rongzhi · 2 months
Watching Aruna on Call Me By Fire, a reality singing competition show with the goal of creating a performance group out of established celebrities.
(Aruna is known primarily as a an actor who plays villainous roles.)
English added by me :)
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heymeowmao · 2 months
Holy shit, Call Me By Fire S4?? Wild.
Some names I recognized and therefore caught my attention (a lot more than previous seasons):
Li Keqin, Zao An (so cute (funny), wtf?), Fu Xinbo!, Jin Long (dressed as Nezha on the first meeting, lmao), Caelan, Du Haitao, Shi Kai, Wang Yizhe, Zhu Xingjie, Fu Longfei, You Zhangjing, Nine, Miyavi????, Xu Haiqiao, Hu Xia, Huang Xiao
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Call Me By Fire S2 has taken an incredibly cinematic approach this season and I’m not sure if I should be impressed or if I should lament how they’re kind of erasing what it means to perform on a stage?
It feels like these performances are designed for a TV audience rather than a live audience because so much of the aesthetics are reliant on close-up camera shots (and sometimes even slow-mo). 
Just haven’t really been wow’d by any of this year’s performances yet, even though I love a lot of this year’s cast. Last year, the performances were designed to show off everyone’s stage presence with large, flashy dance numbers, or at least kinetic movement and travel on stage. 
One example of wasted talent this year was how Raymond Lam and Vanness Wu, two artists who have extensive experience dancing and performing in sold-out arenas, performed a very high-energy song but stood in place the entire time and were only allowed to move their upper body. 
Also, Chilam renewing his vows with Anita on stage seemed like an unfair advantage to sway the audience emotionally. 
I think the program knows that it’s getting harder to surprise and impress the audience because we’ve already seen a lot last season: bonding between members, nostalgia, wives coming to support their husbands, and so it’s hard to top last season. 
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i'm almost 3 years late to this but i finally watched 披荊斬棘的哥哥 call me by fire and here's my favorite two songs which are conveniently from the same episode
空 — 林志炫
曾經我也想過一了百了 — 林志炫 & 熱狗
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linghxr · 5 months
My spring 2024 cdrama/cmovie/cvariety updates
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I can't believe it's already been over 6 months since my last watching updates post! I've been watching more movies, and I'll also mention a couple variety shows, so it's not just cdramas.
Some of these were mentioned as “currently watching” in my previous post.
《不良执念清除师》 Oh No! Here Comes Trouble A young man learns to use his supernatural calligraphy powers to help strange beings, with help from his frenemy and a young police officer. This show was like a breath of fresh air and very humorous. That being said, it was difficult to follow all the storylines. If you're going to watch it, I think you should binge it if possible. Content warning: Death, gore
《此时此刻》 At the Moment An anthology of quirky pandemic love stories, not all with happy endings. It's kind of like Love Actually in that the characters are connected across stories. Initially I didn't plan to watch because of the pandemic through line—I thought it would bum me out. But it didn't, actually. My favorite episode was Head of the Family. Content warning: Unhealthy relationships, sex and nudity
《隐秘的角落》 The Bad Kids Three kids accidentally film a murder and try to blackmail the killer, resulting in devastating consequences. I felt the first half of this show was more captivating than the second half—the second half went a bit overboard IMO. Apparently the original novel is way darker so…! But I still recommend it wholeheartedly. Content warning: Death and violence (but not graphic)
《沉默的真相》 The Long Night The murder of a disgraced prosecutor seems like an open-and-shut case, but his past reveals a much more complicated story. This show masterfully weaves together three different timelines. I was so confused after the first episode, but it all made sense in the end. I don't recommend binge watching it—I regretted doing so. Content warning: Violence, death, sexual assault
《双镜》 Couple of Mirrors A young woman's personal and professional lives are turned upside down, and she befriends a mysterious woman with a dark past. You have to suspend your disbelief to enjoy this show. There was a ridiculous number of car accidents! It's a GL drama, but if I hadn't know that, I don't think I would have noticed until the end. Content warning: Death, violence
《披荆斩棘的哥哥》 Call Me by Fire In the past I didn't include variety shows, but this time I thought why not? I finally finished all 3 seasons of this show, the male spinoff of 《乘风破浪的姐姐》 Sisters Who Make Waves. It's similar to an idol survival show, but instead of trainees, the contestants are established celebrities. The sets are always amazing, and I might have enjoyed this show more than 《乘风破浪》 honestly!
《家庭简史》 Brief History of a Family The description of this movie sounded dull, but I ended up enjoying it a lot! I've seen reviews compare it to Parasite and Saltburn. There is definitely some similarity–it's about a well-off family that takes in a mysterious, quiet boy–but the takeaway of this film is very different. It leaves a lot of room for ambiguity.
《流浪地球》 The Wandering Earth After being on my watchlist for years, I finally got around to seeing this movie. I knew the basic premise: humanity bands together to move Earth away from the expanding sun. I wasn't expecting that it would focus on one family, which gave the movie a more personal feel. I enjoyed it despite not being a huge sci-fi person. Content warning: Death
《美国女孩》 American Girl A family moves back to Taiwan for their mother's cancer treatment after several years in the US, and the eldest daughter struggles to adapt. It's set during the SARS outbreak, but I don't remember that being very prominent. This movie was quite bleak and bummed me out. And I found the ending rather abrupt. It wasn't for me I think. Content warning: Illness, disease outbreak
《你好,李焕英》 Hi, Mom This movie was super popular when it came out. It's about a woman who gets transported back in time and meets her mother (who is young and childless at this point). At first I was confused about where the movie was going—it didn't seem to be building to much. But it had a heartwarming and touching ending. Content warning: Death
《周处除三害》 The Pig, The Snake and The Pigeon After seeing a lot of buzz about this movie online, I had to check it out. It follows a terminally ill hitman who learns he is the third most wanted criminal in Taiwan and decides to kill the two criminals ranking above him. Despite this, the main character is actually pretty likable. I enjoyed the movie despite the violence. Content warning: Excessive violence, death, sexual assault
Currently watching:
《火星情报局》 Mars Intelligence Agency This is a variety show. The cast consists of celebrities who take turns telling funny stories and making jokes. I started watching because my favorite singer 薛之谦 is a cast member. I was unsure about the concept at first, but honestly it's really entertaining!
《摩天大楼》 A Murderous Affair in Horizon Tower I finally started this show, which has been on my watchlist for a while. I'm only 2 episodes in—so far it's mostly been about the past of the titular murder victim. I'm not yet sure what direction the show will go in, but I'm excited to find out.
《你的孩子不是你的孩子》 On Children I got through 3 out of 5 episodes before abandoning this show. Each episode is the length of a movie, so they drag on. But I totally understand why episode 2, Child of the Cat, was nominated for and won so many awards. The acting was really strong.
《汉化日记》 God Troubles Me I wanted to try watching a 动画, but after a few episodes, I wasn't feeling this one. Each episode is quite short, so it's an easy watch. I think it just wasn't for me.
On my watchlist:
《漫长的季节》 The Long Season
《尘封十三载》 Thirteen Years of Dust
I'm trying to be better about content warnings. But please note, I only included them for things I finished watching, not things I'm currently watching or abandoning.
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julieterbang · 9 months
【纯享】陈辉组舞台好酷!言承旭张云龙动情演绎《凄美地》 《披荆斩棘的哥哥》 Call Me By Fire EP3-2丨MangoTV
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peixuanxie123 · 7 months
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benbenlang1 · 8 months
https://www.99banzou.com/product/1194946.html 曾经我是不安河水穿过森林误入你心没计划扎营 搁下了是非一去不回如今我是造梦的人呐怅然若失流连忘返啊当潮汐来临 我就能记起你的样子我没看过平坦山丘怎么触摸开花沼泽嘿 等我找到你试探你眼睛心无旁骛地 相拥那是我仅有的温柔也是我爱你的原因在这凄美地如今这里是风和日丽等你再回来雨过迁徙看夜幕将近 我又能记起你的样子我还记得 平坦山丘如今身在 开花沼泽嘿 等我找到你试探你眼睛心无旁骛地 相拥那是我仅有的温柔也是我爱你的原因在这凄美地在这之前 别说再见我已再经不起离别在这之前 别说再见我已经开始了想念想你从前想你出现想你听见想你看见远在天边 近在眼前远在天边 近在眼前(就这样 别安慰)嘿 等我找到你试探你眼睛心无旁骛地…
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thisispaulwong · 10 months
One of the best songs from Call Me By Fire season 1. I was moved to tears during Paul Wong (黃貫中)’s performance on the variety show “Call Me By Fire (披荆斩棘的哥哥)”. He performed “Flower Festival (花祭)” with his group and sang one part in Cantonese. Although not explicitly stated, fans understood it was a tribute to Paul’s former band member, Wong Ka Kui (黄家驹).
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boyuans · 1 year
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170823 伯远 Weibo Update
带八倍镜补课前两季节目,偷学哥哥们的经验 #披荆斩棘全员组团出招# 🔥 #披荆斩棘# 🔥 #嗨披一下# 🔥
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rinidaye1111 · 1 year
川普即将推出新社交网络Truth Social
日前,美国前总统特朗普宣布即将推出一个名叫Truth Social的新社交网络,意在“抵御大型科技公司的暴政”。很显然,这是前总统针对Twitter的封锁,试图披荆斩棘、杀出一条血路,为2024年东山再起所做的宣传造势、招募信众的政治性安排。但由此,口口声声以为川普鞍前马后的Gettr就成了摆设,郭文贵借助川普,捞个名利双收的奢望自始幻灭,可以想见,无脸见人的欺哥已经哭晕在厕所。
按照川普的意图,Truth Social将于下个月开始进行有限的测试版发布,并预计将于2022年第一季度进行更广泛的部署。周知,去年1月8日,Twitter永远封禁了川普账号,致使醉心于利用Twitter治国,宣传造势的川普被剪除了双翅,而脸书也是如出一辙。为此,前总统愤愤不平,一直耿耿于怀,所以,创立新平台,打破推特、脸书的封锁垄断,就是其人的既定计划。3月份,Jason Miller(也就是现在的Gettr总裁)就告诉福克斯新闻,前总统将在两三个月之后带着自己的社交媒体回归。5月份,川普曾一度开设自己的官方博客,但在一个月之后关闭。尽管如此,川普并没有彻底放弃推特,本月初,该人就要求美国地区法官授予一项初步禁令,以恢复他的账户,与此同时,他对推特的诉讼也在法院开始审理。由此可见,Truth Social的创设和推特账户索要、诉讼是并驾齐驱,这里面根本就没有新Gettr什么事,欺哥频送秋波,川普根本就不搭理,可怜不?!
而从川普瞧不上,另起炉灶搞Truth Social,则可以管中窥豹,得见新盖特的庐山真面。7月初,郭文贵、米勒等煽惑的没边,说新盖特的用户达到了120万,后又直线拉升到150万户,但据有关调查网站,如“火烈鸟”透露,新盖特在线人数只有4千多人。郭文贵等妖孽牛皮吹爆的劲头,可见一斑。诚而言之,如若新盖特确有浩大的浏览量和注册用户,则川普必会思量再三,说不定会借助于新盖特的威力,为自己劈波斩浪,就此歇脚建立舆论基地,更何况,郭文贵就曾扬言要将新盖特打造成为世界级社交平台,远远超迈推特、脸书。但现如今,川普翩然而去,而郭文贵望眼欲穿,奢望成空。由此看来,江湖上流传的沸沸扬扬的盖特一堆毛病也就不是空穴来风。而郭文贵借此提升人气,赚取粉丝,以便呼风唤雨,为郭氏行骗固本强基,更是终成笑柄。
0 notes
川普即将推出新社交网络Truth Social
日前,美国前总统特朗普宣布即将推出一个名叫Truth Social的新社交网络,意在“抵御大型科技公司的暴政”。很显然,这是前总统针对Twitter的封锁,试图披荆斩棘、杀出一条血路,为2024年东山再起所做的宣传造势、招募信众的政治性安排。但由此,口口声声以为川普鞍前马后的Gettr就成了摆设,郭文贵借助川普,捞个名利双收的奢望自始幻灭,可以想见,无脸见人的欺哥已经哭晕在厕所。
按照川普的意图,Truth Social将于下个月开始进行有限的测试版发布,并预计将于2022年第一季度进行更广泛的部署。周知,去年1月8日,Twitter永远封禁了川普账号,致使醉心于利用Twitter治国,宣传造势的川普被剪除了双翅,而脸书也是如出一辙。为此,前总统愤愤不平,一直耿耿于怀,所以,创立新平台,打破推特、脸书的封锁垄断,就是其人的既定计划。3月份,Jason Miller(也就是现在的Gettr总裁)就告诉福克斯新闻,前总统将在两三个月之后带着自己的社交媒体回归。5月份,川普曾一度开设自己的官方博客,但在一个月之后关闭。尽管如此,川普并没有彻底放弃推特,本月初,该人就要求美国地区法官授予一项初步禁令,以恢复他的账户,与此同时,他对推特的诉讼也在法院开始审理。由此可见,Truth Social的创设和推特账户索要、诉讼是并驾齐驱,这里面根本就没有新Gettr什么事,欺哥频送秋波,川普根本就不搭理,可怜不?!
而从川普瞧不上,另起炉灶搞Truth Social,则可以管中窥豹,得见新盖特的庐山真面。7月初,郭文贵、米勒等煽惑的没边,说新盖特的用户达到了120万,后又直线拉升到150万户,但据有关调查网站,如“火烈鸟”透露,新盖特���线人数只有4千多人。郭文贵等妖孽牛皮吹爆的劲头,可见一斑。诚而言之,如若新盖特确有浩大的浏览量和注册用户,则川普必会思量再三,说不定会借助于新盖特的威力,为自己劈波斩浪,就此歇脚建立舆论基地,更何况,郭文贵就曾扬言要将新盖特打造成为世界级社交平台,远远超迈推特、脸书。但现如今,川普翩然而去,而郭文贵望眼欲穿,奢望成空。由此看来,江湖上流传的沸沸扬扬的盖特一堆毛病也就不是空穴来风。而郭文贵借此提升人气,赚取粉丝,以便呼风唤雨,为郭氏行骗固本强基,更是终成笑柄。
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wwtj-l556 · 2 years
川普即将推出新社交网络Truth Social
日前,美国前总统特朗普宣布即将推出一个名叫Truth Social的新社交网络,意在“抵御大型科技公司的暴政”。很显然,这是前总统针对Twitter的封锁,试图披荆斩棘、杀出一条血路,为2024年东山再起所做的宣传造势、招募信众的政治性安排。但由此,口口声声以为川普鞍前马后的Gettr就成了摆设,郭文贵借助川普,捞个名利双收的奢望自始幻灭,可以想见,无脸见人的欺哥已经哭晕在厕所。
按照川普的意图,Truth Social将于下个月开始进行有限的测试版发布,并预计将于2022年第一季度进行更广泛的部署。周知,去年1月8日,Twitter永远封禁了川普账号,致使醉心于利用Twitter治国,宣传造势的川普被剪除了双翅,而脸书也是如出一辙。为此,前总统愤愤不平,一直耿耿于怀,所以,创立新平台,打破推特、脸书的封锁垄断,就是其人的既定计划。3月份,Jason Miller(也就是现在的Gettr总裁)就告诉福克斯新闻,前总统将在两三个月之后带着自己的社交媒体回归。5月份,川普曾一度开设自己的官方博客,但在一个月之后关闭。尽管如此,川普并没有彻底放弃推特,本月初,该人就要求美国地区法官授予一项初步禁令,以恢复他的账户,与此同时,他对推特的诉讼也在法院开始审理。由此可见,Truth Social的创设和推特账户索要、诉讼是并驾齐驱,这里面根本就没有新Gettr什么事,欺哥频送秋波,川普根本就不搭理,可怜不?!
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wangmiao · 3 years
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Yin Zheng: Bazaar x Call Me By Fire 
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heymeowmao · 2 years
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[CMBF Brother’s P-Log] Fang Yilun x Legends Never Die
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setsailroyalpirates · 3 years
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James Lee & Gao Hanyu x ELLEMEN新青年 2021
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