#harry potter obscurial
nioumin-draw · 1 day
Obscured chapter 19 of @illisius
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“Let go, Harry.”
Harry’s green eyes darted, gasping, locking on Snape’s. Somehow, he knew exactly what the man meant, but he shook his head, terrified. He couldn’t— he wasn’t supposed to— he couldn’t let go of the Otherness, of the Obscurus. The whole world was afraid of him, afraid of the monster that an Obscurial could become, and he was afraid of it too. He couldn’t be sure he wouldn’t hurt Snape, that he wouldn’t be caught in the crossfire, that he wouldn’t kill him, but it didn’t matter. Not to Snape.
Because Harry still had a chance to live.
And Snape was willing to risk everything, to take it.
He held the boy’s gaze, full of tears, “Let go, Harry — let go!”
New sketch based on a part of the chapter 19 of @illisius amazing fanfic Obscured on AO3 .....I choose this scene because it really touched me in the heart ❤️🥺
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demaparbat-hp · 2 years
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Hermione wasn't sure of what to believe in anymore. She had been told stories of the black mist and its hunger. Legends of children who treated their magic like a parasite, until it became one. Tales of violence, darkness and death... But none of them looked like this.
No story was of a boy who couldn't talk, couldn't be touched. No legend was about broken childs with broken bones. No story talked about an old letter carried in shaking fingers.
Hermione needed to help him, before the Obscurus inside of Harry could take away what little soul he had left.
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bloodpxct · 20 days
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"At times she was strange and dangerous. But mostly she was sweet and scared and harmless." - aberforth dumbledore
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seaskate · 2 months
What makes me angry with Dumbledore (part of it anyways, there's a lot of reasons to be mad at him) is that he saw first hand with his sister and nephew both what happens when a magical person feels the need to repress their magic. He knew, and he still ran the risk of Harry becoming an obscurial.
He wasn't ignorant, he knew that Harry would be unhappy with the Dursleys. Random Hufflepuffs in second year knew that Harry hated his muggle family, so he must have too. He knew about the cupboard under the stairs.
He knew all of this and yet he sent Harry there and kept sending him back.
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myths0f01d · 1 year
Would anyone be interested in reading a fic where Harry Potter is an obscurial?
Respectably some tags would be dark Harry, slytherin Harry. So forth.
Also would be drarry.
There would be wolfstar and Regulus living.
And obviously Dumbledore bashing.
And maybe Snape adopting Harry.
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liquidluckandstuff · 6 months
Adding lore in hindsight can be damning. Just look at Dumbledore.
This man had a sister who was an obsucrial and a nephew. His ex love interest knew they were powerful and went after one to fuck with Dumbledore.
So here you have this canonical GENIUS of a man who has a "love above all else" mentality, and you're telling me he doesn't know about obscurials enough to say "hey maybe putting this boy with people who hate magic is a bad idea."
See, because with all that stuff added afterwards, this genius man with family members who have suffered this offlicition, would have most CERTAINLY learned all he could about obscurials.
Because why would he want that to happen again? He's already had so much heartbreak over what damage they can do to the people he loves and being used as a pawn in a WAR.
So then sure, he might not have wanted Harry to know he was a wizard or who he was so it didn't make him a brat. But his relatives could have just said "hey you're a wizard" and left the rest a secret.
But then it leaves room for a far more upsetting truth, which was that Dumbledore knew what would happen otherwise. If Harry knew he was a wizard and with his muggles HATING magic, Dumbledore 100% knew what would have happened.
He knew what those muggles were going to do, and took steps to assure Harry wouldn't become an obsucrial.
Now its fucked up, and taking the stance "He HAD to put him there because it was the only safe place to keep him away from dark wizards" maybe Dumbledore didn't want to see Harry suffering being an obscurial on top of everything else.
It was a very fucked up, maybe, small act of kindness. Because either 1. Harry would have died from the obscurial before he got to hogwarts thus causing some MAJOR problems in the wizarding world.
2. Harry would have lived a little longer to learn what was wrong with him and this poor boy would have suffered so much more.
3. Harry would have lived a little longer, wanted revenge, and then you have an obscurial teaming up with a dark lord all over again
4. some forth other thing i haven't thought of yet.
Anyways, Dumbledore 100% knew what would have happened if Harry knew about his magic from all the back lore that was added. It changed his character and it makes his character less "just morally gray".
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leajoyrambles · 3 months
Writing ideas or something, pt. 2/?
DPxHP: Obscurials are a kind of Halfa.
The "lore" behind this is basically that a halfa is any ghost killed by ectoplasm (rather than something caused by portals). For Danny, that was electrified ectoplasm; for obscurials, magic is a stand-in for ectoplasm (or a form of it). They're a naturally unstable kind of ghost because their magic never stops killing them - like if a ghost was allergic to ectoplasm. You can't be allergic to yourself.
The story would have a "pay it forward" theme; newly-turned halfa Danny is helped by an obscurial, which introduces him to others who don't fit the dead/alive binary. This can pan out to him having a better idea of helping Dani (due to prior knowledge of destabilization in ghosts) and then Dani meeting obscurials in her travels and doing what she can to help them.
This could also pan out into a Ghost King ordeal and him going "there are a lot of things I could do with this kind of power, but let's start with helping the ghosts who have an actually time-sensitive problem."
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lolathestoryteller · 9 months
I imagine Ariana was incredibly brave, but due to her early childhood trauma, never really got to prove this to herself. Instead, her magic turned against her in her refusal to ever use it again.
Or; The tragically overlooked story of a very underrated character.
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Obscurial; is the person whose body is a host for the obscurus.
Obscurus; an unstable, uncontrollable dark force that bursts out and attacks, and then vanishes.
The obscurus is created as a manifestation of a young witch or wizard’s repressed energy (magic).
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fandrawsart · 4 months
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Abwesenheit der Liebe, ein Obscurial wird geboren
For @biscaanii 's - The Eleventh Summer
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aikoiya · 2 years
DPxHP HC - Thoughts On Obscurials & Wizardry
Something I don't understand is why, when Danny is brought to a Wizarding school & Danny refuses to cooperate, why don't people tell him that if he doesn't use his magic & train it, that he runs the risk of developing an Obscurial?
Like, all they'd have to say is that his magic will eat him from the inside out & that it could result in wild, violent, & dangerous outbursts that could potentially hurt, if not kill, others.
If nothing else, he'd listen to a warning that suggests he or his loved ones could be hurt through his actions.
While Illvermorny is recognized as the wizarding school in America, the truth is, it's just the biggest & most recognized. In reality, America is too big to only have 1.
Instead, there are several, the second most famous one resides near Salem, while another can be found in New Orleans, which also has a vast magical community & has America's equivalent of Diagon Alley, which can be found under Bourbon Street in the catacombs, Bazar du Sous-Sol du Laveau.
There are also several small wizarding schools that teach courses on traditional Native American magics, as well as other courses on the magics of other cultures. That is, alongside American magic which is a mix of different culture's magical disciplines.
Like, I can absolutely see Amity being a sort of no-man's land for magic considering the amount of ghosts there are there. It'd absolutely be a Statute of Secrecy risk.
But at the same time, the Salem Magical Institute, the New Orleans Seminary of Voodoo (or NOSoV), known locally as New Orleans Séminaire du Vaudou, & any other schools available would have to take in the magical Amity children because of the possibility of them becoming Obscurials & becoming even bigger risks to the Statute of Secrecy.
At the same time, I imagine that MACUSA has tried to Obliviate the no-maj residents to get them to forget the strange, solid ghosts that have been appearing in the town. Which, I think it'd be interesting if the magical community has had a remarkably small amount of encounters with. Like, the most well-documented Hereafter/IR ghosts that they know about are poltergeists & there's still very little on them. I read a fic where Constantine has never actually met one & even once compares them to demons alongside ghosts even though I think the IR ghosts would find that insulting & inaccurate. I mean, demons are evil by default. Ghosts are more ambiguous.
That is, even though wizards & wiccans use Lethe river water in forgetfulness potions, they get it from an old fountain in Greece where an ancient temple to Hades lays. As such, it's been largely forgotten by the wizarding world that the fountain was built by an ancient thanatomagical priest of Hades, Persephone, & their children, Zagreus & Melinoe, or that it's from the Underworld, which is just a small section of the IR.
However, I feel like ectoplasm has a small resistance to certain magics, especially the Obliviate spell. As such, because most of the townspeople are in some stage of liminality, they can't be Obliviated.
Either way, they might not want to have anything to do with anything that violates the Statute of Secrecy, but in order to minimize & control the problem as much as possible, they have to.
Like, no one seems to take this fact into account when they write DPxHP crossovers.
Another thing is the reactions of the Fenton parents to the revelation of magic existing. Particularly, that they would be very stubborn about disbelieving it.
Both of them.
They're both scientists after all.
Though Jack, having come from a line of supernatural hunters, would be much easier to get to believe it, but at the same time, he is very much against it. He was always the black sheep of the family & was always very terrible at the clan's apotropaic magics & never really understood the process. Like, he just couldn't wrap his head around the 'mechanics.' So, he rejected it, asserting that it was all phoney & hocus-pocus & he instead sought out a way to fight ghosts using something he did understand. Which was science & engineering.
On the other hand, Maddie would absolutely NOT believe in it at all & would be utterly convinced that it was all hooey & it would be like pulling teeth to get her to believe otherwise. Not only that, but she'd get angry about people trying to convince her & her family otherwise.
It wouldn't be until it all comes to a head, possibly Jazz developing an Obscurial & beginning to slowly die, that she'd realize that it's real. But even then, she wouldn't react well. It would destroy everything she thought she knew about the world while Jack would adjust... rather clumsily, but he'd adjust.
Like, I imagine that Danny, Jazz, Sam, Tucker, & Ellie would all have magic & that when an eagle first came with Jazz's letter, & Maddie was the one who read it & scoffed, then threw it away.
It'd be a similar scene to the first book/movie where the owls kept coming. Only here, Maddie would find a way to repel the animals. Maybe some sort of force field around the town, which could be what caused the issue in the first place.
Then, as more & more kids would start getting ill with some unknown illness that lashes out & destroys things, then begin dying, Jazz included. After the first couple of deaths, MACUSA Aurers would come & use their magic to destroy the field.
After which, they'd escort representatives of the Salem Magical Institute, New Orleans Seminary of Voodoo, or Illermorny, as well as healers & Obscurial experts, to the homes of magical children with new letters & begin to try & save as many children as possible.
There would be stern lectures on the negligence of magic & the dangers of Obscurials.
For families like the Mansons, there would also be a clarification that while the sort of witches they were always warned about did exist, they are by far, NOT the norm.
That magic itself isn't evil, rather it's neutral, & that it's just something you're born with. It only becomes a real danger through misuse or disuse.
The only way to become the sort of witches that they fear is for an individual to make a bargain with some dark entity, either for magic or more power.
That there is a distinct difference between the wiccans & wizards (which is what I call the general wizarding public) of wizarding world society, called light magic, & the witches & warlocks of dark magic.
Even still, I don't think the Manson parents would approve. Ida would be supportive if cautious, while Jeremy would be dubious, both due to their religion, but not Pam. Pamela would reject the training of magic outright as a result of generations of anti-magic & Scourer thinking.
It's from her side of the family that Sam gets her magic from & one of her ancestors was a dark witch burned at the stake during the Salem Witch Trials before the invention of the bluebell flame spell. This resulted in magiphobic ideologies in her family &, as a result, they tried to reject their abilities.
Pam had always feared that her daughter would turn out like her ancestor & now, she feels that her fears have been realized.
Though, despite canon, the true emotion behind all her anger & derision is legitimate fear for her daughter.
Currently, American magic-users get their wands from a wandmaker in New Orleans: Violetta Beauvais. She creates scarily powerful wands out of swamp mayhaw wood & hairs from rougarous, the dog-headed monsters native to the swamps of Louisiana.
Wizarding World Masterlist
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nioumin-draw · 1 month
For @illisius and her wonderful Severitus fanfiction : Obscured
With a Slytherin Obscurial Harry
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I suggest you her fanfiction if you like hurt/ comfort !
The fanfic is on AO3 ,Still wip but updating each Friday 👀!!
I missed traditional drawing and makers
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dragoneyes618 · 2 years
An Obscurial is a child who repressed his or her magic out of fear or persecution. The magic ends up poisoning the child from the inside; most Obscurials are dead by the age of ten.
Ariana Dumbledore was an Obscurial, due to being attacked and traumatized by three Muggle boys at the age of six. She refused to use her magic, and “it turned inward and drove her mad.”
 Albus Dumbledore noted that Obscurials could be cured by replacing their feelings of alienation with belonging. Credence Barebone, living with Mary Lou until his midtwenties - shockingly old for an Obscurial - never had that.
But what about Ariana? Ariana lived the rest of her life with her mother and her brothers who loved her and cared about her, in a wizarding house where nobody would have been shunned for using magic. Her attack was only a onetime incident, and there were years afterward for her to slowly heal. Did her feelings of alienation, of persecution, of fear and abnormality truly last all that time?
Maybe she was healing. Ariana lived to fourteen, after all, despite most Obscurials dying by ten. Maybe, given more time, her magic would have healed.
But then Gellert Grindelwald came over, and Aberforth confronted him and Albus, and Ariana came down the stairs to intervene in the following magical battle.
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ohdaisyfoxes · 2 years
Should Harry be an Obscurial? (theory)
I'm re-reading the Harry Potter saga, and I've realized that in the third book (Prisoner of Azkaban), there's a quote about the Dursleys having oppressed Harry's magic for a lifetime.
We know that an obscurial is created this way, as was the case with Aurelius Dumbledore (Credence Barebone) and, as far as we can tell, with Ariana Dumbledore.
So, following that logic, could Harry Potter have been an obscurial too, if the concept had already existed at the time of the books' release?
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There is a world where Lily Evans didn't get to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry with her childhood friend, Severus Snape. Instead, she is rejected for her magic and raised as a muggle, resulting in her turning into an Obscurial, and catching the attention of Lord Voldemort who has plans of his own for her.
➤ for my story: Obscurial Flower (Rewritten)
→→ also featured in: The Many Lives of Lily Evans
𝘈𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘤 𝘮𝘢𝘥𝘦 𝘣𝘺 𝘛𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘓𝘢𝘥𝘺𝘑𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘦. 𝘗𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘥𝘰 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘳𝘦𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵.
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darkfromday · 2 years
about Obscurials and pre-Hogwarts Harry
this is your daily reminder that Harry could never have been an Obscurial, not because That Woman hadn’t created/retconned in the idea yet, but because of the actual definition, which is “a child who knows about their magic and tries to suppress it”.
Ariana Dumbledore knew she was a witch from the time she was able to know things. She was actively and knowingly doing magic when she was attacked, and afterward she refused to use her gift and it turned inward.
Harry Potter knew that strange things happened around him, but he did not know that it was magic, because he didn’t think magic was even real. One of the first things he says to Hagrid after The Reveal is something along the lines of “this has to be a mistake, I can’t be a wizard”. He also wasn’t trying to “suppress” any of the things happening to him, because he didn’t know he was the one causing them to happen.
so yeah, there’s no viable “Dumbledore knew Harry could have become an Obscurial when he left him with the Dursleys and still left him there” argument, because Dumbledore didn’t know the Dursleys weren’t going to tell Harry about his magic or even treat him like a member of the family (see: my 12-hour long post about this shit last month, along with The Books).
yet another big argument Dumbledore-bashers have that falls apart when you actually adhere to the story lol
#I am once again begging y'all to reread the books#Harry Potter#Ariana Dumbledore#Obscurials#when I watched the first FB movie I was like ''huh interesting'' and then people tried to make Credence/Harry parallels#EXCEPT CREDENCE ALSO KNEW HE HAD MAGIC????#Grindelwald was literally telling him all sorts of shit about the magical world and implying he could ''give'' him magic or unlock his magic#and like sure he was lying through his fucking teeth until he realized Credence *was* an untrained wizard and Obscurial but STILL#JKR is not great at storytelling but this actually holds up in-universe!#if you know magic is real and you might have it and you suppress it: Obscurial#if you don't think magic is real and you don't think you have it: you're just Harry lol#can't believe a stupid ass Quora poster made me think about FANTASTIC BEASTS today#JKR likes to retcon herself too though so I wouldn't be surprised if there's some dumbass line about this in the latest movie#meta#what's interesting is that Hermione never comes up in these bashers' conversations#she is another person who would have had a stake in ''wishing her problems away'' if she had any magical outbursts#yet no one ever says ''Hermione could have been an Obscurial!'' you know why?? because the theory DOESN'T MAKE SENSE for anyone but Ariana!#and Ariana is like Hermione in that she had two loving parents! so clearly Obscurials don't need to have an abusive caregiver to be birthed!#Credence is more of a parallel to Tom Riddle tormenting kids in the orphanage than he is to Harry; just more sympathetic#sigh#'bout to circle back to twitter for a while bc I'm so annoyed about this
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disorganizedkitten · 7 months
Every child (or so William assumes, in the childlike way of assuming everyone has the same worldview and experiences he does) has wondered, at some point, if they were secretly adopted. Far fewer children wonder if they have a secret twin. When he’s older and has developed more of his wonderful little brain, he might try to explain why. Might wonder what it says about him and his parents that he suspected himself of not truly being their child. That’s less important, though. Because no matter how many times he asks his parents and uncles and aunts, he’s always reassured he is his parent’s true child. Perhaps that’s why William Potter was blindsided when he found out he wasn’t their only child.
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