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carrotandlemon · 6 months ago
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huge aot art dump enjoy (creds to fromriches-tosin for the jean bouncing on it in reiners lowest darkest days)
also u can send requests afjdkjfdk
i want aot mutuals on twitter pls @/carrot_andlemon
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shermalysed · 1 year ago
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Look how sasha smiling.
I'm not crying, I'M NOT CRYING!!!
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Also love the detail when Sasha dissapear from them and connie start to crying😭
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six-paths-of-jeanmarco · 5 months ago
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Thank you Taniyama for conveing Jean's feelings for his three most beloved friends from the start till the very end of the series. We couldn't have asked for a better VA for Jean.
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Sasha: *smirks* So, Eren, va-va-va-voom, huh?
Eren: What?
Connie: *wiggling his eyebrows* Last night, with Captain Levi.
Eren: *playing it cool* What are you talking about?
Sasha: Oh, oh, we get it, play dumb. We can play dumb.
Connie: *nods*
Jean: Play? You could manage the team.
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ibettertakethisoffshelby · 2 years ago
Jean: "So, I was thinking earlier-"
Sasha: "Wow, really?"
Connie: "Atta boy, Jean!"
J: "What?! No! I'm not finished! I was thinking that... um... it... I... ummmm... shit."
C: "You shoulda stopped when we were impressed."
S: "Yeah, that was kind of a letdown."
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daleelahwrites · 2 years ago
Sasha, Jean, Connie supremacy
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Miss them so much! :')
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shermalysed · 1 year ago
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I'm so proud of you, guys
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nerdynuala · 1 year ago
Who would the veterans and eren mikasa and armin godly parents from pjo be?
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Answering these two asks after 81 years of them fermenting in my ask box because- well I don't even have an excuse. Sorry anons, hope you're still out there in the shadows of my blog and you get to see this
Have a messy art of Levihan and EMA as campers. They're all babies, because demigods are babies
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My take on this, under the cut because I wrote more than intended
- Hange, Child of Hephaestus: because, yeah, it's Hange. They are curious, they like building stuff. Plus I can totally see Hange with fire powers.
- Levi, Child of Hades: because Levi is definitely a child of one of the Big Three, he's special, he's powerful. And he reminds me of Nico, all brooding but so soft on the inside and full of trauma. Give these boys a hug. Oh and the fact that Levi's from the underground just really fits.
- Eren, Child of Poseidon: I know, I know, Eren being Eren would probably be a Child of Ares with war and stuff but- I just- listen to me. Poseidon is the god of earthquakes as well. Rumbling, oh yeah. And I know the ocean was more of Armin's dream and all the symbolism, but Eren wanting to go and see the ocean... I don't know, in my mind his Godly parent is Poseidon.
- Armin, Child of Athena: not much to say, Goddess of wisdom and war strategy. Armin's smart, strategic, always got a plan. Alternatively, I've thought of him being a child of Aphrodite, and I don't dislike the idea.
- Mikasa, Child of Athena: I'm kinda lost with her but I like to think she's the other side of the coin. Like, the part of Children of Athena that's pure talent for arms and battles. Because Mikasa is pure talent for battle, but I feel she lacks the aggressiveness of Ares children.
- Erwin, Child of Zeus: yes I know he can be another child of Athena but his confidence, his presence, his leading abilities. Just big Zeus vibes I get from him.
- Mike, Child of.... Well I like him being a child of Apollo like anon suggested, and it fits my headcanon of Mike. But, I feel canon Mike would probably be a Child of Ares.
- Moblit, Child of Apollo: I really like the idea of him being able to heal. Also, he's a talented artist and a ray of sunshine.
- Nanaba, Child of Demeter: I really love what anon suggested. Totally with them on this one.
Addittionally, have Springlestein
- Jean, Child of Hermes: I don't really have an explanation. I just feel he would be a son of Hermes. Maybe it's just that Jean feels so incredibly human to me, and children of Hermes do too.
- Sasha and Connie, children of Dyonisus: they're siblings your Honor. Nothing else to add.
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cosmosorbitt · 5 months ago
platonic/sibling relationship jean x y/n fic? canonverse ^_^
or wholesome platonic springlestein (jean, sasha, connie?)
absolutely adore this omg. ty for suggesting!
The Quiet Horizon
jean x gn reader
wc: 668
tags: fluff, platonic, sibling dynamic
please leave more suggestions! i had a blast writing this :3
cross posted on ao3!
The cool October air seeps through your skin, sending a small shiver down your spine. The trees have already turned several vibrant hues of orange, red, and yellow. A leaf falls softly to the ground beside you, snapping you out of your thoughts as it gently graces the ground. 
The memories of the most recent mission flood your brain. Several deaths and many casualties, but successful nonetheless. You sigh, leaning your back against the tree that you had been sitting against. You look up at the setting sun along the horizon, admiring the colors painting the sky nearby. 
A leaf crunches under someone’s boot, and you turn your head to the sound, revealing the ash-haired man standing next to you. The familiar face smiles down at you.
“Mind if I take a seat, m’lady?” Jean says teasingly. He’s always been quite the jokester, no matter the time or place.
“Not at all, kind sir,” you snort in response. The air sways the trees nearby, almost as if they were waving a small hello to you. Jean sits down quickly as he wears that stupid smug smirk that he’s adorned for several years. 
“How you doin’?” he asks quietly. There was something a bit different about his tone now, something softer and more caring.
“Just thinking. Y’know, about the mission and whatnot,” you say quietly. Something about the mission was… weird. Something nagged at you, clawing at your chest and heart, but you can’t quite put your finger on it.
Jean stays quiet for a moment, his previous smug smirk now replaced with a blank expression, nearly unreadable. A flicker of concern shows in his eyes, but you hardly catch it.
“You aren’t the best liar,” he states matter of factly. “Come on, talk to me. I’m not just a pretty face,” he smiles at you teasingly. 
You chuckle softly. Jean wasn’t just a pretty face. He had been nothing but a phenomenal friend, consistently putting in effort and checking on you.
“Something about that mission. Something is wrong with it,” you admit quietly. As the memories fade into your mind again, you feel a slight pit in your stomach, unsure of how to put off the unease.
“What about it?” Jean asks curiously.
You pause for a few moments, unsure of how to put your thoughts into words. To be honest, you weren’t really sure. Something was different about it, something big. Some big part of the puzzle was missing, and your mind was screaming at you to find it.
“I don’t know,” you admit quietly, sucking in a sharp breath. The cool air infiltrates your lungs, providing a solid relief for a moment.
Jean stays quiet, looking along the horizon at the almost set sun. He’s slowly piecing his thoughts together, just like a puzzle.
“You don’t know?” He asks quietly.
“I don’t.”
Jean pauses for another moment, his expression still blank and unreadable. He speaks up after a minute, the words quiet and almost mumbling.
“That’s okay.”
You chuckle softly. While Jean was almost entirely a man of jokes, there was something different about this conversation, a more caring side to him.
“It’s okay not to know,” He adds softly.
You turn to look at him, your eyes gazing over  the features of his face, more specifically, the stubble forming on his face.
“You need to shave,” you joke teasingly.
“Way to ruin the sappy moment! Jeez, I was really trying to help!” Jean exclaims, feigning offense and raising his hands in defense.
You can’t help but laugh, gently elbowing him.
“You did help, don’t worry.” It wasn’t a lie. Something about his presence made you feel protected, like an older brother.
Jean smiles at you softly, “Glad to help, told you I’m not just a pretty face.”
You snort again, smiling as you look at the rising moon. The nagging feeling in your chest has subsided. Even if for just a bit, the pit has turned full, leaving you content as you watch the horizon.
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ibettertakethisoffshelby · 2 years ago
Sasha: "Oh no! Listen!"
Connie: "The umu has awoken! Run!"
Jean: "What are you-- I don't hear anything!"
S: "Hurry!"
C: "Look out for the yom-yoms!"
S: "They're everywhere!"
J: "What am I missing here?"
C: "Narschlogs! Coming in from above!"
S: "Evasion maneuvers! Nyeh! Nyeeehhh!"
C: "Jean! Look out for the bleblebleh!"
J: "Uuugh, can I go home yet?"
C: "Jean, get on the dock! The bleblebleh are right behind us!"
J: "I think I'll take my chances with the oompoos and the wawas."
S: "Oh no! A narschlog has got Jean!"
C: "Quickly! Grab onto our tongues!"
J: "Aah! Aahw, really? Again with the tongues?"
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daleelahwrites · 1 year ago
So... *ahem* I don't know what I did but it seems like I've deleted an ask?? I'm so sorry, anon :'/
lucky I had printed it, so let's go answer it ❤️
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Thank you so much for the ask! I loved it because I've already read plenty of really good jeansasha fics! ☺️
As Springlestein being my favorite trio you can see how much I love the interaction between Jean and Sasha, so them as a romantic pair it's just 😌👌 *chef kiss*
I read really good fics by @tolkienlockian!! I recommend you to look for her stories if you want to fall in love with these two again and again! 🩷
Now @hearmyvoiceoftreason is author of the insanely good Speak Now, istg it have the most well written Modern!AU I already read, the romance, the comedy, the drama, everything is so good!! Open your mind and your heart, I'm sure you will love it!
Thanks again, and sorry for accidentally delet your original ask...☹️ Hope you have a good day~
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horseface-kirstein · 1 year ago
I absolutely adore them, your honor.
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The Chaotic Trio from Wall Rose
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artontitan · 10 months ago
eren | mikasa | armin | gabi | reiner | levi | hange | erwin | jean | sasha | connie | annie | pieck | falco | floch | zeke | marco | porco
solo art | ship art | meme art | nsfw art | group art | oc art
yumihisu | eruri | erejean | springlestein | ema | reijean | eremika | levihan | aruani | jeanmarco | reikasa | jeanpiku | mikannie | gallirei
commissioned works
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pickalilywrites · 1 year ago
What is your full list of AOT ships that you're okay writing about? Just want to make sure and not make you uncomfortable.
hi, thanks for asking! that's v kind of you :)
in absolutely no order:
rivetra, levihan, levinifa, levirico, petruo, zeketra, erepeto (aged up), erutra, eruhan, mobuhan, eld x fiancee, eremika, ereani, eremin, erejean, erehisu, yumihisu, mikahisu, mikani, mikasasha, springles, springlestein, jeancon, jeansasha, arusasha, reibert, nicosasha, falbi, udofia, levi x yelena, zeke x frieda, jeanpiku, pikupoko, arumika, ricoian, mitabi x anka, marumina, jeanmaro, aruani, beruani, hilow, maruani, marcel x annie
one sided:
erefloch (on floch's side), mikalouise (on louise's side)
ships i don't write for (just rly no interesting in writing for that ship either b/c negative experience/no interest/dont rly feel like i have much to contribute to that particular ship):
ereri, erepiku, erezeke, zevi, eruri, rivamika
in general: all platonic ships ok. NSFW ok. no noncon/rape and underage.
if you don't see your ship mentioned, please feel free to ask if i'm comfortable writing them :) snk has a myriad of ships and it's definitely possible i've missed some beloved ones.
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oxygenbefore1775 · 2 years ago
On the hunt for some springlestein art cuz my dash is in desperate need of them
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mu-esli · 3 years ago
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"Anyway, I'm just glad we survived again. It's not very fair to the others, but you guys are special to me."
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