#Skip Skip Ben Ben 斑斑
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Lovely tune that eventually erupts with a latin feel, and an adorable MV (especially if you like cats!). =D
This on the brand new True Colors 素顏的樣子 album from Yile Lin 林以樂 (formerly Skip Skip Ben Ben 斑斑 aka BenBen 斑斑)
Words & Melody: 林以樂 YILE LIN Producers: Elisa Lin 林依霖/五月天瑪莎 Mayday Masa Music Arrangement: 林以樂 YILE LIN/林依霖 Elisa Lin/黃煜傑 Jack Huang/李達文 George Lee/凌元耕 Ernest Ling Vocal & Acoustic Guitars: 林以樂 YILE LIN Piano: 黃煜傑 Jack Huang Bass: 林依霖 Elisa Lin Drums: 李達文 George Lee Percussion: Cody Byassee (白克迪) Cello: 凌元耕 Ernest Ling (fr. 我是機車少女i'mdifficult) Horn Arrangement: 林依霖 Elisa Lin Tenor /Baritone Sax: 段承洋 Clooney Tuan Trumpet/ Flugelhorn: Daniel Deysher 丹尼 Trombone: 王翊丞 Wang Yih Cheng
Full a/v credits and lyrics back at YT.
Links: 林以樂 Yile Lin YouTube, 林以樂 Spotify, Instagram, 林以樂 SoundCloud, 雀斑樂團 Freckles
#Yile Lin 林以樂#Skip Skip Ben Ben ��斑#BenBen 斑斑#林依霖 Elisa Lin#李達文 George Lee#Cody Byassee (白克迪)#黃煜傑 Jack Huang#凌元耕 Ernest Ling#五月天瑪莎 Mayday Masa#Daniel Deysher#王翊丞 Wang Yih Cheng#段承洋 Clooney Tuan#taiwan#music video#Youtube
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2/22 i-dep【BIG ROMANTIC JAZZ FESTIVAL 2020】 今週末となりました i-depは、16:15 - 17:00 @青山CAY に出演します よろしくお願いします! https://www.bigromanticjazz.com BIG ROMANTIC JAZZ FESTIVALは、青山・表参道エリアの5会場を使った、行き来自由のサーキットフェスティバルです。ライブレストランとして歴史あるCAYと南青山MANDALA、話題のライブハウスWALL&WALL、そして満月輝く月見ル君想フに加え、屋内能楽堂、銕仙会を会場として使用、ワクワクする音楽体験を演出する。27組のライブ演奏以外にも、会場装飾やコラボレーションによる演出など、盛りだくさん。また当日配布予定のオリジナルマップを片手に、会場を行き来しながら、街に出会い、隠れた魅力を再発見しよう。 【BIG ROMANTIC JAZZ FESTIVAL 2020 概要】 2020年2月22日開催 会場:CAY WALL&WALL 銕仙会 #南青山MANDALA #月見ル君想フ 本部:COMMUNE(受付・リストバンド交換) 時間:リストバンド交換10:30〜 早割チケット:¥6,000 (ドリンク代別途) SOLD OUT 前売チケット:¥7,000 (ドリンク代別途) 前売りチケット 購入リンク e+ https://eplus.jp/sf/word/0000137826 live pocket https://t.livepocket.jp/e/isnzj peatix http://ptix.at/UGTPSx 月見ル君想フ店頭でも販売 【出演アーティスト】 #山下洋輔 #Chara + #Kan Sano YAKUSHIMA TREASURE( #水曜日のカンパネラ × #オオルタイチ ) #SunRai (Rai Thistlethwayte) (AUS) #starsandrabbit (IDN) #TheSteveMcQueens (SGP) #林以樂(雀斑 / SKIP SKIP BEN BEN)(TWN) #PowerMilk (CHN) MKS (KOR) KanSano #ものんくる #idep #あっぱ #臼井ミトン #F.I.BJOURNAL #YOSSYLITTLENOISEWEAVER #YaseiCollective #CRCK/LCKS #showmore #Saigenji #BimBomBam楽団 #MIDORINOMARU #NaoKawamura #別所和洋 #高井息吹 #空間現代 #FontanaFolle (計27組) #bigromanticjazzfestival (Restaurant Bar CAY) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8wHSLrDi45/?igshid=1eabjvi1slo78
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「第3弾発表宣伝大タイトル」令和2年2月22日開催、月見ル君想フ主催フェス出演者最終発表で、showmore、CRCK/LCKS、Sam Gendel、The Steve McQueens等、海外アーティスト4組を含む11組を追加発表!全28組の出演者が出揃う。 「BIG ROMANTIC JAZZ FESTIVAL 2020宣伝文言」2月22日に月見ル君想フ主催による青山・表参道エリアで初めて開催されるサーキットフェス「BIG ROMANTIC JAZZ FESTIVAL 2020」に、山下洋輔、Chara+Kan Sanoのスペシャルセット、水曜日のカンパネラとオオルタイチによるYAKUSHIMA TREASURE、さらにSam Gendel、The Steve McQueensを始め世界7カ国よりアーティストが集結!5会場を自由に行き来して、街を楽しむフェスティバルが誕生! BIG ROMANTIC JAZZ FESTIVALは、青山・表参道エリアの5会場を使った、行き来自由のサーキットフェスティバルです。ライブレストランとして歴史あるCAYと南青山MANDALA、夜はCLUBのVENTにもなる話題のライブハウスWALL&WALL、そして満月輝く月見ル君想フに加え、屋内能楽堂、銕仙会を会場として使用、ワクワクする音楽体験を演出する。28組のライブ演奏以外にも、会場装飾やコラボレーションによる演出など、盛りだくさん。また当日配布予定のオリジナルマップを片手に、会場を行き来しながら、街に出会い、隠れた魅力を再発見しよう。 【BIG ROMANTIC JAZZ FESTIVAL 2020 概要】
早割チケット:¥6,000 (ドリンク代別途) SOLD OUT
前売チケット:¥7,000 (ドリンク代別途)
前売りチケット 10/1〜 e+,Peatix,Live Pocketにて発売中!
オフィシャルホームページ https://www.bigromanticjazz.com/ 【出演アーティスト】山下洋輔 Chara + Kan Sano YAKUSHIMA TREASURE(水曜日のカンパネラ×オオルタイチ) Sun Rai (Rai Thistlethwayte) (AUS)Sam Gendel (USA) Stars and Rabbit (IDN) The Steve McQueens (SGP) 林 以樂(雀斑 / SKIP SKIP BEN BEN)(TWN) Power Milk (CHN)MKS (KOR) Kan Sano ものんくる i-dep あっぱ 臼井ミトン F.I.B JOURNALYOSSY LITTLE NOISE WEAVER Yasei Collective CRCK/LCKS showmore Saigenji Bim Bom Bam楽団 MIDORINOMARU Nao Kawamura 別所和洋 高井息吹 空間現代 Fontana Folle 計28組
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斑斑 (skip skip ben ben )x 洪申豪(透明雜誌) - 少女
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雀斑frecklesのVo. Skip Skip Ben Ben こと林以樂が本名でのソロプロジェクト開始してたとは
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New single from 林以樂 Lin Yiloh, and she sounds great in this electro-soul style. =D She’s doing most of this herself, and Elisa Lin 林依霖 is doing the mixes at 當道音樂 Downtown Music. Elisa has also worked on both Freckles albums. Full credits at YT and bandcamp.
Let’s try to keep all of this straight, LOL:
Skip Skip Ben Ben 斑斑 is her lo-fi rock identity.
BenBen Lin 斑斑 is how we know her as singer/keyboardist from the indie pop band Freckles 雀斑
‘Anyones There’ is her branding on some social media sites
More BenBen links:
林以樂 (リン·イーラー) (Twitter): Very active, frequent show announcements
林以樂リン·イーラー YouTube: She opened up this site last year.
林以樂 (リン·イーラー) Bandcamp: Has all of her 2019 releases, plus the new one up above!
林以樂 SoundCloud
#林以樂リン・イーラー#林以樂 Lin Yiloh#BenBen Lin 斑斑#Skip Skip Ben Ben 斑斑#Freckles 雀斑#Anyones There#taiwan#Elisa Lin 林依霖#當道音樂 Downtown Music#music video
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林以樂 Lin Yiloh aka BenBen 斑斑 posted a gentle bossa nova tune, you may recognize this from the version Waa Wei 魏如萱 included on her 2019 album, 藏著並不等於遺忘 Hidden, Not Forgotten. (See our post HERE)
She recorded this in Japan back in February, with help from guitarist 高木大丈夫 Daisuke Takagi. Very casual and sweet for our listening pleasure! =D
More Ben Ben links: Skip Skip Ben Ben 斑斑, (林以樂 (リン·イーラー) (twitter), 林以樂リン·イーラー YouTube, 林以樂 SoundCloud, 林以樂 (リン·イーラー) Bandcamp. 雀斑樂團 Freckles
Waa’s version is more elaborate, and quite elegant, actually:
Full credits at YT!
#BenBen Lin 斑斑#Skip Skip Ben Ben 斑斑#林以樂 Lin Yiloh#高木大丈夫 Daisuke Takagi#Waa Wei Ruxuan 魏如萱#taiwan#music video#japan
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Throwback to the 70s to start Saturday. =D
Skip Skip Ben Ben 斑斑 posted this on her 林以樂 (twitter) yesterday, it’s very cool!
黄凤凤 Huang Feng Feng.
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Outstanding new single from 林以樂 Yile Lin (aka 斑斑 BenBen) =D
Written by Yile Lin
Arranged by Yile Lin, Mandark (梁丹郡), HLK
Produced by 韓立康 HLK
Credits on screen at the end of the MV. (Full musician credits at 5:21, all are familiar names to FYCI!)
Links: 林以樂 Spotify, Skip Skip Ben Ben Instagram, 林以樂 SoundCloud, 林以樂リン·イーラー YouTube, 林以樂 (リン·イーラー) (twitter), 林以樂 (リン·イーラー) Bandcamp, 牡蠣造音 mulii (YouTube), 雀斑樂團 Freckles
#林以樂 Yile Lin (aka 斑斑 BenBen)#Skip Skip Ben Ben#韓立康 Likang Han#Mandark Ravel (梁丹郡) (Mandark Liang)#taiwan#牡蠣造音 mulii#music video
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Since we just mentioned her in the previous post, I see that BenBen (林以樂 Yile Lin) recently put together a playlist of songs she has sung from her various solo, band, and collaboration efforts. (Includes Skip Skip Ben Ben, 林以樂 Yile Lin, Boyz & Girl, 雀斑樂團 Freckles)
I should note that some of these releases are greyed-out (unplayable) for me in the US. Also, 雀斑樂團 Freckles are found under Freckle on Spotify.
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So good to hear new music from these peeps! This is The Shine & Shine & Shine & Shine 閃閃閃閃, and it’s the song “兒時舞 25″ from the new album, Shiori. =D
This tune is an upbeat rocker, and it seems like a reply to their 2009 song “一瞬之光” (From the 1st album Meet Me When You Are 25.
Music/Lyrics: 葛亭筠 Ko Ting-Yun (there’s a post on IG saying she wrote the song back in 2015, before the band first broke up. I’m glad they brought it back!) Arrangement: 閃閃閃閃 Producer: 閃閃閃閃 Vocal Producer: Yile Lin 林以樂 (aka Skip Skip Ben Ben 斑斑), 鄭平
Full a/v credits backi at YT.
葛亭筠 Ko Ting-Yun-Voc/Keys (also in 傷心欲絕 wayne's so sad, ex-向量單車 Vector the Bike)
阮莉惠 MiMi Ruan-Gtr (ex-熱寫生 heat sketch, ex-Super Tortoise 超級龜, ex-The Tic Tac, ex-向量單車 Vector the Bike)
肚皮 Dupi 杜秉鴻-Drums (also in Wonfu 旺福)
OmOi 張憶文-Bass (also in P!SCO, GOTA)
Links: New YouTube, Instagram, Spotify, Bandcamp, The Shine & Shine & Shine & Shine - Topic (YT)
The song I referred to above -- I’ve posted this several times, but it’s a classic TW indie song (lyrics back at YT):
#The Shine & Shine & Shine & Shine 閃閃閃閃#葛亭筠 Ko Ting-Yun#阮莉惠 MiMi Ruan#肚皮 Dupi 杜秉鴻#鄭平#OmOi 張憶文#taiwan#music video
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New music on the way! =D
林以樂 Yile Lin announced a new solo single coming Friday. And she changed her artist name. Again. XD 林以樂 (リン·イーラー) (twitter), Skip Skip Ben Ben 斑斑, BenBen 斑斑 Lin, and don’t forget her long-time band 雀斑樂團 Freckles
旅人 Pilots In The Sky And On The Sea have been posting lots of short clips from the studio to Instagram and fb. (If you follow them on IG, you can see the video stories before they disappear). It has been a long, hard slog to complete the album project, but they are still having fun as a band, which is so, so important! In the video still, you see singer/synth player Maggie Wang tweaking a sound.
大象體操 Elephant Gym are a relentless bunch, eh? This is a still of KT 張凱婷 recording, posted to Instagram earlier today.
And I have mentioned in the past that it’s a rule of FYCI that I don’t mention Pilots without posting a song -- here is Still Water, recorded at SOUND Live House in Taichung last June. 一起追星去 Party Star channel just posted the whole set a couple of weeks ago. The a/v is a bit murky:
Still Water is a song from their 2014 Half-naked journey EP, go listen and purchase at Bandcamp. =D
#林以樂 Yile Lin#旅人 Pilots In The Sky And On The Sea#大象體操 Elephant Gym#Maggie Wang#taiwan#music video#一起追星去 Party Star#KT 張凱婷
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More new music! =D
This is new from 林以樂 aka BenBen Lin 斑斑 aka Anyones There aka Skip Skip Ben Ben 斑斑 and now also going by 林以樂リン·イーラー. I didn’t expect the singer from Freckles 雀斑 to come out with this kind of neo-soul style, but it’s really nice! (I can imagine 9m88 singing something like this)
Anyway, it’s a new solo single, possibly meant as a Japanese release(?) Coming out on 7 inch vinyl/digital download on Oct. 9.
And here is a new MV from PiA吳蓓雅, a gorgeous ballad with strings:
Full a/v credits back at YT, and also check out the release dates: Upcoming Tour · PiA吳蓓雅 2019生日演唱會『戀愛太危險』

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