#Snupin fic
safeplacesnupin · 4 months
I have just uploaded chapter 16 of my Snupin fic "Not On My Watch" and I am beyond excited for you all to read it <3 I just had to post about it here! No spoilers, but this chapter is super important and I've been dying to get it out there for you all!
In case you don't know, Not On My Watch is about Snape dying as per canon, but then he wakes up again with all of his memories in his teenage body the summer before his last year of Hogwarts. He takes his life in his own hands, wanting things to be different for *him* this time. And it does go very, very different.
Chapter 16: Not Friends
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I went to post my first fic for Flufftober, and I see I got a couple of comments on some older fics of mine.
So this is a call out post.
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No, I’m not blurring out their name. Don’t want everyone to know you’re an internet bully, don’t be a dick.
Also, another note: please do not send this person hate or otherwise bully this person.
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bunny-bopper · 2 years
It’s the most erotic thing Remus has ever seen.  
One leg slung over the other. Black trousers paired with black socks—the gap between them obscenely large. A chink of light glinting off a silver buckle. Black straps sitting stark against porcelain skin before disappearing out of sight. Do they stop at the calf? The thigh?  
In his mind, Remus follows the garter as far as it could possibly go. Imagines the feel of it beneath his hands. His tongue. His teeth.  
The man is unknown. Face obscured by newspaper.  
Remus will be surprised to learn he is Severus Snape.
First drabble! Inspired by this amazing piece of art by @turpinsimp-blog <3
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ensnapemysenses · 2 years
The Wolf, The Bat, and The Girl
Part 2: Hogsmeade (but can be read on it's own!)
Pairing: Snupin, Severus Snape x Remus Lupin
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff
Part 1 (Also can be read on its own)
Word count: 1,069
A/N: This is part of a one-shot series in an AU where Severus has an eleven-year old daughter named Hazel. More details on the first part if you are interested in knowing more about this AU!
Severus was having a rough day, everything that could go wrong had indeed. First, he woke up late and had to rush to get ready, bolting down to the Slytherin dormitory to wake the remaining stragglers of Slytherin house and shoo them out for breakfast. Then, in every class, some daft dunderhead blew up at least one cauldron, one of which spilled a highly caustic liquid all over his robes resulting in him having to dispel them immediately! Thank goodness he always wears an extra set of muggle clothes under his robes just as a precaution for such an incident. 
With all of these events occurring, Severus had given more detentions just today than he had ever done before. It really was no surprise that he was on the end of his rope and about to lose every ounce of patience he had worked so hard to build up over many years. A booming knock at his classroom door snaps him out of his grumpy trance and makes him audibly groan. He’s had it with everything today and the last thing that he wants is someone trying to talk to him. 
“Come in,” he drawls, collapsing into the chair behind his desk. “Remus, what brings you here?” he asks at the sight of the tall man with graying hair that stops in front of his desk, his hands shoved deep in his pockets.
“I came to ask permission for your daughter to accompany me to Hogsmeade this afternoon. I may have let slip that I was heading there to do some shopping for some supplies and she may have overheard me. I tried telling her that first-years aren’t allowed into Hogsmede but of course, she didn’t listen. Said she’d been many times with you already, Hazel, that clever girl,” he smiles. “So what do you say, Severus? Can she come shopping with me? You can come along if you want as well. I don’t have the heart in me to tell her no, so you will have to if you say she can’t.”
Severus sighs. The last thing he wants to do right now is go out, in fact, he had plans to collapse in his chambers as soon as he retired there for the night. But something about Remus’s plea has him captivated, reminding him of the times he used to venture out with his wife and baby Hazel. He knows he can probably trust Remus with his daughter alone, but then again he still has his doubts, even more so he’s worried about what students will think if they see the three of them together. 
“Hazel has us both wrapped around her finger,” Severus chuckles. “I can’t tell her no either, it’s been so long since we’ve done anything together. I guess she can go, but I will be accompanying her.”
“As you wish, I’ll meet you both at The Three Broomsticks at six o’clock. We can grab dinner if you’d like.”
“I’m sure Hazel will enjoy that. We will see you there,” Snape concludes.
As soon as Severus told his daughter about their evening plans she squealed in excitement, tackling her dad in a huge bear hug right in the middle of the Slytherin common room. She had been worried that her father would say no but had plans to plead and beg until she broke him down anyway. She knew how to get under his skin.
“Hay! Can you release your grip on me? I can barely breathe!” Severus gasps, trying to fill his lungs with enough air to get a good breath.
“Sorry, dad!” she exclaims, letting go of her father who pulls on the neck of his robes to readjust them. “I’m just looking forward to spending time with you and professor Lupin! He’s my favorite professor and I think he’s so cool! Wait! Let me show you the book he gave me to read!” Hazel rummages around in her bag before pulling out a green leather-bound book and handing it to her father.
“ ‘Defense Against The Dark Arts: A Complete History,’ ” he mumbles, turning the book over in his hands before returning it to Hazel. “That’s one of my favorites,” he muses.
“Really? I asked him for some extra reading materials and he said this book would surely cure my curiosity being as it contains all known history of the subject,” she laughs, tucking the book back away in her bag.
“He is quite right there,” Severus agrees, surprising himself at his willingness to agree with Remus lately. “Now, go work on your homework or I’ll be going to see Remus alone.” Severus playfully wags a finger at her and Hazel sticks out her tongue at him. Both fall into a short laughing fit before Hazel waves goodbye to head to the library to work on her homework.
A few hours later Severus and Hazel enter The Three Broomsticks hand-in-hand. Hazel keeps trying to wiggle out of her father’s grasp to run over to Remus, her green eyes crinkling at the edges as a huge smile overtakes her face. Sighing Severus lets go of her hand and she takes off, running to the table in the corner under a staircase where Remus is sitting, his nose buried deep in the Daily Prophet, sipping on a glass of firewhiskey.
When Hazel reaches him, he immediately places the paper down and embraces her, pulling out the chair across from him for her to sit down. Severus greets Remus with a bow of his head, choosing to sit beside Hazel. 
“Would you like anything to drink, Severus? Perhaps a butterbeer for you, Hazel?”
Severus nods and says that he would like a firewhiskey and Hazel agrees to a butterbeer as well. Excusing himself Remus returns shortly after, drinks in hand.
“Thanks, Professor!” Hazel begins sipping on her drink happily humming to herself.
“How is it, Hazel?” Remus asks her.
“It’s great! I love butterbeer; it’s my favorite!”
“That’s nice,” Remus hums, directing his attention to Severus. “Anything you need to pick up while we are here? I had planned on swinging by Dervish and Banges.”
Severus shrugs. “I’m here to accompany Hazel.”
“Of course. I’d hate to think you were here to spend time with me,” Remus smirks.
The two men, along with Hazel, find themselves in Dervish and Banges shortly after, but soon Remus and Hazel slip away together giggling while Severus is distracted. The two quickly make their way over to Honeydukes hand-in-hand. 
“Okay, Hazel, hurry up before Severus realizes we are gone! You can grab two candies,” he says holding up two fingers. 
“Three!” Hazel insists, pushing Remus’s hand down and holding up three of her fingers in his face.
“Fine,” he groans. “But don’t tell your dad I snuck you away to buy you some treats!” 
“Don’t tell her dad what now?” a low voice inquires from behind Severus.
Remus’s eyes bulge and he slowly turns around, sweat dripping down his face at the sight of Severus behind him, his eyes narrowed and arms crossed. “Oh, um, Hazel?” Remus whips his head around to get Hazel to explain their actions to her dad but she’s nowhere to be found, already wandering around the store for her three sweet treats. “Fuck,” Remus mutters under his breath, smiling sheepishly. He attempts to back away from Severus but he grips his shirt, holding him in place.
“Language,” Severus tuts. “You thought you could slip away from me, huh?”
“I - I guess,” he stutters.
“Let this be a lesson to you, Remus. Nothing goes unnoticed by me.”
“Duly noted,” Remus responds, shaking slightly.
“Professor Lupin I picked out my sweets! I want a chocolate frog, these exploding bonbons, and a sugar quill.” Handing the treats to Remus she bats he eyes at her dad innocently. “Please, dad! Professor Lupin promised to get me some candies!”
“Fine,” he huffs. “If this idiot wants to buy you some candy that’s on him,” he mumbles, his lips turning up just a bit in the corners into a small smile. It warms his heart to see Remus caring for his daughter and treating her to something special, even if it is just a bit of candy.
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shrimpalbuspotter · 3 months
underrated severitus recs?
Okay so I had to do some deep searching since I wasn't 100% sure on what underrated implied so instead here is just a drop in the bucket of some of the wonderful severitus fics I've read... some VERY popular some NOT. I am not gonna put summaries, you'll have to click the link to see... let's treat this like a lucky dip.
All on ao3 (if it's slash, I'll put a star next to it)
Digging for the Bones by Paganidd
The Guardian
Harry Potter and the Echoes of Alchemy
The Potions Masters Apprentice
According to Our Agreement * (Snupin, Snirius)
"a world in which he could live a happier life" * (Snupin)
Harry Potter and the Slytherin Ideal
Resonance * (Harry/others)
Better Together * (Jeverus)
I Cant Find The Best in All of This * (Jeverus)
Hold on to Happiness
James potter: The crazy fucker * (Jeverus)
May make a part 2 because there's more i couldn't find which upsets me. Please enjoy this short list for now
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banana-ge-ge · 3 months
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Their days continued to pass in much the same way, Severus stopping by the bookshop twice a week, and every once in a while they would get dinner and talk about books or Muggle things or, rarely, fond memories of their past. It was...different than Severus had ever known. This companionship. He found himself feeling lighter, looking forward to their dinners, reading Remus’s suggested books. --Excerpt from Coffee and Chocolate by katherine1753
An art for this soft and fluffy Snupin fic that I'm assigned to, by Katherine, for Snapebang 2020.
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lupinmoonlight · 3 months
Between Classes
Masterlist AO3
Summary - You visit Remus Lupin in his office during school hours. Ever the caring and overprotective boyfriend, he questions you about your self-care habits. He notices your exhaustion and, despite your deflections, gently scolds you for skipping meals and losing sleep over studies. Don't worry, though, you're still his good girl (839 words).
Warnings - teacher/student relationship, age gap, kissing, discussing self-care, mention of stress, mention of snape (love him tho), fluff, mention of eating, some "good girl", my grammar (english is my 2nd language), not proof-read.
Notes - I don't know what this is guys. I'm tired. I submitted two papers in two weeks. One to a journal, one to a conference. I needed to write something soft and fluffy I guess. I need him.
Remus was gazing out at the grounds from his office, a sigh escaping his lips. The day had been relentless, a blur of staff meetings, frantic students, and the gnawing worry that loomed over him when the full moon approached. He closed his eyes for a moment, trying to relax before his next class.
His peace, however, was interrupted when the heavy door of his office burst open. He tensed momentarily, but relaxed as the sight of you. His sunshine, his secret, his love. As soon as you entered, you ran to him and jumped into his arms. Remus caught you easily, closing the door with a flick of his wand and warding it. He wrapped his arms around you properly, holding you close.
"Hello, love," he greeted you, kissing the top of your head. "You know you shouldn't be here between classes…" he admonished gently.
"I missed you," you murmured, burying your face in his chest.
"I missed you too," Remus replied softly. He lifted you gently and sat you down on his desk, then leaned in to kiss you.
"How is your day going?" he asked, his eyes filled with love and concern as he noticed how exhausted you looked.
"Ugh, it's so stressful" you admitted, your shoulders slumping a bit dramatically. "I'm swamped with homework and exams. I barely have any time to breathe."
Remus stroked your cheek tenderly as you spoke, his touch grounding and soothing. "I'm sorry to hear that, sweetheart," he said gently. "What's got you so swamped in particular?"
"Essays, mostly," you huffed. "Snape's essay on the Bezoar is probably the worst. I swear, this man thrives on making everything miserable."
Remus raised an eyebrow, a gentle smile tugging at his lips. "Professor Snape is not so bad. He's just a bit…ah, passionate?"
You mocked a glare but it was quickly subdued as you leaned into his hand. "If you say so, Professor," you teased.
Remus kissed your forehead. "Have you been at least taking care of yourself?"
You fidgeted under his gaze. You knew you hadn't been. Sleep had become a luxury you couldn't afford. Your body was running on hurried bites of toasts and gulps of pumpkin juice. And Remus knew that. He knew you too well. And it was slightly annoying.
"I'm trying, honestly," you mumbled, avoiding his eyes. You hated disappointing him.
His brows furrowed, and he gently held your chin, tilting your face up so he could see your eyes. "Trying isn't enough, love," he said firmly, although his voice had remained soft. "You're running yourself ragged. You'll burn out before exams even start, and then what good will it be?"
You sighed. He was right. As always. But time management wasn't exactly your forte.
"I know…" you admitted in defeat.
"Have you eaten properly today?" he pressed.
"Yes. I mean, I had lunch. But I skipped breakfast because I was running late."
Remus frowned slightly. "Good girl for eating lunch, but you need to do better with breakfast. It's important."
"Yes, Professor Lupin," you said, playfully rolling your eyes.
"Very good," he praised with a soft chuckle.
He tilted your chin up to kiss you. "And what about sleep? Have you been getting enough rest?" He knew you haven't been, but he wanted you to admit it.
You hesitated, then shook your head. "Not really. I've been up late studying."
Remus sighed softly, his thumb brushing your cheek. "You need your sleep, sweetheart. Promise me you'll try to get to bed earlier tonight."
"Okay, okay. I promise," you said sincerely.
"Good girl," Remus murmured, kissing you again. "You need to take care of yourself, for me and for you."
"Yeah yeah yeah," you giggled, wrapping your arms around his neck in an attempt to distract him.
"Alright, love, it's time for you to get back to your classes. I don't want you to be late," he said as he pulled away reluctantly.
You pouted, clinging to him for a moment longer. "But I don't want to go. Can't I just stay a little bit longer?"
Remus chuckled, shaking his head as he lifted the wards. "No, you can't. You've already broken our rule about no visiting during school hours." He tapped your nose playfully. "Besides, I don't want you getting into trouble because of me."
You rolled your eyes again but smiled. "Fine, Professor. I'll go."
"Good girl," he said with a grin. "Now, off you go before I change my mind and keep you here for detention myself."
You giggled, giving him a quick kiss. "I wouldn't mind detention with you."
"You're impossible, you know that?" he said, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Yep," you replied, "but you love me anyway."
"That I do," he said, pulling you in for one last kiss. "Now, get to class, Miss."
You sighed dramatically but turned to leave.
"Don't forget to eat breakfast tomorrow! And remember, early bedtime tonight."
"Yes, Professor Lupin." you replied teasingly.
Remus shook his head with a smile. "See you later, love."
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seleneprince · 6 months
Unpopular opinion:
Remus Lupin was as capable of cruelty and arrogance as the rest of the Marauders. There are plenty of hints of this in canon. The only reason we don't see this side of him as often is because of his heavy reluctante to be considered a "bad guy".
And he low-key enjoyed going against Snape just as much, he just had some conscience aftewards.
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snilys · 1 year
snupin fic recs!
i was asked in the tags of a recent post if i can share some snupin fic recs, and i'm very much obsessed with this ship, so the amount of fics i've read is big. but i tried to recall some that might make the experience of reading of this couple pleasant for anyone who isn't into it very much. i hope it helps ♡
conspiracy theory by arionrhoad rating: mature genre: humor/parody, romance summary: severus and remus join forces to foil albus dumbledore's plot to get them together. or do they?
time in a bottle by arionrhoad rating: mature genre: action/adventure, romance summary: a grieving remus goes looking for answers about the betrayal of severus snape, and finds something that changes his entire world.
illusion of transparency by bunnybopper rating: mature genre: hurt/comfort, humor, romance summary: when it is clear that remus is struggling under the weight of being his spy, dumbledore once again enlists a begrudged severus snape to help him. under the pressures of war, the two become closer. but why is remus the only person whose thoughts severus can't hear? and when the dark lord decides the werewolves are more trouble than they are worth, severus has a choice to make.
creature comforts by bunnybopper rating: mature genre: hurt/comfort, fluff, romance summary: remus and severus are paired to work together in care of magical creatures in 6th year. neither one is too happy with the arrangement at first.
not really here by owlswithfins rating: mature genre: angst/drama, fluff, romance summary: after the werewolf prank, severus disappears. he’s still at hogwarts—at least, he thinks he is—and he’s probably still alive, but no one can see or hear him. except for lupin.
still life by the treacle tart rating: mature genre: drama/angst, romance summary: severus snape takes some pictures and sees things for the first time.
midnight in the owlery by the treacle tart rating: mature genre: drama/angst, romance summary: on a sleepless night, remus lupin finds himself alone in the hogwarts owlery. he scribbles a note on a spare bit of parchment and sends it out into the dark night. what happens when someone answers?
the very air he breathed by the treacle tart rating: mature genre: humor/parody, romance summary: this potion could save lives, but it needed to be tested. severus needed a guinea pig, he simply failed to tell lupin that he volunteered for duty.
the cat's paw by mckay rating: explicit genre: humor/parody, angst, romance summary: remus learns his pet is even more special than he imagined.
a number of quiet attentions by mckay rating: explicit genre: romance summary: severus didn't realize he was being courted at first.
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handledwithgloves · 5 months
How Harry Potter Ended Up With Three Dads (wc:2k)
"He's drunk," Remus says, peering through the curtains at the slumped over figure on their front porch, "We can't just leave him out there."
Sirius scowls, waving his hand dismissively, "Oh, you and your... kind heart. Damn you! Let him in then!"
Remus makes no rush to open the door but once he does, he could feel just how cold it is outside. He tucks himself further into the warmth of his bathrobe before stepping out onto the porch.
"Severus?" Remus asks warily, inching closer still to the man, "What are you doing here?"
Severus looks up then. Still the same gaunt, thin, sad face from their school days, if not worse from the drunken aura of the man. He looks as if he hasn't slept in days.
"Are you well enough to talk?" Remus asks, squatting down so he could be eye to eye with the man.
Severus only shivers in response. Remus's eyes grow wide in shock.
"Merlin!" he nearly shouts, "Your lips are blue! Just how long have you been out here? Sirius!"
"What?" Sirius grumbles from the front door, "Did he finally keel over and die?"
"Sirius, help me carry him in. I think he's got hyperthermia," Remus says, taking one of Severus's arms and throwing it over his shoulder.
"Hypothermia, Moony," Sirius smiles, taking Severus's other arm and slinging it over his own shoulders none too gently, "I thought you were supposed to be the word-y one here?"
Severus grunts as Sirius 'accidentally' smacks his head against the door. The two of them haul Severus's body into the house as Sirius shuts the door with his foot.
"Over there," Remus says, nodding his head to the fireplace.
As soon as they got him settled and the fireplace is roaring with life, Remus and Sirius finally catch their breaths. Severus looks less dead now but they still had no idea what to make of him. Sirius was the first to voice his concern.
“What the ever living fu - “ one look from Remus cuts him off before he continues with a scowl, “What is he doing here, Remus? And why is he half dead? Doesn’t the bastard know how to cast a warming charm?”
“I don't know,” Remus looks over to Severus’s sleeping body. He’s sitting up, stock still. “I didn’t even know he knew where we lived. I mean, it’s not a secret but still, I didn’t think he cared.”
“Well, whatever. We can’t keep him here. We have a - “ Sirius mimes cradling something in his arms and then points upwards.
“Yes, you don’t think I know that?” Remus snaps, “As soon as he’s better, I’ll wake him up and have him leave. Problem solved.”
Sirius sighs with attitude as he sits down on their couch, propping his feet up on the coffee table. “Better be soon,” he says testily, “It’s near three in the morning. I’m exhausted.”
Remus sits down beside Sirius. “Oh, you’re exhausted?” Remus scoffs, “You’re not the one - “ he mimes changing diapers but Sirius only frowns in confusion, “The very fact that you don’t know what I’m doing only further proves my point.”
“Whatever,” Sirius says, “When one person in this house wakes up, we all wake up.”
“Better take what little chance we have while we have it,” Remus says, resting his head on the back of the couch and closing his eyes.
When Remus opens his eyes again, he is disoriented; unsure how he got to the living room and why he left the fireplace on. Then he focuses on an empty spot near the fireplace, alarms in his head going off that he’s forgotten something important concerning that specific area. Then there is a sudden thump upstairs and Remus leaps to his feet without hesitance. The baby - Harry!
Remus swings across the stairs skipping steps by two as he rounds the corner of the hallway to Harry’s room. The door was wide open. Remus bursts in to find Severus hovering over Harry’s crib, muttering something. Harry is awake, cooing at him as if he understood what Severus was saying. Remus draws his wand immediately.
“Severus,” Remus calls authoritatively, “Step away from the child.”
Severus tenses at Remus’s voice but he doesn’t comply. His wand is drawn and Remus steels himself to fight as a last resort, not wanting to get Harry between the crossfires. Remus opens his mouth again to speak, to lower the tension in the room, when suddenly a spell zooms past his head. Before he knows it, Harry is in Severus’s arms.
“Petrificus Totalus!” Remus shouts just as Severus darts across the room, missing him by inches.
Severus flings open another door to the room and dashes past him before he could utter another spell. Damn! Why did they have to put Harry in a room with so many doors?
“Sirius!” Remus shouts in panic, “Sirius! He has Harry!”
He chases after Severus, always just barely missing him as he darts around corners of his house, jumping through doors, and gliding through hallways. He can hear Sirius’s heavy footsteps running around somewhere, trying to find a way to corner Severus. And then he hears it; Sirius’s footsteps getting closer, louder, and faster.
“Sirius! Don’t!”
Sirius seems to understand a millisecond before colliding with Severus and Harry, barreling instead towards an unsuspecting door and crashing through it.
“What part of ‘he has Harry’ did you not understand?” Remus shouts behind his back as he passes Sirius.
“The part where you bloody let him in the house!” he hears Sirius shouting back.
He’d lost sight of Severus now, finally slowing down to a stop as he tries to listen to any doors being open or, potentially, any windows being smashed so he could escape with Harry. Sirius pats his shoulder, panting just a bit, but not from running, from anger.
“Why does he know the layout of our house?” Sirius shouts incredulously.
“Severus has always been very… complicated,” Remus replies evenly.
“Complicated. Oh, be nicer would you?” Sirius spits, “He’s mad. He’s mad and he’s got Harry!”
“Sirius,” Remus tries to calm him, “He’s still in the house. I think he was doing something to Harry, talking to him or something, before I found him.”
“Talk - talking?” Sirius waves his hands up in exasperation, “Jesus, Remus! He could’ve been cursing Harry for all we know!”
Just then, the most wonderful sound could be heard from downstairs; Harry’s laughing. Sirius moves first, shoving past Remus to get to the stairs. It takes a while for Remus to recover. He had done this. He was the one who brought Severus inside. He believed Severus wasn’t so bad and for a moment, he doubted himself but hearing Harry laugh reignited that belief.
By the time he got to the downstairs hallway, Sirius was already there, banging hard on the bathroom door and trying his best to peer in through the frosted glass. Remus had no idea why the previous owners of this house would want their guest bathroom to have a frosted glass but he’s so glad that they did because he could see the blobs of Severus Snape and Harry sitting on the floor of the bathroom, safe and unharmed.
“When I get you Snivellus, you’re going to wish you were sent to Azkaban with all the other filthy Death Eaters! D’you hear me?” Sirius shouts, jiggling the handles again just to try to scare Severus, “Worse than death! I’ll tear you to pieces if you touch a hair on that boy’s head!”
Remus was still looking in next to Sirius when a thought had come to mind and he was never happier that Sirius was far too angry to think straight. He walks back down the hall and turns a corner to the kitchen, down another hall. Then, quickly, before the door could shut, he barges into the bathroom where Severus slams the door shut with a spell. But he was too late, Remus was already inside, thanking the previous owner for their love of rooms with multiple doors.
Severus is sitting on the bathroom floor with Harry in his lap, facing him. He’s bent over Harry, muttering again, as the infant plays with his hair. He’s crying, Remus notes from the sniffling he hears coming from the man.
“Remus!” Sirius shouts excitedly from behind the bathroom door, “Remus do something! He’s molesting the baby!”
“Shut up, Sirius!” Remus shouts, fists clenching his wand at his side. Jokes like that shouldn’t be made so lightly. Remus takes a breath, trying now to sound as gentle as he could, “Severus, you can’t cry on Harry.”
“You don’t even love him.”
Remus sighs with a roll of his eyes. “And you do?” he tucks his wand away, noticing that Severus’s wand had rolled towards the far wall.
“Listen, he can say my name. Go on, say it,” he prods at Harry.
“Oh, for Godric’s sake, Severus!” Remus flings his arms frustratedly, “He’s not a talking doll! You can’t just poke him and make him say your name!”
“You tell him, Remus! Get that sniveling drowned bastard away from my godson!”
“Sirius! For the love of - Shut up!” Remus shouts.
Severus is mumbling again and this time Remus really is a bit worried he’s putting a curse on Harry but as he nears, he hears him much more clearly.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. You’re Lily’s precious boy, aren’t you? Will you ever forgive me? I’m so very sorry,” Severus chatters like a mantra into Harry’s face.
“Severus,” Remus gently places his hand on the other man’s shoulder, “Severus, give me the boy. It’s his bedtime.”
Severus sniffles. “I came to apologize,” he says, “I - I never got to - to Lily.”
“I understand,” Remus sighs, crouching down and placing his other hand gently to Severus’s forearm, “but he doesn’t. If you really want to apologize to him properly, do it sober and when he’s understood everything.”
Severus sniffles again, giving a slow nod before he leans back onto the bathtub behind him. Gently, carefully, Remus takes Harry from his arms. Harry seems unharmed, thankfully. He’s smiling brightly up at Remus, generally happy. He lets himself relax, standing up and towards the door, opening it to a stressed Sirius.
“You got him?” Sirius says, peering down at Harry who’s yawning now.
“This whole ordeal must have tired him out,” Remus says with a laugh.
“Yeah,” Sirius rolls his eyes, “He’s the tired one. I swear tonight just shaved ten years off my lifespan. What happened in there? I couldn’t hear a thing.”
“We just had a chat,” Remus replies, moving past Sirius and heading up the stairs.
“You mean he’s still in there?” Sirius’s temper flared.
“Leave him be,” Remus gives him a glare, “He’s fallen asleep against the bathtub.”
“Remus,” Sirius starts, “You can’t be serious?”
“He just wanted to apologize to Harry,” Remus says calmly, “I’ve already talked him down from it.”
“We can’t let him stay!” Sirius says desperately.
“You’re welcome to stay up and watch him all night Sirius,” Remus smirks, “Merlin knows you have some sort of wild fascination with him, but Harry and I will be off to bed. Won’t we, Harry?”
Harry gives another, large yawn as his eyes droop lower and lower. Remus smiles. Not even two years on his earth and he’s already a handful of trouble, Remus sighs, placing Harry in his crib. Sirius indignantly complains about Severus’s stay and that Remus thinks he has some ‘wild fascination’ with Snape all the while they make their way to their room.
The next morning, Remus and Sirius are down in the kitchen, with Harry sitting in his feeding chair, when Severus appears with a hand to his head and seemingly looking like he’s going through the worst hangover ever experienced by man. Remus hands him a potion.
“Drink it,” Remus says, “It’ll help with the hangover.”
Sirius grunts, “Brewed it myself, Snivellus, so you better not have any complaints.”
Severus gives Sirius a sneer as he takes the bottle without question and gulps it down. He grimaces for a moment, the taste surely not the best so early in the morning. Then, he looks like his usual, depressing self.
“Compliments where compliments are owed, Black,” Severus says, placing the potion on the counter, “Though I would add just a touch more - “
“That’s enough out of you, Snape,” Sirius scowls, aiming the spatula he was using to stir their scrambled eggs at Severus, “I brewed it perfectly and you know it. You just want to be an arse.”
“Severus,” Remus steps forward, “Do you remember anything that transpired here last night?”
“I do not recall,” Severus says smoothly, looking away as a light blush flushes his cheeks.
So he did remember everything. Which means he remembers the conversation they had in the bathroom about Harry. Remus smiles. That was good. If not for Severus, then for Harry, when he’s ready to learn everything that happened that night with his parents. Speaking of - 
Harry makes a loud indignant shout, upset that he’s being kept out of the conversation. Remus watches as Severus slowly inches towards him with a face of slight disgust or discomfort. Sirius rushes forward as well, thrusting the spatula into Remus’s hands.
“Snivellus, if you even think about kidnapping that boy again - “
“Please, Black. It was hardly a kidnapping if I remained in your house,” Severus says lazily before turning back to Harry, “Pathetic little thing. Isn’t it overweight?”
“Babies look like that, Severus,” Remus says over his shoulder as he plates the scrambled eggs next to he bacon.
Sirius scoffs, hovering over Harry and pinching his cheeks, “Just because your baby pictures have you looking like a drowned cat doesn’t mean our cute little Harry is the same.”
Harry slams his fists down on the table at that, babbling to Sirius.
“Oh, Harry didn’t like that jibe towards Severus, Sirius,” Remus chuckles, “Best to apologize.”
Just then, Harry does the most amazing thing. “Sebuh,” Harry says.
Severus takes a step back, hand flying to his mouth as Sirius peers closer at Harry’s face.
“Sebus,” Harry says again, laughing and making grabbing motions towards Severus.
It was Sirius’s turn to back away in awe then, clutching his chest in shock and disbelief. Severus on the other hand was inching towards Harry again. His hand reaches out and he lets Harry grab at his fingers. Ever so quietly, they could hear sniffling coming from Severus again.
“Oh, come now, Snivellus,” Sirius rolls his eyes.
“I want to be a part of his life.”
“What?” Sirius shouts as Remus says, “Okay.”
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roblogging · 3 days
chat i've barely read anything this month do we still want a monthly recap 😖😖😖
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safeplacesnupin · 5 months
Not On My Watch
Hey folks, I've finally managed to create something again. Kind of.
The thing that got me into Snupin started over two years ago, when a friend asked if I'd roleplay it with them. Fastforward to today and we're *still* roleplaying, and we've decided to edit it into a fic so you all can enjoy it too.
So. Severus Snape dies by Nagini's fangs as per canon, only after death he wakes up in his teenage body a few days before his final year at Hogwarts as a student. And he doesn't care at all if he messes up the future because it was horrible anyway. This time he's going to have a better life! But things get out of hand pretty quickly and plenty of things happen that he does not expect.
It's going to be a long one given we have been working at this for over two years. So far I've edited about 7 chapters and will be posting regularly. If you're interested in reading it, you can find it here.
Not On My Watch
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Why the fuck is it so much to ask for nice, long, novel-length marauders era fic without the over-the-top, uncalled for, disgusting Severus Snape bashing?
I’m talking atyd, but make it Snupin.
Choices, but make it Snupin .
I’m running out of marauders fics I know of but you get the gist here, right?
Folks. My friends in the snapedom. I beg of you…send me your recommendations?
(Or maybe write something of your own? I’m working on it but my ADHD makes this very hard to stay focused on, with the need for instant gratification and all that jazz 😅)
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ensnapemysenses · 2 years
The Wolf, The Bat, and The Girl
Part one: Wolfsbane
Pairing: Snupin, Severus Snape x Remus Lupin
Warnings: Slight angst to begin with but becomes fluffy by the end, mentions of Severus's late wife, little bit of self-doubting from Severus, mentions of how Severus was bullied while in school
Word Count: 2.396
A/N: This takes place after the Battle of Hogwarts. Snape and Remus lived, and Remus never got married to Tonks (they went on a few dates and that is all). Snape was 33 when he secretly got married and no one ever knew he was married or met his wife. He was 35 when Hazel was born. His wife passed from an illness shortly after the battle of Hogwarts when he was 39 and he’s been caring for Hazel on his own since. She grew up at Hogwarts being cared for by Minerva (who she refers to as her grandmother) and Sev. Snape and Remus are currently 46 years old and Severus returned to teach at Hogwarts after Voldemort’s defeat. Remus only returned this year as he was employed elsewhere helping with studies on werewolves and fighting for them to get more rights. Minerva became headmaster because Severus refused to take up the position again preferring to return to a somewhat normal life. This takes place around 2006ish if you are worried about dates lol (I think I did the math correctly anyways, dates confuse me whoops).
Anyway, I’m def going to do a collection of fics focusing on this version of Snupin with Hazel Snape. I am really in love with this idea and yes I'm already working on part two! ;)
“Daddy!” Eleven-year-old Hazel Snape,  giggles as she runs into his office. She hunches over her hands on her knees as she pants from the run she just embarked on from the defense against the dark arts classroom to the dungeons.  After catching her breath she bolts upright and jumps into her dad’s lap, giggly with excitement. 
“How was your first day of classes, honey?” Severus asks her, hugging her tightly in his arms before releasing her. 
“Ah-mazing!” She twirls around and does a little happy dance causing Snape to smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners. 
“What class did you enjoy the most?”
“Defense against the dark arts,” Hazel responds immediately, knowing she doesn’t need to give it a second thought since the class has already captivated her interest. “I really like Professor Lupin, he makes the class so fun!” she giggles.
Not understanding what Hazel sees in Lupin, Snape rolls his eyes at the mention of his name.
He’s never been particularly fond of the guy though he was in the same year as him at school. It’s mostly due to Lupin's association with the group of boys that bullied him for years which leaves a bad taste in his mouth at the mention of his name. He has to admit that Lupin has changed a bit over the years. Every now and then he will still throw an insult or two Severus’s way, to which Severus always returns the favor, but he’s mostly amicable. 
“Mhmm,” he says thoughtfully, playing off his indifference to Remus. “You have potions with me tomorrow, Hay.”
“Ugh,” she sighs. “I know, dad! It’s going to be so weird having you as my professor.”
“It’s going to be just as weird having my knucklehead of a daughter as my student,” he jokes, ruffling her hair with his hand, and making her giggle. He presses a kiss to her head just as he hears a knock on his office door. “I guess you better be off, daddy’s got work to do,” he sighs, wrapping her in a hug.
“See you at dinner!” Hazel exclaims, waving bye to her dad as she exits. 
“Cute kid, by the way. She seems exceptionally smart, just like her father,” a silky voice says from the doorway.  
“Remus,” Snape says coldly. 
“Severus,” Lupin replies with a nod. “May I come in?”
“I suppose so,” Snape drawls. 
His hands clasped behind his back, Remus enters and takes a lap around the room, examining the many jars lining the shelves. “What great decor you have,” he acknowledges. 
“Did you come here to peruse my office and comment on what I keep in it or do you have something useful to say? Perhaps you came here just to waste my time, you seem to be awfully good at that,” Snape scoffs. His fists begin turning a ghostly shade of white and his blue veins become more visible with each passing second. Severus hates having his time wasted; every second is precious to him. 
“I came here to ask for a favor.”
“And, just what is it? I haven’t got all day!” Snape snarls. 
“I’d like you to teach me how to brew Wolfsbane.”
Snape chuckles. “You? Brewing Wolfsbane? That’s hysterical! It’s a highly complicated potion that only the best can perfect!”
“And that’s why I want you to teach me. It’s a win-win, Severus. You won’t have to waste your time brewing such a complicated potion every month, and I’ll have the knowledge to keep others safe from me during the full moon.”
Severus scrunches his nose and runs a hand through his hair. He has to admit, Remus does have a point. If he can teach the useless idiot how to brew his own Wolfsbane, he will gain more free time to focus on his own experimental potions. But, can he trust Remus to brew it correctly? If he doesn’t, he could put many lives in danger. Should he take that risk? 
“Fine,” he huffs, “I think we have a deal.”
“I figured as such.” Remus’s mouth twitches up at the corners in a small knowing smirk; he’s got Severus right where he wants him. “I know you will have to begin brewing next month's potion Friday evening, am I correct?”
“Yes,” he drawls. 
“I’ll see you here Friday evening. How’s eight o’clock sound?”
“I suppose that will work.”
“Good evening, Severus.” Turning on his toes, Remus’s eyes find Severus and linger there for one moment before he slams the door shut behind him with a thud. 
“That idiot,” Severus mumbles under his breath, a small smile creeping up the corners of his lips. A puff of air escapes his lips as he takes notice of his smile and his lips immediately fall back into a resting position. Why he is smiling over such a daft imbecile when he has work to be done he doesn’t quite understand.
As Severus is setting up the supplies for the potion on Friday evening, the creaking of his office door opening makes him pause for a moment. “Where are your manners, Remus? Shouldn’t you knock before entering someone else’s space?” he sneers, turning around to face Remus.
Remus simply shrugs and ignores Severus’s questions, shutting the door behind him. “Everything ready?” he asks, his chin resting on his fingers as he observes the setup.
“It is,” Severus scoffs. Though he’s had a few days to prepare himself he is not looking forward to what is probably going to ensue tonight. He’s expecting Remus to be sarcastic and snippy with him and ask stupid questions just to set him off and annoy him.
“Shall we begin or shall I proceed to mix everything together and hope for the best?” Remus huffs, raising an eyebrow at Snape.
Snape sighs and begins his lecture on Wolfsbane potion. In excruciating detail, he explains everything from the theory to each step in the process. A quill and parchment were pulled out by Remus in anticipation of taking notes, and he even asked questions when he became confused. Severus was caught off guard by Lupin's gesture and couldn't help but chuckle at the realization. It was a bit odd to see his puzzled expression as Severus finished up his lesson and they began the first steps of brewing the potion.
Throughout the evening, the two sparred various verbal blows, but both seemed to enjoy the banter, stopping to let out a small chuckle or hide a growing smile with a scowl.
“No! Don’t cut it like that! Do it like this, Remus. It’s much more effective.” “I’ll show you how effective I can be with a knife if you don’t pipe down!”
“I would appreciate it if you would back up a bit, Severus! I don’t appreciate your hot breath on my neck!”
“I’m simply making sure you don’t blow up the cauldron in my office! I do not want to have to clean up such a mess!”
Thankfully, the night goes by without incident.
“Okay, that does it for tonight,” Severus announces, remarking on the state of the potion. “Due to the nature of this potion, we are going to have to meet every evening until it is completed.”
Remus rolls his eyes. “That means I’m stuck seeing you for a while, huh?” he grumbles.
Snape glares at Lupin. “Is my presence truly that horrifying to be around?” he snaps, as he begins tidying up his desk from the night.
“Truly horrifying, indeed,” Remus agrees, with a low growl but he automatically joins Severus in cleaning up. “See you tomorrow,” he smirks, giving Severus a little wink before exiting. 
Stunned by Remus’s remarks Severus stands still for a few moments, blinking hard as he tries to make sense of what just happened. His heart pounds against his chest and he swipes his tongue across his lips deep in thought. Shrugging off the encounter he goes about his nightly routine but he can’t help it when a small smile creeps up on him when he returns to his chamber for the night.
Due to the Wolfsbane being such a precarious potion to brew, Remus and Severus meet every day after Friday evening for Severus to show Remus the next step in preparing the elixir. Remus always comes prepared, quill and parchment in hand as he plays the role of an observant student. Severus finds he much enjoys his puzzled looks and questions as it gives him a chance to speak about one of his passions. 
Upon finding out about these lessons between Severus and Remus, Hazel has been begging her father to let her watch the two work on the potion together. Of course, Severus lets her attend some of the meetings as long as they won’t keep her out of bed after curfew. Hazel’s infatuation with the defense against the dark arts professor seems to be growing more with every class she attends, and much to Severus’s dismay, he finds himself slowly becoming enthralled with Remus as well. 
The way his graying hair tumbles into his face as he peers into the cauldron with a dazed look, scratching his head for a moment before a rough hand sweeps the hair out of his face never fails to make Severus stop breathing for just a moment. His heart aches and flutters a bit faster in his chest when he observes how gentle and caring Remus is with his daughter, treating her as if she were his own. He’s kind and he listens to her, answering her questions about their defense against the dark arts lessons and he looks to Severus for help with any questions about the potion they are working on. Remus never fails to look her in the eyes, stoop down to her height to make her feel more included, and never raises his voice at her. Soon, butterflies begin to swarm in Severus’s stomach when those amber eyes with green in their depths find his own black orbs and linger there for just a moment too long. He does his best not to stare, but he often fails. 
Soon the staring evolves into delicate touches while passing potion ingredients and feather-like touches on the arch of their backs as one of the men leans over the other to access the state of the potion. Their hands often pause and stop their movements when they collide, though it is never more than a few extra seconds every touch sparks a current through Severus that threatens to make him blush. If he weren’t such a skilled occlumens, he is sure he would have melted into a puddle on the floor by now due to the rising tension between the two. 
This evening is no different; the two men are adding the final touches to the potion and because Hazel would not stop begging her dad to watch them complete the potion she is also present. With shaking hands Remus takes the last ingredient from Severus, their fingertips brushing against each other, and he adds it to the cauldron. 
“My my Remus, it looks like you are not such an imbecile after all,” Snape says, letting out a low chuckle. “You can take a breath. Look.”
Remus lets out the breath he didn’t know he was holding and peers into the cauldron, sure enough, it is emitting the characteristic blue smoke indicating that it was brewed to perfection. “I guess I just had a very good teacher. This is all because of you, Sev.” Remus smiles and places a hand on Severus’s shoulder and gives it a squeeze. 
Sev? Severus can’t help but blush, the nickname caught him off guard. “At this rate, you will be brewing the potion alone in no time,” he replies.
“I don’t know if I want to brew it alone, I’ve enjoyed spending time with you - and Hazel.” Remus leans down and ruffles the girl's hair, peering into her eyes and giving her a reassuring nod. “Hazel, you’ve been a great source of encouragement every time you’ve accompanied me and your father during these lessons,” he smiles.
“I’ve really learned a lot watching you two brew such a complicated potion!” Hazel exclaims, her eyes darting to her dad as if asking permission. At the nod of his head, she launches herself into Remus’s arms, giggling and smiling from ear to ear. 
Acting upon instinct, Remus scoops the girl up and gives her a little spin before gently setting her back down on the ground. “You’re my little good luck charm, eh Hazel,” Remus grins, elbowing Severus, knocking him off balance and causing him to stumble a bit.
“Yeah!” Hazel happily agrees.
“Alright, you two! Enough playing around! Hazel, it’s time for you to head to your dorm.”
“Ugh, fine. Goodnight daddy! I love you!” Hazel says, giving her dad a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “See you later, Professor Lupin!”
“She is adorable,” Lupin mummers once she’s left the room. 
Severus nods, his heart swelling with pride. “She is something,” he chuckles. “She’s so much like her mother,” he adds in a low voice as an afterthought.
Remus tenses at the mention of Hazel’s mother, curious to learn more about her but not sure what to say next. “Her mother… is she still in the picture?” he asks, hissing at how inconsiderate that could sound. He never knew Snape had been married, much less that he had a kid before this year when he returned to teach at Hogwarts. It had indeed been quite the surprise and no one had been willing to talk about the situation to fill him in on the details.
Snape shakes his head and begins fiddling with the skin on his thumb. “She passed away when Hazel was four. Her health deteriorated and no healer could figure out what was wrong. Eventually, she stopped fighting and decided to spend the time she had left with us,” he mumbled, wiping a tear away with the back of his hand. “It’s been really tough raising Hay alone. I’ve had Minerva’s help but still, I worry I haven’t been a good influence on her. I know I haven’t always been an admirable person and I’ve made sure to never hide my past from her. I just hope I have raised her well, that she learns from my own shortcomings, and that she doesn’t repeat her father’s mistakes.” Severus looks to the ground and rubs the back of his neck.
“Severus, I haven’t known your daughter long, but I can assure you that she is an exceptional young lady. She’s intelligent, caring, and loyal and I’d argue that she acquired all of those things from you. You are one of the most loyal and intelligent people I’ve ever met and behind that cold exterior, I know you are caring. I’ve seen the way you act around Hazel, you’re not the scary dungeon recluse everyone thinks you are.” Taking a half step closer to Severus, Remus places a hand on his shoulder. “Look at me, Sev,” he mummers.
Slowly Severus lifts his head and his eyes meet Remus’s.
“I haven’t always been the best person either. I’m sorry for how I let all that bullying slide while we were in school. I - I wish I had stood up to my friends. I wish I had - defended you. You didn’t deserve any of it and I hate that I can’t go back and change the past.” Slowly Remus snakes his hand up to Severus’s face and pushes a strand of his onyx hair back behind his ear before hastily shoving both of his hands into his pockets and stepping back, scared of how Severus will react to the bold gesture.
Severus simply nods not knowing what to say. “We both can’t change the past, we must simply live with it,” he finally says, with a shrug. “Hazel seems to have taken a liking to you.”
“It seems I’ve won over both Snape's, huh?” Remus taunts. 
Severus’s cheeks begin burning and he feels his body temperature start to rise. “Who says I like you, Remus? No! I simply put up with you,” he scoffs. 
“Of course,” Remus chuckles. “But I think that if you were just putting up with me I don’t think you’d let me do this.” 
Four steps is all it takes for Remus to close the gap between him and Severus. It takes another moment for him to decide exactly what he is going to do, opening his arms wide and wrapping them around Severus in a tight embrace. Much to his surprise and delight, Severus embraces him as well, running a hand gently up and to the small of his back. The action sends a shiver up Remus’s spine.
The two men hold each other tightly for a few moments before simultaneously breaking apart. Severus’s obsidian eyes gaze into Remus’s amber eyes admiring their beauty, before darting off to the side. Severus has never been very comfortable with eye contact and right now all he wants to do is escape. He can’t believe he let himself be vulnerable with Remus Lupin of all people!
“Well, that does it for tonight. Here.” With a wave of his wand Severus removes the cauldron from the flame, cooling it down to room temperature with a blast of cold air. He places the lid on it and hands it to Remus. “You know the correct dosage I assume?”
“All too well, Severus.”
“Good. Take the first dose tonight. The full moon is just a week away.”
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dewitty1 · 8 months
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Fic Recs Wrap Up January 2024♡(੭ˊ͈ ꒵ˋ͈)੭*・:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*☆
The Wake-up Kiss by Justlikewriting
This time, when Harry found himself without a date for the Ministry Yule Ball, Parvati Patil was unable to step in. So, he was left with the only other viable option: to ask Draco Malfoy. Which would be fine, of course: it had been twelve years since the war after all. And they saw each other regularly now, meeting up with the same group of friends almost every Friday night. Harry, however, obviously hadn’t taken into account just how insufferable Zacharias Smith could be. Rec Post
The Binding and the Loosing by TheGoblinMatriarch @thegoblinmatriarch
Draco Malfoy is a reclusive academic who works on layered generational magic under the pseudonym Scholar Griseo. When he is contacted by a ‘James Black’ for help with a tricky situation with a magical House, he can’t help but notice the similarities between his potential client and Harry Potter. Since he can’t exactly refuse to help the Saviour of the magical world, Draco girds his loins and visits Grimmauld Place, where he ends up involved in what he must presume is one of those classic Harry Potter misadventures. Bonding, sentient Houses, domesticity ahoy! Rec Post
A True Entanglement by Booktopus @thebooktopus
One moment, Harry was minding his own business, going about his workday, and the next, he found himself being dragged across the Ministry by a red string that had somehow curled up in a pretty little bow around his wrist. A story of fate, smut, falling in love, and a string named Harold. Rec Post
Fire Meet Gasoline by lettersbyelise @lettersbyelise
When Draco’s anger management issues land him in St Mungo’s, he thinks his Quidditch career is over. But Harry, A&E Healer and notorious workaholic, is faced with a similar predicament. To save their jobs, the two of them decide to fake a relationship. All they have to do is convince their friends and employers… and not fall in love in the process. Simple, right? Rec Post
Everything is Relative to You by honeybeet @thehoneybeet
Potter was supposed to have lived. Draco is certain of this. That Potter would no longer walk the earth was tantamount to the sun moving west to east across the sky. If only he could have stopped this from happening, if he’d have known… It comes to him as ideas often did: too late. Or, Harry dreams of his past lives, and Draco is in every one. Rec Post
we’ll keep the king by BlueSundayCake  @bluesundaycake
On a cold December morning, Remus Lupin shows up on Severus Snape’s doorstep with a child with very familiar eyes. Rec Post
Evitative by Vichan  @k-vichan
In the summer before his fifth year at Hogwarts, Harry is drawn to a room in Grimmauld Place. Like the Gryffindor he is, he enters the room without fear. The room is a library, and Harry is surprised to find that he’s eager to learn.
Then he gets the bad news: he’s been accidentally expelled from Hogwarts, and he needs to be sorted again. Everyone is confident that he’ll go straight back to Gryffindor, but with what he’s been learning, Harry’s not so sure. Rec Post
The White Pawn by Soupy_George @soupy-george
When eighteen-year-old Draco Malfoy finds himself back at Hogwarts on the eve of Voldemort’s infamous return, he is confronted with the most difficult decision he’s ever had to make: Relive the 6th year at school he’s tried so hard to forget, or do the unthinkable and ally himself with Potter’s lot… Rec Post
Howlr by partialtopotter @partialtopotter
Howlr is the new dating application enchanting Witches, Wizards and Everyone in between. Are you looking for the one or a one-night stand; it’s all here folks. Howlr is sponsored by Weasley Wizard Wheezes, the same team that brought us the Spellular just two years ago. Ginny Weasley, famed chaser for the Holyhead Harpies, swears by the app, ‘guaranteed to make sparks fly,’ she says. The magic awaits you! Rec Post
Here are a few more fics I've read recently that y'all might like to check out as well!(ノ゚∀゚)ノ━☆゚・*:.。. .。.:*・.*・。゚*:・゚✧
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Inevitable [Drarry] by violenttulips
After the war, Harry Potter becomes a talented Senior Auror with a penchant for injury in defense of his colleagues. Draco Malfoy leaves the country for five years and becomes an accomplished Specialty Healer. He comes back after he accepts a job at St. Mungo's Hospital. When they meet again, it's clear that Draco has changed significantly in the years since they attended Hogwarts together, and Harry finds himself strangely attracted to his former rival. But things never come easy for the Boy-Who-Lived, and that's not about to change now.
Learn To Fly by Ladderofyears @ladderofyears
January 2004: Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter are two of the finest Seekers in England, deadly rivals and secret lovers. As far as Draco is concerned, that's how it'll stay forever. He is betrothed to beautiful heiress Astoria Greengrass, and they are due to have a big summer wedding. Everything changes during a hotly fought Arrows versus Wimbourne game when Draco falls from his broom. To his huge shock, when Draco awakes in St Mungo's, he discovers he is pregnant. What will Draco do, now everything in his tidily compartmentalised life has to change?
He Comes Like a Thunderstorm by korlaena @korlaena
Draco is doing his best to balance the life he wants to live and the life he’s forced to live. He’s nearing the tail-end of a long, post-war probation when Harry Potter crashes back into his life with all the grace of a charging Erumpent, breaking through his carefully constructed rules and routine. Caught up in a whirlwind of sex and lust, Potter unwittingly shows Draco that his life as an Incubus doesn’t have to be as lonely and unfulfilling as he thought, but how long can it last?
Denouement by the_never_was 
Pale face in paler hands, he is devoid of color. He is only the moonlight. And he wonders if he'll find the sun. A story about Draco entering a period of change that will either shatter him or enfold him into Harry Potter's world.
( •ॢ◡-ॢ)-♡ I hope you enjoy these fics as much as I have! Happy reading, y’all! xoxo Carey  (◍•ᴗ•◍)♡ ✧*💜💙💚💛❤💗💕💖
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iamnmbr3 · 10 days
I hope you don’t mind if I bombard you with ask game questions 🫣♥️
May I request Remus Lupin/Severus Snape - 2, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 18, 19?
I most certainly do not mind! *Rubs hands together* I love this ask so much. What a disaster ship. I am SO here for it.
2) Which one proposed? Was it grand and public? Discreet and private? Was it expected?
Lupin proposed by mistake by blurting out "marry me" during sex. He tried to take it back which led to a massive fight in which Lupin's self hatred met Snape's insecurities and rejection sensitivity - compounded by their school history - and caused fireworks that culminated in him proposing again, half out of spite and Snape saying yes also out of spite.
6) Who were the first people to find out about the engagement? How did they react?
Voldemort checks Snape's mind, decides this is probably some sort of convoluted revenge plan, and is so sketched by the mess that is Snape's emotions that he nopes tf out. Meanwhile Dumbledore is doing some stealth Legilimency on Lupin because it's a habit of his (though he denies it strenuously) and nearly dies trying not to show any reaction on his face. He believes in the power of love...but not like this. Never have Tom & Albus been so aligned in their feelings about an issue.
7) Who are the maids of honor and/or best men? Why and how were they chosen?
Listen. I can't really see them having best men/maids of honor in most scenarios. But I absolutely insist on it in the following two situations because the absolute chaos entertains me. A) An AU in which this happens while the Marauders and co are still all alive and free and they each have their respective exes, Sirius & Lily, in the role of their best men bc I think it would be hilarious. (And yes it goes just as badly as you'd imagine). Or B) a dark AU in which the role is filled by Fenrir Greyback for Lupin and Lucius for Snape and Voldemort presides (and it's still kind of a mess, but somehow less of a mess than the first scenario).
10) Do they get married through court? Church? Third secret option?
Secret third option - highly traditional wizard style marriage that actually doesn't feel right to either of them because both grew up with way more muggle influence than they let on.
11) When do they get married? Night or day? Any specific reason for either?
In the daylight. Lupin's not into seeing the moon for obvious reasons. Neither is Snape, due to the trauma of almost getting eaten that time in the Shrieking Shack - though he'd never admit it.
14) Do they follow any familiar, cultural, and/or religious traditions at any point of the wedding?
No. Not even basic decorum is respected. The guests are scarred. Is this a revenge thing? A hate thing? A fetish? Are they just like that? Who's getting revenge on who tho is not clear and frankly everyone is too afraid to ask questions.
18) did anyone oppose the marriage? Did they speak then, or did they just forever hold their peace?
If Sirius is invited or knows about it he definitely speaks his mind...a lot. If this takes place after the first wizarding war and the public gets wind of it then 'ex death eater marries werewolf' is not exactly a headline that precedes kind coverage.
19) What was the ceremony like? Any highlights?
Imagine the hilarious crack potential of Lupin inviting his friends, who hate and are hated by Snape. And Snape inviting HIS friends who are all Death Eaters. Everyone is looking daggers at each other across the isle. A full on Death Eater vs Order member brawl is only avoided due to the fact that unbeknownst to them Snape slipped a few drops of Calming Draft into all their drinks.
Send me a ship and a number.
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