#So Remus was the happiest when they finally got together
Remus Poor Lupin being in the middle of the pinning of James "She only wants to be my friend and I'll respect that" Potter and Lily "I've humiliated him enough and probably doesn't like me like that anymore" Evans.
So they talked how much they liked each other with Remus. Telling him details about each other like "She was so pretty today, Remus. That hair band? Aaargg... It made her hair fall perfectly over her shoulders. And it was shinny today. Did you notice?" and "Did you see the way he smiled at me? He has a good smile. And those teeth are so perfectly white. It is so annoying. More annoying that the sexy way he ruffles his hair making it messier... "
They both forbade Remus to tell the other about their crushes and feelings, being like: "I will stop talking to you, Lupin. I mean it. I will go all ice law on you", and "If you say anything, you would not only betray me but The Marauders as well. Think about that, Moony"
And Remus was constantly rolling his eyes and begging for James and Lily not to be so thick and stupid and BLOODY KISS ALREADY.
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kalegreeneyes · 8 months
Feb 1 - Chocolate - 971 words - @wolfstarmicrofic
“I don’t think you understand how important this is,” Sirius stresses, hands fisting in his own hair and pulling at it in his frustration.
“Why does Moony’s birthday present matter so much this year?” James asks, flopping back on his bed in their dorm while he watches Sirius pace.
“Because it just does okay? It does,” Sirius groans, spinning in place to continue pacing in the opposite direction.
It matters so much to Sirius this year because he finally cast his patronus about a month ago and hasn’t told anyone about it. It matters because he’s finally realized why Moony is different to him than Prongs and Wormtail. When he holed himself up in the room of requirement and ran through his happiest memories until he managed to finally, finally land on one that worked, it just so happened to be the one of Remus's face when they told him about having become animagi for him. He had looked right at Sirius like he just knew it was his idea, and the look of sheer awe on his face had made Sirius feel more important than he ever had in his entire life. So, Sirius had focused on that look in his mind’s eye until the feeling it gave him filled his entire body and burst from the tip of his wand. Sirius had watched with amazement as what he initially thought was a dog, namely Padfoot, started running in the air around the room. Then, it got a bit closer, and Sirius’s heart had nearly given out when he realized that it wasn’t Padfoot at all. It was Moony.
Sirius’s entire world shifted on its axis in that moment. He knew there was something different; something that kept him up at night more frequently than not, something that had him staring at Remus whenever he got the chance–but he just hadn’t put it together. He hadn’t even considered that he could like other blokes until then, but as the light of the patronus faded and left Sirius cast in dim candlelight, it was glaringly obvious that not only could he, he did. So, naturally, he’s spent the entire past month panicking and trying desperately to figure out if there’s any chance at all that Remus could feel the same. It’s made things weird. Very weird. He’s come to the conclusion that he has to rip the bandaid off and show Remus his patronus, but he’s absolutely terrified that it might ruin their friendship. 
“I have something…special for him,” Sirius explains, keeping it vague, “but I’m worried that it might ruin his birthday. And everything else, so. I don’t know what to get him as a back-up present just in case the first thing goes horribly wrong, and it’s tomorrow, and I’m freaking the fuck out!”
“I’ve noticed,” James chuckles unhelpfully. “I don’t really know how to help if you won’t tell me what you’re giving him that might ruin his birthday? But, I mean, you could give it to him on another day?”
“NO! I can’t! It’s kind of a big deal, so it obviously has to be on his birthday!”
“Alright, well. I can’t help you there, but I do have a solid solution for his back-up present,” James smirks, holding up the invisibility cloak in one hand and the Marauders’ Map in the other.
Remus follows Sirius through the doorway into the room of requirement long after everyone else has gone to bed on the night of his birthday, feeling a bit nervous and a lot confused. Sirius has been treating him strangely for the entire past month, and Remus hasn’t been able to get any sense of why. It isn’t like he can become an illegal animagus for him a second time. 
They walk into the center of the open space the room created for them, a few couches and flickering candelabras around the outside of the inner circle where Sirius stops to stand across from him. Sirius just stands there biting his lip and wringing his hands until Remus can’t take it anymore.
“Sirius, why did you bring me here?” he asks, frustration slipping into his tone. It’s been a hard month of not knowing what’s going on.
“I just- I wanted to give you your present, but it had to be in private,” Sirius starts. He swallows harshly, uncertainty apparent in his gaze. “Before I show you, I just want you to know that this doesn’t have to change anything.”
“Okay?” Remus says cautiously.
“Okay. Okay, here goes,” Sirius says on a deep breath, then holds his wand out and closes his eyes. After a few moments, the stunning blue light of a patronus pours out of his wand and fills the room. Remus blinks a few times to adjust, watching dumbfoundedly as the unmistakable form of a wolf sprints over his head. His heart starts hammering in his chest as he brings his gaze back down to Sirius, standing there across from him, looking small and scared.
“Is that–?” Remus asks. Sirius bites his lip and nods with a thick swallow. 
Remus is across the room in a split second, hands on either side of Sirius’s face to pull him into a kiss that was a long time coming. Time stands still for them both, and they’re breathless when they pull away.
“I never could have guessed,” Remus laughs against his mouth. “I thought your present was going to be something normal, like-”
“Chocolate?” Sirius asks, shoving his hands in his pockets and pulling out two full handfuls of chocolate frogs.
Remus laughs and laughs, taking them out of his hands. The next time they kiss, sprawled out on one of the couches five minutes later, Remus could swear that the taste of chocolate has never been sweeter.
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natti-ice · 6 months
Secret Time- Remus Lupin.
Pairing: Remus Lupin x fem!reader
Summary: Remus and Y/N's perfect date gets ruined by his big secret
Warnings: written in third person (she/her pronouns) (1.3k words)
Author’s note: this is a reupload, I wrote this a while ago!
Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated<3
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A plaid red and white blanket laid across the grass, Y/N is sat tossing grapes into the mouth of her boyfriend Remus. The sun had started to set, small candles magically lit around the blanket provided light for the young couple.
Ever since they met, Remus would do anything for her. She had been friends with the Marauders all through school, her friendship was always stronger with Remus. 
There was just something so comforting being around him. He would listen to her when she talked about her problems no matter how small they were. She could feel how pure his love was, sometimes he would get angry but he had it controlled most of the time. He never lashed out at her but he was irritable sometimes. She figured he was just stressed about school.
During their fifth year, their relationship had blossomed into something more. Y/N had asked Remus to help her study for the O.W.L. exams, which he was more than happy to do so. His soft spot for her had only grown over time. He knew she had a crush on him very early on, but he didn't mind it. By the time fourth year came around, He realized that his feelings for her were more than platonic. Their "studying" consisted of reading about something educational for an hour, and goofing off until the late hours of the night. One day Remus finally asked her on a proper date, since it was very evident they liked each other.
They had become the happiest couple at the school. They were truly happy together.
Admiring his girlfriend in the dim light as she watched the night sky appear, he thought about how lucky he was to have her. She was everything he could want in a Woman and more. He daydreamed about his future with her. She spoke, bringing him back into reality
"The moon looks beautiful tonight, doesn't it?"
He looked up to see for himself, A full moon. "shit" he mumbled to himself
"Yeah, it really is" he replied, freaking out on the inside. Abruptly he stood up, he had to get out of there fast. "Y/N I'm so sorry but I just remembered I have a thing." "I'm truly sorry" he swore as he ran off toward a bunch of trees
Y/N didn't know what to say, she sat there confused. Remus had never done that to her, ever. She thought about the events before he ran off, Maybe I said something, she thought.
She waited and waited to see if he would come back. After an hour, it was apparent, He's not coming back. She cleaned up their picnic, she knew there was no use in wasting any more time waiting.
The next morning she woke up feeling sluggish. She stayed up thinking about all the reasons Remus would have runoff. The whole 'I have a thing' was obviously a lie, and not a very good one either. She brushed it off as best she could and started her day. 
It was Saturday, she didn't have any plans so she mindlessly wandered around the castle. Passing by all of the couples who finally got to see each other after a long week, she feared something had shifted in her relationship.
No that's ridiculous, nothing is wrong, she told herself. She needed to find Remus to sort out this confusion.
Strolling through a mostly empty corridor, she heard whispering coming from the intersecting hallway. Footsteps getting louder as she got further. A group of boys turned down her hallway, going the opposite way.
It was her friends, the Marauders. When they saw her, the whispers stopped. 
"Hi guys" She greeted, making them stop
"Hey Y/N what's going on" James asked trying not to make it obvious they were just talking about her.
"Nothing much, have you guys seen Remus today?" She noticed he wasn't with them like he usually was
"Nope haven't seen him" Sirius said scratching the back of his head as if he had no clue of what was going on
"Right." She said, not believing a word "Last night he ran off on our date said he had something to do, any clue what he was talking about?"
"No, but uh we'll let you know if we see him" James sent her a reassuring smile.
"Thanks, I'll see you guys later then" she said walking off turning down the hallway they just came from
They waited till she was out of sight to head to their destination. The hospital wing. 
The boys pushed open the double doors, looking for their friend. Remus was on the far side of the room, sleeping off the events of the night before. They gathered around his bed waiting for him to wake.
"Do you think he'll tell Y/N?" Peter asked after some time
"I hope so, she doesn't deserve to be in the dark" Sirius said
"We'll tell him she was looking for him when he gets up" James added
Last night wasn't as bad as others, he looked all banged up but he's been through worse. Small cuts spread across his chest, bigger cuts wrapped in bandages on his arms. He stirred in the bed, his eyes fluttering open.
"Alright there mate?" Sirius said gently
Remus nodded slightly sitting up in the bed "How long was I out?" he asked
"Not long, few hours" James told him
"Oh my god, I ditched Y/N last night" he said aloud running a hand down his face
"Yeah, she told us" peter nodded 
"Did you guys say anything to her, you know about this?" he asked pointing to the scratches on his body
"Of course not, it's not our place to tell" Sirius spoke for his friends
"Thank you truly, I have to tell her I just don't know how" he admitted "What if she thinks I'm a freak and breaks up with me?" Panic building in his chest
"Hey man this is Y/N we're talking about, that girl has loved you since the day she met you." James started
"James is right, you'd have to do something absolutely crazy to chase her away" Peter smiled
"Plus she already knows you're a freak anyway, this ain't nothing" Sirius chimed in, trying to cheer his best friend up
Remus laughed, he knew they were right but he still was afraid.  "Okay I'll tell her, but right now I'm starving"
The boys helped their friend out of bed, he got dressed in the clothes from the night before. Thanking madam Pomfrey for helping him, Remus and his friends head out the door going to the great hall.
After lunch Remus went looking for Y/N, he needed to explain what happened. Searching throughout the campus for his girlfriend, he couldn't find her in her usual spots. The library, the common room, the courtyard, she wasn't there.
Giving up, he went back to the spot of their date. Walking onto the grass listening to the sound of the wind blowing on the warm spring day. He sat down in the area where he and Y/N had enjoyed themselves until things went south. Playing with the grass, rambling feet came from behind him.
"So you came back" She spoke, sitting next to the tall boy "You look like hell"
"Y/N" he sighed with relief "I was looking for you, I wanted to talk about yesterday. I really want to explain myself, if you'll let me" Remus said looking into her eyes.
She didn't respond, allowing him to proceed.
"I've been keeping something from you, a part of myself that I don't like. When I was a little boy, I was attacked by a werewolf and now every month I suffer the consequences of someone else's actions." He waited to see if her demeanor would change, it didn't
"I didn't tell you because I was afraid you would think less of me, that I was a monster-"
"Hey, Remus look at me. I would never think you were a monster. You are the most important person in my life, nothing could ever change that." she grabbed his hand, rubbing her thumb up and down his. "Thank you for telling me, I know it must've been difficult" she gently smiled
With his free hand, he brought it up to her cheek, cradling her face "I love you, Y/N" he whispered
"I love you too" 
Remus leaned down, connecting their lips in a sweet but passionate kiss. Her hands traveled to his hair deepening the kiss.
 A weight had been lifted off his shoulders, his secret was finally out.
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Tags: @thebiggestnaturaldisaster @madwcman @timbradfordisbae @de-duchess
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fleetingcalypso · 4 months
I am very sorry to bother you, but a very sweet prompt fleeted into my mind as I prepared myself to come out to my parents, and I'd thought I'd share it in the sheer hope you'd read it, enjoy the thought and perhaps write something based on it, if you're comfortable.
Just imagine, you're very close to Sirius Black (you can choose to which degree, platonically, romantically, interested but not together yet, preferably the last because hehe). You've known for a while you were transgender (FtM) but never had the strength to come out, fearing rejection and alienation from the friend group. Just a sweet little comfort fic because I'm anxious as fuck.
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≋ What you're doing is extremely brave, I'm so very proud of you. I wish you the best, friend. Know that whatever goes down, you'll never be judged or rejected here. I'll pray your coming out will be met with love and affection.
≋ Sirius Black x TransMasc!Reader ≋
≋ Word Count: 2285 words.
≋TW: Dysphoria, Misgendering (not done by Sirius)
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Hogwarts seemed intimidating, more than anything. Eleven year old me, sitting in that train, chewing my nails and staring out at the moving scenery, had not the slightest idea that finding friends would be as easy as breathing. At least it is when four troublemakers decide to adopt you into their friend group, barely a week after classes started.
‘The marauders’ they’d call themselves, not so slowly becoming every professor’s nightmare.
They each had something that made them so intriguing. The four of them were attached at the hip, and with me being dragged into their pranks and escapades things only got more entertaining. Even as my house was far away from the castle we studied at, every day I got to spend with them made it feel like I was home, with their jokes and their being able to light up a dull moment with only a couple of words. James, Sirius, Remus and Peter welcomed me in, as one of them.
In the midst of my lowest moments I wondered, would they still accept me if I let my walls down? I sprinkled seeds of the truth here and there: I cut my hair short, I opted for pants instead of the usual skirt, I was at my happiest during winter - when finally I could show off the baggiest of sweaters to conceal the appendages on my chest. It’s not purely a physical discomfort, though. It’s in the little things, small seemingly meaningless moments that no one appears to notice but me. 
People perceive me differently based on how I move even the tiniest of muscles, it is painfully obvious. The boys have never done it, not once, they’ve always treated me as one of them. Never has one of them implied me being weaker, more delicate or called me ‘sweetheart’ in that obnoxious way lots of people do when they’re trying to put me back in my place.
 My head constantly feels underwater with the knowledge that if I were to sit wrong I’d be labeled as a girl, if I walk in a specific way it’ll put attention on my hips, even just standing, unmoving, gives me anxiety. The most insignificant of movements could shoot down the image of me that I want people to see whenever they lay eyes on me.
I feared the worst each time I let my mind tug me into a daydream. Deep down I knew, they’d never turn their back on a friend, but fear nipped at my heels every day. Not only was I hiding who I was from them, but I was lying to their faces about it as well. What hurt me the most, though, was not being able to admit my identity to Sirius.
Sirius Orion Black, he’s been the one that made sure I felt safe around him and the lads. More than once I caught myself being entranced by his words as he let the rest of us know what a nightmare his family life was. He was the total opposite of what his mother wanted him to be, yet that didn’t stop him from being his pure unfiltered self, if anything he enhanced each trait she found disgusting. Sirius wasn’t scared to be his true self, even if it meant going against his blood.
It sparked something in me. My heart has been his, for a long time now.
Sirius, with his raven locks, smooth skin and ever present smirk on his face is the one and only subject of all my dreams. He constantly looks as though he knows everyone’s secrets. The thought makes my stomach twist. When I awake, with the moon still high up in the sky, I almost turn to the pillow beside me, to take a peek at him, they’re that realistic. 
At any rate, if there’s someone that I feel should be the one to know the true me, it is him. I contemplated asking all four of them to meet me, but I don’t think I could rip the bandaid that easily. I want to talk to the one who knows -somewhat- how it feels to have expectations placed on oneself, the one who knows that being someone you’re not is more painful than the Crucio curse itself. Of course our situations are oceans apart: he doesn’t deal with having the need to hide certain parts of my body, or with the numerous wailing moments caused by being born in the wrong body, but I think he'd be the first one to accept me.
I had a whole speech prepared, a letter pages and pages long that I was going to give him, so he could read it without my presence, but as I hear his footsteps approaching me, I can imagine him already. His wand resting behind his ear and tie loosened, hands comfortably and nonchalantly situated in the pockets of his jeans with his luscious hair possibly styled into a bun.
“You’ve been rather gloomy lately, mate.” His foot taps my leg, before he lowers himself to sit next to me. We’ve always enjoyed sitting in the astronomy tower together, in the short span of time between a prank or two. Here, we don’t have to worry about being something else, we’re just humans admiring the stars. In hindsight, I should have figured out he knew I’d be hiding out here, as for my ‘being gloomy’, well, I thought I’d done a good job pretending. Apparently not. It makes me wonder if he’s seen through all of my white lies.
“You know how it is, life is hard.” I turn to him, expecting a silly joke like ‘Life is hard, but I’m harder’, something stupid to cheer me up as he usually does, but said joke never makes it into reality. He’s not even smiling, his lip is caught between his teeth in a clearly troubled look, it doesn’t suit him. No trace of a bun holding his luscious hair in place, what a shame.
“Are you okay though?” He whispers, even if we are the only beating hearts in the room and the sincerity in his voice almost brings me to tears. “I mean it when I say you haven’t been yourself lately.” I haven’t fully been myself for ages, but he doesn’t know that. Of course he doesn’t. I’ve been everything but myself. Oh, how many times have I hoped I could just rip my chest apart and rid myself of this body that doesn’t belong to me, before emerging from the depth of it as the man I know I am.
My tongue is threatening me to run faster than my mind. ‘I’m a man’ I want to shout, ‘I have always been a man, from the moment I was born, and I hope you can accept me for what I am.’ It sounds so easy in my head, which is why I hate it more than anything when my throat dries up as soon as I part my lips. His gaze falls to them, but it comes back up to meet my eyes when only a sigh escapes from them.
In being faced with my hesitation he speaks again, a subtle comforting smile on his face, “Hey, I’m not holding you hostage. You don’t have to talk about it, if you don’t feel like it.” His elbow meeting my side in a gentle shove sends my heart ablaze, it is just a simple touch, not even skin on skin, yet it makes my entire body warm up.
“If one day you woke up and saw that you were trapped in a cage, what would you do?” I tentatively ask, testing the waters of the ocean I know I am going to dive in today. My question causes a corner of his lips to tilt upwards, “I’d pick the lock,” He says, as if the solution would be that easy. I foolishly hope it was.
“What if there is no lock to pick? What if you could escape it, but you’d have to face one of the biggest fears in your life in order to do so?” 
His answer, before I can even finish the last syllable, “I’d do it. If it means freedom, I’d do anything. You know it.” His hand rests on my shoulder, I can feel his thumb pressing into my muscles, more than anything I want to hug him and confess my reality with my face hidden in his neck. But I don’t. I’m tired of hiding. My life has turned into a twisted version of hide and seek, where I’m both the seeker and the one hiding. I seek a day where I won’t have to hold back anymore, a day where I’ll be able to use a masculine pronoun without expecting weird looks towards me, yet I hide away in the darkness, afraid of the future, afraid of losing everything I’ve built so far. 
I’ve built mansions, cathedrals, palaces with precarious foundations and I think the time has come to fix that. 
“What’s with all the philosophical talk today? Cages and fears and whatnot. Is it a new idea for a prank? Because if it is you need to hear one James had just a while ago-”
“I’ve been lying to you, Sirius.” I confess with the taste of bile in the back of my throat. The letter I had prepared and read so many times I’d memorized it sits deep in the pockets of my pants, I’m running on no script and no idea of where this conversation will bring us. I have no patience to hear what he might say, so I don’t even stop to breathe before I speak again.
“I’ve been lying to all of you, even to myself at times. I want to preface this by saying that I understand if this is confusing to you, or if you don’t understand where this is coming from but I am not the girl you boys befriended all those years ago. I’ve never been a girl, not once, but this doesn’t mean I’ve been faking to be your friend. I’m still the friend that helped you get out of detention, I’m still the friend that sent professors down the wrong hallway when they would ask for you mid prank preparation, I’m still the friend that would do your essays for you in exchange for part of your food at lunch. I’m still your friend, just not the friend you thought you had.” The words flow out like a river overflowing, it is only as I say the last word that I notice the tears rolling down my cheeks, “I’m not a girl,” I say again, my voice cracking in a sob, “I’m a guy.” 
The grip he had on my shoulder tightens for a moment before he lets out the loudest sigh of relief I’ve ever heard, “By Merlin’s beard, you scared me half to death there.” His other hand rests on his chest, most likely trying to relax his beating heart that, if it’s pounding half the speed of mine, then it must be fighting tooth and nail to escape his ribcage. Something halfway through another sigh and a chuckle comes from him as his head shakes, “So, you’re a bloke, huh? Is that what you’re telling me?” 
I nod, swallowing the gulp stuck in my throat, I can’t force myself to make a sound. The arm wrapping itself around my shoulder and pulling me into Sirius takes me by surprise, “You were always one of the lads, mate.” He says, grinning ear to ear, “Thank you for telling me. I can’t imagine this was easy for you…” The weight on my back does not abandon me completely, it is only the tiniest amount lighter. The first step is taken, there is no going back, little by little he’ll be able to uncover all of me. One small step at a time. Now it is no time to let him know how the only things I smelled while brewing amortentia was his cologne, butterbeer and the occasional cigarette. 
I don’t know what else to say, it feels like I just lept from a flying broom awaiting contact with the ground, but the crash never comes, my bones never break and no absurd pain breaks through me. “Thank you for still being here.” I choke out. His thumb runs over the corners of my eyes, the silver rings on his fingers graze my hot skin, “Thank you for telling me.” He repeats, dragging my body closer to his in a warm hug, “I want you to know, telling the others, that’s your choice. I won’t say a word. There’s no rush. I’ll even hold your hand while you do it.”
I melt in his arms. His last remark, as teasing as it was, is enough to pull a smile out of me. “I’ll make sure to let you know whenever I’m ready so you can wash your hands first. Who knows what you’ve touched.”
“Wow, rude much.” Sirius holds me for what feels like a lifetime. They say Hogwarts is the safest place there is, but I think I’ve found a worthy adversary to that claim. We don’t say anything, I said my piece and he listened. That’s all that was important. One day I’m going to have to tell James, Remus and Peter as well, but that can wait for now. The worst is done. 
“Do you feel a little more free now?” He murmurs in my ear, “Has that cage began to feel like something you could escape from?”
“Yes.” And I mean it when I say it. The future looks brighter than it ever has.
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starstruckwillows · 2 years
Hi I’d like to request a reader x Remus lupin.
Reader is best friends with lily, and she’s dating readers brother (James) reader confronted lily about treating him badly and they said things and ended up arguing for a long period of time until lily walked off.
Reader doesn’t speak to anyone for a while which isn’t normal cause they usually talk to Remus or James but she doesn’t,
Later on she goes to lily and she tells her she shouldn’t have a friendship with her cause she’s bad for them and James. (She’s not the nicest in this fic)
Reader then goes to Remus and he holds them. Sirius is even there too and they cuddle and watch movies as the hold eachother.
♡ disbelief - r.l ♡
i would like to make a formal apology to jily in this fic, so sorry my loves 😭
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starstruckwillows 🂱
pairing; remus lupin x potter!reader
category; htc
summary; you try to help your brother out with his toxic relationship, but lily isn't holding back
warnings/content; lily is ooc and not nice, mentions of toxic relationship, bit of swearing, insults
other; gender neutral reader, reader's hogwarts house is not specified, reader is adopted, they're in the same year
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after watching james pine for lily for so long, you were the happiest for him when they got together. you saw his excitement.
for a little while, anyway. it began to dull, and you all noticed. james didn't talk to everyone as much as he used to. he didn't participate in pranks he used to love. he rarely smiled. he begun skipping quidditch practice, feigning illness so the reserve captain stepped in.
the final straw was when he missed his house match against ravenclaw, causing the loss on gryffindor's part, and subsequently being eliminated from the house cup running.
you tried to talk to him about his strange behaviour, but he brushed it off,
"i don't know what to say, i'm just growing up a bit."
some part of that hit you the wrong way, your hand that was tossing the snitch up and down stilled, "and i'm not? remus, sirius, peter? we're what, below you now?"
you expected him to say that's not what he meant, but he simply shrugged, "maybe. look, i've got things to do, so if that's all? also, put that snitch back please, you're not meant to have it out."
he left before you could answer, leaving you in a bit of shock. shock that you snapped out of when you saw him walk across the hall, link arms with lily, and not even spare you a backwards glance on his way to study group.
there was no harm in your brother being a little more responsible. there was no problem with him stepping up in a relationship. there was no issue with studying for his upcoming exams.
but over the next month, you noticed it wasn't like that. he'd completely changed himself for lily. changed as in, changed his favourite food to something less sugary. changed as in, didn't go to his favourite hogsmeade shop anymore. changed as in, swapped half his wardrobe to clothes lily liked. changed as in barely spoke to his friends anymore.
you and james were always close. and you didn't know what to do now. who did you normally go to for advice? james.
agitated and concerned, you saw lily standing alone, waiting for her friend to come out of class, so you took the opportunity.
"hey, lils, can we talk quickly?"
she turned to you, with the fakest half smile you've ever seen (was she trying at all?) while she fidgeted with her bag strap.
"oh, hey potter. sure, i've got a few minutes."
you let out a breath, determined to be civil, "i'm really happy you and james are together, and i'm sure he is too, but i've sort of noticed he's changing himself."
lily visibly bristled, "are you accusing me-"
"no, no," you rushed, "i'm not saying you've asked him to! maybe he just feels a bit pressured and you could talk to him about it? let him know that he doesn't have to change, you know what i mean?"
"why can't you?"
you sighed, "i did try. but i think it has to come from you. he really likes you and-"
lily cut you off, "he loves me, y/n. and maybe you just need to back off and let him mature, because the four of you have always held him back. i've been waiting for him to grow up for a long time, and i won't let you sabotage our happiness because you're jealous that you aren't the most important thing in his life anymore!"
you halted, like you'd been slapped.
"i- what? lily, that's not-"
she wasn't done, scoffing, "you're not even his real family y/n. let it go."
that struck a cord in you, anger bubbling in your throat like acid, "excuse me? james is my brother, how fucking dare-"
she snapped, "save it!" before stalking away as the class she was waiting for came out.
feeling slightly catatonic in your surprise, you seemed to move on default the castle grounds, finding the wall of bushes that gave way to a tiny clearing on the edge of the forest. surely other people knew of it, but in your time at hogwarts you'd never run into anyone.
you loved james, remus, sirius and peter, but if a quiet break was necessary, this was where you'd go.
curling up against the foot of the tree trunk that had been stripped smooth, you tried to sort through your thoughts, to filter and process.
one thing you knew for sure was that your brother was not as happy as you'd thought. he lived for those sugar quills, for pranks, for that hogsmeade tea room, for oversized varsity jackets he saw on american muggle television, for his friends and family.
maybe you outgrow some of the things you love as a teenager, but not all at once, and not so quickly and completely.
for the next week, you hardly spoke to anyone. you didn't ditch them, unlike james, you just drew into yourself a little. you'd cut off your friendship with lily, and that seemed to have been the only way you still saw your brother.
he didn't even say hello to you anymore.
when your parents wrote that weekend, you didn't know what to reply. but you weren't a snitch, so you said nothing, other than that you were excited for your upcoming birthday.
really, the thought of the day filled you with dread. because you didn't even know if james would acknowledge it. it was like a countdown to the final test of whether your brother had completely left you behind.
just as you feared, nothing.
"lilyflower, it's their birthday, i really should be there-"
"james, you guys aren't even actually related."
"we are, blood isn't everything, you know that!"
"don't drag my family into this!"
"okay, sorry, sorry. can i just give them a card though?"
"if you must."
you'd overheard their conversation the night before. but no card ever reached you.
there were no tears in your eyes, just a deep, settled, tired ache in you bones. a dull sadness lodged in your heart that you couldn't find the energy to care about.
flopping onto the sofa upon your friends' invite, a birthday badge on your robes gifted to you by peter that was almost falling off, remus didn't need to ask. everyone knew what was wrong.
the entirety of your hogwarts year had been trying not to look at you in a way that could be taken as pity. nobody wanted pity. they offered you happy birthdays and good wishes instead, unoffended when your smile was not convincing.
"c'mere." remus muttered, gently pulling you into his side and wrapping an arm around you. scotland was never warm, but he was a walking radiator.
sirius eventually joined the two of you with a dramatic sigh, "i know what we have to do."
the two of you looked up at the raven haired boy with hope, wondering if he'd found a way to reinstate your brother's true self.
but no, his solution was simply for your mood. almost as good.
he rigged up an old muggle television, positioning it in the corner of the common room where the group of you often sat.
with a yawn, half a film in and quite comfortable tucked into remus, you asked, "is pete coming back from detention anytime soon?"
"no, he's meeting up with his secret date." remus shrugged, the movement of his shoulders nudging you slightly. he muttered an apology, tucking your hair behind your ear as you resettled.
"how'd you know if it's a secret?" sirius demanded.
"he's pretty obvious mate."
remus got an eye roll in response, "i'm always the last to know these things."
their banter continued, the television continued, and things felt a little better.
that time next year, all five of you sat there once again, consoling james as he returned to his true self with many needed apologies, you and remus sitting significantly closer than ever before, sirius interrogating peter about his date, and overall just slowly returning to normal.
your next birthday was much better.
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@anordinarymuse @ellora-brekker
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messers-moony · 3 years
Gone | R.L
Paring: Remus Lupin X Fem!Potter!Reader
Summary: Remus gets extreme deja vu when Harry asks to learn the Patronus charm.
“Come on, James!” Remus exclaimed to the frustrated boy, “You got this. Think of something happy.”
James sighed, “I am!”
“Obviously not.” Sirius retorted, smirking with his arms crossed.
“What’re you thinking of, James?” Y/n asked.
“Hanging out with you guys.”
Remus paced, “What about that summer?”
“Which one?” James retorted.
“The summer where we all hung out at your guys’ place?” Remus recalled, “We all went to that muggle beach and hung out.”
“Try it, James.”
The spell was complex. Even for NEWT level students, it was tricky to complete. But just like everything else, Sirius and Remus excelled in doing it. They were always the smarter ones in the group, whether Sirius acted like it or not. The boy was indeed quite brilliant for his age. James almost wanted to blame it on his upbringing.
James sighed and relaxed all his muscles. He was taking a deep breath in and exhaling just as deep, thinking of that particular summer. The summer going into their sixth year. Sirius was splashing around in the ocean. Remus was reading a book with Y/n sleeping on his chest beneath the thing they called an umbrella. Lily was lying beside him with Marlene, talking up a storm.
He raised his wand and muttered the incantation, “Expecto Patronum.”
Silver streams began to form from his wand. It took a minute before it developed a true corporeal Patronus. Y/n gasped and smiled brightly. Sirius was smirked victoriously, and Remus was smiling. James had done it. After so many days of working at it, James finally did it!
“James, look!”
Expectantly James opened his eyes and saw a silver stag prancing around the room. His eyes could’ve filled with tears at the relief of finally accomplishing the spell. His smile was airy, and weight had just been lifted from his shoulders. Suddenly he felt ten times lighter, as if he was walking on clouds.
“It’s- It’s a stag.”
Sirius snorted, “No shit.”
Remus felt an extreme sense of deja vu when Harry asked him to perform the Patronus charm. He almost wanted to say no. It brought back so many memories of sitting in an empty classroom with his friends all around him as he helped James perform the spell. It took hours and many late nights, but James had finally succeeded.
Harry came in and began to observe the room around him, “You're sure about this, Harry? This is very advanced magic. Well beyond Ordinary Wizarding Level.”
“If Black can fight the Dementors, I need to know how too.”
James and Harry were so similar in many ways. Their stubbornness and their strive to know more. It made Remus stare longer than intended because all he could hear was James’ voice, “Remus, I need to know this!”
“Very well. The spell I'm going to teach you is called the Patronus Charm. Ever hear of it?” Harry shook his head, “A Patronus is a kind of positive force. For the wizard who can conjure one, the Patronus works something like a shield. The Dementor feeds on it instead of him.”
The trunk Remus had in his office began to rattle; he snapped his fingers to bring Harry’s attention back on him, “But in order for it to work, you must think of a memory. And not just any. This memory needs to be a very happy one. And powerful.”
Harry nodded in response, “Got something? Good. Let it fill you up. Lose yourself in it. Then speak the incantation: Expecto Patronum.”
“Without your wand...” Remus added.
“Expecto Patronum...”
Professor Lupin smiled, “Right then. Shall we?”
Harry nodded and raised his wand as Remus began to open the trunk, “Concentrate, Harry. Concentrate...”
Y/n whined, “You aren’t concentrating, James!”
“I am, though!” James spat frustratedly, throwing his wand across the room, “I’m really trying!”
“I don’t get it!” James continued, “How come you can do it perfectly, and I can’t.”
“Because I have a happy memory.” Y/n replied.
James turned, “What’s your memory, huh?”
She and Remus blushed, “Probably best you don’t know.”
The case flung itself opened, “Expecto... Patronum...”
The candles began to flicker as coldness filled the room. Harry started to tremble, staring at the dementor cloaked in its darkness as it continued to get closer to him, “Expecto... Expecto...” His wand clattered to the floor.
“Riddikulus!” Remus shouted, and the Boggart was sent back into the case.
Remus fished through his pocket to grab a chocolate frog and placed it into Harry’s trembling hand, “Quickly.”
Harry took a bite, “That's one nasty Dementor.”
“Boggart, Harry. The real thing would be much, much worse.” Professor Lupin informed, “Just out of interest, what were you thinking of? What memory did you choose?”
“The first time I rode a broom.”
“That's not good enough, Harry. Not nearly.”
“Remus, I promise I’m trying!”
Remus sighed, “I know that, James, but your happy memory isn’t good enough.”
“How is my little sister being born not good enough!”
“Do you even remember it?”
James looked offended, “‘Course I do! It was the day that I learned to love someone more than myself.”
“As touching as that is.” Sirius interjected, “We need a new memory.”
James groaned.
Harry looked toward the window, “There's another. It's not happy exactly. I mean, it is. It's the happiest I've ever felt. But it's... complicated.”
“Is it strong?”
Remus could see Harry’s big green eyes staring back at him, the way Lily used to when she was desperate. It was the same look she gave him, begging to have James ask her out one last time after he claimed on giving up on her. It was the last time he ever saw that look in her eyes.
“Then let's try it.”
He took a deep breath, “Think, Harry, think-“
“Just do it!”
Remus blinked and opened the trunk again. The dementor appeared again. The dry coldness filled the air once more. Harry’s hair began fluttering as the breeze of cold began to hit him. He clenched his jaw staring at the cloaked figure before him.
“Expecto Patronum!”
Despite his trembling, he continued to hold his wand. A silver stream flew from his wand, making a barrier between himself and the dementor. The cloaked figure began to falter, and Harry’s legs felt like Jello. Professor Lupin stood in front of him before removing it once more. The dementor disappears in the case, and Harry lets his arm drop.
Remus stares at him with the same proud look he gave James, “Well done.”
“I think I've had enough. For today.”
The Marauders made their way up to the boy's dormitory. Sirius had fallen upon his bed staring at the ceiling. Remus had pulled Y/n to lay in front of him with his back against the headboard. James flipped face-first onto his bed. He was groaning upon feeling the soft material beneath him.
“I think I've had enough. For today.”
Sirius snickered, “Jokes on you, mate. You have Quidditch practice in an hour.”
“Cancel it.”
“No.” Sirius replied, “We go against Slytherin in just a couple of days. We need this practice.”
James scoffed, “We don’t need it.”
Y/n and Remus chuckled at the bickering boys. Remus knew that in an hour, he’d have to let her go so she could do her duty as Seeker, but he didn’t want to. He wanted to make more happy memories with her, more memories to create a Patronus with. He dug his nose into her hair, breathing in deeply.
If Remus tried hard enough, he could still smell her shampoo or her perfume. He sat on the same stairs Harry had moments ago, watching the night fade slowly. The stars were bright, and he could make out almost every constellation. Sirius and him used to sit in the Astronomy tower together mainly after Sirius got a letter from his parents. So he’d talk about the stars and what they mean.
Pitifully Remus waved his wand, “Expecto Patronum.”
A beautiful silver wolf appeared from the tip of his wand. It jumped around him and looked around cluelessly as if looking for something. Tears filled Remus’ eyes as he stared at the glittering wolf that was slowly disappearing but prancing around the room, looking for its old friend. The beautiful female wolf that used to nuzzle its nose and lick its cheek.
“It’s gone.” Remus croaked, “It’s all gone.”
The wolf had dissipated into thin air and had left a crying Remus sitting on the stairs.
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hiiiii ! i hope you’re having a lovely day ! may i please request sirius black x daughter ! reader set at the beginning of the order of the phoenix in grimmauld place where sirius and the reader meet for the first time since he was sent to azkaban and he finds out that the malfoys got custody of her ? 🥺🌷
Finally Together
Pairing: Sirius Black x Daughter! reader
Warning: Angst, fluff and mentions of death.
Word count: 869.
A/N: I really enjoy writing Sirius daughter! reader. I'm sorry this took a lot of time but I hope you like it. Also, English is my second language so please let me know if there's any grammar/spelling mistakes I can fix. *GIF not mine, credits to the owner*
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"I really don't want to do this, Rem" You muttered walking down the hall, not really sure of what you were about to do.
The meeting has just ended and it was time to reunite, for the first time in years, with Sirius Black, your father. "I'm not ready" you whispered again to Remus, who was by your side. "What if he doesn't like me? or... what if he is upset with the fact that I belong to Slytherin? He hates Slytherin, right? what if he hates me? What if-
"Y/N!" Remus interrupted you placing a hand on your shoulder to comfort you. "Everything is going to be okay, he's very excited to see you."
You nodded taking a deep breath, your hands slightly shaking as you opened the door to the room where he was waiting for you.
To be honest, you couldn't remember him very well but you do remember the feeling of being with him, the love he gave you, the games he played with you, even some stories he used to tell you before going to bed. You were happy with him by your side but suddenly everything changed. For many years you couldn't understand what happened to Sirius. You grew up with everyone around you always telling you the monster he was. You never denied it, the evidence was clear, but something inside you didn't want to believe it. It was until a few months ago when Remus and Harry told you the truth that you finally felt relieved. When you entered the room he was standing in front of the chimney. He looked different from the pictures Remus once show you: taller, slimmer, even tired. "Hey there..." you said softly.
Sirius turned around shocked. A lock of black lustrous hair, just like yours, fell over his face. "Wow," he exclaimed with a bright smile walking towards you to give you a hug. "Look at you! as beautiful as your mother."
You froze in place, wide-eyed still not believing the fact that your father was finally in front of you.
Sirius stopped in his tracks. His smile quickly fading away from his face. "Oh. Umm... I- I'm sorry... I didn't-" he cleared his throat nervously. An awkward silence quickly filled the small room.
Suddenly, you wrap your arms around your father's neck. "I missed you." You mumbled.
The hug caught Sirius off guard, he wasn't used to this kind of affection but he couldn't help to kiss your forehead. "I missed you too, kiddo." Sirius' heart filled with guilt realizing how much of your life he'd missed. "So..." Sirius began "aren't you too young for being a member of The Order of the Phoenix?"
"I'm an adult" you answered with a chuckle "besides, I'm not an official member. I just provide some intel from the Malfoy's manor.
"What?" He asked "why would you accept that?" he exclaimed raising his voice. "I didn't have a choice!" you snapped crossing your arms. "After mum passed away a few months after you were sent to Azkaban I didn't have a place to go," your heart clenched at the mention of your mum, who was killed by some deatheaters. "Narcissa was my closest relative so... I can't say those were the happiest days of my life but they provided me a place to sleep and daily food." You walked towards the window avoiding Sirius' concerned gaze. "Things started to get better when I got sorted in Slytherin, they thought they can control me, make me one of them but I always fought back. "
Sirius' eyes softened, realizing he wasn't the only one living in a prison all these years. "I'm... sorry..." he murmured. "I wish I was there for you. I was... well, you know the story."
"Yeah" you replied, facing him again. "But why you didn't escape before? why you gave up on your innocence?"
Your father looked back to the fireplace inhaling a deep breath and blowing it slowly.
"Why now?" you insisted.
"Harry..." he whispered. "He was in danger..."
"What?!" you shouted throwing your arms up not believing what he just said.
 "Why everything is always about Harry?
Your dad shook his head to you. The question caught him off guard. "He needed me... I- I needed to avenge-
"Where were you when your own daughter needed you?" you abruptly said, tears running down your now red cheeks.
"You're right," he said, carefully wiping away your tears. "Sorry about your mother I have no idea," he whispered. "If I had known before I would've done things differently. I was so ashamed of myself I thought you were better without me."
You sniffed and looked up at him "Don't leave me again"
"Never baby, I promise" Sirius smiled and kissed your temple. "Now... tell me about that two months detention you gained after pranked Snivellus with the Weasley twins."
"Oh," you laughed nervously, "Remus told you huh?... are you mad?"
"Mad?" He exclaimed "I couldn't have done better! Tell me more... please"
You smiled and both sat on a sofa near the chimney. You both talked for hours and hours ignoring everything outside that room. You two were finally together and nothing else mattered.
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celestialevie · 3 years
Take a risk // Sirius Black x f! reader
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Pairings: Sirius Black x f! reader, Lily Evans x platonic f! reader
Genre: Fluff
Summary: Your best friend Lily Evans is getting married and you're the maid of honour. The best man? The nortorious Sirius Black.
Warnings: Swearing
Word count: 3.1k
A/N: Here I am once again with posting super late, lol. I am so sorry for not posting anything last weekend but I was having serious back pain I couldn't sit for long time and I just recovered from being sick. I hope you guys enjoy this!!
When the wedding invitation arrived at your adress, seeing James and Lily's names on it, made you the happiest for your best friend. Ever since she admitted to you about having feelings for James long before anyone from Hogwarts knew. The only thing that surprised you is how quickly they got engaged, but you couldn't blame neither James or Lily for wanting to lock it down after spending so many years wasted. Lily and you met back in summer of 1976 when The Evans family was on a vacation in France. You're also a witch but also half a veela, attending Beauxbatons. During the school year, we've sent each other letters but as soon as the summer starts, we're already planning how to meet up again. She became your closest friends and you were looking forward to finally meet the friendship group of James and Lily or as Lily said they like to call each other ' the marauders ', especially Remus since Lily thought you and Remus would be perfect for each other. About a month before the wedding you've arrived in England, staying at Potter's Manor per both bride and broom's request. The portkey sent you to the station 9 3/4 , from where you apparated just a bit around the corner where the Potter Manor is, incase some wandering muggles were to see you. As you walked up to the door, about to knock/ring the bell, the door flew open and the furry of red hair was all you saw before you were jumped. '' Y/n oh I'm so happy you're finally here!!'' she was hugging you tight as you laughed. '' Merlin, Lily you almost gave me a heart attack. I'm happy to be here. It would be lovely if you would let me inside so I can breathe properly. '' you chuckled as she released you from the hug. '' Oh right, sorry. Come in, everyone is excited to meet you. Well almost everyone. Sirius is currently out of town for a few days, but he's also excited to meet you. '' she leads you over to the living room where bunch of people are sitting and chatting. '' Everyone, this is y/n. Y/n this is everyone. '' Lily introduces you. A tall guy with sandy hair and scars on his face is first to get up and introduce himself. '' It's nice to meet you. You must be Remus, right? '' you shake his hand with a smile. He's definitely handsome man. '' Correct. It's nice to meet you as well. Lily told me a lot about you. '' he grins. '' Only good things I hope. '' you laugh as a slightly shorter guy with dark brown hair and brown eyes with glasses approaches you. '' Well if it isn't the famous James Potter. '' he laughs as he hugs you. '' It's nice to see you again, y/n. You look just as hideous as the first time I met you. '' you gasp in fake horror. '' Such a crude words to the only woman who's the bride's getaway driver. '' you wink at Lily, making her shake her head as she laughs. '' I forgot how riddiculous you two act when you're together. '' a shorter guy with dirty blonde hair approaches you and introduces himself as Peter. '' Oh it's so nice to meet the one marauder who is slightly rational. '' you smile at him as you shake his hand. The girls known as Marlene, Dorcas and Mary introduce themselves, before you finally get to the hosts of the house. Euphemia and Fleamont Potter. '' Hello Mr. and Mrs. Potter, thank you so much for letting me stay with you until the wedding. '' you approach them and shake their hands, but Euphemia brings you into a hug. '' It's very lovely to have another female in the house. Lily and me definitely aren't enough to keep these three boys in check. '' you laugh. '' I'm sure you manage just fine. Just wait until James give you an heir. It's gonna be even bigger mess then. '' Euphemia laughs and you all sit down and chat for a while, before Lily and James take you upstairs and show you where you will be staying. '' So this is your room for now. Sirius' room is right across from yours, and mine is just a bit down the hall. my parents' room is on the second floor so you don't have to worry about anything. I hope you like the room. '' James gives you a quick side hug before returning downstairs, leaving you with Lily. She closes the door, and the
minute she does it, both of you scream out of happiness and hug each other. '' It's still a shock to me you're actually getting married to the person you hated like three years ago. And the fact that you choose me as your maid of honour is just as crazy to me. I'm surprised you didn't pick Marlene or Mary or Dorcas.'' she gives you a mean look. '' Don't sell yourself short. While I adore all three of them, you're the one who knows all of my secrets. Of course you're the one I want to be the closest by my side. They're gonna be bridesmaids. Remus and Peter are groomsmen along with Frank Longbottom, Mary's boyfriend and he shared the dorm with boys, he's very close friend of ours. '' Lily and you sat on your bed for awhile and chatted before you decided to go back down and join the others.
That's how the next couple of days went. You would spend time with Potters, sometimes you would go on a lunch with Remus (who ended up being a very close friend, neither of you interested in other romantically). Until the day Sirius Black finally showed up, back from his trip. '' Hello family, I'm back home! '' but you were the only one there. Euphemia and Fleamont were working at the ministry while James and Lily decided to go on a date. They wanted to bring you with them, but you didn't feel like being a third wheel. '' Sorry, no family, just me. You must be the famous Sirius Black. '' you shake his hand. '' That I am. I assume you're y/n, Lily's best friend? '' you nod your head. ''Correct. I assume they didn't expect you to show up, because Lily and James are out on a date, while Fleamont and Euphemia are working. '' he nods his head in agreement. '' Yeah I was supposed to come back tomorrow but felt like coming home one day early. '' there's a moment of silence until you break it. '' Oh you must be exhausted from your trip, don't mind me. I'll be out of your way, I planned on going to explore the town. '' You quickly get your things and put on jacket and shoes. '' Oh you're not a bother at all. Would you mind if I joined you? I feel like Lily would bite my head off if I let you go alone. '' you laugh at that. '' I don't want to be a bother. I've been here once or twice before so I definitely know around the city at least a bit. '' He shakes his head. ' Nonsense. I would be happy to keep you company, let me just go quickly change my clothes and we can go then, okay? '' he smiles at you. '' Sure. I'll be waiting here. '' he quickly runs upstairs, changing into a different clothes, before rushing back down. '' Okay, I'm ready to go. '' and with that you leave the house, deciding to apparate somewhere closer to the center of town. As you're walking around the town, you're slowly warming up to him. You weren't immune to his charm, despite the rumours about him that even are going around in Beauxbatons. As much as he was charming you, you told yourself not to get attached during your temporary stay here. While it is definitely not a huge distance between England and France, it's just something you can't make your heart go through. '' Lily never told me she has such a beautiful friend. I'm surprised she kept you this long to herself. Well besides Prongs, I know you met him once or twice. '' Sirius winks at you, the heat rushing to your cheeks. '' Oh don't get too ahead of yourself. Didn't Lily warn you about me being half veela? Maybe I'm using my veela charm to seduce you. '' you wiggle your eyebrows, making him break out in laugh. '' I've been around some veelas and half veelas before, you're nothing like them trust me, I would've known if you're using your charm. '' his answers makes you raise your eyebrows in curiousity. '' Oh? I mean I heard some things about you back in Beauxbatons, I always just thought they were made up rumours, but now it makes me think, some of them might be true. '' he sighs. '' Well I did sleep with one or two of them, but nothing out of ordinary, not sure what kind of rumours you've heard about me. '' he shrugs. '' Wait are you implying they used their veela charm to seduce you in their bed? Because that is highly illegal and very wrong. '' Sirius shakes his head. '' Not at all, I was mostly just joking, both sides were consentual. '' '' Oh, okay. '' you keep walking around, just talking small things for about an hour before you decided to go back, assuming at least James and Lily have came back from their date.
The next weeks have gone by quickly. You've grown quite close to the group and it's definitely a good thing. Sirius and you have gone out a few more times on a walks, sometimes alone, sometimes with everyone else in the group, or with just the rest of marauders and Lily. He's definitely quite a flirty person and you're not sure how you feel about it. Today Lily, you, Marlene, Mary and Dorcas are going wedding dress shopping, along with the dress for you and the bridesmaids. Boys decided to go suite shopping as well, later on everyone meeting for a lunch. As you arrived at the bridal shop, you were surprised how many wedding dresses there actually was (which I know is to be expected in a bridal shop, but there's so many choices to pick from). '' Oh wow, this is a good shop you've picked Lily. Are you sure you won't be overwhelmed? Cause I'm not even the bride and I feel slightly overwhelmed. '' Lily chuckled. '' It's my second time here. I narrowed down the choices of dresses I like, so let's get to picking. '' everything was amazing, the shop assistant offered us champagne, we all enjoyed and everyone was all giggly. After deciding and agreeing with Lily on what dress she should pick, it was your turn to choose. There were many beautiful dresses to choose from, but once your eye caught the dress in y/f/c, you had to try it on. As soon as you tried it on, you knew it was the one. As you walked out to show it to the girls, they all agreed you had to pick that one. '' It's a no brainer, y/n. It looks amazing on you. '' Marlene said. While you were trying on your dress, the girls decided on a lilac colour but different styles of dresses. It was time to meet up with the guys for the lunch.
As the wedding day was coming closer and closer, the more Sirius and you grew closer. It was frustraiting that you allowed yourself because you're just waiting for one day to wake up and realise you've caught feelings for him. You going back to France the day after the wedding is the biggest reason you're refusing to allow yourself to fall for Sirius, no matter how lovely he is. Well as lovely as you can get considering all the shit he went through with his pureblood fanatic family. You adored your family, and you're too afraid what would happened if you were to move to England.
About a week before the wedding, Sirius and you were the first ones awake, so you decided to go get a breakfast for everyone together. As you're walking towards the bakery, he strikes up a conversation. '' How did you sleep? '' '' It was alright. You? '' Sirius gives a slight nod. '' It was good. So I was wondering what are your plans today, if you have any? '' he takes a short glance at you before continuing to look ahead of him. '' Well besides this short trip to the bakery, I don't think so. Why? '' you take a look at him. His shoulder lenght black hair is tied up into a ponytail, his beard neatly cleaned up, and it looks very soft, making you want to touch it. Shaking off your thoughts, you notice he's looking at you as well. '' I wanted to know if you'd like to go on a date with me. Tonight. '' It's safe to say you're shocked. You definitely didn't see that coming. '' Oh Sirius '' you let out a sigh as you stop and gently place both of your hands on each side of his face. '' I would've loved to go out with you on a date, but I have to be honest with you. I'm going back to France the day after the wedding. I can't allow myself to fall for you and then go back to France. I really like you, I do. '' you say as you gently swipe your thumb over his cheekbone. His beard was as soft as it looked. He nods, putting his hand on top of yours. '' Thank you for being honest with me, l' ange. '' You smile at him. '' You shouldn't speak french to me, it's gonna make me fall for you, we don't want that. '' he only smiles cheekily before placing a kiss on your cheek, continuing to walk forward to the bakery. It's gonna be one long week. After you come back with breakfast everything seems fine. Nothing out of ordinary, Sirius continues to act like you didn't say no to a date with him. It goes on until few days later, when right before you're about to go to bed, Lily barges into your room. '' What's going on with you and Sirius? He's not acting as his usual self around you. '' you look at her confused. '' What are you talking about? He's acting the same way he's been since the day I met him couple of weeks ago. '' Lily shakes her head before sitting on your bed next to you. '' He's different. I don't know what it is, but something must've happened between the two of you. '' rolling you eyes, a sigh escapes you. '' Fine. the other day when we went out to get everyone a breakfast, he asked me out. I declined because the day after the wedding I'm travelling back to France, I don't want to start something that would lead me to catching feelings. Which leads to heartbreak, the last thing I need. '' she sighs dramatically. '' If only you would only make your best friend's only wedding wish come true. '' she looks at you with knowing look in her eyes. '' Lily as much as I love you, my whole life is in France. And me moving is definitely not your only wedding wish. '' she scoffs playfully. '' Fine. But you will give in eventually. '' she places a kiss on your cheek and leaves your room, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
The wedding day is offically here. Since the moment we woke up, it's been hectic and chaotic. From getting your makeup done and hair, to putting on your dress, helping Lily get into her dress, taking photos. It's time for the ceremony to begin. The music starts to play and each bridesmaid gets paired with groomsman and walks down the aisle. Mary and Frank were the bridesmaid and groomsman walking before you and Sirius. '' I'm sure you've been told many times today but tu es magnifique. '' he whispered in your ear just a moment before it was your turn to walk down the aisle. '' Thank you. Tu es beau. '' a small chuckle escaped his lips, as you two walk down the aisle. The music changes and Lily along with her dad slowly makes her way down the aisle to James. The ceremony was beautiful, made you cry. Reception is amazing. James and Lily danced to the song that played on the party when she kissed him for the first time. Sirius and you danced couple of times throughout the night, you also danced with both James and Lily, even with Remus and Peter. One of your favourite slow songs started playing and you took it as an opportunity. Sirius had his back turned to you, chatting with Frank, as you tapped him on the shoulder. '' M'accordes-tu cette danse, Sirius? '' you grin at him. '' I would love to. '' he takes your hand into his and leads you to dance floor. You dance in silence, enjoying the music. '' Hey Sirius? '' you break the silence. '' Hm? '' you take a step back from him, looking him into eyes. '' I was wondering, if your offer to take me on dinner is still on? If it is, I would love to take you up on it. '' you laugh at his shocked expression. '' Are you serious? '' you bit your lip trying not to laugh at his pun. '' Dead serious. I have to give in and listen to bride's only wedding wish/gift from me. To move here to England. As long as I have all of you guys by my side, I'm sure I'll be okay. '' he picks you up in his arms and twirls you, making you shriek in surprise. '' Fuck yes, tommorow is alright with you? '' he puts you down, wrapping his arms around your waist. '' Yes. Tommorow is perfect. '' you say as you place a gentle kiss onto his lips. I guess some people are worth taking a risk for.
l' ange - angel
tu es magnifique - you look beautiful
tu es beau - you look handsome
m'accordes-tu cette danse - can i have this dance
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charmed [5]: ‘cycle’ (remus lupin x reader)
SMUT. professor! remus x professor!y/n. can be read as a one-shot, or as part 5 of the charmed series :) pls go show part 4 some love, and the rest of the chapters if u liked this! <3
brief summary: full moon approaching= horny as fuck remus. he can’t keep his eyes/hands off y/n, and after a whole day of being needy between classes, they ... ;) dom!remus, oral fem!receiving, fingering, size kink, ye
nsfw gifs for inspo:   x      x
a/n: i got rejected from my top choice university program today so if im gonna be unhappy, might as well make u guys happy and release parts 5 and 7
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series summary: set in the prisoner of azkaban, including its major plot points. remus and y/n get hired by dumbledore last minute to teach at hogwarts, defense against the dark arts and charms respectively. not wanting the students to know they are married, they navigate the challenging year through hidden glances, hand holds underneath the table and loving moments in their offices. even with all their efforts to conceal their relationship, their chemistry does not go unnoticed by the student population of hogwarts, who grow fond of the pair as they offer them some of the best classes they’ve had in a while. their relationship as newlyweds is strengthened as teaching the next generation of wizards unlocks a sea of memories of their love story. for the second time in his life, remus holds hogwarts responsible for some of his happiest memories. he’s given the chance to create them with the love of his life, y/n, who has taught and continues to teach him that every part of him is lovable, remaining forever under her charm.
series masterlist here
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Remus’ life was lived in cycles, various phases of the moon commandeering partially how he felt. 
His sex drive was always pretty high; how could he not feel desire- when he had Y/N around him in his life. They had a great sex life, and Remus was definitely one to get ‘love boners’, where he would see Y/N do something not remotely suggestive but would get the desire to fuck out of sheer adoration..
When the full moon came close, however… it was on a whole other level. His body carried tension and almost an incurable itch on the days preceding his transformation. His senses flared like a wolf’s, like hearing, touch and vision. It was his sense of smell, however, that enhanced the most. For about 2-5 days leading to the full moon, his smell became much sharper. If Y/N had recently showered, her fresh scent would overwhelm his nostrils, or if she got sweaty too. The second she got aroused, Remus would be able to pick it up, and the urge to bury his face in between her legs would wash over him.
So, he 300% got way hornier during this period of time. Paired up with his senses on overdrive, all he could think about during those few days was sex with Y/N, the tiniest things she did would get him instantly hard. He’d be turned on all the time.
As the month of September came to a close, both Y/N could definitely sense her husband’s even-higher-than-normal yearning. Remus’ persona in public never revealed how much of a beast he could be in the bedroom, always calm, respectful, prudent. He treated Y/N with the upmost care, and once they got to Hogwarts, with the upmost professionalism. That quickly faltered in the last couple of days.
The second students were out of her last class, he had her pushed up against the wall, the door of the classroom safely locked. Y/N even had to cancel one Charms practice session, because Remus wasn’t able to keep his hands off her: pulling her close to him and rubbing her back while he buried his nose in the perfume of her hair. When they graded or read together in the evenings, he would bend her over the desk, then take her again in the shower that night. Every morning, Y/N would wake up in the best way possible, feeling Remus’ tight hold behind her and his already hard cock rutting up against the flesh of her butt.
This morning, however, the couple wasn’t able to squeeze in a nice wake-up shag. They had overslept, and Y/N who started at 9am while Remus at 10, had to to get to class. She hurried off, getting dressed and down for a quick breakfast, leaving Remus waking up alone, humping the sheets slightly.
His frustrations lasted all day, and definitely were not aided when he saw that Y/N was wearing his favourite pair of pants of hers at lunchtime. While the way they looked at each other always somewhat hinted at their romance, Remus’ gaze was especially obvious, like he was mentally undressing her everywhere they went.
He was presently in between classes, sitting at a table in the staff room and trailing his wand over the lines of a student’s essay he was reading. He lifted his head when he heard the door creak open, and Y/N walked in happily, carrying a stack of papers in her hands. His thread was almost thrown back as he caught a whiff of her, just pure her, mixed with a hint of… arousal? She was wet, Remus thought lewdly.
Spotting Remus, Y/N gave him a big smile, then turned towards a little desk that had some of her stuff on it. Remus gave her a cheeky wink before his eyes followed her, unabashedly fixed on how those pants fit her so nicely. Y/N bent down to store the papers into her bag, and Remus quickly had to look away, forcing his gaze on the window before he would get hard.
“Hi, my love.” He smiled gently as she approached him, turning his chair and pulling her onto his lap.
“Rem!” Y/N whispered, jerking her head towards Professor Sprout.
She was the only other teacher there, but to Remus’ greatest delight, she seemed to have snoozed off in her armchair.
“She’s asleep.” Remus whispered back, hands running everywhere on Y/N’s body as she settled herself comfortably in his lap. “Besides, I missed you.”
“Aw, pumpkin-“ Y/N giggled, accepting Remus’ kiss as he pressed his lips on hers. “I, missed, you, too” She murmured in between kisses.
Remus’ hands were getting antsy, as one went to go squeeze Y/N’s breasts and the other caressed over her butt, smoothing over the thin fabric of her dress pants. The kiss deepened as they both began breathing heavier.
“Don’t,” Y/N breathed in, breaking apart from Remus’ soft face. “Don’t you have class in like-“ She glanced at the clock. “5 minutes?!”
Remus peered over her head and groaned, shaking his tousled head. “And you do too darling, right?”
“Yeah, it’s my last one of the day.” Y/N frowned.
Remus’ gaze softened, nuzzling Y/N’s nose with the tip of his own, in a cute little Eskimo kiss- type action.
“I really love these pants, you know, I’m wondering if you wore these on purpose” He grinned, the hand on her butt petting the material softly.
“Maybe, I did….” Y/N smiled back, their faces centimeters away from each other’s.
Remus, ears full of Y/N’s voice, nose full of Y/N’s natural homey scent, didn’t register the door opening again and they both turned with a jolt, when they heard Professor McGonagall clear her throat.
Y/N jumped out of Remus’ lap, Remus smoothing his hands that were all over her body, over his robes.
“Hi, Professor McGonagall- I was just- we were just getting ready for our next l-lesson.” Y/N stammered, face growing hot in embarrassment.
“Yes, class, here- I’ll walk you to your class, darling.” Remus said, bowing his head and following Y/N out of the staff room.
“Mhmm.” Professor McGonagall hummed, peering at the two through her thin rectangle glasses. She didn’t bother reminding them they could call her ‘Minerva’, but as they shuffled out the door, her thin lips curled up in amusement. “Oh, Pomona, I’m sure you are very lucky to be dead asleep right now.” She whispered, to the Herbology teacher whose eyes were sealed shut.
In the hallway, Y/N and Remus burst out laughing once they got a safe distance away.
“I am never going to emotionally recover from that.” Remus choked in between gasps for breath.
“Please, I’m never going to look her in the eye ever again.” Y/N howled, wiping a tear with her wrist. “I mean, at least we were just sitting… and not actually doing.. anything.”
They walked along a couple stairways, their body language having adjusted to the busy Castle. 
“Thanks for walking me, you didn’t have to.” Y/N said, once they reached the Charms classroom. She stood back to the door, hands behind her on the doorknob.
Remus simply smiled courteously, eyes drifting down her. Then, quickly, he peered around them and into the classroom. Seeing it was empty, he reached behind Y/N, turned the doorknob and swirled her inside, pressing her up against the door.
“Oh, Rem-“ Y/N squeaked in surprise, but her voice faded into a soft moan as Remus kissed her, her arms going up to wrap around his neck.
“Sorry, my love, I just can’t get enough of you.” Remus chuckled when they finally pulled apart.
“Hmm.” Y/N licked her lips. Feeling Remus casing her in against the door like this, his big build towering over her, made her knees all weak. “Okay, you know the best part about these pants?” She inquired.
“Hmm? Tell me, sweetheart.” Remus mused, eyelids growing heavy as he stared into her face.
She rose on her tippy toes to meet the height of Remus’ ears, “The material is so thin-”
She spun around, facing the door and pressed her backside against Remus’ front, feeling him through his trousers.
Gasping as Remus’ large hands went up to squeeze both her breasts, further pushing her against the door as he pressed himself against her smaller body, she said, “-I have to wear a thong.”
Remus’ hands on her froze, his eyes growing dark. A low growl was ebbing up his throat but before he could respond, Y/N snaked out of his hold.
“Okay, bye honey- have a good class!” Y/N chirped, grinning widely as she opened the door to let a group of students in.
Remus composed himself in a fraction of a second, a hand raking through his hazel locks in attempt to comb them over.
“Hi, Professor Lupin!” Some students said, happy to see him, to which he answered with a polite and kind “Hello, hello!”, and “Hello, Dean!”.
Once Y/N’s class was over, she hurried up to her living quarters. After taking a hot shower, she climbed onto the bed, in nothing but a thong and one of Remus’ big sleeping shirts. She lied down comfortably, fingers toying with the collar as she waited for her husband. He had one other class after hers and should be finished soon.
Accurately enough, Remus’ figure appeared in the fireplace a few minutes later. His footsteps approached the bedroom and as he entered, his belt was already clinking as he was unfastening it with one hand.
“Oh, baby.” He hummed appreciatively as he took in the sight of Y/N, splayed across their bed, thighs balmy and exposed. “Is that my shirt?”
Y/N nodded, appreciating how Remus’ locks of hair had fallen on his forehead, as if he was constantly running his fingers through them- which he did, in attempt to concentrate when he was giving his last lessons of the day.
Gripping the hem, Y/N lifted the shirt off, exposing her naked chest. Remus made a guttural sound as he lunged forward, going to squeeze, lick and suck over her breasts. His hands wandered south, grazing the wet spot on the cotton stripe that covered Y/N’s mound.
“And whose pussy is this, hmm?” Remus snarled slightly, canines shining as his lips curled into an eager smirk.
Y/N licked her lips as she decided not to answer, her eyes had a glint to them when she stared back challengingly at her husband.
Remus raised an eyebrow, but kept an unfazed demeanour. He stepped back from the bed, taking a stand at the edge of it.
“Okay, baby girl, I see how you’re being. Turn around for me.”
Y/N looked up at him excitedly before slowly turning on the bed, onto her stomach.
Remus let out a small appreciative growl at the sight of Y/N’s ass covered only by a thin thong, right in front of him ready for him to ravage.
“Should’ve started with an easier question, kitten- who does this ass belong to?” Remus simpered.
He bent forward to squeeze both cheeks in his large hands, then went on to graze his teeth softly against the flesh of her ass. He could smell her arousal fully now, the scent of her wetness entering his nostrils and clouding his vision.
When Y/N merely arched her lower back to stick our her bum more prominently, wiggling it, Remus cursed. He roughly palmed the flesh before he lifted his hand and delivered a loud swat to it.
Y/N gripped the sheets in her hands as she yelped out of pleasure.
“You like that, don’t you, you wanted a good spanking from daddy, huh?” Remus hummed, rubbing over the spot soothingly. 
“Yes.” Y/N breathed out shakily. “Please.”
Remus kneaded the flesh in his hands and reveled in the way it would bounce after he spanked it a few more times.
“Oh darling,” he cooed, bending down to leave a slow trail of kisses up Y/N’s back. “Your little bum looks so cute marked up in pink by my hands.”
The skin had pinked, and a considerable area too, considering how large Remus’ hands were.
“Remus, I’m- I’m so wet for you.” Y/N cried, lifting her lower body weight onto her knees so Remus could see her pussy in the air. Glistening and dripping in arousal.
The sight sent adrenaline down Remus’ groin, his cock now painfully hard and straining against his trousers. He could in a flash, shed his lower layers and pound into Y/N’s cunt as his urges wished him to, but he had to get a taste first.
“Really?” He said as he kneeled down on the side of the bed, now eye-level with Y/N’s core. He peeled back her thong, throwing it further on the bed.
“Yes, oh God, please.”
Remus peered over Y/N’s legs to see her face, scrunched up in anticipation. His hands trailed over the side of her thighs, sending visible shivers down her spine. 
“Now, will you be a good girl and tell me… who this pretty ass and pussy belong to?” He said in a low purr, voice husky.
Y/N’s pussy clenched as she felt his face so close to where she needed him to be, his hands cementing themselves around her legs.
“Yours, Remmy, I’m all yours, now please-“ she begged, tears prickling at her eyes because of how much she ached for his touch.
Remus’ hands softly grazed down her back and pressed harshly once they got to the lower part where the curve of her ass began, and pulled her cunt straight into his face.
“Merlin, you smell so fucking sweet.” He swooned, inhaling deeply before quite literally diving into her cunt, his warm tongue stretching to lick against her clit.
Y/N’s eyes rolled back, her head pressing harder into the pillow. “Fuck…” She choked out. Her hips gyrated against Remus’ face, but his firm hold locked her in place as he devoured her.
They both moaned, Remus’ tongue running up her slit a couple times to lap up all the slickness and fully taste it. He gave her clit a quick kiss before sucking on it, taking it in between his lips. 
“Fuck, r-right there.” Y/N breathed out, finally feeling an ounce of her desire fulfilled. 
Remus licked sloppily at her clit, drawing wet circles with his tongue as his entire face was engulfed in her, her wetness dripping and coating his chin and nose. He sighed contently, closing his eyes as he ate her out, his own cock plumping at the feeling of her hips and legs trembling.
It was like meditation, the wolf inside him finally somewhat being appeased. He lapped at her cunt like it was the last thing he’d ever do, tongue running through the soft folds that were sopping and slick from the mix of her arousal and his spit.
“Oh, Rem, oh-“ Y/N moaned, face scrunched in pleasure. The coil in her abdomen wound tighter, she was getting closer and she pushed her hips back against Remus’ mouth. He groaned into her cunt, his hands squeezing her fleshy hips harder, desperately stuffing his face into her. He loved it. 
He maintained his rhythm, focusing on suckling and flicking his tongue on her clit until she came with a cry, hips shaking out of his hold. He flattened his tongue to run it up her labia, and ended by planting a tender kiss on her sensitive clit before pulling away, slightly more sated than before.
“Delicious.” Remus panted, standing up and watching Y/N languidly turn over onto her back once again. He wiped his mouth and the tip of his nose clean with the back of his hand, Y/N watching with her face hot.
Y/N scooted to sit at the edge of the bed, ogling him. He towered over her as he stayed standing, looking down at her through heavy hungry eyelids, covered by his brown hair that was getting slightly messier.
“Wanna taste you.” Y/N smiled, reaching behind Remus’ kneecaps to bring him closer.
Remus chuckled darkly, his long arm needing to barely reach to stroke Y/N’s jaw.
“You look so cute from up here, dove, makes me want to play with you and see you cum, all over again.” He said, voice low.
Y/N bit her lip, not breaking eye contact with her husband.
“So gorgeous.” He groaned as Y/N took his thumb between her lips, suckling the pad of the finger. “You have no idea how much I’ve been thinking.. of what I want to do to you, how much I want to take that body of yours.”
“Then take me.” Y/N exhaled, mouth letting go of his thumb and smiling devilishly.
Remus’ eyes, if possible, turned darker in desire and he bent down, kissing Y/N passionately on the lips as his hands travelled down her naked torso. 
“Hmm, you’re so small, kitten,” Remus hummed, eyes following his hand that went to cup in between her legs. “Look how small your little pussy is in my hand.”
His fingers curled to feel how wet it was, Y/N spreading her thighs apart for him to access easier. He used his middle and ring finger to lather up some of her slickness, then dragged them up to her clit and started soft circles on it. Y/N whimpered, legs closing from how sensitive her bud was from her previous orgasm.
“Now, now pet.” Remus tutted, pulling away.
He licked the tips of his fingers clean, then shrugged off his woolly cardigan, hanging it on the back of a nearby chair. The full moon approaching always got his body temperature hotter than usual, so he skipped wearing a cloak today, and was left in his white dress shirt and tie. He slowly rolled up his sleeves, exposing his forearms. Y/N couldn’t keep her eyes off his hands as he did so. Long, mature fingers with metal rings adorning the base of each.
“Keep your legs nice and spread f’me, alright, as I stuff you with my fingers.”
Bending forward again, he leaned one arm on the bed beside Y/N as his other hand found her clit again. The thick pads of his fingers played with her clit, rubbing the spot as Y/N bit her lip, body firing up for another orgasm.
“So cute, button.” He mused, nuzzling the top of Y/N’s head. “Look at that, your clit feels so little under my fingers, don’t you think? And your cunt, ah-“
He dipped a finger inside her, sliding right in and quickly added another one. Slowly petting the soft spongy walls of Y/N’s pussy, Y/N mewled, rutting her hips for more.
“So tight, so full just of my fingers. Tell me darling, do you like my fingers?”
“Mhhm.” Y/N nodded as Remus sped up. “Love your fingers, your hands, they’re so b-big.” She choked out, head hanging back as he fingered her.
“You like that? You fucking love how I can get you off with just m’fingers, yeah? Lord, this pussy’s so tight how will my cock even fit hmm?” Remus crooned, watching Y/N adoringly as he was knuckles deep inside her, his rings feeling cold upon her entrance.
Y/N opened her eyes, meeting Remus’ soft, scar-decorated face and turned her head to kiss him. Remus suckled on her spit-slicked lips, maintaining his fingers and bent his hand for the bone of his palm to press against her clit. Y/N gasped into the kiss, lips gaped apart as she whimpered into Remus’ mouth. Remus smiled, loving how flustered she was as she struggled to kiss him back, soaking in all her little cries and noises she made. 
His fingers inside her were going so fast, relentlessly hitting her g-spot over and over that his hard palm was grinding against her clit incessantly. Faster than the first time, she came, squeezing onto his forearm.
Fingers riding out her high, they slowed and pulled out, drenched in her wetness. Y/N collapsed onto her back, chest heaving.
“Oh, baby you are so beautiful.” Remus simpered, climbing on the bed and leaning over her to kiss her everywhere; her shoulders, neck, cheeks. “You think you got another one in you, bunny? Think you can let Moony bury his cock inside you?”
“Yes, give it to me please.” Y/N grinned widely, licking her lips and pulled Remus down by his tie, locking lips with him once more. “Need you inside me.”
“Oh, puppy. I am going to ruin you.” Remus said, this time in such a low murmur that had he not been an inch close to Y/N’s face, her ears wouldn’t have registered the tone.
Y/N sat up, helping her husband rid himself of his clothes. His bare chest exposed a few thin scars, which Y/N quickly smoothed her hands and lips over, routinely giving love to them, as she knew it was the part Remus couldn’t stand of his body.
Remus freed his hard-on, which was blushed an angry shade of dark pink. The bulbous head had been leaking of precum for a while now, and he exhaled a couple ragged breaths when he stroked himself, hand twisting around his tip. Y/N had leaned over to their bedside table to open a condom, and she replaced his hand with hers, pumping his long member before sliding it on. Remus already felt himself throb, and he knew that soon he’d be even more as Y/N’s pussy felt 100 times better than her hand.
“How do you want me?” Y/N breathed, backing up to the head of the bed as Remus went on his knees.
This was more of a rhetorical question, really, as it has been like this for years, that at every moon cycle end, their favourite was for Remus to take Y/N from behind. Y/N turned onto her elbows and knees, bending forward to prop her ass up.
“That’s it, good girl.” Remus licked his lips, lining himself up and pushed his cock slowly into Y/N’s warmth. 
He let out a loud hiss, face contorted in pleasure as he sank fully into her, his long, hard member stretching Y/N out to the fullest, filling her to the brim. “Merlin.” He said through gritted teeth, eyes dropping to where he disappeared into Y/N’s behind. “You always manage to stay so tight for me, darling- fuck, your pussy’s just squeezing m’cock so right, isn’t it?”
Y/N merely moaned, head dropping forward as she balanced her upper weight on her elbows, overwhelmed by feeling every single vein of Remus’ cock sliding in and out of her slowly. She clenched hard around him, causing his hips to tremor as Remus’ senses, including touch, were amplified tenfold.
He ceased momentarily, his cock just resting heavy inside Y/N’s cunt, his head deep at her g-spot. Y/N mewled, arching her back and twerked her hips, fucking herself back onto his cock. Remus growled at the sight, spanked her once, then his hands dived to grab the curve of her waist as he snapped, hips pounding into her now mercilessly.
“Oh God, fuck!” Y/N cried out with her head thrown back, as her elbows gave out from underneath her and her face sank forward into a heap of pillows. Her ass still up in the air, flesh slightly pink from Remus’ spanks delivered to it- it was a wonder how he didn’t cum from the sight of that alone as he fucked her from behind.
Remus kept up his quick rhythm, hips thrusting into her ruthlessly. They were both close, and Remus fucked into Y/N without an ounce or self-restraint left. He grunted loudly as she fell forward and her inner walls clenching down onto his member. His cock slipped in and out of her deliciously, as she had gotten so wet for him, sinful sounds echoing the room.
He bent forward, chest pressing against her back, their skin sweaty. 
“‘S that feel good, darling?” Remus said, lips ghosting over Y/N’s ear. She shuddered, his breath sending shivers up her neck as she felt him so close. His voice wasn’t his usual chesty, tenor honey-like. His words were uttered in a guttural one, his voice deeper, lower, sounding from the back of his throat. “You’re taking me so well- your pussy feels like heaven, sweetheart.”
Y/N’s ears registered the praise as music, living for it. He adjusted his hips slightly to accommodate the new angle, thrusting to make sure he was hitting all the spots in Y/N he knew she liked.
“Mphhhm, please baby,” Y/N moaned, voice slightly muffled into the pillow. She turned her head to the side to rest her cheek on it instead. “Please Remus, oh-“ her voice whimpered, a little more clearly now.
Remus’ large hands had been gripping onto the flesh of Y/N’s hips roughly, tightly. He moved one up to her breasts, grabbing it and massaging it. His breath was hot on her back. He was nearing his orgasm too, his breathing loud and shaggy. Heaving grunts echoed off the walls of the rooms, and Y/N arched her back to feel his chest rise up and down against it.
“Good girl, good fucking girl- taking my cock so well. Shit.”
Remus let out a growl as he felt his cock be swallowed up in her cunt, her ribbed walls enveloping it so nicely as he ploughed into her. 
“You’re close aren’t you, dove?” He murmured into her neck with the same low voice, placing wet kisses onto it. Her hair was out of the way onto the other side, and he tasted the slight stickiness of how sweaty their night’s activities had gotten her. 
“Yes, yes, ye-es” Y/N chanted in a strangled voice, her words getting split at her throat from Remus’ vigorous pounding.
“Can tell from how tightly you’re squeezing me- shit, not going to last long either inside you like this. C’mon baby, c’mon. Cum for me.”
It was all too much. Y/N shaked as she felt Remus pump into her a few more crucial times. He felt so thick in her walls, his girth filling her up like no other. Moaning, her hips grinded back into Remus as she started to cum. She felt his warm hand reach down her belly and down to between her thighs and with the added pressure from the circles he rubbed on her clit, she came with a shudder. Her body shook as her breath caught in her throat, a string of profanities leaving her lips. Y/N’s sounds of pleasure filled Remus’ ears, driving him further into ecstasy.
“Good girl.” Remus purred, hips jerking forward frantically. 
“Remus, fill me up-“ Y/N moaned, knowing Remus loved hearing his name fall off her tongue like that. She propped herself back onto her elbow, reaching one hand behind her to hold the back of Remus’ neck. 
Remus pressed the side of his face into Y/N’s neck, her hand keeping him close to her. He growled into her ear, the low sound vibrating from his throat enough to make Y/N’s eyes roll back. Driving his cock into her, desperately chasing his high, he rutted his cock into her walls. His entire body strained as all his muscles worked to relieve himself, needily fucking out his animalistic urges. He came with a gasp, his hips jerked harshly as he shot ropes and ropes of cum into the condom. 
Panting, he hunched forward as his cock kept twitching. 
His whole muscular body trembled as he squeezed his eyes shut in the pleasure of his long-needed release. His hand was grasped onto Y/N’s chest and she loved the feeling, tilting her hips forward to match the movements of Remus’ orgasm.
Wheezing slightly, Remus finally pulled out of her slowly, Y/N whimpering slightly as her pussy clenched around nothing. He threw the used condom and collapsed onto his back, chest still heaving. Y/N followed suit beside him, onto her stomach, body limp. The afterwaves of her orgasm still sent pleasure through her body and she knew she’d feel too sore to even straighten her legs.
“My love.” Remus turned on his side.
“I can’t fucking move.” Y/N chuckled, voice muffled by the pillow.
Remus hummed, eyes raking over her used body and sat up, massaging over her shoulders then down her back. His hands reached her hips, where he caressed extra soothingly and slowly closed them together. He bent forward, planting a kiss on Y/N’s cheek. She giggled as his locks of hair tickled her eyelid.
Languidly turning over, Y/N sighed in content.
Remus reached his hand, and pulled a strand of her hair out of her face, tucking it behind his ear. He felt warmth lower, as his body began to awaken for another round.
“We’re not getting much sleep tonight, huh?” Y/N giggled peering down at her husband.
It was a blessing that the Castle automatically out a Silencing charm on teachers’ living quarters, because anyone neighbouring them would have stayed up, hearing sinful, wet slapping sounds of skin all night.
part 6  and part 7 OUT NOW!!
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A Tiny Human Being
Summary:- Due to work and other things, Sirius' and Remus' daughter wasn't getting enough attention, this is a movement they spent together.
Warnings:- None, though if anything please inform me.
A/N:- a short thing about wolfstar with a daughter because I haven't been active. This is pure fluff.
Getting out of Hogwarts and joining the Order of Phoenix was something Remus and Sirius regretted now that they had a small human being, their daughter. Of course muggles would be suprised how two men had a biological daughter, but magic makes anything happen.
They were continuously going here and there with missions, and had to leave her with their other friends, whoever was free, to take care of her.
Finally done with the day's work both of them apparted to the Potters' to pick you up. Sirius' arm made its way around Remus' waist after Remus' knocked the door. Hearing the rustling from behind the door, both of them smiled, knowing that it was probably James on his own with two kids, as Lily had a night shift at St.Mungos.
When the door opened a very dishevelled looking James Potter stared back at them. They didn't want to laugh at him but a chukle tumbled pass their lips before they could stop it, and when they saw his glare, they laughed out loud.
"Ha, Ha, Ha, very funny."
Both the men just grinned back at his sarcastic remark and moved inside, with him, James following them behind.
"So, what's with the look?" Sirius asked trying his best to hide his smirk but failing anyways.
James rolled his eyes and said,
"Harry is being fussy. I reckon he needs to get outside and have some fresh air, but I couldn't do that with both of them. Also, for the fact, that Lily banned me from taking out any of them out, she said and I quote, 'you will make them bratty and snobby,' after the first time I took them out and gave them anything they showed even a mild interest in."
Remus laughed and said, "Well, she isn't wrong though."
"Bet my daughter—"
"Our." Remus corrects
Sirius rolled his eyes and said,
"Yes, our daughter didn't make any fuss. She just too sweet for that, too adorable to cause any ruckus. She must have been very good."
Remus smiled fondly at the proud smile on Sirius' face, as he talked about their precious small human being.
James frowned then slowly said,
"Actually, today was pretty bad with Moonfoot..."
All of them stopped outside the room in which the children were, Remus and Sirius turned towards their best mate, now frowning.
"What happend today?" Remus asked.
"She was crying all the day, I think she misses you both, after all, you all spend so much time less together, she kept crying, I tried really hard but she won't stop and in the end she tired herself from crying and fell asleep."
Sirius looked down in shame and so did Remus. Their daughter missed them.
Remus took one of Sirius' hand and interlaced fingers with him.
"I think we need a day off with our daughter."
Sirius nodded and smiled at his husband.
James clapped his hands and said,
"So let's go and see the children!"
He opened the door and they were greeted by the sight of a babbling baby Harry in crib where along with him laid a small girl with chestnut hair and rose tinted cheeks. A small nose making her big round cheeks look more adorable.
"Aw, my moonfoot looks so cute while sleeping." Sirius said, wiping a fake tear and pressing his other hand on his chest.
Remus pursued his lips, annoyed at his husband and said,
"Your heart is on the other side Padfoot, and call her one more time yours, I'll give you divorce."
They were broke from the trance when they heard a small giggle from the other side of the room.
The moment was adorable enough that even the most evil person would take a moment to pinch their cheeks and coo at them.
Harry was now in a sitting position and making funny noises which made several giggles tumble through the lips of, now awake, Selena Lupin-Black.
Her big silver-grey eyes shining with pure joy and her giggles a pure harmony.
She didn't notice her fathers standing there with the softest expression on their faces and pure happiness in their eyes but James did.
"Padfoot, I think we are going to be future in-laws." James joked but his smile faded when he saw the sour expression on Sirius' face.
"Keep bambi away from my daughter, will you? I don't want any guy around my innocent daughter."
He moved towards the crib and scooped Selena in his arms, which made her giggle harder, causing a happy expression to form on Sirius' face. Her small hands and tiny arms made frantic gestures while she babbled, some what angrily to her father.
"Looks like she's complaining about the lack of attention she gets from you." Remus joked and made his way towards his husband, followed by James, who took a pissy looking Harry in his arms.
Then Selena did something that almost bought tears of happiness in every adult's eyes. She moved her tiny arms around Sirius and tried to bring herself closure to his face. When she was close enough, she wrapped or tried to wrap her small arms around his neck. Bringing her face closure to his she let her small, round, rosy cheek rest against Sirius', as if trying to hug him.
Maybe it was a small gesture from her but it bought Sirius nearly to tears. He hugged her tighter which made her giggle, getting lost in his father's arms.
"You are the most precious baby my little moon." He whispered to her ear, though she didn't understood it, she just laughed with her arms still around him.
Remus was the most happiest, seeing the pure form of innocent love, he fell in love with his daughter a little bit more, as if she haven't had him wrapped around his tiny fingers since the day she was born.
"Alright, it's my chance for a hug now." Remus announced before taking Selena in his arms, who happily obliged unlike her Dada.
Remus pressed first many small kisses around her face, making her giggle and then place a smothering kiss on her chubby cheeks.
"Did you miss us, love?"
Remus asked cooing at her and kissing her one more time at her cheeks. Though she didn't understand what he meant, she started happily jumping and frantically waving her arms in the air.
"Alright, I get it you are excited."
A small yawn passed her lips, which made everyone chuckle. Harry had already slept in his father's arm, in between the time, his godparents showered love on their daughter. James had put him on his bed and left the couple to have some alone time with their daughter.
"You just got up from a nap, and you are tired."
"You are saying like you aren't always tired, Moony." Sirius grinned cheekily at his husband to which in response he just rolled his eyes.
"Padfoot, I think we need to spend some more time with her, she needs it. And also because she's adorable."
Sirius smiled, happy for everything he had now. A husband, a beautiful daughter, his brother and his best mates. Everything was perfect.
It has became one of the best days of their lives, just because of a tiny human being.
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sweeethinny · 3 years
Happy Birthday, Harry Potter!
following the tradition I started almost a year ago (it will be a year on Ginny's birthday), here it is, a fanfic to celebrate this date!
Harry Potter is probably the fictional character I'm most attached to.
Flynn for Fleamont, Albus still with the same name (I think Albus is a beautiful name, let's forget the meaning and there's no Severus), Ruby for Rubeus <3
‘‘Smile at the photo!’’
‘’I thought we were going to sing now.’’
"We will, but first, just smile... Yes, get closer... Perfect."
‘'We can start?'’
"Dad, you're getting old."
"I know, I realized that when you told me the same thing last night."
"Don't talk to your dad like that, Al, old people don't like to be reminded that they're old." Ginny smiled, brown eyes flashing towards him. ‘‘Come on, everyone! Happy Birthday to you…’’
Everyone started to sing, the same disorganized mess as usual, with Sirius and Remus whistling, his dad taking a bunch of pictures that were probably going bad but that he was going to display in the frame anyway, and the kids - who weren't kids anymore - starting to argue about the first piece of cake.
Harry was happier than ever.
It had been a nice day, they had traveled to their country house so there would be no unpleasant interruptions from curious people like on his 35th birthday, and they would spend the weekend having fun, enjoying the family, fishing, telling stories and laughing. It was the best way to celebrate his 41st birthday, and Harry was feeling like the happiest man in the world.
When the song ended and everyone looked forward to him blowing out the candle, Harry thought of all the years that had passed, and how things had improved since then. He looked at the children in front of the table, eagerly waiting to eat as usual, then at Ginny who was smiling at some picture James had taken, and Lily who was watching him with a smile very similar to his own, but a little older and wiser.
There wasn't much to ask for; he had his family, his parents, and all the people he loved and thought important to have there. He had nothing more to ask for.
May everything continue to be fine. He thought, closing his eyes and blowing out the candles, hearing the screams and howls and barely managing not to laugh.
"Happy birthday Dad, I love you so much." Albus was the first to come, which Harry was glad because he wasn't at an age for many outpourings of love.
‘'I love you too, my boy, so much.'��
‘‘And I wanted to know-’’
“Albus, stop hogging Dad,” Flynn pushed his brother away, already nearly as tall as Harry, a sly smile on his face. The same smile that had gotten him into so many other problems that year. Harry hadn't forgotten that. "Happy birthday, my old man." He opened his arms, far more willing to show affection than his brothers. ‘’Forty-one, huh? Almost time for retirement.'’
“Yeah, I'm thinking about starting to worry about putting my room downstairs. My knee is not the same anymore.” Harry hugged him, laughing at the boy's courage.
'’I love you.'’
"Me too, boy."
"Get out," Ruby shoved them both, but Harry was willing to ignore that because his little girl was only thirteen, and he didn't want to fight anyone on his birthday. 'Happy Birthday, Dad. If you weren't my dad, I'd hit the imposter and go after you.”
"I'm glad about it, my love." Harry chuckled, hugging her and thinking his babies were growing up too fast for him to like it.
‘'Forty years… It seems like yesterday that I thought your grandfather was going to kill me because I got his daughter pregnant.'’ His dad smiled from ear to ear, looking happy that his moment had finally arrived in the hug line, his mother was to the side and Lily also laughed at the memory, nodding.
'’Dad was furious, we thought he was really going to kill James.’' She had tears in her eyes, and Harry felt like a child again, running to his parents in the morning of his birthday and trying to guess the presents, excited by the schedule of the day. "I know I always say that, but I'm so proud of the man you've become."
"And I always say it's thanks to both of you." Harry kissed her forehead and then James, who was already crying. He became a man who got emotional easily after all the stress of the war, and every birthday, New Year and Christmas, James would cry. But Harry understood, he also needed to choke back tears at various times when he realized how far he was going.
When you were 15 years old and had already faced so many things, you doubted that you would be alive until the next year, let alone 41 years old.
"We love you so much, but I hope this year the cake doesn't have peachy," James joked, just to ease the slightly morbid vibe that had befallen them.
"No, chocolate," Harry soothed, chuckling along with Lily as they saw James turn towards the table, seeming to catch the children's eagerness to eat. Harry noticed that Albus had been hanging around the cake since the time Ginny arrived from the shop with him.
‘'Thank God! Excuse me, let me cut a piece then… Come here kids!’’
"Shouldn't you be the one cutting the cake?" Lily caught his eye, and Harry shook his head.
"Let him spoil his grandchildren a little more," he shrugged. "They'll probably go to bed early after they get sugary in their bodies."
‘‘Yeah, probably… You always fell asleep right after eating too much cake. It was our secret weapon for when we needed a few minutes of peace.” They both laughed, Harry now understanding what they had been through, but he still doubted that as a child he had as much energy as his kids had.
It looked like the three had an infinite battery.
"I'm glad to be here." Lily hugged him again, and again, Harry understood what she meant.
His parents had seen a lot, and the question of whether they would be able to survive the War was something Harry knew had haunted them as much as it had haunted him.
‘'I say the same… I wouldn't be anything without you and Dad.'’ He whispered, just because saying it too loudly aroused a sadness in him that Harry didn't like to think about, as the fear that his parents would die during the War was something that lingered in his mind for too long to be pleasant. "And neither do the kids." They watched James hand each one a piece of cake, ranting about how it had been the first time he'd fished with his father. Flynn seemed to be the most interested, his brown eyes flashing towards his grandfather.
‘’Let the others hug the birthday boy, Lily! There are more people in line!’’ Sirius yelled after Hestia, who rolled her eyes and looked at Harry as if she said, ‘'Don't worry, take your time.'’
‘‘Don't be a jerk, Pads. Ginny, can you…?” James walked back to Harry, putting his arm around Harry's shoulders and smiling as Ginny pointed the camera, the three of them posing for the photo. Harry knew that by the end of the party there would probably be another hundred, but he didn't care, it was important to keep those memories. And Lily had bought a new album that was barely two pages full, so they clearly needed more.
"Come here dear…" Lily and James walked out of there, James proudly taking the camera and going to where Ginny had been before. "Kids go with your dad, that's it, everybody together." Harry smiled again, ignoring when Albus nudged Flynn and whispered that he was getting taller, or when Ruby cursed them for pulling her braids.
Today he wouldn't mind that, it was his forty-one birthday and it was a happy day.
"Happy birthday my love," Ginny whispered after James took the picture, kissing Harry's cheek. ‘'You may be getting old, I know, but I still feel the same way I did when I stuck my elbow in butter because of you.'’ Another flash came, now just the two of them there, and Harry kissed her, definitely knowing he was the happiest man in the world.
Erised's mirror would probably show something very similar to reality - perhaps Harry had a more muscular stomach and less gray hair.
'’Thank you for being with me. I love you, and I still feel like that stupid teenager who dreamed of you and needed a cold shower at seven in the morning to get to class.” They both laughed, and another flash came toward them. These photos would make great frames.
"That hasn't changed much, has it?" She raised her eyebrows mischievously.
'Not. It hasn't changed much.” He shrugged.
Harry sighed, watching as Ginny winked at him and let Sirius come over to hug him, still smiling mischievously in his direction. Yeah, his sixteen-year-old self would be very proud of how far he's come.
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thebisexualswiftie · 3 years
Okay, so I have got this Jegulus+Jily headcanon.
So, James was in love with Lily and was used to being ignored by her. But, when Remus and Sirius start dating, he realizes he feels the same way for a boy too. Ofcourse it's not Sirius of Remus! It's someone totally opposite. It's Sirius' younger brother, Regulus. After pining for ages, it is Regulus who makes the first move and they start dating in secret in the fear of being judged. Regulus tells James about his family forcing him to be a death eaters and James believes in him. He believes that his Regulus would never hurt anyone.Their love is short-lived but, some of the happiest days of both their lives.
It is then that tragedy strikes. Regulus and James have no contact over the summer and he decides that he will meet him on the 1st of September at King's Cross. He is not on the Hogwarts Express. No one has been in touch with him over the summer. James searches for him everywhere at Hogwarts. But, there is no trace of Regulus. All he can do is hope for the best. And, finally after a week of hoping that Regulus is alright, James gets handed over the article by a crying Sirius. The Daily Prophet covered the entire thing, but no one knew how Regulus died. James is heart-broken. The glimmer of hope and mischief in his eyes disappear. His friends notice this ofcourse, but James wouldn't say a word to them. However, the person who noticed the change in James the most is Lily Evans. James had given up his annoying ways to woo her way back in the sixth year, but he did not look cheerful and joyous as always. And, who is James Potter without the cheerfulness anyway? She tries to speak to him, but he wouldn't utter a word. However, everything changed during the first Quidditch match of the year. Gryffindor vs. Slytherin. James was not his usual self and his eyes seemed to wander all over the pitch, as if searching for someone. Gryffindor loses. It is all a bit too much for James. He breaks down in the Quidditch showers and his muffled cries fill the room, only to be ignored by everyone other than Lily Evans. She helps James stand up and hugs him, the water still dripping from his hair. James cries and cries and tells her all about Regulus. Lily, being a good listener, listens to every word of his and rubs circles on his back. James feels better after telling her everything. From that day on, Lily and James became friends.
"James, if you are comfortable telling me, what's your sexuality?" Lily asked him one day.
James replied saying he was pansexual, which meant that he loved a person just for their personality.
Lily helps James bring back to his own self again, and in the process, she develops feelings for him. She can't ignore the butterflies in her stomach everything someone mentions James name. He was no longer the insensitive, arrogant toe-rag who had hexed Severus in the fifth year.
One night in the Gryffindor common room, when both of them were alone,busy with their home works, Lily did something she never thought she would do. She caught James offguard and kissed him. James did not see it coming and was too shocked to kiss her back, and when he was about to, Lily pulled back looking flushed.
"I am so sorry, James. I was not in my right mind." Lily said and started crying.
"Lily! Don't cry! It's alright. I wanted to kiss you too! But, you pulled away..." James said.
"You wanted to kiss me?" Lily asked.
"What do you expect from a guy who has had a crush on you ever since the first year." James smiled and the very next moment, all he knew was that he was kissing Lily Evans, and they stayed together until the very end.
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lovingremus · 4 years
Youtuber Sirius part 2
Because a few asked for it :)
Read part 1 here!
This is set in the future (roughly August 2021) so who knows how things are then really, BUT in this blissful fantasy world, people have been super dedicated to getting the virus under control the whole year and the travel bans etc. are lifted so this can happen!!
CW the pandemic (& long-distance relationship if you don’t like to read about that <3)
It’s been over a year of twelve-hour daily phone calls and video chats. Birthdays and holidays celebrated over Zoom or FaceTime. Hundreds of “I love you” and “wish you were here” changed over the phone.
It’s been over a year of getting to know every detail of the other, a year of sharing secrets and dreams. It’s been over a year of laughter and ever-growing love, but also yearning and tears and words of comfort whispered into the speaker in the middle of the night, when the heartache of not being able to be together got too much for either of them.
But they have found ways to feel closer to each other. Sirius orders Remus a rose delivery on the door every Friday, sends him almost weekly packages filled with lovely gifts (usually a bunch of his own clothes—Remus rarely wears anything else these days, because oh god they smell like Sirius and it’s SO good). Remus still writes music for Sirius’s videos, and a half of his other songs are about him.
It’s been a while since Sirius hit forty million subscribers on his channel and a couple of months since Remus published his first full album on Spotify. They have both been guests at late-night shows via video calls. Several articles have been written about them, both as individuals as well as a couple.
So, Sirius and Remus are doing alright, but missing each other more than anything. Still, they both understand it’s more important to be patient and wait until the situation calms down rather than carelessly run to each other. Travelling abroad is out of the question right now. So they wait, and wait, and wait. It will all be worth it, they keep saying, you’re worth the wait.
Remus has watched all of Sirius’s videos. It wasn’t even hard, after all, almost like getting absorbed into a good series. He couldn’t stop watching as soon as he’d started, skipping sleep to the point Sirius threatened to make all his videos private until Remus took a nap (this happened quite a few times). Remus could definitely understand people’s obsession, even more so as he was wildly in love, and watching Sirius’s videos brought him so much comfort, a way to spend time with him during the long hours Sirius was asleep or otherwise not available.
He watches Sirius’s London vlog every day. Seeing him walk along those familiar streets is comforting and heartbreaking at the same time. And he had been so close, about twenty feet from him that night, based on the restaurant clip on the video.
Remus doesn’t remember seeing him and feels horribly guilty for it. He can’t believe they have ever been so close, in the same room, breathing the same air. He might have even brushed past his shoulder as he had exited—he had touched someone. Had it been him? Remus couldn’t tell, and neither could Sirius, who had been engaged in a conversation with someone by the time Remus was leaving the stage.
It’s been over a year, and at the end of the summer, their time finally comes. The cases are way down almost all around the world, many restrictions have been lifted. And while it’s still very important to stay safe and careful, they can start planning. They decide to meet in London, where it all started, they both get tested, and as soon as the results come back as negative, the plan is a go. Soon, they’ll be together for a whole month.
They’ll have to quarantine for two weeks as soon as Sirius arrives, which at this point is the opposite of a problem to them. Remus doesn’t go to the airport—he could be circled by fans, which is a horrifying thought, to be honest. Not only does Remus fear a bunch of strangers breathing all over him, no matter how kind their intentions would be, he still isn’t used to being recognised like that. And to avoid that happening to Sirius either, they decide not to publicly tell about the trip until they’re safe and secure at Remus’s house.
Sirius is a mess for the whole ten-hour long flight, not even dreaming of getting any sleep. He’s excited to the point he feels nauseous, he’s fidgeting with the bracelets that Remus made and sent him for his birthday.
Remus has moved houses, leaving behind his small flat and upgrading to a nice three-bedroom apartment. His dream is to have Sirius moving in with him one beautiful day. He’s waiting outside of his home now, switching between pacing back and forth, and sitting on the ground, leaning against a tree, because his legs are like jelly and just won’t carry. He almost faints when Sirius texts he’s only a few blocks away, and soon enough he sees a taxi at the end of the street. It pulls over. The backdoor opens. And there he is.
They don’t waste a second. Sirius runs toward Remus, pulling his mask down as Remus does the same to his own. They crash against each other, hugging so tight they can barely breathe. After a minute, Sirius pulls back just enough to grab Remus’s head between his hands and pull him into a hard kiss. Remus lets him, answering eagerly. They stay like this for a long time.
Later, Sirius posts an Instagram story of the two of them; Remus relaxed against his shoulder on a sofa, both smiling so happily. And the internet goes wild.
Sirius quickly puts up a few question boxes on his story, asking for video ideas and questions. They answer a bunch of them right away, and Sirius posts many cute videos of Remus grinning and blushing and hiding behind decorative pillows, and then they decide to continue later. Sirius has a massive jet lag, and Remus is just as exhausted from just feeling so much, so they go to bed early. Though not much sleeping happens until much later.
The following days are the happiest of their lives. There’s so much to talk about, whenever their lips aren’t occupied by other activities. There are so many things they want to do, even very ordinary things. Actually have a dinner date. Actually watch a movie together.
Nothing is more wonderful than hearing Remus play his guitar and sing right in front of him again, and this time, it’s only for Sirius. He plays all of the sweetest love songs, and Sirius cries and laughs and sings along.
Nothing is more wonderful than to hear Sirius talk to his camera in a low voice when he thinks Remus is asleep, telling the viewers about their day, saying such lovely things about him, and then turning back to stroking Remus’s hair as he quickly closes his eyes and pretends to be completely unaware.
Nothing is more wonderful than being able to kiss, to touch, to hear the other’s voice without the line rattling, see the other’s face from angles that don’t really show on their videos.
They film several videos over the days—a few Q&As, quarantine vlogs and a video where they switch occupations for a day, Remus learning how to handle the camera while Sirius picks up the guitar and attempts to write a song. All of them become very popular, and everybody seems to be very happy for them.
When the quarantine is over and they are allowed to go outside, they take long walks and attend low-risk outdoor events and have picnics at a park. They spend nights cooking and playing games, just doing domestic couple stuff, hoping it never ends.
It’s all so much better than either of them ever dared to wish for. They are impatient for the next time they’ll be able to meet even long before Sirius has to leave in the first place. But that dreadful day draws mercilessly closer, and they take the last week off social media, just focusing on each other.
Work becomes secondary, but the majority of their fans seem to understand. They both are more than deserving of a break, and are just too busy being in love anyway.
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professorrw · 3 years
All I Want, Remus Lupin Fanfiction
Chapter Twelve
Warnings: fluff, eventual smut, death, violence, swearing, age gap, slight angst, major spoilers for Deathly Hallows
A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this! If you did, like, comment, and reblog! If you would like to be added to my taglist (permanent or for this series) tell me and I’ll put you on there!
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You opened your eyes and let go of Dobby's hand. As soon as Luna and Dean had as well, Dobby Disapperated. Luna had wrapped an arm around Mr. Ollivander's side to keep him upright. You looked around, Bill and Fleur's cottage was nice, it was right on a cliff overlooking the sea. It was better than what you and Remus had been living in.
You, Dean, Luna, and Mr. Ollivander all began to walk towards the door, being met halfway by Bill. "Are you alright? What's going on?" he directed towards you.
"Harry, Ron, and Hermione are at Malfoy Manor. We all got captured. Dobby just went back to get them. They should be here soon. I think we need to get Mr. Ollivander inside though, he isn't doing well."
Bill nodded and slung his arm around Mr. Ollivander, supporting his weight, and walking him inside. You stepped into the cottage and were immediately swept up in someone's arms. "Remus?" He was here. He was okay. And he was holding you. 
"Y/N, I thought I'd lost you. I'm so sorry I should have done something. Are you okay? Did they do something to you?" He asked, genuine concern in his eyes. He had pulled back slightly, but his arms were still around your waist. "No, I'm okay. I thought they killed you. I'm- I'm so glad you're here and safe."
He didn't respond but instead looked into your eyes. Was it longing you saw? You decided to go for it. You gathered up all your confidence and said, "Remus, I love you." For a moment he didn't do anything but a second later he put his hand on your cheek and slowly pressed his lips against yours. It felt like electricity ran through your body. The kiss didn't last but a few seconds but it left you absolutely breathless. You didn't care that everyone was watching.
Remus pulled back, eyes searching yours. "Y/N, I love you too." He caressed your cheek and smiled. You smiled back. This was the happiest you had felt in a long time. It felt right to be in his arms, for your faces to be inches from one another. Someone coughed, which brought you both out of the little bubble you had created. "That was lovely," Luna said.
You looked down at the ground, just now feeling all the eyes on you and Remus. You went into the sitting room, where everyone had gathered. Fleur looked a bit overwhelmed at the amount of guests she had. No one spoke, everyone was waiting for Dobby to return. After a few minutes, there was a CRACK! from outside.
When all of you were outside you saw Harry, Ron, Hermione, Dobby, and Griphook. But something was wrong. Harry was sitting on the ground holding Dobby. Rushing over to the scene, you saw that Dobby had a knife in him. He was bleeding too much for it to be stopped. Harry shook his head and begged Dobby to stay with him. Bill ushered everyone inside so he could speak to Harry alone. At this point, Dobby was gone.
Heading back inside you saw Hermione. "Are you two alright? Hermione... I heard you screaming. What was going on?" Ron motioned to the Gryffindor sword, "We had to take that back. We need it." Hermione seemed to be fine, albeit very spooked. Remus sat with you on the couch. Neither of you spoke but his presence comforted you. So many bad things were happening. But Remus was a light in the dark. You held his hand, which Hermione and Ron eyed suspiciously. She would definitely ask about that later.
After hours, Harry came back inside from digging the grave for the elf. You all went outside when he was finished and spoke a few kind words about Dobby. Hermione and Ron had stayed back to speak with Harry though. They said they would fill you in later. Although you wanted to be in the middle of the action, you also wanted to stay with Remus.
After dinner, Hermione pulled you aside. You assumed she would ask about Lupin. And you were right. "Y/N is there something going on between you and Lupin? It's quite obvious something's going on. Are you two together?" Hermione asked.
"I- Well, I love him. And he said he loves me. But we aren't together. We haven't talked about that." What would Lupin think about being in a relationship with you? You'd been in a relationship before, but nothing serious.
"Oh Y/N... You love him," Hermione beamed.
"Yeah... What about you and Ron?" you giggled.
"What about us?" Hermione raised her eyebrows.
"Oh Hermione..." you sighed. "He obviously likes you!"
"I don't know what you're talking about."
He laughed but decided to leave her alone about it. The time had come to make sleeping arrangements. Fleur said they were short one bed so somebody would have to share. To your surprise, Lupin asked if you would share with him and you agreed. After changing into your pajamas, you slipped into bed next to Remus. To your delight, he had gathered up all your belongings from the tent and brought them here. He had packed up immediately after he escaped Greyback and left. You both laid there for a minute before you decided to ask him about your relationship. "Remus?"
He turned to look at you, "Yes?"
You hesitated, "Do you... Do you want to be with me?"
There were several beats of silence. You started feeling queasy, unsure of what he was going to say. You wanted to be with him. But what if he didn't want to be with you?
"Y/N, I- I can't support you. I'm a monster. I do love you but... I can't get a job, I can't have kids, I could never put you in danger like that." He wasn't looking at you anymore. You felt like your heart was being squeezed.
"Remus, we can find a way. I can get a job. It doesn't matter to me. I want to be with you. Even if you can't have kids or don't want them. It's okay. I'll be happy as long as I'm with you. And you aren't a monster. You are so kind, and caring. You are anything but a monster." You reached over and stroked his hair. His eyes finally met yours and you could sense his defenses falling.
"Why would you want me? You are young and beautiful and strong. You have your whole life ahead of you. I don't want to be a hindrance."
"Remus all I want is you. You are everything to me and I love you. You could never be a hindrance," you assured.
He nearly teared up. You could tell that he was really thinking about it. He sighed and smiled at you, "Okay. We can give it a try. But if you aren't happy..." he began, but you cut him off, pressing your lips to his. You wanted to show him that you were happy, and always would be if you were with him. He kissed you back with as much fervor as you had shown him.
It lasted only a few seconds but it left you breathless. When you pulled apart Remus scooped you up in his arms and held you until you both fell asleep.
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Taglist: @bellamy1998 @sxsalvatore @ottjord @lina1945
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Green as the Ring | Sirius Black x Reader
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Warnings: Angst with happyish ending? 
Time/Era: After the 2nd Wizarding War
Word Count: 2.5k 
Summary: Y/N finds the resurrection stone in the Forbidden Forest three years after Harry defeated Voldemort. 
Request: can I request a Sirius black x reader fic based on the song If I Die Young by the Band Perry?
A/N: Thank you for the request! Based on the song choice, I figured you wanted angst. Enjoy!
masterlist | read on ao3
“Do you think this will ever end, Sirius? Like, do you ever think we’ll win?” Y/N sat at the small table in the kitchen of Grimmauld Place. Sirius sat at the other side, taking leisurely sips from a beer bottle and looking much older than he actually was. His eyes were sunken in from the lack of sleep and his forehead had permanent frown lines. This broke Y/N’s heart because, in her mind, Sirius was still the happy, go-lucky young adult she had married. But in reality, he was a sad man confined to the walls of his dark childhood home. 
“Of course, everything ends sooner or later,” His voice was gruffer than she remembered. Maybe that was a side effect of the dementors, or maybe it was from the smoking habit he hadn’t been able to shake since his mid-teens. Y/N couldn’t tell. 
“I’m not quite sure how to respond to that.” Sirius allowed himself one shallow laugh into his beer. 
“All I’m saying is to trust Harry, darling. He’s strong and he will succeed.” 
“He shouldn’t have to.” Y/N’s thumb twisted her well-worn wedding band on her finger. Sirius noticed this and covered her hand with his. A brief moment of silence fell over the kitchen. 
“We should really clean that, you know. It’s not good for the emerald to be dirty,” The green stone caught the dim light and glistened. Y/N smiled, thinking about how that ring had been with her through so much. 
“I would, but I don’t want to take it off.” Sirius sat back and grinned, instantly looking ten years younger. 
“It’s alright, it won’t offend me if you take it off for five minutes.” His smile was lopsided and the perfect embodiment of everything Y/N loved about Sirius. “I’m honestly still surprised you have it.” 
“Of course I still have it, my dorky husband gave it to me.” 
His smile now reached his eyes, which was rare nowadays. “Thank you, Y/N.” 
“What are you thanking me for?” 
“For standing by me, even through Azkaban.” 
“I will always stand by you, my love. 
“If I die, Y/N, can you make sure I’m buried in either satin clothes or a satin-lined coffin?” Sirius and Y/N found themselves back at the kitchen table. It seemed to be their meeting place, especially late at night when no one was awake. 
“Well, you’re not going to die, first of all. And second of all, why satin?” Y/N stirred her tea and took a sip, allowing the flavor to overtake her senses. The house creaked, making Sirius switch positions uncomfortably. 
“It’s an old joke I had with James, honestly. Mother always hated satin, and I never knew why. Also, weirdly enough, roses. James always said he wants to get buried with a rose and that I should get buried in satin to spite her.” 
Y/N thought back to the night in which Remus, Petunia Dursley, and herself were sat in the living room of Number 4 Privet Drive planning the Potters’ funeral. Y/N was tasked with looking over James’ will. She asked Remus why he wanted to ger buried with a single rose, in which he shrugged. Petunia had insisted that it was silly, but Y/N made sure his request was fulfilled. 
Y/N took a long gulp of her tea, trying to appear as if she was observing the table cloth’s pattern. “Well, that answers why James’ will said to be buried with a rose.” Sirius sucked in harshly through his nose. 
“Was he?” 
“I made sure of it.” 
Sirius set his magic mirror on the kitchen table, a cold dinner remaining untouched next to it. The meal had been served hours previously, but Sirius’ anxious stomach didn’t allow him to eat his food. 
“Penny for your thoughts?” Y/N asked gently as her eyes scanned his face. She used to be able to read his emotions like a book, but some time during those twelve years, he built a new emotional wall she had yet to break. His eyes glanced at hers for a split second before returning to the reflective surface of the mirror. 
“We don’t use pennies, we’re British wizards.”
Y/N rolls her eyes fondly. “You know what I mean, Pads.” 
“I’m just thinking about how me going to Azkaban really must have fucked with your life. I mean, you were seen as a murder’s wife.” His eyes pull from the mirror and brush over Y/N’s face, similar to how she did moments earlier. 
“It was hard, I’m not going to lie, but I never thought you killed James and Lily. Not even for a second.” 
“Did you wear your ring?” 
Y/N paused, picking her words very carefully. “I wore it around my neck on a chain. It was too dangerous to wear it on my finger.” 
“Yeah? I’m sure you were shamed,” His eyes drooped and the frown lines on his forehead grew more pronounced. 
“I was threatened, yes, but nothing more than words shouted at me. It was hard, but I had Remus.” 
Sirius gestures to the mirror on the table and sighs. “Do you think Harry will call?” 
“I’m sure he will, just give him some time. He just got to Hogwarts.” 
Y/N sat at the table of Grimmauld Place, but this time Sirius didn’t accompany her. Instead, Remus filled Sirius’ chair. He, too, looked much older than he was as they sat in silence. Y/N observed the green gem on her finger in an attempt to ground herself. 
“I guess it’s just us again, Moons,” Y/N’s voice cracked. The house was now oddly quiet without Sirius; not that he was overly loud, but his presence alone spoke volumes. The building felt even emptier without his warm energy and inviting arms. 
“Yeah, I suppose it is.” His eyes were glued to the wilted daisy bouquet on the table. Molly had attempted to liven up the house, but even they were riddled with death. It seemed as though all beauty was drained from the world.
“I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. This isn’t fair.” 
“It’s not, but this is what we have to work with,” Remus brought both hands to wipe down his face. He looked tired, both physically and mentally. “We have to be strong for Harry. We need to support Harry.” 
Y/N sniffled again, “You’re right.” She took a shaky deep breath. “He’s with James now, he’s happy.” 
“He’s with James now,” Remus repeated. Y/N couldn’t decide whether Remus wished to be with James as well or not. 
“It was weird,” Harry’s voice shook slightly. “They were only a few years older than me, all of them. Sirius and Remus were only teenagers.” 
Y/N pushed a plate of cookies towards Harry. It was months after the final battle, and after isolating himself, Harry had finally reached out to someone from the wizarding world. The pair were sat at the table in Y/N’s small flat while Remus’ words echoed through her mind. We have to be strong for Harry. We need to support Harry. 
“Well, it’s said that in the afterlife, you take the age where you were happiest. For them, it was before your parents’ death, which would make them teenagers.” Y/N responded, taking one of the treats for herself. She couldn’t say she was surprised when Harry had shown up at her flat, the two had grown close before Sirius’ death. 
“I wonder what age I’ll take.” 
“Hopefully, it will be when you are much older. You have a lot of life left to be happy.” 
Harry took off his glasses, wiped them on his shirt, and returned them to his face. “I want to be happy, I just don’t think I can.” 
“You just went through something very traumatic, sweetheart, it’s okay to not be okay. It will happen, be patient with yourself. Let yourself heal.” 
“Do you think you’ll ever be happy again?” 
Y/N was silent for a long time before she was able to answer. 
“I think eventually, I will be. Some things never heal, but they can scar. Losing my friends and husband will just take a long while to scar, as will the war.” 
“It will take a long time for me too, I reckon.” Harry took one of the gingerbread men from the plate and took a large bite. 
“If it makes you feel better, you aren’t alone. You have me, and the Weasley’s, and so many others.” 
“You have me too, Y/N. I know you think you have no one, but you have me.” 
Y/N smiled, silent tears rolling down her face. “We can work on being happy together.” 
Harry made it a routine to visit Y/N regularly from there on out. And as he grew, their relationship changed from mentorship to a deep friendship. 
“Have you looked into working at Hogwarts?” Harry said when Y/N discussed her unemployment. 
“What do you mean?” 
“Well, you always say you want to teach and you’re quite good at it. I’m sure McGonagall would be more than happy to pass her transfiguration position to you.”  Harry grinned, munching on a sub sandwich he brought for them to share. 
“Oh, I could never live up to her! Besides, I’m not sure I could even walk the halls of Hogwarts again.” Y/N wiped her mouth politely with a napkin. 
“What if I told you I already asked McGonagall and she said yes?” Harry had to bite back a grin as he watched his friend’s eyes grow wide. 
“Harry! What-” 
“I know, I know. But, I’m going to be the new DADA professor, and I thought it might be nice to have a friend there with me,” 
“You’re going to be a professor?! Oh, Harry…They’d be so proud of you.” Y/N’s shocked face turned into a look of admiration for the boy. 
“Well, they’ll be proud of you too, once you accept your new position.” 
“You’re a little shit, you know that?” 
Harry’s face twisted into a shit-eating grin. “It’s the least I could do, considering all you’ve done for me.” 
Y/N pulled the younger boy into a hug. “Thank you, Harry. Really, thank you.” 
Y/N skillfully walked over the overgrown floor of the Forbidden Forest. It was a Saturday, meaning most students were at Hogsmeade or sleeping, so she decided it was the perfect time for her to collect acorns. The young Professor had been teaching her second-year students how to turn acorns into actual heads of corn and had run out by 3rd hour. 
The roots of the huge trees were very overgrown, so her gaze was fixated on her feet in order not to slip. It was a beautiful morning, with the sun just barely hung in the sky and the morning birds tweeting happily in the trees. 
She was enjoying her small adventure until something out of the ordinary caught her attention, making her acorn harvest come to a halt. It was a smooth black stone, which seemed to be carved into a diamond shape. Y/N bent down and picked it up in order to observe it better. It was quite heavier than it appeared, and a bit sharp. 
“Hello there, Professor,” A voice said out of the blue, making Y/N jump back. Her eyes came to meet the gaze of someone she never expected to see again. 
“Sirius?” Y/N’s voice came out as a slight whimper. He appeared to be the cheeky 18-year-old boy she had fallen in love with, complete with bun, leather jacket, combat boots, and chains. Y/N took a step back in shock. 
“Y/N,” He responded stepping closer. The gruff in his voice was completely nonexistent. “It’s a bit rude not to say hello back.” 
All happiness seemed to return to his face; the wrinkles in his skin were smoothed and his eyes held the familiar mischievous sparkle Y/N knew like the back of her hand. 
“How are you-? You’re dead!” Sirius chuckled and nodded. 
“Thanks for reminding me, love.” His voice wasn’t rude, but light and teasing. His ring clad pointer finger points at the rock in Y/N’s hand. “You found the resurrection stone.” 
She looked down at the rock then back at Sirius. “I can’t believe this. I never thought I’d see you again,” Her hand grabbed the ring around her neck. She began to wear her wedding band on a chain again to avoid questions from curious students. “You’re so young, you’re a teenager!” 
“I know, hot right? I always loved this outfit.” His eyes were filled with love. “You’re even more gorgeous than how I left you,” 
Tears flowed down her cheeks. “I miss you so much, Sirius. I need you, I need you so fucking bad.” 
“I know, baby, I miss you so much. I am so proud of you, you’re doing so well. And a Professor! Look at you!” 
“Can you see us? I mean, from the afterlife.” Y/N placed her acorn filled bag on the ground. 
“Yes, we are always around. You just can’t see us. Actually, I’ve attended some classes of yours. I had to see how good you actually were.” 
Y/N’s cheeks heat up. “Oh??” 
“Calm down, love.” He laughs without a care in the world. “You’re absolutely brilliant! Harry, too. Remus said his boggart lesson was better than his.” 
“I can’t believe you’re here, oh my god.” Y/N reached a hand out to touch him, but it passed through his form like air. Sirius’ eyes filled with sadness. 
“I’m here, minus the blood and guts, I guess. We only have a little bit of time left.” 
“What? No!” 
“I know, babe, but anytime you need me I’m here.” He points at the rock then at her heart. “I love you so much, Y/N. So, so much.” 
“I love you even more. All of you, I love all of you.” 
“James and Lily asked me to tell you thank you. For looking after Harry, I mean. All of us are thankful, really. You two have been good for each other. They also say they miss you,” He smiles sadly. “We all miss you. Especially me though.” 
His form starts to dim, making Y/N grow sad again. “We’ll be together again someday, my darling.” 
“That we will, sunshine. I am so proud of you,” He grows paler, but his smile widens. “Just remember, every time you see a rainbow, that’s me there with you. I love you, sweetheart.” 
“I love you, darling. Until the day I die and after that.” As Sirius fades out of existence, Y/N puts the stone in her acorn bag and exits the forest. 
The next class she taught, second years turning acorns into ears of corn, the window cast a large rainbow across the wall. The rainbow didn’t leave until Y/N retired for bed that night. 
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writeroutoftime · 4 years
crazy for you
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pairing: young!sirius black x reader 
summary: my submission for @im-a-writer-right​ writing challenge with the prompt - You realize how insane you sound, right?
warnings: none
words: 635
a/n: sooo, I picked this prompt MONTHS ago, but it’s better late than never, right? also, this is my first time writing for sirius, so I hope I was able to do his character justice! I know it’s a little short, but hopefully it’s short and sweet, and you enjoy this story! have an absolutely wonderful day! 
The fire still roared strongly even as the majority of the Gryffindors retired to their dormitories. By the time the clock struck midnight, only you and Sirius remained. Long discarded where textbooks and scrolls intended to prepare seventh years for their final exams. Instead, you laid on the couch, Sirius wrapped in your arms as you ran you fingers through his hair and enjoyed each others company. It wasn’t often that you and Sirius had time alone together, so every minute was savored. 
“Do you ever think about the future?” Sirius suddenly asked, turning his head to look up at you. 
“Of course, Sirius. Isn’t that what the point of all of these classes are?” you responded with a small giggle.
“I meant our future.” he clarified.
You felt your heart swell at the idea of your future with Sirius. “Always.”
Sirius took your hand and stared at their intertwined fingers intently. “What if he got married?” he suggested, as though if it were as simple as asking if you wanted to grab a butterbeer.
You laughed at the absurdity of his idea, but you couldn’t deny that you had thought of the possibility. “You realize how insane you sound, right? We’re seventeen, Sirius.”
“Prongs and Evans are engaged at seventeen.” he offered.
“Is that why you want to get married? Because James and Lily are?” you asked, worried that Sirius only saw the idea of marriage as a fad or something he needed to be doing at the same time as his best friend. 
“I want to marry you because I love you with all my heart, and I want to spend all my time with you and be able to call you my wife.” Sirius said and sat up, his eyes full of intensity and seriousness. “y/n, we don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow or a month from now. And this isn’t me living my life in fear, but it is me knowing that I want to wake up next to you everyday I’m blessed with that chance.”
At that point, your eyes were glassy, and a few tears had slipped down your cheeks as you gripped Sirius’ hands like they were your lifeline.
Suddenly, Sirius pushed himself off the couch and dropped to one knee in front of you. “y/n y/m/n y/l/n, will you marry me?” Sirius asked as his voice shook with nerves and excitement. 
“Yes.” you whispered. “Yes, yes!” you shouted with a joyful, watery laugh and launched yourself into his arms.
Sirius let out his own, relieved, laugh and wrapped his arms tightly around you. “Merlin,” he said a few moments later and pulled back with a worried expression. “I don’t have a ring. I’m sorry y/n, I-“
“I don’t need a ring.” you told him sincerely, cupping his cheeks between your hands and eyeing him tenderly. “All I need is your love, and I’ll be the happiest woman in the world, Sirius Orion Black.” You told him and kissed him squarely on the lips.
Sirius then enchanted a nearby scrap of parchment into a makeshift ring and delicately placed in on your left ring finger before the two of you fell asleep with your hand on his chest,  letting your future come to life through your dreams. It wasn’t until morning when the rest of Marauders and Lily woke you with their snickers.
“Stealing our thunder, Pads?” James joked, his arm around Lily’s shoulders.
“Who would’ve thought?” Peter teased.
“Looks like we’re in the presence of the future Mrs. Sirius Black.” Remus pointed out with a smug grin, though his eyes were happy for two of his best friends.
“Hear that, love?” Sirius whispered in your ear. “The future Mrs. Sirius Black.” And your heart soared knowing you would be bonded to Sirius for life and longer.
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