#Slow burn but actually they're fucking the whole time
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Disgrace Chapter 1 : Crosshair x F!OC
After the rise of the Empire, neutral planet Ga'hah is occupied by Imperial forces. Governorship has been assigned to Nyem'Tok Ra, a Ga'haiian native who married into Coruscant money. Nyem'Tok's business is pleasure, owning and operating The Red Spire, a collection of brothels ranging in exclusivity. The highest club on the tower is The Red Crown, managed by Governor Ra's daughter, Tah'Nyem. The socialite delinquent shadows her fathers footsteps through the underworld, and now finds herself in a political maze with no guidance for what to expect. Thus, it comes as a surprise when her father insists she take a military escort back to Ga'hah suddenly one evening. Aboard the ship she meets an unlikely ally, a "defective" clone Commander on light duty after a long stint at sea. These two castaways feel a kinship, as if their worlds are changing too fast to leave a place for them. Will they be able to survive the shift, or be crushed by the traps that seem to be set for them both.
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Warnings: MC pushes boundaries, rough sexual tension. Some nasty threats made at MC. Sex work is legal/respected. MC swears a lot but its all in universe slang so technically she doesn't.
As for Tah'Nyem, her family control's the red light district on Coruscant. She's gonna have some social issues when it comes to boundaries and objectification. Sex positive af though, and don't insult sex workers around her that's her friends and family and she will fight you.
Word Count: 6k+
Dynamic: Princess x Guard, Speed running Co-dependancy, A Mangy Cat and his Aggressive little Chihuahua.
Read On Ao3 - Next Chapter >
Music Inspo- Tear You Apart by She Wants Revenge
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It's Illustrated
The first nine chapters of this fic are written (as of today, I'm just illustrating as I release...hopefully weekly? No promises. There's a planned 16 chaptahs.)
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Droplets patter across the roof of the palanquin as the shadows on the emergency port darted back and forth through the icy rain making their preparations. I catch the look of boredom in my reflection as a small regime of Troopers exited the transport and began receiving instructions from someone obscured from view by the artificial downpour and darkness. A figure crosses my window and I’m startled from my idle observing. It’s father. He presses his thumb to the window frame and the barrier blinks out of existence. 
“Now, li’ha. These nice gentlemen will be escorting you back home, Don’t fuss, Do as you’re told.” 
I pursed my lips at the condescending tone in his voice. 
“Are you not coming? What's going on Vah'hadarr?” 
The secret tunnels, the emergency exit, and now Empire Troopers escorting me separately from my parents. One didn’t need The Force to feel something was off here.
The pleading in my voice was heavy, but my father simply cast a pitying look in my direction before disappearing out of view once again. My mother quickly filled the space in his stead and she leaned in to whisper to me hurriedly. 
“We will be right behind you. Listen to the soldiers, and Tah’nyem,” 
She reached in and grabbed my chin, turning me to meet her eyes.
 “Be. Have.” 
I couldn’t help but slip into a sly smile. 
“Who me? What on Ga’hah could I do?”
I was feigning ignorance. I had a tendency to make my own fun in stretches of dire boredom... This wasn’t the first talking to she felt the need to impart on me.
“It’s different when you use to toy with the occasional padawan Tahny… but your father’s friends are dangerous men. Be careful who you rile up.”
It is quite unfortunate, but she’s right.
 “I’ll behave.” 
I finally acquiesced and she released my face leaving me to fall back against the plush seat. She slipped off to find my father and I closed the window to lean against it once more.
How much trouble can I really get up too in a tiny can full of little soldiers?
A wicked grin bloomed across my face and my eyes flicked back to the transport. A straggler was exiting the ship and just now joining the six other men. 
A strong gust of wind parted the curtain of rain giving me a clearer view of the newcomer. His armor was black, the helmet coming to a sharper silhouette. The downpour closed in again, obscuring him into black smudged profile standing lean and tall over the other Troopers. 
Must not be a clone…
There’ve been whispers of a new defense bill for soldiers to be conscripted rather than cloned now that the war was over… I didn't think they had voted on that yet. 
Who knows what was happening with the clones. With the destruction of Kamino so recent, you would assume Coruscant would be crawling with them. They must be relocating them to other, less inhabited worlds or… something. Either way, the holonet was silent on the matter. Not many showed much care or concern for the spontaneous army in our midst. 
There was a small vibration through the seat and the palanquin began its descent to the dock, the rhythmic patter from the roof fading to nothing as it passed under the nose of the ship. I could see my father shaking hands with someone and clapping them on the back before disappearing out of view again. The Troopers were just outside now and my confidence was fading as the questions came rushing back. 
Something is very, very wrong… I’ve never even seen a Trooper up close till now…
The side panel slid open with a soft hiss and the port master leaned in offering me his hand. I carefully gathered my hem and let him balance me as I stepped onto the slippery steel of the dock. The man I couldn’t make out before, who seemed to be in charge, stepped forward and gave me a formal salute. 
He was short, and paunchy, with a dark handlebar of a mustache and gray patches at the temple. His skin was ruddy from too much sun and he had a sour smile that didn't reach his eyes, which, were unfortunately now aimed at me. 
“Tah’nyem Ra, it will be a pleasure to escort you back to Ga’hah. My name is Lieutenant Hervos. Please,” 
He crooked his elbow and turned to guide me onto the ship. I squeezed the harbor master’s hand and released it, transferring to the offered arm of the Lieutenant. He took the lead and dragged me along to the rampway, lending some freedom to glance at the soldiers trailing behind us. 
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The tall man was now in front of the other six troopers and I determined he was probably in charge of the squad. My eyes flicked up to the visor, shining, green and opaque to me. The hair rose on the back of my neck, betraying the intensity of the gaze behind the iridescent panel. It felt like a target had been painted on my back and I stood a little straighter to battle the tingling that had started in my spine. 
Isn't he… Intimidating.
Once again, I’m left wondering why I warranted such a vanguard. 
Father was a businessman turned politician, but other than that he was a nobody from a backwater world with just enough civilization to compete in the now united Empire. Our family had mostly lived and operated on Coruscant before the beginning of the war, now that Ga'hah was part of the Empire, they wanted someone loyal in control of the planet. So, now I find myself the daughter of a governor… Wouldn't explain the present circumstances… 
Why guard me and not my father?
Our procession halted and the doors shut behind the assembled bodies with a mechanical whine. White and gray painted metal and a harsh white light framed the bland, utilitarian interior. It seemed like we were in the main holding area of the vessel, with a circular navigation module at the center of the space, displaying halomaps of the sectors we'd travel through, and some simple strapped benches lining the walls. 
The Lieutenant released my arm and stepped forward to address us as a whole. 
“It will be nearly six rotations till we reach Ga’hah. We’ll be jumping to hyperspace immediately once we confirm our clearance.  Please lead our guest to her… accommodations.” 
He seemed to chew on the last word as if he didn’t want to let it free of his lips and I could feel my eyebrows raise a little despite my attempts to keep my face neutral as he spoke. 
“A pleasure,” he had said. 
It was obvious once he was done with appearances that this was the last assignment he could care for and I squirmed at having to spend so much time locked in with the unpleasant man. 
Ga’hah was a small planet whose system was just inside the outer rim. The teal, polar oceans and temperate climate of its locked dark side made it a popular stop to refuel, resulting in a robust tourist industry over the centuries. 
Though the planet had been neutral, as soon as the war was over the Empire occupied the Western mining stations and rail line. Apparently not much has changed, the Southwest having been desolate for a while now, the occupation made the area feel alive. Not like I would know, I’ve been off-world since I started secondary school. I hated to admit it, but it would be nice to see home. 
Hervos turned on his heel and walked through a door disappearing with the soft shush of it closing behind him. 
Now then…
I rolled my head on my neck and stretched my arms above my head, letting out a lascivious groan. Sitting in the palanquin for so long had left me stiff. The thin shift of my traditional garb slid upward exposing my lower back and stomach, and I turned my head to look at the assembled soldiers. 
“Which of you nice, strong, men will help me to my room?” 
I slowly lowered my hands, trailing them over my own skin as I turned to face them properly, slipping into the character I've played almost every night.
“I should probably…change? Into something more… comfortable?” 
The group shifted here and there, obviously not knowing what to do and subtly not knowing where to look, the fine cloth of Ga’hah clung to the body leaving little to the imagination. It was too easy, and I was starting to feel disappointed in the Empire’s finest. 
An exasperated sigh broke the silence.
“This way.” 
The voice was soft, a steady, rasping slither and my eyes snapped sharply to look at the soldier in black armor. It wasn’t what I was expecting out of him, but the sound washed through me like gray silk, cold, caressing. I stifled a shiver. It was an alien feeling and my mask faltered a moment.
He had stepped forward to lead me and once he seemed satisfied that I would follow, turned wordlessly to the rear of the transport forcing me to fall in step behind him. 
I eyed the slender man as he led me down a boring corridor that looked like the rest of the boring corridors. Nice shoulders, slim waist, even, confident gate. My gaze was lingering and I shook myself.
Interesting indeed… 
“You got a name, tough guy?” 
The pointed mask didn’t reply. I eyed the dark armor now that I was up close and unobscured by torrential rain. Some sort of sensor jiggled from the helmet, not uncommon. It would look silly if the piece didn't scream of deadly purpose. Other than that it was mostly unique do to it's color and sleeker waistline. 
I picked up my pace to walk abreast, but my shorter stature struggled to keep up with the long strides that seemed to prefer staying ahead of me. 
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“C’mon now, I need to call you something. How am I supposed to ask for you specifically?” 
I kept my voice casual, thinking the tookesque archetype wasn’t going to win me any points with this one. Jogging forward a little I turned to walk backwards forcing him to slow. I could finally see the front of the armor’s plates and the final piece of the puzzle; a subtle series of dents and wear against the right pauldron and chestplate. 
Sniper. For sure. 
He didn’t speak again. 
“That’s not really a name.” 
“No. It’s not.” 
He stopped in front of a door and hit the panel just a little too forcefully. 
I stepped inside and my possessions were tossed unceremoniously on the floor next to me. The Trooper filled the doorway, not showing any signs of leaving.
“You planning on watching, C.T.” 
I hit each syllable pointedly as I dropped the loose neck of my shawl from my shoulders to hang from where I held it over my chest. 
He straightened abruptly and hit the panel, separating us with a clank of metal. I pouted exaggeratedly at the closed door and then giggled softly to myself. 
Gotcha tough guy. 
I let the shawl fall the rest of the way to the floor and reached for the bag holding my street wear. Pulling out my little comlink, I strapped it to my wrist and dialed Kahtzi's channel. 
There's no way she's back by now…
It was the begining of the evening for the club world, and she was usually working till dawn. As expected the receiver beeped and dropped me into an away message prompting me for a recording. To bad, I was told not to make any calls once I left the planet. 
“Kahtzi, I've been whisked away very rudely and won't be able to call you again till I get to Ga'hah. Vah'hadarr is arranging for my absence at The Crown… Sorry I won't be able to go to The Galleria with you… talk to you in a few days.- oh! There's someone here. Someone, interesting,”
I giggled a little, thinking of her getting the recording and having to sit in anticipation while I traveled,
“Pray for him, Goodnight li’nen,”
Ending the recording with a sigh I reached for my clothes. The room was freezing and my bare skin ached in the cold. The pants and sweater in the more conservative Coruscant style was welcomed, and I sighed as the heavy fabric began to trap my heat to me. 
I zipped up the vest and looked at myself in the tall mirror on the wall. The clothes were stuffy but did their job in making me less obtrusive. The bright lights made the white layer of my hair too harsh and for a moment I wished it was black throughout. I reached up and removed the golden adornment dangling from my left ear finishing the look. 
Kicking the duffle bag under the bunk I cast my eyes about the barren and depressing crevice I would be sleeping in. 
Three whole days, Be’llahl save me.
I thought about my new friend in black and smirked. Maybe the benevolent old one already had. He’ll be tough to crack, but then again, that’s the only thing that made it worth it. Why play with someone if they can’t make it fun for me, right?
The tickle in my spine was back, that might… complicate things. 
Only if you let it.
The smell of hot caf drifted to me, breaking the cold and unfamiliar with a burst of warmth and comfort. 
I wonder if the galley is close by…
They might not like me wandering by myself but I don’t need an escort to grab a cup of warm, bitter nectar. Well… as long as a certain someone isn’t just hanging around the door. 
I looked at the solid metal and cursed the design of military vehicles. No way of telling if any one was out there. 
I leaned on the door and closed my eyes, listening. Nothing but the electric thrum of the ship’s systems. 
If it’s clear, it’s clear.
If it’s not and he’s there, well… we’ll just play another round won’t we?
The thought elated through me as I pressed the key and the door slid open ungracefully, the loud clank of metal making me suspicious that the room choice was deliberate. Casting my eyes to either side of the hallway… it seemed I was alone. 
Left and right look the same… I came from that way but which way is the galley…
Not caring for dignity, I sniffed the air, trying to place the smell’s origin. 
Ah hah! Right!
The walls were cold as I slid my fingertips over the grated panels, feeling the texture as I made my way along. It wasn’t far till I came to a brightly lit room smelling strongly of caf. 
There it is. 
I turned into the room and eyed the gathering of men sitting at the crowded table spanning the middle of the room. They stopped talking as I glanced over them. 
Definitely not supposed to be here…
“I’d like some of that caf, if you will.”
There was an open stool at the far end of the table and I perched myself delicately upon it. 
They were slow to react, but two of the soldiers suddenly stood and headed to the caf dispenser. 
Most of the men had removed their helmets and I couldn’t help but stare at their identical features. It was unsettling me more than I thought it would as I scanned each of them. Different haircuts. Different tattoos. Different Scars. Same face. There was something wrong about it, but I’m stuck deciding if it’s the clone aspect or if it had to do with the dull sheen that flickered in their eyes like they weren’t really in there looking out. 
Groups of troopers on leave used to be common in the red district until about a year ago, but they rarely made it to the top of The Spire where I was usually stationed. A clone at The Red Crown was practically unheard of. Not that a few hadn't been invited as guests by high priority clients, but I always seemed to be out when it happened.
I finally turned to look directly in front of me.
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By the counter, separating himself from the other troopers, CT-9904 leaned against the corner pouring himself a caf and pointedly blocking the two troopers who went to retrieve me a cup. His helmet was also missing and I was surprised at the web of scar tissue branching over his right ear. It looked fresh.
His eyes met mine and I raised a brow at him. He had a circle tattooed around one of his eyes, and a bit more I couldn’t make out from over here, but… lines maybe? 
Tough guy indeed. Is he going to let them do their job?
He barked something at them that sounded rude then spoke up so I could hear him.
“Get it yourself, princess.”
His tone was mocking, and it insulted me… but to let him know would lose me the round. 
Good to see he knows the rules.
 I smiled and tilted my head.
“I’ll give you a tip if you get it for me, tough guy.”
He downed the rest of his cup and placed a toothpick in his mouth, never breaking eye contact, before pushing himself off the wall. Strutting from the room he threw a last glaring smirk of challenge in my direction before exiting the galley and leaving me alone with the squad. 
My gaze lingered on the door, brow raised at the sass that was just on display. 
“Well, can any of you help a girl out?”
I glanced at the gathered men and they looked back at me uncomfortably. The six soldiers seemed rather reserved, eager to serve… but something was keeping them from bending to my request. 
“Uh… Commander Crosshair ordered us not to… uh…ma’am.”
I let out an exasperated huff.
Commander Crosshair, huh. 
The tattoo registered clearer now, plus with the context of the rifle wear on his armor…
A little on the nose don’t you think? We'll, if that’s how you’re gonna play…
I muttered, scoffingly as I got up and paced to the caf dispenser, grabbing a cup from the side.
“You're lucky he didn't call you BLOB,”
The nearest clone chuckled, hearing my disdain.
“That's just charming, a friendly bunch aren't you?”
I pressed the button on the machine filling the cup with a dark, robust smelling, refreshment.
My shoulders relaxed as I put the cup to my lips, drawing a mouthful of hot liquid …and immediately spat it out. There was a guffaw from the table. 
Oh that is awful. Enough playing, we’re finding the executive pot. 
Not bothering to excuse myself, I wandered back into the hall ignoring the snickering aimed in my direction. 
Kriff em. Where’s the Lieutenant get his caf from?
I pause in the hallway, realizing I was avoiding the itching in my brain by chasing a small comfort. Think. There's always a reason, and I need to know why I'm here. 
I started walking again, at a slower pace and listened. So far only my own footsteps… and then, voices. 
I crept to the opened arch where Hevos stood with another man positioned before a large consol. 
“We have the coordinates and once our clearance is registered we’ll be on our way out of orbit.”
It sounded like the usual preparations. 
“Any signs we may have pursuers?” 
I stopped breathing and focused on the Lieutenant’s back. There’s pursuers now? 
The varp did I do?
A hand closed firmly around my arm, and yanked me back down the hall. 
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“Time to go back to your room, princess.”
The raspy voice was engraing itself in my brain, growing more familiar as he dragged me away from the conversation I desperately wanted to overhear. 
“You know that’s a far cry from my actual title, I’m actually- HEY”
I was once again dumped into the sad little cubby, the door clunking shut behind me in what was quickly becoming our usual goodbye.
My mood was boiling over and I kicked the panel in the beginning of a tantrum. 
You know what? You're not in charge here. 
I hit the button on my door… and nothing happened. I hit it a few more times…locked in. A frustrated cry escaped me and I slammed my fists into the metal repeatedly. 
He can’t DO that!
But my arms quickly tire, and I slump to the floor with my back to the door. Less than an hour and I’ve already been locked into my quarters. Terrific.
I crawled into the bunk and closed my eyes. I really hope everything is exactly what I'm being told…
One thing’s for sure…
I reached under the bunk and searched the bag with my fingertips looking for the cold, small chunk of metal. Finally finding it and withdrawing the recording device into the light. 
I don't trust any of this. 
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A rhythmic clanging rang through my half woken thoughts and my eyes fluttered open, refocusing on the dull room of the military ship. Someone was knocking.
“Come in?”
The door slid open revealing Lieutenant Hevos, his face twisted in an expression of false hospitality. 
“Care for supper, Tah’nyem Ra?”
“Oh! Yes… yes, of course. Give me a moment.”
The door shut again and I walked to the mini fresher tucked into the corner to splash some water on my face and straighten my ruffled hair. Scratching at the short black strands on the back of my neck I smoothed the uneven, asymetrical bob till it once again lay flat. My eyes reflected the stress of sudden departure and fitful napping and I pinched my cheeks to bring out some color. 
Back in front of the door I shake myself gently, organizing my thoughts, preparing for the unpleasant pleasantries ahead.  I was ready, and hit the button letting me into the hall. 
Lieutenant Hevos doesn’t turn to look at me, and simply offers his arm like he had at the loading dock. I took it, and he led me slightly further than I managed to venture earlier through the compact vessel. He steered me into a small but formal dining room fitted with slightly more adornments than the rest of the ship.
“It’s good to know they let you have some nice things, Lieutenant.”
“They made an extra effort on your account.” 
He dropped his arm and my hand along with it, making his way to the chair at the far end of the table. 
“They shouldn’t have.”
They really, really shouldn’t have.
I eyed the sad plant at the center of the table and took a seat opposite the Lieutenant. I resented the contempt radiating out of his cold, polite smile and I flashed a venom laced grin back. 
What a wonderful companion for meal times. 
My thoughts drifted to the tall Commander stored somewhere on the ship. Somewhere that was else. He would surely make for a more entertaining company… 
I picked at a scratch on the table top. Must have been pouting like a child, because when I looked back up at Hevos his hateful expression was colored with a layer of puzzlement. He regained his composure and I reorganized my features to reflect the coldness the situation called for, my mother’s words ringing in my head:
“Your fathers friends are dangerous men.”
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“Shall we?” 
He didn’t wait for a response, pressing a com signaling for our food to be brought. 
“You shook hands with Vah’hadarr at the dock. Do you know each other?”
He stiffened. Of course, asking someone if they're friendly with my father was a rather loaded question, but his sudden discomfort spoke volumes. 
“I’m assigned to the governor’s enforcement battalion, that is all,” 
How far in father's pockets are you Lieutenant?
It's true a few of these small ships were for father's uses, but the soldiers still answered to the Emperor. We weren't much involved on who was assigned where, a little money could go a long way in securing loyalty.
The trays arrived, smoking with a nice cut of meat and roasted greens, the red juices pooling on the plate. I picked up my utensil and poked at the food. Nothing in the galley looked this fresh and I wondered if this was another benevolent “accommodation”. 
“Do you ever eat with your men, Lieutenant?”
I once again lost interest in being careful and political and took the lead in starting the conversation with something that might lead to some stimulation. 
Sitting at this table with this man is going to bore me. to. death. 
He chuckled without mirth, and fixed me with those hateful eyes.
“Those aren’t men.”
He said it without a blink or a tremor. He meant it. 
“They may look like men,” He continued, “but they’re just tools for the empire. Outdated tools at that.” 
His tone had taken on a shade of self pity, as if he felt he was above serving with clones. 
“They seem to be unique individuals, despite appearances…”
I thought about the variety in body language, the haircuts, the tattoos…a specific tattoo. 
He scoffed, and ungracefully stuffed a cut of meat into his gullet.
“They’re more than expendable, and are being phased out as we speak, you should be wary of seeing them as people,”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
He didn’t answer, so I pressed on. 
“What about the Commander? He seems… different.” 
The thin face floated back into focus. It was similar to the others, but the elongated features gave him a more unique look. No denying he was a clone though. 
“That one's more like a monster.” 
He shoved another forkful of meat into his jowls and I eyed a trail of blood dripping down his chin in disgust. 
“Don’t keep me in the dark Lieutenant, Elaborate.”
The Lieutenant set his utensil down with a harsh clatter and fixed his eyes on me with all seriousness. 
“That clone was bred to be vicious, elite, Black Ops, His most recent mission he wiped out the rest of his special unit, these clones feel nothing and they shoot at what they're told, even their own comrades, don't trust them… they're not people, Miss Ra, remember that,”
I chewed as I processed this. 
Their own comrades? Other clones it seems… Jedi too maybe?
The betrayal of the Jedi had been a rather hot topic on Coruscant over the past year. I was starting to believe the rumors that they were being wiped out…
Something else bothered me about the divulged information, something that probably wasn't supposed to slip. 
“Lieutenant… Why is a Black Ops sniper included in my escort to Ga’hah?”
Only a flicker of the grim composer before he covered,
“He's being transferred to his new assignment, this just kills two birds with one stone,”
Maybe I'm overthinking all of this…
 He finished his meal and stood.
“Tah’nyem Ra.” 
A quick nod and he left me alone in the dining room. For someone under “Black Ops” guard they sure have no interest in actually being around me. Then again, where the kark could I really get off to. 
After eating what I could off my plate I stood up to look around the pitifully decorated room. I fingered the bug in my pocket and weighed whether this might be a good place for it. 
No… doesn't look like it gets used much…
The little device had been left in the manager's office of The Crown. Apparently one of the Ja’hans had a thing for listening to his favorite girl… uh… meeting with other clients. 
Can’t have that now…
I was thinking idle thoughts about my father's business and the clientele in question while determining what to do with the recorder. 
The bug was primitive, just an on/ playback switch, timer, and a com jack. No remote access. Nice and discreet, but that does mean wherever I put it I’ll need to be able to get it back. I had checked briefly, but the device should record for 72 hours before looping over itself… 
I’ll need to retrieve it before then. 
There were two exits to the room and I determined if I should head into the hall or through the door the food trays had been brought in from. I thought back to the quick walk with the Lieutenant, taking inventory of the doors between here and mine. At least one should be another quarter room, leaving two others to be anything. I shifted my attention to the service door and knew it was where I was headed. I wanted to know what’s back there.
I pushed the panel and thankfully it opened. I wouldn’t be able to hack my way in, so I’m really staking on most doors just being…unlocked.
Good plan. Wander through a military ship on a prayer they just leave things unlocked. Very plausible. No notes.
I stopped chidding myself and slipped into the narrower service hall. It was darker, the walls less presentable with visible tubes and wires and blinking, lighted panels. The air was warmer here, smelling of dust and hot plastics.
This is promising. 
Looking over the guts of the ship I tried to determine if left or right down the hall would yield better results for a room the Lieutenant might let loose in. 
Et tu, beck tu, Nah-mehn-da!
I playfully pointed my finger at the tubes, selecting the thickest of them and turning to follow it down the left hall. 
The passage was disappointingly short and it wasn’t long till I was spit back into the main hall. Orienting myself, I figured I was just beyond the galley and turned to retrace my steps back to the bridge. 
The corridor was dark, the dimmed lights the only hint that it was night. I found the door I was looking for and paused…
Hope you’re empty…
I hit the panel next to the door and it smoothly slid open. 
The bridge was vacant as I had hoped, the hypnotizing array of hyperspace bathing the room in flashing light. 
I judged the three consoles in the room. 
The one in the middle should do…
Hopefully it'll be the one the Lieutenant would stand closest to. I crouched and wedged the little recorder under the lip of the keyboard. Looking at my watch, I set the timer to start recording six hours from now. 
I stood up, and once again turned to the vastness of space whipping past me at unfathomable speeds. The job was done so I let myself sink into the moment, marveling at how many stars and planets there really were out there. 
I jumped a little at the sound of the door sliding open and straightened from where I was leaning against the consol. I turned around, trying to keep my face innocent. 
It was Crosshair, and the surprise at finding someone here only colored his expression a moment before being reeled in. 
“Come to look at the stars, tough guy?”
He flicked the toothpick between his lips from side to side, as if making a decision, and turned to leave.
A pained sound escaped me before I even really knew I made it…
It caused him pause though, and he turned back.
“I’m sorry. You should stay…” 
“I was hoping to be… alone.”
“I’ll be quiet” 
I crooked my fingers into the symbol of promise. 
“By Be’llahl.”
He hesitated but seemed satisfied by that. Silently he strode to the left console and sat propping his boots next to the keys and switches. I leaned against my console of choice again and turned back to the infinite stars, my eyes occasionally wandering to the shadow of his head, the angry patch of melted skin over his ear.
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A thousand ideas on how to annoy the man flitted through me, but I had made a promise and squashed the impulse to play around. 
Time and place… besides, I swore by Be’llahl…
I wasn’t really sure why it mattered, possibly had to do with how tired he looked. It was one thing to mess with entitled little rich boys on Coruscant, but the man sitting across the room was a hardened soldier. He could have a time out.
“That one's a monster…”
Would he be ordered to shoot for no reason? 
I glanced at the tired silhouette again, it didn't seem like he wore the fatigue in a carefree kind of way. They must feel… surely.
We stayed there, silently, for nearly an hour before he stood and stretched, gazing at me a moment…
“C’mon. I should escort you back to your quarters.”
Silently, I got up and followed him out, only speaking once we had left the threshold of the bridge. Time out over.
“Do you come here often?”
I matched his pace as we set down the hall he himself had dragged me down hours before. 
“What happened to being quiet?”
“We left.”
I swear he rolled his eyes, but either way, he dodged the question. I dropped it, allowing him a few more moments of peace before we arrived at my stateroom.
Coming astride my door he started to turn as if to leave me on my own but I caught his arm pulling him back. 
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I leaned against the wall and pulled him to me, taking the docile position of being trapped looking up at him. 
“You should stay here too…”
I placed his hands on my hips and though he didn’t recoil it did seem like a grimace passed over him a moment and I raised my brow in question. 
“You shouldn’t get involved with soldiers, princess.”
He slipped his hands from my waist.
“And leave the Regs out of it. They’re risking a court martial just looking at you.”
Something tells me they wouldn't be as… fun.
A very real ache was growing in me, a little follow through couldn't hurt… just this once. 
“Let me change your mind, how can I make you stay?”
I hooked my fingers into the utility belt at his hips, not letting him get away yet. My voice dropped to a conspiratorial tone. 
“How long, do you think, till you break a rule or two?”
His voice came out in a low growl.
“It isn’t the rules keeping me from giving you what you’re asking for.”
He gripped my shoulders and pushed me harder into the metal behind me, causing an involuntary flutter through my groin as he bent to look me in the eyes.
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“You, princess, have no idea what you’ve stepped into here,”
“I think I can take you, tough guy.”
I leaned forward, brushing a cheek against his ear.
“What do you have to lose?”
The question was full of promise,
Kriff it, I know it's been hours but I want him.
“I don't know anymore,”
The whisper was soft, and fell from him as if he had accidentally let it go. 
He tried to push off but I held tight and he took hold of me again, pushing the panel on the wall opening the door to my quarters with a clank. I was thrown in, more forcefully than before, my body splaying in a disgraceful position on the bunk. I left myself disheveled and looked up as he took a step into the room.
Our eyes met and I held him there, challenging him to give in and take things further.
We were still a moment, tensed, and in stalemate between my resolve and his.
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Crosshair spun as the Lieutenant cleared his throat in the doorway.
“I hope I’m not…interrupting…”
“I was just putting our guest back in her crate,” 
He said it smoothly, nothing to hint at the mix of emotions that had been there before.
“Good, Wouldn’t want you caught up in anything…regrettable.”
The taller man straightened and left the room, bumping the shoulder of the Lieutenant as he passed. 
Hervos then fixed his eyes on me, hungrily looking over my legs still sprawled across the bunk. I crossed my knees and sat up to make the show less inviting and get him on his way. His eyes flicked back up to my face.
“They told me about you, Your…reputation�� in the briefing for this transport,”
I stiffened. What do they know? It wasn’t all that bad honestly, but I had started a few things that got a little…out of control.
“Don’t distract my soldiers, or I’ll put you in your place myself, Which, I can assure you, will be far more enjoyable than what a squad of troopers might have in store for you,”
His eyes flicked down my body once more and he smiled the first genuine grin since I had arrived… I stifled a shiver. 
Instead, he received a rude gesture and I spit in his direction defiantly. 
“They seem far more charitable than you, Lieutenant.”
His face twisted into the more familiar anger and he forcefully pressed the panel on the wall.
The door clanked shut as he left me to myself and I scrambled off the bunk, slamming the inner lock on the door panel. 
I stood still, staring at the closed door and slowed my breathing. I shouldn’t have let him get to me. 
Calmer, I went to the refresher and started the water in the narrow stall. 
Stepping into the warm stream the rest of the tension left my body and I could let my mind drift to more pleasant things.
I pursed my lips remembering what was interrupted. 
How close was he really… toe on the line?
I had the feeling his nerves were stronger than the earlier episode might suggest…
Not used to being turned down I slipped the feeling on like a cloak, noting its weight and deciding how to think about it.
I don’t like it.
I don’t usually drive things so far either;  Always to an edge but never over it… Maintain the mystique. Only ever tempted if there was that…
I shivered as a certain intense gaze drifted through my thoughts again. 
No, it was odd for me to want to throw the match like that… few times it's happened before… 
They never resisted. 
I turned the water off and dripped dry a moment before stepping out into the cold.
Wrapping a warm shawl about myself I crawled onto the bunk, hugging my knees to my chest, letting my heavy lids fall shut.
“You have no idea what you’ve stepped into…”
How so? I’ll have to rip that out of him.
I grinned to myself at that, thinking of the fire in those steely, intense eyes. 
Oh yes…
I stretched out slidding my hands down the skin of my torso, down my thighs, enjoying the sparks racing from my trailing fingertips to my brain. Electric.
… I’m gonna kriffing tear you apart.
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loopdile · 2 months
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transcription under the cut!
The worst ship chart ever.
Ship name: Loopdile
[insert very tiny math] Ages: 43 and 31? Age difference: 8?
Portrait of Odile with an eyebrow raised saying "I'm not telling." Name: Odile. Gender: trans woman (maybe nb but idrc rn). Sexuality: Aro lesbian.
Portrait of Loop with a finger raised saying "I'm not telling~" Name: Loop. Gender: Nonbinary (??? what is identity). Sexuality: Ace bi
General sliders. "Relationship starts quickly vs the slowest burn you can possibly imagine" is marked fairly close to slowly and trails off towards slow burn. "They'll be together forever vs They'll break up after 2 months tops" has two marks, one at 2 months and one really close to forever. "Cute couple vs dear god they're ugly" is marked a quarter slider away from cute. "Reasonably healthy and normal relationship vs They're dying and getting killed and hurt man" has a wide mark all the way from the halfway point to a quarter away from healthy. "Extremely popular ship vs literally no one ships this but me" is marked fairly close to no one.
Specific sliders. "Giddy and happy to be in love vs they just killed themselves 40 times in their head at the idea of being in love" has loop at died and odile fairly close to died. "The madoka vs the homura" has loop at homura and odile a third of the slider away. "Telling anyone who will listen about their partner vs rarely brings up that they're in a relationship" has loop a quarter away from telling anyone and odile fairly close to rarely. "eats and/or encourages a healthy diet vs eats dry instant noodles only" has loop at noodles and odile a third away from healthy. "crazy ass vs truck freak" has loop at crazy ass and odile fairly close to truck freak.
Tell me why your ship is interesting... go!
What draws them together? Odile is the only motherfucker that can handle them; Loop is weird and intriguing.
What stands in the way? Poor communication skills; Loop is clingy but Odile often needs space; Loop lashes out and self-isolates.
What are their good traits? They're both hilarious and dedicated to the bit; they're both devoted to their loved ones.
What makes them hopeless at romance? Odile is aro-spec and uninterested in romance; Loop both hates/fears and craves romance; Luckily they can just be something stranger!
Describe them with one trope: found family, deadpan x emotional, secret third thing, I'll protect you from yourself.
#suicide mention#these are today's headcanons... tomorrow? who knows.....#so. the weird sliders.#siffrin had a low grade crush on odile which. obviously didn't instantly come to fruition but it's not exactly a slow burn situation eithe?#and then during sasasap and isat loop's emotions about everything ever were. not doing great#they come out of canon a total mess#and odile's like ...i could fix them. NO WAIT IM NOT DOING THAT.#so again the thought is there and. a little more slowburn y this time. but only for a specific part of the dynamic#and then there's kinda a slow build of loop's new dynamics w everyone in the group?#and the thing with odile escalates into being a Thing#but again it's hard to call it slow burn bc there's no like. line to tip over into dating.#but it's not *instant* either#it's a snowball gaining speed downhill#ok next weird slider#oh yeah#they 'break up' fairly often as one of loop's 'this is 100% a joke and not my real feelings at all' bits#even though they're not dating and they don't actually want to break off whatever shit they do have going on#it's a way to express a need for change#BUT the whole family is in it for the long haul#and loop and odile's dynamic may shift over time but again. there's no 'breaking up' line#so they won't necessarily be [together?] forever but they will be together forever#and then it's. not an *unhealthy* relationship but it's not normal either lol#with a whole range of behaviors between 'genuinely helpful to each other' and 'lmao what the fuck guys'#ok those r the weird ones! the rest are obvious right. like ofc odile is closer to truck freak 🙄 but not entirely
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hyunjilicious · 1 year
[bang chan x reader] // [minho x reader]
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Summary: this started out as a "how would bf!skz react to you saying 'it hurts' (or any variation of) during sex" but I got carried away and it turned into just plotless filth.. + writing this for more than 2 members in one night felt like cheating lol (SMUT) ~1k each
Warnings: unprotected sex, oral (m receiving)... face fucking basically, slapping, spanking, name calling (whore, slut..) + plus lowkey degradation, cum play/swallowing, tying ppl up (??? idk how else to say it sksksk), lowkey mean!Chan but like consensually lowkey mean!Chan, pain in the ass!Minho... I think this is everything? I don't know. Please let me know if I missed anything!! Also 18+ PLS!!! DNI OTHERWISE!!!!
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I'm sorry, but you two already have a safe word so whatever you say besides that, is only going to be used against you. 
He'd have you pinned down into the mattress with only a pillow under your hips as he fucks himself relentlessly into you. Beads of sweat are rolling off his temples, the bed is shaking, the neighbors can definitely hear everything but still, he shows no signs of slowing down. His thighs are burning and he's almost out of breath, but with every thrust, he goes harder, deeper inside of you and very few things could make him stop at this point.
You don't even know anymore what it is - pain or pleasure, but taking into consideration your trembling legs and the way your cunt greedily swallows him whole every time he forces his cock inside, all you know is that you love it. Still, you're numb and overly stimulated at the same time, making that burning feeling between your legs, no matter how good, a little bit too much.
So you squint your eyes and hide your face down against the bed, scrunching the sheets into your fists as your moans turn into a cry. "Fuck-" you pant, "Fuck, it hurts, ah-"
Chan's thrusts slow down, but he's going just as hard and deep as he leans down to grab a fistful of your hair and pull you up with your back against his chest. "What was that?" he asks directly against your ear, "It hurts?"
Your back arches against him as you cry. "Yes.."
"Good" he breathes against your skin before pushing you back down against the mattress. "It's supposed to" 
This time, he lowers himself too so that you're now trapped between him and the bed, with no way to escape, and he thrives on knowing just how much you love that.
"Chan baby, please" you cry, your cheek pressed into the pillow as you have your head turned to the side.
His panting right above you, his face inches away from yours as his rugged and hot breath fans the side of your neck. "What is it, hm? Tell me, baby girl" he grins. 
"Please what?" he rasps as one of his arms snakes around your body to reach your clit. "Talk to me" he adds, placing a kiss on your shoulder before sinking his teeth into your skin.
Your eyes shut with an overwhelming mixture of pain and pleasure, but you manage to take a deep breath and open your mouth, however not much comes out. "Baby…" you cry.
"What is it, angel?" he chuckles, "Did I fuck you dumb already? Can't even form a sentence for me, my baby?"
You'd say something, the words are there, inside your head, but they're messy, flying around and neither of them agrees to go past your lips. So you just nod. Pathetically.
"My dumb, little girl" he coos while thrusting into you. "So drunk for my cock, aren't you? But you like it like that, just laying there while I have my way with you? Tell me"
Again, all you can do is nod. 
"Good, baby" he says and pushes the hair away from the back of your neck so he can kiss you, right before pushing himself back up again. "Make me cum, doll, come on" 
Not that you could answer, let alone actually move a muscle, but Chan doesn't care. He digs his fingers into your hips and guides your entire body up and down on his cock, all your weight as if nothing in his arms. He'll feel the burn tomorrow because right now, he can't stop for the world. 
Once he resumes his pace, hitting all the right spots at just the right angle, you barely manage to give him a warning before your legs start to shake. "God, I'm so close, so-" you pant, "Fuck"
"Cum for me" he urges you, "make a mess on my cock, princess, come on"
So intoxicated for him, from the way he held you to the literal feeling of every vein of his cock against your walls, your orgasm comes crashing down on you in waves. And yet, somehow, it wakes you up a bit.
"Chan" you extend an arm back towards him, "Stop, stop, stop, please!" Normally, those words wouldn't deter him, but your voice sounds serious enough for him to quirk an eyebrow. "Stop, please"
"Pull out please, I want you to cum in my mouth"
As if he wasn't close enough anyway, he had to take a moment to contain himself. His movements halt, for just a second, before he slowly and painfully pulls out. "Fuck, I thought something happened, but you're just a fucking slut for me"
You proudly nod and then feel yourself get yanked to the side, falling back onto your back, as Chan settles with his knees on either side of your head.
He's pumping himself into his hand, and you take that as the biggest insult in the world - when your perfectly good mouth is just inches away? Without hesitation, you swat his hands away and push yourself up just enough to wrap your lips around his head. 
A hiss of relief breaks from his throat before he fists your roots into his own hand. He's guiding your movements, fast and shallow, until he looks down to meet your eyes and knows he can push further. Next thing you know, he's leaning forward, prompting his weight on his free hand as his cock goes all the way down your throat, completely cutting off your air supply. 
Your arms are around his clenched thighs, your legs flailing around as you struggle against the tears in the back of your eyes, but it is very clear to the both of you who's going to win this competition. 
"Fucking made to take my cock down your throat, princess" he breathes, pulling out of your mouth and finishing himself off with his hand.
In a second, his cum lands on your tongue, your eyes on his' the entire time. He's all red, his hair is a mess - wet and curly, he can barely breathe and all the air in his lungs comes only in the form of the sweetest, most perfect moans. 
"Fuck, fuck-" he cries again as the last drops leak out of his tip. 
When he looks down, you're already swallowing his cum, and gathering with your fingers the mess he made on your cheeks, on your chin and on your neck. 
"Jesus-" Chan breathes out as he falls down next to you. With the last ounces of energy left in his body, he pulls you against him, his lips instantly finding yours. 
Earlier, you could taste yourself on his cock. Now, he can taste himself on your lips. And neither of you wants to stop. 
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This man is kinky. He knows everything and owns every sex toy. Every other week he comes up with new things to try, he's extremely careful, incredibly good with communication and always knows what he's doing. Despite all of this, pain is never the focus. He doesn't get off on pain, it doesn't matter that it's a completely safe and controlled environment, pain - in whatever shape or form, has no place during sex. He'd much rather over-stimulate you, not let you cum, hear you cry and beg for him, and every time you do something that could potentially hurt, like slapping or pulling your hair, he knows your limit very well and never crosses it. HOWEVER. However, everything adjacent to actual sex, is a whole different story. He'll take advantage of your low pain threshold and just use it in his favor. 
One day, he's on top of you, working his expert knots around your wrists as he ties your arms to the bedpost. "Ouch-" you flinch, "That hurts a bit"
"What?" he looks down at you, faux worry on his features. He knows very well what you're doing. "Is it too tight, doll?"
You just nod.
"I'm sorry" he grins and pulls on the rope, harshly securing your hands into place. "Nothing I can do about that"
Or. He's sitting at the edge of the bed, with you sprawled across his lap. He's still fully clothed while you're completely naked, ass already red and covered in his hand prints. 
"God, Minho, it hurts!" you whine, turning around to grab his hand and stop him from continuing.
"Well, it hurt me too" he swats your hand away and leans down on his elbow to be at the same level with you. "How do you think I felt when you came from that vibrator only? My dick wasn't even out of my pants yet. It hurt me, doll"
"You put the vibrator there!" you try to counter but he settles back into his spot and shuts you up with another rough slap against your already sore buttcheek. "Fuck!" you cry out in defeat, little giggles escaping your lips before you manage to hide your face into the sheets.
"You promised you wouldn't cum. It's not my fault"
"I promised I'd try!"
"You're a strong woman, Y/n, you can do anything you set your mind to" he chuckles as he spanks you again, taking the time to enjoy your whimpers before continuing. "I think you just didn't try hard enough. Or maybe you did it on purpose"
"Oh, for fuck's sake" you cry, but the simple fact that you can't manage to hide your amusement makes your words mean absolutely nothing to him. So he goes again, slapping your ass and also sinking his fingers into your already traumatized flesh. "Fuck, Minho, it hurts so bad!"
"What? This?" he laughs and spanks you again.
At this point, you're kicking your feet and hiding your face into the nearest pillow, yet still wiggling your ass in his face, clearly letting him know you haven't had enough yet.
"It's ok, doll" he cooes, and rubs his hand up and down your back. "I don't want to do this, you're making me do it. You just need to apologize to me"
"I'm sorry…"
"Look at me while you're saying it, baby" he demands.
You turn around a bit, just so you can see his face, but while you're almost entirely successful in hiding your amusement, Minho doesn't even seem to be trying. He's all a smile, very clearly enjoying this a bit too much. "I'm sorry, Minho, can you please forgive me?" you pout.
He thinks about it for a second and then grins, "No"
You're about to comment, but he spanks you again, so all you can do is whimper and rub your thighs together. "Please, I'm begging you!"
"If you so badly want me to stop, why is your cunt so wet, hm?" he asks, trailing his fingers up and down your opening a few times before shoving his fingers inside you with absolutely no warning.
Moaning, and trying to grind your pussy back against his hand, you hide your face into your shoulder and mumble "From the vibrator"
You have no idea if he heard you or not, but you know damn well he'd never let that kind of sarcasm pass. 
"Y/n?" he calls, twisting his fingers inside of you and stretching your walls.
"Are you going to be whore for me and cum on my fingers, baby?"
"Can I?"
"Of course you can" he nods and picks up his pace, knowing very well how close you were to a second orgasm. "But I hope you know that I'm still going to fuck you afterwards, will you be able to take it?"
You try to whimper something, but all that comes out is just a little moan.
"You sure, doll?" he asks, pressing his thumb against your clit as he starts pumping his fingers into you harder and faster. "Three rounds? Isn't that too much for your little cunt?"
"Nuh-uh, what? Use your words, baby"
"No," you swallow, "It's not too much… please"
"Please? Please what?"
"Please fuck me, Minho"
"Well if you ask so nicely…"
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fraserbraw · 9 months
a day in the life <3
poly141, 141 x reader, no y/n, tooth rotting fluff
the kinds of kisses/affection that reader receives during the day from their 141 boys 😁
in passing, especially on the top of the head. adores seeing you flustered when you didn't see him approach you
slow, romantic kisses after a long day. finds you on his office couch or in the little kitchenette, wraps his arms around your waist, and lets all the stresses or problems of the day wash off as his lips meet yours
on the knuckles like a true gentleman. asks you anywhere with a kiss on the hand. bar? kiss. date night? kiss. the fucking gym? guess what? kiss.
on the face to wake you up in the mornings. you look so warm and snuggly, love, but it's time to get up <3 (often followed by a cup of tea/coffee)
kisses your inner thighs to soothe beard burn. he's so sorry, but you look so pretty when he has you in his mouth.
until you've been a thing for a long time, and I mean a long time, he won't kiss you
that's not to say he won't show affection, though. one of his absolute favorite things is to bonk your forehead with his through the mask
sure, it can hurt either one of you just a bit, but it lets you know that he loves you
when he finally does kiss you, it's on the forehead or back of the hand. it takes him a long time to actually kiss your lips
loves kissing your neck and vice versa. seeing you walk around with poorly covered hickeys (because he can't make it easy for you, people have to know that you belong to someone) gets him going
also likes it when you leave your own marks on his neck. no one can see them because of that balaclava, but he knows they're there
kisses you the fastest out of all the boys
starts with the cheek, then the forehead, then the lips, then any inch of skin you bless him with
all of you is just so perfect, how can he pick one single favorite spot?
leaves little bites and marks everywhere he can
would devour you if he could
genuinely cherishes your slow and romantic make outs. yeah, he loves when they lead to something else, but feeling the passion in your kisses as your lips and tongues dance together? that's a feeling unmatched, bonnie.
this man has such an oral fixation. let him suck on your fingers.
once he saw johnny going at you, he couldn't help but follow suit
he's a weak man, hun, you've got to cut him some slack
loves kissing your nose. close enough to your mouth to be a little more intimate than the forehead, and he gets to see basically your whole face
kisses your hips like they're drugs. sex or not, he's between your legs kissing your hips and belly. so what if you're wearing clothes? let him move them for you.
adores little touches
tracing patterns on skin, kissing freckles/scars, moving strands of hair away from your face. he doesn't care; as long as he's touching you
it's the monthly post!! i wish i could have written more, but alas, the bastards at uni gave me the flu. i'm back now, though, and consuming content like a bear before hibernation.
(yk... that might be a good fit idea.)
thank you for reading, lovelies <333333
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t-lostinworlds · 1 month
Warm Winter & Fiery Frost | B.Barnes [Completed]
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》 PAIRING: bucky barnes x ex-HYDRA assassin!female!reader
》 TROPE/GENRE: grumpy x grumpy, enemies to lovers-ish, slow burn-ish, angst, fluff-ish
》 SUMMARY: They say opposites attract. You and Bucky were so alike—He was called The Winter Soldier and you were called Frost, for fucks sake—that it's probably the reason why you hated each other. Or was it the denying of powerful feelings in fear of getting hurt? You know, like how the cliché goes. Because you know what they also say: There's a fine line between love and hate.
》 WARNINGS: canon typical violence (blood, guns, combat, etc.), canon divergence, meanness against each other (at the start & that one scene™), emotional constipation! (on both sides. they both need therapy lbr), poorly translated russian prolly, soulmate vibes (not really?), r has bucky at knifepoint quite often (& threatens to kill him), bucky's kink unlocked? (not explored lol), down bad!bucky, r has a backstory, mentions of: past traumas, grooming (no specific ages but it's implied that r was very young), manipulation, experimentation, child trafficking, torture, murder (u know hydra tings), a sweet, happy and open ending (+ if i missed anything pls let me know!)
》 TOTAL WORD COUNT: 29k+ (my longest fic yet)
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A/N: i actually started this a year ago??? (according to my doc) which is crazy to me?? bc it feels like i only had this idea for months? where has the time gone. ANYWAYS. first behemoth bucky fic & first fic in a few months so pls be kind ksksks
++ also would like to say that r in this isn't the usual happy-go-lucky, sweet, emotionally capable, sunshine-y person compared to what i typically write but she has her reasons. cold & hardened but mushy on the inside. u know. like our fave supersoldier. they're honestly the same person just different fonts lmao. ANYWAYS,
++ additional note: tumblr has a limit of only 1000 paragraphs (or text block so to speak). the fic itself is 1300 paragraphs so it's waay over the limit. so i decided to cut it into two parts BUT i also posted it on AO3 if you want to read it as a whole already. hope you guys still read and enjoy it! <3
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⊱ ─────.⋅♚ *。・゚.★. *。・゚✫*.
✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚♛ *.
↬ thank you for reading lovely! reblog & leave a comment if you enjoyed! feedback is always appreciated! ++ consider supporting me on ko-fi if you can!
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© t-lostinworlds, 2024 ✘ I do NOT give any permission to repost, translate, & use any of my works (writings, gifs, dividers, etc.) on any platform, with credit or otherwise. Please respect that. Thank you.
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sugar-omi · 10 months
Can I request some HC about Cove and cockwarming 👀
omfg yes you can
NSFW, gn reader, step 3 + 4 + DILF ! cove, multiple scenarios, prbly ooc bc dilf!cove is a menance over here ok, prbly ooc step 4 cove too but ion care imma babygirl him ‼️‼️
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you can't expect an 18 year old to be normal or calm abt it
he's all whiny and tense
you're only on his dick long enough to adjust. both of you clinging onto each other and panting, tryna get used to such an intense feeling
you can try teasing him by cockwarming, but it really won't work
begs you to move, uses those big blues to try and sway you
will probably cry if you keep swirling your hips or clenching around him, he can't help but fall over the edge and lose his patience
doesnt matter if you you hold on long enough or are swayed by cove's sweet begging
but now it's your turn for your head to spin because cove thrusts up into you, holding you and hiding his face in your neck
I love the idea of him getting caught up in the moment again and flipping you over on your back and thrusting into you...
makes you finish first because I think he's totally obsessed with watching you finish, especially when you finish around him
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you still can't expect him to be normal
but fuck does he love it
ik I haven't included switch cove n any of the other 2 scenarios (writing this bit last, yes I write backwards)
but I gotta tell you man...
he loves it sm
doesn't matter if it's a strap, loves cockwarming you
mmm, going throughout the day, splitting him open on your cock during different times of the day
please do ask him to stop doing a chore to sit in your lap, he's so weak rn
fuck, come up behind him n just slip in while he's washing dishes, he's in heaven rn
the whole day he's hard, ruined his pants w pre bc he's been in pieces the whole day
by the time you finally fuck him, he's in tears n so happy n pleased
also dies of happiness a bit when you cockwarm him
jfc doing it in the morning. or before bed, while you sleep...
is so turned on by this, sometimes he just can't do it and you'll wake up to cove squirming, apologizing but begging to fuck, begging to cum..
if he makes it through the whole night though... gets the pleasant scene of seeing you on too of him, grinding on his lap n telling him you should hurry up n finish before work<33
fuck imagine teasing him the same way dilf cove does (so spoilers lol)
n having him in your lap or you're in his, and you're tryna watch a show n you're moving your hips..
grinding on him, thrusting up into him..
either way he couldn't hold on, n now you have HIM on the coffee table or laid out on the couch, heart eyes while watching you take him while on top 🫶🫶
he's in love actually
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oh he does it for fun
this is a sport to him
how long can you sit on his cock until you either whine n beg, or you need to get back to the rest of the world
fuck, if you don't have kids or they're grown. he'll do it while you guys sleep<3
this is almost like a punishment, n like I said, it's entirely for his entertainment n he'll fucking do it while he's watching TV or on the computer
will twist your nipple or rub your sex
kisses your sensitive neck or pushes your hips down
"sorry baby, I was grabbing a pen"
although at some point he'll surprise you by languishingly fucking you. his cock dragging against your walls...
it's so slow n such a tease n it's just enough to keep your stomach burning
omfg cockwarming while he plays a game or watches a show...
you're tryna watch this movie, but you're only half way paying attention if at all because of cove
it's a romance, or some shitty action movie with too many unnecessary sex scenes
every time the characters make out, kissing n groping each other
he's grabbing at you, groping your chest, teasingly stroking your sex, kissing you breathless..
and every sexy scenergy he thrusts up into you, holding your hips down while you cling onto his arms that are wrapped around your waist
either it ends in neither of you cumming, successfully edging yourselves until the end of the movie
or you bent over the coffee table or with your legs up, buried in the corner of the couch as cove works you both through one or two orgasms <33
just the sexual tension alone turns him on, will happily go all day, splitting you on his cock n then going about your day without cumming
fuck, he'll do it before work and then at dinner.. his younger self would've choked and died at just the thought
tells you you look so pretty cumming for him, also tells you some nasty shit like he's so pent up n can't wait to fuck you, can't wait to finish inside you
tells you he's been thinking abt it all day...
pls dilf cove so good n yet so bad for our hearts... 🫣
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hattersarts · 1 year
gomens s2 thoughts, all spoilers!
I spent 10 hours talking to my housemate about the season after we binged the whole thing in the morning but here are the highlights and the biggest takeaways from the season.
okay i did love the ending, i love that we get the conformation of love AND going into the divorce arc next season (if they're not properly together by the end of season 3 however, i am rioting) they're slow burn and a whole season of them getting to the final 10mins was tasty.
HOWEVER. it was an extremely clunky season when it comes to writing, lots of either set ups missed OR set ups repeated 4 times that they're drilled into out heads. there was also lots of dialogue that really needed to be tightened up. the lesbians were so poorly written i thought they might have needed to be cut BUT they just needed to have more bearing on the rest of the plot AND say things like real people would say things and LITERALLY SHOW ONE SINGLE REASON WHY THEY WOULD LIKE EACH OTHER WITHIN THE FIRST EPISODE.
gabe/bulz romance was the one that should have been cut, have them do more of a oh-my-god-my-boss-sucks kind of thing, lean into them complaining about having to avert a civil war after armageddon stopped and touch on the "structural problems" the angels mention later. Have gabe/bulz be super punished for working together which puts huge fear into az and crowley about what happens if you try to team up as an angel/demon pair (but an extra reason why az takes the job at the end so he and crowley can be the same)
imo it works more if the only mirror of their romance is the HUMANS which should lean into themes to season 3 of how they need to team up with humans (re:"us vs them" line at the end of season 1) to actually achieve their happy ending.
Nina and maggies best scene was their last one telling crowley he needed to talk to az but i think that was one that needed to be cut, it would have been far more satisfying to have crowely work out it out himself that he loves az and wants to tell him (still via maggie and nina but more subtle rather than them telling him to his face AND via spending more time with az in the season)
flashbacks were all pretty good, loved the jobe one and that final "lonely" scene. the nazi one needed some trimming the most (why did all three come back to earth, it made scenes too crowed, have them fight to be a zombie)
shax was disappointing, she was kind of just incompetent the whole way through which didnt make the stakes very exciting, (that whole scene of her talking to the legion was unfunny and pointless) i wanted crowley to mentor her more like when he gave her advice in the first few meetings we saw (kind of in a very non-demonic way, not expecting anything in return) and her to then meet him on equal footing in the finale. would have been a little accidental taste for Crowley to have his good deeds come back to haunt him while showing he's different to demons.
speaking of the finale fight, that halo had NO set up, it was sick as hell but ??? the fuck did that come from. the fight should have been won by az and crowley performing another HUGE miracle together, discorporating the demons (which then would alert heaven and hell something was up in the bookshop and the final scene can happen)
az taking the job from metatron was very good, its consistent with his character where he still hasn't let go of his faith in good/god, he's only been upset by the angels running heaven and still has faith in the system while crowley has realised none of it works and it's only them together that matters. it was nice to show he still hasn't truly accepted crowley for who he is now (tho imo he knows he loves him, he just hasn't quite unrepressed himself) and him not turning down the job after crowley confesses to him shows he still thinks he can fix it. Crowley on the other hand thinks he's now lost him, az has broken he the trust he had in him, he's going to be in big depression mode
few thoughts of good directions for S3:
finally delivering on what crowley said at the end of S1 I think is the most satisfying. the final showdown should be humans Vs heaven/hell with Crowley and az on the human side, helping them win the conflict. there would be suggestions that this is actually god's ineffable plan, this is a conflict she wants to happen and the things that Crowley and az went through are what make them perfect ambassadors to help the humans.
the set up for az in S3 to finally work out he and Crowley can't work out within the unfair rules of the system and for him to abandon heaven (tho not I think, becoming a demon) is good. a sucky ending imo for season 3 is if az somehow "fixes" heaven and via bureaucracy and not via blowing it all up.
growth moments for Crowley in S3 might be having more contact with humans since he's already abandoned hell and it would put az & crowley on similar footing (as az very much loves humans already) when they decided to side with humans for a humans Vs heaven/hell conflict.
anyway, gay people
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fandomfluffandfuck · 2 months
Things that drive Bucky insane,
Steve's itty bitty waist, his plump lips that buck wants to bite like a strawberry, Steve's inability to shut up while watching TV
Oh, ho, ho, do not tempt Bucky to list the things about Steve that drive him insane sexually and generally because Steve's a little shit because you will be there for literal days if not years.
This is a nonehaustive list that you have begun, and we can add so many things:
Steve's itty bitty, teeny tiny waist that his fingers can't help but dig into while they're fucking doggy style, Bucky pulling Steve back onto his cock at the same time that he shoves as deep into him as possible. He wants Steve to wear a bruised-in corset of his handprints across his waist at all times, healing factor of the serum be damned.
Steve's plump lips that he wants to bite until they're puffy, hot, and glistening wet from the abuse.
Steve's inability to shut the fuck up during TV episodes and movies meaning that Bucky has to have subtitles on so he doesn't miss critical plot points. The only thing already supersized about Steve before the serum was his mouth--the fuckin' loudest mouth in Brooklyn. Bucky hates to love that mouth so much.
Steve's blush. Enough said.
Actually, no, not enough said about Steve's blush. There can never be enough said about that pretty, baby pink to dark, deep red color. Bucky gets unspeakably hot seeing the flushed, burning red shells of his ears when he's fucking Steve from behind. Bucky could watch the way his blush spreads in slow motion for hours, days, weeks--he could watch it on loop if Steve would let him video it. It starts high on his cheeks as blotches of color, spreads over the crooked bridge of his nose, floods his entire face from his hairline down to his cut jaw, leaks down his throat, finds its way to his chest, crests the hills of his tits, surrounding his perky, pink nipples, and fades down to the lower part of his flat, smooth stomach. If Bucky's lucky, he can get Steve to blush so hard, so feverishly hot with embarrassment, that the small of his back gets colored, too.
Steve's whole hobby of running off into alleys to get into fights. No longer getting into it with men three times his size, mostly because that's physically very hard to do these days, yet all the same in principle and ego.
Steve's golden hair fresh from a lay--sticking up in tufts from having Bucky pull at it, hands in his hair, directing Steve's empty-headed, glazed-over stare wherever he wants it or pulling his whole head onto his dick, fucking his fucked-out face. That look makes Bucky feral. The dumb look in his eyes and the dumber look of his gaped-open lips, all his muscles gone slack in his face save for the carved-in depression between his drawn-together eyebrows. Sprawling pleasure.
Not just after they fuck, though, Steve's golden hair when he wakes up in the morning. Ruffled like a baby chick. That look never fails to make Bucky crush him into a full-body hug, cuddle session because he's out of his mind with affection. There's something about all those achingly familiar cowlicks.
Steve's golden hair darkened after a shower, seeping rivers of water that eagerly streak down his squeaky-clean, hot-water-red skin, conforming to every curve and dip of his body. Bucky will never stop wanting to lick every drop of water off of him when he's fresh out of the shower or bath or pool or--you get it.
Steve's body.
Steve's tits. Bucky is a caveman, thinking about Steve's tits. They're ripe and so fucking grabbable, leaving Bucky with no words, just a low, hungry growl in the back of his throat, and if he keeps going on about them, if he keeps thinking about them, he's going to seek out his man like a predator stalking prey. Then, Steve won't be able to peel his teeth off of him for hours, being gnawed at like a bone to a wild dog.
Steve's whole goody-two-shoes, golden-boy act around people who don't know him but know Captain America. It always gets under his skin, frustrating him, making him huffy and wanting to start cracking jokes that would make army boys from back in the day do a dull spit take with how disgustingly dirty they are.
Steve's waist deserves a second mention.
And if his waist gets two mentions, then maybe his ass needs three. He looks ripe there, too, a work of art designed to leave everyone who admires it drooling, full of primal hunger. He's sculpted like a Roman statue. A young God.
Steve's stubbornness, a fucking donkey, an ass, gets a hundred mentions if his waist gets two and his ass has three. Bucky can't believe he volunteers to run after him on the regular.
Jesus wept, Steve's stomach. Bucky wants to kiss his stomach and feel the way it clenches and contracts under his mouth. Reacting so beautifully to the force of overwhelming pleasure, squirming until he's shaking, spasming on Bucky's cock shoved deep inside him.
Those miiiiiiiile long legs. Strong and smooth and carrying him with determination that's dragged them both outta hell.
Those legs drive Bucky insane for another reason, too, not just how shapely they are--that determination. If Steve would learn to walk away from a single fucking fight, Bucky would be saved another lifetimes worth of years in stress alone. Steve's legs always seem to propel him toward danger. Steve's legs, tender and vulnerable, with Steve's penchant for only using his shield to protect his upper half.
Steve's ability to, without fail, misplace his phone and then make them late out the door when they need to leave because he can't find it. He always has to resort to pouting until Bucky calls it, unveiling the fact that it's right where Bucky told him to look but he didn't. Obstinate fuck.
The fat, soft little pillow of his perineum, obscenely cute and pink and oh-so sensitive, between his legs, tucked behind his balls but before his hole. Hidden from prying eyes other than Bucky's. And pry Bucky does--
Steve's cheeks. Bucky has to pull his cheeks apart, spreading him until he squeaks with embarrassment, his cute, tight little hole clenching, winking at Bucky like a hidden treasure between his fat asscheeks. Bucky wants nothing more than to pry that sweet hole open. He wants to lick it, to finger it, to fuck it. He knows he owns it, and that drives him insane. He wants to own it again and again and again. He wants to overpower the serum that knits Steve back up tight after ever fuck and leave him ruined and gaping.
Steve's dick always gets him to that feral intensity, whether Bucky's just looking at it in all its objective beauty--its girthy thickness, its length with that slight curve, its dusky-pink color, its eagerness, twitching, leaking, swelling, its veins, its fat head, all of it--or whether Bucky is feeling it, tasting it, using it, whatever. Anything. Everything. Everything about that dick is insane. Bucky's insane for it.
Steve's balls. Bucky slurps at them and teases Steve when he goes without an orgasm for a day, two, three, or maybe even a whole week when the missions get nasty, for how swollen and full they must feel. He's a fucking spiller. He overflows with cum when he orgasms. It's the hottest shit.
Steve's feet, even. The handsome, high arches of his feet, the skin surprisingly soft like a baby's. Sweet and vulnerable. Bucky can't help but want to dig his thumb into the soles of his feet to make Steve moan with relaxation, reflexively kicking his leg out like he has since he was a kid. Foot rubs that turn into tickle fights are totally worth the accidental kicks to his chin that Bucky suffers.
Steve's never present survival instincts. Bucky will always be a little angry after he pulls a stunt where his self-sacrificial bullshit is on display. It doesn't matter if it's a grenade, a lacking parachute, or whatever else, it always drives Bucky up the fucking wall. Goddamnit, Rogers.
Steve's seeming need to crawl out of his own skin with an orgasm--arching his back, shaking from head to toe, screaming through his teeth or gasping in a silent, open-mouthed scream, clawing at Bucky or at anything within his reach, acting like it's bigger than him. Bigger and enough to give Bucky an ego, fueling his fire, making him want to do it again and again and again until there is no way Steve can keep going, so he collapses. Crumbled. Overwhelmed.
To cut this short, shorter than the hours, days, weeks, months, years long list Bucky has for each bit of Steve that makes him turn into a mad man: everything. It's everything about Steve. The man's too much.
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I blacked out and wrote this. I was just moving some asks around, saving them as drafts, and, uh, got carried away, I guess, lol. I hope you enjoyed 😘
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nqueso-emergency · 18 days
the BoBs are turning on bucks coming out scene at the wedding now, saying it did nothing but make a joke out of it, that tommy pushed buck into it, it’s so out of character, the show didn’t take it seriously etc…
i swear everyone loved the coming out scene when it first happened? but now, because it’s linked to tommy, they have to hate it.
some people are even ragging on maddie for saying “how long have you been leaning in the other DIRECTION” because apparently calling it a direction is derogatory.
like. it was the perfect, most Buck way of coming out, just a face full of soot from making out with his hot pilot boyfriend. it’s a lovely, lighthearted moment, which is exactly what Tim said he wanted to do. None of Buck’s coming out scenes were serious or sad.
All of Buck’s coming out scenes were very lighthearted- meaningful, but lighthearted. When Buck came out to maddie, he was more bothered that he’d lied to eddie about what he was doing that night rather than the fact he was on a date with a man (which, that scene always gets twisted because maddie says “if there’s something you need to tell eddie” (not verbatim) and the BoBs always took that as maddie pushing buddie, but the whole scene is very clearly centred around Buck feeling guilty about lying to eddie about what he was doing). When he came out to Eddie, he was again more bothered about clearing up that he was on a date with a man, not out with a friend.
Buck, on screen, was never, not one singular time, bothered that he was on a date with a man. He felt bad about lying to his bestfriend about it, but we never saw Buck feel unsure about or debate his bisexuality, he came to terms with it in a way many bisexual people do. It just clicked for him, it didn’t trouble him.
So, sorry that none of the coming out scenes were sad, sorry that the hospital coming out scene wasn’t a bigger deal, but Buck didn’t think it was a big deal, so it didn’t need to be one. He just wanted to introduce everyone to his new boyfriend- not because he’s a man, but because they’re together.
Sorry this was long. been pent up for a while. Hope it made sense.
It makes perfect sense!!
And you know what? Fuck whoever is saying those negative things about the way Buck came out.
Why does everything have to be such a huge fucking production? This isn't 13 reasons why, it's fucking 911. They do not dredge shit like this through the mud. And honestly thank god because coming out, in a way that's comfortable for you and not making it feel like something you HAVE to do is honestly a really beautiful thing to see.
I am so sick and tired of bestie boos wanting shit to be the slowest of slow burns.
And you know what else? The only reason they're backtracking now I because they have nothing else. Ryan and Oliver aren't doing bts just the two of them, Oliver isn't reacting to anything really.
I hope they understand that they're slow burn that they wanted so fucking bad is actually taking place on the actors they claim to love. They're burnt out and honestly I can't wait for the first sign of Buddie being pulverized.
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msmargaretmurry · 3 months
for the i wish you would write meme, post scf winner's room? if you're into winner's room. if not, your thoughts on post scf mattdrai break up to future fic exes to lovers
ok so i'm not NOT into winner's room, but i have to be in the exact right mood to vibe with it, you know? i'll read and enjoy it but don't think i'll ever write it because i get way too caught up in the logistics + consent issues when i am the one pulling the strings. like my immediate thought here is, when is anyone going to have time for a winner's room sesh admist all the celebrating??? i totally get the appeal of the concept but i think you'd need someone more able to commit to the bit than i am to figure out how to write it 🙈
so: post-scf breakup to futurefic makeup!
i do think matthew winning the cup is such a delicious moment for a breakup because while it is a totally logical place to realize, yeah okay this conflict of interest is too big to overcome, it still feels like a petty kneejerk sore loser reaction. like, oh, you beat me for the cup? well , fuck you, you can't have me anymore, and i hope that sucks for you. and even if that's not what leon would think/feel when he's not drowning in grief and frustration, it's what he feels in that very specific awful moment, and then it's done, and he has to hold onto that grudge so tightly for years to justify it.
there are several fics already of the "they end of on the same team later in their careers" genre but that's fine, we can have another one. i think it would be great here. it's been long enough that leon losing the cup to matthew and the whole rivalry there is kind of like, well, people assume that he's over it. it's been years! he didn't have florida in his nmc! he must be fine with going there! and sure, he's fine with going to the team, it's just matthew he has a problem with. also kinda has a problem with the return his team got for him, like, they had to retain salary for florida to take him, which is just embarrassing. he's having a kind of off season, that doesn't mean he's not worth his paycheck.
and oooh, it's rough. not because matthew is awkward around him, but because matthew is picture perfect cordial friendly welcoming committee. he's shaking leon's hand, welcoming him to the team, introducing him to guys and cracking jokes about how obviously everyone already knows who leon is. but none of them know the real history between leon and matthew, and it is both a relief and a special kind of excruciating to have to act like this is just a fully fresh start. he's the new guy in the room; he won't be afforded the grace to hold a grudge anymore. it's up to him to make a good impression. he's never been very good at not wearing his heart on his sleeve, but he has to try.
insert here a painful slow burn reconciliation where leon tries to be friends and runs smack into the emotional wall matthew has thrown up against him — acting the part of the welcoming committee and being actually glad that leon's here are two totally separate things. and leon is wrong about no one knowing about their history, too (he learns, mortifyingly, one night when samuel corners him with some mild threats about how he needs to treat matthew). of course he makes friends on the team but it sucks because everyone loves matthew so much that it's hard to feel like anyone is really in his corner. he misses being on a team that loved him that much.
but ofc things will slowly thaw and matthew will start slowly making genuine efforts instead of just performative efforts to include him in team stuff, and he starts getting his groove back on the ice, and eventually things will come to a head where maybe leon (drunk, in his feelings for whatever reason) tries to kiss matthew, which matthew is NOT having, and they finally have the big fight they need to have — best day of my life and you tried to make me feel shitty about it; yeah well worst day of my life and it was your fault, etc — and once they're finally being honest they can finally, tentatively work their way back to each other. and bone tenderly about it.
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blitzyisfine · 5 months
Lift your hips for me, love by AjWriter
“You look pretty tense,” Blitzø murmured. “How about I help you out there?” He gently pushed Stolas back onto the pillows. And Stolas just looked back at him with wide eyes, a blush hot on his cheeks, and Blitzø noticed he was shaking. Honest-to-Lucifer quaking. Blitzø pulled away quickly and called out, “Cut!”
Or Blitzø and Stolas meet on porn set (slow burn but they're having sex the whole time)
Stolas figuring out his sex life and starting to film pornos. Blitzø just wants Stolas to know what he’s getting into, so obviously they have to have sex off set which turns into love and dating.
Pre Episode 5 by DaniDrawz
Basically the things that took place right before episode 5 happened
This is actually a comic but it’s hosted on ao3! A look at Stolas and Blitzø’s BSDM heavy sex with an emphasis in consent.
Far From Heaven by Novaeris
After their disastrous first date, Blitzo and Stolas struggle to pick themselves back up again in the aftermath. It takes many small steps before they can finally be honest, with themselves and with each other.
Blitzo learns to tell the truth. And Stolas learns that, sometimes, things aren’t as hopeless as they appear.
A study of Blitzo and a study of Stolas as they fall apart and then come back together after ep 7.
Major hurf/comfort set after the events of Ozzie’s. Blitzø and Stolas are both spiraling and we get a look into their feelings. Eventually they communicate and make up sex ensues.
The Mating Habits of Imps by AjWriter
Stolas knelt so he was hidden between the bookshelves and took another sharp-eyed glance around him before he gently tugged the much-too-thin book from its shelf. He felt the fire red blush stain his feathers as he read the title again.
The Mating Habits of Imps
Sweet Lucifer! How had he not thought to look in this section before?
Surely, there must be literature on how to please his imp. After all, it was only right that he should become educated. With how attentive his Blitzy was in the bedroom, Stolas wanted to at least return the favor with the same fervor.
No other reason.
Or Stolas finds a book called The Mating Habits of Imps and decides to try some of the tips out on Blitz.
I saved the best for last. This is so far my favorite fic I’ve read! It fills in all of the little gaps in Stolas and Blitzø’s relationship and includes parts of the sinstagram posts. A canon-compliant and gut-wrenching story of Stolitz fucking and falling in love.
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Lost and Found ♧| 2.
Leon S. Kennedy x reader (ft. my girl Ash)
A/N: This... this took me so long lmao I rewrote it like five times. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, though! I don't really write slow burn, so this might suck. I wanna apologize for how fucking wonky the events of Part one are???? They're all out of order lmao anyway, Enjoy!
~Fi 🪻
Warnings: swearing, reader is an idiot (lovingly, of course), mention of a small injury, sucky slow burn
Word count: 2.7k
Part 1 ♧ Part 2 ♧ Part 3 ♧
Please don't copy my work! I put a lot of effort and heart into the things I write.
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It had been a couple of months since Spain happened. Your life has definitely... changed. Both good and bad. You were plagued by nightmares frequently, instinctively grasping your arm every time you shot awake. A faint, pink scar had formed where the gash once sat. Tracing it absent mindedly was a common occurrence ever since the first dream. You'd stare at the blank wall in your living room, gently caressing it.
That mission took a toll on you, so you were granted a few months off to work through your night terrors and process everything. Ashley had been a great help with that. She made sure you hung out at least once a week and always stayed in contact, calling you and you calling her. The events of Spain didn't leave Ashley without any struggles either. But, she had assured you that she was save, protected at all times and getting support from professionals. Talking to her, about Spain or anything really, helped you get out of the hole you were in.
She was your best friend. Whether or not she knew it, she really was. You didn't really have friends. Not since Raccoon City. You stayed inside your dull little home the last few years, working a boring office job for the government. Your only friend had been Dave, a middle-aged man who worked in the security department. So you rotted away for years, mourning your past life. Your past you.
Honestly, you have no idea how you ended up as a special agent in the first place. Your police background increased your chances at scoring the position, but you didn't really have much experience. When you were offered the 'promotion', you didn't think too much of it. Couldn't be that hard, could it? You'd survived Raccoon City after all.
You were so wrong. You basically traded the mediocre lunch breaks you had with Dave, with running for your life from Zombies. Bad fucking trade. And the worst part, your officials didn't give a shit. They just wanted this to be dealt with as discretely as possible. End of the story, they underestimated how big this whole thing actually was, and now you were the one left with the shitty consequences. But you had Ashley! And Leon, of course, but that was a little more complicated.
You still hadn't gotten around to the promise of getting drinks together. He was going away on missions all the time, so although you kept in touch no matter what, he wasn't there. You thought, after some excruciating years, you had found your best friend again. Your person. And you did, but he was so close yet so out of reach. You couldn't take it anymore. You lost 7 whole years with him, and you finally had him back, but he was still gone.
"I don't know what to do, Ash." You sighed, playing with your shirt while you held the phone to your ear.
"Well, have you told him that? I'm sure he wants to spend more time with you too, but you need to tell him that!" She urged. Biting your lip, you hestitated.
"I just... he was my best friend. We did everything together, and now.. I know that it's him but I don't recognize him. He's.. different now. I thought he didn't change, but.. he did. That scares me. What scares me even more is the fact that he's always on my mind, I can't seem to function without him here. I only think about him. 24/7." You mumbled into the phone.
"Sounds a whole lot like you're in love with him."
"I- what? No! I mean, of course I love him, he's my best friend, but that's it. He's just my friend and you can love your friends, right? Like, everyone does, it's not something odd or anything." you rambled.
Sure, your heart lit a flame every time he smiled, and the sound of his laugh was heaven. His dumb jokes never failed to put a smile on your face but that's just how friends are. Yes. Totally. Friends feel like that. Just some regular friendly feelings.
"You're so oblivious! That's NOT how friends feel about eachother. Like ever. I've seen the way you look at him!" She argued. "What look? I don't look at him differently... do I?"
"Yes, you do. Everytime he's near you, that lovesick smile on your face kinda gives it away. Or the blush when he asks if you're okay. Not to mention how you panic when he gets hurt. Just admit it!" Ashley whined.
"I'm not in love with him, Ashley! He's my best friend, that's it!" You argued. She groaned into the phone. "I can't believe you're so smart yet so stupid." She said, clearly annoyed. "Rude." you mumbled.
"I have to go now, Miss Denial. Seriously though, you're not doing yourself a favor by denying your feelings." She said softly. You rolled your eyes and huffed.
"Would it make you feel better if I told you I'll think about it?"
"Definitely. Love you!" She beamed.
"Love you too." You chuckled as she hung up. Maybe you would think about it. If not for yourself, then for her. She was right about suppressing your feelings but about you being in love with Leon... you weren't sure.
Eh, that was a problem for the future you. For now, all you wanted to do was enjoy some drinks with him.
Your teeth gnawed at your lip, trying to decided how to go about this situation. Do you call Leon now? Tomorrow, maybe? Should you call him at all? You hadn't talked to eachother in a while... would it be awkward? Before you can lend any more attention to those thoughts, your phone rang and it was none other than Leon. Speak of the devil. You picked up, your heart racing.
"Hey... look, I'm sorry for not calling more, work s'just been busy. I.. Do you want to go for those drinks I promised tonight?" He sounded nervous. Unsure. He sounded so much like the Leon you knew. Your Leon. Maybe he hadn't changed that much after all. "Y-yeah, I'd love that. Um-  how does eight sound?" You responded, a little more nervous than you wanted to. "Sounds good. See you." And with that, he hung up.
Something's up with him. Your brows furrowed. Maybe he worked more to get his mind off Spain? He was a workaholic, trying to do more and more and not realizing how much it actually affected him. He was hurting himself by trying to protect others from harm. Maybe it's just the stress. You had plenty of time to question him at the bar, supported by a few Piña Coladas.
A couple of hours before, the anxiety hit you like a truck. It was safe to say that you were scared out of your mind right now. How the fuck were you supposed to talk to Leon like nothing was going on? Like nothing happened? You couldn't. And after that conversation with Ashley? Nope. No chance. Panic was bubbling up your throat. You felt like you could never face him again. Everytime you looked at him, or even thought of him, it was just pain. The pain of the building collapsing on top of you. Your pained cries when you realized he hadn't come back for you. The pain when you thought he was dead. The pain that if Ashley was right and you really were in love with him, you could lose him again.
He made your world bright and vibrant and when he was ripped from your grasp, you were lost in a sea of grey. Drowning. Desperately gasping for air, refusing to let the water in. Now, he had brought the color back to your life but all the vibrant hues made your head spin and your eyes hurt. You grew comfortable in your sea of grey. Embracing the cold kiss of the water filling your lungs, making you float peacefully.
Could you let the color back into your world? Could you pull yourself from the tide and cough up the water? Did you even want to? You didn't know. It was all too much. You were pulled out of your head when you dropped your glass of water. You were so consumed in your thoughts and anxieties that it had just slipped out of your hand. Carefully cleaning it up, you felt a sharp sting in your finger.
You had accidentally cut yourself on the broken glass shards. A small stream of blood was running down your finger and along your palm. A drop of blood hit the puddle of water, and it bloomed in red. You haven't felt like this in years. You could actually feel something. It's not like you didn't you feel the last seven years, but your soul was too numb to care. You actually felt something. Not like those times when you hit your head or nicked yourself while cooking. You would react relatively neutral to those incidents, but now... you could feel the burn of the cut, a searing sting in your skin. A small smile tugged at your lips.
It's because of him. Because you had him back, and he made you feel alive again. He had just stumbled into your life and turned it upside down. Like he always does. But you wouldn't want to have it any other way. God, how you had missed feeling like this. So vulnerable. So sensitive. So human.
You cleaned up the glass but hung on to the feeling of the cut. You didn't like it per se, but it made you feel like something inside you had been fixed. A missing puzzle piece that slotted right into place. It just felt so right.
Just like he did. You shook your thoughts, having the habit of spiraling, wether it may be good or bad, and continued on with your afternoon. Your nerves about spending time with Leon calmed, it was just Leon! Your best friend. You had nothing to worry about. Well, with Leon, usually there was at least a little something to be worried about.
You were out the door, into the night, on your way to Leon. You had decided to just walk there since parking was an absolute nightmare in this city. Besides, the fresh air in your lungs and cooling breeze on your face was something you hadn't felt in a while. Fumbling with a small box in your pocket, you continued to the bar you two had agreed to meet up at. It wasn't really a present, more something you wanted to return. You never thought you could.
You took a deep breath before stepping into the warmth of the bar. Your eyes were searching for Leon, looking for that familiar blonde head of hair. Spotting him in the back, an inevitable smile crept onto your face. When Leon noticed you, his face lit up, a hand reaching up to signal you over to him. He stood up when you approached and immediately pulled you into a tight hug.
"Hey." He mumbled, muffled by your hair. "Hi." You said, the joy in your voice evident. The first real hug in seven years. You could've melted on the spot. It felt so good. So right.
You reluctantly pulled away, smiling at him. "Wow... It's been a while, huh?" He said with a small laugh. "Yeah.." you responded with a chuckle. You sat down and ordered your drinks. "So.. what have you been up to? How have you been?" You asked. He pondered for a moment. "Not a lot to be honest. Worked a lot, you know, saved the world once or twice." He joked at which you just playfully rolled your eyes.
"What about you?"
"I uh... I adopted a dog. Her name is Lady, she's a Bernese mountain dog. I couldn't stand being alone anymore so I got Lady and yeah... that's about it when it comes to major life events." You laughed, a little nervous but the tension was fading by the minute.
"You gave in, huh? You used to talk my ear off about wanting a dog back then, remember?" He smiled. You did talk about wanting a dog all throughout your time at the police academy and it seemed like you had finally fulfilled that dream.
"Yeah, I did. She's so sweet, you'll love her." you said with a smile. Leon let out a laugh. "I'm more worried about her liking me." He joked.
You two continued to talk and drink, just laughing and having a good time. The night got closer and closer to ending when you remembered the box in your pocket.
"I have something for you." You mumbled, nervous to how he would react. He piped up at that and raised his eyebrows. "Aw, for me?" He teased. You just gave him a shy smile. Now or never. You pulled out the small box and slid it over to him. "I wanted to return this." you said quietly. His brows furrowed and a confused look fell on his face. "Return? Alright."
Leon carefully undid the bow and opened the lid. Not in a million years had he expected this. His jaw hit the fucking floor. It was his goddamn RPD badge. What the fuck? How did you even get this? It was tattered and faded. He gently ran his fingers across his barely legible name.
You chewed on the inside of your cheek. You had no idea how he would react. Leon looked at you completely bewildered. "I.. How?" He asked, still shocked. You shifted in your chair and fiddled with your fingers. "When... when I got out, I found it on the ground. It was the only thing I had left of you." You mumbled, avoiding eye contact. By 'got out' you meant fighting and clawing your way through infected residents and escaping the ruins of the collapsed building.
You could see the pain in his eyes. Whether it was his own for the pain he felt for you, you weren't sure. You spoke before he could. "I made a promise to myself that I would get it back to you one day, but.. at some point, I gave up and just kept it for myself. I thought you were dead and that this," you gestured to the badge," was the only thing I had left of you. My best friend. But it's yours, I want you to have it back." You said, your voice cracking, trying not to cry.
You could see the tears glistening in his eyes, his knuckles turning white as he tightly gripped his badge. "Thank you..." was all he managed to get out. You quickly wiped the tears that were threatening to fall and let out a sad laugh.
"God... I'm sorry for ruining the mood like that. It probably would've burned a hole in my pocket if I kept it any longer, though..."
Leon placed his badge on the table and took your hands in his. "You didn't. Well, a little maybe, but I'm really grateful for this. Thank you." He assured you, sqeezing your hands.  Your skin lit on fire. His touch was so addicting. And so comforting. A blush made its way onto your face. Oh, fuck. Was Ashley right? No. No way, it's just a little hot in here. That's all. But you couldn't deny the way your heart twisted and turned when he touched you, the butterflies in your stomach were having a fucking rave right now. Jesus, it's just Leon. Get it together You thought to yourself.
Shaking off all those annoying feelings, you returned a smile. "How about I make it up to you with a Movie Night, hm? Ice cream and cuddles from Lady included." You proposed. He grinned and leaned in a little closer. "What about cuddles from you?" He asked, a teasing smirk on his face. It didn't come off nearly was confident as he wanted it to. His voice shook a little, making him sound nervous.
Leon Kennedy? Nervous? Something was definitely up. His nervousness didn't stop the bubbling feeling in your stomach, though. There go the butterflies again. Stupid bugs. This is normal, though. Right? You always cuddled. Friends cuddle. No big deal. He's always been like that. No sweat. Just a little friendly cuddle session. That. Is. It. Is it bad that you wanted it to be more than that? The idea of being in love with him suddenly didn't feel as scary anymore.
Part three is coming soon~
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ragnarokhound · 2 months
hiii im working through all your jaytim week stuff bc i had to be in a wedding that week and i missed it 😭 i WILL leave an annoying amount of comments on ao3 but for now i just wanna say that i love the baseball au fic so bad. i don’t know a single thing about sports but i worked a summer job at the ballpark for a couple years and now whenever the weather gets hot i miss the vibes so bad and i CANNOT stop thinking about Them. do you have any more thoughts or rants or really just any crumbs from this au bc it’s delicious ty
AAHHH OMG I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THE WEDDING and you have said the magic words because BOY DO I
I love baseball au!! I am actually very pleased with and proud of baseball au!! In my heart, baseball au has a massive rivals-to-lovers slow burn plot that I simply did not have the time to write OTL so instead for jaytim week, we got the scene that I would have reread over and over again if it had been a book I read in high school lmao
My notes this is a fucking outline how did that happen on baseball au:
Jason was the ace pitcher for the Gotham Knights for a few years running, taking over that mantle from Dick Grayson after he traded to the Bludhaven team. Jason was much more aggressive compared to Dick, and he was a two-way player - he could hit well enough to not need a designated hitter when it was his turn to go to bat, and that versatility made him unpredictable and a threat.
Unfortunately, after a big argument with Bruce about the game, he was hit with a hard injury during the playoffs one year. Everyone said it would be career ending. Bruce said to prepare himself for the worst. Jason takes a year off to recover and doesn't speak to Bruce the whole fucking time.
Enter Tim Drake.
Drake is a rookie, a nobody no one's ever heard of, but he's an excellent pitcher. He's got a million tricks and keeps a cool head. He can read the other team to filth and is ready to change tactics at the drop of a hat.
Word is that he bullied his way into the GM's office and demanded a tryout; Bruce was gonna throw him out. But then he saw him pitch. He was hired on the spot.
They started Drake as a relief pitcher, but it quickly became apparent that he was wasted there. He's switched to starter. They don't make it all the way to the Series that year, but it was pretty fucking close and in large part due to Drake. Not bad for a rookie.
Jason hates him on principle.
Apparently, Jason still has a spot on the team. But they've bumped him down from starter to relief. He knows it's necessary, that his injury still needs babying, but he's still not happy with Bruce. He hates it-- and the games he's relieving for Drake? He hates them most of all. He can't stand the guy.
(He's better than Jason.)
(And he won't quit staring.)
Drake doesn't actively antagonize Jason when training starts. Actually, for the most part, he tries to stay out of Jason's way, watching him quietly from the sidelines while Jason tests his frustrating new limits. But Jason's not about to let Bruce's new golden boy off that easy.
(He's almost surprised by the bite hiding behind those bangs. How fast those watching eyes can narrow in acidic consideration before he tears Jason a new one. He takes vicious satisfaction in seeing Drake sink down to Jason's level. And Drake needs a fucking haircut, but far be it from Jason to give this asshole tips.)
Their synergy is garbage in the first half of the season. Jason prides himself in his game, but when they're sharing the pitch, it throws everything out of whack. They butt heads over everything, and they get hyper competitive; half the time, they're not playing against the other team, they're playing against each other.
By the third game its plain they can't be paired together. Either Drake or Jason fuck up on the mound because one of them was doing something (For Jason, Drake's creepy, unblinking stare is enough to piss Jason off; for Drake, Jason's discovered he can get a rise out of him just by raising an eyebrow at the right time, as if to say really? That's what you're going with?) and the coaches (Babs) have just about had it with them.
They're switched to play on different days when possible, and given stern looks and reminders not to fuck up on the days they have to play together. It grinds Jason's gears, but he sucks it up because he's a fucking adult and his career is on the line. Maybe Drake can do the same.
Things start to change, though Jason can never quite remember when. Maybe they needed the space or whatever, maybe Jason needed to go drinking with Roy and just dump about Drake and Bruce and all of it and hear Roy's drunken two cents, maybe the game against Bludhaven meant seeing Dick and being forced to hear his two cents; maybe he needed to run into Drake at the coffeeshop a block away from the stadium one morning and see him bleary-eyed and clearly hungover. Maybe seeing him outside of the job, his gaze wandering out the window and not fixed on Jason for once, willing to shit-talk Bruce (and to a lesser degree, Dick), shifted something in Jason's brain a little to the left. Maybe it made Drake into a different person, and maybe Tim is someone Jason doesn't actually know that much about. Maybe, maybe, maybe.
They start to improve. They have to play more games together when one of their alts wrecks his ankle, but Jason is still pretty fresh compared to everyone else after being babied all season, and his injury hardly bothers him these days. Tim still flusters Jason at the mound sometimes, but it's not for the same reason. He doesn't know what the reason is yet, but he knows it's not the same. The prickle on the back of his neck that says Tim is watching isn't a precursor to anger, or spite. It's something else.
(And so what if Jason finds himself sticking around after practice days? So what if Tim catches him once, working on his swing, and he offers to pitch for him? So what if Jason suddenly knows he wants to find out how that crooked smile tastes, and threatens to break his bat on it instead? So what if Tim laughs at him like he was joking, because they joke now, and it makes Jason's stomach churn, makes him sick with wanting? So fucking what?)
Bruce even talks to him after a game, all fatherly concern and judgment, wanting to know if it's going to be a problem for him and Tim to be playing together. If he can trust Jason not to jeopardize the game over personal disagreements. Jason doesn't know how to explain it to him and he also doesn't fucking want to. He tells him no, it won't be a fucking problem.
It freaks him out. He backslides, hard. Tim had been warming up to him, but he's obviously surprised about getting the cold shoulder. Surprised and pissed.
He corners Jason in the locker room after a game Jason nearly lost them, a loss that would have shut them out of the Series this year for good. Jason's been closing every game he plays, but Tim had to be sent back in to clean up after his piss-poor showing. He lays into Jason. He reads him to filth. He correctly diagnoses the source of Jason's insecurities and his beef with Bruce that's older than basically any of his other problems, and basically tells him to quit yanking the team-- and Tim-- around. He storms out with the last word, and Jason fumes with his head in his hands.
(Apparently, Tim looked up to Jason, once upon a time. Apparently, Tim was a fan before he was a colleague, a rival; a friend. Apparently he'd been nervous but excited at first to meet Jason in person, to get to talk to one of his heroes. Jason feels like a heel.)
They don't talk after that except to play the game. Tim is professionally distant, doesn't stare at Jason the way he used to, the way he was starting to. The roles reverse-- one week later, he's the one who stares at Tim, watches him take the mound during the game that will decide their fate, decide if they'll go to the Series this year or not, with an awful, burning need bubbling in his chest for Tim to look back at him just once.
When Jason takes the mound for him, Tim glances at him. It's brief, but he nods at Jason, a dare in his eyes that Jason wants to take. It loosens his lungs and lets him breathe for the rest of the game. He plays the best he has all season. And Jason knows the reason.
They win the Series. Bruce offers to put Jason back as a starter next year, but Jason declines and does one more year as a relief pitcher. He's done taking stupid risks with his body, with his career, and he knows if he goes back now he risks a flare up. If he's gonna show Tim up, he's gotta give himself his best chance.
Cue the fic. (They absolutely fuck in the dugout btw. Tim asks with his hands already on Jason's skin-- "Can I touch you?" Tim asks with his mouth already on Jason-- "Can I--")
So i hit the character limit but TAH DAH thats bb au <3
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vieramars · 9 months
Making this its own post bc it wasn't getting seen as a reblog
Re: a very niche oddly specific fluffy TMA au
So I'm in a swing dance club and I started thinking about what if the characters of the magnus archives were all in a swing dance club. Absolutely no regard for canon, just all the characters hanging out having a time.
Half the characters do not know how to dance. Some are really good at it. Elias is the club leader who thought having a position of authority would be fun but now he's stuck managing a room full of chaos gremlins with fear powers.
Half the playlist is mechs songs. Nikola insists on doing live music every few meets.
Jon watches tons of videos on swing moves in order to learn them and is constantly watching his feet to make sure he's doing the steps right. He's a follow and almost exclusively dances with Martin. Even though he helped form the club he perpetually has new awkward member energy. Still, once he's had plenty of time to practice a move, he can do it perfectly nine times out of ten.
Martin is a much more confident dancer than someone who'd just met him would think. He's a lead and his musicality is on point. He's really good at songs with tempo changes, and his favorite move is probably swing kicks.
Tim and Sasha are terrifying on the dance floor. Sasha's the lead and every dance she's trying to beat her own record for how many times she can spin Tim consecutively. They prefer open position and every other move is a basket turn. 
Michael showed up one day and just became part of the club by being there, then later invited Helen along. Both of them like to dance with pretty much everyone, and both of them love sliding doors. Sometimes involving actual distortion doors. Their dance moves are reality bending and they always have the flashiest outfits. Michael is ambidancetrous (comfortable leading or following) and Helen is a lead.
Agnes wears very thick gloves so that she can dance with people without burning their hands. To avoid accidents she's also very good at no-contact moves. Sometimes she brings Jack over for club meetings. She's a lead and her favorite move is sugar pushes though she also likes line dances and does the best charleston out of the whole group.
Daisy and Basira are inseparable. But they are both leads. Rather than dancing with other people they just solo jazz and line dance together.
No matter who she's dancing with or what moves they're doing Nikola is killing it. Her favorite dances are steal dances where everyone's rapidly switching partners. She's always the fastest to find a new partner and get back into step. She does everything with a flourish and is an expert at dips of any kind.
Melanie and Georgie are just vibing. Probably the calmest dancers in the room despite being far from the calmest people. Georgie can dance the entire length of the meeting without taking a break.
Gerry mostly only dances with Michael, Mike, or Tim because they can match his energy the best. He loves fast-paced songs and complicated moves, and can absolutely fuck it UP at the shim sham.
Mike Crew also really likes fast-paced dances and loves spinning his partner until they might as well be in the vast for how dizzy they are. Dancing with him comes with a spin at your own risk disclaimer.
Oliver is more of a slow song enjoyer, and he joins Jon and Nikola in the live music performances. While Agnes is the best at many variations of the charleston, Oliver is the best at the cowboy charleston specifically, and he can do it while playing a fiddle.
Peter Lukas REFUSES to dance except for rarely when Elias convinces him to, in which case they have a vibe that's somewhere between overly formal ballroom dancing and Morticia and Gomez doing the most. 
Jane Prentiss is mostly here for the snacks and the vibes but she joins in for warm-ups and line dances. The only person she'll dance together with is Agnes cause they both prefer the least amount of physical contact possible.
Annabelle Cane is the main dance instructor and she's a phenomenal teacher. She knows all the moves by heart and she's rocking the roaring 20s aesthetic. If she's leading a line dance, everyone's in perfect sync.
If I missed anyone lmk, this is all coming directly out of my brain so some characters might've gotten lost in the stream of consciousness. I'm open to asks about dance pairs, who leads/follows in that pair, and what songs they would pick if they had the floor 👀
By the way, dance pairs do not equal ships! I do ship a few of these pairs (and it makes sense to me for couples to gravitate towards dancing together), but anyone can dance with anyone!
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actually I've been thinking about it and kenny is so disability-coded???
like, even without my chronic pain headcanon, if we only take the canon material, he's incredibly disability-coded and im not sure why nobody's mentioned it before
Ok so, first thing first, south park isn't exactly known out of its community for having the best rep of... anything, actually, but anyone who's watched the show knows it has some of the best disability representation of any piece of media. Jimmy and Timmy, neither of their characters revolve around being disabled - they don't even make much fun of it! (It's south park, they have to make fun of everything). Their characters are complex, not because they're disabled, but because the writers didn't want to make them revolve around that. And if you don't believe me, please just watch the fucking show or at least their episodes (this is however not about them so I won't say much more about them, there's some pretty cool posts on this site that talk about this in more detail if you wanna read more though)
Now, onto Kenny: Kenny is a pretty cool guy. Fandom favorite, well-known even by people who don't watch south park. And besides how he's incredibly cute (like, c'mon, you heard his little "woohoo!"?), the reason why he's so famous is simple: He dies in every episode.
(well, not every ep in the latest seasons, but at the beginning he did and that's enough for me)
You might be thinking, "hey Loki, that's cool, but I have no fucking idea where this is going". And I'll tell you: his constant deaths actively avoid him doing stuff. Dying makes him spend less time with his friends, he can't take part in their shenanigans, he's generally unable to do things due to dying 24/7. Like, hell, he spent a whole season not hanging out with the guys because he was too dead for that! His friends substituted him, and he's still less-there since that happened.
This means: the impairment 'has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities'
(because he can't carry out normal day-to-day activities when he's, you know, fucking deceased)
Also, as Kenny himself says, "'Pretty cool'? Do you know how it feels like to be stabbed, to be shot, decapitated, torn apart, burned, run over? It's not 'pretty cool' Kyle! It fucking hurts!". His deaths cause him actual, physical pain. And guess what's a disability criteria?
You guessed: they have a 'physical or mental impairment'
(it "fucking hurts", I think that's physically impairing enough)
Also, his deaths have slowed down for the last few seasons, sure, but they still happen. And this is important, because they'll probably keep happening for the rest of his life - and if not, they've already lasted long enough anyway:
A 'substantial adverse effect' means more than just a minor impact on someone's life or how they can do certain things. This may fluctuate or change and may not happen all the time.'Long-term' means either:it will affect them or is likely to affect them for at least 12 months it's likely to last for the rest of their life It can still be considered long-term if the effects come and go. For example, a fluctuating condition might affect someone for a few months at a time with other times when they're not affected.
So, yeah. Kenny, canonical Kenneth McCormick, legally qualifies as disabled. But what makes him such good rep? He's still a well-loved character, not only in spite of his disability (yes, I'm calling his deaths a disability, sue me), but also because of it. Kenny is a pretty cool guy, he's cute, he's silly, he's a goddamn perv but really respectful about it too, and he dies in every episode which is actually hilarious. And about the perv part - fuck yeah, disabled character who not only isn't asexual, but is canonically the first in his friend group to do (consensual) sexual things! He's also canonically pretty desirable, he's the 7th in the List after all (and he's not just there for the girls' benefit like Clyde, Kenny is poor asf which means they genuinely find him desirable, and probably could've ended in the top 5 had it not been rigged). He's such a cool guy, and he's also disabled, and we love him for it.
Not to talk about Mysterion & PK, whose literal powers are the things that disable Typical Kenny - which, yeah, it's a bit of inspiration porn, but it's also a huge "fuck you" to god on Kenny's side. And it's not like "hey, I rose over my disability!", the moment in which Kenny talks (complains) most about it is actually when he's playing Mysterion - or it is in the show, at least. He was given bullshit, and yet he used it on his own benefit, but that didn't make the struggle disappear in his usual life - he's still disabled, no matter how much he uses it in his own favor. And we all love him for that.
I think he's actually awesome disability rep, mostly because he's accidental representation, and yet can (and in my opinion should) be read that way. Kenny McCormick is a beloved character everywhere, and he's also canonically disabled, and I love him for it.
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milgram-tournament · 8 months
MILGRAM Best Song Tournament, Round 2, Match 4 TEAR DROP vs. BACKDRAFT
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Propaganda for both options under the cut!
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Propaganda for TEAR DROP:
"yuno kashiki enthusiast here anyways tear drop propaganda WE BALL
let's start off with the lyrics! holy fuck, i'm so glad yuno finally got to say what she's wanted to say!!
and she fully shows the fact that she does compensated dating through the lyrics ("the wanted wanting the wanted")
and even if it sounds like she's scolding the audience for the song, she's also scolding her clients! they only perceive her as a certain type of character and deciding that's all she is. She's upset that we decided based on how "naïve" she looked instead of her actual crime (to be honest, I could write a whole analysis into why her murder is perfect for her character anywa) and she doesn't care what will happen to her, she needs her opinions heard
also kinda rap section?? banger fr
THE VISUALS!! GOOD LORD THE VISUALS!!! THEY ARE SO BANGER!!! they're really pretty and gosh i literally don't know what to say, the scene where vampire is in the background and it transitions to yuno sitting on her bed... the pink tinted glasses (YES FUCK I LOVE THAT MAN!!!!) THE COAT!! THOSE INBETWREN SCENES i'm obbing
literally tear drop is the banger ever i listen to this shit religiously thank you for listening to my tear drop propaganda"
-Yuno’s voice. Enough said. -The imagery in the MV is brilliantly used, and doesn’t shy away from the horrors of Yuno’s line of work. -Vampire cameo!!! -Almost Lo-Fi vibes to the instrumental?? I can’t really explain it but it’s a vibe and I’m 100% here for it,
"For teardrop: The pink aesthetic in the MV as a whole makes it super nice to look at :D"
Propaganda for BACKDRAFT:
"Backdraft may be a minute shorter than Bring It On, but it’s still over three minutes long, and it makes up for the lost minute with a complex form. The “Pressure! Pressure!” might be the only part that truly repeats.
At the beginning, Fuuta is showing off, acting cool. Then the music slows down as he ponders his verdict. Then the music picks up the pace again and gets more and more frantic as the consequences of his actions catch up to him.
See that structure in the three distinct verses that sound nothing like anything else in the song: cool, contemplative, and “oh no, what have I done”.
The “chorus” (burn burn!) never stays the same. You’ve got the “cool” first chorus. Then you have the muted second chorus as it sinks in that Fuuta’s victim was a middle-school girl, which leads into the tense final chorus (which is twice as long as the first) as the victim and Fuuta both burn.
The instrumental and the spoken-word from the beginning combine in the end, changing the mood of the stanza from confident and showy to panicked and desperate.
And the words… You can hear the wordplay in the last stanza, even if you don’t understand it.
Appreciate this chaotic masterpiece of a song."
- Fuuta being very cocky at first before realizing how fucked he is (it is kinda funny) - The use of spray cans and overall graffiti symbolism, it’s so good - The multiple eyes and people off camera showing how paranoid Fuuta has become, it’s really well done without being obvious - The name backdraft meaning when a fire deprived of oxygen gets a sudden influx of it. A kind of metaphor for what Fuuta did. Then it being shown through a spray can explosion, aaaa it’s really cool! - Fuuta’s overall look changing, being more realistic on how he actually looks contrasting Bring It On’s idealistic version of himself - Es at the end!! The only time Es shows up in a prisoner’s MV!!! And they looks so damn cool - Also the entire eye thing referencing the audience, he perceives us lmfao
"Back draft is incredible because it not only has great visual symbolism with the use of the spray cans but its visual symbolism shows a progression from ‘Bring it on’. In ‘Bring it on’ the channelling is glorious , fuuta is surrounded by people and fuuta idealised himself (taller , better teeth , better posture ect) , the people he cancelled were portrayed as these powerful rpg monsters but now in back now the channelling is portrayed as vandalism a crime as destructive , the ally is empty we only ever see others as hands or his victim fuuta is alone and fuuta is no longer idealising his appearance and his mind is now portraying his victim as a harmless cutesy drawing. This shows a change in how fuuta views his crime between T1 and T2. It wasn’t glorious, it wasn't justified , he was at fault. The fire being recontextsied as something out of control , all consuming and out of control which is the opposite of how it was portrayed in ‘Bring it on’ we really see how the vote has changed fuuta."
"There are so many things in the song that show a progression "
-“ deliciously scorched till your mouth waters” > “I don’t want any more”
-fuuta spray paints the camera hen as the end es spray paints him/the camera
-the pressure graffiti changing
"There’s so many interesting details like the applause towards the start of the song , the personality in the subtitles like them going from “Burn , burn!” To “burn , burn?” But the pressure’s punctuation mark stayed the same:   “pressure , pressure!” , the way FIRE is the only word in full caps till LIES. The thumbs down fuuta does during “the fights up here! Come up to the ring and face me!” Part which is like his T1 art , the way the lighting changes from green towards the start and becomes red by the end (stop go colours) , The way fuuta is constantly interacting with the camera , spray painting it twice and kicking it."
"Backdraft actually makes amazing use of the camera , things are often shown from the (camera)audience’s perspective rather than us seeing the events removed. We are there like we are the ones doing it/looking through the eyes of the person doing it. When fuuta/the others spray paint the graffiti of his victim and the ice gorilla it's from the audience’s perspective , we don’t see them do it, we see it like we are doing it. When the spraypaint can explodes it's like it’s exploding in our face and then when es spray paints fuuta at the end they are spray painting the camera(audience). "
"Backdraft makes the most references to the voting system and uses it well to make the audience re-examine if they really are any different. Aren’t we using little information and inferences to hold people accountable for crimes we have no stake in? Aren’t we causing unintended harm? Aren’t we judging them from the safety of our screens? "
"And on a more silly level"
-cat mouth fuuta :3 how can you not love cat mouth fuuta?
-lowpolydog designed amazing graffiti 
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