looking down at his hands, how they flickered with darkness too.
“Because they’re controlled by the Ruler’s crystals… but even without them the subjects of most Monarchs would see your kind as resources to exploit.”
That hand withdrew and the glowing figure shrunk until he met his own eyes, heard his own voice – speaking Korean this time. “You don’t need to be afraid. You know you will never hurt your sister. Or any of those you love.”
“I won’t hurt her?” he asked again, craving reassurance like a child. Like a weakling (the weakest of the weak).
“Never,” he was promised again, without a trace of irritation at having to repeat himself in his voice.
“I shouldn’t believe you.” Shouldn’t take that risk, with Jin-ah.
“Believe yourself.” This time he was scolded a little. “You went out there to die for her, over and over. You would never hurt her.”
It meant nothing that he went to hunt because it really didn’t do anything… he’d fail her eventually, and then she’d… “I failed her.”
“That was…” the other him – monster – the one who cared for him sighed. “That was my fault. I watched you, and how hard you fought to protect them, the wounds you bore… There was someone I wanted to protect. I fought knowing I would fail them, and yet… but you haven’t failed those you love. I am here because of all your struggle, all your pain and sacrifice.” A bottle appeared, was pressed into his hands. “I watched, I saw you, earn this a thousand times over. With this, you can cure your mother.”
Jin-woo drew in a breath, looking up with startled hope. The other him nodded, and he felt the promise. “You won’t have to be afraid anymore. You’re one of mine now. A human would have to gradually adjust to higher mana levels, but as a shadow I can fill you with my power. That wasn’t…” he sighed. “I was going to possess you, but when the Architect began to cast the curse meant to bring about your death, I couldn’t let him. …but I didn’t have enough of a foothold in that dimension to keep the stone from crushing you.” He scowled at himself. “I should have waited until you were safe, then killed the Architect and undone his curse. I have not done right by you. I’m sorry. You deserve better than than what happened to you. The least I owe you is making sure you can return to your life and your loved ones.”
Jin-woo’s eyes widened. An apology? An admission of fault? A being even stronger than his father, lowering itself to apologize to him? A nothing? The weakest of the weak?
Why? Who could force him to do it? Even S-ranks were beyond the law. He didn’t gain anything from it: his power could crush Jin-woo so easily, and if he could shape-shift then he could take Jin-woo’s place as he’d said he’d planned or maybe send another undead?
His hands curled around the bottle, pulling it to his chest as he began to believe it was real. Because the only reason he could see for this monster to apologize was if, if he really did think that Jin-woo deserved better. And if he deserved anything, then his mother deserved to wake, to live.
“The dungeon will close with the Architect dead. You need to return there and escape, or it will take some time for me to get another foothold in the human world and transport you there. My br-the Rulers are doing their best to shield it.”
He had to hurry. His mother… if it took too long they would take her off life support, and for her to die now, because he didn’t bring her the cure in time…
His mirror image nodded. “Go.”
That mana curled around him, bore him elsewhere, and he heard stone groan and topple to the ground a moment before he opened his eyes to find himself on the altar. Oh no, his foot…
His leg was still there!
…Why was he so surprised by that, when his entire body had been crushed, and yet here he was, intact even if he flickered with black and purple. He started to push himself up so he could get off the altar only for the altar to crumble beneath his palm. He stared down at it.
“…Ah. Humans wield strength only through channeling mana, but as a shadow the strength I’ve given you is yours. Until you can learn to control it, there are artifacts that seal all but a fraction of someone’s power, for negotiations. If I give you a few of them… and I know the curse the Architect designed, perhaps I can modify it…”
A window, like on a computer screen? Appeared before Jin-woo, then changed to show equipment? He felt weight after weight settle on him, then become as light as a feather, as thought it had vanished entirely.”
“The closest I can come is still half again as strong as you were before.”
He was stronger than before and this person was apologizing for it? At any time that thought would have stunned him, but how people treated him didn’t matter, not next to what he held in his hands. “That’ll only make me faster,” JIn-woo said, desperate to go.
The window swung out of his way and he jumped down off the altar. Out of the corner of his eye he saw it change once, then again. A bunch of squares. Inventory, it said? Two rows of those squares filled up with a graphic of.. he looked down. The same bottle he held. And in the lower right corner of the image of that bottle? x999
Was that… a thousand of these bottles per square? A potion that could cure Eternal Slumber? They, they’d be rich! He’d never have to run a dungeon again!
“With your power sealed like this, you’re vulnerable. I’ll send you Igris.” He felt another flare of mana, and a red-armored figure kept pace with him easily. “He has been my right hand since long before I became the Shadow Monarch.”
That feeling… Like Jin-ah. ‘One of the few precious people I have left.’
“He will protect you as if you were me.” Jin-woo turned his head to see an image of his mirror image running beside him. The other nodded to Ignes, who nodded in return.
Next to the other Jin-woo saw the status window. His status window. “So I am an undead… You can bring back the dead?” he realized belatedly. “My, my father…”
“He’s not dead,” the other told him. “He was the vessel of one of the fragments of brilliant light, he wouldn’t have died within a space they control unless there was a monarch there, and I’m keeping track of all of them.”
Jin-woo froze, skidded to a halt. “He’s not…” He trembled. His mother, enough money to secure Jin-ah’s future, even… even his father…
“I will try to find him, but I can’t promise anything.”
Jin-woo shook his head quickly before the other could apologize. Even a chance his father could come home, that he, his mother could see him again! “Yours,” he swore. “I’m yours.” Anything, for this. He sold his life and death and pain over and over just to buy time. To have, to have his family… His soul wasn’t enough. He could never repay this.
Was this why a part of him had felt nothing but devotion towards the other as soon as he fell into has grasp? Had he sensed this in the mana? Or not even this, just… the kindness that made someone willing to give him so much, to give a nothing like him…
“You are not nothing,” the other him insisted as Jin-woo fell to his knees, his gratitude overwhelming him again. “Igris.”
Igris scooped him up easily as breathing, and practically flew to the dungeon exit, carefully placing him on his feet, steadying him the way the other and holding him up when Jin-woo tried to go to his knees again.
“You do not kneel before me,” the other told him. “You never have to kneel before me.”
“But…” but then what could he give? What could he offer? He looked at him with desperation.
“I need you,” he was promised. “I need for your will to protect your family. But I’ll explain later. You should be with your family now.” The other him – the one who felt the same desperate wish to protect – looked down at Jin-woo’s shadow and it filled with hundreds of eyes. “You and your sister should get to see your crea- Your mother again. That’s… You should get to have that.”
And Jin-woo knew that the other would never get to have that, never again.
“You won’t fail them,” his other promised him, forceful and desperate and yearning, and Jin-woo heard you won’t fail them the way I did. “We can talk later, there’s time. Take him home, Igris.”
And giant arms held Jin-woo tight until he found himself in front of his apartment door.
He scrambled for his keys, turned them, flung the door open – half again as strong – “Jin-ah!”
“Jin-woo?” he heard her throw herself out of bed, scramble for her bedroom door and through the living room. “JIn-woo? Are you okay?” she asked him.
That wasn’t important. “Mom,” he said, holding open his arms. “Igris, can you take us both?” Red darkness tried to rise from his shadow but the hall was too small and Igris was forced to appear outside. “I found something that can cure Mom.”
Jin-ah stared at him, mouth slipping open as if to ask him if he was serious but he would never say that unless he was. When she could move, she flung herself at him. As a hunter he could already lift her easily, but it wasn’t just his strength that made everything feel so light right now. “Igris… do you know where she is?”
The red-armored giant shook his head.
“I can give you directions.” He went out the door and Igris lifted them both as if they weighed nothing.
“is he a summon?” Jin-ah asked, breathless. “A healer’s summon? Are they going to cure Mom?”
“That way.” A blur, and when Igris was still again, Jin-woo said, “Sort of? I don’t know how to explain, I want to get to Mom. That way.”
Jin-ah didn’t interrupt again, vibrating with eagerness. She didn’t want to make this take any extra time either.
“That window, there,” JIn-woo said when they were outside of the hospital. Igris sat them down, swept his cloak over them and there they were, in the room.
Jin-woo lifted up the bottle to look at it and a window with a description and directions appeared next to it. She just had to drink the entire bottle? That easy? They were that close? He dodged around Jin-ah to get to the bed, then stopped, forced himself to go slow, to open her mouth carefully. He was stronger than before. He couldn’t hurt her, not like this. Not when they were this close.
A progress bar. Lists of ailments – muscular atrophy, eternal sleep… And everything finished counting down as Jin-ah shook him and asked, “Is it working? Is it working?”
And then she opened her eyes. “Jin-woo…” A moment more, an intake of breath, “Jin-ah?” he saw his mother realize how long it must have been. “Then…” He saw her look past them. He knew who she looked for, who she had watched for for so long.
“He’s alive,” he told her. “He’s alive and I’ll bring him home, I promise.” He could make a promise like that, as weak and pathetic as he was, because he had help.
He saw her look at him and frown, the way she’d frowned when she found out he was doing dungeons. The, ‘Are you kidding me? I’m an adult, we take care of things. Your job is to stay safe and study.’
Study… those potions, they had money, he wouldn’t have to do low-level dungeon runs.
His other self needed him for something and Jin-woo would make it happen no matter what, do anything for the person who gave him this. But… tomorrow wouldn’t be like today. Tomorrow his mother would be home.
A nurse finally arrived, her head downcast and shoulders slumped, and he saw her look up, then stare when she saw his Mother sitting up instead of lying there dead. “I found potions in a dungeon,” Jin-woo told her to forestall questions. “I’ll give you five of them if you let us leave, now.”
“My clothes…?” Mom asked the nurse.
The nurse blinked, “Ah, we returned your clothes to your family…” Because they’d known she was never leaving that bed.
And Jin-woo hadn’t brought anything. He went to the window, yanked it open, jumped out. “Igris?” he asked, then hesitated. He’d just ordered around something – someone – so powerful? Was that really okay? But Igris appeared and swept his cloak over Jin-woo again, and Jin-woo found himself in the entryway at home.
He’d forgotten to even close the door, let alone lock it. Clothes! Right, his mom’s clothes! He threw some of everything into a bag, then ran out and looked up at Igris hopefully. “Thank you,” he said as the cloak swept over him again, putting him in the hospital room.
The fact he’d screwed up by forgetting clothes for his Mom… That was, that was the kind of thing that happened in real life. This was, this was real. He dumped the bag out on Mom’s bed, throwing the clothes down hard enough to make the mattress bounce a little. “Sorry,” he said, but found himself grinning. He hadn’t… He hadn’t failed them
They were okay.
He’d do anything for them. For this. Maybe he’d been turned into a monster, maybe he was going to be used to kill humans, but who cared as long as Jin-ah and Mom were okay?
He wanted the inventory screen open and it was. Reached and pulled five bottles out, one after another, as the nurse pulled over a curtain so Mom could get dressed.
“They just have to drink it all, every drop,” he told the nurse. “That’s it.”
“Potions are a thing now?” his Mom asked from behind the curtain.
Oh shit.
He did not give a damn what was up with the other him or exactly how dead he was or anything like that, but he could not tell Mom that he died. He was not going to do that to her.
“I think Jin-woo reawakened and he’s a spatial mage now, Mom,” Jin-ah said helpfully. “Pulling those out of thin air is spatial magic, and he’s got a summon that can teleport us.”
She didn’t mention the flickering black and purple at all? Not that Jin-woo was going to bring up anything else he’d have to explain! It seemed ungrateful to claim that Igris was his summon, take credit for everything the other him had done, but it was better than making them worry.
The mana that was in Jin-woo now wasn’t his, but it felt like it could have been his, because the feelings in it… they were all feelings he knew. A lot of them too well. Someone so powerful wasn’t ‘another him,’ but… there were things that were the same. They were akin? Kind of like family.
So he said, “Igris can take us home.” They could be home, instead of having to wait torturous minutes on the subway. For him and Jin-ah it had been too long since Mom had been home. He needed to see her there, and then he’d be able to believe a little more that this was real.
But it helped, when she came out from behind the curtain. It helped so much when she wrapped her arms around him.
When they were home at last one of them wanted to go to sleep. Jin-woo desperately didn’t want his mom to go to sleep, but eventually she told them to get to bed and they went.
Shit. Did he have a bedtime again? He wouldn’t have to ride on public transit out to gates?
…when had he last gotten eight straight hours of sleep?
He’d been trying not to think about it. But he’d known. That he was wearing thinner and thinner. That it was only his youth letting him get away with how hard he was pushing himself. That he couldn’t keep this up forever.
…He lay down in bed and realized he didn’t feel tired at all.
…Did he need to sleep anymore? Mom had fed them, so he knew he could eat, but did he need to? He raised his hand to look at it. How energy flickered around it, but the hand itself didn’t flicker, as though he was solid or real or alive.
Thank goodness he still had body heat, or Mom and Jin-ah would have noticed when they hugged him.
…when had he last been hugged?
He wanted the menu thing open again. The status page. Sung Jin-woo the Enduring. General-class Shadow, Lvl. Max.
Shadow, was that what he was? Igris had appeared out of and vanished into his shadow sometimes, he recalled. ‘General…’ was… so he would need to fight. Something about protecting humans? If that wasn’t a lie.
He knew it wasn’t a lie. His hand went to his heart.
But he wasn’t an idiot, and things too good to be true… There had to be a catch somewhere. The fact he was so certain, the way he loved the other him the way he’d only loved Jin-ah, his mother and his father… He didn’t trust people like this. They knew he was worthless (he was worthless), so they treated him like that and he knew they were going to treat him that way.
But… someone who hadn’t wanted him to die… like his father had wanted to protect him, like his mother had wanted to take care of him, like Jin-ah had decided to be a doctor because she wanted to get better at patching him up… Someone who apologized to him like he was worth apologizing to.
The way his mom had apologized to him for being gone so long, for putting so much on his shoulders. She told him he was strong, was amazing, for bearing it, for doing so well.
In his status screen. ‘The Enduring,’ like he was worthy of a title, of anything.
The other him was something from the gates. That meant a monster. An enemy of humanity. But the more he thought about it, the more certain he became that he could trust him. Like family.
Jin-woo frowned.
…No, Dad would absolutely not have had a kid with a monster or something. He felt like he needed to say sorry even for thinking that.
“Igris?” he asked, and the knight appeared, sitting next to his bed in order to fit in his bedroom. “How do I talk to him again? Should I go inside a gate?”
Igris shook his head and raised his cloak again, tilting his head questioningly.
Jin-woo got into a sitting position and nodded. “Thanks, Igris.”
Instead of tensing up he relaxed when he found himself in the darkness, surrounded by the other him’s power. When he saw him. “Thank you,” he said. “I can’t ever thank you enough.”
The other him shook his head. “I’m glad you could have that. Your family, safe for now. I’m glad I was able to help bring it about. There’s still someone missing. I’m limited in what I can do without revealing I’m active. I’m sure the Rulers know since they’ve been using the blood they shed to time-travel, but the monarchs… The Architect was still willing to work with me, but the instant they realize I won’t help them loot your world they’ll go back to trying to make me stay dead.”
“Can they?” Sung Jin-woo asked, eyes widening. Could he lose this person? He couldn’t… to have a chance at having everyone home, and then lose the person who made it possible…
“No power is limitless. Even that of our creator.” The other him touched his replica of Jin-woo’s chest.
“…Do you have a name?” Jin-woo asked, to change the subject. Even if it sounded like he’d need to know about that eventually, he didn’t want the other him to have to try to explain it when there was so much Jin-woo didn’t know that an explanation wouldn’t help when he didn’t have the context for it.
“Ashborn, now. The Monarch of Shadows.”
“So I’m a shadow, and my class is General?”
“Not a class, but a rank.” Ashborn was silent a moment and then said, as though confessing. “Igris’ counterpart was trapped inside a barrier in the last battle. She couldn’t return to my shadow when her body was destroyed and her mana was torn apart. Unless you’re trapped in such a barrier, I’ll be able to bring you back no how many times your new bodies are destroyed. I sent Igris with you in case one of the humans hosting the power of the rulers finds you and realizes you’re mine. He can summon himself, but I must teach you how to quickly remove the limiters reducing your power and call your forces from your shadow.” He waved at the eyes gazing up at Jin-woo from his shadow. Or what pretended to be a normal shadow. “Once you know that much, it should be safe to let you return to the human world. For now. Once you have a serviceable knowledge of necromancy, Igris will teach you to dodge-tank, and after that you can choose your own combat training.”
“So I’ll be fighting?” Jin-woo asked.
“I’m sorry,” Ashborn said, as though that was anything to apologize for. “You will be attacked by all sides for being one of mine.”
And Jin-woo felt Ashborn’s pain in his mana, the pain of an old wound. How many of his had Ashborn lost…?
“But you’re good at surviving,” Ashborn told him, rallying. “I hope… Humans are so peaceful.”
There was soft longing in Ashborn’s voice, so Jin-woo didn’t say anything like, ‘what planet are you from?’ Jin-woo had attended that much school. Even before the gates, humans had huge wars and shit. But if idealizing humanity gave him something to hope for, then Jin-woo wasn’t going to burst his bubble.
“Compared to us,” Ashborn added, and Jin-woo realized that Ashborn’s mana was flowing through him and back into Ashborn. Right. So Ashborn would know his emotions too. “You hope that Jin-ah will never have to fight, not even to defend herself. The fact that you consider this a possibility… But I will show you how to assign her bodyguards.”
Trying to find out what exactly Ashborn wanted from him so he could deliver it on a silver platter could happen later. Protecting Jin-ah? He needed to know how to do that now.
“I will send an army with you, and show you how to summon them. If they are killed, they can be revived again and again, as long as you have mana. Let me give you this, to be sure you won’t be left unprotected.” A still beating black heart appeared in Ashborn’s hands, bleeding white flames.
He stepped forward. He’d had his ribs cut open before. For Mom, for Jin-Ah. Ashborn could do whatever he wanted to Jin-Woo, and he’d just be grateful he could be useful to the person who saved him. Who chose him.
But those hands and the heart just passed through his chest like a ghost’s, and there was no pain, just warmth in his body like drinking a hot cup of coffee on a cold night, and Ashborn’s mana flooding into him now that he could hold so much more of it. “Ah… Ah…” he gasped for breath, feeling that care melt him away, filling him so full it felt like he couldn’t take anymore and then something in him gave way – opened, and he jerked, head flung back, and panted even harder when there was more, the warmth in his chest and the butterflies in his stomach sparking heat that drove him to take a stumbling step forward. Seeking Ashborn, needing him. So amazed at arms around him, someone holding him up, helping him stand and he needed Ashborn. He’d needed someone, so desperate for so long, knowing no one cared but Jin-Ah and he’d die to keep her from having to bear this.
He craved Ashborn desperately, two hearts pounding in his chest loud enough to drown out all other sound.
For so long he’d felt so empty, so numb to everything but the pain of survival and dread of the inevitable, but now he was full, full of love and he wanted, wanted more, wanted to drink down more of what Ashborn gave him and drown in it, drown in him. He pressed against him, panting against his lips, moving his hips as he tried to bury himself inside the body that matched his – Ashborn thought he was pretty enough for it to be worth wearing that face himself, even if Jin-Woo didn’t have the money for plastic surgery and that was one more reason it was impossible to find a job that paid well enough to replace hunting.
Fire filled his veins and only Ashborn could quench it, and his liege held Jin-woo, warm arms around him, warm body against him, giving him everything he needed, letting him have everything he wanted, and more.
More and more, and then without warning white fire burned everything away.
When it receded, Ashborn was still holding him in his arms. “I could feel that you were alright, but you sounded like you were in pain.”
“It was good…” he moaned, hips jerking again, and then horror tried to penetrate through the warm lassitude. Had he just, just rubbed himself off against, against… the one he owed everything?! “I’m sorry!”
“There’s nothing to be sorry for. I’m the one who should apologize. I knew Baran conceived when his battle-lust reached its peak, I just didn’t realize that the pounding of his heart was connected.”
“Con- con-“
“The Monarchs and Rulers were made capable of bringing forth armies. I… After… I am no longer capable of that. All I can do is preserve what’s left of my children, and shelter the fallen children of others.”
“Am I….?!!” A terrified shriek escaped Jun-Woo.
“I thought your body wasn’t the type that created children?” Ashborn looked down at where their bodies were joined. “Your mother and Jin-Ah are the same type and you’re a different type, yes? Or was it your Dad who created the children and that’s why no more workers were produced to help support the hive after he left?”
“I’m an undead now, so, um…” He buried his head in his hands, feeling really stupid, and in front of Ashborn. He wanted to die. Again.
But Ashborn still held him, Ashborn’s affection and admiration for him still poured through him.
“I’m sorry,” he said though.
“I think it’s admirable, how dedicated you are to taking care of your family. Of course you would want to be sure you hadn’t created a child when you’re still learning to control your own strength and might not be able to protect them.”
Like when people assumed he was some kind of thrill-seeking idiot, Jin-Woo thought ‘I could explain, but I don’t want to have that conversation,” and kept his mouth shut.
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tauremornalome · 4 years
jc/lwj? this had not occurred to me but i'm thinking about it now and i am Intrigued. it seems extremely sad, which i like about it.
disclaimer, i am Really Bad at talking about things i like in fiction because dhdgsjdhdj Words Difficult (and also its almost 2 am rn)
BUT aaaaa yes!! extremely sad and angry, both of them. excellent mixture. let them argue and also kiss about it.
imagine you are jiang cheng and you lost Everything and you have like 3 relatively calm years to get your shit together. your sect, kinda isolated from others by the fact that you are not sworn bros with 3zun. your nephew, who is a baby and then a toddler and whose existence reminds you about everything you've lost. your own emotions - haha, good luck getting that in order lmao. for the expected period of time (or maybe a lil longer) you wear mourning robes, ONLY for your SISTER of-FUCKING-course (and you will whip anyone who suggests that you might be also maybe grieving wei wuxian).
also you saved that spooky flute and you rlly don't know what to do with it so you Repress Emotions Even Harder. and maybe hope someones gonna come and collect it (someone whos NOT jin guangyao, that lil snake. fuck off jin guangyao you are NOT getting yiling patriarch's flute. Stop Breaking Into My Chambers And Trying To Steal It)
and then. and then lan FUCKING wangji leaves his seclusion in Dramatic and also Very Fashionable Mourning Robes and you are like, ohhh master lan did someone die at the cloud recesses?? but wangji shoots you The Glare and of course you know who he is mourning. and you try very hard not to lose ur patience, right, and you wait for him to like maybe Stop and Get Over It, come on. but he doesn't, and also looks at you like you should be ashamed for not doing the same as him.
(also wangjis got a kid now and you perhaps remember a toddler running around the burial mounds, and you listen to the lan clan go "oh yes its hanguang juns illegitimate son, mhm. his name is Lan Imissweiying" and you are like. HOW is anyone buying this dumb story)
Yeah now imagine you are lan zhan and There Is No More Joy In Your Life, Birth Is A Curse And Existence Is A Prison, and you leave your seclusion being still depressed as fuck, and theres that guy who basically kind of killed wei ying. and even if he didnt kill him he still, you know, attempted. so. and that guy is apparently now famous for hunting demonic cultivators for sport??? for who knows what purposes but rlly probably nothing good considering he's whipping them with sexy lightning whip. and you are like, hey, i am ALSO gonna hunt demonic cultivators. No I Dont Know What Imma Do With Them. maybe ill find wei ying, u kno, since i lost my purpose in life anyway.
for the record, jiang cheng is probably also not sure what for hes hunting demonic cultivators. he has NO idea what hes gonna do if he actually finds wei wuxian.
So they probably keep running into each other??? And being VERY pissed off about it. knowing jiang cheng hes gonna yell at lwj for everything Except nightless city, and knowing lan zhan hes gonna reply "mn. btw u killed wei ying" to every single sentence jc says to him.
Yeah look I AM WEAK and also i read way too much foe yay not to want this to turn into Angry Depressed Desperate Making Out, u kno.
so they are both angry, repressed and depressed and well dressed so they have sex about it instead of going to therapy and Somehow it helps. Not because of the Depression-Curing Dick trope which i hate but because they look at each other afterwards and go "uh, fuck, things have gotten REALLY bad if im sleeping with HIM to forget about it"
and then they probably have sex again and again because they are still fucking stupid
other thots i have about jc/lwj include:
- them begrudgingly working together to bring down some wwx impersonator while still hating each others guts
- jc confronting lwj about sizhui and the Dumbest Cover Story Ever
- idk yet im thinking bout this but i Really need a situation where its CRUCIAL that wangji uses musical cultivation but doesnt have his guqin bc some dumb reasons and jc is like, here, catch this and gives him freakin Chenqing and wangji wants to Murder him but plays the damn flute bc otherwise they are gonna die and as jc pointed out sizhui will be left alone in the world
- lwj IS DEFINITELY GONNA FIGURE OUT THE GOLDEN CORE THING come on. wangji is hurt or sth and jc uses spiritual energy to heal him and suddenly wangjiis like WAIT A MINUTE I KNOW THIS SPIRITUAL PATTERN WHATS GOING ON bonus points if hes like. Delirious and starts calling for wei ying and jiang cheng invents 23 new swearwords to let him know what he thinks about him
- jc at some point awkwardly tries to give chenqing to lan wajgji but lwj gives it back to him
yeah and at some point they Stop having sex about it, and they both kind of.... Calm Down, and wangji is still wearing the mourning robes but hes less obnoxious about it, and jiang cheng still whips ppl but now he has a better idea of what hes gonna do if he finds wei wuxian.
and they are... friends.... now? neither of them will say it out loud but like. They Are Friends Now.
and then when they are basically almost done with Unhealthy Grieving Mechanisms wei wuxian actually comes back to life and ????¿??¿??¿¿¿?? Fuck, thinks lan zhan. Fuck, thinks jiang cheng.
......ahem. SORRY, this has gotten slightly out of hand. Im Emotional about it.
theres one fic on ao3 that i really love and which expresses a lot of the things about this that i couldnt express; i will link it in the replies when i find it
TL;DR they are both too angry and have their brains Fucked Up by wwx's death, they are not willing to go to therapy so they should at least kiss about it; also go read the fic i linked in the replies because its excellent
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aclosetfan · 3 years
To be written ideas: Number 16
Thanks for playing along!! @kayyee also asked for 16!
haha omg I haven't touched #16 in like four years. Okay, don't judge me, but i've got it titled in my outlines folder as "PowerPossible"
The outline's pretty long. i've actually shortened it for you all lol. Please let me know if you want to hear more about this one!! I can talk about it for a while :) Read below the cut for all of it!
this story's the obligatory Human/tmnt/Kim Possible-ish AU. The girls are NOT related and have no powers (in the beginning).
Family dynamics:
BC: Professor and Ms. Keane are her parents, she has a little brother named Ken (ppgz reference ;p). According to BC, Ken is their favorite child. She's just jealous because Ken has more in common with the Professor, who BC truly adores. She and the Professor have trouble relating because she's into sports, he's not. However, the Professor and her are more alike than she knows. Ms. Keane is still a kindergarten teacher and is the reason their family moves to Townsville.
Bubbles: Her parents died when she was young and now, she lives with her grandparents, the Mayors! The Mayor is still the Mayor of Townsville. (btw Im 85% sure that canonically his last name is also Mayor) The Mayor is under HIM's thumb, and when he finally messes up one too many times, HIM has him "taken care of." However, that's like towards the middle (?) of the story. So, in the end, Bubbles only has her grandmother.
Blossom: Two moms! Ms. Bellum and an unidentifiable second mother, who isn’t important (lol). 2nd mother isn't dead or anything, and she's happily married to Ms. Bellum--she's literally just one of those "mentioned in passing characters who are constantly out of town." Ms. Bellum is the Mayor's secretary, which Blossom uses to her advantage.
The story starts out with the girls in kindergarten. Bubbles and Blossom are friends because Bubbles is the only person who doesn't think nerdy lil Blossom is annoying/socially awkward/too smart for her own good. Blossom in turn doesn't make fun of Bubbles being a crybaby. Buttercup's kind of a bully, but she's really just mad that her family had to move to Townsville. Ms. Keane (BC's mother) finally has enough of Buttercup's rebellious attitude and makes her sit with Bubbles and Blossom. Together the three girls find themselves in a confusing and troublesome situation: what happened to their class pet Twiggy??? (that hamster in that one episode). They solve the mystery (i.e. Mitch), and Ms. Keane frees Buttercup from the "loser lame-o sissy table." Except Buttercup ends up staying because *spoilers* they become best friends. (and she likes solving mysteries with them)
The girls are as thick as thieves and have a bad habit of sticking their noses where they don't belong. Blossom's the brains of the operation, Buttercup the muscle, and Bubbles is the obligatory "guyssss you promised we were going to the mall today not solving crime!" (Like Arnold from the Magic School bus who's like "oh please let this be a normal field trip!" And everyone is like "With Bloss and BC?! No Way!")
They've hit a "mystery" dry spell. At this point, none of their "mysteries" have been high stakes. Just petty stuff, but BC wants more. After another bust, she goes home and overhears her father (who's still a high-profile scientist) on the phone talking about the "odd mutant/monster-like" sightings that happened a few days ago in Townsville Central Park. Buttercup takes it as an opportunity to 1) help her dad and win his favor (that she already has smh) and 2) to break the dry spell she and the girls were going through, so they set off to investigate. To protect their identities, the girls essentially "mask up" and by the end of the story are described by the Townsville News as vigilantes.
Eventually, the girls stumble headfirst into Townsville's underbelly and the adults in their lives are all connected. They find that there is in fact a mutant uprising that has an overwhelming connection to the Professor, his ex-lab partner, the Mayor, and a mysterious man only referred to as HIM. And, of course, Chemical-X. X was the once abandoned project of the Professor and his once lab partner Mojo Jojo. It was supposed to be a miracle medicine! Now, in Townsville's underbelly, it's a popular/very dangerous drug/commodity.
At one point in the past, during a fit of rage, Mojo had mutated himself with an unstable vial of the chemical—accidentally--and fleed with the only "perfect" vial. He runs into a sickly man (who becomes HIM) and is conned out of the chemical. HIM takes the chemical and it "cures" him from his disease. It also gives him "superpowers." (NOTE: chemical-x superpowers varies person to person) However, the chemical is also unstable, and now HIM wants (NEEDS) a better formula, one that isn’t tainted (as Mojo still cannot figure out how to make it correctly) and will do anything for it. This is something that HIM believes the Professor can do. So, the Professor is essentially blackmailed into working for HIM (like most everyone who is in a position of power in Townsville). It's an expensive endeavor, so HIM sells the "almost perfect" batches (which in small doses can make a person feel invincible, but is highly addictive) to the crime syndicates. If you take an "almost perfect" version of Chemical-X, you generally need to keep micro-dosing to stay alive or your body starts to fail. (This is why HIM needs that PERFECT version)
Unbeknownst to everyone, The Professor was only ever able to perfect the formula once and it was by complete accident. (the version HIM had gotten was very close to perfect, but not all the way). Even the Professor doesn't know how he did it. (But that's because it wasn't the Professor who had perfected it--the Girls had done it accidentally during a sleepover in middle school (which the ever studious Blossom had recorded in her notebook). The Girls had been playing "scientist."
However, the Professor HAS figured out an Antidote-X. Again results vary. His version works best on the lab rats the original research group had experimented on. Blossom ends up perfecting Antidote-X for humans and the Girls are able to reserve mutations they come across on their "patrols", which pisses HIM off to no end, resulting in a bounty on their head. (He doesn't like the lose in profits)
As more mutants begin to appear and HIM becomes more frustrated at the lack of progress, Townsville becomes a darker place. At the height of this frustration, he kills the Mayor (who was wanting to break ties with HIM b/c of Bubbles' pleading). At that point, the Girls know who HIM is and what he is capable of. Since they have no one of authority to turn to that can stop HIM, they work together to create the perfected chemical-x like they had all those years ago in hopes that they can appease HIM and free the Professor.
The Girls figure out the formula, and in a race to save the City and, most importantly, the Professor, they confront HIM. Because they're kids, they naively think that they can trade the formula for BC's dad. It doesn't end up working out as they planned. In the end, HIM injects BC w/chemical-x (PERFECTED version), and she gains superhuman powers. To keep the ending vague, the Girls end up saving the day ;)
Important Characters the Girls Encounter:
Amoeba Brothers: the brothers are the first failed chemical-x test created by the Professor's research team that did not result in death. They haunt the sewers after they escaped the lab. They are the Girls first encounter with the mutations/mutants running rampant in the City
Gang Green Gang: Delinquents chosen by the City to be injected. Again, the tests failed. Had temporary "powers" but they teetered off quickly and the boys permanently stayed green (weird side-effect)
Bunny: Sad. She is also a failed test, but she is mutated while the Girls are actively investigating the case. She has super strength and was able to break out of the lab. The Girls hunt her down and they end up trying to help her. However, she passes away. This has a lasting effect on the girls.
Sedusa: she's definitely in the story idk how yet. lol. I just really like her as a character.
Princess: For financial support, HIM promised Mr. Morebucks that'd he'd give Princess superpowers like she wanted when the formula is perfected. But she’s mad, impatient, and power-hungry. In the end, sick of HIM's games and the Professors inability to give her what she wants, she injects herself with the chemical. It works for a bit, and HIM's like "holy shit did we do it??" but after a few days, she becomes unstable. (Her death is captured during live television b/c she makes her superhero debut a Whole Thing). Knows Blossom and Bubbles b/c of their parents. Doesn't like them. Doesn't bother to learn BC's name. Just canonically a brat.
The RRB: Adopted by HIM (and Mojo) "out of the goodness of their hearts." (PR stunt). They were really adopted to be test subjects, but HIM ended up liking them more than anticipated, so HIM decided that they'd be injected AFTER chemical-x is perfected. Absolute shit-heads. They can do whatever they want and no one can tell them "no." They cause havoc for the Girls to keep them off HIM's tail. Drive futuristic motorcycles that leave "light trials." Mad that they can't pin down who the Girls are.
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carpthecarp · 1 month
PLS pls someone talk to me about my robin designs and comic idea pls…
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bangtanficrecs · 6 years
Lost & Found Batch #15
Here’s the newest batch! As always, if you happen to know the fic the ask is looking for, reply to this post or send us an ask with the request number and title/author. If you happen to know any fics from Past Batches, those are more than welcome as well. Thank you!! ~ Admin P
1) So it’s been about 4-5 months? I can’t remember but I’m looking for a fic I know for sure it was Taegi and and yoongi works in an arcade with jimin. He had attempted suicide so hoseok takes him to a support group where he meets Tae.Tae and jimin lived together and like eventually something happens to make Tae run to busan and yoongi gets really worried and they can’t find Tae anywhere and there was an abandoned house that they used as their safe place and that’s all I can remember sorry.
2) hello! I’m looking for a fic that’s king of like boys over flowers. It’s in high school and Jimin finds this tag in his locker and has to do whatever sexual the boys want. They eventually get tired of sharing him and they all have sex with him and he is supposedly pick who gets to keep him. Thanks for the help!
School of Fun by staycute1234
3) Hey I have a question. I once read this rlly nice taekook fic where they are soulmates and connected by string and they talked as kids in their minds but one day jungkook cuts the string in anger bc he doesn’t believe soulmates exist. And in the future taehyung has like major problems like drugs and clubbing because of jungkook cutting the string. I really liked it but I lost the link.
4) Hi! I acidently lost the information of this fic where everyone who has a soulmate since they’re 18. Jungkook has no soulmate but can see color (rare but means no soulmate). He gets hanahaki from this and him and a friend work to find a cure.
Tell Me About Forever by xxashpuppixx
5) I’ve been looking for this fanfiction of Yoongi and Taehyung. I’m not sure if it was them but the plot was just Yoongi and the other members worried about Taehyung being out late practicing. Yoongi then decides to check up on him. Finds him crying and he ends up comforting him. I’m not sure if that’s how it goes but I really wanna reread that again🙂
6) hello im looking for a jikook fic in which they were really poor, living in a apartment in bad shape. they were in the college and i think jk was an arts student. jk had left his family for jimin and one day jk's family contacted him again and jimin was afraid jk would leave him bcs his family had money and jm and jk were really struggling with money to the point that they had to calculate everything in order to even have pizza for dinner.. im sorry if this is messy and thank you
Dream Maker by graesun & Polkari Seuta (VeritasEtVita)
7) i read this fic (it was yoonmin) and yoongi and namjoon wrote serendipity but they didn’t have anyone to sing it until yoongi heard jimin singing in the shower and he had him sing serendipity and he fell in love and i was wondering if you had anymore fics like this? preferably smutty :)
8) hi! i was wondering if you could help me find this ot7 fic. it's an abo au where joon doesn't know he's an omega, but he's found in the forest and goes back to the house where he meets alpha!jin. tae was infertile and jk was an alpha too who liked omega!yoongi but he was pretty docile and wouldn't fight jin once he presented as a full alpha since he had grown up in the city or something? i read this fic a long time ago on ao3 but now i can't find it! please help! and thank you <3
Integrate by signifying_nothing
9) HIIIII!So I read this fic a while ago and I can't remember what I read it on but I know for sure It wasn't Qoutev or Asian fanfics. Basically Jin was murdered during a MV filming and it was set up as a suicide so the members all felt super guilty and went on a crime spree and later on the run from the police. They end up at the house Jin died in and find that Jin has been trapped as a ghost in the house. It's really annoyng me because I can't remember the ending but can't remember title either
10) Hi! I would like to ask.. I've been looking for this JiKook fanfic where JiKook were already engaged to be married but then they broke their engagement cause Jimin spent his time with his coworkers (I think it was particularly with Yoongi), which made JK jealous. But after they broke up Jimin went on to their fave place on the exact date their wedding and saw JK there with a girl. He then started making up and pining after JK so he would take him back.. I've been looking everywhere. :( thank you
11) Hii! I’m looking for this one fic that when you turn 18(?) you can see ur past selves. It was taekook. It that fic Namjoon is a bad guy. He want to abuse tae. And their selves past are prince (ot5 because jk and Hobi are servant). I remember that Tae the gown prince is only trust Yoongi when it turn out Yoongi was the guy that try to kill him one night. Yoongi found dead inside his room after that. That time, joon force tae to marry him even he had his fiancé, Jin. It was in Asian fanfic. Thxx
12) Hello, sorry to bother you, I was wondering if you could help me find a fic. I read it in January this year, anyway it's a taekook fic with supernatural elements, and jungkook can shift into different creatures if he's injected with their blood? And there's all kinds of underground war going on and it's rather long, from memory. Sorry if I'm not explaining it well. Thank you in advance for your help, keep up the good work <3
13) Hey, I’m looking for a fic I lost. It’s taekook and canon compliant, where they’re staying in a hotel room and Jungkook finds Taehyung’s fleshlight and ends up borrowing it later. Thank you so much!
14) hi, i hope im not bothering or anything but i was wondering if you knew a jikook fic where they're both alphas, and jimin's father is like the leader of the pack i think and he doesn't allow their relationship bc they're both alphas so they run away from the pack but then jimin's father accept them and then i think jungkook gets pregnant?? pls I've been trying to find it but i never succeed :((
15) Hey I’m looking for this jihope FIC where hoseok gave up dancing and works an office job, then he meets his childhood classmate jimin. He finds out jimin owns his own dance studio and like relapses (?) and he has this box filled with his old dancing stuff and like he opens it again and he wants to start dancing but he’s scared. So jimin like tries to help him dance again
16) do you know the name of the fic where kookie does all the laundry in the dorm bc he uses the washer to get off?? i think it might have been a slight sugakookie bc yoongi walks in on him when hes moaning yg’s name
Good Vibration (Sweet Sensation) by bananamilks
17) ohmy god there was an absolutely amazing taekook fic where tae was wonderland. like the alice in wonderland wonderland. jungkook would sometimes go into his head and talk to the hatter, the rabbit and such, but they were all taehyung. tae was dying or something and jungkook was trying to save him. please find it for me im desperate
Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast by Kavbj
18) hey!! I've totally lost this fic I bookmarked and I cannot find it anywhere! it's jikook basically jimin's group of friends meet jk's group of friends at a bar/club. jk is on his phone the whole time and at the end of the first chapter we see his texts with taehyung about jimin. it ends with them sleeping in the same bed together. thank you so so so much !! I hope you can help me :((
friday nights (with you) by kstorms
Reminder: if a fic suddenly disappears from your AO3 bookmarks, that means the fic was deleted by the writer 
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Condensed Marvel Movies
I’ve talked to a few people who were planning on watching infinity war without having seen a bunch of the other marvel movies, and they said they had nerdy friends pushing them to watch every single marvel movie that came out before Infinity War, which is frankly ridiculous. I made this kind of helpful guide to help out said people.
Iron Man * A man named Tony Stark owns Stark Industries, he’s very rich and very smart * Has a friend named Colonel Rhodes and an assistant named Pepper * There is a government agency called S.H.I.E.L.D. * Tony Stark built a robot suit to escape from terrorists and became iron man and has some energy thingy in the middle of his chest bc there is shrapnel in there
Iron Man 2 * Tony Stark is officially Iron Man but oh no his chest thing is killing him * He briefly gets a new assistant but she's actually an assassin who works for shield * He makes more suits gets a new chest thing gives one of his suits to his friend Colonel Rhodes and gets together with his assistant yay everyone is happy
Thor * Norse gods * Thor is the god of thunder and he has a kick ass hammer * His brother is Loki * There is a lot of tension there Loki does some messed up shit and basically Thor ends up on earth for a bit but then he goes back * S.H.I.E.L.D. shows up just long enough to meet Thor and then peace out * Oh also shield has another assassin but this one is male and has a bow
Captain America: The First Avenger * Boring, vanilla, skinny white dude named Steve wants to join the army in WW2 * He can’t so instead he gets injected with a super serum that makes him very fit * Also apparently he doesn’t age anymore hooray * A Nazi scientist tries to steal a very powerful cube called the tesseract and hitler almost wins but instead the scientist dies and the cube goes somewhere in the ocean * Captain America drowns and wakes up 80 years later and meets S.H.I.E.L.D. (specifically there is a man with an eye patch his name is Nick Fury he’s only there for like 2 seconds tho) * This one is long bc it’s sole purpose was to set up for the avengers movie * Also Captain America had a best friend named Bucky but he fell off a train * Also also Tony stark’s grandfather actually found the super powerful cube its not in the water anymore
Marvel’s The Avengers * There are two assassin-type people named Black Widow and Hawk Eye we have literally never met them b4 but apparently they work for SHIELD ok sure * Loki tries to steal the very powerful cube in order to become Earth’s ruler so SHIELD gets Iron Man, Captain America, and the Hulk (or Dr. Banner) to help them defeat him, then Thor falls out of the sky and joins the crew * Agent Coulson, the og SHIELD guy, dies at some point whoops #neverforget * Turns out Loki teamed up with some aliens, they attack New York with giant centipedes but Iron Man throws a nuke at them and they win * Thor takes the powerful cube to the Norse gods’ floating castle * Also it turns out that the aliens’ master had another master oohoohoo what a reveal didn’t see that one coming
Iron Man 3 * Iron Man can control his suit with his watch now * I think his girlfriend can shoot fire out of her arms??? * He gets surgery so he doesn’t need the chest thing but I don’t think that matters anyway * He destroys a lot of his Iron Man suits but I don’t think that matters either
Thor: The Dark World * Thor’s girlfriend discovers a new super powerful stone, but this one is red * A bunch of elves try to steal it so Thor has to take Loki out of prison so they can fight the elves together * They win but Loki dies but actually not really he pretends to be their father and Thor leaves so Loki gets to fake being king yay * Also there is a guy collecting stones he takes the red one but the blue cube (yes its part of the stones) is still with the Norse gods but actually there are 5 stones * There’s an ice monster in London not sure why he’s important though
Captain America: Winter Soldier * Captain America is a vanilla goody-two-shoes obviously he’s the only guy who hung around with the government agency * While out running he makes a new friend and when they’re on the run from said government agency later on he gets metal wings * Oh hey look his best friend Bucky is back! Not dead, just an immortal Russian spy with amnesia and no arm * SHIELD was infiltrated by Nazis whoops how did that happen its ok though Captain America saved everyone not before almost dying though * Russian Spy Bucky pulls him out of the water after almost killing him and Steve takes that as a sign that he wants to be friends again so he goes looking for him * There are two x-men mutants in a lab somewhere idk
Guardians of the Galaxy * Ok this one is really complicated and annoying and has way too many main characters but whatever * So a smol goofy human child named Peter is stolen by aliens and taken to space and some shit goes down I honestly can’t remember * He finds a glowing orb which turns out to be ANOTHER super powerful stone yay but not before its stolen by an evil person working for a big purple guy who was actually in charge of attacking New York with aliens that one time * He teams up with a raccoon, a tree, a blue alien, and a sexy green alien (she and peter get together later I think) who happens to be the adoptive daughter of the purple guy and they try to defeat the evil guy and succeed * The tree dies and creates a baby tree who’s honestly so much better also the smol goofy human child is actually only half human * The super powerful stone hangs out on some rando planet but its a super powerful stone so u know its coming back
Avengers: Age of Ultron * The Avengers crew is back together! They’re rounding up all the left over Nazis who are still just kinda there and they eventually find the x-men twins but they’re x-men twins so obviously they run away * Turns out the left-over nazis also had a super powerful stone and Iron Man uses it to build an A.I. which surprise surprise turns out to be evil and tries to kill all the humans buy dropping a city from the sky but that’s really not important * In Korea someone is building a fake body around the super powerful stone for the evil robot but the Avengers steal it and put Iron Man’s digital assistant in there instead * They defeat the evil robot and now they have a British red man floating around in a cape which is pretty cool also the male mutant twin dies * The larger-than-average purple man is getting annoyed by his inability to find the super powerful stones and puts on a big glove
Ant-Man * Literally nothing useful is revealed in this film except for like 3 things * Over the past four years, Paul Rudd has somehow managed to age -2 * There is now a hero with the frankly useless ability to become very, very small * Captain America found his best friend!
Captain America: Civil War * For a movie centered around one guy, this has way too many characters. Also, this is the official time to start shipping stucky (Steve and Bucky a.k.a. immortal boyfriends) * So basically the Avengers (who are now a mix of some og members and other less interesting new members) accidentally destroy a building that kills a few ppl and the UN is not pleased * They propose that the government should have more control over the crew and Tony (Iron Man) agrees bc he’s still feeling guilty about his killer robot but Steve doesn’t like that idea and the Avengers (old and new) split into democrats and libertarians * The democrats (led by Tony Stark) get a couple new members and now the teams are as follows: democrats - iron man, spider man, ant man, a panther super hero, iron man’s bff, the red British AI guy, and black widow (aka one of the assassins who’s been hanging around for a while) vs the libertarians - Steve, his boyfriend Bucky, his new friend with wings, the living mutant twin, ant man (why), and the other assassin who’s been hanging around for a while * Basically shit goes down and Steve and Tony are no longer friends, then Bucky runs away to hang out with the panther hero, and spider man is kinda part of the crew yay * Also Steve loses this really cool shield that’s stuck with him for a while now which isn’t important but it’s a bit sad #neverforget
Doctor Strange * Benedict Cumberbatch is an American (ew) doctor with an extremely stupid last name who injures his hands in a car accident so he can’t operate anymore * In search of a cure he finds some pretty dank wizard monks who teach him their wizard monk ways and give him a sentient cape and another super powerful stone except this is literally the only important one because it controls time * Doctor Strange (seriously wtf) defeats some evil person—but honestly who even gives a shit anymore—and then he meets up with for some reason Thor and Loki
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 * This movie is honestly completely unrelated to anything so I’ll be brief * Sexy green alien aka Gamora has an estranged droid sister with whom she reconciles but her sister leaves again to try and kill their purple dad * Peter finds his real father but it turns out he’s evil and he fucked a lot of animals which is pretty gross but it’s ok because peter kills him in the end * They find this bug-like alien who also looks kinda like a female human and she starts tagging along with their crew and they go off to kill the purple guy
Spider-Man: Homecoming * This is another relatively useless movie but we do learn a few interesting things * Spider-man is a goofy, relatable high school kid with a questionable taste in women and a really beautiful father-son relationship with Tony Stark * He’s also low key not part of the crew but he really really wants to be * Unrelated but Zendaya plays a really hot nerd girl who I refuse to believe isn’t gay to some degree
Thor: Ragnorok * Thor gets fucking hot ngl also his relationship with Loki is sibling goals * So it turns out Thor has a super evil sister and she comes back in order to kill a lot of people, so Thor and Loki end up on some planet where people have to fight each other for the entertainment of the rich people gladiator style, except Loki obviously befriends the rich people and Thor has to stay a gladiator. Also for some reason the hulk is there * They meet a super hot lady goddess and all of them go to the floating Norse god castle and kill the evil sister and get on a ship but then they run into a big most likely evil ship oh no
Black Panther * Really this is the only one that you should actually watch like every single character is both awesome and attractive I would date all of them but u know Shuri is my soulmate * Seriously just watch the movie I’m not summarizing this one
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firebirdsdaughter · 4 years
… I absolutely do not go there, but… I need to rant somewhere and I refuse to start discord on YT w/ strangers.
Well, spoilers for the new Amnesia game.
I’m sorry, but I will die on the hill that Anton had a valid point. Would never call it right, but the whole point of Amnesia is being in a situation where literally everything is fucked. Like, given the situation the man was in, what he’d just seen… No. I don’t blame him from resorting to that.
He wasn’t just trying to save ‘himself.’ Think about it. They crash land in the desert—okay. Bad, but disasters happen, you do your best. He tries to tend to the injured, they start moving.
Then, they meet this weird magical being who wants a baby in return for helping them. Now, I will say he doesn’t react the best to that, but the fact is, I think they kinda hint at the start that he’s not exactly prepared/fit for this kind of intense situation. He panics a bit bc he thinks that people are going to die, esp since a number of them have already died, but then the Queen does the magic water thing that allegedly heals them. Okay.
But then they get this weird sickness that’s horribly mutating them and making them turn violent and aggressive. They start forgetting who they are and start attacking others. He somehow gets away w/ one of the others, but the rest are left behind, descending into madness.
He may be able to deduce that it was from the water, he’s definitely trying to treat Yasmin, he knows laudanum works. But there must be other concerns surfacing in his head. What if it starts w/ the water, but can go from there. What if it’s contagious. If so, how contagious is it. This is a disease that causes people to regress and turn extremely violent. Right before Tasi arrives at the village, he witness Yasmin murder everyone there. An entire village.
From his perspective? This isn’t just a risk to them specifically. If they take this disease, mutation, whatever it is, back to civilisation? What kind of hell would that unleash?
I don’t think he’s weighing Amari against just the expedition. I think he’s weighing Amari against the possibility of starting a plague, of one of them making it out but then turning. He’s weighing making a desperate deal w/ a very powerful being bc he just watched a stewardess violently slaughter an entire village on her own, despite being apparently still in partial control, only stopping when he killed her.
So my point is:
1) doctors are fucking humans you arse, they are not perfect, they can feel fear, they can panic, not every single doctor in the world is cut out for crashing in the middle of the desert, and I’d say esp not for fucking supernatural entities to tear his coworkers apart, or watching said coworkers turn into said monsters.
2) he just watches Yasmin murder the entire village, despite still having partial control over herself, and she specifically says she killed them, he saw her go after Tasi and not stop until he shot her—honestly, like Tasi, he has seen first hand the effects of this ‘disease,’ he has seen it’s process, what it does to people, what it turns them into, I’m not surprised he’d be panicking.
3) there’s no known cure and he doesn’t know it’s not contagious—sure, the villagers didn’t seem to get it, but maybe it’s carried by blood, maybe it’s slow acting, additionally, if they get out w/out being cured, what if they regress, go on a killing spree back in civilisation? What if it is contagious and by going back w/out a cure they set off a horrible plague, the end of the world? He’s been waiting w/ Yasmin at the village the whole time, stewing, watching her deteriorate, Tasi lost her memories but he retained his. He’s not weighing Amari’s chances just for the crew, he’s weighing the world, or however many people one of them could kill back in civilisation before they’re put down.
I’m of the opinion that he was genuinely wanting to get out and run tests until Yasmin murdered the village and he cracked. I can’t think of many people who’d be able to hold it together after seeing that. Esp any kind of medical professional, who I think their first thought would be ‘what if we spread this?’
Was it right? Well, no. Also, they do make it pretty clear the Queen would never have honoured her word, not really.
But as above, everything was fucked. There was really no good choice. On the one hand, you maybe get out, but you’re still infected, you could still mutate, the baby will still die, heck, the mother could kill her. Maybe it’s contagious and you start a zombie plague. Other option is… All of you just die there, try to end the disease, keep it contained. But he’s a doctor, he’s got a mindset to save as many lives as possible. Also, baby still dies.
I actually like the doctor’s character, bc he’s a realistic depiction of an ordinary man who was not equipped for this kind of hell to start w/, was never cut out to be on this kind of expedition in the first place, had a nice private practice in the city, who has been dropped into hell, just witnessed a single young woman massacre the people trying to help them, doesn’t know what the deal w/ the disease is, if it’s contagious, if they’d ever been able to hold on long enough to find a cure, or if they’d just regress later anyway, there’s fucking supernatural shit going on… Frankly, I’m impressed he held it together as long as he did. He’s a regular man who cracked under absolutely unimaginable circumstances. No doctor wakes up in the morning and expects to be dropped into the middle of the desert to watch his companions die and/or mutate into murderous monsters bc some scary ghost lady wants a kid. After everything he saw… I don’t blame him.
Again, not a good or the best choice, def wouldn’t call it morally correct. I know protagonist centred morality is in play, I know the player sympathises w/ Tasi bc you follow her the whole story, know her past, and while Is ay this, I do also understand her reaction. I’m just saying I also understand his and think it was valid, given the circumstances.
I don’t think there were any good choices. They were both right and wrong.
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dyketectivecomics · 4 years
Let’s Talk Zombie Robins AU
Some Plot Things First (& keep in mind that Im using iZombie-zombie science with this one, not ur usual Zombie Logic™, these zombies are still emotionally/intellectually/socially functioning):
-the broadstrokes are still the same (vigilantes are in gotham, there’s significantly more crime in this city than most) but we’re taking out any mystical elements & ignoring anything outside of the city itself to solely focus on this zombie thing (just like the show, but yknow, its Batvigilantes Now). That being said-
-Jason was scratched by the Joker (who’s origin now is being becoming a Zombie & that driving him to be Chaotic™ instead of falling in a vat of acid) Jay still left to ‘die’ & bruce is ofc convinced that he is dead so uhhh cue licherally rising from the grave again lmao
-When Dr Thompkins finds him wandering around Gotham & Connects the Dots, she helps him with finding brains to sustain himself. he also takes to killing criminals and eats their brains when push comes to shove, although he enjoys those personality changes/memories a lot less
-fastforward a few years when steph is at deaths door and after Bruce has said his goodbyes to her, Jason sneaks in and scratches Steph to save her (robins gotta have each others backs ofc) this is the major conflict btwn them and whether or not Steph will join Jay in his crusade or if she’s bitter enough from being denied the Choice of being a Zombie to try to stop him
-our story will pick up around when Damian’s been turned by Steph (one of the few ppl who she’s shared being a Zom with & who regularly told her beforehand that she has his Permission to change him)
-Steph feels guilt over the decision & is working overtime with heroes & docs to find a cure/vaccine 
-MEANWHILE, Jason is fully Team Z, and is working overtime to stop Villain Zombies from initiating a Full On Apocalypse ala Z-day.
Some Other Things:
-Dr Thompkins &, later, Dr October work most closely with the BatZombies. Thompkins moreso is concerned abt their mental health & getting them the right connections for brains. October is actively working on a cure with them.
-Steph goes under the radar for a few years but stays in contact with Cass (who eventually shows her trust to take on the Batgirl Mantle when Bruce ‘disappears’ ends up Zombified & shes taking up the Batmantle alongside Dick) in the meantime Steph’s also working on her med degree to become an M.E. (bc it makes getting brains easier obvsly)
-she and Raven are in med school together in this too (bc its MY AU and i SAID SO)
-(and yes i know i said im not taking requests rn but i WILL take asks abt this AU rn since it IS october and i need to get in a Spooky Mood fjkdla;)
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arcenergy · 7 years
can you give a complete timeline of arcetris? :0 im really curious shes super interesting and always seems really busy!
arcetri tabris was born at the tender age of 0
- she lived with cyrion and adaia in the alienage. i hc adaia has a dalish mage (apostate technically) and here’s a post with more info about it here 
- there was very little that happened in arcetri’s life until when she was around 15 when she joined the friends of red jenny’s and took on pretty much mercenary work aka red jenny jobs until she was 16 
- during her time as a friend of red jenny alistair came for about a month to do templar apprentice work at the chantry in denerim and arcetri hung out w him and pretty much messed around w him but alistair never learned her name since she was hiding her identity (just in case. she’s p paranoid) so she had the nickname ‘apple’ 
- when her father cyrion got injured after an assassin was sent after her she left the friends of red jenny but continued on taking random odd jobs with no strings attached (she was almost 17 at the time). cyrion still has a scar on his back from it
- during the time after she left as a red jenny she managed to use all of the contacts she had gained during the time to help find the templars the killed adaia. she found both of them and cornered them but one of the templars managed to escape 
- arcetri around the age of 18 fell in love with an elven girl named rose (drawing of her here) and stayed with her until she died during the wedding. rose was arcetri’s bridesmaid and after the wedding they were basically just gonna go fuck off together and had already bought a cabin outside of the city for them to live in, near a small pond. the cottage was burned down later by some super pissed off elves from the alienage who found out that the cabin was hers 
- arcetri was recruited to the wardens at the age of 21
- she worked out a deal between the dalish and the werewolves 
- she saved the circle mages 
- she killed isolde to save connor 
- she had alistair do the dark ritual w morrigan
- she became close friends with zevran and pretty much was on good terms with everyone and ended up in a relationship with alistair 
- during the broken circle quest she found the templar that escaped during that time she tried to corner them for killin her mom and she had zero mercy for him. revenge really doesnt suit arcetri and but it still felt satisfying for awhile but in the end it just felt like a petty move to her. 
- she married alistair when she was 25 (i did research on marrying a noble if you’re non-nobility and it ended up being incredibly fascinating for some reason. it’s called a left hand marriage or a morganatic marriage.) 
-after the blight she visited the alienage on the daily and helps out the elves and elven servants living in the palace as much as she can with increased wages, food, and other necessities. 
- after kirkwall anders eventually settled down in the denerim alienage and arcetri was at least around 33 when she found him again aka when inquisition started 
- she convinced anders to come along with her to find the cure for the taint and they managed to find it after 2 or so years (i dont really have a whole lot written abt the cure just bc i HOPE that da4 clears it up and i dont want to make anything too finite other than it’s the cure for the taint) 
- while they were travelling back arcetri and anders got into an argument and arcetri went on a walk and was cornered by a ton of tevinter slavers. they hit her with a ton of raw magic which pretty much awakened her magical abilities. they put a lyrium brand on her hand that was originally going to go on her leg but she reached her hand out at the last moment because one of the slavers took her wedding ring
- the slavers didnt last long.  
- arcetri’s magical power is nothing near powerful. her magic is limited to healing, fire, and ice magic. she isnt particularly powerful either i.e not being able to heal a deep wound completely or making a huge fireball. 
- after a month after she returned she visited skyhold and met eileen lavellan for the first time and met some old friends aka leliana and morrigan 
- after about a month after she returned from skyhold she had to go to val royeaux on a mission about looking into the disappearance of grey wardens in the area
- she befriended a mage named maeva at a party and maeva helped her with dealing with her magic but in the end it was maeva who ended up betraying her and was the one who was killing all of the grey wardens and was using their blood to attempt to basically go to a higher plane of existence 
- maeva injured arcetri and managed to escape and she tracked her down to the western approach and killed her then 
- about 2 or so months afterwards arcetri befriends a spirit and they both agree to end up sharing the same body (aka a justice/anders situation) but surprise it was maeva and she possessed arcetri and pretty much made her burn down half of the alienage. anders managed to stop her before it was too late and she never really stopped blaming herself after that whole mess was done with 
- arcetri refused to do magic for some time (3 months give or take) until anders was stuck out in the snow and got a terrible case of frostbite and arcetri used some of her magic to keep him alive before she was able to take him back to denerim. she’s around 36 at this time
and that’s pretty much as far in her story as i got. im sorry if this sounds vague bUT THERE’S A LOT OF INFO HERE and it’s really hard to not write 10 paragraphs about each major thing in her life but thanks for sending i love it when i hear ppl are interested in my ocs esp arcetri bc she’s my Favorite(TM) 
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