#So consider this my last non-queue post
tmntkiseki · 1 month
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Sometimes I remember Khary Randolph mentioning in the Turtle Tracks interview he was in with Emilio Lopez and Lloyd Goldfine that he's been trying to get more directly involved in the IDW TMNT comics for years, yet they more or less keep telling him "maybe/we'll get back to you on that."
Like it really is a wonder why IDW hasn't taken him on as one of their primary artists because what work he has done thus far has been PHENOMENAL (never mind that he worked as a production artist for the entirety of 2003's run, so he already has plenty of experience with the turtles.)
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slybluehologhost · 3 months
Here's another admin update: Apologies that things have been pretty quiet here! I've been handling some complex IRL stuff recently & my go-to scanner has (once again) been inaccessible for a few weeks. (At this point, I may need to consider investing in a personal scanner in the future...) The queue system for this blog has been a nightmare lately for some reason, so a number of queued posts I set up have been eaten without any explanation. That being said, I'll be manually posting CHiRAL BEST tomorrow, so please look forward to it!
I'm happy to say that I finally received some mail I had been waiting on, so I'll be aiming to get some new things up during the summer! This will include some non-DMMd items & CHiRAL compilations which will hopefully be interesting for folks to check out. At this time, I'm not sure what I'll be able to get to next, but I'll provide another update once I have a tentative schedule in place. As I've mentioned previously, scanning takes a lot of time, so very long printed works will take longer than (for example) CDs or low page count works.
In case you missed it, I announced last month that I also have an Internet Archive account. Please note that I'm not intending to use that account exclusively — rather, I'm using it to help host some of the larger projects I work on. Don't worry, I don't plan on abandoning this tumblr!
I'm also in the process of updating some of the code on this blog, so it's possible that some things may not be working correctly for the next week or so. Thank you for your patience while things get fixed up — hopefully it'll function a bit better once it's been completed.
Interestingly enough, today is the one year anniversary of this blog being created — I hadn't even realized it, ha. I initially started this project just to share TCN 2013, but it somehow grew to be much bigger than that. The past year has been rather difficult for me IRL, & this project has really helped to take my mind off a lot of the not-so-fun things I've been dealing with. Thank you to everyone who has shown their support over the last year, & I look forward to the future!
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poppy-in-the-woods · 5 months
Playing God | Chapter One: The Worst
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Plot: Sadie is a vampire hunter with a problem: the members of her favourite band are vampires. She spent the last five years since she found out training to take them out, one by one, beginning with the youngest, guitarist Tim Henson. But things rarely go as planned, and Sadie's life will be turned upside down after her first encounter with Tim.
Pairing: Vampire!Tim Henson x Vampire hunter!OFC
Word count: 3352
Rating: Mature/Explicit.
General tags: vampire au, arranged marriage, smut, violence, blood, biting, implied homophobia, misoginy, lgbtq characters, slight gore.
Chapter tags: violence, alcohol consumption, asshole brother.
Author's note: Per @veronicaphoenix advice, I have decided to cross-post this on here too, but if you want to read it on AO3, here's the link. As always, English is not my first language, this is not proofread, yada yada yada, you know the drill already. Hope you enjoy!
Learning that her favorite group was made up entirely of vampires was not easy for Sadie. Another girl would have loved that, but Sadie came from a family of vampire hunters, and she felt betrayed. She knew it was stupid to feel that way, because it wasn't like they'd done it to pick on her specifically, but she couldn't help it. So, she set out to finish off all of them, starting with one of the guitarists, Tim, since he was the one who had been a vampire the least amount of time. If she could kill him, the others would fall, one after another, sooner or later. After all, even though there were several of them, they only had to separate them.
A couple of years earlier, Sadie had had her initiation ceremony in which she had killed her first vampire, and in the five years following the perceived betrayal, she trained hard, driven by hatred until she was considered one of the best hunters of her age within the family.
On her twenty-fifth birthday the opportunity presented itself: like vampires, hunters moved around a lot, and it was the first time in years that Sadie's family was in not just the same state, but the same town as the band. It had taken some effort, but thanks to internet forums and their own research skills, they had found their address. It was funny that there were several fans who were closer than they thought to the band's real address.
With the help of her siblings, Sadie had spent a month watching them, studying their patterns, all the while monitoring social media, and she knew they were all going to be at a club that day, celebrating the anniversary of Tim's conversion. Confident in her abilities as a slayer, she insisted on going alone.
A nice dress and a couple of fifty-dollar bills were enough to convince one of the employees to sneak her through the service door, where her purse would not be searched. Once inside, she headed for the restroom. As soon as one of the cubicles was free, she entered it, skipping the queue and earning a few angry exclamations. Without paying attention to them, she took the silver stake out of her bag and hid it in the shaft of her boot. She checked that it did not stick out or show too much of its outline and stepped out, again ignoring the protests.
She searched for them by looking around, but there were too many people. Determined, she made her way to the bar, which, being slightly elevated, offered a better vantage point.
“Hey, can I have a Shirley Temple?” she asked the bartender.
The guy ignored her. Maybe she shouldn't drink anything, even if the cocktail was non-alcoholic; it wasn't a good idea for her to feel like going to the restroom in the middle of the job. She had to be focused and in top form to kill the greatest living guitarist.... well, the greatest undead guitarist. A shudder ran down her spine.
Tim's affair with vampirism had been no accident, he had been chosen for his talent. He was the youngest of the band, and although the others treated him like the little brother, the truth was that none of them had reached a century of life. They were all the offspring of a vampire who was about five hundred years old, but from the first year of his new life, his sire had trusted his new siblings to take care of him and teach him everything he needed to know about being a vampire. Like, for example, how to feed.
The door to the booth was open, so he smelled her before he saw her: blood uncontaminated by alcohol, foundation, hairspray, metal, and a very faint vanilla-based perfume. The mixture stood out powerfully among the rest of the smells of the place, and it was not unpleasant at all, so he looked around for her. The girl in question must have been about twenty-five years old, and she was making her way through the crowd with determination and in a somewhat aggressive manner, as he couldn't help but notice. When she reached the bar, she leaned forward, highlighting the heart-shaped neckline of her dress and said something, trying to get the attention of the bartender, who ignored her as he continued to prepare cocktails.
“Did you see anything interesting, Tim?” asked Scott, the other guitarist in the band, seeing that his attention was elsewhere.
“Maybe,” he replied in a casual tone, trying not to sound too excited.
He pointed at her with his chin. The other three members of the band then looked at the girl, who was still trying to get served.
“Too muscular for my taste,” said Gober, the bass player.
Her arm muscles were certainly quite pronounced, though not so much so that she looked like she was a professional lifter, but more like someone who worked out often.
“Gym chicks take care of themselves, she sure tastes good," said Clay, the drummer.
“I saw her first,” said Tim defensively.
“We know, man, relax,” said Scott.
“And even if that wasn't the case, we'd bring her to you, it's your night,” added Clay.
The anniversary of a vampire's turning was an important day, or so he'd been told; it didn't seem to Tim to be any different from any other night of hunting, and it never did; unless his maker was there to host the party, of course.
“Would you rather go get her, or shall we bring her to you?” Gober asked.
“I'll go.”
Without taking his eyes off the girl, he got up, walked out of the booth and slipped through the crowd with little effort. He stood next to her and only then looked at the bartender.
“Hey, man, you have an unattended customer here,” he said.
“She can wait, just like everyone else,” the waiter replied without looking at him.
“I thought this was supposed to be an exclusive club,” the girl protested. “Is being rude part of the exclusiveness, or is it just your personality?”
“Ha, ha. Look, honey, I have a lot of cocktails to make, my co-worker is not here, so I also have to tend the bar in her place. Your drink is way down on my list of priorities, got it?”
The girl nodded and turned her back to the bar, seemingly resigned.
“I'm sorry,” Tim said.
“At least you tried,” she sighed. “I'm Sadie, by the way.”
“Tim,” he introduced himself. “Hey, if you want, my friends and I have drinks in our booth.”
“Shouldn’t you ask me for a dance first?” she joked.
“Would you like to dance?”
“Sure, why not?”
They danced for a while, though it was clear they'd both rather have been doing something else. Sadie seemed uncomfortable with his hands on her waist, and dancing was not Tim's favorite activity. After what he considered a reasonable amount of time, he invited her to go with him once more, and this time she accepted.
Taking her by the hand, he led the way through the crowd back to the relative silence of the booth; it was soundproofed so that only a third of the noise reached inside. Glass panels up to half-height let you see what was going on in the rest of the club, yet it could be turned into a private space just by closing a couple of curtains. It was a perfect place for a group of vampires to do their thing with some innocent girls. That night, however, Tim didn't feel like an audience, and he didn't want to share her either. Still, he introduced her to the others.
“Guys, this is Sadie. These are my friends: Scott, Clay and Gober.”
“His name is also Clay,” Scott explained, “that's why we call him by his last name, to avoid confusion.”
“Oh, I see. Nice to meet you.”
“Guys, it occurs to me that maybe Tim and his new friend would like a little living space, maybe we should go for a walk, you know, see what's going on,” Gober suggested, getting up.
“Yeah, yeah, that's a great idea,” said Clay, mimicking him.
“I have to go to the bathroom,” said Scott.
The other vampires left, leaving her alone with Tim, who drew the curtains. It was good enough for her that he wanted privacy; by the time they returned, she would be long gone and the only trace of her presence there would be the corpse.
She had expected to have to use her charms to lure him in, and that things would have to get a bit physical for her to get close enough to stake him, though she hadn't expected to get his attention so quickly. She smiled at him as he poured her a glass of champagne, but didn't drink; she needed to be sober for what was coming.
“Are you from here?” He asked her, pouring himself another glass, but he didn't drink either.
“No, from Illinois,” she said, “and you?”
“From Texas. But you know how it is with music, you have to go where the money is.”
“It makes sense,” she replied. “So you're a musician... and those are your bandmates, I guess.”
“Exactly,” he confirmed.
As if she didn't know precisely who they were; she had followed them since their beginnings, when she was a teenager and Tim was still human. It wasn't until he made the switch that she realized they were all vampires at a show she went to, her first concert. She had been so excited to go to a concert, and felt herself explode with happiness when they appeared on stage... Maybe if she hadn't pushed her girlfriend to get closer to the front row, she would never have realized what they were. A mixture of anger and disappointment rose in her throat, threatening to overflow in the form of words. Swallowing down, she pushed them back inside her.
“And what are you celebrating?” she asked, looking at the display of expensive alcohol on the table.
“Oh, well, it's private,” he replied evasively. She arched an eyebrow in disbelief. “I'm just embarrassed.”
“Come on, it can't be that bad,” she encouraged him.
“It's my birthday.”
“Happy birthday!” she exclaimed, feigning as much enthusiasm as she was capable of. To give it a little more realism, she toasted him and pretended to take a sip of the champagne. “A birthday is a great thing, why didn't you want to tell me? Don't you like your birthdays?”
“It's not that, it's just... I don't know, after a certain point I think it's a bit silly to celebrate them, you know?” He said, shrugging. “I mean, when you're a kid it's okay, for the presents and stuff, but then it's a bit... meh.”
Sadie thought back to her own birthdays: every year since she was fourteen, her parents had gifted her some new weapon, and before that she'd barely get any toys, as her parents had preferred to give her books. They had encouraged her reading habit on purpose, since, in addition to high school, as a hunter she had had to pass some exams, both practical and theoretical.
“Yes, they can be,” she agreed. “Sorry, I didn't buy you anything.”
“That's all right. We could celebrate in another way,” he said, caressing her bare knee suggestively.
Her heart raced at the prospect of finally being able to kill him. She smiled wickedly before launching herself at him and beginning to kiss him voraciously.
It wasn't what Tim had expected, but he wasn't going to complain about her initiating it, was he? He was about to bite her when he felt it against the base of his sternum, hard and hot as red-hot iron.
“Silver,” he hissed.
The stake was more like a stiletto, narrow and sharp; enough to kill him if it ever pierced his heart. All she had to do was apply a little pressure, and he'd be dead... but she didn't do it. She looked him in the eye, frowning, and let out a grunt of frustration.
“Come on, what's stopping you?” He asked, showing his fangs as he spoke. “You got me now, kill me.”
“I can't,” said Sadie, pulling away sharply, the stake still in her hand. “I can't destroy so much talent.”
“So, you knew who I was, huh?”
“Of course I know! I've followed you guys from the beginning, and when I found out you'd let yourself be turned into a monster, I hated you. I hate you.”
“Bullshit. Deep down, you're just a groupie. You adore me,” he contradicted her.
Using his telekinetic powers, he snatched the stake from her. As the metal fell, clattering against the floor, he caught her, forcing her to lie on the couch. She struggled, but in the end, he was stronger, and managed to hold her back.
“Come on, what's stopping you?” she asked, mockingly, using his exact words. “You've got me now, kill me.”
Tim moved his lips to her neck, ready to feed on her blood, but when his fangs were already grazing her skin, he stopped.
“Fucking kill me now!” she exclaimed, a note of defiance in her voice.
“No,” he said, pulling back enough to look at her face, “I don't do that.”
“Kill me, I tell you!” she almost begged.
“No. A life for a life,” he said, getting off her.
“You're going to regret this,” she assured him, picking up the stake and putting it back in her boot.
“Probably you will too,” he replied.
She scowled at him intently before darting out the door of the booth. Tim slumped onto the couch, sighing.
With the music thundering in her ears after the relative silence of the booth, Sadie pushed her way through the crowd toward the door through which she had originally entered. She stumbled out into the alleyway, and leaning against the wall, breathed in the sour, putrid smell of garbage emitting from nearby dumpsters. That helped clear her nostrils of Tim's natural perfume, so sweet and alluring. Unfortunately, the stench also helped to accelerate the vomit rising in her throat.
She spat it to the side, her heart pounding in her chest, like a little bird wanting to escape from a cage. She stifled the scream of frustration that threatened to come out of her mouth, and then realized that she had left her purse in the booth. Feeling like breaking something, she took a deep breath, examining her options:
She couldn't go back in through the door she'd come out of, since it wouldn't open from that side unless she had a key, which she didn't have.
She couldn't go back in through the front door, because she didn't have a seal, and even if she could, she wasn't going back to the booth. No doubt Tim's friends had seen her leave, so they would have returned. By now, she was sure he had told them what had happened, and they probably wouldn't be so understanding.
She could only walk home and hope the scolding wasn't too much.
It took her all night to walk home from the club, taking obscure routes to avoid being seen by police. If there was one reason no one walked in Los Angeles, it's because it's not a city made for pedestrians. At least her boots weren't stiletto-heeled.
“Honey, what happened?” her mother asked when she saw her arrive, at about seven in the morning, disheveled and sweaty.
Her parents, Serena and Jonathan, her older brother, Jack, and the one after her, Luke, were eating breakfast in the kitchen. Her two younger siblings, Tony and Annalee, were nowhere to be seen, and Sadie assumed they were still asleep. Since they were still in high school, they were allowed a little more leniency with schedules, especially on weekends.
“Nothing. I couldn’t do it.”
“Well, don't worry, another opportunity will arise.”
“Of course. I'm going to sleep,” she announced.
Ignoring her mother's protests, she limped upstairs to her room and forced herself to remove her makeup and put on her pajamas before collapsing into bed and falling asleep almost instantly.
When she woke up it was almost three in the afternoon, and she was very hungry. She went down to the kitchen and opened the fridge, where her mother had left a portion of food in a container.
“You didn't have the guts, did you?” said Jack, the first-born son, three years older than her, behind her. “You had a chance, but you just couldn't do it.”
“Why are you saying that?” she asked, turning around with the container in her hand. She closed the fridge and sat down at the kitchen island, ready to eat like it was all right.
“Because I can't believe that you, Sadie, have beaten hundred-year-old vampires, but you haven't managed to take this one, who, according to all our data, doesn't exceed a decade of life.”
“The window closed too soon, okay?” She said defensively, “I miscalculated.”
“Yeah, right. Where's your purse?” Jack asked suddenly.
“You didn't have it with you when you came in this morning,” her brother continued. “You left it there, didn't you? That's why it took you all night to get back. At least tell me you had one of the fake IDs on you.”
“Of course I had one of the fake IDs on me, I'm not an idiot, okay?”
“I hope so. I'll tell Dad we need to change the locks,” Jack sighed. “And I'll take care of that vampire.”
“No! Tim's mine.”
“Then don't screw it up next time.”
God, I'm the worst, Sadie thought.
The contents of Sadie's purse (if that was her real name) were scattered on Tim's bed. He examined the items, one by one: a very simple cell phone with barely any power left, a wallet with some cash, a Nevada driver's license, wet wipes, a bottle of alcohol-based hand sanitizer gel, shea butter hand cream, a sample of perfume that smelled vaguely of vanilla, a set of keys on a metal key ring that read " Souvenir from Pasadena," the keys to a car, and a small knife camouflaged as a key.
Tim hadn't told the others what had really happened in the booth. Instead, he had made up a story about how Sadie had refused to have sex with him and left before he could bite her. His friends had laughed for a while and then found him another girl to feed on. The rest of the night had gone well.
He didn't know why he had taken the purse home. It's not like he was going to return it, right? The address on the driver's license probably wasn't the current one, or wasn't even the real one, and even if it was, he wasn't dumb enough to show up at a house full of slayers. He should have let the club's employees take care of keeping it, in case she came back for it. Anyway, it was too late for that now.
Between the stake and the contents of her bag, there was no doubt in his mind that she was a professional vampire hunter: a normal girl wouldn't have a solid silver stake (even if it was as thick as an ice pick), nor would she be as skilled in fighting. Obviously, she was counting on the surprise factor to achieve her purpose, not just brute strength, which made him think she had been preparing for a long time to kill him. Nothing had been casual: the dress, makeup and footwear had been carefully chosen, and most likely the date as well.
She'd said she hated him, yet he'd detected something else on her lips (and in her scent) when she'd kissed him: desire, fervent and deep, and unless it turned her on to kill, he was sure it was for him.
Maybe we could get laid and then try to kill each other, he joked to himself. God, I'm the worst.
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felix-lupin · 8 months
Decided I should finally write a pinned post so have this.
Call me Felix! anu soweli Lupen ★ They/them, but he/him is ok too. ill use it for myself sometimes.
Partnering Aro ★ Asexual ★ Transmasc🏳️‍⚧️ ★ Masc + Neutral Nouns
My Ao3 is FelixLupin. I write when I feel like it and have time.
Art (& writing ig?) requests n stuff are open but I reserve the right to Take Forever or just Not.
If triggers are tagged they will be tagged with just the trigger and/or trigger tw when I remember (this is not very reliable though). So, e.g., #flashing or #flashing tw. mentions/discussions of things, if tagged, will just be tagged as the thing (so, "sex" rather than "sex mention")
Other stuff under the read more. Tags, fandoms, my banner id, other stuff
Status: 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️
(Status last edited: June 1st, 2024, 1:45 PM)
Last Edited (besides 'status'): August 27th, 2024 (Banner rearrangement)
[banner ID: six drawings of Susie from Deltarune. (From left to right and top to bottom). The first is a full body drawing of her in her Darkworld form holding an axe over her shoulder. The second is a drawing of her head in her Lightworld form, with wide eyes and angrily proclaiming in all caps "I don't have a tail!!! Stop asking!". An arrow points towards her that says in all caps "Lying." The third is a head drawing of her in her Darkworld form, looking at the camera with a grin and a neutral pleased/knowing expression on her face. The fourth is a head drawing of her in her Darkworld form, face shaded and only one glowing eye showing while she angrily grins, appearing to snarl. The fifth is a full body drawing of her in her Darkworld form, doing the defense battle pose where she crosses two arms over her chest in an X shape. The sixth is a full body drawing of her in her Lightworld form, hands in her pockets and smiling neutrally. End ID.]
My Tags:
#animal arsenal = Animals!!! I will also usually tag it with whatever animal it is (the plural of the animal; so if it is a picture of a dog i will tag it #animal arsenal #dogs, and if it is a video of a crow I will tag it #animal arsenal #birds #crows) as well as the toki pona classification (soweli, waso, kijetesantakalu, akesi, etc.)
#art arsenal = Other peoples' (usually, but not always, specifically non-fandom) art. This includes writing. I will usually try to tag it with whatever kind of art it is as well (drawing, painting, writing, poetry).
#ask game! :3 = ask games
#ccccposting = my cccc posts tag bc i dont want to maintag it all the time
#classics = Pretty self-explanatory. Things I consider to be "tumblr classics"
#cotlposting = my cult of the lamb posts tag bc i dont want to maintag it all the time
#do queue think even the worst person can change…? = queue tag. i do not tag this reliably because i only really use it when xkit autotags it for me<2
#felix artwolf = My art/drawing tag
#felixlupin.txt = Original posts
#tumblr games <2 = Answers for ask games, tag games, picrews, etc
#hello people in my phone = My ask tag
#mi awen e ni = Toki Pona for "I am saving this." Saved stuff / stuff that i am saving for later
#mi moku e ni = Toki Pona for "I'm eating this." Stuff that's very good and I like it a lot. Started saying this in reference to that "[watching/reading/listening to] x isn't good enough i need to eat it" meme. So, stuff that reading/seeing it isn't good enough i need to eat it.
#ni li ante e toki mi = Toki Pona for "this changed my speech." Posts that changed my vocabulary. Posts that I reference in my daily life in my speech and think about often.
#soweli Lupen li toki = toki pona post tag. like if im using toki pona, or if I'm talking about toki pona.
#writing lupin = My writing tag
#writing wares = Others' posts relating to writing, such as writing advice, memes, etc. Forgot I had this tag tbh I'm gonna try to start using it again
Fandom Stuff
I am in a lot of different fandoms tbh. what im mostly focusing on will be different based on my mood. RN it's mostly Chonny Jash.
Fandoms I'm in:
Chonny Jash/CCCC (Chonny's Charming Chaos Compendium). <- My Hyperfixation RN. I have a lot of Mind thoughts. I have thoughts about all of them tbh, but Mind thoughts specifically.
Centricide ← this series is fun I think. I like it a normal amount. im normal about centricide 7. also ancom is silly + quis good & i like quem.
Camp Here & There <- SYDNEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY<2222222. thats all i have to say. ALSO ROWAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNN<2222222
Undertale & Deltarune. <- Always at least a little mentally ill about both of them, esp Undertale. I would kill and die for Chara, Flowey, and Susie btw
Helluva Boss <- Most active for a day or two whenever a new episode/thing comes out.
Hazbin Hotel <- A reblog here and there. It was okay
Good Omens <- I like Crowley a lot. Put that guy (gender neutral) in Situations
Avatar: The Last Airbender <- Love all of the characters from ATLA tbh. Great show 10/10 no notes
Five Night's at Freddy's <- This was my first fandom! So it has a lot of nostalgia for me. I liked the movie, it was fun. Favorite animatronics are Foxy and Mangle bc I'm basic like that.
Gravity Falls <- Haven't re-watched it in a while but I still hold a lot of fondness and love for it. sitelen tawa ni li pona mute tawa mi (this show is very good from my perspective)
Cult of the Lamb <- I like this game a lot! I think it is very fun and I like the fanart that people make for it. I replay it alot bc ona li musi tawa mi (it is fun to me). #1 Shamura lover btw I would kill and die for them. if I was a character in the game I would be one of Shamura's disciples, just so we're clear
The Owl House <- When the Owl House was coming out Hunter got a chokehold on me and forced me into a hyperfixation on the show face-first.
Other Stuff
I am physically incapable of shutting up sorry (i am not sorry). Unless I get locked in gay tumblr baby jail (hit the post limit), then i shut up.
I have a queue running basically constantly that spits out a post/reblog every 12 minutes all 24 hours of the day (unless the queue has run out of posts. then it won't.)
As you could probably tell from the other sections, I know a little Toki Pona. My Toki Pona is not very good so please forgive me if I say something incorrectly. I may sometimes throw some of it in tags n such to practice.
I reserve the right to call things kijetesantakalu that are not technically kijetesantakalu based solely on vibes. foxes and seals are kijetesantakalu tawa mi
Banners <2
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[IDs in alt text]
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thesilversun · 3 months
WIP title meme
Thank you to @a-memory-a-distant-echo for the tag
Rules: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Most of these are Mysterious Lotus Casebook or MDZS (novel setting) New Horizons sequel and scar etched sequel are CQL rather than novel. The Beyond Evil fic is for, unsurprisingly, Beyond Evil. While the DMBJ/DW crossover Reunion/reboot era for DMBJ and 9th Doctor era for DW.
So here's the list no particular order.
Before the dawn part 8 and 9 exchange fic Difang to Difanghua Difanghua divergent AU idea Wuyan backstory idea Sangcheng spanking Sea in Storm Beyond Evil fic 3 months sequel hurt fdb idea nightmare headache memories dfs peanut sauce was supposed to be short and silly lay down to rest - scars etched sequel new horizons sequel jc and lwj in cave AU dmbj/dw crossover thing
These are for fanfic WIPs started within the last 3 years and where there is at least 1000 words written, so might actually get finished eventually. Smaller fragments and ideas are usually on paper/on tumblr are included. Nor are fandoms I'm not really active in any more. The list even allowing for only including things with 1000 words plus would be dozens more.
That's not including my original stuff either. I've got three 50k+ original works (Highmoor, Lost and Found, and Jago) that are sort of wips, as in they are in various stages of editing and get pushed to the back of the queue behind the fanfic. And a 4th original one (Dogboy) that I wrote about 10k of it, put it in a folder, totally forgot about writing it and then wondered who had written it, why I had access to it- and why one of the settings was less than 10 miles from where I grew up. I might have to dust that one of one day.
So at least 17 something like active wips (I've looked at or added to in the last 6 months), plus more ideas, and original things and thinks that have technically been wips for about 17/18 years. (Apart from Jago - that original fic has been through a number of iterations starting in about 1998 - one day I will finish my fantasy setting loosely inspired by Wellingtons peninsula campaign, the development of not exactly steampunk type tech, but more like an industrial revolution leading up to the eventually development of such things, plus a liking show/books like Sharpe and 3 musketeers.)
I supect everyone has been tagged many times and tagging 17+ people is rather a lot. So if you want to have a go, consider yourself tagged :)
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thewertsearch · 2 years
Asks Compilation 23/10
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Done and done. I'm surprised I didn't already have a tag for them, to be honest!
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Oh, fun! I always wonder if people are reading for the first time along with me. I'm sure you've overtaken me already by now!
I don't think I'd have as much fun with the blog if it was less blind. Even the knowledge that the trolls existed was enough to heavily influence my theories.
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Aren't they thirteen?
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Granted, we don't know if trolls mature at the same rate as humans, but they certainly seem to be in that age range to me.
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Nepeta, resident matchmaker, seems unsure about the current status of the Sollux/Aradia relationship, but she'd definitely drawn a heart there before. Plus, Aradia immediately identified the '8oyfriend' as Sollux, so there is something going on with them.
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If it does, and he did, then that's pretty clever - but unfortunately for him, it's probably futile. There are surely a million other ways she could manipulate his desires.
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I know Homestuck is controversial, but I always had the vague idea that, like Undertale, its reputation had a lot more to do with the fandom than the property itself.
I'm surprised there's that many people who say the comic is bad. The comic is great. Even if, worst-case-scenario, it jumps the shark on the very next page, there's still so much to love.
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I guess this is a good explanation for why his name is so close to Lord British - thus, their similar invincibility schticks really are coincidental.
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The former works well - although, I've just noticed on reread that he hasn't actually referred to himself as a doctor. He's just 'Doc'.
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That said, I have reason to believe that he is, in fact, a real doctor.
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Maybe he really is a gambling man.
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Well, Terezi is referencing his comic before Earth even exists...
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So it's like the SBaHJifier gag, but for the whole comic?
That sounds ambitious, but interesting, especially if it's doing everything you say it is. Any fanwork that people think was written by Hussie must be something special.
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It's fun, getting both of these messages in the same week. Glad you're enjoying it!
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Yeah, I didn't consider Equius as an option, back when Aradia was talking about this. I don't think I'd have picked him at the time, though.
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Both Equius and Vriska convinced themselves that they had an arrangement with Aradia.
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In retrospect, her own statement - which came after the two above - was, indeed, deliberately vague. It's supposed to make you wonder which of the two options she was talking about. As far as I can tell, there was no reason to assume it couldn't be Vriska - she'd even told Karkat that she was going to be the 'real leader', so we knew she was planning a power grab.
Anyway, I defaulted to her, since she'd talked about her co-leader arrangement only a couple of pages beforehand. I don't think I even remembered Equius was an option until he spoke to her later. Can't catch 'em all!
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Pop! Team! Nepic!
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Thank you! Yeah, Vriska's attitude is completely understandable at this point. Would she really have survived if she wasn't cruel?
I was skeptical about that line initially - but Vriska honestly doesn't seem to be much of a liar, so I think part of her really did see Aradia as a friend.
I personally doubt Aradia ever felt anything positive towards Vriska - she's a blue-blood, after all, a hateful sn0b - but that doesn't stop them being friends. After all, the same could be said about Karkat, towards Gamzee. Trolls just seem to see friendships differently.
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I try to avoid queueing stuff - gotta put the live in 'liveblog', after all!
There are occasional exceptions, though. For example, if I answer a lot of (non-compiled) asks at once, and don't want to fill up people's dashboards, I might queue them to space them out a little - but never more than an hour or so in advance.
Really, the answer to your question is 'neither', since I don't have a schedule. Lately, I've been posting about four days a week, and each liveblog session will last for two to four posts - but that's all subject to change, depending on my mood, my energy levels, random life stuff and, frankly, the phase of the moon. Properly scheduling this blog has proved impossible, so I'm just embracing it at this point.
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If there's one thing that Aradia and Vriska can agree on, it's that an Equius-made arm is good for only one thing - rippin' out hearts!
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Sorry - no breaks longer than a week? Since Act 1?
I suppose if your website pays your rent, you don't really need a day job - but still, I'm surprised that no life stuff got in the way in all that time. Hell, it's already happened to me - and this comic is surely way easier to analyze than it is to write!
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Well, I'm only on 2300 now, so I haven't seen much!
I'm just curious as to why he's seeking out Karkat, specifically. Jack seems to work independently, not taking orders from his Queen - so what's motivating him, this early in the game?
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No reason it can't be both, right? This is probably one of the most emotionally intense things to happen to her since her death, and it just so happens to coincide with her 'resurrection'. Frankly, I'd have been more surprised if she didn't lose her shit.
Also - damn, I didn't notice he was mirroring her '0k' catchphrase. No, Equius. No one was 0k with that.
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Welcome! You can thank a few of my readers for helping me optimize my tagging system, too. I think it was @krixwell who first suggested I add a tag which included asks!
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I moved to Japan last September, and one thing I was looking forward to a lot was attending Dolpa. I went to the one in December where they had Marie Antoinette, who I really wanted. Unfortunately, they sold out while I was in the queue which was a bummer. I had fun at the event buying stuff from various artists (if you haven’t been to a Dolpa in Japan, imagine the artist alley of a typical convention but only doll stuff)however I was a bit sad that I missed out on some stuff due to the artists selling out. Later that week I went on Instagram and discord and saw non-Japanese people with Mary Antoinette. The dolls release at Dolpa almost month earlier than other release methods (online, V0lksUSA), so these must have been from Dolpa. I said something like ‘omg! You were at Dolpa too?!’ because I thought I could have met those people! But what they told me have me some mixed feelings. They hadn’t attended the event at all but had paid proxies to buy the dolls for them. I didn’t think much of it at first, but then I started to see more and more dolls - Marie, Lady Oscar, even the D0llfie dreams that were also available, that people had acquired via proxy without attending the event at all. I also started to realise that a lot of the people with dealer and artist items had also paid proxies to get them. I thought about how I had been at the actual event, in the line, and missed out, while some proxy had made a tidy profit. It made me a bit irritated. Now another Dolpa is coming up, and I am literally seeing proxies advertise ‘slots’. Am I the only person who feels very uncomfortable about this? When people who attend the event miss out, but people who fork over cash to a proxy who is definitely using multiple people to buy up multiple dolls… it gives me a very negative feeling. Here in Japan, this practise is known as ‘Tenbuyer’ (combination of tenbai (resell) and English ‘buyer’ and is looked down on with disgust.
When I attend spring Dolpa, how many people in the same line as me are ‘tenbuyers’ profitting off people so desperate for new dolls they can’t even wait until the international sales…? It’s a bit depressing, to be honest. I am in a small chat group of Japanese hobbyists and was venting about it, and they told me that the tenbuyer thing is a huge problem now, and there are many hobbyists who distrust foreign buyers because of it. I only joined this hobby in the last 2 years or so, so I didn’t know the problem was this bad. I don’t want to shame the people who have paid proxies to acquire dolls from events they aren’t attending, however I would like them to consider why they aren’t just using the regular release methods.
For dealer and artist stuff, I know there isn’t any other way to get it sometimes, but the dealers themselves are starting to cotton on to their stock going to tenbuyers who sell it to people overseas instead of people who have paid to attend the event and are missing out. This is a messy post and I might not be very clear in my opinions. Thank you for reading until the end. I am sure many comments will call me selfish. Some of you may have acquired dolls you wouldn’t have otherwise, and maybe that isn’t a bad thing. However, I don’t think proxies should be profitting so much over this
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iamdevouring-god · 2 months
I am the Eternal Abyss... the Endless One...
T̵̙̒h̷̤̐e̴͚̽ ̴͖̿D̶̬̄e̸̼̽v̶͍͂ọ̶̀ù̸͜r̴̻͘ẹ̷͊r̵̖̔ ̵̨̌ò̸̝f̸̪̀ ̸̪̇G̵͇̓o̷̟̒d̵͍̍
(The Devourer of God)
Askbox is VERY cautiously open
(Can be anything from random questions, actions, or deep stuff about lore, I guess? I'll answer em to the best of my ability. Oh, also I DON'T use a queue. I just post and answer as I answer.)
Mods mental health is absolute shit and they do not have a lot of energy to run or deal with this blog at the moment. But they want to try.
Rules / Blog and Mod information:
This is an ask and roleplay blog. Feel free to ask me whatever! I hope this actually gets attention lol. I liked this idea of mine.
( I'll do my best to answer in what I can garner is character [likely gonna project beause of how little the Endless One is shown. But I'll do my best to be consistent] *NOT Addison, specifically the Endless One.* I liked seeing all these ones around and went: "y'know what... let's add the un-god to the mix-" so... usually will likely be a silly unless it's in a bad mood. [Again. This blog will be HIGHLY NON-CANON, but I will do my best. This is like... kinda based on pre-trial events Endless. But also just combined with my own dumbass-ness *so... essentially I have made an eldritch un-god rp blog. It will be chaos.* ] also will have some Kenneth/Endless One *KennAddy or Kenneth/Addison* content.)
Any kind of asks are fine (I *the mod* prefer NOT to see NSFW, but depending on my mood, I might be fine with it *to extent of like... dirty jokes*.. also, I have never done a RP/ask blog. Hopefully, this is actually existing right)
OOC will be tagged with : Addison Speaks or if in the tags of an in character post : ooc. // or just // [insert ooc text]
(mod's name is NOT Addison but it makes most sense for this blog)
In addition, I will often use glitchy text. I will provide non glitched translations below.
My main is @thedancingclowns , I'm just overall a dork with dumbass ideas.
(Also I may drop little secrets and hidden things in posts, so keep an eye out if you can spot them. 🩶)
Do NOT send repetitive asks! This triggers the mod! To see what I consider as "repetitive" see THIS post.
(Ps. THIS was actually an instance of a somehow perfect overlap of two people asking similar things. But in general, I hope you get the idea.)
Oh! One last thing, mod is (unfortunately) American, so I mostly only speak English! I AM learning Russian, but by no means do I have good vocabulary or skill yet.
(ONLY BRINGING THIS UP BECAUSE MOST OF THE PEOPLE WHO INTERACT HERE SPEAK RUSSIAN. So I'm saying this so people know I am not fluent or even knowledgeable, really. So I may get confused at times with posts in Russian. :'D )
Character information:
t̷̯̱͕̅h̸͉̦͝ȁ̴̱t̸͖̗̽͗͜ ̸̞̖͋̓̅ĩ̴̯̣͝͠š̷̡̆̇ ̷̼̫̾ṇ̸̿̓͠o̴̳̮͐͌t̷̜̀ ̸̧̑f̸̨̅̊̈ȏ̸̙̩r̷̝̺̹͂̊͝ ̸͔͇̿͌͝y̵͍̱͊̉̒o̴͚͗̽ŭ̵͓̫ ̸̛͍̀̀t̵̻̐̂͘o̵̢͔̺̒̄ ̵̲̒́͑ḱ̷̤n̴̲̯̬̓͝͝ȯ̶̩̏͜w̷̡͊,̵̣̟̠͂ ̵̇̒͜m̶̓͘͜o̵̠̊r̵̡͓̍̅̓t̴̠͒̚â̷̗͕̪͗̃l̶̦̮̄
(that is not for you to know, mortal)
The Endless One, The Devourer of God, The Eternal Abyss
Sacrifice, souls, tea, being pampered, the Devourers of God, Kenneth, worship, piano, hymn-like singing, any sort of abnormal food that the Devourers (or others) attempt to feed to it, c̴̻͋ ̸̨̱̈́̕͜͝h̶͍̿ͅ ̷͉̈́ì̶̙̉ ̷͈͚̃͊p̵̱͈̯͗ ̶̳̈́s̸̘̭͓̅̅̀ (chips), Travis, nomming Kenneth, cats, the stars and astronomy
Dissenters, the Johnson bloodline, the Fisher bloodline, the Campbell bloodline, the Sanderson bloodline, the Morrison bloodline, ghosts OR the living interrupting the cult proceedings, the Super Gear Boy, the Necrolight Guitar, Kenneth's treatment of Travis, lacking ability to interact with others, Kenneth's temper, Kenneth ignoring it's suggestions.
( OOC: Any other Sally Face rp blogs are free to interact, though. Even if the Devourer in character may be sort of "eugh... this one" *I think y'all are cool it's why I made this blog!* Also, you don't have to be a Sally Face RP blog to interact.)
The IC fiancé(s) :
(I think? I might be wrong, but :'/)
(Anon name list and tag guide below cut, you can claim one or you can let me give you one based on your confessions, lol. This is simply here because I like organization and it'll help me keep track.)
Wall Crawler - # wall crawler anon
(aka the Boop anon!)
This or That - # this or that anon
(To be confirmed)
Marriage - # marriage anon
(To be confirmed)
Meow - # meow anon
(To be confirmed)
Travis? - # travis anon
(To be confirmed)
Tea - # tea anon
(To be confirmed)
Bug - # bug anon
(To be confirmed)
Jesus - # jesus anon
(To be confirmed)
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panelshowsource · 10 months
sorry this is so long — i let my inbox back up a little but also some of these are so thoughtful and i hate not responding thoughtfully!
remember to block the tag 'long post' if you hate seeing long posts :')
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first of all aww anon thank you so much and second of all you don't watch taskmaster? how can you stand following my blog if you don't? hahahahah especially during taskmaster season i feel so bad the blog ends up being like 70% tm even though if i could have it may way i'd never gif new content and just gif totally random old content like always hehehehehe but it's cute to me how many hog fans are in my inbox these days! i'll try and gif it more for you guys :)
and you should watch taskmaster!!! and come back and tell me what you think!! start with s1!!! it's on the masterpost linked in my bio!
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idk anon you'd have to ask them that but generally they would consider themselves to be irish-american; i wasn't trying to make a statement about that when i said that i think new yorkers understand a person like ed, though i think it's far to say that even diasporic communities will retain (at least) a handful of characteristics and nuances from their homelands
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yesssss we all love ed! i think a lot of us know him from mock the week and his bffship with dara (i have some of their travel buddy series on my non-panel show masterpost!), but of course he's also an accomplished standup!
actually, just last month in an exclusive with metro he said this:
It seems remarkable Ed hasn’t appeared yet in its 16 seasons. ‘They haven’t asked. If they had, I would,’ Ed said, with a dash of longing. ‘There’s really only one slot per series of someone answering my description,’ he mused. ‘We’re kind of the most overprescribed demographic in the industry. There’s no shortage of people who look and sound like me that are ahead of me in the queue for that slot.’ Even so, it would have been nice… Greg? Are you listening?
(ps. that article claiming 8 out of 10 cats is cancelled... 👀 don't get me wrong, i know it's been a couple years since it's been on, but afaik no cancellation was ever announced 👀)
i know a lot of people are very hung up on the fact david mitchell said he wouldn't do taskmaster — and i'm a sure there are a handful of others who either wouldn't or couldn't when they were asked (jack dee had a scheduling conflict back in the day, right? and alex still desperately wants him?) — but one thing that has been consistently reinforced for years, and especially since taskmaster moved to channel 4, is it is far and away the biggest, most in-demand opportunity amongst comedians and light entertainers (— on network television; of course, if you're standup, your own standup special on channel 4, netflix, whatever has gotta be number one, but i disgress). taskmaster is huge: everyone talks about how comedians play 100-seat rooms, go on taskmaster, and then BOOM sell out massive tours. the show can really change your life, so there is hardly a comedian who wouldn't go on if given the chance — especially someone like ed, who i had mentioned a couple months ago being of the jenny eclair variety (an opportunist; professional jealousy ain't no stranger). i know he's waiting for that damn phone to ring!
and i think he makes an incredible point that not many series are gunning for more than one straight white middle-aged man (though it's happened before, of course). actually, i was just thinking about how that role — the white, middle-aged, experienced senior comedian — is chosen; in almost every single case, it's a very famous comedian who will draw viewers and reinforce legitimacy (frank skinner, al murray, hugh dennis, bob mortimer, rhod gilbert, david baddiel, richard herring, lee mack, alan davies, dara, you get the point) or it's a comedian who alex, whether he's friends with them or not, really really likes (tim key, dave gorman, mark watson, tim vine, mike wozniak, i know they're well-known but even ardal o'hanlon and julian clary who alex personally loves). does ed fall into either of those categories? super famous ratings draw or one of alex's friends/comedy heroes? frankly...i'm not sure...and i think that may be what's keeping him mid-way down the list...
still, very cute of the journalist from this article to be gunning so hard for him to be on the show! i have to admit, i know it might seem like i'm biased because i like him, but i really really think he would be really really good on the show. imo — and it's just imo, people will disagree — the most important aspect of the best series of taskmaster is the banter. it's people who speak up, who fight, who tease, who want to win, who want laughs, who play off the audience, who make quick friends, who talk to greg, who talk to alex. ed TALKS. ed wants screen time. ed wants to fuck around. ed wants to win. so i think he would really take advantage of the format and i'd love to see it!
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you are allowed to say i told you so! it was amazing! thanks for reading my bullshit, i tried to take it really seriously so i could just link to it any time someone asks me if i've seen it hahahah who was your fave contestant?
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i could write a really long response to this because it's something i have — or could find lmfao — a lot to say about, but knowing this post is already gonna be long (hahah i hate myself) lemme try to boil my brain down
1) i covered my personal opinion of what makes the strongest series of taskmaster in my (very long) recent taskmaster nz s2 post; 2) recency bias — it's in the name! people are biased because it's recent [shrug]; 3) A LOT of people have not seen every series of taskmaster (gasp! i know...) so they won't have the full taskmaster uk canon in mind when they're making such claims; 4) there is a strong divergence between the comedy nerds who watch taskmaster for comedy and the light entertainment viewers who watch taskmaster for general pleasantness, and you gotta consider who you're talking to when you're listening to someone's opinion; 5) i think there's a very long convo you could have about the reticence of a huge faction of taskmaster fans to criticise the show/tasks/contestants/alex — which is why a lot of people like it and its community, because it's often an echo chamber of positivity — but maybe we won't have that convo now haha
^ me being concise!! wow never thought we'd see that day
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yes totally anon! i'll make massive gifsets of all of them when the season ends, if that works? :)
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wow interesting question! i know a few people who watch taskmaster on and off, and i definitely know people like you who enjoy the odd clip (why is it always bob mortimer on wilty lmfaooo), but otherwise i wouldn't say i spend too much time convincing people to watch stuff. wilty and taskmaster are pretty accessible, but a lot of panel shows are about the uk news, uk current events, have uk c-list celeb guests, etc, and i don't think people would be interested. plus, i have you guys!!! (i don't really have internet friends besides posting here and interacting with you guys :'))
not that long ago, i was at a dinner party and someone said, "have you seen that show taskmaster?" and ... do you know what it's like for me!!! ... i had to take a deep breath and say inside my head 'sarah be cool' and i finally went, "i have! fun show haha" and not start TWITCHING ... they were telling the people around us a little bit about it and getting some of the details wrong and i just sat there nodding like :) and didn't correct them bc being a know-it-all isn't cool and i didn't want to risk it 💀
it's too bad we don't have more of a light entertainment culture here, especially a comedian-driven one :(
(so random but speaking of light entertainment has anyone else been seeing michael barrymore all over tiktok? those kids say the funniest things clips are my wholeeeee fyp)
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hahaha yesss we do know suzi around here!! though she's not been on many panel shows recently-ish so i probably haven't posted her in a while. if your fave taskmaster contestants are wide-eyed, smiley people who radiate optimism and go-get-em attitudes then suzi would definitely be the one!
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did i mention rick edwards or is this just your sly way of bringing up a sexy man? ...i see you anon😏 he has the face of someone who should have been working on that big wall in games of thrones you know the one where jon tory scum snow ended up? that's a specific compliment but just trust me it's complimentary
i'm sorry about your heartbreak :( it's like me with whites, we've all got that one show :(
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yesss it so is! <3
is it weird to imagine joe and mike woz in the same room or is that just me...
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duhragonball · 11 months
All right, Nanowriomo doesn't start for another 24 hours and change, and I think I've taken care of all the prep stuff I needed to do. Tomorrow, I take a nap, stay up till midnight and... begin.
Not much point dancing around it anymore. The next several chapters of my fic will be devoted to Luffa vs. Goku. This was pretty much the whole reason I started this thing.
Like, I came up with the character around 2004, because I wanted to do a Dragon Ball fanfic and couldn't think of a good angle until I considered making my own take on the ancient Super Saiyan to serve as a counterpoint to Broly. And one of the problems I had with the original Broly movie was that it introduced Broly as a challenger to Goku's Super Saiyan title, so he'd have to fight to prove he's the real deal, but their battle was too one-sided for my tastes. I wanted Goku to face a peer who could match him, and they would put on a clinic. If they were to fight. In 2007, I remember imagining Luffa getting to see Goku and Vegeta in the future, but I couldn't figure out a good way to make that happen. Then 2015 came along with create-a-character for the Time Patrol, and it all clicked into place. I just had to write all the setup.
And I've wanted to ramble on about this for years, but I knew I couldn't, because it would spoil the fun when it came time to actually make it happen. Besides, there wasn't much use in hyping up a dream match when it only existed in my head.
But now it can be told. Well... not now now. But soon.
I'm feeling kind of restless right now...
Oh, right, I was going to address some programming notes. One thing I didn't get done this month was the 2023 Dragon Ball Apocrypha Liveblog. The last stop on that tour was supposed to be the DBS manga adaptation of Super Hero, but the arc stubbornly refuses to end. I had said a while back that I might just knock out the chapters that were available in October, whether the story was finished or not, but I just couldn't find the time for that.
So my options now are to write it up in November--which is probably not a great idea since liveblogging and writing fanfic in the same month never goes well for me-- or I can just do it in December, which might be more realistic, since there's a non-zero chance that the arc won't be over until then anyway. I mean, I can't do it in January, because that's 2024, and that defeats the whole idea of a 2023 Apocrypha liveblog, right?
I'll keep you posted, but no matter what I do, you probably shouldn't expect to see me post anything about the manga until December either way. Either I wait until December to start, or I do it in November and I probably won't have it ready to post until December anyway. These manga chapters always come out near the end of the month, you know. Anyway, I'm sick of letting Shueisha set the pace for this thing. I'll do it on my terms, not theirs.
And yeah, I guess that's it for tonight. For newer followers who don't know how this works, I use Halloween to hype up the start of Nano by queueing up some songs to set the mood, then I post a version of the DX theme song around midnight to mark the start, and also a picture of Cell saying "Ding!" from the dub. Then I use the blog to sort of ramble on about the writing experience. It's probably not great for viewer engagement, but that's how it goes.
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fuzzarchive · 1 year
Thinking about where I plan to go once Tumblr finally dies. I’ve pretty much already accepted that Tumblr is gonna die, I knew that the rate at which people were buying blaze, checkmarks, crabs, ad-free browsing, etc. was not enough to cover Tumblr’s operating costs and I knew the amount of people purchasing those features was not going to rapidly increase anytime soon.
One thing I know for sure is that I am DEFINITELY not going back to Twitter, it was a cesspool even before Elon Musk bought it. TikTok is off the table for me as well, naturally. Instagram is a platform where you can only post things and reply to other people’s posts, it doesn’t have any option for you to share posts onto your account for the people who follow you like with reblogging or retweeting as far as I’m aware, and I would prefer to use a platform that circulates content in that way rather than relying entirely on an algorithm. Basically none of the other “big platforms” are a very good option for me.
The two places I think I’ll use are Pillowfort and the fediverse (well, the fediverse isn’t really a place, but rather a collection of places).
Pillowfort was created to be a clone of Tumblr, except it is non-profit and runs entirely on donations (it also allows you to post nsfw content, if that appeals to you). It used to be in closed beta and you had to pay $5 in order to sign up, but now it is in open beta and it has a wait list that allows you to sign up for free. It has the main perks that Tumblr has, such as tags that are separate from the body of the post and no character limit, but there are a few features that Tumblr has that Pillowfort still lacks, such as asks and being able to queue posts and being able to run multiple blogs. I already have an account on Pillowfort, I just haven’t been using it much since, well, I haven’t been able to find any of my friends or mutuals on there. If we’re mutuals and you have a Pillowfort account or are planning to create one, please let me know so I can follow you!
As for the fediverse, there’s a variety of different fediverse software out there that is used to mimic other popular platforms. For example, PeerTube is a YouTube-like, PixelFed is an Instagram-like, Funkwhale is a SoundCloud-like, and Mastodon and Misskey are both Twitter-likes. I can’t seem to find any fediverse software that’s really comparable to Tumblr, though. Maybe there will be a demand for one once Tumblr is finally on its deathbed and somebody will make one then. I really hope a Tumblr-like complete with asks and the ability to queue posts and such gets made eventually, federated Tumblr instances sounds awesome. Right now I’m currently on a Calckey instance called stop.voring.me, though I have considered running my own private instance for just me and my irl friends if they are up for it. If you’re confused as to what the fediverse is, how federation works or what the appeal of it is, here’s a video that I think explains it quite nicely. Also, if we’re mutuals and you’re anywhere on the fediverse where your instance is able to federate with the one I’m on, let me know so I can follow you!!
I didn’t make this post to announce that I’m leaving Tumblr or anything, it’s still the place where I spend most of my time online and I’m going to be here until its last day of operation. I just made this post because I’ve been thinking about how hard it will be for me to adapt once Tumblr is gone and to sort of make a plan for it, and to encourage other people to start making plans as well and start thinking about how they’re gonna stay in contact with their mutuals once Tumblr is gone.
I don’t use Pillowfort or the fediverse a whole lot right now, but that’s because right now everyone is still on Tumblr. I can’t get my friends and mutuals to follow me to these other places right now, and the likely reason for that is because they’re not gonna be able to get their friends and mutuals to follow them there for the same reason. I suspect that will change very quickly once the plug on this website is finally pulled, and on those sites it will become a lot easier for me to find people as people flock to those sites. I’m still going to miss Tumblr though, and I want to find as many of the people that I commonly interact with on Tumblr as I possibly can on these other sites so that I can still preserve the online space that I’ve spent all this time curating for myself at least somewhat.
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chaewonplzbiteme · 1 year
Any hints on whats your next release?
Thanks for asking.
First off, I’m afraid that I change drafts as fast as my pants.
I do have one completed work in the post queue (short, 0.8k, Song Hayoung), and another on the editing pile where it will rot until there is nothing left but the bones (medium, 2.5k, Kwon Eunbi). Both are vanilla (paizuri is vanilla, right?) and straightforward into the ‘plot’ (what plot?). I need double the brainpower to edit than for writing itself, so let’s see how it’ll go.
For my upcoming drafts, I am very hesitant to label any as ‘near-completion’. I have abandoned WIPs for the most whimsical reasons (with more interesting ideas leading the way). In numbers, I have ~22k words released, but more than 30k words either in-progress or abandoned.
Onwards towards teasing time!
First, off: Kinktober
I’ve finished 2/31, with a third and possibly fourth nearing completion.
Considering this, I have to declare Kinktober as Failed! already. This way, I don’t have to feel bad when completing works after October. 🤣
I still intend to complete all 31 prompts – I just never said October which year.
I can Spoil the Active Drafts
Active means one stone’s throw away from dead. Amirite?
Chaewon Asphyxiation (fancy word for choking)
6.0+k @ 70%
I have so many notes for a second draft already
Kazuha non-smut omorashi
I had always wanted to write about two snipers jacking each other off
Well, now I’m writing about a sniper pissing their pants
Kazuha… wtf-smut? … IN SPACE! …
This is going to be a weird one…
4.0k @ 30% but it won’t make sense until it’s over 9000%
Stuck on a lack of world building.
Since when have I fallen for Kazuha-chan 😳.
In Planning
There is a chance these could overtake the active drafts. Actively collecting ideas, dreaming up plot, writing down notes, etc..
Yunjin MMF in a ryoukan (dub-con)
Lazy Evaluation 2, the ‘peer review’ with JiU and Yoohyeon, hehehe
Doyeon, the Dark Side of the Moon K-Pop
Voyeur + time travel weirdness, I haven’t settled on an idol yet
I don’t think I’ll post non-con on Tumblr, where the normies are – we saw what happened the last time….
On Hold
Ready for the taking~.
Bukkake with an LSF member and two from other groups
LSF Emeto (I’m a mess mess mess mess mess mess)
LSF M!→Forniphilia (barely sex)
Olfactophilia, F/F (another weird one, no ‘sex’)
Teratophilia, Tentacles, Oviposition (separate drafts, all ‘solo’)
Winter 2x small tits slander (yes, they’re that small)
Eunha getting stuffed with burgers
No kink will be safe from me 🤣.
Dead Drafts
Liz uwu on Jeju Island – though, I have cannibalized this a lot already…
Yujin slow-burn in Thailand – too slow for my jumpy mind, I will revisit once I calm down.
Yena in Vietnam.
What do these have in common? Right. Such nice vacation spots! Would be a shame if someone did something lewd there…
Dead Ends
I’m reading Machiavelli for possible inspirations
I’ve recently read a book where the female main character gets it on with a door, so obviously I want the girls to do the same…
The End
Fml, I’ll never get anything done 🤧.
4-7x of my next drafts are LSF. My ’21 self, as one of the biggest and most devoted GFriend stans there could ever be, is in shambles.
For all the abhorrent crimes I have committed against my own humanity, I shall schedule some seppuku. But not before I finish all my drafts.
I may or may not have overextended myself…
Chaewon Bites, out!
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treesap-blogs · 2 years
GUYS IM SORRY THIS REVIEW IS GOING UP LATE you’ll eventually see why lmao! “Cemetery Boys” by Aiden Thomas review!
Hello, Tumblrians! Because I’m trying to make sure practically all of my Goodreads finished books are covered here, there’s an overwhelmingly high number of reviews that are going to be published this week! Sorry :(! BUT!!! At least my reading queue is being cleared up for the end of the month (which you can attribute to me just wanting to be orderly but is actually related to the release of The Wicked Bargain by Gabe Cole Novoa)(who was?? In the acknowledgements for this book actually?? Are the authors friends or something?). Broskis I was so excited for Cemetery Boys because I’ve been wanting to read it for YEARS!!! It was one of the first queer books I ever heard about, actually! And it will always have a special place in my heart because it’s the first time I’ve read a book with a trans protagonist. (I’m non-binary and also genderfluid, because a few times the trans male label could apply, and I’ve identified as some flavor of lesbian for a while although I’ve just been using the label “queer” for a while. Fits my gender better.) 
Also HOLY SHIT i just realized!! This is my tenth Tumblr Review guys :D!! Wow! Very happy to be writing one about a book I adored! To celebrate this milestone, take some art I made of these two! It’s singlehandedly the reason why this review took so long to put up lmao, it’s almost midnight where I am but it’s probably not Saturday anymore for a lot of people on Tumblr up at this hour and with similar time zones as I. Gonna be honest, I was considering redrawing when Julian asked Yadriel if he could kiss him (in Spanish!!!)(read the book and you’d know why that’s a big deal lmao), but I watched an Instagram reel and featured in it was a very realistic piece of fanart of when the two were kinda just lovingly spending time sitting ontop the car and looking at the sunset by the side of the road! Inspiration just struck.
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I’m hoping to post art on a more consistent basis in here, hopefully y’all enjoy the piece in this review! (Perhaps I’ll do this with every 10 book milestone?) (if I don’t like the book and don’t want to make fanart maybe I’ll just draw a different one or my OCs lol)
Anyhow! I absolutely ate up, devoured even, cried on, and threw up this book when I read it. Whilst some might not be a fan of the short time frame the romance happens in (it..took some adjusting for me to be honest), I was still absolutely emotional over Yadriel and Julian oh my goodness. They’re so sweet with each other!! WAUGH. I was anxious for a devastating ending most of the time, but wherever my heart was broken, it was healed with some of Yadriel’s brujx magic by the time I’d finished reading. (So corny I know but SHUSH.) The “last day” chapter/scene in the book also just radiated comfort haha. (Perhaps I’m biased though, as I tend to feel in colors and around this point I had enough of an emotional attachment to form the “nostalgic nighttime blues with a light yellow and orange-yellow haze feeling. Which I shall always associate with the smell of a well-kept hotel room now, thanks to the location I finished this book.) Julian opening up eventually, and his immediate acceptance of Yadriel was also very sweet. They were overall very sweet, even if the circumstances they were in meant that they made very “hormonal teen” decisions at times. It didn’t feel like a product of bad writing lmao I’m sure that was intentional.
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Yadriel was also a spectacular example of authentic transmasculine representation. I was delighted to read a sentence that mentioned a binder, resonated with his experiences of gender dysphoria, and although he faces a lot of struggle to be seen as who he is within his family, that was handled with care. I also loved the different Latine cultures present in the families in the book, there were different touches added to Dia De Muertos and it brought a very home-y feel to some of the atmosphere of the book. (Saying “some of” because the other parts of the story are horror of course sjkskjbdfbk) On all fronts, the representation was great :).
Also, if the story seems interesting to you based on the premise, but you don’t really enjoy horror, keep in mind that the stuff in this is pretty tame! There’s a few gnarly details, like (slight spoilers) an attempted human sacrifice towards the end, and of course some of the spirits turning “maligno”(conjugent for “malignant”, they become corrupted before they’re forced to leave the surface world, your standard horror elements stuff ensues), but that’s about it. While spirits/ghosts and the existence of what’s technically witches in this realm means that it belongs under the horror category, at least I as a reader thought it fit more just under the paranormal genre. The only other horror book I’ve read on here is The Witchery, and I’d say it’s a teensy bit more spooky than that on the scale? All I have to say for that.
Anyhow! Last thing I feel like talking about is that I liked how the theme of death was handled throughout the book? In several ways, our characters were trying to find closure and there’s multiple very realistic depictions of grief. I’m kinda running out of rambling juice here, so I don’t have much else to add, but it was interesting to see the different facets of loss(I would elaborate on all of them, but I don’t feel like typing up a Spoiler Segment here and it would probably contain mild to moderate spoilers if I did that without warning). It made this a melancholy read, in my opinion.
Overall! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐/5 stars, no doubt :D! (the third book on here to be given a 5-star rating, there to join When The Angels Left The Old Country by Sacha Lamb and The Lesbiana’s Guide To Catholic School by Sonora Reyes!)
Paz, signing off!
(Book trigger/content warnings: Misgendering/deadnaming, mentions of transphobia, mentions of deportation, some instances of experienced racism, grief(loss of a parent), blood and body horror.)
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dreamcrow · 2 years
rules: post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have wips.
shIT i was tagged like a month ago, wHOOPS
from my currently-open scrivener project (mostly the early days orderfic i've been honking about):
fantasy endo
last snow
[learning/fiddling with magic]
navel gazing
[meeting auzel]
insecurity conga (plus bonus scene)
quarrel and dream
[character study disguised as smut]
this is so many oh my god. uh. @sidhewrites, @babblish, @nifelheimm, @megan0013, @nightrosebud, @falling-hand-in-unlovable-hand, fuCK. i'm queueing this late at night, other writer friends: if you wanna get some wip interaction, consider urselves tagged!ヽ(´∇`)ノ
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cassie-fanfics · 2 years
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I posted 4,956 times in 2022
That's 4,956 more posts than 2021!
99 posts created (2%)
4,857 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,835 of my posts in 2022
#tag game - 193 posts
#star wars - 163 posts
#picrew - 141 posts
#star wars rebels - 135 posts
#hera syndulla - 132 posts
#kanan jarrus - 118 posts
#oc design - 106 posts
#kanera - 97 posts
#hello little queue - 69 posts
#ezra bridger - 56 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#i love side characters in books. i need more dhina content. the communications officer from victory's price. i need more of that content.
My Top Posts in 2022:
None of us can function because of Hera and Chopper. Also I would like to know about Jacen and Ezra. I have seen that mena Massoud is at least being considered (really hope they confirm soon). Also we need Jacen!
Wait, they're actually considering Mena Massoud for Ezra???
We need need need need Jacen in the series though.
I am becoming more dysfunctional by the minute now that I know that Ezra might be in the show.
Well, my fanfic writing plans for today will now be leaving so I can obsess over the Ahsoka series. I'm so so so excited for this series now.
17 notes - Posted May 28, 2022
Family member: *lecturing me on why I should be more polite*
Me, an introvert who doesn’t feel like making basic human interaction: *wondering what I did wrong because I don’t want to talk and don’t know what to say*
18 notes - Posted April 21, 2022
So I was reading Chapter 3 of @laughingphoenixleader's fanfic Space Married?, which is awesome and I love it so much, but anyway, there was a moment where Kanan tells Hera that he worries about her sleeping schedule sometimes, to which she responds, "I abandoned a healthy sleeping schedule at age twelve as one of my first acts of rebellion against my father."
And because I used to spend a lot of time looking at memes, an idea got into my brain. Everything I just wrote is prelude to this:
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Related to that whole thing, I now have an account on a memeing site because I just can't let things like this slide.
23 notes - Posted August 11, 2022
When you get this you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)❤️❤️❤️
oh thank you!!!!
I like my taste in music (it's VERY weird but I love it)
I like my brain. It is very weird but it keeps me alive and I like that.
I like my clothing style, because if I could have it the way I want it to be, I wouldn't own anything but Star Wars (and other fandoms too!) t-shirts.
I like my asexuality and my being aromantic. (also, autocorrect, learn proper English. aromantic is a valid word!)
I like my fanfiction/other writing. It makes me smile!
Because I am feeling a little tired, can I tag 10 of my followers and start a chain instead?
alright, 10 tags, here we go. @locitapurplepink @kanerallels @zaya-mo @elivanto @indigostars @commandersnips41 @generalgri3vous @iknowwhattosaynow @is-that-sand-in-my-waffles @bh-52
let's spread some positivity!
24 notes - Posted August 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
10 different characters from 10 different fandoms
@amikoroyaiart tagged 'everyone who wants to do this' so that means me I guess?
Rules: List your 10 characters from 10 different fandoms, then tag 10 people.
'kay, this will be kinda hard.
Hera Syndulla - Star Wars
Annabeth Chase - Percy Jackson
Primrose Everdeen - The Hunger Games
Tsunami - Wings of Fire
*forgot about Arcane for a few seconds* OH WAIT Caitlyn - Arcane
Pooky - Garfield
Ginny Weasley - Harry Potter (I don't read it much anymore because it's not really that good but I used to love it lol)
is nancy drew a fandom? then Nancy Drew - Nancy Drew
two more to go this will be hard um Amy Santiago - Brooklyn Nine-Nine
last one! I'm not really into Marvel but I needed someone else so: Yelena Romanoff - Marvel
Tagging.... @laughingphoenixleader, @kanerallels, @generaljarrus-syndulla , and pretty much everyone else who wants to play as well!
67 notes - Posted May 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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nurse-buckley · 2 years
Tumblr media
I posted 2,570 times in 2022
That's 55 more posts than 2021!
232 posts created (9%)
2,338 posts reblogged (91%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,025 of my posts in 2022
#0 - 253 posts
#9-1-1 - 235 posts
#eddie diaz - 158 posts
#i got queue - 139 posts
#evan buckley - 138 posts
#queue - 138 posts
#9-1-1 spoilers - 135 posts
#911 spoilers - 131 posts
#buddie - 103 posts
#eurovision - 69 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#a unknown breed some terrier mix of chaos adopted and rescued from a killing station in hungary originally called fifi but he's milo now
My Top Posts in 2022:
Sicktember - Day Four
Fandom: 9-1-1  Pairing: Buddie x Reader (platonic)   Word Count: 1,293 words Prompt: @sicktember Alt. Prompt 5 “Can You Be Brave For Me?” Tagslist: @firemedicdiaz @fireladybuckley @winterreader-nowwriter @iamasimpingh0e @dayrin085 @hauntedmilkshakeghost @floralbuckleys @writingmysanity  If you want to be added or removed from my tagslist, please let me know!  Authors Note: CEO of getting these fics out 25 minutes before midnight! Once again, unbeta’d so I apologise for any mistakes! Requested by the amazing @firemedicdiaz I hope this helps cheer you up lovely <3
You let out a low groan as you feel someone shaking your shoulders in an attempt to rouse you, “Hey. Y/N? Can you hear me? Open your eyes for me sweetheart.” You can vaguely hear Eddie’s voice cutting through the haze, but your eyes are just too heavy. 
Eddie moves his fingers to the side of your neck, feeling for your pulse .He lets out a sigh of relief to feel the gentle thrumming beneath his finger tips, even if it is a little fast for his liking. He gently shakes your shoulders once more, releasing another sigh of relief as your eyes begin to flutter open. 
“Ed…?” you slurred, as consciousness returns to you. “What? Why am I on the floor?” Your mind still fuzzy, your head pounding, probably from the impact of your head hitting the floor considering the last thing you remember was helping Eddie in the kitchen before the world began to spin. 
Eddie can sense your rising anxiety as you come to your senses a little more and attempt to sit up, easing you back down with a gentle hand on your shoulder. “Easy cariña, you fainted. Just lay back for me, you’re alright. We’ve got you,” he reassures. 
‘We? Right…you were at Buck’s. You and Eddie had gone there after work to hang out. 
You startle as you hear a noise from your side, watching as Buck comes into view and sets the first aid kit you knew he kept in his closet beside you. The younger man kneels beside you, opposite Eddie, unzipping the kit to pull out a piece of gauze before passing the kit over to Eddie. 
Buck moves into your line of sight, taking your focus away from Eddie as he begins to pull out various pieces of equipment, sensing your anxiety growing more. “I’m just going to hold this to the side of your head, alright? You bumped your head pretty hard when you hit the floor.” He apologies as the contact causes you to flinch away, but he holds your head steady with his other hand on the other side of your face. 
You see Eddie placing a stethoscope around his neck, and feel your breathing start to come a little quicker, suddenly feeling self-conscious of all the attention on you. 
“You know, I’m actually feeling a lot better. It’s okay. I’m just really tired or it’s probably just low blood sugar. I’m fine…really. I don’t need the hospital or anything, really,” you stutter, trying to sit up once more. 
“Hey,” Eddie speaks up from your other side, taking your hand in his and squeezing it reassuringly, “No one said anything about the hospital, I can’t rule it out just yet, but I just need to check you over, that’s non-negotiable. Can you be brave for me? Just for a little while.” 
You nod defeatedly, allowing Buck to ease you back down this time. A stray tear rolls down your cheek at the thought of there being something wrong with you, but you know you’re in safe hands with the pair of them at your side. 
“That’s it. Just lay back, we’ve got you. You’re safe,” Buck reassures, wiping away the stray tear with the pad of his thumb. 
“Did you have any symptoms before you passed out? Any dizziness, blurred vision, palpitations?” 
You give a worried look to Buck, but an encouraging nod from him has you nodding your head, “i-is that bad?” 
“Try not to worry, it could be nothing,” Buck tries to reassure you. 
“B-but it could be something. I’ve never passed out before,” your panic begins to rise once more, the thought of something being wrong with you overwhelming you. 
“I need you to take a deep breath for me sweetheart,” Eddie says this time, “We need you calm okay, just let me worry about everything else.” 
You mimic Eddie as he takes a slow, deep breath, feeling a little calmer. “Good, now, keep taking deep breaths with Buck here, and let me check you over. I’ll explain everything before I do it and if it gets too much we’ll take a break.” 
Buck gently moves back into your line of vision, taking slow deep breaths for you to follow. 
“I’m just going to check your pulse,” Eddie announces, gently placing his fingers around your wrist and glancing at his watch. You focus on your breath, following Buck and trying not to focus on the feeling of your pulse tapping away against Eddie’s touch. 
He sets your arm down by your side, before picking up the blood pressure cuff from the kit next. “Is it alright if I just slip this on here?” You nod your consent, trying not to focus on the feeling of the cool fabric as Eddie wraps it tightly around your upper arm. You watch as he puts on the stethoscope and places it at the crook of your elbow, “Just a little squeeze here.” He inflates the cuff, just enough to be uncomfortable before releasing it, quickly and efficiently taking the reading. 
“Your vitals are a little concerning,” Eddie quickly continues, before you work yourself up again, “I’m just going to check one more thing, is it alright if I check your blood sugar?” 
The thought of the needle pricking your finger is enough to make bile rise at the back of your throat, but you knew Eddie wouldn’t be asking if he wasn’t certain. 
As if he were able to read your mind, Eddie speaks up once more, “I’ll be as gentle as I can and it’ll be over before you know it.” 
You nod once more, offering your middle finger to Eddie and holding out your free hand to Buck to hold as Eddie gets the necessary equipment together. “Do you want me to count down?” Eddie asks as he presses the tip of the lancet against your chosen finger. 
“Count down please,” you ask as you look away and focus on Buck, squeezing his hand tighter. 
Before you have a chance to even think, you feel the needle quickly pinch your skin before Eddie squeezes your finger and takes the reading. Buck is quick, grabbing another piece of gauze from the packet he’d opened earlier and wraps it around the tip of your finger. 
See the full post
99 notes - Posted September 4, 2022
Sicktember Day 9 - Home Remedy
Fandom: 9-1-1  Pairing: Buck x Reader Word Count: 789 words  Prompt: @sicktember Day 9 - Home Remedy  Tagslist: @firemedicdiaz @fireladybuckley @winterreader-nowwriter @iamasimpingh0e @dayrin085 @hauntedmilkshakeghost @floralbuckleys @writingmysanity  If you want to be added or removed from my tagslist, please let me know!  Authors Note: Is this me early posting (for me at least) for once? I have now officially finished my presentation so hopefully more regular posting - I am also going to be clearing my ask box and getting through my prompts missed during the big depression! Thank you @firemedicdiaz for having a quick glance at this, I hope you feel better soon love <3
You hate the feeling of migraines, but at the same time, when one hits, you can't remember a time before them. The pain is agonising, overtaking every one of your senses. Everything is too bright. Noises too loud. Movements causing the already dizzying nausea to worsen tenfold. 
“Babe?” Buck calls out softly as he enters his apartment, squinting in the dim light to spot any sign of you. He knew you were no stranger to migraines and judging by the darkness and eerie silence that fell upon the loft, he guessed that is what was happening. 
With no sign of you, he makes his way quietly up the stairs towards the bedroom, seeing you bundled under the duvet and your head buried into the pillows. 
You feel the bed dip as Buck perches on the bed next to you, even that gentle movement was nauseating. He places a gentle hand on top of where he guesses your hip is under the covers, before softly uttering the word, “migraine?” 
“Yeah,” you reply, just loud enough for him to hear you from beneath the cocoon you’d wrapped yourself in, whining as even the slightest movement causes the pain radiating from deep within your head to throb even more. 
“Have you taken anything for it?” Buck asks again, being mindful to keep his voice low. 
You chance coming out of the safety of blankets, thankful that Buck has kept the light off, “no…I feel too nauseous. Plus, nothing touches it, just gotta ride it out…” you whisper your reply. 
“I think I might have something that could help,” you feel him shift from the bed and move into the bathroom. 
You can see he’s carrying something, but you’re not sure of what in the dim light of the loft. He comes to kneel by your bedside, “do you trust me?” 
There was no doubt in your mind anything Buck did would make the pain any worse, so with nothing to lose you slowly nod your head. 
“Alright, I need you to shift around for me.” He guides you with a hand at the small of your back, helping to ease you down onto a pillow he’d laid out in front of him, so he has better access to your head. 
“I did a little research after your last migraine and read that lavender oil and a head massage can work wonders,” he explains as he pops the cap from the small amber bottle and warms a few drops between his palms. 
You wrinkle your nose, preparing for the overwhelming floral smell you’d encountered with some essential oils before, but are pleased to find the scent isn’t strong at all. 
“Alright, just relax and if it gets too much, just let me know.” 
You take a deep breath and close your eyes, feeling safe in Buck’s capable hands. Buck had given you massages before, but nothing prepared you for the pure bliss you felt as his touch gave you some relief, easing away the tension that had built up around your head, neck and shoulders. 
He places his middle and index fingers on your temples and begins to massage the area in a circular motion with just enough pressure to counter the pressure you were feeling from the migraine, causing you to let out a low groan. The feeling of relief only grows as he moves down to your chin, gently stroking his fingers up from your jaw towards your temples again. 
You hiss slightly as he moves his hands again, adding slight pressure with his thumbs along your eyebrows, right above where the pain is radiating from. 
“I’m sorry,” Buck apologises, moving his hands away. 
You make a move to grab his hands, placing them back over your head, “Nooo,” you whine, “don’t stop…feels good.” 
He continues on, moving towards you neck and back, turning your head gently to the side cupping your neck with his hands and using his thumb to work out the knots deep within the tissue. You feel him working into the area at the base of your skull, rubbing small circular motions, before moving back to the rest of your head, slow circular motions, gently scratching your scalp. 
Between Buck’s skilled hands and the relaxing scent of lavender you begin to relax more and more, the tension leaving your body along with the majority of the migraine pain. He finishes the massage, rubbing his hands together, warming a little more oil, before he places both his hands covering your forehead and eyes. 
The gentle pressure he’s applying feels wonderful, “Buck…”  
“Yeah?” he whispers his reply. 
“I am going to need you to do this again and again when I’m feeling better…because this was amazing. Thank you.” 
106 notes - Posted September 9, 2022
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Eurovision 2022 opening.
173 notes - Posted May 14, 2022
Sicktember Day Nine - Emergency Room/ Ambulance
Fandom: 9-1-1  Pairing: Buck x Reader  Word Count: 1,095 words  Prompt: @sicktember Day 9 - Emergency Room/ Ambulance, written for the amazing @floralbuckleys  Tagslist: @firemedicdiaz @fireladybuckley @winterreader-nowwriter @iamasimpingh0e @dayrin085 @hauntedmilkshakeghost @floralbuckleys @writingmysanity  If you want to be added or removed from my tagslist, please let me know!  
Buck had warned you on more than one occasion to be careful carrying stuff down the steep stairs of his loft, even more so now you had both welcomed the latest edition to your family. The shelter a block from your shared apartment had had a special event for the cats and kittens in their care with their kennels recently overwhelmed. With a lot of pleading from you and the endless cute cat photos you'd sent to Buck, he had eventually caved and you’d adopted Sammie, a beautiful little white and ginger cat who had definitely made the place her home. 
“Come on girl,” you gently nudged her with your foot to try and get her to walk ahead of you, your hands full with a basket of laundry that had built up. You giggled as she didn't listen, flopping over dramatically in front of you before moving to weave in and out between your legs as you continued to ignore her. 
You’d had a few near misses, Sammie wanting to be right by your side, rubbing her face against your legs as you attempted to move past her. “Sammie, come on sweetheart, you’re going to trip…” you didn’t have time to finish your sentence as you came tumbling down the stairs, Sammie running off to hide with her tail fluffed as the flying laundry startled her. 
You tumbled down the stairs, each one seeming to find a new spot to hit, sending jolts of pain through your body until you flew forward, your head landing on the floor with a sickening thud. 
With the wind knocked out of you it took a little while for the initial shock to wear off. You took a shaky breath before you began to move each of your legs, testing for injury, moving higher and higher as you checked your body over. When it came to checking your wrist, you let out a yelp as a jolt of pain shot up your arm.  The jerk sent another pain through your head and you could already feel the large lump forming near your temple where you’d made impact with the ground. You lifted your hand to inspect the side of your head, gasping when it came away with a smear of blood from a cut on your forehead. 
With the danger over, you glanced around as you heard a meow, the sound followed by Sammie who had come out from her hiding spot to investigate what had happened. She made her way over coming to nuzzle against your side; if you knew better you would think she was apologising for causing the accident. 
“And this is why we’re careful on the stairs,” you groaned as you cautiously sat up. Sammie seemed to take this as an invitation and she climbed onto your lap, her paws coming to rest on your chest as she nuzzled against your face. “Alright, get off me. I guess I’ve got to go and get checked out at the hospital.  What’s your dad going to say about this? You think we can get away without calling him from the ER?” 
Being gentle, you shoved her off before you slowly got to your feet, glad you were the only injured party between you. Once you were sure you were okay to stand, you made your way to the bathroom, grabbed some gauze for your head, and left your apartment for the short walk to the hospital. 
By the time you arrived in the ER and were triaged, the pain in your head and wrist had doubled and you were beginning to think maybe it would be a good time to call Buck. 
Your thoughts were interrupted as you heard your name in an all too familiar voice. You turned just in time to see Buck and Eddie wheeling a patient into the ER, cursing whatever power had led them to bringing someone in at that exact moment. 
“Heeeeeey babe. It’s not as bad as it looks,” you replied. 
Buck wasted no time, checking that Eddie was okay being left with the patient before he made his way over to where you were sitting. 
“Let me be the judge of that,” he said as his hands came to hover over you, afraid to hurt you as he checked over your injuries. He put a gentle hand over the one holding the bloodied gauze to your head, pulling it away with a hiss as he got a glimpse at the wound. 
“Y/N what the hell happened? Why didn’t you call me?” 
“I swear, I was going to as soon as the nurse saw me. I wasn’t looking where I was going with the laundry and Sammie got under my feet and I ended up falling down the last few steps.” 
Buck sighed as he glanced over the various bruises that had begun to form over your body and the swelling in your wrist, “that looks like a lot more than a few,” he admonished.   “I’m going to go catch up with Bobby and let him know I’m staying with you, you’ll need someone to take you home with that head injury…,” Buck paused, “wait…how did you get here anyway? Did you drive with a head injury?  Y/n, do you even know how dangerous…” 
“Buck,” you interrupted him. “I’m not that stupid, I didn’t drive here…I walked.” You realised as soon as you said it and by the look on Buck’s face that it probably wasn’t the wisest decision you had made either, but you decided to chalk that up to the head injury.  
“Why didn’t you call 911, or me? You could have had a spinal injury, you could have a serious head injury and be unconscious on the side of the road right now,” he continued rambling off each and every worst case scenario he could think of. 
“I know and I’m sorry, I was embarrassed, you’ve told me time and time again to watch out for Sammie and I didn’t listen.” 
Buck silenced you with a chaste kiss to your forehead, “it doesn’t matter now, as long as you’re both okay. I’m going to take the rest of the shift off, take you home, and we’re going to get your favourite takeout and chill on the couch tonight.” 
You stopped him as he began to turn and walk away to find his captain. 
“What’s wrong baby?” 
“Can we stop by the store and get Sammie a treat? She’s had a trauma today too!” 
“Anything for you two,” he chuckled, shaking his head. 
262 notes - Posted September 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
To Keep Me From Freezing
Fandom: 9-1-1 Word Count: 3,383 Pairing: Buck x Reader Warnings: Being locked in a walk in (honestly my biggest fear when I worked in a grocery store!) Minor medical exams/ mentions.  Tagslist: @firemedicdiaz , @fireladybuckley @winterreader-nowwriter @iamasimpingh0e @dayrin085 @floralbuckleys If you want to be added or taken off my tagslist please let me know!  Thank you @floralbuckleys and @firemedicdiaz for helping revamp and reading over this fic for me and @floralbuckleys for the amazing graphic. <3 
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‘Have a good shift.’
You smile as your phone lights up with a notification from Buck, you pocket the device with a sigh knowing it was time to start getting yourself ready to leave for work. You’d been taking on more shifts in the store trying to keep yourself busy while Buck was away for his long shifts. The added bonus of overtime was also a very good incentive. 
Throwing on your store branded jacket and name tag, you grab your keys and make your way out of the door, walking the familiar route. 
The shift went by as usual, stocking the shelves in your assigned aisle, helping the off customer here and there looking for various products or advice. You enjoyed the quiet of the night shifts, unlike the majority of your colleagues, fewer customers meant you could work mostly uninterrupted. Having the shelves fully stocked, neat and tidy at the end also gave you satisfaction, Buck teased you for it endlessly as you’d found yourself doing the same at home, constantly reminding him to rotate the food in the cupboards in date order. 
You glanced at your watch, finding relief that you didn’t have long left of your shift. The display you’d been working on just needed a few finishing touches and then you could go home, shower and spend the day with your boyfriend. You spot your manager walking past, looking beyond stressed as she paces up and down the aisles looking for someone. 
You sigh when her eyes land on you and she begins to make her way over to you. “Y/N, I hate to ask…” she begins. 
“It’s fine, Elise. What’s up?” you reassure her, kicking yourself for the offer, hoping the task won’t take too long. You guessed you weren’t her first choice but you were happy to help if it meant a little more overtime.
You watch the relief wash over her face, happy you weren’t going to be another in what was probably a long line of colleagues who chose to blow her off. “Everyone’s gone home, and you know I wouldn’t ask if I wasn’t desperate but that shelf in the walk-in freezer is broken again, someone’s just left stock all over the floor. I’ve gotta go to an appointment so I can’t stay until open,” she says all at once. 
“Elise, it’s fine. I’ve got it. I’ll just finish up here and then I’ll see what I can do.” 
She flashes you a smile, giving you a clap on the shoulder before turning to leave. “You’re a lifesaver!” Elise tosses you the keys to the store, going over the instructions on how to lock up when you finish, assuring you’d be paid for the overtime. She continues her thank yous as she walks away, leaving you by yourself in the store. 
You pull out your phone, sending a quick text to Buck, ‘might be home a little later, gotta fix something in the walk-in and then lock up. Going to need a hot shower when I get in…maybe someone to join me too?’ You sent with a few emojis. 
Your phone lights up as the three dots appear, then disappear as Buck decides on how to respond. You let out a laugh as your phone buzzes with a new notification, Buck having replied with a few suggestive emojis. 
Pocketing your phone once more, you zip up your jacket as far as it can go and pull on the gloves before heading to the back of the store to the walk-in freezer. You should feel slightly ridiculous at the attire, considering the climate you live in, but they were needed in the biting 0 degrees of the freezer. 
The cool air hits you as soon as the doors open, causing you to suck in a deep breath. Your boss hadn’t been lying when she’d said the stock was everywhere. In fact, she probably hadn’t been entirely truthful with you. Realizing you would probably be in there longer than you thought, you decide to close the door behind you, not wanting to let in the warm air or hear the robotic voice reminding you ‘door open, please close the door,’ on an endless loop. 
Unsure of where to start, you begin by shifting the stock around to give you a bit more room to work. It probably wasn’t the wisest decision to go in with only your jacket, but you knew the sooner you got in, the sooner you would be out of there and you could be on your way home. You shake off the cold, focussing on the task at hand, hoping you will be done soon. 
Your fingers are numb and you’re barely able to grasp at the last few items by the time you are done, the gloves just about doing their jobs none they were damp from the melting ice from the frozen produce. With the shelf finally fixed, you make quick work of restacking the boxes of frozen vegetables and oven fries before turning to leave. 
You give another pull on the handle, surprised as the motion jerks you. You were stuck. Not quite believing it, you give the door handle another hard yank, trying to keep the panic from rising further, but once again the door doesn't budge.  
You try to swallow the anxiety that has risen in your chest as your biggest fear has come true. ‘The safety release, it’s there for a reason. Try that before you panic,’ you thought to yourself as you pulled on the emergency release next. Dread washes over you, the uncomfortable sensation of your stomach dropping with the realization that the door is still jammed tightly shut. 
With all the strength you could muster, you try one more time, hoping it is just a small build up of ice that is preventing your escape. Your strength, however, is of no use. The lever hardly budges. You slam your hands against the freezer food in frustration as you let out a choked sob as you finally admit to yourself that you’re stuck. Turning your back against the freezer door, you allow yourself to slide down, your emotions finally taking over as you let the tears you’ve been holding back escape. 
The tears only made you colder as the moisture hits the cold air. You try, in vain, to stop, hiccupping as you try to choke back the tears; but the fear and anxiety were too much. 
You pull out your phone from your pocket, glancing at the top right hand corner of the screen to see what you had expected; no signal. Elise had likely already left, so you knew there was no point in ringing the safety buzzer either. With no one to call and the store empty, you choked out another sob at the realization that the morning team wouldn’t be in for another hour. 
With the knowledge you wouldn't be able to get out, your mind turns to survival mode. You vaguely remember something from one of the survival shows Buck loved to watch; you needed to keep calm. Panic would only burn energy and your body needs that to keep warm and to survive. 
You glance around, noting the broken down cardboard boxes you’d cleared, sitting by the door to the freezer. You place a few on the floor, hoping it would be enough of a barrier to insulate you from the cold ground. You also spot the roll of saran wrap you know is kept in the freezer to wrap the full cages and begin to frantically unravel the rolls, folding it as you went to make a makeshift blanket. 
You sit down on the insulated floor, wrapping the improvised blanket over your head and around your shoulders. With the remaining cardboard, you cover the rest of your body, hoping it will stave off the chill from the cool freezer air. 
Despite the makeshift shelter, you can’t help the involuntary shivering causing your whole body to convulse as it tries to keep you warm. 
You can gradually feel yourself growing more tired, not sure if it's from the cold air or the effect of the long shift you’d completed, not that you cared either way. 
For once, you’re thankful for the thermal socks and heavy uncomfortable steel toe cap boots, at least your feet are warmer than your hands. You know it’s not looking good for you when you begin to lose the feeling in your fingers, despite having your arms wrapped around you and your hands tucked beneath your armpits. Rubbing your hands up and down your arms helps to warm you some, the action helps to keep your blood circulating, praying to any god who would listen that you’ll make it out of this alive. 
You clumsily fumble your phone from your pocket, with the hope that by some miracle you might have at least one bar of signal, but as suspected, nothing. Checking the time, you sigh, sliding the phone back into your pocket, fumbling it slightly as your fingers are no longer cooperating. 
See the full post
359 notes - Posted August 29, 2022
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