#Snk 105
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sonofthesaiyans · 2 months ago
Attack on Titan's blackest moment.....
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Four years ago today, and it still hurts to know it came to this for her. A character who was so iconic and beloved, a girl who seemed destined for so much more.
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Four years ago, the last we saw of our beloved Potato Girl, Sasha Braus.
She truly had a great thing going, an strong, energetic, yet frightened young woman who nevertheless fought through the ugliness of the world inside the Walls, and grew into one of its most able protectors when the call came. She often seemed out of place in the Scouts, but truly represented what they stood for.
She had everything to be even greater and stronger, perhaps one of the heroes of humanity in the final fight against Eren.
And all of that was thrown away.....And for what? FOR THIS:
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Gabi Braun will always be a vile, obnoxious, and unnecessary sack of shit who existed only to hold down the entire series, by stealing Sasha's rightful place in a circle of characters where she will always be the odd one out that NEVER should have been.
I don't give a fuck what her defenders say, and for them to continue she's a well written character is all in service of Isayama's worst deceit. All of Attack on Titan's final act exists only to push this goddamn little usurper, with every trick in the book pulled to pry sympathy for a character who was given zero likable traits and was too late to the scene for any investment to feel legitimate. All for the most contrived and dishonest character arc in the history of anime. There's a right and a wrong way to do redemption arcs, and Gabi Braun is a prime example of how it can be abused at the expense of the story. This is what happens when you let an author show open disrespect to the fandom by blatantly playing favorites through the entire context of the story, which essentially carried Gabi all the way to the end by forcing her into the main plot in the worst way imaginable.
The fact that any chance Sasha had at an ongoing arc in season four, to take part in the final fight against Eren and the fact that her killer was given a fucking happy conclusion at the expense of her own is a grave insult to someone who was not even allowed to go out with any real dignity. One who had been with us ever since the beginning.
No worse image than that of Sasha bleeding out, unable to speak, with her memory exploited by Isayama at every turn simply to push whatever agenda he sought to fulfill with the biggest bitch in anime.
Such a grave injustice. And we so richly deserved to see Gabi receive some for what she did.
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Should have let Kaya finish the job, Mikasa. You OWED Sasha that much. NONE OF YOU owed anything to that fucking little shit.
And she's certainly not owed any of our sympathy. This kid had no conscience to speak of before her life was directly threatened.
Was what we lost REALLY worth it all?
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Assassin's Bullet is and remains one of the WORST things I've ever seen in my life, and it singlehandedly tainted my experience with both manga and anime. It'll forever be one of the worst things in any anime, and we still deserve more and BETTER from Sasha Braus. The only redemption I want is a redemption from this travesty's very existence.
Forever remember Sasha Braus. Her big heart, her laugh, her kindness, her hunger for all the good things in life, her incredible integrity and selflessness........It's a loss that still feels far too real. And she deserves better than to be remembered as a mere tool for such a shameful and manipulative sideshow as what Hajime Isayama dealt us.
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To the real heart of Attack on Titan, I will love you always Sasha Braus.
There is no Attack on Titan without Sasha.
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sonofthesaiyans · 1 year ago
This is what we lost to Isayama, people. To that brat, Gabi Braun. We lost THIS:
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If you're not outraged about this, then seriously, rethink yourself a little the next time you say Attack on Titan had such excellent story and character growth.......More accurately, it was far too eager to waste both when Isayama's shallow ends demanded it.
There's a special place in hell for that man.
still miss ya...
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nyralunaexe · 23 days ago
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Day 105 - 🥔
#anime #manga #art #artists #snk #aot #attackontitan #shingekinokyojin #sasha #sashablouse #sashabraus
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mimangacaps · 4 years ago
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“... 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒘𝒆𝒓𝒆 ... 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒕 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒔?”
“𝒎𝒆𝒂𝒕 ... 𝒊𝒔 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒂𝒊𝒅.”
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cosmicjoke · 4 years ago
Man, Levi’s disgust at Eren on the airship is intense.  I think the most heartbreaking moment here is when Eren says, with apparent detachment, that everything he said in his letter was true, and then asks Levi why that wasn’t enough to earn his understanding.  Levi’s look of shocked dismay in the next panel, followed by him telling Eren that his face looks like every “rotting piece of shit I saw in the Underground”, speaks so powerfully to Levi’s feelings of betrayal at the whole affair.  Eren is presenting Levi with the first, genuine glimpse of his destructive nature, and you can just see the disbelief in Levi.  He’s put his total faith in this kid, believed in him completely as someone who would give his all to humanity, and now he’s being forced to face a part of Eren that is genuinely ugly and even cruel.  Levi likening the look on Eren’s face to the scum he had to deal with while growing up in the Underground is so sad, because ever since escaping the hell of that existence, Levi’s been trying desperately to pursue a noble and meaningful existence, one in which he and his fellow comrades fight for a better world.  And now, the one person he and so many others had put so much hope in to help achieve that better world, has instead become seemingly corrupted and bloodthirsty, unbothered and uncaring of the violence he’s just wrought.  Of course, I don’t think Eren IS as uncaring as he presents himself here, but just the fact that he does, that he is purposefully hiding himself and his true intentions and feelings from people who have fought for and sacrificed hugely for his sake, both past and present, is an awful slap to their faces.  Like Hange berates Eren for, when she says that he USED his trust in them, knowing if he did this, they wouldn’t be able to abandon him, and how the price for that is that they’ve, in turn, lost their trust in him.  Eren’s plan here with Zeke was so horribly reckless and showed such awful disregard for the lives of his friends and comrades.  Like Armin says at the end of chapter 106, if they hadn’t gone to rescue Eren, he still would have done what he did, and that would have brought the entire Marlyian navel fleet down on their island.  They literally were forced into this position, with no input or choice.  Eren completely crushed their free will here, completely disregarded their agency as meaningless and unimportant, which is insanely hypocritical of him, given how he’s always declaring the importance of freedom.  You see that too, when Eren finally reveals his knowledge about how he was able to control the Titans that one time, and Levi asks him why he didn’t say anything before.  Levi doesn’t understand Eren’s lack of trust in them, or why he’s keeping things to himself, when they’ve all fought together for years at this point, risking their lives together.  It’s like a fellow soldier in arms spurning the camaraderie formed with his brothers in arms on the battle field, that implicit trust needed to survive in those kinds of situations.  It’s Eren’s inability to genuinely trust in his friends, to just be HONEST with them, that leads to such a horrific outcome here, and such a tragic situation.  Eren should have known he could talk to them, he should have KNOWN that.  These people fought beside and for him so many times, and even died for him.  That should have been enough for him to know he could trust them.  But it wasn’t, which shows a deeply tragic failing in Eren himself.  An inability on his part to truly, genuinely connect with those around him, despite how much they clearly care about and value him.  It’s just so sad.  I think Levi’s shocked expression is because he realizes that about Eren, for the first time, in that moment.  That there’s a very big part of Eren that values his own satisfaction and lust for violence over the well being of his friends and comrades.  Over humanity.  Because he forced them into this position without any regard for the consequences, either on them personally, or for the entirety of the island of Paradis.  The fact that Levi says “I never thought I’d see you like this.”, shows how genuinely he believed in Eren before this, how genuinely he trusted in Eren and his devotion to humanity.  All of that trust and hope in Eren has just been dashed, and Levi is left facing someone who reminds him of the people he grew up with in the Underground, people who were willing to do anything and everything, willing to trample the lives and freedom of others, in order to get what they wanted.  In order to satisfy their own desires and needs.  It must seem to Levi like his own idealism is being laughed at, the way others keep throwing it back in his face.  Ugh, it’s just so horrible.  This is the point when I think Levi’s exhaustion and despair really starts to set in.  Why we see him looking so heartbroken through all of the final arc.  It must seem to him so much like all of it, all the friends he lost, was for nothing.  
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sonofthesaiyans · 2 years ago
Look, I hate to knock Connie or anyone who likes the guy.........But with all due respect, this is the storyline I would have much rather seen. Especially since Sasha was clearly the better and more popular of the two. 
Would have left far fewer emotional and mental scars on me, that’s for sure. Scars that are still festering years later. 
That said though, I will do everyone the solid of saying that Sasha and Connie both deserved better. 
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“Connie?… is that you?” 😢
Happy belated birthday, Sasha.
Re uploaded from Twitter.
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ephemeralnerd · 4 years ago
This shot was adapted beautifully :(
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terrible day for rain us springlestein fans
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yuzukahachimir · 4 years ago
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If you read the manga you know that one of the best moments in the attack of Liberio is when the Ackermans enter in the fight.
I'm waiting for it so much.
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sonofthesaiyans · 11 months ago
Her name was Sasha. She was amazing.
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And Gabi stole her from us.
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Hajime Isayama stole her from us.
Yes. Assassin's Bullet. The lowest point in all of Attack on Titan.
This was where it all began. This was where all the anger, hate, and bitterness started. For six years, the continued run of both the anime and the manga has been a LIVING HELL. For me, Sasha Braus truly was the heart of the story, it was her kind soul and noble struggle that won me over, and I always knew she was a greater character than the story allowed her to be.
For me, Attack on Titan ended when Gabi's bullet entered her body. The image of Sasha bleeding out has been burned into my brain so deeply that all else became irrelevant after that. No other scene in fiction ever actively affected my mental well-being as this one still does today, making this the worst thing I have EVER laid eyes on in a series I once was a fan of.
Hajime Isayama had one simple task, and he should have left well enough alone. Never have I felt so profoundly offended by any story like I have been by Gabi's phony and enormously manipulative "redemption" arc, and the fact that Isayama decreed that Sasha, a character he long has neglected, had to die to live out this pathetic stunt of his.....there's few other men on earth who I actively wish the worst upon. A sick bastard who continues to be rewarded for one of the worst character abuses in anime, and for obliging us to one of the absolute worst characters in all of fiction.
It doesn't matter how many excuses Gabi's overzealous diehards make, every single of their excuses has been rooted in Isayama's lies. And they are some of the worst excuses for fans I have ever met. There's clearly no self awareness or humility among her existing circle of fans, and the few who are reasonable are too few and far between. It doesn't matter what they say, and it doesn't matter what that cunt Isayama says in defense of his decisions, I have never ever seen that man as anything less than a liar who has taken too much pleasure in punishing those who have picked up his work. It's because of him that this hideous piece of literature was animated into one of the worst episodes of anime, and his self indulgent need to plug Gabi in EVERY aspect of his story to sell such a hollow and phony message has permanently tainted Attack on Titan.
Chapter 105, Assassin's Bullet is the chapter that made this series UNWATCHABLE.
This FUCKING chapter is why I cannot put the anime back on. If I could, I would have it burned out of existence. And I only can dream of the chance to ream Isayama for how thoroughly his work has negatively affected my psyche. If I had my way, he would be forced to reckon with all he started the day he drafted this fucking thing, a man who has totally lost my respect for this and for having cast a genocidal monster like Eren Yeager in a sympathetic light.
Sasha Braus deserves so much better. A character who is far too good for the story she was introduced in.
Never before have I seen anything advertised with the words "MAJOR DEATH INCOMING" as I did with Assassin's Bullet.
It's transparently obvious how much Isayama wanted to hurt us with this. And how eager he was to supplant Sasha with such an obnoxious and remorseless replacement who he had the gall to frame as being not just a mirror to Eren, but as a mirror to the girl who was the complete OPPOSITE of BOTH of them. If that's not an insult to who Sasha was as a character, then what is?
And that's to say nothing of the glaring absence of her breastplate when Gabi stormed the blimp, this clearly was no accident on the part of this bastard. And I have yet to see the fandom call him forward on it. Not for being a plot hole, but for further serving as a massive middle finger from the man who clearly took a perverse pleasure in setting us up for this torturous turn of events. And to him I can only say he can go to Hell.
And to the fans marking Connie's birthday today, I hardly see any cause for celebrating.
Because Isayama CHOSE this day to hurt us with this.
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That's right. The other half of this classic duo who couldn't be bothered to lift a finger to avenge the legacy of his best friend, not even once calling out the one to pull the trigger. And no, I will NOT let that go. More on that matter later, I assure you.
If you ask me, it should have been Connie who took the bullet on that airship, having done absolutely nothing of value for the remaining portion of the story. And certainly nothing to honor what he shared with Sasha. So don't bother counting me as a Springles fan these days, people.
And oh yeah, Eren's laugh......that had to have been Isayama's malice seeping further into the writing. And people wonder why I have it out for this son of a bitch.
And getting back to Gabi, on why she's such an irredeemable little cunt unworthy or sympathy, I think this article sums it up nicely; scroll down to #4 and you got an accurate shorthand for all the reasons for why this bitch has no business EVER becoming such a dominating presence in the final arcs of Attack on Titan.
Absolutely NO redeeming value to this chapter and episode whatsoever. In the end, absolutely nothing about Eren's saga mattered. Not after this. Sasha may not have been the main character, but she was a character who deserved so much more, and the story suffered without presence. I don't give a flying fuck what the fans say, I don't care what Mappa says, I don't care what Japan says, and I certainly do not fucking care what Isayama says for why any of this "had" to happen, it didn't:
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Today I broke my own rule of never posting any images of this motherfucking travesty on my page. But frankly, I don't know how else to better illustrate my anger. It makes me feel unclean to recall everything of this episode and everything that followed in its wake.
Justice for Sasha Braus. Because our beloved Potato Girl deserves it. One day Isayama's hand must be forced, and when that happens, may she be restored to us, and this black stain that is Assassin's Bullet expunged from this saga. Isayama made a bad call, and he must fucking answer for it.
And to all you Gabi fans out there, a little something to all of you who have gone to such insane lengths to defend such a toxic character who you've always been so eager to put on a goddamn pedestal:
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Still haven't figured out who I got this from yet? Well let's just say they know better than anybody else as to why Gabi has such a bad reputation to this day. And to them I can only say it's a shame they came to be associated with a character as infamous as Gabi.
And to Gabi herself.......
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I would not have hesitated to shiv you myself you little motherfucker. Until we get the scene where you finally face justice, may you burn in hell.
Fuck Assassin's Bullet, and FUCK YOU HAJIME ISAYAMA.
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Remember her face people. NEVER FORGET what was stolen from us.
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sonofthesaiyans · 2 years ago
Do you folks think Isayama appreciates what he wasted with Sasha? Scenes like this show she could be a truly effective warrior and her unusual tactics and fast reflexes made her a valuable wild card in the fight against the Titans. And yet we NEVER got the scene of her taking out a Titan singlehandedly.
No. Instead she's used as a plot device for a thinly disguised "replacement" who nobody likes even before the events of Assassin's Bullet (Chapter 105, for those of you who forgot when this travesty unfolded) and even her last words are relegated to one last gag instead of something that pays more respect to who she was.
She is more than just "Potato Girl". She is Sasha Braus, a character too good to have been abused by Isayama in the way she was. Something much greater here was lost because this bastard put his energy in the wrong places.
If you're somehow still at a loss as to why I have spent years venting about this, recall scenes like this and that time she saved Kaya all by herself. Or just any time where she put her best foot forward no matter how scared she might've been.
There is no Attack on Titan without Sasha.
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lostcauses-noregrets · 4 years ago
Wait I didn't read the spin-off about Levi but is Lobov the bad guy in this spin-off ? Isn't Lobov the one that Gabi killed during the Liberio attack in order to jump on their plane when the SC left ? I thought he was a "good person" ?
Yeah that made me blink when I first saw it.  It appears to be just a name that’s been re-used.  There’s no connection between former Commander Lobov of the Garrison who appears in chapter 105 of SnK, and Nicholas Lobov / Lovoff / Loboff, the corrupt noble in ACWNR.
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divine-mimicry · 4 years ago
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F. Grice, G. Braun
Shingeki No Kyojin, Attack On Titan
Chapter 105
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sonofthesaiyans · 1 year ago
BeruSasha?? Are you kidding me? And that's great, you didn't stop at comparing Gabi Braun to Sasha, but now you're suggesting she could've fucking BIRTHED the kid?
You Gabi fans are as fucked up as the degenerate who wrote her into the story. Yes, DEGENERATE.
Can we stop overcompensating for how godawful this character is? That ship sailed when Isayama failed to make room for BOTH girls, and instead opted to spite his longtime fans. Don't dig a deeper hole for your boy Hajime, assholes.
Cringiest headcanon I have seen in a long time.
Bertholdt and Sasha look like they could be Udo and Gabi’s parents
Udo takes after his dad and is naturally quiet but attentive
Gabi is like a whirlwind and takes after Sasha
Both kids have incredible marksmanship because of their parents.
I already replied this one on Twitter, but gonna post it here too because I now love this so much omg ;;
I already hc Udo as berusasha kid, but Gabi it's just too obvious and I ??? was sleeping ???? No but seriously, the parallels are right there, they are so much alike (that's why I'm sure Sasha would easily forgive Gabi! 🥹).
Now I can't help thinking on them on a weekend trip, Sasha and Gabi being the loudest duo, singing at the top of their lungs, always so excited, while Bertholdt and Udo are trying to chill for like five minutes lmao...
Thanks for sending this sweet headcanon, it always make me happy read your thoughts about berusasha!! 🩷
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yaboylevi · 4 years ago
Hi vivi, I also feel the same about the last episode. I’m also even sadder when I think about how Levi wanted to tell Eren ‘so many things’ but he chose to kick him instead 😫😫😫
Mmm, my feeling disappointed at that part of the episode has nothing to do with what you’re mentioning, I feel. I am disappointed with them cutting out one of Levi’s saddest expressions, effectively carving away half of Levi’s feelings towards Eren.
I already lost my metaphorical shit and patience with Levi when last chapter came out. There were so many other chances he could talk to Eren, but he decided to become a wallflower for 4 years instead of approaching Eren.
On the blimp, there was no time, and no privacy for a talk.
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nuruns · 4 years ago
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you guys are special
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quirkyackerman · 4 years ago
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Had to cosplay that scene in what happened to Sasha. She'll be truly missed 😢
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