#So Ju-Yeon
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passionforfiction · 1 year ago
Dr. Romantic: The Way to a Dream Come True
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Dr. Romantic is made up of three seasons with a lapse of 4 years between the Season 1 and Season 2 and a 3 years lapse between Season 2 and 3. The first season we are introduced to the regular Doldam Hospital and new arrivals: Kang Dong Joo and Yoon Seo Jung. Master Kim helps these two young doctors and his regular staff to sharpen their skills and find realize their dreams. We see their growth as professionals and as human beings, while healing people and fighting to keep the hospital open. This first season ends with Kang Dong Joo and Yoon Seo Jung heading to new challenges but leaving a hope for their return.
Second season, Master Kim and his regular staff are still healing people while fighting to maintain the hospital running. We are introduced to three new doctors: Cha Eun Jae, Seo Woo Jin, and Yoon Ah Reum. In this case we have doctors returning and a doctor from a capital hospital, Park MinGuk becomes Holdam Hospital director as part of Chairman Do's attempt to take Master Kim down. But at the end we leave the hospital with a secure standing (no one can touch the property) and Dr. Park decides to partner with Master Kim and work together towards making Master Kim's dream come true - have a trauma center in the hospital.
Season 3 seems to be the conclusion to his story. Now they have the trauma center building connected to the old part of the hospital and they are about to open, but they need government funding to help run the center since this is a non-profit hospital. The staff is divided into two areas and those working at the trauma center will need to deal with their new director. Master Kim's Plan B - Dr. Cha Jin Man, who is also Dr. Cha Eun Jae's father and later Plan A - Kang Dong Joo.
I must admit that I was so excited to see Kang Dong Joo back and to see that Yoo Seo Jung returned, along other doctors that were part of the staff in the previous two seasons. It is satisfying to see Master Kim's dream come true: have the trauma center ran by his students.
You would've thought that he would want to run the center - after all, it was his dream - but he decided to stay in the old part of the hospital and have the another person run the trauma center. I loved the love stories and the new young characters. It was a really sweet way to bring this story to an end.
This story is one of my favorites on the doctors-drama category. A most watch, the three of them. I would watch them back to back, that way I would catch on things I probably missed since I saw them when they came out and time has past between each viewing.
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korelist · 4 months ago
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb puanı: 7,3 Benim puanım: 7
Drama: A Love So Beautiful
Hangul: 아름다웠던 우리에게
Director: Seo Min-Jung
Writer: Jung Yoo-Yeon, Choi Yoo-Jung
Date: 2021
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Kim Yo-Han, So Ju-Yeon, Yeo Hoi-Hyeon, Cho Hye-Joo, Jeong Jin-Hwan
Bazen bazı diziler, izlerken insanda büyük bir etki bırakmaz. A Love So Beautiful benim için tam da böyle bir yapımdı. Kore uyarlaması olan bu dizi, adeta hayatın sıradan bir kesitini izliyormuş hissi veriyor; ama bu kesitin içine tam anlamıyla çekildiğimi söyleyemem. Hikayesi net bir şekilde belirlenmiş değil; daha çok lise yıllarının, ilk aşkın ve gençlik dostluklarının naif bir yansıması gibi. Ancak, bu naifliğin çoğu zaman yüzeysel kaldığını düşünüyorum.
Karakterlere gelirsek, oyunculukların tutuk olduğu ve karakterlerin amatörce yazıldığı hissi oldukça baskındı. Özellikle Cha Heon(Kim Yo-Han) karakterinin duygusal anlamda mesafeli ve soğuk yapısı, izleyicinin ona bağlanmasını zorlaştırıyor. Sol-i’(So Ju-Yeon) nin tüm sevimliliğine rağmen sürekli olarak onun peşinde koşması ve kendini geri plana atması ise izlerken rahatsızlık yarattı. Bu durum, hikayenin ana aşk dinamiğini zayıflatıyor ve seyirciye, "Neden böyle bir ilişkiyi destekliyoruz?" sorusunu sorduruyor.
Dizinin artı yönleri yok muydu? Elbette vardı. Hayatın büyük çatışmalarından uzak, sakin bir izleme deneyimi sunması, yoğun dramatik dizilerden yorulanlar için hoş bir mola olabilir. Ayrıca Sol-i karakterinin çocuksu masumiyeti ve bazen tatlı bulunan olay örgüsü, bazı izleyiciler için keyif verici olmuş. Ancak bu tatlılık, daha derin bir hikaye ya da güçlü bir karakter gelişimi bekleyenler için pek tatmin edici değil.
İzleyenler arasında diziyi sevenler ve eleştirenler arasında net bir ayrım var. Sevenler, lise yıllarına dair nostaljik hislerin ve saf aşkın güzelliğini vurguluyor. Ancak, eleştirenler ise bu hikayenin basitliği ve oyunculukların doğallıktan uzak oluşu konusunda birleşiyor. Çin versiyonunu izleyenler ise Kore uyarlamasını genellikle daha sönük buluyor; çünkü orijinalin duygusal etkisinin bu yapımda yeterince hissettirilmediği görüşündeler.
Kendi adıma, bu diziyi 1. sınıf Kore yapımları arasına koymam mümkün değil. Ancak, eğer kafanızı çok yormadan, hafif bir gençlik romantizmi izlemek isterseniz, belki bir şans verebilirsiniz. Yine de, beklentilerinizi fazla yüksek tutmamanızda fayda var. A Love So Beautiful, güçlü bir hikaye arayanlara değil; biraz eğlenceli, biraz nostaljik ve kesinlikle hafif bir seyirlik isteyenlere hitap eden bir yapım.
Son olarak, diziyi izlemeyi düşünenlere önerim: eğer lise dönemlerindeki ilk aşk ve arkadaşlık hikayelerine dair tatlı anılarınızı hatırlamak istiyorsanız, bu dizi size hoş birkaç saat sunabilir. Ancak, daha yoğun bir anlatım arıyorsanız, muhtemelen başka seçeneklere yönelmek daha doğru olur.
SinB - Loveable
Raven Melus
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dragonsareawesome123 · 1 year ago
The lesbian yearning and pining and angst in Pyramid Game.. I’m going to pass away 😭😭😭
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mangodelorean · 2 years ago
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야견박살령 / Wild Dog Massacre Order
Dogs were slaughtered by the Japanese government in occupied Joseon, officially to counter rabies from unregistered dogs, but actually to obtain fur and leather for war supplies for the Japanese army.
Donggyeongi dogs were killed for leather and because the Japanese believed they resembled Komainu [temple-guarding dog statues]. Even after Liberation in 1945, the dogs' short tails were seen as bad luck, and the breed fell out of favour.
Sapsaree dogs, whose name means “the dogs that ward off evil spirits or misfortune” are shaggy-haired dogs that were killed in large numbers by the Japanese military, which used their fur to make winter coats. By the mid-1980s, only eight remained.
Jindo dogs were comparatively spared because of their resemblance to the Japanese Kishu dog.
During the occupation period, most native Korean dog breeds were pushed to extinction.
Until 1945, over 1.5 million dogs were slaughtered.
Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938 | Episode 05
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haveyouseenthisseries-poll · 6 months ago
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Original title: Areumdawossdeon Wooriegye | 아름다웠던 우리에게.
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dramashutup · 4 months ago
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There's a difference between just Juwon and Juwon-i actually. The latter indicates nickname, nickname for a loved one or someone you're really close with
Like, plsssssssss this straight faced guy is just. So down bad for 10 years. he's got her as Juwon-i in his phone, how long has it been thst way? Ever. Since back then or just now that they were dating? Very important questions.
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zhoufeis · 1 year ago
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Anyway, Heon'ah... if I ever get angry with you some day in the future, and say 'Cha Heon, I am gonna give up on liking you', even if I say something like that, don't reply anything. Because I won't mean it, alright?
A LOVE SO BEAUTIFUL 아름다웠던 우리에게 South Korea, 2020.
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trendingdrama · 2 years ago
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let me join you.
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spontaneousellipsis · 2 years ago
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I once had a crush on someone, but I never expressed my feelings until that person left. And that’s how it ended. I won’t repeat the same mistake.
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garalord · 2 years ago
Hot 🔥
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passionforfiction · 1 year ago
Dr. Romantic 3
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Dr. Romantic never disappoints and this season was something special! I loved seeing my favorite characters once again and the new ones too. Master Kim's dream is about to come true and we are part of the ride.
It is an open ending and the beginning of new dreams for all the staff at the Doldam Hospital.
I loved it!
Poster from Soompi - https://www.soompi.com/article/1581523wpp/han-suk-kyu-ahn-hyo-seop-lee-sung-kyung-and-more-doldam-hospital-staff-are-one-big-happy-family-in-dr-romantic-3-poster
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moonlightsdream · 2 years ago
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SO JU YEON 소주연 — Singles | May (2023)
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dragonsareawesome123 · 1 year ago
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namjhyun · 2 years ago
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So Ju Yeon for Singles Korea May 2023 promoting Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim 3.
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somanykdramas · 9 months ago
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GENRES: Drama, Romance
SUMMARY: How would you react if someone from your past reappeared and completely changed your future?
THIS SHOW HAS EVERYTHING: Livingroom desks, casual hibachi, underground garages, textbooks, professional backstabbing, overwhelmed educators, first loves, Gangnam skyscrapers, SKY universities, beaches, and secret rendezvous.
HOT TAKE: This show's production is like no other kdrama I've watched before. The pace is deliberately slow, perhaps even drawn out at times, showing the viewer every small piece of a situation. Sometimes it works really well and makes you feel like you are watching real people in real situations--sometimes it hinders the experience completely, leaving you wondering why the PD left in 15 whole minutes of classroom lectures.
The romance between the MLs is indeed as 'adult' as they are promoting it, but I can't say that I fell for their chemistry as quickly or as hard as I have for others. I also feel like this show could have used at least a few more episodes to really give the viewers a proper close to the plot they spent so much time meticulously developing.
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helianthus21 · 9 months ago
reworked version
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