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munaeem · 6 days ago
ICE Arrests Pro-Palestinian Activist: A Threat to Free Speech?
Hey, Did You Hear About This ICE Bust? So, picture this: it’s Saturday night, March 8, 2025, and Mahmoud Khalil—a Palestinian green card holder and Columbia University grad—is chilling in his apartment near campus. Suddenly, ICE agents roll up, cuff him, and haul him off. Why? Well, he was a big name in last year’s pro-Palestinian protests at Columbia, negotiating between students and admins…
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hitchell-mope · 5 months ago
What’s that woman up to?
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necronominomnom · 1 month ago
The Rise of Christian Nationalism: Lessons from History
The Beginning of Christianity Brings Forth the US #religion #politicalcommentary #christofacism #christiannationalism #MTG #majorietaylorgreene #religioushistory #socialcommentary #Laurenboebert #slipperyslope #history #historialcommentary
America has an interesting and tumultuous relationship with nationalism as a whole. In the 1940s, Nazi Germany was the main beacon of Nationalism. And America was against it. Now, we have an elected official talking about she’s a Christian Nationalist. But what exactly does that mean? And what does it have to do with Christofacism? And why should we give an ounce of attention to a nonsensical…
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fromtheothersideby · 7 months ago
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Streaming Live from Minsk, Belarus 🗓 Date: 4th August 2024 🕗 Time: 8pm Minsk | 6pm London | 9am Vancouver & San Francisco | 1am Beijing | 4am Sydney
Watch on: Rumble, YouTube, X, Twitch Hosts: Dave & Duke https://rumble.com/v59nlkz-live-show-67-slippery-slope-from-the-other-side.html
Is the world on the slippery slope to World War 3? - NATO, EU, and USA escalate in Ukraine, provoking Russia with F-16s about to enter the conflict. - Israel escalates with assassinations in Lebanon & Iran. - Iran prepares to retaliate against Israel. - Turkey threatens Israel with retaliation due to the genocide in Gaza. - USA & EU threaten China and begin sanctions.
Tune in and subscribe, share the video and channel, and show your love for the show.
#FromTheOtherSide #SlipperySlope #WorldWar3 #GlobalConflict #LiveShow #NATO #Ukraine #Russia #Israel #Iran #Turkey #China #WorldNews
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intersexwiki · 1 month ago
For archival purposes, the content under the cut follows:
Anon, that’s always been something that’s bothered me too.Like. Not even just people we’d typically consider REGs - like aspecexclusionists, multispec exclusionists, nonbinary exclusionists, transexclusionists, truscum, TERFs, etc. - do this, but people who would considerthemselves to be against gatekeeping also do too.
Especially when you consider just how much of the polyamcommunity is queer beyond their being polyamorous, and also consider the amountof shared history between polyamory and queerness (because when you see theformer you almost always see the latter as well - in terms of individuals andgroups/collectives), the amount of using “including polyamory” as a slipperyslope argument, as well as just the general disdain for “including polyamory”is... sketchy at best to me.
I guess it comes down to what we think the LGBTQ+ and queercommunities are as a whole. How do we define those? And with that definition,where do we put things like polyamory? And are we defining things well ifgroups with a lot of shared history and a lot of overlap in issues areexcluded?
Let’s take a look at some definitions of what exactly theLGBTQ+ community is and how those boundaries are put up, starting with theleast inclusive I’m willing to deal with and going from there:
1. The popular aphobic REG definition:
The LGBT community is for combating homophobia andtransphobia. Therefore, the LGBT community is for people who experiencehomophobia and transphobia.
I take huge issue with this, because I think that multispecantagonism has a lot of difference from homophobia and cannot be grouped as a“subset” of homophobia. There are issues that have to do specifically beingattracted to multiple genders - regardless of if the individual experiencesattraction to the same gender or not. The same goes for exorsexism being itsown separate issue and not a “subset” of transphobia, because of, for example,our genders being completely erased and believed to not exist at all.
Then, there’s the issues related to orientation beingexcluded entirely, such as aphobia, and the issues related to sex and genderbeing excluded entirely, such as perisexism.
Under this definition, only lesbians, gay people, bi people(with the caveat of bisexuality requiring attraction to the same gender, if notyou’re not bi, even if you’re nonbinary and (potentially) included because ofthat, because it’s totally fine to erase orientations if you include forsomething else???), and trans people (with, being completely generous and notincluding truscum or exorsexist beliefs on top of this, the caveat that ifyou’re nonbinary you must consider yourself trans) are part of the community.
While I despise this definition entirely, I do get thatthose who do favour it are exclusionary of polyamory as being a qualifier asbeing part of the community... because they’re exclusionary of quite a lot ofthings.
2. The one that essentially “MOGA”:
The LGBT+ community is a community for people ofmarginalized orientations and gender alignments/identities.
Basically, this boils down to... Having an orientation thatis not straight (and regarding split attraction, having at least oneorientation that is not straight) qualifies you for being part of the LGBTQ+community because you have an orientation that is marginalized. Also, having agender that is different from the gender you were assigned at birth qualifies youfor being in the LGBTQ+ community because you have a gender alignment/identitythat is marginalized.
This is better, but it still excludes issues surroundingperisexism. There are other issues I have with this one, but they’re alsoissues I have with the next definition, so I’ll leave this and move onto...
3. IMOGA, MOGAI, or just typical unnamed inclusionism:
The LGBT+ community is a community for people ofmarginalized orientations and gender alignments/identities, AND because ofshared history and issues, also people who are intersex if they feel as thoughthey want to be part of our community.
Essentially, this is the above, but includes issuessurrounding perisexism, and therefore includes intersex people if they feelthat they want to be part of the LGBTQ+ community specifically because of theirbeing intersex.
This seems to be where a lot of inclusionists sit in termsof their definition for the community. And this set of beliefs is conducive tothe exclusion of things like polyamory, even though there are shared issuesbetween these two communities - like the given example of marriage equality.You might get a, “they’re separate but related communities,” when you bringthis up. That reads... similarly to, “aspec people should have their own communityseparate from the LGBT community,” to me. I suppose you could justify that,because polyamory isn’t an orientation and so it’s different. But I still takeissue with that.
For me, the big issue here is that in all of this discussionpeople have pointed out, time and time again, usually related to argumentsagainst the use of “queer community,” that the LGBTQ+ community is a coalitionof the lesbian community, the gay community, the bi community, the transcommunity, the queer community, and so on. And so... why are we drawing theborders here - at orientations and gender alignments/identities that aremarginalized... oh, plus intersex people because of shared history and issuesstopping there in terms of shared history and issues? Which brings me to...
4. The definition I subscribe to:
The LGBT+ community is for combating pericishetero-society.Therefore, the LGBT+ community is a community consisting of many differentaligned groups or smaller communities that all differ frompericisheteronormativity, which individuals can choose to opt in or out of.
Same deal, where the LGBTQ+ community is a coalition betweenmany interconnected communities, linked together by differing frompericisheteronormativity.
And that covers... a lot.
Perinormativity: the assumption that everyone falls withintwo distinct categories biologically of “male” and “female” with all of sexchromosomes, gonads and other genitalia, and hormones being aligned from birthwith one of those categories.
Cisnormativity: the assumption that everyone identifies withthe gender that they were assigned at birth, and by extension, that there areonly the two binary genders of man and woman, and that people will present insuch a way as people can know which of the two binary genders you are.
Heteronormativity: the assumption that everyone is attractedto the opposite binary gender, and by extension, that they are only attractedto one gender, experience that attraction as both romantic and sexually, andexperience it regularly as part of day-to-day life, that there is a goal as theresult of this attraction to be in a romantic and sexual relationship thatlooks and works a certain way with a single individual.
Basically, besides perinormativity targeting prettyexclusively intersex people, cisnormativity doesn’t just target trans peopleand heteronormativity doesn’t just target gay people.
Cisnormativity’s primary target may be trans people, but italso harms nonbinary people regardless of if they consider themselves to betrans, and people who are GNC.
Heteronormativity’s primary target my be gay people, but italso harms multispec people regardless of if they are attracted to the samegender, aspec people regardless of other orientations they may have, polyamorouspeople, and - *gasp* - kinky people - how dare I!?
So yes, my view of the LGBTQ+ community is that it includespeople that tend to be not included by people who consider themselvesinclusionists. It includes people who are cis but are GNC. It includespolyamorous people, even if they’re cis and het with no split attraction. Itincludes kinky people, even if they’re cis and het with no split attraction.
Stay with me. I know this sounds out there but hang on.
It includes these groups because they directly opposepericisheteronormativity.
But that doesn’t mean I think cis people belong in transspaces and can speak on trans issues just because they’re GNC. And that doesn’tmean I think het people can belong in spaces for people of marginalized orientationsor can speak on issues surrounding marginalized orientations just becausethey’re polyam or kinky. Just as aspec people shouldn’t speak on issues aboutbeing gay or trans (if they’re not also gay or trans, that is), for example.
A coalition of many smaller communities.
Sure, we could say that the polyam community is separate butadjacent to the LGBTQ+ community since they do share a history and some of thesame issues. But why if we’re also including being intersex as part of thelarger LGBTQ+ community because of a shared history and shared issues (whichI’m 100% supportive of, by the way, as long as they would like to be included)should we exclude these other adjacent groups as being entirely separate? Whycan’t they exist within the larger umbrella of the LGBTQ+ community?
And really, quite often, they actually do exist within thelarger umbrella of the LGBTQ+ community. For example, my campus has a kinkcollection as part of our LGBTQ+ library. And this, as far as I know, is pretty commonplace. Because of a hugeshared history. Pride parades quite often have some form of kink pride - hell,there’s even a leather flag. Same goes for polyamory. And gender non-conformityhas similar connections.
There’s one part of the above definition I haven’t reallytouched on yet - besides for intersex people - and that’s the “whichindividuals can choose to opt in or out of.” That part is important. Not justin terms of the inclusion of intersex in the community because there are someintersex people who do not feel that being intersex makes them part of theLGBTQ+ community, but also in terms of, well, removing the boogeymen, so tospeak.
Being LGBTQ+, as much as so many people in the communityseem to be trying to say otherwise (only when it suits them, mind you) is thatthere are people who don’t belong who want to invade. The Straights will callthemselves trans, or nonbinary, or bi, or pan, or ace, or whatever just becauseit’s “trendy” to be LGBTQ+. And. Just. What???
It’s even more odd when you consider the whole “only when itsuits them” part. Because other times The Straights actually despise us and useour terms derogatorily. And... that doesn’t line up. If it were “cool” or“trendy” to be LGBTQ+, why would queer still be used as a slur? Why would “gay”have become a synonym for other derogatory terms like “stupid”? Why would “nohomo” have been such a huge thing?
Straight people, people who conform topericisheteronormativity, want to distance themselves from us at all costs. Tothe point of going way out of their way to be sure that people know they’rejust our allies and not one of us because they don’t want to be seen asactually one of us.
So those “straight frat boys who use aromanticism as anexcuse to fuck tons of women and then ghosts them all,” and “straight men whouse polyamory as an excuse to cheat on their girlfriends,” and “straight menwho have five girlfriends who all aren’t allowed to have other boyfriends,” and“straight men who get off on hurting their girlfriends,” and “cishet men whosometimes wear eyeliner,” aren’t going to call themselves LGBTQ+. Because theydon’t want to be one of us.
Sure, there will be het-attracted aspecs who are part of thecommunity, and straight polyamorous people who are part of the community, andstraight kinky people who are part of the community. But they’re the ones whodon’t conform to pericisheteronormativity. They’re the ones interested indismantling those systems. And hell yes I think that they’re just as deservingof a spot in the larger community discussions on how to accomplish that.
Anyway, that’s my position on the whole thing. Please directyour angry comments about how “wanting to hit your partner isn’t LGBT” or“wanting to fuck multiple people isn’t LGBT” to my ask box where they will doabsolutely nothing to change my mind or my position on the matter and will onlybe answered specifically in a nice tone if you want to pay me $20 to put inthat effort.
(And before anyone decides this includes pedophiles and people into bestiality... Nope! The object of your attraction being an individual who can’t consent doesn’t mean you’re going against pericisheteronormativity! Nothing in what perinormativity, cisnormativity, and heteronormativity are includes the age or species of individuals you’re attracted to!)
It's "interesting" that polyam people are usually one of the go-to "NEXT YOU'LL BE SAYING WE SHOULD INCLUDE THEM!" groups for regs, considering one of the primary arguments abt excluding anybody who isnt exclusively attracted to their own gender is basically "but they dont get marriage inequality!", when bigamy is an actual literal crime pretty much everywhere, and one that can lead to time in jail regardless of consensuality...
Ooh boy am I likely going to get some shit over fleshing outmy thoughts on this matter. But you know, I think it’s important I do moreproperly solidify my thoughts, and the easiest way for me to do that is towrite things out, so let’s do this… And this is probably going to be long,ramble-y, wordy, and whatnot, so it’s going under a cut.
Keep reading
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swynlake-spill · 9 months ago
there are too many famous people in swynlake make them leave. Except howl they can stay
tbh we need to talk about this. Genuinely. and i want to point fingers and so im pointing them at HIM!!!
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that's right. The Mayor of Swynlake is to blame. He is RECRUITING THEM. First Lightning McQueen, then he okay'd the Pigeon WW2 Romance Comedy Mystery (???) Penny Forrester movie to be filmed here?
And NOW a year later we have two hot and popular hollywood actresses just a few months after Simba Bonfamille Lyons My Beloved (may he rest in peace)(he isn't dead i just miss him) left...
Look, I love drama. I love Hollywood. I love scandal. But we're not fucking Sidneyland people!! What about the sanctity of the small town life? What about protecting magicks or whatever. im p sure minnie and daisy are literally going to film another movie here and atp its like pack up your bags yall swynlake is just becoming a glorified hollywood sound stage
idk i think more ppl should be concerned about this #slipperyslope but they're too #starstruck to care
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babyawacs · 10 months ago
luck is when itis humane actors and all intels could and should keeptrack how quicklythey want to degrade onthis slipperyslope of n o return of intel .@all .@bbc_whys .@odnigov .@gchq .@nsagov .@dgse .@rosatom ‎ nosecond chances going to extremes inthe nation that grants even the worst porned porno girls a s h r e d of dignity inthe act is causing utmost disdain and disregard and bitter handling ‎ ontheotherhand itisnot always understood how who is hosted why until when
luck is when itis humane actors and all intels could and should keeptrack how quicklythey want to degrade onthis slipperyslope of no return of intel .@all .@bbc_whys .@odnigov .@gchq .@nsagov .@dgse .@rosatom nosecond chances going to extremes inthe nation that grants even the worst porned porno girls a s h r e d of dignity inthe act is causing utmost disdain and disregard and bitter…
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philosophystudentorg · 1 year ago
What Is A Slippery Slope Argument? Logic Fallacy Simplified | PhilosophyStudent.org #shorts
Explore the Slippery Slope Argument, a common logical fallacy. Learn how a series of unlikely events can lead to flawed reasoning and how to avoid this trap in arguments. Please Visit our Website to get more information: https://ift.tt/arEFKs2 #slipperyslope #fallacy #logic #criticalthinking #philosophy #reasoning #shorts from Philosophy Student https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1KBnG5XTXo
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eric-sadahire · 2 years ago
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There's snow place like home
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hitchell-mope · 5 months ago
She’s new.
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pixiekisses · 4 years ago
Day 10: Slippery Slope
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joecowtoy · 4 years ago
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Typical by Waddie Mitchell Out on the cliffs edge, further than he'd ever been before He sat with legs a'danglin high above the valleys floor. He was lost in thought while, drinking in the grandure of it all When a gust of wind unseated him and he began to fall. Is a drastic situation, He didn't dare think slow For certain death awaited in those rocky cregs below So he called upon a friend, I guess the only one he could, The one we all forget about when things are going good. He said, “God, if you help me now, I'll quit my sinful ways, I'll do the things you'd have me do, I'll work hard all my days, I'll quit the booze and cigarettes, I'll help my loving wife, I'll spend time with my children, I'll turn around my life, I'll work to help the needy – I promise to repent! Just then a tree limb caught his coat and stopped his fast descent. And while hangin from the tree that grew out on that rocky shelf, He looked skyward sayin: “Never mind, I handled it myself." #starwars #stormtrooper #beach #cliff #slipperyslope (at Childrens pool La Jolla Coves) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMaAEFyB5Ur/?igshid=128c7mmm74m8t
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littledomstuff · 4 years ago
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Day 12 Slippery #inktober2020 . . . . . . . . #slippery #inktober #penandink #inkdrawing #slipperyslope https://www.instagram.com/p/CGPutiEHiuY/?igshid=1davidy00j7ko
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liugeaux · 5 years ago
The Slipperiest of Slopes
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“This is bullshit, the government can't make me wear a mask, that's an infringement on my civil liberties…”
“This is bullshit, the government can't make me wear a seatbelt, that's an infringement on my civil liberties…”
“This is bullshit, the government can't make me wear clothes, that's an infringement on my civil liberties…”
“This is bullshit, the government can't keep me from harrassing somebody, that's an infringement on my civil liberties…”
“This is bullshit, the government can't stop me from owning people, that's an infringement on my civil liberties…”
“This is bullshit, the government can't stop me from killing somebody, that's an infringement on my civil liberties...”
Turns out the slope is slippery on both sides.  
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babyawacs · 1 year ago
#independent #notmywar #on #moralphiliosophy #peace @nato .@nato @otan @bbc_whys @peace .@peace @bundeswehrinfo @us_stratcom @rosatom .@bbcr4 @bbcr4 @france24 @eu_commission .@ukraine .@kremlinr ussia_e itboils down to protection power power that doesnot degrade inthe slippery slope and doesn ot expend beings but how can standards gloves off slipperyslope no moral no just no right only kill or be killed how the protectionpower is superior to have the luxury of granting enforcing humanit y averting slipperyslope with hard realistic process matters incontrary becoming what they all beco me in monstrous conditions until dont judge is the last leaf left the last resort itisnot theoreti cal itis protectionpower checksandbalances and superiority inthe field at any time where parity kills
#independent #notmywar #on #moralphiliosophy #peace @nato .@nato @otan @bbc_whys @peace .@peace @bundeswehrinfo @us_stratcom @rosatom .@bbcr4 @bbcr4 @france24 @eu_commission .@ukraine .@kremlinrussia_e itboils down to protection power power that doesnot degrade inthe slippery slope and doesnot expend beings but how can standards gloves off slipperyslope no moral no just no right only kill or be…
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marv-el-spot · 6 years ago
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Designated Survivor 3x02: #slipperyslope
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