#Slender Au
sootrootdoot · 3 months
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of course my self insert is in my creepypasta slenderbrothers slendermansion AU. DUHHH>?!>!!>!>
part 2 coming soon prolly
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timaeusterrored · 3 months
(The Arrival)
There was a damn tree in the road. Because of course there was. Vincent got that Judy and her mom wanted to live out here, family home and all that, but this was ridiculous. They’d have to move that if they wanted to get any moving vans in here.
He had tried calling her and his boyfriends several times on the way here, but there was currently no cell service. Which just added to the issues Vince had counted on his way here.
The driveway was just as long as he remembered, his mother swearing in Spanish about how she just wished they’d move out of these damn woods. That it wasn’t good for Judy’s health to be so far out here. Now that Vincent was older, and what had happened over the past few years, he couldn’t disagree.
The house was silent. The air made Vincent’s skin crawl as he called out for his friend again, only to get no reply. Where was she?
“Judy?” He called up the stairs, peering into other rooms. The power must’ve been shut off already… but that didn’t make sense. Judy wasn’t set to move for another week or so.
The living room and dining room were a wreck, blankets and glass scattered the floor and crunched under Vincent’s boots. He once again tried to call Johnny, but it didn’t even ring. He was completely alone out here.
“Jude!” He called once more as he started his adventure up the stairs… when he noticed them.
Drawings on the walls. Stick men, something you’d see out of the Blair Witch Project. Writing and words that made Vincent think of Mike’s old notebooks.
‘Stop it now’
‘What is it?’
‘Can you see it?’
Vincent reached for the pocket knife he had on him, wishing he hadn’t left his gun in his car. That was a stupid move on his part.
The three doors on the top floor were a bathroom, Judy’s room, and her mom’s room. Two of which were shut tight. Judy had locked her mom’s room after her passing.
But Judy’s room was left slightly ajar, as if beckoning Vincent closer. He remembered Judy’s room being one of his safe places as a teenager… but now his mind was telling him to run. To not go in there.
The door creaked as he opened it, the room pitch black. Even his flashlight struggled to cut the darkness. He could see more drawings on the wall and papers scattered everywhere, as well as an old video camera left broken on the floor.
The open window made Vincent wonder how it had gotten so late suddenly… how long had he been in this house? Where was Judy?
A blood curdling scream from the forest told him he probably didn’t wanna know… but he climbed out of the window anyway and ran into the forest to find his friend.
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startheskelaton · 3 months
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moreslendermales · 4 months
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Aldritch in my AU are a type of an eldritch native to the abyss. Not quite gods, they're not mortal either. An inbetween if you will.
They are capable of dying, as long as they have an heir to take their place. These Heirs start out as being part Hollow, and can take trillions of years for them to mature.
Sometimes they aren't part hollow but instead part human, or some other prey species. It doesn't really matter to them, as long as they have offspring to show for it. Valdernak are another preferred species, if only because they happen to be eldritchian in nature themselves .
After copulation, Aldritch will lay hundreds of eggs in the hope that one will succeed them. Not all of these eggs are fertile, and not all who are born are even capable of surviving more than a few minutes. Often with Valdernak sires, the Aldritch will take a few eggs and leave them near either a Valderna homestead, or a Valdern home. They have since learned that Valdernak will kill eggs found on their territory for fear of what will hatch from it.
It should be noted that the Aldritch have found Valdernak that would take the eggs in, but I'm afraid they fundamentally misunderstand the Valdernak and think familial pods of twenty or more are a good sign, when in reality it is merely the sign of a Traditionalist. Fortunately, Aldritch born from Valdernak, do understand the difference and usually are far more successful in finding hosts to raise their children.
Once these children reach maturity, they will experience what appears to be Void leaking of their eyes, and will experience swelling as their body begins to transform into a bestial state that generally tends to look like a mass of void with many eyes peering from within. They are mindless in this state and if they cannot bring themselves back within a century they will simply sink into the abyss. Those that can will become true Aldritch and take on a form much more to their liking.
These forms range from humaniod to downright impossible to precieve by the human mind.
Mature Aldritch are very much capable of killing other Eldritch beings, and in fact have been known to devour gods. This has lead them to have the nicknames of God Eaters, along with the affectionate Godling.
Valdernak and the subsequent subspecies have long learned that true Void-kin will not have eyes upon entering their shadow form, while Heirs will have a multitude, and will often have very pale colourations of the eyes.
Note: not all Aldritch lay eggs, some give live birth, but the number stays the same.
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canidaria · 6 months
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POV you and your cousin who is autistic abt ghostbusters are looking for ghosts (you’re abt to find slenderman)
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crushedsweets · 2 months
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Katherine the killer amirite
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magicalbunbun · 2 months
I have a question, do you have any creepypasta oc?
Not really but I do have MC one
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The stereotype y/n everyone hate, but instead a small innocent girl who needs her alpha boyfriend, she doesn't need one! She is the wolf that everyone run away from just to not get hit by her axe that many died from! No! She save the people from the forest from creepypasta and proxy's! She isn't scared to fight!
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death-himself · 6 months
slendermansion but as a metaphor for abusive households and mental health
slendermansion as a metaphor for abused kids growing up being more likely to end up in abusive relationships
slendermansion where slenderman is a metaphor for mental health and the mansion is someone’s refusal to accept help and instead just keep spiraling into an even worse state because they don’t see anything better for themselves or don’t think they deserve better
that’s basically what my AU that i don’t know how to explain is lol also they fuckin rebel and kill slendy at the end
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sootrootdoot · 2 months
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jeff discovers fan fiction lmk if u cant read my hand writing lmfao
ben is like eh its 'fiction' but also because he likes reading them too LMAO
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thediaryofaurora · 2 months
It’s ok if you can’t but I would love for the next headcanons for creepypasta character could you do X-Virus.
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General HCs
X-Virus/Cody Anderson
Sorry this one is sooooo long. I have so much to say about this nerd.
- Seventeen! Barely older than Toby.
- Roughly 6’0, maybe a little over. He isn’t very toned, since he really just sits in the lab all day.
- White with mostly Welsh heritage.
- He was in foster case from about seven to thirteen. His mom was neglectful and a drug addict so child services inevitably took him away. He was adopted by a pathologist who created and spread chronic diseases that only he knew how to treat, which he profited from since he was the only person who knew how to cure them.
- His foster father had used Cody as an assistant and made sure he knew his way around the lab. They would often test the diseases on animals first and see if the cure worked just enough so that people would continuously come back for medication rather than completely healing. At around fifteen Cody was trusted to be in the lab alone, so he would take the time to test more fatal things on the test subjects. A few years later when he was about seventeen, he was a little too desensitized to fatal infections and death. He thought seeing how animals reacted to his creations weren’t enough to prove the data he wanted.
- With that, he went into one of his lonesome neighbor’s homes in the dead of night and tested one of his viruses on him. He had planned to return home and brush it off, but Slender thought he was too valuable to let him go.
- This dude is a GENIUS, and a massive nerd. Most of the residents overlook it since he’s just a dumb teenager who works in the infirmary, but he’s extremely intelligent. He spends all of his days studying and analyzing data, so it’s kind of a given.
- Mainly gets along with Toby, EJ, and surprisingly Helen.
- Since him and Toby are extremely close in age, they naturally hovered to each other when they first met. They aren’t necessarily similar, but they do have a brotherly connection.
- Him and EJ work together in the infirmary/ lab, so they have to communicate and at least slightly get along. Jack almost sees him as an annoying little sibling, but it’s a nice presence. Cody really looks up to him and that means a lot.
- Helen stops by on occasion to talk to Jack and over time he started talking to Cody. They’re strangely compatible given their age difference and personalities, but Helen’s a listener and Cody can’t help but ramble. Helen does botany in his free time, so he’ll bring by plants for him to study or incorporate into his excitements. Cody always makes sure to track Helen down and give him all the results and notes he took of whatever plant he had brought.
- Germaphobe. His hands are DRY from over washing and using so much hand sanitizer.
- He has a bunch of rodents and other test animals for his experiments. He’s made sure to tell Nina if she ever doesn’t want her guinea pigs anymore he’d be glad to take them.
- Strangely smells like a dentist’s office. With all the chemicals, hand sanitizer, and air fresheners in the lab he’s bound to.
- Allergic to dogs, and cats, and everything ever.
- He’s a pretty big recluse. A perfect day in his eyes is sitting alone in the lab and testing a bunch of random shit, which sounds pretty boring to anyone he tells that to.
- Cyber punk enthusiast to the absolute core. You can’t look at him and think otherwise.
- He rarely goes on missions. Usually he’s stationed in the lab to either cover for EJ or do whatever the hell he wants. In the occasion that he does get sent out, him and Jack make a great pair. Since EJ can sense pretty much anything and everything, all Cody needs is the go ahead to take the kill.
- Straight, but he doesn’t really think about intimate relationships very often. If he’s watching a movie with romance in it he might think on it for a little, but he prioritizes his work over anything. If he had to date someone in the mansion, it would probably be Nina. She’s as hyper as him and doesn’t know anything about science, so she gladly listens to whatever he’s working on. However, in realistic terms he wouldn’t date her.
- He likes musicals, I specifically mention this because Repo! The Genetic Opera reminds me of him and he would absolutely love that movie.
- Listens to a surprising amount of goth music. He thinks it’s the only music that makes him feel more productive, so he puts in his wired headphones and works while listening to it. Massive Siouxsie and the Banshees fan.
- His room is PRISTINE. Absolutely no decorations, just scattered files and white bedding. Since he’s such a germaphobe he tries to keep his room as clean as possible, even if he’s not in it very much. He thrives on energy drinks and the most sleep he gets is a nap, usually in the lab with his head down on his desk.
- HORRIBLE handwriting, definitely adds up with him being somewhat of a doctor. Pretty much only him and Helen can (almost) decipher it.
- He gets soooo giddy when referred to as Dr. Anderson. It doesn’t happen very often, but when it does he’s ecstatic, especially because that’s what his foster father went by.
- Wears a lab coat and goggles on the regular. It’s not always necessary, but he feels so accomplished when he does. Occasionally wears scrubs.
- He’s been one of my favorites for like five years.
Thank you for reading! Feedback and requests are welcome.
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startheskelaton · 9 months
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Doodles of the older brothers! They are able to look like humans to other humans and Monsters to other monsters. However it takes a lot of focus to be able to keep the illusion up
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moreslendermales · 7 months
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Valentino Aston
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More species stuff:
Cat like creatures that are made of pure void. Range im size from a small hamster to an oversized jaguar. They are loyal creatures who can be found among the Hollows kept as pets. Diet consists of souls and animals.
Sapient species native to the Abyss. They are usually all black, and tend to be faceless.
Height ranges from a foot to upwards of a hundred.
Sometimes referred to as shadow people, they are not
Have a tendency to be between life and death
Generally loners, only coming together to reproduce
Diet consists of souls lost to the abyss.
Capable of creating true hybrids with Valdernak resulting in Void-kin.
Had a war with the Valdernak eons ago
This war is still fresh among Hollow Elders, but long faded into legend by Valdernak and the young.
Hates the ones who want to continue the war
Hybrids between Valdernak and Hollows. Generally born pure white and identical to their Valdernak parent without the tendrils. Able to control void and the elements, though their elemental ability is very much twisted. With trees growing black and twisted, and plants dying at command. The wind bringing the first breath of winter, and flames hotter than hell fire at cracked earth. Water is the element left untouched by a Void-kin's touch.
As adults they range from pale white to a dark grey, exhibiting the same gradient pattern as the Valderna on their hands and feet.
Traditionalists will hunt and kill Void-kin before they mature, as upon Maturity Void-kin cease to have functional immortality and gain true immortality, walking the line between life and death.
Diet is identical to a Valdernak's, though they can survive off souls if needed.
Pure-bred Valdernak that believe that the war between the Hollows and the Valdernak should continue. Often hating any kind of hybrid, they are often inbred creatures that are looked down upon by their own species. Of course due to the fact that they often come in pods over twenty, others must abide by their rules,until the opportunity to slit each of their throats arise. Void-kin are especially hated and many a Valdernak child has died to these insane zealots hands.
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bluu3berry · 5 months
My dream fam <3
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Younger brother: Ticci toby Middle brother: Ben drowned Older brother: Eyeless jack + Jeff the killer Sister - Sally williams Father: entity 303, herobrine, slenderman Uncle: Splendorman, trenderman, Offenderman
pet: smile dog
that was how i viewed it- with a view addons... I always wanted to run away to the woods and find myself in the family just join them lol, still to this day i draw their little symbol (circle + X )
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My creepypasta AU!! We got Homicidal Lou, Jeff the killer, Jane the killer and Nina the killer. Then judge angels (Dina), Bloody painter ( Helen), Eyeless Jack and Ben drowned.
Edit I said Ashley instead of Helen I don't know why sorry
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