#阮莉惠 MiMi Ruan
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fyeahcindie · 2 years ago
Newest MV from The Shine & Shine & Shine & Shine 閃閃閃閃, a cute song plays while a cute girl (鄭煒齡Rin) eats.  XD
The song was written by 葛亭筠 Ko Ting-Yun (Voc/Keys) and produced/arranged by the band.  Full credits and lyrics back at YT.
Links:  New YouTube,  Instagram,  Spotify,  Bandcamp, The Shine & Shine & Shine & Shine - Topic (YT)
By the way, Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!  =D
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fyeahcindie · 2 years ago
So good to hear new music from these peeps!  This is The Shine & Shine & Shine & Shine 閃閃閃閃, and it’s the song “兒時舞 25″ from the new album, Shiori.   =D
This tune is an upbeat rocker, and it seems like a reply to their 2009 song “一瞬之光” (From the 1st album Meet Me When You Are 25.  
Music/Lyrics: 葛亭筠 Ko Ting-Yun (there’s a post on IG saying she wrote the song back in 2015, before the band first broke up.  I’m glad they brought it back!) Arrangement: 閃閃閃閃 Producer: 閃閃閃閃 Vocal Producer: Yile Lin 林以樂 (aka Skip Skip Ben Ben 斑斑), 鄭平
Full a/v credits backi at YT.
葛亭筠 Ko Ting-Yun-Voc/Keys (also in 傷心欲絕 wayne's so sad, ex-向量單車 Vector the Bike)
阮莉惠 MiMi Ruan-Gtr (ex-熱寫生 heat sketch, ex-Super Tortoise 超級龜, ex-The Tic Tac, ex-向量單車 Vector the Bike)
肚皮 Dupi 杜秉鴻-Drums (also in Wonfu 旺福)
OmOi 張憶文-Bass (also in P!SCO, GOTA)
Links:  New YouTube,  Instagram,  Spotify,  Bandcamp, The Shine & Shine & Shine & Shine - Topic (YT)
The song I referred to above -- I’ve posted this several times, but it’s a classic TW indie song (lyrics back at YT):
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fyeahcindie · 5 years ago
I just found out that The Shine & Shine & Shine & Shine 閃閃閃閃 songs are now on Spotify, that was long overdue!  =D
The performance above was from 空氣腦AirheadRecords Pop! Pop! Fest in 2014 -- no social distancing worries back then, LOL.   XD
If you wanna hear the studio version of the song, I just added it to the F Yeah Chinese Indie Spotify playlist.  From their 2009 Meet Me When You Are 25 album:
There was a time that I wasn’t sure We played around and we talked all night long I miss the words that you say and the smile on your face There’s a time that I do sure These days you are not here Things’ getting bored Things’ getting wrong And songs are out of tune 一瞬之光 你的笑浮現 我已經改變 Meet me when you are 25 一瞬之光 你的笑浮現 我已經改變 Meet me when you are 25 一瞬之光 你的笑浮現 我已經改變 Meet me when you are 25
Voc/key-阿彭 (Meuko! Meuko!), Voc/key-的馬摳 Makoto aka 馬 まこ (傷心欲絕 wayne's so sad), Drums-Dupi 杜秉鴻 (Wonfu 旺福) Voc/Gtr-小妹 (Dixen), Gtr-阮莉惠 MiMi Ruan (熱寫生 heat sketch, ex-Super Tortoise 超級龜, ex-The Tic Tac), Bass-Remi Chu (朱育磊)
Remi, Dixon, Makoto and Mimi were all in Vector The Bike 向量單車
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fyeahcindie · 7 years ago
Another new demo, this time from 熱寫生 heat sketch    =D
They formed this year, all the members coming from different bands:  曾立宇 Lee-Yu Tseng-Voc/gtr (drummer for 勝利一族 for winners), 阮莉惠 MiMi Ruan-Voc/gtr (fr. Vector The Bike 向量單車, Shine 閃閃閃閃), 王逸弘-bass/voc (ex?-Frusciante 佛香甜), and 來宥丞-drums (fr. Inhuman 非人物種)
Self-description: “組成於2018,*來自台北的民謠樂團”
They also just posted 2 live clips from a set at PIPE Live Music in early June:
*MiMi’s got that Marshall Amp cranked up, I’m not sure we can call them a ‘folk’ band at this point.  XD   
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fyeahcindie · 7 years ago
熱寫生 heat sketch  The chorus is permanently stuck in my brain, so listen and get it stuck in your brain, too.  =D
What the band posted about the clip: 
“ 晚安。我們挑了上週日演出的最後一首歌, 簡單編輯影片後放在Youtube,可以進來看看阮眯女神噴solo 希望你們會喜歡。”
曾立宇 Lee-Yu Tseng-Voc/gtr (drummer for 勝利一族 for winners), 
阮莉惠 MiMi Ruan-Voc/gtr (fr. Vector The Bike 向量單車, Shine 閃閃閃閃)
王逸弘-bass/voc (fr.Frusciante 佛香甜)
來宥丞-drums (fr. Inhuman 非人物種)
The band posted ‘sketches’ of all the bands that played their April 22nd show at Revolver, this is the self-portrait:
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fyeahcindie · 7 years ago
Nice guitars & mellow m/f vocals in the new demo from 熱寫生 heat sketch  =D
曾立宇 Lee-Yu Tseng-Voc/gtr (drummer for 勝利一族 for winners), 阮莉惠 MiMi Ruan-Voc/gtr (fr. Vector The Bike 向量單車, Shine 閃閃閃閃), 王逸弘-bass/voc (ex?-Frusciante 佛香甜), 來宥丞-drums (fr. Inhuman 非人物種) 
Click the tag for our previous post!
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fyeahcindie · 5 years ago
Newest live Cinema Session from YuChen Studio is 熱寫生 heat sketch   =D
This was recorded in late July of this year (2019) and shows the band departing from their original folky style to more of an indie rock sound. In April, the band announced the addition of guitarist 張盛文. (I can’t find a fb page for him, but I think he used to be in Touming Magazine 透明雜誌?)
曾立宇 Lee-Yu Tseng-Voc/gtr (drummer for 勝利一族 for winners), 阮莉惠 MiMi Ruan-Voc/gtr (fr. Vector The Bike 向量單車, Shine 閃閃閃閃), 王逸弘 ‘Riato’-bass/voc, 來宥丞 ‘Lai Lai’-drums (fr. Inhuman 非人物種), 張盛文 (aka 小周)-guitar.
Watch one more Cinema Session clip HERE!  By the way, if anybody knows who is the guest on Trumpet, I would appreciate a name, thank you!  (He is credited on screen at 4:27)
Let’s hear Lee-Yu & Mimi cover a song from *NyLas:
*Longtime readers may remember Nylas was a side project of Labi & Arny from We Save Strawberries 草莓救星  =D
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fyeahcindie · 7 years ago
Let’s check out a very new band, this is 熱寫生 heat sketch  =D
They were featured in a recent emailer from StreetVoice. Among the 4 members, they have a bunch of band credits, even more than I list here:
曾立宇 Lee-Yu Tseng-Voc/guitar (drummer for 勝利一族 for winners), 阮莉惠 MiMi Ruan-Voc/guitar (from Vector The Bike 向量單車, Shine 閃閃閃閃), 王逸弘-bass/voc (ex. 浮舟 The Floating Boat), 來宥丞-drums (from Inhuman 非人物種)
They posted 4 demos to both StreetVoice and YouTube, with a nice mix of shared vocals over light indie rock. They self-describe as folk: 來自台北的民謠樂團
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fyeahcindie · 5 years ago
Let’s catch up with some recent MVs!  (full credits back at YT)  =D
First, 拍謝少年 Sorry Youth, described by the Taipei Times as ‘three young Taiwanese rockers who play modern and traditional instruments, and sing in a mix of Hoklo (also known as Taiwanese) and Mandarin.’ 
張維尼 Weni-gtr/voc, 梁薑薑 Giang Giang-bass/voc, 謝宗翰 Chung-Han-drums
They’ll be playing 山盟海誓音樂祭 Wind & Current Music Festival in Taipei on February 8th.
Next, we have 熱寫生 heat sketch
曾立宇 Lee-Yu Tseng-Voc/gtr (drummer for 勝利一族 for winners), 阮莉惠 MiMi Ruan-Voc/gtr (fr. Vector The Bike 向量單車, Shine 閃閃閃閃), 王逸弘 ‘Riato’-bass/voc, 來宥丞 ‘Lai Lai’-drums (fr. Inhuman 非人物種). I thought they added another guitarist last year, but I don’t see him listed in the lineup. 
Music by Lee-Yu & Mimi.  Lyrics by Lee-Yu Arranged by 熱寫生 heat sketch & Yuchain Wang 王昱辰 (GreenEyes) Vocals - Lee-Yu Vocals, Acoustic & Electric Guitars - Mimi Electric Bass - 王逸弘 Drums - 來宥丞 Electric Guitars, Piano, Synthesizers - Yuchain Wang Produced, Recorded, Mixed and Mastered by Yuchain Wang @Morisound Studio, Taipei
A couple of shows coming up for the band:
The Wall in Taipei: 熱寫生《豆皮少年》發片專場(台北場)
Paramount Bar in Kaohsiung: 熱寫生《豆皮少年》發片高雄場 w/老貓偵探社
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fyeahcindie · 7 years ago
Listen/purchase: 我想快點下班回家去 by Super Tortoise
Happy #World Turtle Day!  =D
Super Tortoise 超級龜 fizzled out several years ago, sadly. The band were: 阮莉惠 MiMi Ruan-Voc/gtr (now in 熱寫生 heat sketch), Jhen Jhen 真真 Liu 劉逸真 (Loretta Lau aka 彤彤)-bass, Stephanie Li 李佳蓉-drums
Jhen Jhen & Stephanie are now in 茉莉夜奔 Molly flees by nite, but playing different instruments:  
Jhen Jhen Voc/gtr/synth, NEO (aka Gwo-fen Tseng)-Voc/gtr, 啊喵 Stephanie Li 李佳蓉-bass. 羅可恬 Ko Tien Lo seems to be their live drummer, but he isn’t listed as an official member. Sometimes they perform as a 3-piece, with Jhen Jhen moving to bass. They don’t have any official releases, but here is a 2017 demo from Jhen Jhen’s YouTube:
Check out a live clip from December at facebook.
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