#Snape adopts Harry
nioumin-draw · 5 months
After a trolls AU list there my favorite fanfiction Severitus list :
A patchwork family @aspionagee ( Snape adopt Draco and Harry , I love it because this little family is very special , Snape also learn to be a good dad for his two boys 🥰🥺) Complete
To trust @clairdeloon-abie ( ravenclaw harry adopted by Severus 🥺 lovely story , Harry have problem to trust people specially adult and lose any reason to live 😭😭 in this story and Snape will learn him that he'll always be here for him and how life is important 😭😭 ) Complete
Second chance @anonhpwriter ( ⚠️ contains CP in this one ⚠️but the most important: if you like sweetness and fluff who will make your teeth rot and shake your heart go head XD 😂 because there a lot and I love how close Snape and Harry got close as father and son that why I love this fanfic and I add on my list and without this fanfic I couldn't discovered Severitus 💞💞 ) part 1 and 2 Complete part 3 WIP
As potter is to Snape @scarlettwriter91 ( honestly I there many reasons to check anx like this story buuuut I let you discovering it by yourself while you'll read it 😉) Complete
True heart @mandancieforever ( one of the very first Severitus story I discovered with second chance it's because of it I love Severitus and want read more 🥺 and draw art of it , she deserves more support ! ) WIP
A Thousand Words ( still WIP unfortunately but very good fanfiction...I hope the author will come back again)
Obscured ( with a Slytherin and Obscurial Harry Potter 👀 .. Snape have a lot of work for fixing the broken boy ) @illisius WIP
little freak, Jezebel (you sit high atop the kitchen counter) @alexandriastark76 WIP
Harry's new home by Kbinnz Complete
Mine (on potions and snitch website that been suggested by my follower the talented @squid1442 who also do Severitus art 🥺)
I love reading and make art for Severitus fanfic 🥺🥺🥺
Any other Severitus story to suggest to me ?
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sev-life · 10 months
Snape is Harry's guardian
Petunia opened the door in the middle of the night to see her nephew in her front step. She wanted nothing to do with her show off sister and cut contact three years ago with reason. Her hands were full with Dudley and the Lord knew her parents never loved her as much as Harry. But she didn't know what to do with the freakish child. Not until Vernon was turning the paper and she caught the article of Tobias Snape's prison sentence. A freak with the biggest freak she knew. That would work.
Severus was woken up by loud pounding at the door and groaned through his hangover. But he dragged himself off the floor, half dead. And there was Harry freaking Potter on his dead grass. "Shit."
Harry was screaming at the top of his lungs, freezing cold and in need of a diaper change, screaming for mummy and daddy and the little tot was starving. "Oh fuck it all. Come here," he nearly puked at the stench and picked up the boy bringing him inside where at least he could warm up. One transfigured diaper and a sink bath later, Harry was now in one of his shirts. "What can you eat? Can you eat? I don't have formula." The toddler only started crying again, "You're about as helpful as your father. But at least you are cuter."
He found some apple sauce that was only a week past its expiration and fed the boy with a spoon too big for him and he picked up the corded phone and dialed the fire department.
"Hey. Um, someone left a kid on my door and I don't know what to do?"
"Do you know the child? How old are they?"
"Barely. Umm, he's my ex best friend's kid and her and her husband died two nights ago. I don't know why he's here. He's like ummm... A year and a few months?"
"Were you listed as a guardian? Did a social worker bring him?"
"No for both. There was a loud banging and then baby in the yard and I'm hungover and I don't have diapers. Harry keeps crying but I don't have toys."
"We've sent an Officer to the location your number is registered at. Is Harry injured?"
"Yes. Um, his forehead, has a cut on it. I cleaned that though. Put a bandaid on." Severus gave him another spoonful of the apple sauce from a jar.
"You did the right thing in calling us, help is coming soon." Severus thanked the man and hung up, still feeding Harry because he didn't seem like he wanted to be done eating.
Paperwork and statements and a doctor's visit left Severus holding Harry and a social worker setting out some papers, "You do have options here. The next guardian would be a Sirius Black, just arrested for murder so we can't have that. Mr. Harry can go into the foster system, or you can take temporary guardianship since you were trusted with him, even if you don't know why."
"I'll keep you for Lily," he looked at the green eyes, "So what now?"
It was another few hours before Severus left with the toddler, a bag of supplies, and a social services appointment for the next week. But he swore to protect the little guy napping on his shoulder, even if he did look too much like James Potter.
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scarlettwriter91 · 10 months
Chapter 6 of As Potter is to Snape is posted!!
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thatemomathkid · 2 years
New Fanfic Alert!
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No Freaks Left Behind
Seven year old Harry Potter is abandoned by the Dursleys, and he is thrust into a new and magical family. Will he fit in?
This is an eventual Snape adopts Harry fic, but it will take a few chapters to get there.
Go check it out at:
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cerulane · 1 year
Snape a été capturé par Voldemort et qu’elle n’est pas sa surprise de constater que son pupille, Harry Potter, a rejoint les rangs du Seigneur des Ténèbres.
L’idée est intéressante : Harry a été recueilli par Snape mais ce dernier ne l’a à peine mieux traité que les Dursley. Elle aurait pu faire une fic au long court intéressante. Mais ici nous n’avons qu’un résumé de l’enfance de Harry avec quelques anecdotes. Les sentiments de Harry dans son enfance ou ceux de Snape face à cette trahison ne sont pas abordés. Leur confrontation est assez froide et sans saveur.
C’est très court. L’histoire aurait mérité plus de développements.
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squid1442 · 6 months
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I live and breathe Severitus fics, so here is some Severitus fanart :)!!
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Snape: Potter, I’ve left a letter telling your guardian not to worry— Harry: They won’t. Snape: that you’re safe— Harry: That’ll just depress them. Snape: —and you’ll see them in a few weeks. Harry: Do we have to?
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rottttenlasagna · 8 months
little Severus is my comfort character
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inkysnapyarty · 10 months
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Sunday’s trip with Severus, Minerva and little Harry
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severussnapemylove · 9 months
Image Narcissa bringing Lucius and Severus to visit during the holidays.
(20yo Bellatrix walks into the room and sees 11yo Severus)
Bellatrix; "What the fuck is that?"
Narcissa; "It's a baby."
Bellatrix; "I know it's a fucking baby, what's it doing here?"
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march-on-26 · 2 months
Baby Harry and Severina Snape.
• Severina Snape adopted Harry Potter after Voldemort's attack on the Potters.
• In this AU, Severina took in Harry as her own since she's the godmother of Harry Potter.
• Severina Snape does her research to learn how to care for a child and does her best to raise Harry to live as happy and healthy.
• As Harry gets older, he considers Severina Snape as his mom, but Severina would tell him that his mother will always be Lily.
• Severina does her best to see past Harry's looks from his respective parents, but she would slip up sometimes.
• Dumbledore tried to convince Severina to leave Harry to the Dursleys, but she went against it heavily. She didn't trust Petunia to care for Harry since her relationship with Lily was rocky.
• Severina took ownership of her pureblood rights as a Prince and raised Harry in the Prince manor.
• Severina promised Lily that she would care for Harry if something bad ever happened to her. James agreed since he genuinely sees that Severina cares for Lily.
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nioumin-draw · 1 day
Obscured chapter 19 of @illisius
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“Let go, Harry.”
Harry’s green eyes darted, gasping, locking on Snape’s. Somehow, he knew exactly what the man meant, but he shook his head, terrified. He couldn’t— he wasn’t supposed to— he couldn’t let go of the Otherness, of the Obscurus. The whole world was afraid of him, afraid of the monster that an Obscurial could become, and he was afraid of it too. He couldn’t be sure he wouldn’t hurt Snape, that he wouldn’t be caught in the crossfire, that he wouldn’t kill him, but it didn’t matter. Not to Snape.
Because Harry still had a chance to live.
And Snape was willing to risk everything, to take it.
He held the boy’s gaze, full of tears, “Let go, Harry — let go!”
New sketch based on a part of the chapter 19 of @illisius amazing fanfic Obscured on AO3 .....I choose this scene because it really touched me in the heart ❤️🥺
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myheadisemptyffonly · 2 years
Remus: To be honest, I've never wanted children for obvious reasons. And having Regulus basically just reaffirms my decision, but I've still grown fond of him.
Sirius: He just tried to kill someone, what the fuck are you talking about?!
Regulus: I wasn't going to kill him, I just knocked the air out of him for a minute. He would have survived.
Sirius: Please don't keep talking. You're just making the situation worse.
Remus: Don't be dramatic Sirius, he didn't kill anyone and Snape isn't even going to remember this.
Sirius: How can you be so sure?
Remus, rolling his eyes with his wand pointed at Snape: Obliviate.
Regulus: [...] you're too much for my brother.
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scarlettwriter91 · 10 months
On the off chance that someone is wondering, I'm working on Chapter 6 of As Potter is to Snape part 2 today. It's going pretty well and with any luck it should be done in a day or so.
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shrimpalbuspotter · 4 months
Fleamont pulling up to Hogwarts one day to take Young Severus Snape under his wing as his official Potions Trainee (adopt him COUGH) and James arriving home one Summer slightly upset and confused because Snivellus disappeared from Hogwarts halfway through the year??? Just to see him sitting in HIS dining room with HIS father talking about HIS arrival and as soon as they lock eyes Snape has this smug fucking look on his face before Fleamont stands up and goes:
"James, my son! I know I haven't owled you for quite a few months now, but well, I wanted to keep this whole ordeal a suprise for you! Young Severus here has been working with me on some Potions for quite alot of time now... You see, usually I'd never pull a student from their studies at Hogwarts, but I was just so enthralled by his O.W.L results that I simply had to ask for the honour of teaching him myself! It was quite the joy that he even said yes, and well... One thing led to another, my darling son. But I think you will be very pleased to learn of a new face on the family tree, someone to talk with when Sirius isn't around."
All he can reply is a loud "SNIVELLUS?" immediately after the speech ends, like he was cut off from saying it before Fleamont began his rant... And James is appalled. He is shocked. His mouth has never fell open faster in his life. All the while Snape is just sitting there wearing beautiful red and silver black robes with the Potter crest embroidered into them... and the room is quiet. Like none of them want to break the tension...
Before Euphemia bursts in, tray of baked goods in hand, gasping with joy at seeing the brown haired Potter and not even stopping to read the room
"Oh, my sweet James and my new special boy Severus, both in the same room! How wonderful! How adorable! Fleamont, dear, we must get them a portrait painted together immediately! I will call someone over, this is such perfect day!"
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lavndvrr · 5 months
watching me slowly fall down the drarry hole
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