#Skyrim of all things. yes it’s weird and I do love it a lot
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pizzabookbuying · 2 years ago
me at any given opportunity just making the plot about family dynamics and maternal love
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eebeewrites · 1 month ago
Hi, I love tali and I think about him either 3 times to literally all day (he’s taken up my escapism brain, he has me in a chokehold shaking me like a ragdoll) so I was wondering something
How would he be if he found out that his love was also obsessed with like games and stuff. I imagine it would come up sooner in dating but I also like to imagine we keep it a secret for some reason (like embarrassment or to keep up a certain look) and than one day it just comes out.
Like one day in the gaming club the boys are talking about playing a random game as an off day. They say a certain game and all of sudden we get excited and just start talking in depth about it. Controls, secrets, lore, cheats, etc. Than when we finally stop and look up at tali and his friends theyre just staring like “holy shit, and she like games as well, perfect” or whatever (it’s 4 am i haven’t slept but i think of this scenario every other day)
I’ve seen people requesting one shot things, you don’t have to write a one shot or anything if you don’t want to, I’m mainly just wondering how he’d feel and be, and wanted to share my scenarios cuz I got a lot. I love all your stories and they also take up my mind but tali has been manning the lines.
First of all, thank you for reading my stories!! I’m so glad you enjoy them ♥️ It’s funny, when I first posted his story I was like “this is probably cringe idk if anyone’s gonna like this” but now we’re all thirsty for him. Bro is WINNING
I feel like it could go a few different ways depending on what it was. All of them would collectively have him lose his shit though.
If it was something like League, I think he’d be super excited. Pretty girl who plays game?? Fuck yeah.
I really like the idea of reader being super shy about playing together at first, but then it devolving to something like this
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I also like the idea that he’d make a whole new account JUST to play with reader. Maybe if she’s a support player, he starts trying to learn how to ADC so he can lane with reader. Maybe he’s really fucking bad at it. He might be a Diamond 1 mid laner, but he’s Bronze 2 in ADC. A humbling experience.
I also like the idea of it being something like Skyrim/Baldurs Gate, but reader has a some guilty pleasure sex mods installed. He asks to see your modlist at one point; there’s no way out of the 500+ mods you have installed he’s gonna find the weird shit, right? I think if it happened before you were dating, he'd probably be intrigued to say the least, but definitely too shy to do anything other than jack off at the thought of you in some of those positions. You're just so nice and sweet, but...he learns some interesting things about you.
Now if it was AFTER you started dating, I think he'd absolutely give reader shit for it.
🩷: Modlist.txt 🧡: question 🧡: is 'cum and orgasm mechanics' a hard requirement in your opinion or is that optional 🧡: also no offense but i don't think ALL the statues having massive tits is lore friendly :/
Yes that is a real mod, linked for the fellow freaks in the chat
I also like the idea of reader being the one to 'well, actually 🤓☝️' him on lore or what not. Tell me you didn't read the 36 Lessons of Vivec without TELLING me you didn't read the 36 Lessons of Vivce, smh!!
What I really fuck with is it being a game that's a bit older and has fallen out of fashion a bit. Maybe something like Half-Life, or maybe even something SUPER niche that only reader knows about for whatever reason. After years of “dude, no one cares,” he finally has someone to talk to about it.
Oh my god, he’d infodump for HOURS. His friends don’t even know what the fuck you two are talking about. I think you’d definitely replay it together, and it’d have the same rush of excitement as if he was playing the game for the first time again.
I wish I could think of more, but I think of a lot of it is just summed up by him being super excited to share his hobby with someone he cares so much for. He can be his authentic self around you, and that means the world to him ❤️
I love answering asks like these :D they literally make my day, so feel free to just pop off in my inbox! I love hearing peoples thoughts and ideas, and a lot of the time it gives me ideas for the main story!
Thanks again for the ask and for reading!!
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daisychainsandbowties · 2 years ago
would lilith be much of a book reader? What kind of books would she read?
right so i think that Lilith has the adhd reader thing where YES she loves to read, NO she doesn’t read. actually she’s always reading twelve books at the same time; no she never finishes any of them.
like any really really intelligent person Lilith is hungry for knowledge, and like any child raised under the press of a thumb she’s willing to get that knowledge wherever she can. her brain is working against her a little but it’s also a beautiful creature because it wants knowledge, but all of it all the time all at once. 
i think she’s on wikipedia and in the NASA archives and on Project Gutenberg constantly. she will literally sit there on her phone for hours doing the fanfiction thing where she tricks her brain into thinking it’s not technically reading because there are no books involved.
she tab-hops like a madwoman but it’s a case of balancing her intense need for information with her brain’s unwillingness to tackle that information in a structured way. inside of ten minutes she’ll read a bit about the Riemann hypothesis, a couple paragraphs of a socratic dialogue, an archived forum page about siphoning gas with your mouth and what petroleum tastes like (keeps waking up with a weird sulfur taste in her mouth. keeps hoping to find some explanation other than ‘it tastes like devil in here’) but if you ask her what she reads she’ll scowl and say ‘nothing.’
but i mean this is the girl who used to sit with Beatrice for hours and just listen to her talk about Galileo and Langer's lines and how to debone a fish. who used to sit by the fire with her dad and listen to random bits of historical apocrypha and who requested Stephen Hawking’s A Brief History of Time as her bedtime story when she was three years old.
she definitely sits on her phone watching 6 hour videos about Dark Souls lore and she reads all the books in Skyrim because they’re like 300 words long and somehow staring at the TV and reading off there is easier than reading a physical book made of paper or reading on the kindle (even when Cam downloads dyslexia-friendly reading aids).
her brain likes to bounce off the walls but it wants to know things. so badly. i think audiobooks are good for her but she plays them at 2x speed so her brain has to kind of do cartwheels to keep up and it gives her the same feeling as listening to heavy metal while she goes and picks up heavy objects and puts them back down again in the gym.
i wrote about this a little before but the sound and texture and the saying of words is very appealing to Lilith. she loves the music of language so i think the only way she can read actual novels for any length of time is to read them aloud (as opposed to subvocating) because choosing where to put emphasis and just feeling the words in her body is enough to keep her suitably entertained (plus lilith post-canon is not a huge fan of silence. she spent a lot of time wandering around in the weird high-pressure hellscape of The Other Side looking for Mary and then Ava. so she treats Bea’s noise-cancelling headphones like they’re going to eat her and she enjoys white noise playlists and having music just playing in the background).
Lilith adores the puzzles that language can make. she actually loved poetry as a kid because it felt to her like she could memorise the poem and work it over in the horrible ‘no talking’ hours that her mother imposed. at night when she couldn’t sleep after her dad died she’d repeat the poems over and over and over again and slowly wring more meaning out of them with each repetition.
she likes when stories are puzzles and, incidentally, one of her favourite things to do is listen to an audiobook on 2x speed while doing sudoku or crosswords.
and Lilith will read anything. she’s not super into fantasy or sci-fi because she has fucking wings and scales and it’s a bit like ‘i’m in this picture and i don’t like it’ but she enjoys classics. has a weird soft spot for Moby Dick and she really likes post-apocalyptic books like The Road by Cormac McCarthy and Parable of the Sower and i think she quite enjoys The Hunger Games and the Wool series. she definitely loves The Broken Earth Trilogy because it somehow gets a free pass with her ‘i’m in this picture and i don’t like it’ hang-up. it does make her cry though (the hand scene really gets to her because sometimes her mother would hold her hand like that, like she wanted to smash it and see if it came back together without the dysgraphia).
but she also rlly likes plays because performance and by god Lilith is a drama queen. she would totally have been a theatre kid if she’d been allowed & she loves performing little monologues and she likes how people sound when they’re angry but in the context of a play because the anger is always under the control of the narrative, and you can stop being angry whenever you want. 
she loves collecting information so when Cam introduces her to Stardew Valley she sits up in bed all night reading wiki after wiki and making little spreadsheets on her excel app for which gifts to give and when and how many of each crop to plant and which trees to grow and where and how many chickens and how much hay and all the different fish and how to organise the layout of the farm. so by the next day Cam wakes up and Lilith has basically a bachelor’s degree in Stardew Valley
and Cam is like ‘oh my god Lily i got you this game so you would relax!’ and Lilith frowning in genuine confusion like ‘i am relaxing??’
she does sometimes just teleport into Bea and Ava’s house & look quite forlorn until Beatrice sits down with her at the island in the kitchen and the pair of them peel oranges.
Beatrice talks about whatever she’s reading about that week, and eventually Ava comes in and explains all the different strategies for winning at Super Smash Bros and her opinions on the objective best tracks in Mario Kart while Beatrice cooks burgers on the grill outside in her baseball cap like somebody’s hot lesbian dad.
& then Lilith checks her phone & pecks Beatrice on the cheek and teleports home in time for Cam to get back from the airport. she tries to make out like she spent the whole weekend very sad and very by herself but Cam is like ‘gimmie your hands’ and then ‘yeah, Lil. i can smell the orange peel.’ 
so i think Lilith is a big reader but it’s not for the sake of stories especially or narratives or for characters or anything it’s for stimulation and knowledge and the words themselves. she’s that meme about the boyfriend who sits eating a sausage with the wikipedia page titled ‘sausage’ open on her computer. she ricochets between subjects and has the most incredible visual recall you’ve ever seen.
probably has a photographic memory but will forget what you asked her to go look for halfway up the stairs. Ava sees her sitting on her phone for literal hours while they’re all at the beach and asks Cam what the hell Lilith is doing because she’s not on social media & Cam is like ‘oh yeah she’s addicted to stack exchange and wikipedia’ and Ava takes a moment, licks melted ice-cream off her knuckle and says ‘wow that’s kind of hot’ and Cam waggles her eyebrows and goes ‘yeah, i know.’ 
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mareenavee · 2 years ago
Tell us 10 things about your version of Teldryn! Inquiring minds want to know :)
Hello my friend! Thank you so much for asking.
This is good because while I know a lot about all of my POV characters in my fic, I know I've shared exponentially more about Nyenna and that perhaps I have worked on her backstory more than the NPCs that I've brought into this tale. I'll preface by saying most of these are going to be HC material based on the direction I wanted this character to go in this story.
So without further ado, 10 Teldryn things from my fic, The World on Our Shoulders. Do be warned, some of these do get a little deep. There's a CW/TW on #8, so skip if you need to.
1) Teldryn has a tendency not to think through his decisions as hard as he probably should, even after all these years. He lives very much in the moment, more as a way to ignore/avoid thinking about his past than anything. He does tend to want to move on to the next logical goal and doesn't see sense in lingering. Lingering or waffling can only cause more discomfort later on mostly. He's not a procrastinator generally. For a lot of reasons, this occasionally can be a point of contention between him and Nyenna, because she thinks too much about decisions most of the time.
2) Teldryn is not at all a fan of dragonflies. I have shared an in-universe example in this snippet here. There's no particularly discernable reason WHY exactly, as they are not harmful. Everyone has something. Nyenna hates skeevers en masse. Athis is disgusted by vampires. Farkas is nauseous about frostbite spiders. Teldryn does NOT want dragonflies to land on him or buzz anywhere around his ears at all. No thank you. The big bug eyes and loud wings and the weird long metallic bodies really sort of freak him out in ways other things just don't. (I love them personally irl lol)
3) He is a big complainer regarding cold weather. He hates icy winds, he hates when snow gets into his shoes, he hates not being able to see in bad weather. If his ears go numb with cold, then nobody will hear the end of it at all, ever. This despite living on Solstheim and in Windhelm. He travelled through Skyrim for decades of his life, too. And yes, all of those decades he had negative things to say about the Godsforsaken snow much to the chagrin of his patrons.
4) He never believed he'd ever be the kind of person who deserved love or kindness. He never saw a future where he'd ever be able to settle down. It affected his relationships, often by self-sabotage. He'd be the sort that wouldn't believe it when someone would profess their love of him because he couldn't see in himself why they would even say something like that. The closer they'd try to get to him the more he'd push them away until the relationship was too fractured to put back together. He might have loved or got close enough to it before, but his fear and self-doubt closed those doors before too long. Even then, it was nothing like really getting to know Nyenna. He might have been boastful and forward and bold at first -- but that was nothing new. He behaved that way with anyone (yes anyone) he found particularly attractive. It was more than that. It was a slow dawning realization that she somehow already saw the kind of person he could be underneath all the darkness. Despite all the complications of their situation, after that, he certainly did fall hard.
5) He knew Neloth in the 3rd era and is one of the very few people Neloth may possibly miss in an abstract, miniscule sort of sense should they actually be removed from Nirn. He can be considered one of Teldryn's close friends, again in that sort of almost indecipherable sort of way. Back then, Neloth really wanted to mess with the prosperity of house Dres and Teldryn somehow managed to convince him the best way to do that would be to join the Twin Lamps with him. Unheard of, really, for a Telvanni, let alone one as high up and curmudgeonly as Neloth. Teldryn takes that as a personal win even if Neloth wasn't in it to be empathetic and helpful, really. This secret has caused Teldryn a bit of trouble since then, however.
6) If he doesn't like working with a specific patron, he won't talk at all besides what needs to be said for survival, despite how chatty and boastful he normally seems. It's why sometimes people he'd worked for might say things along the lines that he's rude, harsh or that he's unfriendly. It's not the case, really, once you get down past all the swagger and chitin.
7) He never got a chance to cross paths with the Hero of Kvatch. He'd been in Cyrodiil during the Oblivion Crisis and actually did put his sword arm to good use, but they always seemed to miss each other. He never once saw Martin Septim either, at least not to the best of his knowledge. This was in his early years of being a sellsword in general and everyone was too busy with the Crisis to bother asking why he always hid his face behind a strange chitin helmet. At the time, that suited him just fine.
8) CW/TW: Implied Suicidal Thoughts and Mentioned Substance Abuse. Skip to 9 if you need to.
He spent a great deal of time and money trying to forget to the point of near self-destruction. Of course, with Corprus, he can't really die by disease or aging or even poison. He couldn't do it himself despite trying once or twice. He'd have had to get himself killed somehow. All he knew was that without any kind of purpose, he was absolutely unmoored. Especially around the time of the Red Year, he felt so much of it was his fault, a direct result of his actions, fated or otherwise, especially when word started spreading that the general opinion was that the Hortator abandoned Morrowind when he was needed the most. The guilt was unbearable. His go-to strategy to be done with it all was picking fights while massively inebriated. However, even on these extended benders, people mostly felt sorry for him and would drag his drunk and/or high self back to the inn or to jail to sleep it off. There was no honor in cutting down a drunk, especially one clearly in so much pain. Eventually, Neloth and Geldis helped him get back on track. He still struggles with the guilt and regret, but has come a long way since the Red Year situation.
9) He has a strained relationship with religion. He's not sure if he was played by Azura or if it was something more, but hasn't ever been able to shake the feeling that if he'd only done a few things differently, he'd never have gotten tied up in the Nerevarine nonsense to begin with. He'd never had been caught and arrested if he'd just paid a little more attention back before the start of things. The ambiguity gnaws at him, because he'd talked with Azura and he has Moon-and-Star and there's no real concrete way to determine where the lies end and the prophecy begins and just who or what is responsible for pushing him the direction he needed to be. It's also why he hates the term "Fate" but can't seem to find other vocabulary for all the coincidences he'd been wrapped up in over the course of his life. Azura doesn't speak to him directly anymore, but sends him little visions in his dreams once in a while that he generally can't quite determine the meaning of, usually regarding a decision he'd already made.
10) He didn't kill Vivec. He couldn't bring himself to do it, even after everything with the Ordinators. Even after everything with the Heart. Even after all the manipulation and bullshit that got him to the end of that path. Even after everything he lost by having to be this legendary hero, this paragon, the Hortator and Nerevarine. Azura had said he'd be responsible for the destruction of the Tribunal as the Nerevarine, but once Vivec was mortal again, death would come for him in no time at all. It wouldn't be by Teldryn's hand. And to this day, he has absolutely no idea where Vivec ended up or why and doesn't care to know. He will walk away if anyone brings it up in conversation, even if it's a bunch of scholars discussing history. He'd get into a bar fight over the mention of Tribunal worship. There's trauma there he's absolutely pushed aside.
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voxblade · 10 months ago
You seem to reblog a decent amount of Skyrim from me now so I need you to give me your fav random piece of lore or knowledge or anything about any elder scrolls anything (I fully expect you to just make something up entirely)
Make that pieces, because I can't answer anything short form to save my life and there's a lot I've scrambled together overtime. Uhhh...
- I half-remember reading that apparently the dwarves were SO ATHEIST that when they found proof that gods existed, they went "fuck that" and yeeted themselves out of the continuity and into another dimension or something
- the dragonborn's power is shouts. I understand that they are divine or some shit and taken from an ancient draconic language or w/e but I refuse to believe at least one of those shouts isn't them screaming
(Or that at least it isn't a mod)
- there are some dudes called the nords and they collectively are the CEOs of racism. the whole of the nords. All of them.
- you can kill a dragon voiced by super mario himself. given that Italians are inherently evil, killing him appears to be the correct moral choice.
- The jester man you like is a mama's boy and the MILF in question is basically a weird shriveled raisin thing that lives in a coffin. #Hotgirl-goals. He also feeds cats to rats?? According to another mutual??? which as a fan of cats makes me sad, but as an even bigger fan of rats I find oddly cathartic, in a juvenile way. My babies have long been overdue for revenge for the billions of beautiful lives lost to cruel nature and cruel fate. Yes. Reverse the food chain. I hope they eat humans next. (Assuming this is even real.)
- there's some fucking guy you hate named Jason or something who wants to be a big deal but he's an absolutely terrible companion and he dies to fucking everything. He's not even cute in a pathetic meow meow way? Which sounds like me to be honest. Maybe I kin him without realizing. You don't know. I don't know.
- There is a long and arduous side quest not many players know about. In Whiterun, if you leave the Bannered Mare, there's a 1 in 76 chance you will find a strange NPC called Thes waiting by the door. If interacted with, Thes will ask the player a series of strange questions to try to get to know their character. Should the player answer to Thes's liking, he will say "ah. You've also lost the use for truth. This will serve you well". Thes will leave after saying this and the player will unlock the Kindred Spirit quest. It's a bit clunky from this point on, but essentially, you have various markers on your map to track down, each promising something "new", but whenever you get close to them, the positions will move and cannot be found, even through cheats. What the player must do is try for the same rolling chance that summoned Thes in the first place by entering and leaving the Bannered Mare over and over again, except when they succeed the roll this time, Thes will be replaced by a new identical character with a new name, insisting his name is Da. Da will ask the player if they are having any trouble meeting the objectives and the player has the option to call him out. This will learn a laugh ("but they just work! What's the commotion?"), and Da eventually adds a new marker to the map, this one leading towards the Den of Falsehoods (this is commonly confused with the Liar's Retreat). To make a long story short, this is also bullshit but I'm getting tired of summarizing. After a bunch of bullshit, at the end of the quest, Da will be waiting for the player in the core of the den, this time named "Beth". When confronted this time, "Beth" will talk to the player about the nature of truth and falsehood and the player can ask for them to reveal their true name. "Beth" will comply, but only after asking if you would ever love a liar like him. If you say no, "Beth" will nod and say he understands and also will tell the player to be excited for Fallout 76. This is very curious, and possibly reference to Bethesda's other franchise, Fallout, and its entry Fallout 76, which wasn't in development when Skyrim was first released. "Beth" will then leave the game and cannot be found again. If the player says yes, "Beth" thanks them and reveals their true face: a curious npc named Todd Howard. Todd Howard apologizes for his lies but curiously will not give the player any sort of reward for having done the quest. It is also possible from this point to marry him if the player is so inclined. This is ill advised, because Todd Howard will keep all of the money from whatever business he opens and he never sleeps, which some players reportedly find creepy.
- I like that little freak the adoring fan and how you can make him run off a cliff
- there is a mod (???) that lets you summon Santa Claus like a primordial ancient demon and I think it works for him. Santa really served cunt in that mod.
- Sheogoraths line of "CHEESE, FOR EVERYONE!!!" may be indicative of the fact he likes cheese.
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Skyrim favorites! 2 parts!
Answer one or more of these as either Teldryn or Sydari!
And then ofc give us your favorites, too! 20.   favorite weapon?
23.   favorite faction?
24.   favorite creature?
26.   favorite ability?
Answering as both since they both have their own opinions on this. Throwing in some Morrowind references too...coz reasons.
I'm dropping a fic easter egg in here! :D
20. Favourite Weapon.
Sydari unsheathes a curious dagger from her boot and places it on the table. The metal is unnaturally dark and the weapon itself seems to hum. There's daedric lettering etched into the centre of the blade.
"This little thing has gotten me out of more sticky situations than I can count. The enchantment is a little temperamental but the blade never dulls." She looks over at the Dunmer seated beside her, he raises an eyebrow as he stares apprehensively at the blade. She carefully places the dagger back in its sheath and smiles at him.
"He hates Daedric shit."
Teldryn shakes his head and slumps a little in his seat.
"I don't hate Daedric shit, I just," He scratches the bridge of his nose before taking another sip of the beverage beside him. It elicits a slightly disgusted look, "Miluth forgets that I've had my fair share of interactions with Daedra, all have consequences that I am no longer interested in experiencing." He looks down the hallway and smiles to himself, "Not any more."
"Oh, that's bullshit Tel! Your favourite weapon of all time was that weird crescent sword you took from that Dremora Lord," Sydari jeered, "Tell them that story!"
Teldryn shakes his head, "It's locked away in the armoury for a reason." He makes a sign with his hands that implies "little fingers".
"He stabbed a god with it!"
"Did I?"
(I love the design for Daedric weaponry in TES, something about it is so badass).
23. Favourite faction.
Sydari rests her feet on the table and sighs, "I'm a Nightingale."
Teldryn laughs, "She runs the Thieves Guild!"
Sydari throws a crust of bread at him and laughs in return, "And he thinks building tents in the yard and putting lamps in the window qualifies as a personality trait!"
"That one is a worthy cause and teaching her to build a yurt is a great way to pass the time."
"And attracts the attention of half the town."
"It's a dying art"
Sydari smiles back at him, "I know".
(I play the Thieves Guild questline in Skyrim a lot and Josh is very much an Ashlander projection on my part. He's also a member of Twin Lamps, a faction that has grown on me quite a bit! Yes I did say I'd throw Morrowind into this, can't do anything as instructed lol)
24. Favourite creature.
Sydari smiles, "I have always loved rabbits. They're so cute! I find the netch that float across the island to be fascinating."
"You've never had one of those things puke on you. It's foul." Teldryn takes another drink of the odd beverage beside him and grimaces. He pats the large, olive-green carapace of the nix hound at his feet.
"That's because I've never thrown a whole bottle of Sujamma at one you s'wit!"
"Language!" Teldryn tuts, a smile plastered across his thin features, "I heard her say fetcher the other day! Where did she pick that up?"
"She probably picked it up from you at the market last week! You called Fethis one because you think that he overcharged you for that glass tube you insisted on importing from the mainland."
"That's because Fethis is a dick!" Teldryn sighed and leaned back in his chair, "He's a dick Sydari."
"Language Sero, language."
Teldryn shakes his head, "I like big dogs."
"He likes cats."
(I can't choose animals, I like most of them tbh so the above is a selection. I personally love the calls of silt striders and I think netch are cute.)
26. Favourite ability.
Both elves look at each other.
(I play stealth characters as a general rule, it's fun!)
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darknesslioness · 2 years ago
Hey, I just wanted to ask, do you have any voice claims for your nutcracker characters? I just wanted to know because I love them so much :3
I do, actually! I considered it a lot years ago and made a list of possible voice actors for every character I had planned at the time (with example performances where I thought I best heard my characters in pitch and intonation because we all know great voice actors can have a great range of voices). I won't list all my characters since I've never mentioned most of them outside of a Discord server, but I can mention the big four here.
Note: This is subject to change at any time, but this is what I have from the last time I binged voices. Enjoy. :)
Daemon Thuringia- Troy Baker (Tailon - Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor, Joel - The Last of Us, Greed - FMA:B, Booker Dewitt - Bioshock Infinite) & John Hopkins (Marius - Ryse: Son of Rome) (I could never decide which one I liked more, so if I could combine Troy and John's voice performances into one, that would probably be it)
Althea Voronina - Laura Bailey (Ioreth - Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor, Serena - Skyrim, Lucina - Fire Emblem: Awakening) (As you may have noticed, Althea has a voice performance alongside Daemon's in Middle Earth, so if you want to closest thing to an audible conversation between them, watch the opening of that game.)
Althea Voronina (elder) - Pam Hyatt (Frieda - Silverwing, Kaede - Inuyasha) (For Althea in her 80s. Wanted a wizened voice, but a strong one. Probably one of the most likely to change however.)
Draven Thuringia - Travis Willingham (Roy Mustang - FMA:B, Isaac Frost - Fight Night Champion, Spartan Paul DeMarco - Halo 4, Zavok - Sonic: Lost World, Reggie Rowe - Infamous: Second Son) (Yes, I find this very ironic and a bit weird since Laura Bailey is married to Travis, but is what it is. He's got the tone and depth I want here.)
Guinevere Cawthrone - AAAAAANNnnnddd I once had a possible voice for her, but I fell out with it after a while. Sometime after that, I decided that there would be a reason for that..... ;)
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For the Skyrim OCs ask! Tell me about Ravonna! Answer two or three of your faves from the list in her voice.
Link to the ask game can be found here <;3.
Oh my God, this is brilliant! I've done an ask game a few months ago where I let Ravonna respond and she's been itching to talk again, so I'm letting her take the lead (don't mind the emojis, she is fascinated with them). Also, sorry for taking so long to get to this! I guess Ravonna got a bit shy?
Greeting and salutations, it's me again, ready to run my mouth. Thank you for the ask game and for giving me the opportunity to speak here again. You may live to regret it *she laughs*. Here, have a pint, we may be here for a while. I'm a bard, and let me tell you, we like to talk. A lot.
One of the questions that sparkled an interest on this one over here: Do they believe the College of Winterhold caused the Great Collapse? If no, what is their theory?
I am a mage, and I've also been to the College in Winterhold, and let me tell you: that place was where I felt the most welcome in all of Skyrim. I wasn't delusional when me and Lucien planned the trip to Skyrim, I knew the people aren't the most welcoming, but I'm one of them, a bloody Nord, and all I got was shitty remarks, growls and weird looks. I even got to jail once because I almost got into a fight with this guy. *she huffs a laugh*. There was a huge giant, and I rushed to help! Mind you, I had just escaped Helgen, I was having the worst day of my life (narrator's note: this wasn't the 'worst day of her life', she is just exaggerating) and then this Vilkas guy comes in and he starts preaching about how he needs none of my fancy magic and that this is his city and I'm not welcomed there. I just know that my '''''fancy magic''''' would kick his ass into oblivion and back! ANYWAY, I deviated form the subject a bit, but The College of Mages is my safe space in Skyrim, and there are some of the nicest, most fun people. So I don't believe that they were responsible for one bit! It was probably the flying whales, or the Kraken! Or just nature, which can be scary as fuck. Or an army of giants? I don't know, I wasn't there, but I will defend the mages! And this brings me to my next question: Do they believe in snow/sky whales? Yes. I've seen stranger things. Besides, Hjaldir saw some. he even hunted some, but they're extremely tricky to catch, but the meat on those things? DELICIOUS. EXQUISITE! I need to go back to High Rock and eat an entire whale right now! *she laughs, but her smile is filled with nostalgia and sadness. She misses Hjaldir and her old life a lot. She finishes her pint of mead in one big gulp.* (the author is trying to get her to stop, but she wants to answer the other magic question)
AH, how can I resist this one: If they are a magic user, what is their favorite school of magic? Do they have a natural talent for magic, or does it require diligence and study?
But here's the thing, I don't know! Magic is so amazing and it can be used in so many ways! I love to combine the schools of magic, it's really effective! But of course, nothing compares to destruction! I am a master destruction mage, and I've worked with this school of magic for as long as I remember. This is where I feel most comfortable! And one school of magic that I find really useless is restoration. *Miraak, the ultimate healer, raises an eyebrow from somewhere* I mean, I can just buy the potions! I have no need for it, really!
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osifrau · 4 months ago
this is So Good omg ok
So about Daro'Zaste / Quartz Eye of the King, who's the most recent creation and the most fleshed out one! :)) Zaste's my Skyrim character.
1: 'Te (or Tay) is a mage! His specialty is Destruction magic, but his goal is to become knowledgeable at *all* the different sections of the arcane arts. Not one for Restoration though. As he got older, he started preferring Illusion & Conjuration magic.
2: LOVES putting on a show. His excitement gets the best of him and he loses himself in a weird ecstatic frenzy. Usually is all over the place when casting spells; running around whatever place he's in and switching between various spells.
3: Zaste follows a traditional Khajiiti mindset of "each god has something different to offer, so worship them when it suits you." Being a traditionally raised Khajiit though, he does favor Azurah and Baan Daar (or Rajhin he doesn't really care), and doesn't fully follow any of the Imperial/Eight or Nine divines. Later on in life however, he takes a liking to Hermorah (Hermaeus Mora) due to his deep dive into various scriptures and general collections.
4: Unsure!!
5: (plz cut me some slack i've only played Skyrim and ESO) Dark Brotherhood & The Thieves Guild, not the Fighters Guild or The Mages Guild. He would (and does) however join the College of Winterhold & Dawnguard.
6: Grew up poor on his family's farm on Solstheim. Didn't really have a class for a while because he parted from society for years when he fled Helgen and dove into Blackreach. After returning to the surface though, he had enough old jewelry and small treasures to really get him onto his feet again. Gaining more money wasn't difficult due to his skills in combat and survival, so by the time he becomes Quartz Eye of the King and on, he gets pretty insanely rich. (At least i hope so let's see how the playthrough turns out T-T)
7: Yes (very gay and very violent)
8: Zaste will just keep on going and keep on fighting even if it tears him apart. The flight instinct is non existent in this man and if there's even a minuscule chance that he could get out alive, he absolutely will fight until he dies and will do borderline anything to ensure that he kills his enemy. This dude does not stop with literally anything. Older 'Te though really calms down, although he still teaches others to do what he does, so it never leaves him.
9: He's missing an eye. Was just born like that and his family was loving and protective of him. He's probably got a slew of mental things too, plus 'Tay never learned how to properly patch up wounds so he's got some bad ones that healed weirdly so he has difficulty with his hands occasionally. Has had a real bad tremor from repeated nerve damage since his Reaver days back on Solstheim.
10: I mean he is the player so i guess there are just numerous behaviors and details that have influenced him while playing Skyrim. Other things include love of books and libraries, wanting to collect and organize literally everything into perfect little sections and displays. Another big thing is sexuality but most of my player characters are usually gay (m4m) or bi with a larger preference for men.
11: Yes! He's a Khajiit that abides by traditional honorifics. So the evolution goes from Zaste-Ma (childhood) -> Ja'Zaste (Reaver to Helgen) -> Daro'Zaste* (Blackreach to a little bit before Alduin's defeat) -> Quartz Eye of the King
*Daro is the female honorific, to be so honest i forgot this and refuse to change it because it sounds good but for story things Tay just likes the way it sounds as opposed to Dar. Also weird grimy guys with female names are very cool and i enjoy them greatly
12: It lines up with a lot of the Nords opinions around Skyrim; this being that he supports the defeat of the Thalmor (which for a lot of Khajiit isn't good) and was originally going to join the Stormcloaks, but then he learned about the racism and fascism and senseless murder that Ulfric promoted and quickly turned to the Imperials. (Went w/ hadvar when escaping Helgen so that helped him be more comfortable and knowledgeable abt the Imperials.)
13: Zaste enjoys cooking! He picked up a lot of fun recipes in Blackreach* (Stuffed gleamblossoms, deep vale venison shank, deep vale spriggan smoked slayerfish, a lot of mushroom based recipes, chaurus recipes, and many more. he's probably eaten Falmer meat before). He also enjoys cultivating different plants for food and alchemy, so basically gardening. Again, one of the biggest things that he loves to do is once again collecting. Just. Anything really. Mostly sets of things like armor or jewelry, and he also enjoys making jewelry as well with the gems he finds while exploring Skyrim. As he gets a little bit older he takes to playing a lot of music and dancing in his spare time (dude loves a good party, he threw a lot once he became rich and had a big house) searching for unique decorated instruments to play and add to his collection of things.
*The mods that i use for Blackreach are DMT's Paint it Blackreach, The Blackest Reaches, and Blackreach Railroad. This adds things that might not be canon for other people, but incorporating mods into my characters stories are always fun. There are also many other mods in general that I use that add other things to the game. Zaste is far from a base game character.
14: Not anything specific (not yet anyway, i'm still fairly early in his development), though Blackreach flora is suiting for him. Things that might stick out to others to let them know that it's associated with 'Te are a mostly black object or background with glowing blue+pink marks on them.
15: Guy finds cool magic and goes crazy ig. There is probably more tropes that fit him but im not sure atm.
16: Tamrielic (Common? Cyrodyllic? English?), Ta'agra, a little bit of Dunmeris. As he gets older though and starts studying scriptures he learns Draconic (Dragon Tongue), Ancient Nordic (which might be the same as Draconic), and Dwemeris (Dwarven).
17: Zaste prefers dual wielding & the crossbow when he doesn't use magic, as he couldn't fully rely on magic during his Reaver days, and doesn't prefer staves. Usually the way to decide on whether he uses his swords or his magic is whether or not he wants to cause a huge mess or not. Tay likes lightning magic as well as his shouts, so he mostly uses it outside or in large ruins & caves. He found a Dwemer crossbow during his time in Blackreach, and has kept it ever since. His two swords are an enchanted Akaviri blade that he found in the Snow Elf refuge in Blackreach near i think Mzulft, and a scimitar that he picked up from Lucan Valerius while returning to Riverwood after exiting Blackreach. His fighting style is quick and in your face to be as disorienting as possible to the enemy.
18: I'm going to go with either chaotic good but to a pretty big extreme and emphasis on "chaotic". At his very core, he wants to help people. Deeply. He *will* do anything to help those in need, which is why he joined the Reavers in the first place: to help his family. The income he got from being a bandit was far more than selling goods at his family's stall at the Solstheim market plaza, and he gave nearly all of his gold to his family or purchased equipment himself to give to them. Anyone who asks him for support will get an enthusiastic response back. For the "chaotic" part, he does like his septims and doesn't mind taking lives to get it. He joined the Thieves Guild for the money, and joined the Dark Brotherhood to satisfy that feeling of bloodlust and un-questioned intoxicating power that he felt during his prime time in Blackreach. He misses that feeling very deeply.
19: Tay's just kind of a weird dude, but charming in a way. He looks pretty off-putting, but he's really a sweet Khajiit. A hidden talent of his is that he both dances and plays music super well :) he's always been like that, and was super excited to join the Bard's College when he went to Solitude.
20: Plants that he picked on the road, maybe a cool looking bone or stick something, soul gems, mead, some cool rings or necklaces that he found, and some pieces of paper with little notes scribbled on them.
21: With most situations between people he tries to be diplomatic and understand both sides, ex. his opinion on the Stormcloaks. 'Te's selfless, and mostly abides the law when he's actually in cities. He understands that most citizens are just people trying to get by, and so he sorta robin hoods it to only steal from those who can afford it. He doesn't really have anxiety, or if he does he does really well to calm himself down quite quickly. Lastly, Zaste is kind of a mix of both.
22: I am so deeply uneducated on other NPCs :(
23: Speed and Agility! He's a Dagi-Raht, and a pretty tall one at that + his dragonblood, making him the mighty height of 4'11" (~149 cm) while on flat feet. He's a digitigrade quadruped, so that bumps him up to around 5'3" (~160 cm). His boots are pretty thin on the bottom so they don't do much, maybe add a half inch or so. But anyway, his small size and fast nature are the things he relies on the most in many situations.
24: Zaste never thinks he's good enough. He's a perfectionist, and the thing that he puts that on the hardest is himself. It leads to him getting into situations that are incredibly threatening even to him because he feels that he needs to "prove" himself.
TES OC Interview Game!
What class do they fall under? Anything they specialize in? (ex: Mage > Illusionist) Have they changed their class over their lifetime or stayed the same?
When they cast magic, what’s their style? Are they flamboyant or reserved? Do they wave their hands around? Do they like making a show of it? Are they verbal? 
Which Aedra or Daedra do they worship/champion?
Regardless if something happened or not, which Aedra or Daedra would hate them the most, and why?
What guild would they join, regardless of their skill? (Any guild/group from any game and any timeline) Why?
What’s their social class?
Are they a fighter or a lover?
What’s their lowest/weakest skill that could be a fatal flaw? Or what’s their biggest weakness?
Do they have any handicaps or disabilities?
Does this character have anything in common with you?
Do they have any epithets? How about aliases? 
What’s their most controversial opinion(s)?
What’s their hobbies? 
Any motifs or symbolism for this character? Flowers, animals, etc.
Tropes, tropes, tropes! Do any come into mind for this character? Or do they subvert any?
Languages! How many do they speak? Are they literate?
If they can, what’s their fighting style? If they’re a mage, how do they handle being silenced or running out of magicka?
Where do they fit on the morality chart?
Do they have any quirks or hidden talents?
If you took their bag and upended it now, what would you find in it?
Are they: Diplomatic or Violent? Passive or Instigating? Selfish or Selfless? Law abiding or Lawless? Trusting or Apprehensive? Caring or Indifferent?
Ignoring time, what Elder Scrolls NPC would they get along with the most? Or the worst?
What’s their 2 main attributes? (Strength, Endurance, Speed, Agility, Personality, Intelligence, Will Power, or Luck)
What do they believe is their biggest weakness? What do you say is their biggest weakness?
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dontreadthisgamereview · 1 year ago
My Top Games of All Time List
This is my Top Games Experiences of All Time List. The rating of this is based on memories. I know some of these were in different orders on my lists for the previous years, but this list is based on how I feel about them today, which may change again in the future.
I've put a "thought" next to each. Some of these you can click on. Some of these you could play someday. I'd recommend trying any!
The Tops
Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey
My best game experience. I live in Michigan, so the waters of the Greek Isles? Like nothing I've experienced, but this game helps me imagine it. Then, place a great game in this world? Like, So Much game too? Great. Just great.
Saints Row the Third
My original experience with is what I chase in every video game I played. It was just… fun. Stupid, but exciting fun. It's wacky in story and style, you collect stuff, and you the skill tree is addicting. All about this.
Read Dead Redemption
This game impressed the heck out of me on first playthrough. It was so epic. The different biomes and acts to the game and different cities. It was not only sprawling in space, but in story and scope.
To me, this game was all about the details. In the effects, in the environment, in the lore. Also, gameplay was slick and mood was awesome.
Horizon Zero Dawn
Nothing like this story. It felt like a prestige TV series, but not a boring something to watch but an exciting thing to play.
Batman: Arkham Knight
This is my pick to represent the entire series. This is not everyone's favorite, but it really grabbed me some reason. I love the city, the shooting, the "refresh" of the action gameplay, and it was one of the first Photo Modes I played with - which blew my mind.
Far Cry 6
Not only best of the series, but best FPS-Open-World period.
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne
Thick with style, short, impactful.
Great graphics, style, and in-game storytelling.
Fallout 3
My intro to open world games. Massive game.
Duke Nukem 3D
My intro to what FPSs could do.
Doom II
My intro to FPSs.
Sonic 2
Perhaps the first full game I beat. I was really proud. Replaying enough to get this one "programed" this soundtrack into my head…
Resident Evil 4 (Gamecube)
Playing back in the day at a friends was just simply a good time.
Resident Evil Village VR
Wacky, weird, and great in VR.
Tomb Raider (1)
Sam & Max Hit The Road
Tom Clancy's The Division
One of the best open-world (modern-city) games in my opinion. This one in a quarantined New York City. No cars, so all walking on foot. The cover based shooting felt really "professional." Super slick.
Dead Rising 2: Off The Record
The benefits of the sequel tech, but also an unprecedently "redo" with a redirection to wild fun. Super great.
Watch Dogs 2
The best open-world (modern-city) games in my opinion. A solid story with great style and so much to see. Lots of great touches and unique things to the series. Far better than the original. Just try it!
The Evil Within 2
This was the only game that made me feel kind of sick in my throat from some of the horror elements. So, definitely impactful to me.
Dragon Quest Builders 2
I thought this series was great. Some parts felt too long, but that's what also gave it the feel of accomplishment after you spent so much time in a world and completed it. The best "building" game in my mind.
Ultimate Spider-man
The first of the Spider-man games that really clicked for me. This was a great experience for me at the time. I played several times. I loved the style.
Resident Evil 2 (remake)
The best remake of anything I played. Genius.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Best in this series so far. Flawed, yes, but the experience at the time was unparalleled.
It takes a lot from other games, but it does it well!
Akiba's Trip
I like the cut of this games' gib.
Marvel's Midnight Suns
By far the best of the "series" of isometric Marvel strategy games.
Star Trek: Resurgence
Best Star Trek game, and one of the best sci-fi Adventure Games I've played.
Bully: Scholarship Edition
I loved the world and how it opened up, the seasons, the stories, the "classes minigames," etc. It didn't have the "highs" of some other games, but there really weren't any "lows" in this game in my memory!
TRON 2.0
Better than the movies to me. It just made a lot of sense, and also played darn well.
Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts
The best vehicle builder game in my opinion.
Metal Gear Solid V
Other than Death Stranding, this is the only Kojima game I've played all the way through. And I’m putting this one on the list instead just because it got me just as much or more weirdness, but faster.
Tomb Raider (reboot)
This really shocked me in how "cool" a reboot could be. Many things from this game I won't forget. Best in this series in my mind.
Astro's Playroom
Slick as heck.
Luigi's Mansion 3
The only one of the series I've played, but I'm guessing the best. This is just really great.
Freedom Fighters
I've been playing recently even.
GTA San Andreas
The best one in my mind. There was nothing like the Act change where you had to go into exile. It made you do new gameplay, explore new areas, all these things in the same game.
The Crew
Some people rip on this game as not being exactly a street to street rebuild of the United States, but that would be terrible. THIS is the best version of a real coast-to-coast driving game thus far. Technically, The Crew 2 has better graphics, but that's not even a game. THIS is a game. It's not just a tech demo like the sequel.
Super Mario Odyssey
Perfect game.
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor
See our podcast episode about this: link
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2
The best LEGO game in my mind. Fully of characters and places and styles and jokes and it's completely beatable.
Zombie Army 4: Dead War
This series is wild. This is the most advanced in this series thus far.
Hitman: Absolution
The best in the series in my mind. This was the last before a reboot.
Of course.
No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way
Back in the day, this was packed full of gameplay and style.
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
Back in the day, this was slick.
Ratchet & Clank - A Rift Apart
The best of this series. Looks like a Pixar movie and plays great too.
I learned some bass using this.
Blood and Truth
The first VR game I played that was a "real game." Not to mention, unique in being a fast paced shooter.
Sniper Elite 5
I liked this entire series, so this is the most advanced version thus far.
South Park: The Fractured but Whole
This game literally surprised me in how actually funny it was. Best South Park thing, better than the show.
Sunset Overdrive
Some people rip on this one online, but I love the weird and wacky style, and the gameplay is fast and unique.
Sacred 3
A game I played long after its release, but it was just a fun and fast paced game.
The Godfather: The Game
A strange game I played on PC. Some pretty unique ideas, lol
Uncharted 2
One of the best in the series in my mind.
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
It was the best game I played that summer, when I was really lonely at my internship in Ohio.
Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance
The best of the series in my mind. I really liked how slow the story started, from your family owned business to being part of the Rebels.
Resident Evil Revelations 2
This game was a weird one, but when I played the collection of the episodes - it was a like playing a "hidden" game no one knew about. Oddly, one of my top RE games.
Guacamelee 2
One of the few "hard" games I've played all the way through. But, it was all doable!
Void Bastards
A viable rougelike. And now that I think back, a Boomer Shooter too?
Dead or Alive 4
What can I say? Good gameplay, wacky style, and the FPS on Dreamcast was wild.
Ghostwire: Tokyo
Great style. Nothing like it in an FPS.
Unique retro style game with slick, die and repeat gameplay.
The Medium
One of the few "real horror" games I've played. But it got me really engaged and I enjoyed from start to finish.
Prototype 2
Best of this series. This game is extremely playable.
Dance Central 2
I first played this series at a friend's, then I bought the whole setup. I don't know where my Kinect got to…
Shovel Knight
This one really surprised me. I hadn't played a lot of "hard" games like this one, but it played SO well.
Fallout 2
I played a lot.
A good one in the series. Story is all out of whack, but allows for a great game "world."
Titan Quest
I never did the Diablo thing, but this one grabbed me for some reason. I played through several times.
Alien: Isolation
Superb style and pacing.
Alien Shooter: Vengeance
I played back on PC in the old days. I really never played anything like it before, or since.
Crackdown 3
I liked the series, and this one is the most polished.
da blob 2
I don't think about often, but I remember fondly.
Dishonored 2
The best of the series for me. Like the original, but amped up.
Star Wars: Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight
The best star Wars game I played for a long time. A great mix of the FPS, the lightsaber, characters, and even FMV stuff!
Star Wars: Tie Fighter
I still remember flying with Vader, and really hoping he would approve of me.
Trover Saves the Universe
A groundbreaking VR game, but also game. It was subversive to what a game "should be" like. This game usually goes left when it's supposed to go right.
The Talos Principle: Deluxe Edition
One of the few puzzle games I completed. The style and world was trippy/cool.
Dragon Age: Inquisition
The best of the series in my memory.
Dying Light
Not a lot from this games sister series grabbed me really, but this one did. I felt like it just all came together "right."
Freedom Force
One of the first games with a deep style I played. Then I found out who John Kirby was later.
Hitman (1)
I had some good memories with this one.
The Witcher 3
Sackboy Adventures
The only Playstation platformer that rivals Nintendo ones.
Assassin's Creed Syndicate
I loved the style on this one. I think I near 100%'d it.
Mirror's Edge Catalyst
I liked the original, and this one made it playable. No other gameplay like it that I know of.
Portal 2
The original is slick, but this one is a full game.
Red Faction: Armageddon
In this game, you really can destroy everything in it. Even walkways you need to continue on. Thus, they have a "nanotech" tool to rebuild stuff. It's the only way a game can really let you destroy everything in the space.
Remember Me
A unique sci-fi game with super cool ideas. Great style too.
Life is Strange
I never got much into sequels or other "emo" games, but this one hit me at the right time. Love the soundtrack.
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas: 2
I played this one way back. Best of the series in my memory.
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
The best of the series for me. It uses the top tech, and it's short.
Titanfall 2
Best pilot/mech gameplay I've had.
Outlast II
Some scary memories from this one. Very dark, as in almost no light in some scenes. It's an experience.
Steam World Dig 2
All these Steam World games are quality, but this one grabbed me and was easy and short enough to finish.
Detroit: Become Human
This game seems to be made fun of by a lot of people online, but I started, was engaged, and finished. The best David Cage game I've played.
Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown
The only fighter jet game I've ever started and finished. So, in my mind, the best one.
Wolfenstein: Youngblood
Gameplay wise, my favorite of the new series.
Cat Quest
A unique hack and slash game where you mostly play on the "map" screen. Good sense of humor and fun.
Journey to the Savage Planet
FPS Roguelike with a great sense of humor.
Honorable Mentions
Mass Effect 2
Best in the series.
The Saboteur
One of the first games I felt like I wanted to "get everything on the map."
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
The entire series was interesting, but this was the best playing for me.
Dead Space 2
The better of the two
Monkey Island 3: The Curse of Monkey Island
Encapsulates a certain sense of humor. Made me wish for warm climates.
Majin and the Forbidden Kingdom
Interesting puzzle game.
The first half was solid.
50 Cent: Blood on the Sand
Actually… a good Cover-Based-Shooter for the time.
Alice: The Madness Returns
Took the idea of the original, but made it look and play good!
Shadow Complex
A PS Now discovery. Quite fun.
Slayers X
A perfect homage.
Amped 3
I remember using my digital camera to take some videos of my screen of replays of my best runs.
SSX (reboot)
Introduced me to some great music.
You can't deny the style, but I never got into the gameplay.
Beyond Good & Evil
Could have been greater, if they were only a bit more focused.
Binary Domain
Uniquely experimental. I enjoyed playing with friends.
Nights of Azure
Unapologetically alternative
Black & White
Interesting attempt, if nothing else.
James Bond 007: Blood Stone
I didn't like this series of the movies, but I liked this.
Captain America: Super Soldier
At the time, this was alright.
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
Not many of these grabbed me, but this one did perfectly.
The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay
Had a lot of fun sci fi ideas. A good looking game for it's time.
Okay. It looked good. It had topless women in it on PS3.
Condemned: Criminal Origins
Dark game with mix of investigation and grimy violence.
Dark Void
The best "jet pack" game I've played. Activating it indoors had a 90% chance to kill you, just like you'd expect!
Dante's Inferno
The goth, metal, emo, dark, in your face style was unique and not really done to this extent again. It went all in on style, with only tolerable gameplay.
The Darkness II
I was considering putting the first one on here because of its innovations, but this one was better to play.
One of the most humor based games I've played. And gameplay is o.k.
Great sense of humor and style. Better than all the sequels in my mind.
Far Cry 2
I just remember having to keep getting these very hard to find malaria pills to stay alive. Not many games have your character just die if they can't find an actually tough to find item.
Felt like an indie comic somehow. Odd style.
Early "open world" stuff.
Tearaway: Unfolded
Full of gimmicks and weirdness. Hard to forget some of the strange things they tried.
Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes
Simple and unique gameplay. Would make a good, modern mobile app.
Lollipop Chainsaw
Trash. But, like, as in "Trash Cinema." As in, good.
Lost Planet 3
I'll never forget the feeling of being a lone contractor on this hostile ice planet. It was one of the first games with a "vibe" I remember
Metro Exodus
I always wanted to like this series, and the is the one that allowed me
Murdered Soul Suspect
Never seen an adventure game with this kind of plot before, or since
Very unique, experimental gameplay. No one did this control scheme again, but it was a unique idea for the time.
Great sense of humor and unique (gameplay)
Soul Reaver: Legacy of Kain
I remember trying to wrap my head around the plot/mechanics of this. Both might have been beyond me at the time
Splatterhouse (PS3)
Tough to play now, but parts were striking upon release
Gal*Gun 2
Nothing like it (except for Gal Gun 1)
School Girl Zombie Hunter
Very unique
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jasper-pagan-witch · 2 years ago
No One Asked For It But I'm Doing It Anyway: A Pop Culture Magic/Paganism Server By Jasper
That's right folks, I bit the bullet and decided to design my own pop culture magic and paganism server from the ground up. It's still in the building phase, but I figured I'd let y'all know now that it's coming.
Features include:
PluralKit for systems!
A very lowkey approach and pretty subtle detailing, for the most part, to make it closet-mage/pagan-friendly!
Open to minors! Just don't tell us your age - in fact, maintain as much privacy as possible, regardless of your age! All we really wanna know is what to call you! Make up a new name! Try out pronouns!
A deeply unhinged server owner (me!) and a pretty good mod and admin team!
Skyrim memes as one of the first things you see in the server!
Forum channels because I can't be arsed to make new channels for every piece of media in existence!
My weird friends - who can be your weird friends too!
A verification system that forces you to look the Skyrim memes in the eye!
Please send me an ask or a DM for the invite link, as Discord has now locked invite links to last 30 days or less.
And, uh...needless to say, Harry Potter folks, this ain't the place for you. We love our trans friends, Jewish friends, friends of color, and autistic friends a lot more than your "nostalgia" and JK Rowling's entire list of being terrible. Yes, this includes the blood libel game.
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t00thpasteface · 3 years ago
for skyrim’s 10th anniversary, i figured it would be fitting to celebrate the life and times of my first-ever dovahkiin, Minnie the Moocher: dragon slayer, shiny object stealer, and-- after she ran out of worlds to conquer-- irresponsible wine drinker. of course, there was no better way to honor her than by drawing an animatic set to the song she’s named after! 
this whole project took about a month from storyboard to export (including a LOT of off-days), and it features over 50 separate drawings. i had a blast every step of the way and i’m so super proud to share it with all a’ y’all!
as much as i like to dunk on skyrim for whatever reason, this game has really come to mean a lot to me over this past decade-- and so has the community that’s surrounded it for all this time, from memey lets-plays to gorgeous fanart to all the weird nightblogging and shitposting the tes fandom gets up to. i’m happy to say i’m satisfied with this animatic as a loving tribute to all that and more. 
to all the skyrim players out there, i just have one last thing to say-- yes, i DO get to the cloud district. very often, in fact!!
anyway, enough sentimentalism. enjoy the video! love y’all 👋💕
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sarsaparillia · 3 years ago
you know what? fuck it. i’m gonna talk about this game because i love it and i want other people to give it a chance and hey maybe if other people give it a chance i will no longer have accidentally contributed quite literally thirty percent of the fandom’s fanfiction lmao
kingdoms of amalur is what dragon age inquisition wishes it was. there. i said it. it’s out there in the world, now, and you can fight me about it
here we go, friends:
everything that DAI does well? amalur does it better, with the sole exception of romance, because amalur is not about romance unless u count alyn shir whomst i love so much but honestly u cannot date her the way she DESERVES to be dated WHATEVER
but the thing is that amalur does not HAVE to be about romance. amalur is about hitting monsters very hard with a wildly fantastic array of weapons. amalur is about fate and choice and also, again, absolutely shredding shit into pieces. amalur is about treasure hunting and wars and sticking your nose into everyone else’s business in a way that i have only ever seen one (1) champion of kirkwall pull off in a way that works.
amalur has the best fucking take on Truly Weird Immortals that i’ve ever seen
like, listen, i cannot talk enough about how ABSOLUTELY BONKERS the fae are in this game. these writers REALLY LEANED IN to what a culture of creepy nature fuckers who do not die so much as regenerate would look like. interacting with the fae is fucking UNCOMFORTABLE in a lot of instances, because of how ABSOLUTELY GODDAMN ALIEN they are. amalur’s fae put literally every other immortal race in every other video i’ve ever played to fucking shame!!!!! i LOVE it!!!
yes, the human/elf NPC models can be a little weird-looking; they’re ugly in a way that real people are ugly, which i like, actually, but not everyone is like me. but honestly, it’s the backgrounds in this game that make it. it’s like walking through every single fairy dream you had as a child come to life. you want red-earth deserts? detyre. you want ancient forests with trees so wide they make you feel like an ant? dalentarth. you want a rotting jungle on the ocean? klurikon. you want greece? there’s DLC for that, and also a bunch of god-chosen stone giants who spout greek poetry. there’s a whole island of undead pirates. there’s the plains of erathell, which are still recovering from a magical fairy war a thousand years ago called the godstorm. there’s alabastra, cold and beautiful and burned to pieces, ripped to jagged parts by the people who ought to have loved it best. there is GRIEF, because this is a war-torn country where things used to be stunning. like, man, what i would not GIVE to see alabastra in its prime, just fucking LOOK at this shit:
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and that doesn’t even begin to get into the fact that this game, playing as a woman, is.... gay. it’s gay, y’all!!! it’s so gay that i don’t always know how to handle it!!!
and like sure, that’s because it was definitely coded with a male-player-character in mind, but they just... never removed those lines, playing as a woman? so you wander around and you get hit on constantly, and given that i am personally gay as all hell, this delights me. but the inverse of this is that the one male character who DOES hit on you also hits on you as a dude. i love grim onwig, that’s all there is to it.
it’s a loneliner game, in some ways-- more like skyrim. you run around, you buy or are given houses, you die a bunch of times to the FUCKING ettins in ettinmere, god i hate those fucking ettins, two-headed giant blue bastards who definitely kill and eat you. they are so rude. you fall DEEPLY in love with adessa and wish you could play as a gnome; ysa is the most incredible city in the game, i’ve truly never seen anything like it.
and yeah, in some ways, it falls prey to exactly all of the problems early aughts’ RPG’s did. it can be repetitive, a lot of fetch-quests, a lot of “mother of god, THIS AGAIN”
and yet. AND YET.
i’ve poured four hundred hours into this game, and every single time i start a new play, i find quests and stories that i somehow managed to miss the other times i’ve played it. the NPCs all have very distinct personalities, which is a goddamn feat, given how many of them there are. pick any single character with speaking lines, and they’ll be distinct unto themselves. and i mean that-- even the random characters in taverns, every single shopkeep, anyone and everyone you speak to, all of them. they say things and you go “hold on what the FUCK”, even when there’s no quest behind them. the depth of worldbuilding that went into this game is INSANE; these writers really, really loved what they were creating, and that shines through in every single moment you play
please give it a chance. it’s really, really worth it. i leave you with the empty court of the winter king, because the first time i stepped into it, it felt like coming home.
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cosmermaid · 3 years ago
I’m having some thoughts about Serana from Skyrim and how it strikes me as really weird how salty everyone is that she won’t marry the player without mods.
Mainly because Serana’s entire characterization just screams “I’m still a teenager.” She’s supposed to be older than the Dovahkiin technically, but IDK how true that is if you play an elf. Regardless, that’s not the point.
Serana’s whole character arc is about her relationship with her parents, and finally acting beyond their whims for once. Her father set her up to be sexually assaulted by a daedric prince when she was younger, turning her into a Daughter of Coldharbor vampire, and then her mother put her to sleep for a thousand years or so and then just dipped. Most of the major things that happen to Serana haven’t been her choice. By the time you meet her, she’s still under one of her parents’ thumbs.
And then because she finally wants to stand up to and stop her father, she puts herself under the player’s. She follows along with what the Dovahkiin decides to do, whether they overthrow Harkon with the dawnguard or as a vampire. If the dovahkiin puts it on hold to go do other quests, Serana follows. And yes, she even considers the dovahkiin a friend and continues to travel with them when all of this is over.
But at no point in the game is Serana given a period of self discovery, figuring out who she is without anybody else’s influence or authority. She is not mature enough for marriage. And she knows it.
And the unfortunate attitude of a lot of gamers is “I helped her! She should LOVE me!” Serana will follow you and help you back with anything else you decide to do in the game. But like, that whole attitude is just dripping with “if I do something nice for a woman, they owe me their love/sex/a relationship” and really needs to be checked.
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Skyrim oc asks, turned into a tag game, because I felt like doing one of these. Sorry if these are terrible, it's the first time I'm doing this.
1. What's your oc's favourite tavern?
Surprisingly, it's the Bee and Barb for Ravonna. Yes, The Retching Netch reminds her a bit of Morrowind and childhood, but the Riften tavern has a special place in her heart. So many memories, songs, a fake wedding, Talen-Jei's special drinks, trying to rob Brynjolf, brawling with racist Stormcloaks... all of that happened in that small tavern. Also it was the first tavern in Skyrim where she sang!
Also, Frostveil Mead Hall (it's a mod, I believe it's the one that restores Winterhold) is pretty much what she considers the perfect tavern. The design is amazing and the fact that it is a warm tavern in a very cold place just makes it so cozy! That's where all the College of Winderhold folks go to drink and party in my headcannon.
2. What about their favourite beverage?
Nord mead. Sometimes simplicity is good, you know? And water is greatly appreciated on long adventures.
3. Who do they travel with?
Lucien Flavius, Inigo, Rumarin, Marcurio -> this is the main fellowship, but later on, Teldryn and Miraak join in, Miraak hasn't stolen anything in his life, but he ends up stealing her heart. I'm also thinking of adding Lydia. A sarcastic tank of a woman fighting in heavy armor with a two handed axe among mages (except for Inigo who uses his bow and Teldryn, who is a spellsword) would be so funny, but having so many characters at the same time is tricky to write...
4. Are they wealthy? How do they make money?
Is she wealthy? Depends of the time of the week. After a good Nordic Ruin raid or a treasure hunt, she's very rich. However, the money is as easily spent as it is earned. Cool new robes, a very fancy dinner, booze and lots of potions, these are the things that she spends money on. Also, if she finds people willing to listen to her tales and songs in a tavern she'll just "next round's on me" the whole night and wonder why she has no money left the next morning.
However, after she finds a place to live (more like a place to dump the stuff she doesn't need) and begins depositing some of the money there, she slowly but surely gathers a fortune.
5. Do they worship any aedra or daedra?
She does worship Julianos, and occasionally prays to him for magic guidance. She's also the champion of Sanguine and Meridia, but she doesn't worship them. But every now and then, these two daedra smile upon her, after she slaughters dozens of undead or gets drunk with her friends.
6. What is their biggest fear?
Losing her close ones. And ever since she found out that she's the Last Dragonborn, she fears failing her profecy and dooming the world.
Also scribs. She hates those.
7. Any pet peeves?
Anyone who is in charge of cooking and doesn't wash their hands beforehand will feel her wrath. And people who are unnecessarily rude.
8. Do they like being dragonborn? Or do they see it as a burden?
It's a weird one for her. She loves feeling powerful. She feels as if she can protect everyone, but the weight of saving the world is very heavy on her shoulders. But being the Dragonborn is... exciting! Song-worthy! And so, so confusing.
9. Favourite Skyrim faction?
She's not a member of any faction, but has spent some time in the College of Winterhold and absolutely loved it.
She will, however, never hesitate to talk shit about the Companions because of one (1) bad first meeting with them. She's very vengeful and if you upset her, well, good riddance. She wants to punch the life out of Vilkas. Will they have a drunken reconciliation? Will they kill each other on Ravonna's next trip to Whiterun? We'll see. (This actually happened in my game when I was playing with her. When she tried to help the Companions fight the giant, I must have misclicked and hit one of them, and then they all squared up on her :/ )
10. Any object they carry with high sentimental value?
Her amulet of Julianos she received from her adoptive dad after she cast her first spell. Lucien's resonant sphere that he gives her so that they would always find each other.
11. What about hobbies?
The plan was becoming a bard and travelling the world, so she loves music very much. She can play almost every instrument, she loves writing songs and singing sea shanties the most! (It also helps that she was trained by a bard who was an ex-pirate). She also enjoys brewing a lot! She knows lots of mead and wine recipes that she's learnt growing up in a tavern in Blacklight.
12. Favourite Skyrim city?
She loves Winterhold because she has fond memories from the time she spent there, helping the College, solving mysteries, getting drunk and making new friends, treasure hunting, and, weirdly, the Miraak cultists attacking her (hey, if they never attacked, she would have never met him).
She also loves Dawnstar for the docks full of sailors that are thirsty for mead and sharing stories. She loves hearing the seagulls (it's a mod, but it makes sense!) And feeling the smell of freshly baked goods in the cold air.
If she were to settle down at some point, she'd consider one of these cities. It seems that she likes the cold. She's a nord, after all.
I'll tag @bougainvillea-and-saltwater @kiir-do-faal-rahhe @ghostfacedbat @bread-tes @mamma-dragon if you want to, of course. Feel free to ignore this if you don't feel like doing it.
Anyone else who sees this and wants to do it, just say I tagged you! 💖
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otvlanga · 3 years ago
Any hc for Neloth as team player? Say he ends up in a group while investigating a dungeon w/ formidable enemies. Is he willing to give support? Or sticks to traditional Telvanni survival of the fittest? Can picture him casually spam AOE attacks not caring who gets hit, kiting enemies around while waiting on his magicka to refill between casts lol. Maybe it's different if he knows the party members? Does he provide covering fire for Meallana? WILL HE PROTECC TALVAS? :O
svsgvshgvs I love this question I love it. I dont get too many asks like this. Forgive me, for my response is a long MESS and probably out of character in so many ways but it’s okay, because this is Tumblr. This is Skyrim Tumblr and we don’t like Todd’s canon.
First and foremost, I don’t see him as someone who would really willingly throw himself in a situation where he needs to be a team-player unless he direly needed the help, or if it benefited him (like when he needed the LDB to help him retrieve the black book, for example.) He’d much rather handle shit on his own so he has total freedom to handle things as he pleases. 
In the event that it does happen, I can’t see him having a large group of people following him. In his mind, it would only be a burden for him. (Meallana’s the opposite, she drags her little posse of goons all over Skyrim like a travelling circus)
His problem in this situation is that he’s impatient, uncooperative, and stubborn. He always wants to do what he thinks is best, regardless of his level of expertise in the particular environment, and would get frustrated easily when others oppose him or try to take charge. While he may be perfectly happy lingering off to the side and letting others take the brunt of the damage for him, his domineering perfectionist attitude would ultimately push him to take the reigns around people who’s abilities he’s unfamiliar with/doesn’t trust. He’s reckless with his magic and expects them to get the fuck out of his way, only really doing the bare minimum to keep them alive. He’s likely to get fed up and abandon teammates if they take too long to follow an order, or propose a different route of action that he disagrees with. 
When he does need to go out and do shit with Talvas, I feel like he definitely does take total charge over the situation, covering Talvas’s ass and warding off enemies for him -- mostly because having to deal with Talvas getting killed would be so inconvenient and annoying for him, that he would rather just expend a little extra energy keeping him safe. He also doesn’t really trust Talvas and has so little faith in him, that it would be laughable to him to think that Talvas would ever be able to handle shit on his own. (poor guy :c) It also probably gives him some sort of satisfaction to re-affirm his power over Talvas by establishing his own magical prowess and to subtly belittle him by not giving him a chance. (After a while when Talvas finally learns to stand up to Neloth, this definitely changes)
Does he also keep Talvas safe because deep deep down he does care for him a tiny bit? Yes, of course. No, he’ll never admit that, and probably doesn’t even consciously address that part. He lets Talvas do the shit he thinks he himself is too good for, like clearing out spider nests, and going into crawlspaces to dismantle traps, and carrying all their shit. Probably lets Talvas get thrown around a bit by some bad guys if he’s being particularly annoying that day. He kind of uses Talvas as an atronach farm and basically tells him to stay out of his way while he’s handling business, and that if he doesn’t listen and gets hurt, he wont help him. 
Meallana is a really bossy person and thrives off of being in authority but she can surrender a lot of the rigidness when she knows she can trust her team-mates to like, not die. Her and Neloth are both incredibly powerful forces to be reckoned with (1000+ year old Telvanni master with Azura knows what up his sneaky sleeve, and Arch-mage Dragonborn with an electric glowstick of death and shouty powers, hello) and have 0 worries about the other severely messing things up or dying. They don’t fret about each other too much in combat, but they do stay keenly aware of each other because neither would want to get caught in their own crossfire -- it wouldn’t be pretty. (Teamwork is only really easy for them in combat, to be honest. She tolerates him bossing her around because she knows he’s always 5 steps ahead of everyone and way more experienced in magic than her.)
Meallana’s vision in her left eye is messed up from where her scar runs over her eye, so Neloth will usually linger off to that side when they’re in combat. He’d definitely stay off in the back and let her handle most of the up-close combat, opting to use long range spells instead. She’s the one with fancy armor and weapons after-all, she tanks hits for him while he covers her ass. If one of them gets badly hurt, the other blames it on them being stupid, and a lot of complaining ensues. They’ll heal each other if the other can’t for whatever reason, but they’re both definitely the type to do a shitty job on purpose out of sheer pettiness. 
They would honestly probably split up and wander around when they don’t need each other, and do their own thing when they aren’t both geeking out over some weird artifact they found inside a corpse. They butt heads a lot but I feel like dungeon diving is a good onec-in-a-while bonding activity for them. Meallana hates being stuck with one combat style though and probably occasionally drags one of her other companions along, much to Neloth’s annoyance. 
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