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The Pineapple Tart (凤梨酥/黄梨挞) is a festive staple for households in Singapore across all cultures. Traditionally, the pineapple tart took the form of an open-faced tart with a ball of pineapple jam in the centre. As more and more bakers joined the fray, the tart evolved into different shapes like round ball, pillow and even flower or animal etc...

The star ingredient is the Pineapple Jam, made with painstaking effort to slowly caramelise fresh pineapple, made fragrant with the addition of tropical spices such as cinnamon, star anise, and cloves. The pastry is tender rather than crispy, and the combination of melt-in-the-mouth buttery dough with the sweet and spicy jam, has ensured it remains a traditional delight in the region.

Some say the Pineapple Tart (黄梨挞) was created by the Peranakans, some say by the Eurasians, when the pineapple was first introduced to Asia by the Spaniards and Portuguese in the 16th and 17th centuries. The Portuguese were well-known for their pastries and tarts, and with the abundance of pineapples in the area, the fruit was a natural variation of jams to fill in the tarts. The use of spices originated from the cuisines of this region, resulting in the innovation of this pastry through cultural mixing.

In Hokkien and Cantonese families, pineapple translates to “Ong Lai” which means “Prosperity Come”, therefore giving these tarts to your loved ones during the festive season signifies the Gift of Gold and wishes of prosperity - an added reason to enjoy one of the best loved creations to come from the exchange of ideas from the east and west.

Selected images from here, here and here.
#Chinese New Year#农历新年#Lunar New Year#Pineapple Tart#黄梨挞#凤梨酥#Pineapple Jam#Pastry#Year of the Snake#蛇年#Happy New Year#新年快乐#Spring Festival#春节#2025#Chinese Festival#Chinese Culture#Youtube#Snack#Dessert#Food#Buffetlicious
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Travelogue: China - From 凤凰古城 to Shanghai
#72奇楼#China#青花旅拍#马兰头小酒馆#Langham Shanghai#Shanghai#Sulv Lianhua Hotel#Wukang Road#Zhangjiajie#凤凰古城#大無烧肉#天羁·蟹黄鱼#思南路#武康路
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Before I started this show, I heard people saying LGX's kiss scene was wooden etc etc, then I watched ep30 and I was like huh, maybe a bit... Y'all could go harder heh... Then I watched ep31 and I was like oKk HoLy F what part of this is not hot as fuck 👁️👄👁️ what are all you people talking about ... 😳😳😳😳😳😳
The Legend of Shen Li | 与凤行
→ 01.31
#与凤行#the legend of shen li#this feels like when i watched 梦华录... lol this is some good shet#cdrama#some good food hahaaha 林狗哪里没有张嘴我整个人瞬间被黄到了🫣
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【Historical Reference Artifacts】:
Portraits and Mural of Women in the Late Yuan-Early Ming Dynasties

Chinese Ming Dynasty Yongle period(1360–1424) Hanfu Relic: 长袖夹衣&素纱单裙

Yuan Dynasty Clothing Relics: 妆花凤戏牡丹纹绫夹衫,Unearthed from the tomb of Wang Shixian(汪世显)'s family in Zhang County,Gansu Provincial Museum Collection

Yuan Dynasty Clothing Relics: 印金团花图案夹衫

[Hanfu · 漢服]China Late Yuan to Early Ming Dynasties Traditional Clothing Hanfu Refer to Portraits and Mural of Women in the Late Yuan-Early Ming Dynasties
Typical styles of Han ethnic Women in the Late Yuan and Early Ming Dynasties
And it seen that the jacket has a certain connection with the jacket of the Southern Song Dynasty to some extent as blow:
Cotton jacket unearthed from the tomb of Huang Sheng(黄昇) in the Southern Song Dynasty in Fuzhou

Chinese Southern Song Dynasty Painting<仙馆秾花图>,Collection of National Palace Museum, Taipei

📸Recreation Work: @-盥薇-
👗Hanfu: @YUNJIN云今
#chinese hanfu#Late Yuan and early Ming Dynasty#southern song dynasty#Yuan Dynasty#hanfu#chinese fashion#China History#historical fashion#historical hairstyles#hanfu accessories#-盥薇-#YUNJIN云今#@江琛复古生活馆#china
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long darkness — cháng yīn 长喑 translation
cháng yīn 长喑 // long darkness
a fan-made song on Xiao Jingyan. I have always been a Mei Changsu over XJY person, but this song from his pov really worked for me and let me see the weightedness of XJY's crown, so I wanted to share it with more.
song link in comment below. (bilibili . com / video / av10441457/)
长剑出鞘冷锋芒 十三载意难忘
缓歌曼舞九重宫 朔风黄沙麾旗扬
手足血脉埋青冢 挚友良弓唯锈藏
the long sword unsheathes from the scabbard, its cool blade revealed. thirteen years, and hard it is to forget.
leisured, soothing melodies with graceful dances at the ninefold palace; north wind and yellow sand with the billowing ensign in the desert. *[1]
brothers-in-arms and brothers in blood in tombs buried, graves long covered in grass; dear friends and cherished bow stored away, now left only to rust —
how is one to bend and kneel, and bury the names of the honourable and the good?
挑灯不眠千军帐 逐千里护家邦
玉壶冰心铁骨铮 扬眉冷看覆风浪
当时少年且横枪 凝尽碧血守四方
light a lamp through the unrested nights at the commander’s tent; repel foes a thousand miles, and shield the kingdom.
nobility and aspirations stayed true to, bones of steel resounding. head high, brows lifted, he coolly looks to the tempestuous, overturning storms. *[2]
the youth of the past still danced their spears: blood of the honourable, thoroughly consecrated, defends the four corners of their homeland,
guarding rivers and hills to secure peace of the kingdom’s earth.
V/O — I do not expect you to understand a soldier’s honour or the smoke signals on the battlefield. But there are some people you cannot hurt, some things you cannot manipulate. If you cannot even respect the soldiers dying at the battlefront, I, Xiao Jingyan, will never work with you. Do you understand?
铁马金戈谈笑并辔封疆 几回魂梦
鸿儒谈笑对面不知相逢 唯知君臣纲
armoured horses and metal spears, riding in parallel in friendly chatters at the borderlands — how many times has the soul dreamt thus?
depths of the palace, whistling of the nightly rain, a few stray rings of the bells. *[3]
an erudite scholar, now sat opposite in small smiles converse, yet know not to reunite. what leaves is the etiquette of lords and lieges. *[4]
voice and countenance long since distanced — who is to know the desolation and vicissitudes concealed?
谈笑自若朝堂对气轩昂 霁月风光
漫漫更鼓朱笔落夜未央 提笔写兴亡
composed in dialogue and pleasantries, assured and imposing at court. he is noble and virtuous as the bright moon and warm breeze.
wading through the unpredictable winds and turmoils, zhang sceptre of jade at last in hand.
drums signifying the night hours sound, red comments from the emperor’s brush move through the boundless night yet to end. a lift of the brush, and prosperities and declines are writ. *[5]
pensive and lost he looks to four sides. remnants of past sounds remain, resonating through the beams of the palace.
(verse 2)
潜龙在渊敛锋芒 风雷动引龙翔
风云际会参参商 瞰天下世道无常
掌中龙渊凛如霜 立丹陛守盛世长
like a submerged dragon in the abyss, he enshrouds his splendour. wind and thunder call his wings to flight. *[6]
in the winds and clouds, he engages in the tumult of the Shen and Shang constellations. from above he looks down at the fickleness of the world.
in his hands, the abyss of the dragon is cold as frost; he stands at the red stairway before the imperial palace, and overlooks an everlasting prosperity.
the wine offering to the dead is yet to cool — I sigh, who is to drink with me?
袖手天下为帝王 垂衣且驭八荒
气宇舒金殿垂拱 揽尽山河只手倾
长歌挽弓射天狼 潜龙一朝御风翔
hands folded in sleeves, he gazes at the kingdom before him. as emperor he rules from his attire and directs even the most distant lands. *[7]
with poised air he commands the court, hands held together; the entirety of the kingdom shifts with a tilt of his hand. *[7]
sing high and long; draw your bow to the invading Sirius. the submerged dragon one morn rises to ride the winds. *[8]
heaven and earth, and sun and moon clears, and the world before brightens.
铁马金戈谈笑并辔封疆 几回魂梦
鸿儒谈笑对面不知相逢 唯知君臣纲
armoured horses and metal spears, riding in parallel in friendly chatters at the borderlands — how many times has the soul dreamt thus?
depths of the palace, whistling of the nightly rain, a few stray rings of the bells. *[3]
an erudite scholar, now sat opposite in small smiles converse, yet know not to reunite. what leaves is the etiquette of lords and lieges. *[4]
voice and countenance already bygone, all but a body of desolation remains.
谈笑自若朝堂对气轩昂 霁月风光
漫漫更鼓朱笔落夜未央 提笔写兴亡
composed in dialogue and pleasantries, assured and imposing at court. he is noble and virtuous as the bright moon and warm breeze.
having waded through the unpredictable winds and turmoils, zhang sceptre of jade at last in hand.
drums signifying the night hours sound, red comments from the emperor’s brush move through the boundless night yet to end. a lift of the brush, and prosperities and declines are writ. *[5]
from forth he establishes himself in the imperial city of dragons. alone, he awatches the eight corners of his realm. *[9]
Extra notes
for those keen on classical chinese and literature allusions
I’ve cited some allusions and references I was reminded of as I listened to the song. These are subjective, my knowledge of classical texts is very limited, take everything with a grain of salt and please do comment if you’d like to supplement any information.
[1] 缓歌曼舞九重宫 朔风黄沙麾旗扬 — 《长恨歌》 白居易 The Song of Everlasting Regret, by Bai Juyi
缓歌曼舞: from “缓歌慢舞凝丝竹”. This is at the start of the romance tale, where the palace is in carefree bliss and prosperity.
slow and graceful songs / slow dances / slowly the music of the strings and the bamboo reverberate in step with the dances.
朔风黄沙麾旗扬: might be a stretch; I was reminded of “黄埃散漫风萧索”. This is from the same poem as above, we are one fourth in here, and it talks of a war.
yellow dust, scattered, drifts through the air. the bleak wind howls.
[2] 玉壶冰心铁骨铮 — 《芙蓉楼送辛渐》 王昌龄 Bidding Xin Jian farewell at Furong Tower by Wang Changling
玉壶冰心: from “洛阳亲友如相问,一片冰心在玉壶”
if the relatives and friends from Luoyang ask, tell them that my noble intentions are unchanged; a heart of ice in the vase of jade.
[3] 凤阙深深夜雨潇潇数闻铃 — 《长恨歌》 白居易 The Song of Everlasting Regret, by Bai Juyi
夜雨潇潇数闻铃: again could be a stretch; I was reminded of “夜雨闻铃肠断声” from the same poem as [1]. (don’t ask me why, this entire song is infused with this piece it feels). This talks of the same romance tale, in which the emperor mourns the death of his beloved.
in the nightly rain, the sound of the bells could be heard. it sounds as sorrowful and agonising as the breaking of intestines.
[4] 鸿儒谈笑对面不知相逢 唯知君臣纲 — 《陋室铭》 刘禹锡 An Inscription of the Humble Abode by Liu Yuxi; 《江城子》 苏轼 Jiang Cheng Zi, by Su Shi
鸿儒谈笑: from "谈笑有鸿儒,往来无白丁" credits to @fwoopersongs because my brain happily omitted it!
well-learnt scholars congregate in joyous talk, traversing there is no uncouth and unread.
不知相逢: there are many poems on this topic, one of the most notable ones would be “纵使相逢应不识,尘满面,鬓如霜。”
even if we met (Su Shi and his deceased wife), you should not be able to recognise me. dust covers my face, and the hair of my temples is white as frost.
[5] 漫漫更鼓朱笔落夜未央 — 《长恨歌》 白居易 The Song of Everlasting Regret, by Bai Juyi (added in edit)
漫漫更鼓: Okay, "迟迟钟鼓初长夜" immediately came to mind when I saw this phrase, but I went like here's too many footnotes already and thought it was too much of a stretch to put in (there's only one word in common!). Then I looked into the original poem, in which the timely bi-hour rings of the drum felt lengthened because of the emperor's agony over losing his loved one -- and so I went like, okay, this is relevant, I actually need to add this in.
the drums reporting the hour of the night come late, and it is early in the long night.
漫漫 meaning endless, without an end in sight. This echoes the sentiments of the emperor in Bai Juyi's poem in feeling that the night is everlasting and without end.
[6] 潜龙在渊敛锋芒 — 《易经》 Yi Jing, the Book of Changes
潜龙: There’s an awful lot of “submerged dragon” metaphors in this stanza. Technically it's a figurative "talents hidden dragon" rather than literally, under the waters. This is from Yi Jing essentially, a super old book on divination that does have some wisdom of old sayings in it. The submerged dragon talks of how the dragon, currently veiled, is a powerful being simply not revealed to worldly eyes yet, and is waiting for opportunity to strike (more like, soar, in this context). These lyrics parallel Xiao Jingyan with the allusion to talk about how he stayed silent for thirteen years before his time of brilliance.
[7] 袖手天下为帝王 垂衣且驭八荒 / 气宇舒金殿垂拱 揽尽山河只手倾 — Taoism concept
Okie this is super complicated and involves a Taoism context, some history from the beginning emperors of the Han dynasty, and a very enthusiastic Emperor Taizong of Tang; I don’t really know how to go about this.
袖手, 垂衣驭八荒, 垂拱, these all lead to the same concept, and the middle chunk in particular is from a poem written by Emperor Taizong of Tang. Theory suggested by Laozi and Zhuangzi of Taoism, overall it talks of inaction, which is action the emperors at the start of the Han dynasty employed. They demanded less of their citizens and let the economy recover naturally (agriculture and such), and since these policies worked, the starting few Han emperors were regarded highly with this kind of purposeful and benevolent “inaction”.
In short, this song here uses these descriptions to talk of Jingyan as a competent and masterful leader.
[8] 长歌挽弓射天狼 — 《江城子·密州出猎》 苏轼 Hunting outside Mizhou (yet another Jiang Cheng Zi), by Su Shi
挽弓射天狼: from “会挽雕弓如满月,西北望,射天��。”
I shall draw my carved bow like the full-moon, point towards the northwest, and shoot in the direction of the intruders.
天狼 means Sirius star. In chinese astronomy/astrology it was somewhat related to evilness, hence the use of Sirius to denote intruders.
[9] 从此立龙城孤守八方
I just added this this is not a reference it just really reminds me of this fanfiction oneshot 此生一诺 (this life, a pledge)! It talks about XJY at the end of everything, he draws a circle about the ground and entraps himself with the promise he made to see the world a better place under his reign (from the chinese idiom 画地为牢). I recced the oneshot here if you wish to check it out.
arghhh the entire course of me writing the tl was me going oh goodness why is there yet another footnote but I’m glad to be done for now.
Like, goodness. There is not one “he” or “him” reference in the lyrics. I would love to do the same, but you can see me getting more and more resigned towards the end of the translation.
I am sooo inclined to passive voice and invert subjects for every sentence when it comes to translations, I realise, and I apologise for the almost-signature abundance of semicolons and em dashes in the translation (I blame it on the difference in punctuation nuances. — I subconsciously use semicolons for semi-parallel sentence structures, so you can spot out imperfect couplets that way.) Massive respect to all those who translate, because easy is it to hatch out a crude translation in five minutes, it is not treading about the delicate balance between literal and metaphorical, and in all honesty I feel that it is just way easier for me to write literal once, then go off the rails and do super-figurative for the other.
There are far more annotations and word definitions I’d like to add (I could literally do a classical text/poetry meta for every word lmao), but evidently, time constraints, and truthfully it would take forever to complete, so on a “ask me and I’ll try to elaborate” basis again.
The V/O — I’d love to make it more archaic, but the dialogue from the drama in this part was so modern apologies I’m sort of disappointed with the translation over here.
Re: song title. Yes, it sounds a little weird, excuse that.
I considered other translations for the song title, but none of them really gave the impression I really wanted. Words like “eternal” and “everlasting” were too permanent, I wanted to express the idea of the darkness being lengthened, yet with Jingyan’s reign it would come to an end, hence my hesitance. “Continual” is one I fiddled with: it did not give the same curt, direct feeling as “long” however, so in the end I just ended up with the simplest title.
Update: click here for notes on the amendment of the title.
#nirvana in fire#琅琊榜#nif#lyb#lang ya bang#xiao jingyan#chinese translation#chinese language#cdrama#chinese#literary chinese#classical chinese poetry#fate translates#fate creates
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青玉案 · 元夕 - 辛弃疾 english translation (and notes!)
ok well. all this chinese poetry posting has put me on a bit of a translation high so i wanted to share my most recent translation project, which i actually just finished recording and uploading yesterday after two whole months of waffling. the poem itself is SO fucking cute but SO hard to translate and i'm honestly very proud that i stuck with it to the end. it instantly became one of my top favourites the very first time i heard it so i hope other people can also find some joy from it!
here is the original:
青玉案 · 元夕
【宋】 辛弃疾
蛾儿雪柳黄金缕,笑语盈盈暗香去。众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在 灯火阑珊处。
and here is my translation:
Qing Yu An: Lantern Festival at Dusk
by Xin Qiji
Fireworks blossom beneath the touch of evening's eastern breeze; flurrying as they fall, sparks shower like stars. Prancing steeds pull chiseled carriages, sweeping fragrance across the path. The xiao’s decadent notes adrift, the jadelike light’s prismatic shift; the dragon-fish dance as the night-hours pass.
Combs shining in their hair, golden, silver, silken sway; sweet perfume and tinkling mirth linger in their wake. My searching gaze is futile as I scan the thronging crowds; at last I turn, and you are there, in the quiet dark of evening wane.
translation notes beneath the cut! there is a LOT, be warned!
translation notes:
so to start from the very top, let's first introduce the title 青玉案 · 元夕.
青玉案 (pinyin: Qing Yu An, lit. the matter of the verdant jade) is actually the name of a 宋词排名 (song cipaiming, song dynasty poetic/musical form). just as shakespeare wrote sonnets and basho wrote haiku, so the poets of the song dynasty wrote, among hundreds of other forms with fun names like this, Qing Yu An poems.
each 词排名 had a set number of characters per line, set rules for its tone patterns, and even came with its own tune. maybe a better western parallel would be twinkle twinkle little star, which uses the same tune as the alphabet song and baa baa black sheep.
the end result is that there are many titles under the heading of Qing Yu An, and even, according to chatgpt, another 青玉案 · 元夕.
anyway, this one by Xin Qiji, the most famous one, is titled 元夕 (yuanxi); 元 refers to 元宵节 (yuanxiaojie), the lantern festival held on the fifteenth day of the lunar new year which marks the end of the spring festival/chinese new year, and 夕 is dusk. hence a very naturally poetic name, lantern festival at dusk.
before i get into the text of the poem, i want to note that i often sacrifice rhythm/rhyme for precision of meaning. i ✨artistically✨ speed up/slow down some syllables while recording to preserve some sense of metre lol, but it does read quite awkwardly on paper. i'm a very inexpert student and have a lot to improve on!
ok so! line by line!
--is a literally genius pun. it transliterates as: the east wind in the evening blows open the flowers of a thousand trees. very spring, right? haha spring festival get it.
however! its a chinese celebration, so what will there definitely be? fireworks 😎 and it just so happens that one word for "setting off fireworks" in chinese is 放烟花 (fang yanhua). yep, that's the same 花, which means flowers, but when combined with 烟 (smoke), it becomes a "fire-flower" 🎆!!
it's also the same 放, which in the context of actual flowers means the opening of petals, but in the phrase 放烟花 means to set off (the fireworks).
together, this line evokes both the blooming of the spring flowers under the eastern breeze* and the blooming of a thousand fireworks in the evening sky.
*spring comes from the east ofc; this is folklore and not science i think but lends to the spring-ness of the line
this one is pretty straightforward. lit. blown through the air by aforementioned wind, falling like a rain shower of stars.
oh boy. when i tell you my mom (who is my chinese teacher) and i got in several petty arguments over baomadiaoche...
so 宝马 (baoma) are just well-bred horses, prize steeds with a pedigree. a 雕车 (diaoche) (lit. carved chariot) is a very expensive carriage carved with lots of intricate decorations. in other words, these ppl are RICH.
however, it was difficult to convey the sheer decadence of 宝马雕车 without either using a miles worth of syllables or entirely losing the original cultural context. carved was too direct and ugly to hear besides, etched was not elite enough, sculpted conveyed entirely the wrong image... also, for some reason, "proud" to describe steeds was vetoed for being inaccurate???? hence the arguments.
in this scenario, the final word choice really is a matter of the least bad option.
at the same time, the second half of this line 香满路 (lit. fragrance fills the path) implies movement: the carriage is passing by, leaving the fragrance of rich people perfume in its wake. for the sake of syllables, i shifted that movement to the fragrance part of this line. i also like that this evokes a high-headed noble sweeping elegantly through the crowds.
overall, this line adds to the picture of a decadent, bustling market street during the most joyous celebration of the year.
lit. the notes of the phoenix xiao (chinese recorder) move, jade gourd light shimmers, the fish dragons dance all night.
chinese ppl, ok, use two motifs to describe the beauty and virtue of every artistic thing ever: phoenix and jade. phoenix xiao means NOTHING. it's like virtuous xiao. jade gourd is a little harder; some say it's the moon, some say it's the lanterns. jade and light put together kinda implies moon anyway, so i just sidestepped the problem entirely.
as for 鱼龙 (lit. fish dragons), theyre a type of dragon lantern which supposedly has some characteristic of a fish. they are puppet-danced on sticks - dragon dancing, the classic. my mom and i both had a vivid image of this dragon-lantern-dancing, but we couldn't find it ANYWHERE. if anyone knows the right search query to pull this up, please lmk how to tame 谷大哥*. anyway, i left the lanterns implied because idk how the fuck to explain this whole thing in four syllables.
*lit. big bro google. its funnier in chinese
this is the line that, when i finally bothered to properly research it, made everything about this translation click into place. these are all hair decorations. 蛾儿 (lit. li'l moth) are silk moths, 雪柳 (lit. snow willow) are silver tassels, and 黄金缕 (lit. yellow-golden cords) are gold cords lmao. hence golden silver silken sway, which was SO satisfying to come up with.
lit. laughing speech tinkles and faint fragrance goes by. this one is also fairly straightforward. 去 means to go, so we specifically want the image of a group of giggly teenage girls fading into the crowd.
众里寻他千百度。蓦然回首,那人却在 灯火阑珊处。
and finally we reach the most famous line, the 千古名句 (qiangumingju) - iconic line of a thousand histories!
lit. within the crowd, searching for him* in a thousand hundred directions; suddenly the head turns, it turns out that person is standing in the darkness where the lights have gone out.
*"him" is highly debated. 他, used in modern chinese like the pronoun "he", was historically a catchall pronoun for people of any gender. iirc, 她 for "she", and the gendered distinction, was only introduced when china started integrating to the west. in this line, 他 could be the teen girl that just passed by, or her beau. whichever way, one is the searcher, the other is the searched. i chose here to sidestep this by using i and you bc fuck gender.
anyway, when the searcher's head turns - even this bit had to be suitably poetic, a nightmare - they find their lover in the 灯火阑珊处.
灯火阑珊处 this phrase refers to a very specific image. imagine, in the early hours of the morning, a dwindling market street; the stands are closing one by one, lights winking out, leaving a gentle blanket of dark and calm behind. it is the quiet after the rain, the breath after the shout; it is the sigh of closing your front door at the end of the night. it's not the absence or complete lack of light, but rather the exit of it. a place of that just-left-behind dark is a 灯火阑珊处.
this sentence gave me so much grief and i am so proud to have done it even just a little bit of justice.
so after all that, the scene described by this poem is something like this: a lively late-night market street. people from many walks of life fill the path, celebrating the lantern festival, the turn of a new year and coming of spring, a riotous party of light and noise and joy. as the night slips into the sixteenth, the market begins winding down, stalls closing and lights winking out. amongst the teeming crowds ambling their way home, a young person searches for the their lover from whom they were separated; on some sudden instinct, they turn, to find their lover already looking back from the darkness of the fading festival, gaze caught in the divide between light and dark, wake and sleep: a quiet young love on the edge of spring, something fresh and new.
if anyone made it to this point, thank you and i hope this was an interesting read! please feel free to add comments questions and observations!! i would love to discuss at any level with someone other than my mom and chinese poetry truly is one of my passions even when it makes me want to kill, so i'm always down to talk. :] <3
#mine#fuck yeah chinese poetry#count how many times i used a thousand in this post#why do we love our thousands... ancestors... have a little imagination...#chinese poem#chinese history#mom if you see this im sorry & i love you very much & im very very thankful you cultivated this passion in me mwah mwah
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"Kill them with kindness" Wrong. CURSE OF QIN SHI HUANG
“kill them with kindness” Wrong. CURSE OF RA 𓀀 𓀁 𓀂 𓀃 𓀄 𓀅 𓀆 𓀇 𓀈 𓀉 𓀊 𓀋 𓀌 𓀍 𓀎 𓀏 𓀐 𓀑 𓀒 𓀓 𓀔 𓀕 𓀖 𓀗 𓀘 𓀙 𓀚 𓀛 𓀜 𓀝 𓀞 𓀟 𓀠 𓀡 𓀢 𓀣 𓀤 𓀥 𓀦 𓀧 𓀨 𓀩 𓀪 𓀫 𓀬 𓀭 𓀮 𓀯 𓀰 𓀱 𓀲 𓀳 𓀴 𓀵 𓀶 𓀷 𓀸 𓀹 𓀺 𓀻 𓀼 𓀽 𓀾 𓀿 𓁀 𓁁 𓁂 𓁃 𓁄 𓁅 𓁆 𓁇 𓁈 𓁉 𓁊 𓁋 𓁌 𓁍 𓁎 𓁏 𓁐 𓁑 𓀄 𓀅 𓀆
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耽美小说推荐1 干爹 香小陌--完。123。勉强看完。部分肉文。剧情一般。 替身男配只想赚钱 时今 --完,307,太好看入神,凌晨看书一小时仿佛一秒。五年慢恋爱。 男优秘辛_红糖/袖刀---完。92。赞51502。演有爱性爱。男明星黄片男主。刚开始恶心,剧情简单能看。 总裁的逃跑助理 芍妖---k103。文笔好。np.助理陪睡。被调教拍卖。道德污点。委屈求全.傻白甜求虐,没本事充老大受刑连带爱人。没能力自尊心重,所有爱人遭殃。 顾先生的小替身 海鸥岛---完。k85. 132人评1.2。文笔好,情节俗套。傻子舔狗。往上送群奸加虐待。被几个用人虐待。白月光绿茶。怀别人种。被拐卖被多人强暴。生死火海,不破不立,放手。家人。幸福。平静相守。 白骨观 木三观---完。92。太好看,几个小时停不下来,没废话。情深。 我做情感直播后爆红了 赢辞---完。148。非常好看停不下来,各种人生翻车。如活菩萨让人觉醒。破案。求生。 替身他修无情道 若兰之华---70人3.5。太好看了停不下来,有哲理深度愉悦。剧情完整,人物构建好。类似一十四洲的无情道和小凤凰,但有自己的故事。真的好看。文字短内容充实。虐文。
贵族男校 郑九煞--完。86。好看。喜欢就要。 财神在身边 金家懒洋洋---完。134。人间八苦。福星财星入世。套娃世界带暗码。蛮好看的。 复刻情人 clockwork---完。28。4人5。肉文,文笔差。十年后重逢。 空花阳焰 空菊---完。60。感情戏写的好。好看。合租三月再���逢。 婚约 漫漫何其多--完。k64.双暗恋,无脑甜文。能看。 被迫深入 站着写文--完。k109.好看不停。两人一起拧巴写出来了。 全世界都在等我们分手 不是风动---完。233。好看不停。双替身,武将和天才。 替演 何暮楚---完。k147.情节还行。有心痛感觉。文字拖沓。尾太平常。 我躺平后被系统绑定了 贝林---k377.大体好看。后面尾巴啰嗦。关于气运哲理。 小祖宗,咱们复婚行吗 夜行---k105.俗套剧情,小三和兄弟坑害。文笔好感情能感动人心。好文。结局啰嗦。
月光遗落 问君几何--完。k103.很好看不停。感情很带入心被虐文笔好,身临其境。回忆衔接自然。 完美无缺 金刚圈--完。200。很好看不停。演员重生。 和塌房顶流结婚的日常 安日天---好看。看过。一群塌房的一起拍戏。距离产生美。一起经历,能克制是爱。 无所不能事务所 紫舞玥鸢--完。69。好看不停,文笔啰嗦,似童话。甜文。 调教成神 青书无忌--完。113。框架很好,细节粗。情节吸引我不停看下去,肉部分还行,矛盾的张力有发挥空间。人物多,特点不够鲜明。行文可更简洁。 总裁的逆袭 清逸自如--完。56.减肥。舔狗被欣赏。自卑和提拔,不对等。能看。陆有掌控。养成系。 天资愚钝 九月买的饼干--完。127,虐待私生子和光,重逢。养成系。越爱分开越伤,为一人弃所有。送菊花。偏执爱。文笔很差。爱让悲惨人生。 我在娱乐圈搞科普 诺米莉亚--k17.无聊文。小时认识。谣言退圈。 野兽的魔法师 衣落成火--完,215,好看,晚上到凌晨连看五小时不停。野兽的觉醒,魔法师认知高,背对背,收获友谊和信仰。 失忆后和豪门前任联姻了 晴叶有枝--完,48,大学相恋白月光失忆重逢。住工作一起。相爱复合。能看甜文。 钓系美人装乖指南 甘洄--勾引继母儿子再离开。
阻止替身上位的一百种方法 裁影--k137.好看。不真实,同样人穿几个故事,以为有策略实则耍白痴读者。作者文笔极差没感情,剧情硬穿。 天才在左疯子在右 高铭--完,51,偏执,入魔,灵魂被吃,悟道误区,显摆成精神病,妄想症。有部分参考。 沉舟 楚寒衣青--完。k304。政治猎人猎物设局被套。好看不停,描写废话多,剧情,主角纠结真爱救赎。 天涯客 priest--完,52,很好看不停,立意比电视剧山河令高。两人都是高处看破遇知己。钥匙粉碎纷争与我无关。 杀破狼 priest--完,232,很好看不停,政治民情,人性,和中国政治有点像。作者能看清局势体察人心格局谋局。 锦瑟 priest--完。49,还行。priest文笔不好,写的很复杂,文字可读性差,一句话写几百句如同AI写的,情节还行。字多意少。缺人性。和情感。负面压制。 网恋翻车指南 酱子贝--完,354,校友加游戏搭子,掉马甲,精彩处在300章因初始不良用心被误会,感情真,坚心。甜爽文,单纯恋爱脑。勇敢追爱,男男直接不拧巴。 青越观 因倪--完,299,非常好看。有哲理有情,强强有人性。国内到国外,从人与人斗到人与天斗。 嫁入豪门的男人 血血--完。191.无脑爽文。无缘无故迷恋。太顺了不合逻辑。傻白甜和全力支持。甜,好看可爱。 大哥 priest--完,147,很好看不停,父母死13岁养两个5岁孩子,求生,不管穷富救济身边人,不断失去坚持抗争,感情亲情。剧情好,文笔罗嗦。
庶子生存指南制香 满地梨花雪--完,83,好看不停。励志,犯错的也有改过机会。有心机有情义。 贫穷但美丽的万人迷 啾咪啾咪兔--完。k61。小孩无聊文。太弱被对方操控。好看。终于找到爱。
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One night's east wind adorns a thousand trees with flowers, and blows down stars in showers.
Fine steeds and carved cabs spread fragrance en route; music vibrates from the flute.
The moon sheds its full light while fish and dragon lanterns dance all night.
In gold-thread dress, with moth or willow ornaments,
Giggling, she melts into the throng with trails of scents.
But in the crowd once and again, I look for her in vain.
When all at once I turn my head, I find her there where lantern light is dimly shed.
宝马雕车香满路,凤萧声动,壶光转,一夜鱼龙舞 。
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神韵演员在纽约州卡���贝克维尔法轮功总部接受培训。 不久之后,她开始为神韵花钱,这是她的家人后来才知道的。根据她儿子发送的另一封电子邮件和时报查阅的其他记录,在李洪志表示神韵的乐团只能用最好的钢琴后,她安排购买了价值26万美元的上等钢琴。
对账单显示,在伦敦Watch Gallery消费了13029.70美元,在Hugo Boss支付10000美元购买初剪羊毛套装和其他服装。账单显示,在奥地利的爱马仕店花了2045.31美元,在瑞士的梵克雅宝珠宝店消费了1091.99美元。
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